[The episode opens with a shot of a hospital room around noon and inside you see two beds with patients who are seemingly unconscious currently occupying them. A nurse obscures the view of their faces as she checks their vitals and adjusts their iv drip. When she walks away you immediately see its Chuck and Casey leading you to assume the worst has happened. Cut back to the nurse who is now standing by a male doctor and after a moment or two he turns around to talk to Sarah and Abe who has a very concerned look on both their faces. Sarah begins the conversation]
Sarah: [looks at doctor]How are they doing?
Doctor: [looks at Sarah]Its touch and go at the moment. They’re at a critical stage right now and all it becomes now is just a matter of waiting.
Abe: [serious look]What are they suffering from doctor?
Doctor: [turns to look at Chuck and Casey]When they first arrived they both showed the classic symptoms of acute appendicitis…nausea, vomiting, low fever, loss of appetite, nervous system damage, chills, abdominal swelling…
Sarah: [looks at Chuck and Casey]By the look on your face, it seems you don’t think it is.
Doctor: [scratches head] I did a complete diagnostic workup on both of them checking their stat, flat, and upright plate of the abdomen. I did chest x-rays do be on the safe side and pneumonia is ruled out. After doing an EKG to rule out a possible myocardial infarction, and a complete blood count, urinalysis, amylase, and chemistry panel…the tests came out negative. So, acute appendicitis has been ruled out.
[cut to Sarah walking past the doctor and stands between the beds]
Sarah: [looks over shoulder]Do you have any guesses at to what’s wrong with them?
Doctor: [sighs]From the looks of things, my guess is they’ve been poisoned.
Abe: [turns around and looks at the doctor]Are you sure and can you tell us how much is in their system?
Doctor: [looks at Sarah then at Chuck and Casey] I’m fairly certain and it primarily depends on the amount of contaminate itself that was introduced into their system. They’re symptoms can develop very rapidly, in 30 minutes, or over a period of days…weeks even.
Sarah: [holds chuck’s hand]He looks so pale.
Doctor: [stands beside Sarah]Its due to extreme dehydration and the loss of fluids has taken a toll on their bodies. In order to rehydrate the both of them, I’ve specifically instructed the nurse to intravenously put electrolyte enhancers into their iv’s to run through their systems.
Sarah: [grins]We appreciate all that you’ve done and thank you for not giving up on them.
Doctor: [gives a reassuring smile] From the looks of those two, I wouldn’t count them out just yet.
[Cut to a close up of Chuck and Casey faces as you see Sarah, Abe, and the doctor look on leading the opening scene to end. Cue Chuck into]
[The scene begins with Sarah sitting at Chuck’s beside and Abe walking around the room. You then see the doctor who resumes talking to both of them]
Doctor: Mr. Bartowski…Ms. Walker…they’re both strong fighters. They’ll beat this.
Abe: [looks at the doctor then at Chuck and Casey]You bet they will.
[cut to Sarah stilling holding Chuck’s hand when all of sudden you hear the voice of Morgan in the background]
Morgan: [looks at Chuck and Casey]Give it to us straight doc…is Chuck a goner?
[cut to the doctor about to say something when Ellie walks in with Awesome followed behind her]
Ellie: [slapping Morgan in the arm]Chuck isn’t going to die…I’d kill him if he does because he would miss the wedding. Besides…he can’t die because he hasn’t proposed to Sarah yet.
[cut to Sarah taken back by that statement as she gives an awkward smile to Ellie]
Dr. Howard: [looks at Morgan]They’re both going to pull through.
Awesome: [put hand on Morgan’s shoulder]Awesome news…you see…he and John are going to make it. Isn’t that right Dr. Howard?
Dr. Howard: [looks at Morgan then Awesome]Yes Dr. Gordon …I was speaking with my colleagues Dr. Fine and Dr. Howard who are fellow Gastroenterologists. Your friends are suffering from a case of Campylobacter Jejuni.
Morgan: [dumbfounded look]What? I thought you said they were poisoned.
Dr. Howard: Yes…in lamens terms...those two are suffering from food poisoning. [looks around]What did they have to eat?
Sarah: [looks at Sarah]Well…Chuck said they both went to Taco Bell for their lunch break yesterday and from talking to him it seemed as if they ordered everything off the menu.
