[The episode opens hours later with a regrouped Team Chuck along with Bryce at the warehouse after the unsuccessful mission to rescue Sarah who was being held captive within Mind Games Inc. by two nefarious individuals. Inside the conference room you see Chuck and Abe sitting down with concerned looks on their faces. Suddenly you see Bryce walk into camera view as he looks at Casey who has his back turned to everybody in the room and looks to be in deep thought. Bryce speaks up]
Bryce: What going on Casey…why did you say this mission has become a bit more complicated?
[cut to a view of upper torso shot of Casey from the front looking out the window with Abe, Chuck, and Bryce in the background looking at him]
Casey: Captain Malcolm Reynolds
Abe: Who is he?
Casey: [giving a look of reflection]He was my commanding officer when I first joined the Air Force Academy. He was tough as nails and yet had this type demeanor where even though you hated his guts you couldn’t help liking the guy, which is probably why he let people call him Mal or Cappy instead of the standard protocol of addressing a superior officer as sir. He took a special interest in me because he saw potential and he essentially became my mentor for my first 2 years in the academy. During my junior year, he was given orders for reassignment leaving me without someone to turn to for sound advice. In any case, after I graduated from the Air Force Academy that’s when I was approached by the NSA who informed me that they kept a close on eye me for quite some time.
Bryce: [interrupts Casey]Its nice of you to bring us down memory lane Casey, but this doesn’t explain why he has Sarah or the fact that he’s apparently now affiliated with Fulcrum.
[cut to Casey turning around]
Casey: [gives an intense glare to Bryce]I’m getting to that so shut up…oh…if you interrupt me again I’m going to shoot you where you stand and if by chance you’re still alive…
Bryce: What…you’ll shoot me again?
Casey: No…Chuck will.
[cut to Chuck quickly looking at Casey then looks at Bryce with a freaked out look]
Abe: [looks at everybody]Can we please focus on Malcolm Reynolds instead of who is next line to shoot Bryce.
Casey: [looking at Bryce and then at everybody else]Anyways…I found out that Mal was recruited by the NSA and I was handpicked by him to be a part of his partner and once again the teacher and the student are reunited. After a while, there was talk about where his loyalties stood leading him to personally feel bitter…resentful even, but from what I saw it never affected his job. It was during a flyover mission in Chechnya that our plane was shot down and he always told me that if you were ever shot down with your co-pilot to run and if you couldn’t run, crawl and if you couldn’t crawl, then have someone carry you. With that being said, I was injured and instead of carrying me to safety he sacrificed his own life to save me by leading Chechen soldiers away from my location. With my own eyes I saw them shoot him in cold blood….or so I thought. I still remember the words he said to me and that is in the business we’re in trust/look out only for yourself because the people who you think will have your back will end up betraying you. That man…who I deeply respected…received a purple heart for what he did for me…now…I don’t know what to think because I never thought in a million years it would be him that would betray me. I think this is his way of getting back at those who he thinks betrayed him.
[cut to Chuck giving a low laugh under his breathe]
Casey: [looks at Chuck]What’s so funny Bartowski?
Chuck: [looks at Casey]Oh…well…first it was Ilsa…[points to Bryce]then Bryce…now you’re former commanding officer. The one you thought died in explosion…the one you thought you shot and killed…and the mentor you thought was killed in action…its makes you think who else is going to come back from the dead from your past.
[cut to Casey and Bryce giving a you’re such an idiot look. Bryce then looks at Casey]
Bryce: [serious tone]What’s the point Casey.
Casey: [giving Bryce a glaring look]The point is…he taught me all that he knows and now that he knows I’m the guy who is going to help try to stop him…its going to get a lot harder than easier from this point on.
[cut to a close up of a serious look on Casey’s face as the scene ends with the shot of the helicopter Sarah is in still unconscious as she’s being take to God knows where by Malcolm Reynolds and Alecia. Cue Chuck intro]
[The scene begins at Casa Bartowski and inside you Ellie and Morgan sitting on the couch. You see Morgan visibly upset as Ellie is sitting off the left of the couch talking to Morgan who is dead center]
Ellie: [looks at Morgan]Talk to me Morgan…what’s going in that head of yours?
