[The episode opens where it left off as Marcelina’s father Jakub announces a celebration where his daughter is engaged to be married. The problem with that is she’s engaged to be married to Chuck who isn’t the only one that’s shocked to hear that news as it left Sarah, as well as, the whole Bartowski clan in shock as well. The scene begins with Chuck emerging on top of the hill seemingly freaking out as he’s followed by Sarah, Ellie, Awesome, and Abe]
Abe: [running after Chuck]Chuck…son…hold up…where are you going?
[cut to Chuck stopping and then turning around grabbing his hair]
Chuck: I don’t know! This is crazy dad…how am I engaged to Marcelina? I don’t even know her that well?
Abe: [looks at Chuck]I’ll talk to Jakub and get this whole misunderstanding fixed…leave it to me son.
Awesome: [looks at Chuck]This is so not an awesome situation you’re in bro.
Chuck: [looks at Awesome]You think Capt. Obvious!
Ellie: [puts her hand on shoulder]Calm down little brother…we’ll try to figure this insanity out because Marcelina’s not the woman you’re supposed to be engaged to…[points and looks at Sarah]…Sarah is. Right Sarah?
[cut to a look of uncertainty from Sarah who doesn’t look at Chuck at all]
Sarah: [looks at Abe] Abe…can you take me back to the hotel room?
Abe: [looks at Sarah]Yeah
[Abe gives a look of fatherly reassurance at Chuck as he escorts Sarah back to the car to go back to the hotel. Cut to Chuck with a pained look on his face as he looks at Sarah walk off leading to put both hands on the top of his head]
Chuck: [looks around and then at Ellie]This doesn’t make any sense sis…tell me that I’m just being Punk’d and Ashton Kutcher is going to come out here to have a laugh at my expense.
Ellie: [looks at Chuck as she puts both hands on Chuck’s shoulders]I know…I wish I could but...look at me.[Chuck looks at her]Trust me…everything will turn out for the better.
[just when she says that an excited Marcelina emerges on top of the hill with not only a kick in her step but a big smile on her face as she is followed by her proud parents. When she sees Chuck she immediately runs up and hugs him leading Chuck to quickly push her back. Marcelina sees the look of confusion on his face leading her to say something]
Marcelina: [confused look]Aren’t you happy?
Chuck: [puts both hands up in a crazed fashion]Does it look like I’m happy? I flew half way around the world with my family and my girlfriend to get back to my roots…to see where my mom came grew up. What do I end up getting instead? [cut to Marcelina and her family just standing there looking at Chuck rant as he paces back/forth] I end up getting engaged to a woman who I hardly even know.
Jakub: [smiles, raises both hands in air, and starts dancing]We celebrate engagement!
Chuck: [looks at Jakub and waves hands]No…no celebrate engagement!
[cut to the smile on Jakub’s face turning into a look of confusion then anger leading to argument between The Bartowski Clan and The Kaczmarek Family. Just then Chuck’s cell phone rings and on the other end is Morgan]
Morgan: Hey buddy…I’m just calling to check if you’re having a blast in Poland?
Chuck: [agitated tone]Morg…I can’t talk right now...
Morgan: [interrupts him]Whoa…you can’t spare time to talk to your best who is half way around the world. What’s so important…
[cut to Chuck getting really irritated]
Chuck: [yells into the phone]I’m engaged to Marcelina and I have to find Sarah before she kills me. I’ll call you later Morgan!
[You then see Morgan on the other end of the phone hearing a click on the other end leading you to see Chuck again as he look around leading him to run after Sarah who is driving away. Cut back to Morgan who has this big grin on his face leading him to say something as he pimp strolls off camera]
Morgan: Oh Yeah…Chuck Bartowski…the man is a pimp.
[Cue Chuck Intro]
[The scene begins with the façade of Oskar Hotel and inside you see Abe walking away from Sarah/Chuck’s room. You then see an out of breathe Chuck stumble at the top step of the second floor leading him to fall to the ground. Abe quickly goes over to his son and picks him up leading him to begin to talk]
Abe: [looks at Chuck]Are you okay son?
Chuck: [out of breath and sweating]Where…is…Sarah?
Abe: [puts hand on his shoulder]She’s in your room…give her some time son.