Doctor: I see…there was a huge beef recall recently so they probably ate some tainted beef or meat that should have been thrown out. Good thing you brought them in as quickly as you did. In any case, they’ll be fine as long as they follow doctor’s orders. They should be out of the hospital within 3-4 days…a week tops.
[cut to Morgan walking towards Casey and then hovering over his face repeatedly waving his hand above it]
Abe: [gives a look to Morgan]Morgan what are you doing?
[cut to an upward view with am extreme shot of Morgan moving in/out who looks back and then at camera representing Casey]
Morgan: [grins] He looks so nonthreatening lying there...[pointing his finger in Casey’s face and starts rotating it in circles]…I can basically do anything to him right now and he wouldn’t even budge.
Sarah: [looks at Morgan]I wouldn’t do that if I were you.
[cut back to the upward view from Casey’s perspective]
Morgan: [looks back at Sarah]What could possibly happen? [looks back down at Casey]
[you suddenly see to two arms grab Morgan’s throat and choking him leading to Awesome and Abe to try to free him. Cut to Casey’s face as you see a smirk on his face as this is happening]
Sarah: That…[looks at Ellie and Abe]…well I warned him.
Ellie: [thinking out loud as she looking straight forward]It would be a shame if John killed him…one less mouth to feed at my house.
[Cut to Sarah and Dr. Howard both giving strange looks at Ellie. The scene ends with Sarah, Ellie, and Dr. Howard looking at Abe and Awesome trying to free Morgan from Casey’s death grip]
[The scene begins the 2 days later around mid evening as you see Chuck and Casey sitting up in bed drinking fluids, as well as, trying to eat food to bring back their strength little by little. You see Sarah and Abe standing there when Ellie walks in leading her to begin the conversation]
Ellie: [smiling]So how are you boys doing today?
Chuck: [looks at Ellie] I can’t speak for Casey, but I know I’m doing better.
Sarah: [looks at Chuck and smiles]Yeah he is…the clammy, pasty look is going away and he’s getting his natural color back.
Casey: [smirks]I thought clammy and pasty was always your natural color? Huh, I guess I wrong.
Chuck: [looks at Casey]Funny…at least you’re regaining your sense of humor. What no side of sarcasm with a hint of cynicism to go along with it?
Casey: [smirks]Give me time.
[cut to Ellie, Sarah, and Abe laughing]
Chuck: [looks at Abe]Where’s Morgan? From what Sarah told me, he’s afraid to come over after his last visit.[looks at Casey]
Casey: Hey, it’s quieter isn’t it?
[cut to Chuck who is nodding]
Abe: He’s at work and he told me to tell you that he’s going to make you proud by taking charge while you are away.[cut to everybody looking at Abe]I’d better go.
[You then see Abe waving to everybody and then giving a kiss on the cheek to Ellie before quickly leaving for Buy More. Cut back to Ellie who sees Sarah sitting with Chuck on his bed putting her head on his shoulder]
Ellie: [smiles]Awww…You two make the cutest couple.[looks at Casey] Do you think so John?
[cut to Chuck and Sarah looking at Casey]
Casey: [forced smile]Yes…so cute it makes you want to puke.
Ellie: I wouldn’t go that far. [gives a curious look towards Casey]Anyways, when are you going to meet a nice girl John and settle down? A nice, handsome guy like your should have someone in his life to share it with?
Chuck: [looks at Casey]Yeah buddy…you just have to work that Casey mojo for the ladies.
Sarah: [grinning as she is running her fingers through Chuck’s hair]Unless he doesn’t have any mojo to work with.
Casey: [gives a low growl]I have plenty of mojo sister…I have it running out of my ears.
[just as he says that Jayne walks through the door and immediately heads towards Casey]
Ellie: [astonished look and says out loud]Wow…that was quick.
Jayne: [kisses Casey’s forehead]I heard what happened to you…are you all right? I went to go see you at work and your co-workers told me that you were in the hospital suffering from food poisoning. Why didn’t you call me?
[cut to Chuck and Sarah who are looking at a totally different Casey before their eyes]
Casey:[looks at Jayne]Yeah I’m fine…I didn’t want you to worry.