Morgan: [slumping on the couch looking straight ahead]You know for so long I’ve considered myself Steve Urkel and you were my Laura Winslow…[cut to Ellie having this weird looking expression on her face]…and…
Ellie: [thinking of a word to say with a smile on her face]Morgan…that is…sweet, but…
Morgan: [interrupts her as he looks at Ellie]Let me finish Ellie…[cut to Ellie listening]…In the end, Steve finally got the woman of his dreams after competing with himself who was a much cooler, suave version of himself named Stefan. [starts to ramble on]It does bring up an interesting thought though….
Ellie: [chimes in]Morgan!
Morgan: [snaps out of it]Oh yeah…fast forwarding to my point. You know for so long I’ve been chasing you in my own creepy sort of way waiting for you to wear down leading you to realize to dump The Captain and run off with me so we can have a life together. Get married and have kids. You…me…our son Anakin…our daughter Padme…our dog Frodo…
Ellie: [chimes in again]Morgan! You’re rambling again!
Morgan: [looks at Ellie as he clears his throat]Sorry…something in me has changed and its scares me El. When I look at Anna I can’t help but smile. I like spending time with her and even though I didn’t give off a very good first impression to her parents by puking over the side of the boat…[looks at Ellie again]…don’t ask…anyway…she stayed with me helping to clean my beard. [cut to Ellie grinning]She gives me that funny feeling inside my stomach similar to that of downing way too many grape sodas during an all nighter playing Call of Duty. Of course she does give that I will kill you were you stand vibe, which is scary and yet very sexy at the same time.
Ellie: [smiles]Morgan…
Morgan: What…am I rambling again?
Ellie: Yes…but with good reason because you not only like Anna, you’re truly in love with her.
Morgan: Really? It’s a strange feeling because for so long I wanted you to be the woman of my dreams, which you have been and I must say…
Ellie: Ewwww…Morgan…
Morgan: [puts both hands up]My point is…I’ve been chasing a dream for so long that I didn’t see my dream has already come true and her name is Anna Wu. I know I have taken her for granted at times…
Ellie: [chimes in]Do you want some advice like I give Chuck when it comes to Sarah.
Morgan: Do I have a choice?[cut to Morgan seeing a glaring smile from Ellie]Okay…give it to me.
Ellie: [puts hand on Morgan’s shoulder]Don’t give up on her even though she has given up on you. Fight for her and show how much you really care.
Morgan: [smiles]Thanks sis…[pauses for a second]…does the no touch policy still stand?
[cut to Ellie going into to hug Morgan]
Ellie: I’m proud of you Morgan…you’re growing up.[cut to Morgan smelling her hair leading her to hear it]Morgan!
Morgan: [stands up from the couch]My bad…yes fight for Anna. I will do that.
[cut to Morgan waving to Ellie before she leaves out the door. The scene ends with helicopter landing on a helipad at an undisclosed location]
[The scene begins the next day and you see the sun rise in the distance. Cut to Sarah who is on the floor in a room where the only source of light is the sun coming through a window, which a single ray of light pierces through slowly waking her up. She’s gets up a bit groggy and when she eventually gets her bearings she checks the door only to find out its locked. However there is a window leading her to look through it inevitably seeing Alecia and Malcolm Reynolds. Sarah then begins talking to herself]
Sarah: [shields her eyes from the sun]All right Sarah…[looking around]…where are you. Its time to do what you’re trained to do and get yourself out of this situation.
[Cut to Malcolm and Alecia having a discussion]
Alecia: [looking at Mal]We have our dispensable mark…we have our insurance policy…so what’s the next step in our plan boss?
Malcolm: [grins]Don’t forget my dear…I also encountered my former protégé.
Alecia: A cute protégé and if it weren’t for the fact that he’s on the goody goody side I would ask him out.
Malcolm: [raises right eyebrow]Who knows…maybe he can be influenced to our way of thinking.
Alecia: I know that look sir.
Malcolm: Yes you do and if you’ll excuse me…I’m going to make a call to an old friend.