[cut to Chuck brushing off his father who gives a big sigh as he walks downstairs. The camera pans back to Chuck who walks to the door and tries to open it but its locked. He remember that he gave the key card to Sarah]
Chuck: [has two hands on the door and knocks]Sarah…please open the door so we can talk about this.
Voice of Sarah: Talk about what…how you’re engaged to be married. How you decided not to tell me about Marcelina before we got here. How does that make me…your girlfriend…who you not only have known for a year, but also said to me just last night you will always and forever be in love with feel?
Chuck: [joking tone]At least there isn’t a kid involved this time.
Voice of Sarah: [angered tone] Does everything have to be a joke with you?
Chuck: [puts his head down and leans it on the door]Look…this is much a surprise for me as is it for you. Listen to me…I love you and want to marry you…remember the words in the gold locket I gave you…around your neck: You have my heart, for all time.
[cut to a long silence at the other side of the door. Suddenly it opens leading you to see Sarah who is holding a blanket a pillow]
Sarah: [tears in her eyes]I think you should bunk with your dad tonight.[hands him the pillow and blanket]
Chuck: [look of sadness]Sarah…come on.
Sarah: Please Chuck…I need time to think.
[just before she closes the door she takes off the gold locket, takes Chuck’s hand, and puts it in his hand leading him to look at the locket then Sarah who slowly closes the door. You see chuck then turn around, lean against the door, and slowly drop to the floor in a defeated manner. The scene then slowly switches to Buy More where you see Lester and Sarra talking in the Home Theatre room]
Lester: [looks at Sarra]What do you want…the only things I have left are my maracas and my dignity? You took what’s left of my soul.
Sarra: [looks at Lester]Nice to see you too…my mother give her regards.
Lester: Oh…how is Beelzebub doing? Is she still Queen demon of the flies?
Sarra: [sits next to Lester] Look…I came here so we could talk this out as adults and not end up like it did at our divorce proceedings.
Lester: [stands up]What do we have to talk about. It’s plain and simple…you cheated on me and ripped my heart out in the process. Now I’m a cynical shell of my former self that dislikes women like you[walks over to the door and motions out] who is best friends with a dude who fears pineapples, but God love him he’s trying to conquer it.
[cut to Sarra who is now just basically staring at Lester and then cut to outside the Home Theatre Room where the rest of the employees are trying to listen in on what they’re talking about]
Sarra: [crosses arms]Are you done?
Lester: [shakes head]Yeah…wait…yeah I’m done.
Sarra: Good…because the reason I want to talk to you is because I made a mistake…I want to get back together. So what do you say?
[cut to Lester who is taking all what she just said in when Jeff falls to the ground because of the mass of employees leaning on him. Sarra and Lester look at Jeff who looks at Lester]
Jeff: Dude…take her back…she’s hot…if you don’t you’re lame.
[The scene ends with Lester leaving the Home Theatre room as he steps over Jeff who then looks at Sarra giving her his double wink leading her to just roll her eyes]
[The scene begins in Abe’s room where you see Chuck sleeping on the couch. You then hear a knock on the door leading Abe to open it and letting in Ellie/Awesome. Ellie begins the conversation with Abe]
Ellie: [hugs Abe and then looks at Chuck as she whispers]How is he doing?
Abe: [scratches his head as he whispers]Not so great.
Awesome: [looks at Abe as he whispers]Did you talk to Jakub and find out how Chuck is engaged?
Abe: After I calmed him down he explained to me that it’s not uncommon in Poland to have young kids engaged, but not married.
Ellie: [confused look as she gets a bit louder]That doesn’t explain how he got engaged in the first place.
Abe: [shushes Ellie]Lower you voice…I’m getting to that. According to Jakub there is an age old Polish tradition called Zrekowiny or otherwise known as the hand binding ceremony. The couple in question would join their hands together with a piece of cloth from their house. A master of ceremonies, usually an uncle or a trusted male friend, would bind the couple’s hand together with the said cloth and then walk around the table which signifies a joining of two happy souls.
Awesome: [grins and looks at Ellie]Hey babe…maybe we should do that at our wedding? It would be awesome.
[cut to Ellie looking at Awesome and then slapping him in the arm]
Ellie: [angered tone]This isn’t right…I knew that girl was trouble back when we were kids.[looks at Abe]Is there anything we can do to stop it.
Abe: [looks at Ellie]Well…according to Jakub…it’s Marcelina’s decision if she doesn’t want to marry Chuck, but from what I heard in the background when I talked to him on the phone she sounded extremely ecstatic. It will either take convincing on our part or something major to happen to have Marcelina change her mind.