[The scene ends with Casey giving Jayne a long kiss leading everybody else in the room to stare. After a moment or two you see Jayne look up to see Sarah, Chuck, and Ellie smiling]
[The scene begins where it left off as you see Casey and Jayne engaged in a lip lock. You then hear a cough given by Chuck breaking the moment shared by Jayne and Casey]
Jayne: [wiping her lips and brushing back her hair as she looks at Chuck, Sarah, and Ellie]Oh…uh…high…we haven’t met. I’m Jayne Richardson…John’s…[looks at Casey]
Casey: [chimes in]Close friend…yeah…she and I are close friends.
Ellie: [shakes Jaybe’s hand]Nice to meet Jayne…I’m Dr. Ellie Bartowski…[points at Chuck]Chuck’s sister…and…[points at Casey]Casey’s next door neighbor.
Jayne: [smiles]Nice to meet you and[looks at Sarah]you are?
Sarah: [grins]Sarah Walker…I’m chuck’s girlfriend.
Ellie: [interrupts the introductions]I’d like to stay and chat in order to get to know you more, but I have rounds to do.
[cut to Elle exiting out as she goes back to work leaving Chuck and Sarah to get to know more about Casey’s ‘close friend’]
Sarah: [looks at Jayne]So Jayne…where did you and Casey meet?
Jayne: [looks at Casey smiling and then at Sarah]Well…he and I met at the bonsai store I work at. As I remember it, he was a bit shy and looked lost looking for certain things that he needed.
Chuck: [looks at Casey and give his Chuckish grin]Casey…shy?
[cut to Casey giving a look to Chuck]
Jayne: Oh yeah…he looked so cute when he first walked in and we gradually struck up a conversation. Over time we found out we shared several interests like our passion for guns, being in the NRA, and I didn’t know this but we go to the same shooting range. Anyways, I could tell he was a bit intimidated by me at first because he couldn’t look me the eyes, but after a while he was comfortable around me.
Sarah: [looks at Casey chuckling]Casey...initimated?
Jayne: Don’t let the tough exterior fool you…[pats Casey’s chest]….inside he’s big warm teddy bear. [cut to Casey actually blushing] The day before Valentine’s Day I decided to take the initiative and sent him a gift basket full of Oreo cookies and a miniature bonsai tree.
Chuck: [chimes in]It was a wonderful gift…we enjoyed eating the Oreo cookies. Next time, could you please add a carton of milk with it?
[cut to Sarah elbowing Chuck in the side and then everybody having a good laugh except for Casey who hardly said a word. The scene moves forward several hours and you see Chuck flipping channels and Casey getting a bit annoyed at him as usual]
Casey: [looks back and forth at Chuck] I don’t know what’s more irritating…you’re loud snoring or not being able to pick a show to watch on tv.
Chuck: [looks at Casey]Come on…we’re both in here for a while…so why don’t we make the best of it. Let’s play a game.
Casey: [glares at Casey]Let’s not and say we did[pulls the covers over him and goes to sleep]
[Cut to Chuck looking at Casey and then retreats back to flipping channels. After a few seconds he turns it off because there isn’t anything good to watch so he starts people watching leading him to see one person in particular standing in front of the nurse’s stations. He immediately flashes on images of an ice cream cone, floor plans of the hospital, a medical file on Prime Minister Soon Lee Han of Korea, dossier file called Dead Man’s Hand, the name Maxwell Klinger and finally the ice cream cone again. The scene ends with Chuck snapping out of it leading him to freak out and then calling out Casey’s name]
[The scene begins around 11pm and you see Chuck talking/explaining to Casey on who/what he flashed on. You then see serious look on Casey’s face as he begins the conversation]
Casey: [looks at Chuck as he sitting beside the bed]Let me get this straight Bartowski…The Prime Minister of South Korea Soon Lee Han is secretly having triple bypass heart surgery here in this hospital…one floor below us in a secured winged of the hospital. Not only that, there is a member of an elite group of assassins known as Dead Man’s Hand who leaves the calling card of the ace of spades. How am I doing so far?
Chuck: [looks at Casey]I think you got everything.
Casey: [calm tone]Okay…just wanted to make sure.
Chuck: [curious/anxious tone]So what’s the plan? Call General Beckman and Director Graham to inform them of the situation? Call Sarah so you two can take out Klinger? And does this plan involve me staying in bed?
Casey: No…no…[points finger in the air]good idea, but no.