[The scene switches from the undisclosed location to Buy More where you see Chuck in his office, Casey wheeling around several boxes of dvd’s to the back, and Abe at the info desk with Anna. You see Morgan walk in, sees Anna, and heads straight for her but before he is about to reach her Jeff and Lester walk up to him, turn him around, and lead him straight to Buy More Home Theatre Room. They sit him down leading Lester to speak as he looks at Morgan]
Lester: What do you think you’re doing?
Jeff: [looks at Lester then at Morgan]I think he was going to get on his hand and knees like a little wussy boy and beg her to take him back.
Morgan: [looks at Jeff and Lester]Wrong Felix and Oscar…I’m fighting to get the woman I love back.
Lester: Have you learned nothing from what happened with me and my ex-wife? You’ve been given a get out of jail free card…and now you want to go crawling back to the warden? Are you insane?
Jeff: [looks at Morgan]You are the lamest person I know.
Lester: You got that right brother.[cut to both of them doing a fist tap]We are not leaving this room until you come to your senses.
Morgan: And this coming from a guy who is afraid of pineapples and a guy who really needs therapy to resolve issues about his ex-wife.
[The scene switches from the Buy More Home Theatre where Lester, Jeff and Morgan are at to the back where you see Casey doing inventory on the dvd’s he just rolled back there. Suddenly his cell phone rings leading him to answer it leading you to see back and forth shots of them talking to each other. On the other end is his old mentor]
Malcolm: How is the NSA treating you son?
Casey: Fine...you know for a dead man you sound like in you’re good health.
Malcolm: Well you know...I’ve been eating a lot of fiber lately. From the sound of you’re voice, it sounds like you’ve been experience quite a lot of stress. Don't work yourself too hard or you'll become a burn out.
Casey: Too late...What do you want Mal?
Malcolm: [smiles]Talk about old times and I want you to consider joining my team.
[The scene ends with a close up of Casey’s face as he hears the offer that his former mentor has given him]
[The scene begins with Casey walking into the Buy More Home Theatre Room covering his phone where Lester, Jeff, and Morgan are currently at. Casey tells them to scram leading them to quickly do it. He shuts the curtain and immediately dials up Beckman as he talk to them]
Casey: General…I have Captain Reynolds on the other end. I need for your people to trace the call so that we can know where they’re keeping Sarah.
Beckman: [nods]I’ll get our people on it.[picks up phone]Priority Alpha 1 alert…put a trace that is currently being received by Major Casey.[hangs up and looks at Casey]Keep him on the phone as long as you can.
[cut back to Casey who uncovers his phone and proceeds back to talking with Mal]
Casey: [serious look]That’s quite an offer you made…a spot on your team. A team associated with the organization I am sworn to stop.
Malcolm: Fulcrum pays well…they have a great dental plan coverage and excellent medical benefits because you were the type of agent that had this mindset where you considered broken bones to be acceptable losses.
Casey: It enticing, but I’ll have to pass. Answer me this…why?
Malcolm: You know why. The people you worked for questioned where my loyalties ly. Me…a man who for over 20 years put his blood, sweat, and tears in training soldiers like you to be the very best and bring out their potential in order to protect the greater good. The greater good…what a joke. Does anybody know what the greater good is these days? You see, that starts to get old after a awhile and you have protect a much greater good…retirement. I just took the opportunity to fake my own death with cooperation from my Chechen soldier friends and it was pretty convincing because it certainly has effected after all these years. You see I’m a man who now think he deserves compensation for his years of service for being a puppet for a government that just uses you and then throws you away when you’re no longer of use.
Casey: [angered tone]That’s a lie and you know that.
Malcolm: No! That’s the truth son.
[cut to Beckman motioning for Casey to keep him on the phone longer]
Casey: You know I’m sworn to stop you by any means necessary.
Malcolm: And I’m going to do that same as well.
Casey: [low laugh]The teacher vs. The student…who will prevail?
Malcolm: Casey…if you’re tying to stretch our conversation in order to trace my signal…you can’t. I have it bouncing around in so many places that by the time you figure out where I am…I’ll be long gone.
Casey: Mal…wait!
[cut to Mal’s phone hanging up leading Casey to scream. Cut to outside of Theatre Room where everybody hears this leading Chuck to quickly head over to calm down Casey. You see Chuck walk in with his back to the monitor and talks to Casey]
Chuck: Casey buddy…you all right?