Ellie: [looks at Abe]So what are we going to do?
Awesome: [looks at Ellie and then at Abe]Yeah dad…I know you have an awesome plan cooked up. So what it is?
[cut to Abe about to say something when you hear Chuck’s voice]
Chuck: You’re not going to do a thing[sits up with bed hair]Its my mess…I’m going to fix it.
Abe: [looks at Chuck]Are you sure son because we can help…you know the Bartowski’s are always there for each other.
[cut to Chuck getting up leading to several tiny bottles to fall to the floor from the hotel minibar]
Chuck: [standing up, stumbling around, and stands in front of Awesome]Sure…I’m sure. I got myself into this...I'm getting myself out.
Awesome: [waves the air in front of him]Whoa…Chuck…morning breath…not awesome dude.
Ellie: [helping Chuck to the bathroom]Chuck…sweety…brush your teeth…I’ll get you some coffee…[smells Chuck]…and go take a nice cold shower to wake you up.
Chuck: [looks at Ellie]Sis…I messed up with Sarah. She hates me.
Ellie: [look of sisterly love]No you didn’t Chuck…and Sarah still loves you.
Chuck: Sis?
Ellie: Yeah?
Chuck: [looks around]Can you make the room stop spinning?
Abe: Watch out I think he’s going to throw up.
Chuck: I am not going to throw up...I’m going to puke my guts out.
[cut to Chuck running to the bathroom, closing the door behind him, and then you begin to hear sounds that would cause you to dry heave yourself. The scene ends with Abe, Awesome, and Ellie standing at the door with looks of sympathy as they hear Chuck in the bathroom puking]
[The scene begins at Buy More as you see Lester walk in leading Jeff who is behind the info desk to quickly run out to talk to him]
Jeff: [looks at Lester] So have you made a decision yet?
Lester: [looks at Jeff] No
Jeff: [leans in and glares at Lester]Well…I HOPE you make the right decision…for both or sakes.
[cut to an uncomfortable moment experienced by Lester as he Jeff looks down at him. They both walk off squabbling and then you see Morgan walk to the info desk where you see Anna leading him to talk to her]
Morgan: Anna…sweety…guess what. Chuck is engaged.
Anna: [grins] So Chuckles finally popped the question to Sarah.
Morgan: [shakes head]Nope…apparently he’s engaged to this hot Poland chick he was into when he was 12.
Anna: Wow…I bet she’s going to kill him.
[cut to Casey passing by and hearing that bit of juicy news leading to have a very big smirk on his face. The scene switches to Sarah’s room where you see her bags packed and then the camera pans to her under the covers of her bed in tears. She looks as if she has hardly slept when suddenly her cell rings. When she answers it it’s Casey on the other end]
Sarah: [wipes her tears away and composes herself]What do you want Casey?
Casey: Well hello to you too Walker. I’m just calling to check on how you and Bartowski are doing?
Sarah: Fine…we’re both doing fine.
Casey: Good to hear…I haven’t been contacted by General Beckman and Director Graham as of late so enjoy your vacation with your boyfriend. [ribbing into her]I hope you to have a great time and bring me back some souvenir if you can.
Sarah: [biting her tongue]Is that all you wanted to tell me Casey?
Casey: Oh yeah…can you do me a favor and ask Chuck to call me back out an address that I need.
Sarah: [curious tone]Is it about case? You know we have contacts here in Poland that you can call.
Casey: It’s not about a case…I just need to send something to a particular address.
Sarah: Okay Casey…what’s going on…whose address do you need?
Casey: [smirks]If you must know…I need to know where to send the toaster I got the newly engaged couple. How do you spell Marcelina…with on l or two? [cut to Sarah with a really pissed off look on her face leading to say something inevitably going back Casey who both the audience and him hear a loud muffled voice on the other end]Wow…calm down…I like to see you try…oh really…and you going to do what with my phone…all right Walker have fun…goodbye.[hangs up]
[cut to Casey sighs as he gives a big contented sigh. The scene switches to Marcelina’s house where you see Chuck wearing sun glasses as he rings her doorbell leading Marcelina to answer it]
Marcelina: [smiles]Chuck...come in. I’m glad you came I want you to meet my best friend Lexi.