Chuck: [look of confusion]What? Why?
Casey: Come on Bartowski…man up. This is the perfect opportunity to see what you’re made of. Prove to yourself that you’re more than just a guy that has a government super computer in his head and you can contribute more to the team than just giving us important intel. Hey look at it this way…you can show Sarah that you don’t always need to be protected by her.
Chuck: [looks at Casey]You think so?
Casey: Listen Bartoswki…a great man once said, “Sometimes when the team is up against it and the breaks are beating the boys, tell them to go out there with all they've got and win just one for the Gipper.” So do this not only for yourself, for you’re country, but also for Agent Walker?
Chuck: [nodding]All right…let’s do this. You know…Its going to difficult though with both of us not at 100%.
Casey: [smirks] Just suck it up Bartowski. Remember…mind over matter.
Chuck: [confident look on Chuck’s face]Gotcha…let’s go save a Korean Prime Minister.
[cut to giving proud look to Chuck leading Casey to stand up, but then immediately falls down to the floor. Several moments later you see Chuck and Casey in wheel chairs about to about to head out the door. You then see Chuck have a questioning look as he looks back and forth at Casey leading Casey to begin the conversation]
Casey: [looking straight ahead]What is it Bartowksi?
Chuck: How are we going to take down Klinger without any weapons? Unless by some miracle you have any weapons hidden under your hospital gown then we don’t have a prayer.
Casey: Relax. [holds up one finger]Rule #1 Bartowski. Being a good spy means you oftentimes have to improvise and adapt to certain situations, especially when it comes to the heat of battle. [looks at Chuck] You’ve seen Agent Walker and I use what’s around us in order to get the upper hand on the perp.
Chuck: [chimes in] Not really, I’ve been too busy either hiding in fear or staying in the car to watch.
[cut to Casey giving a look to Chuck]
Casey: Yeah…right. Well…remember me throwing the microwave at one of La Cuidad’s cronies…that was improvising. [cut to Chuck nodding then holds up 2 fingers in the air]Rule #2. Don’t question the object that you’re going to use even if it looks totally ridiculous. A plunger…chop sticks…a mop…a stuffed bear… a broken head board that you were handcuffed to…basically anything and everything will be used.[holds up three fingers] Here’s Rule #3 and this is an important one so pay very close attention.[cut to Chuck listening to and looking intently Casey]Don’t screw up rule #1 and #2. You got it?
Chuck: Improvise…don’t question the object…and don’t screw up. Yeah I got it.
[You then see Casey nod then both he and Chuck roll out. Cut to a storage room where you see a the body if an orderly on the floor and then see Maxwell Klinger wearing his uniform. The scene ends with him clipping a special clearance id badge on his collar and then heading out]
[The scene begins with the elevator opening one floor below leading you to see Chuck and Casey roll out in their wheel chairs looking around to locate the possible whereabouts of Klinger]
Casey: We better split up…we’ll cover more ground that way. Be careful and try to stay alive Bartowski.
Chuck: [grins]You’re actually concerned about my safety?
Casey: A little bit.
Chuck: [puts hand on Casey’s shoulder]I’m touched
Casey: Don’t be…I just don’t want to deal with your girlfriend all over my back if you happen to die.
[cut to Chuck whose grins turns expressionless as he see Casey rolls the other direction]
Chuck: [talking to himself]You can do this Chuck. Remember the three rules Casey told you and you’ll do fine.
[chuck’s self motivation is broken up by the appearance of Ellie]
Ellie: [looks at Chuck]Chuck, what are you doing out of your room? You’re supposed to be resting in bed.
Chuck: [nervous tone] I needed to stretch my legs out sis.
Ellie: [looks at the wheelchair]You’re sitting in a wheel chair.
Chuck: [looks at Ellie]Good point…[tries to change subject]hey…I heard there was somebody important on this floor.
Ellie: [kneels down and speaks softly]You can’t share this information with anybody but the Prime Minister of Korea is in a secure wing just down that hall [points at the double doors marked with the number 4077]
Chuck: Can I meet him?
Ellie: He's a her and I don’t think that’s possible. Only senior medical/surgical staff with special clearance id badges are able to get in and see him, which I fortunately have right here.[points to badge]
Chuck: Come on sis…at least try to get me an autograph.