Beckman: [chimes in leading Chuck to freak out]He’s fine Mr. Bartowski…the trace was inconclusive being that he knew we were tracking him.[looks at Casey]What about the information that you recovered from Mind Games Inc. Any leads there?
Casey: The tech guys are currently going over all the information with a fine tooth comb and if there is anything interesting beside the lists of dispensable assassin’s they’ll call me.
[just then a look of realization sets in leading Chuck to speak up as Casey and Beckman are having an intense discussion]
Chuck: [raises hand in the air]Excuse me…ummm…
Casey: [glares at Chuck]What is Bartowski? Are you asking permission to go to the little boys room?
Chuck: [looks at Casey]No….
Casey: Then what is it?
Chuck: I know how to find Sarah.
[The scene ends with Beckman and Casey looking at Chuck who quite possibly knows where Sarah is being held at]
[The scene begins again at the undisclosed location where you see a miffed Mal walking back to the area where Alecia is. He sees pace back and forth like a dog getting ready to attack. Cut to Sarah who knows that Casey is the one man that can do that someone who seems to have it altogether leading her have a smirk on her face. Alecia begins to speak]
Alecia: I see thing didn’t go quite as you expected.
Malcolm: [stops pacing and points at Alecia]They want to mess with me…I will mess with them…Initiate Project Trojan Horse and have our people at the ready for his arrival.
Alecia: [smiles]Yes sir.
[The scene switches from the undisclosed location to the break room where you see Morgan, Jeff, and Lester. All three are sitting at the table discussing Morgan’s situation]
Morgan: [looking at Jeff and Lester]Listen guys…unlike you two who are ending starring in Grumpy Old Men 3…I want to actually live a happy life with Anna.
Lester: What happened to you…we were like the Three Musketeers back in the day. You have feelings[you see Lester getting a cold shiver at saying the word]…for Anna of all people…and you want to make a com….a comm….
Jeff: Don’t say that lame word.
Morgan: [looks at Lester]I think the word you’re having trouble saying is commitment.
[just then Morgan’s cell rings leading him to answer it. While this is happening Jeff and Lester are hatching a plan to keep him away from Anna]
Lester: [whispers to Jeff]Okay here is the plan…we take him down and then sit on him.
Jeff: [whispers back to Lester]I was think we hit him over the head with a wrench.
Lester: Where are we going to get a wrench?
Jeff: Large Mart
Lester: We don’t have time to go to Large Mart.
[cut to Alecia talking to Morgan]
Alecia: Morgan…this is Alecia Madison. How are you doing?
Morgan: Great…what’s up?
Alecia: Well I just called to say…
[cut to Morgan who suddenly becomes stone faced leading him to hang up and walk towards the door. Jeff and Lester see Morgan come their way and they try to block him from the doorway, but to no avail. He steps in between them leading Jeff and Lester to grab Morgan’s shoulders, which he responds by twisting their arms then flipping them over to the ground so hard they are knocked out by the impact. You see Morgan walk out the break room door to the front exit to the location where he eliminates his target. At the same time, you cut back to the Home Theatre Room where you see Beckman on screen, Casey, and Chuck who is about to reveal how he can find Sarah]
Beckman: Mr. Bartowski…do you know to find Agent Walker?
Casey: Yea Chuck…did you happen low jack agent Walker without telling us?
Chuck: [nervous smile]In a way I did.
[The episode ends with Chuck looking at Beckman and Casey as it then cuts to Sarah sitting down against the wall of her locked room praying that Team Chuck finds her before its too late]
[Fade to Black]
About Me

- Yoda
- Let's see, I'm a single, 39 year old 5'2-ish pinoy who worked with kids for the 14 years and I was pretty good at it. I am now working in a totally different area away from kids and it's awesome. Anyways, for fun I listen to music, draw, play video games, watch movies, hang with friends, surf the internet, go skydiving, and write down my thoughts, which I call Yodaisms. I'm pretty much a quiet, laid back dude once you get to know me and that's pretty much it, so have fun reading my thoughts. Take care and peace out!
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