Chuck: [with a look of reluctance]Please don’t shout and sure…I would love to meet Lexi…is she here?
[cut to Chuck walking in and standing in the middle of the room is man who is around the same height at Chuck, short spikey hair, black rimmed glasses, jeans, white dragon t-shirt, black sport coat, and sporting brown shoes]
Lexi: [looks at Chuck]She is a he…its short for Alexi…Alexi Zajac.
Chuck: [shakes Lexi’s hand] My bad…nice to meet you. My name is Chuck Bartowski.
Alexi: [smiles at Chuck and then at Marcelina] I know…Lina has been talking about you. Lina…[Alexi smiles at her]…she is a lucky woman.[points at Chuck]You are lucky man.
[cut to Chuck just shrugging his shoulders]
Marcelina: [looks at Chuck with a big smile on her face]I was going to call you but now that you’re here I’ll tell you now.
Chuck: Tell me what?
Marcelina: [hugs Chuck]Our wedding is set for this weekend. Momma and poppa are making all the arrangements.
[The scene ends with a wtf look on Chuck’s face as she sees an excited Marcelina talking with her best friend Alexi and then cut to Sarah who is still bed not only sad, but angry as well thanks to Casey’s call]
[The scene begins outside Marcelina’s house and then cut to the backyard where you see Chuck and Alexi drinking some polish beer walking down a wooden pier over the lake in the middle of a discussion. The reach the end of the pier where they both sit down leading Alexi to talk]
Alexi: [looks straight ahead] Drink up my friend…there’s more where that came from.
[cut to Chuck drinking some Okocim Mocne]
Chuck: [looks at Alexi]Awesome…[looks back and then at Alexi]Alexi…can I talk to you about Marcelina.
Alexi: [interrupts Chuck]I know…
Chuck: [surprised look]You know…
Alexi: [looks at Chuck]Yes…you nervous to marry Lina and just getting…how you say…[snapping both fingers to try to find the word he wants]…ah…butterflies in stomach.
Chuck: [shakes head]Me…I mean…I’m not getting butterflies in my stomach…as a matter of fact I’m…
Alexi: [interrupts him again as he gives him another beer]Drink…drink.
[just then you hear a group of high pitched voices behind them leading to look behind them. They both see a group of woman celebrating with Marcelina who is pointing in Chuck’s direction leading them to all wave. Chuck politely waves back, turns around, and then slumps down back in the chair he is sitting in]
Chuck: This is nuts[looks up into the heavens and has a conversation with God]What did I ever do to you? I don’t deserve this.
Alexi: [looks up and then at Chuck]You don’t deserve Lina.
Chuck: [quickly looks at Alexi]What?
Alexi: Lina deserves someone better than a pretty boy American.
Chuck: [points finger in air]I’m not a pretty boy…
Alexi: [interrupts Chuck again]Do you know that Lina have 6 smiles?
Chuck: [confused look]She does?
Alexi: [smiles as he thinks of Lina and holds up fingers]First smile…when something make her laugh. Second smile…when laughing to be courteous. Third smile…when she make fun of herself. Fourth smile…she make it when thinking about doing something. Fifth smile…when situation is uncomfortable like dealing with customer in diner. Finally…6th smile.[pauses a bit]6th smile is when she talks about friends.[looks at Chuck]You don’t deserve a beautiful [points back at Lina]woman like her.
[The moment is broken up by Lina calling to both Chuck and Alexi to come inside for more celebrating. Cut to Alexi giving a glaring look at Chuck then turning around to walk back down the pier towards more beer to possibly drown in. You see a very confused Chuck looking around as he standing at the end of the pier with a blurred Alexi in the background. You suddenly see realization in Chuck’s face that Alexi is in love with Marcelina leading him to find the possible loophole he needs to get out of the marriage and straighten things out with Sarah The scene ends with Chuck quickly taking out his phone and calling his dad]
[Fade to Black]
About Me

- Yoda
- Let's see, I'm a single, 39 year old 5'2-ish pinoy who worked with kids for the 14 years and I was pretty good at it. I am now working in a totally different area away from kids and it's awesome. Anyways, for fun I listen to music, draw, play video games, watch movies, hang with friends, surf the internet, go skydiving, and write down my thoughts, which I call Yodaisms. I'm pretty much a quiet, laid back dude once you get to know me and that's pretty much it, so have fun reading my thoughts. Take care and peace out!
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