Ellie: [laughs]I’ll see what I can…I’m not guaranteeing anything.
Chuck: You’re the best.
Ellie: [smiles] know I am…now as a doctor I order you to get your butt back upstairs and into bed mister.
Chuck: [salutes Ellie]Yes ma'am
[you the see Chuck and Ellie hugging leading him to turn around and push the button to the elevator. Cut to Ellie waving bye to him as she is walking away and then you see a close up of Chuck holding in his hands the id badge he ‘borrowed’ from his sisters when they hugged. You then see Chuck searching for Casey inevitably finding and telling him about the double doors marked 4077. After a few moments you see Chuck and Casey using the key card and then entering through the doorway. Casey leads the conversation]
Casey: [looks at Chuck]Bartowksi…you never cease to amaze me. You lifted your sister’s badge…that was down right under handed of you.
Chuck: I know…I feel bad about it.
Casey: [smirks]I’m actually impressed…good job Bartowski.
Chuck: [surprised grin] Thanks…we better get going.
[You see Chuck and Casey rolling off quickly down the hall looking for Klinger and several minutes of looking in rooms Chuck spots him rolling a very large food cart towards a room with 4 bodyguards in front of the door. The scene ends with Klinger taking out a silencer and dispensing with the 4 of them then entering the room ]
[The scene begins around 1am with Klinger in the room that several more eliminated body guards laying on the floor. You then see Klinger holding between his fingers the ace of spades all-the-while pointing his silencer straight at the Prime Minister of South Korea Soon Han Lee]
Klinger: [smirking] Good morning Prime Minister…I’m here to deal you your death card.
Prime Minister: [looks at Klinger]Progress will be made in my country. Tell whoever hired you that my death will not be considered a setback…it will move forward and my predecessor will continue on with my work.
Klinger: [looks at Prime Minister]Then we will take him out as well.
[cut to Klinger throwing the ace of spades at the Prime Minister. He is about to shoot her when Casey and Chuck storm in and head straight towards Klinger. Klinger points his silencer at the two of the, but its too late as she gets mowed down by Casey causing his silencer to fly off and drop to the ground a few feet away from Chuck. Cut to Casey trying his best to take down Klinger while in his wheel chair as a barrage of punches are exchanged back and forth. You then see Chuck look at the silencer and then yells at Casey]
Chuck: Casey!
Casey: I’m kind of busy right now!
[cut to Chuck going after the silencer and at the same time Klinger knees Casey in the gut leading him to push his wheelchair into the corner hard. See Chuck reach for the silencer when Klinger pulls him back. As he is somewhat distracted by what he is focusing on doing, Chuck grabs a silver metal bed pan that is on a nearby table and hides it from view from Klinger. Cut back to Klinger quickly walks over, grabs his silencer, and stands in front of Chuck]
Klinger: [looks at Chuck, Casey, and then at The Prime Minister]Pitiful…not even two guys in hospital gowns aren’t able to help you escape your doom.
Chuck: [nervous tone]You wouldn’t shoot a guy in a wheelchair would you? It would weight on your conscience.
Klinger: [looks at Chuck]You have a point…[cut to Chuck with a relieved looked on his face]…but you see I don’t have a conscience so I’m not going to lose sleep over killing you.
Casey: [turning his wheelchair around]What is with bad guys and long speeches…just shoot us already.
[cut to Casey seeing one of the bodyguards looking at him from the floor leading him to distract him a bit more. After a few moments the bodyguard discreetly takes his gun out, aims his weapon from under the bed towards Klinger’s feet. Cut back to Klinger about to shoot Chuck when the bodyguard fires off a few rounds with one hitting his foot causing Klinger to bend down giving the perfect opportunity for Chuck to take out the silver metal bed pan and hits him at a side angle across the temple. Klinger doesn’t go down at first as he drops to his knees leading chuck to whop him on top of the head and then straight in the face causing him to fall to the ground completely knocked out. Chuck drops the bedpan on Klinger’s stomach and then breathes out a big sigh of relief]
Casey: [wheels next Chuck and looks at Klinger on the ground with the bedpan on top him]Congratulations Bartowski…that’s a piece of crap that won’t be seeing the light of day anytime soon.
[The scene ends with Chuck giving a weird look to Casey as they turn to see the Prime Minister who smiles at the both of them for saving her life]
[The scene begins around 5am at the secured wing of the hospital with security locking down the area. Cut to the Prime Minister’s room as you see Chuck, Casey, and the Prime Minister herself talking when Sarah and Abe enter the room. Cut to Chuck smiling but rethinks that after seeing the look on Sarah’s face. Sarah begins the conversation]
Sarah: [serious tone]You know you put yourself in danger but not informing the General Beckman, Director Graham, myself, or your dad.
Chuck: I know…[points at Casey]…it was all Casey’s idea.
[cut to Sarah giving a glaring look at Casey]
Casey: [slaps Chuck in the arm and then looks at Sarah]What? He went along with it.
[cut to Sarah giving a glaring look at Chuck]
Chuck: [slaps Casey in the arm and looks at him]Only after hyping me up and telling me that she would be impressed.[points at Sarah]Does she look impressed to you?
Casey: [looks at Sarah] She looks like she wants to kick the crap out of somebody?[points at Chuck] I vote Bartowski.
Chuck: [looks at Casey and then at Sarah]Kick the crap out of Casey…I wanted to stay in bed.
[cut to argument ensuing as Sarah is standing there with her arms crossed looking at the two of them causing the Prime Minister to quickly calm the situation down]
Prime Minister: [smiling as she looks at Sarah]Miss…this young man saved my life. My people and I owe him a debt of gratitude.
Chuck: [cut to smiling Chuck who hears that leading him to bow]You’re welcome.
Sarah: [looks at the Prime Minister]I’m sure they are…but it doesn’t excuse them from putting themselves in danger without proper backup.
Abe: [chimes in as he looks at Chuck and Casey]At least you two boys are okay…that’s the important thing here.
Sarah: [raises right eyebrow as she looks at Chuck]Casey maybe...Chuck is another story. [points at Chuck]I’ll deal with you later. [cut to Chuck whose smile is turned look of fear] I hope your little male bonding experience was worth it.
Casey: [looks at Sarah with a smirk and then at Chuck]It was for me…how about you Bartowski?
[You see Chuck looking at Sarah and then at Casey. The scene ends with Chuck putting his head down, loosk at Chuck and gives a side smirk to back Casey]
[Fade To Black]
About Me

- Yoda
- Let's see, I'm a single, 39 year old 5'2-ish pinoy who worked with kids for the 14 years and I was pretty good at it. I am now working in a totally different area away from kids and it's awesome. Anyways, for fun I listen to music, draw, play video games, watch movies, hang with friends, surf the internet, go skydiving, and write down my thoughts, which I call Yodaisms. I'm pretty much a quiet, laid back dude once you get to know me and that's pretty much it, so have fun reading my thoughts. Take care and peace out!
Wednesday, February 27, 2008
Saturday, February 23, 2008
Chuck vs. The Wedding Planner
[The Episode begins a week after Valentine’s Day and it’s a beautiful Frieday morning as you see a sweeping ariel shot of Los Angeles. You cut to Casa Bartowski and inside you see Ellie wearing a robe asleep at the breakfast/dining room table surrounded by papers, sticky notes, as well as, a giant white notebook. You then see Awesome walk in the front door still wearing his scrubs after working the night shift at the hospital and when he sees her he slowly walks over giving her a kiss on the cheek causing her to not only slowly wake up, but also smile as she sees Devon’s face. However, the smile quickly turns into shear panic as she quickly gets up, starts picking/up organizing papers, as well as, the big white notebook holding them closer to her, and then starts walking aimlessly around the living room. While this is happening Awesome is laughing leading the conversation to begin]
Ellie: [stops and looks at Awesome]Devon, why are you standing there just laughing when our wedding is less than 4 month away.
Awesome: [smiles at Ellie]Sorry Babe…I was laughing because you have something on your face.
Ellie: [trying to look at her cheek]What is it?
[cut to Awesome walking over and removing a sticky note stuck on her cheek]
Awesome: [holding it up]A sticky note…[reading it and then looks at Ellie]..you wrote down I’m going crazy.
[cut to Chuck walking in dressed for work and grabbing a box of cereal, a bowl from the cupboard, milk from the fridge, and getting a spoon from the drawer]
Chuck: [looks at Awesome as he sits at the counter]Who’s going crazy?
Awesome: [points at Ellie]Your sister…she’s stressing herself out trying to plan everything for the wedding. That is not awesome.
Chuck: [looks at Ellie]Come on sis…don’t stress yourself out or you’ll end up having a nervous breakdown and just run off like Julia Roberts did in the movie Runaway Bride.
Ellie: [pacing back and forth]I wouldn’t be stressing out if I had a little help…[looks at Awesome with seriousness]…sweety! There’s so much we have plan for and take care of before the wedding. [looks at Awesome and starts listing things out loud] The florist…catering…photographer…booking a band…choosing my wedding dress…choosing Sarah’s bridesmaids dress…creating the seating arrangements…picking the color scheme…picking a theme for our wedding. Thank God, dad’s friend was able to book The Swan Lake Area at The Hotel Bel Air on June 14th because all the other places at this point are all now booked up.
Awesome: [looks at Ellie]Hey…hold on a minute…I tried to help. Remember a week ago…I suggested a cost effective alternative to the tuxedos because I know a guy who can hook Chuck, your dad, and I up. Plus…the music is added in with no cost at all.
Ellie: [stares at Awesome]You, my dad, and Chuck are not going to wear kilts at the wedding and there will absolutely be no bag pipes playing at the ceremony either.
[cut to a disappointed look on Awesome’s face]
Chuck: [chimes in]Thanks sis for shooting down that idea because my legs haven’t seen daylight for quite a long time.
Ellie: [looks at Chuck and the gives a sad puppy dog look on her face to Awesome]Devon…[drops everything, walks towards Awesome and leans on him]…I need your hep…I can’t do this all by myself…with both of us working at the hospital I don’t know how we’re going to get this all done.
Chuck: [looks at Ellie and Awesome as he’s eating cereal]Why don’t you guys hire a wedding planner. They live for this kind of stuff.
[cut to Ellie and Awesome looking at Chuck then looking at each other]
Ellie: [eyes widen]Great idea little brother.
Awesome: [points finger at Chuck]That’s an awesome idea Chuck…way to think quickly bro. That’s why you’re my best man.[looks at Ellie]See…now just calm down and take a deep breathe.[Cut to Ellie taking a deep breathe in and then letting it all out]Feel better?
Ellie: [breathes in/out and then smiles]Yeah...thanks. Now I remember why I’m marrying you. [with her closed Ellie asks Awesome a question]Oh…I forgot to ask…have you and Chuck bought your tuxedos yet that we looked at so we can have them tailored so they fit right? Dad already bought his.
Awesome: [kisses Ellie’s forehead and hugs her tighter]Of course we did. [cut to Chuck nodding in agreement] Don’t worry about it…[looks at Ellie who opens her eyes to look at Awesome]…Chuck and I have it all under control. Now why don’t you go take a nice, long, relaxing bath while we clean up out here.
[cut to Ellie walking to the bathroom and as she looks back both Chuck and Awesome stand there smiling/waving at her. After a few moments you hear the water running and then you see Chuck and Awesome looking at each other leading both of them to run out the door to buy the tuxedos for the wedding. Cue Chuck intro]
[The scene begins around 10pm with the façade of Buy More and inside you see Chuck sitting inside his office working/writing things down with his door open. Cut to Abe walking up and knocking on the door leading to the conversation between father and son to begin]
Abe: [sitting on the side of the table]I heard you and Devon had a pretty eventful morning running out to buy those tuxedos.
Chuck: [looks at Abe]How do you know?
Abe: [shakes head]I was talking to Casey. He was doing his usual early morning surveillance and listened in on what was going on. He saw you two run out the door like mad men.
Chuck: [gives his Chuckish smile]Of course...Casey...yeah...we finally bought the tuxedos after putting it off for so long. Now we have to get them fitted some time this week.[sarcastic tone]That’s going to be fun.
[As Chuck says that Morgan walks up]
Morgan: [looks at Abe and then Chuck]Chuck…I need to talk to you.
Chuck: [looks at Morgan]Did you swallow something…is Anna trying to kill you…again. Has a customer threatened you with bodily harm? What is it this time?
Morgan: [points finger in the air]Chuck…buddy…I want to take part in your sister’s wedding. You know…make a contribution to the Bartowski family who has graciously let me into their home and opened their arms accepting me as part of the family…granted it’s oftentimes unannounced through the Morgan door, but still.
Chuck: [raises right eyebrow and grins]You just want to impress Ellie don’t you?
Morgan: When will she come to her senses and realize I’m truly the man of her dreams?
Abe: [puts hand on Morgan’s shoulder]When Angelina Jolie comes to her senses, dumps Brad Pitt, and runs to me. Yeah…like that would ever happen.
Morgan: [looks at Abe] That’s harsh Mr. B.
[cut to Chuck grinning and Abe giving a little chuckle at Morgan’s expense]
Morgan: Come on dude…can you just put a good word in for me. I’ll gladly be an usher…how hard a job can that be? I just want to show her that when it comes to important events like her wedding I can be a mature, responsible adult.
Chuck:[thinking]I’ll see what I can do.
[cut to Jeff and Lester running up to the doorway]
Jeff: [sticks his head in and spots Morgan]There you are…we’ve been looking all over for you… we’re going to the roof to throw water balloons at the Large Mart employees.
Lester: [sticking head in office as well and looks at Morgan]Quick…get you’re sling shot out of your locker.
[cut to Morgan running out the door as Chuck and Abe look at Jeff, Lester, and Morgan heading to the roof carrying 3 buckets of water balloons]
Chuck: [arms crossed]There goes the mature, responsible adult right there.
Abe: [looks at Chuck and pats him on the arm]I’ll keep an eye on them son.
Chuck: [looks at Abe heading towards the roof]Thanks dad.
[cut to Casey walking up and looking at Chuck from the legs up]
Casey: [smirks]Come on William Wallace…the general wants to see us.
[After several moments later you see Casey. Chuck, as well as, Sarah who is wearing the gold locket around her neck Chuck gave her, in the Buy More Home Theatre room standing in front of the screen as you see General Beckman and C.I.A. Director Graham. C.I.A Director Graham is in the middle of speaking to them]
Graham: [looks at Chuck]Mr. Bartowski…we feel that its in your best interest to relocate you. The dangers you face grow increasingly larger. [cut to Chuck’s eyes widening and then looks at Sarah] With all that has happened in the past year we have serious doubts as to how well protected The Beta Version of the Intersect truly is.
Sarah: [quickly looks at Chuck and then at Beckman]General…I assure you Agent Casey and I have the situation well under control.
Graham: [looks at Sarah]Under control Agent Walker? From Agent Casey’s reports we think otherwise.
Chuck: [nervous tone as he looks at both Beckman and Graham]You guys sent your best agents to protect me and I’m still alive. I owe these two my life…please don’t do this to me again. Not now.
Beckman: [looks at Chuck and then at Casey]Agent Casey…do you agree with Agent Walker that you both have the situation under control and that relocation is not necessary?
Casey: [looks at Sarah who is saying a lot with her eyes]Negative...Fulcrum is getting closer as time goes by and I firmly believe that relocating Chuck is the best course of action.
[cut to Sarah and Chuck quickly looking at Casey with mixed emotions]
Beckman: [nodding]Very well…we’ll make the arrangements to ha…
Casey: [interrupts Beckman]However General…if I can make a suggestion.
Beckman: [listening intently]Proceed.
Casey: [looks at Chuck and Sarah then at Beckman]Bartowski’s sister will be getting married in a few months and its highly unlikely he will be a resident once the union is finalized. Plus…Agent Walker and Chuck’s cover as bf/gf hasn’t been compromised in any way.
Graham: [gives a serious look to Casey]What’s your point Agent Casey?
Casey: [looks at Beckman and Graham]My point is…[looks at Chuck and Sarah]…for cover sake…I believe Chuck and Agent Walker should move in together.
[cut to a side view where you see Chuck and Sarah looking at each other then look at Casey. The scene ends with a close up of Casey’s face as he exudes a look of professionalism with a hint of a smirk on his face]
[The scene begins around lunch time with the façade of Weinerlicious and inside you see Chuck and Sarah sitting down having a conversation about the living arrangements that Casey suggested to Beckman and Graham]
Chuck: [looks straight ahead]So we’re moving in together…that’s a big step in our relationship. What…we’ve only known each other close to a year now. Don’t get me wrong, I want to but on my own terms...not forced to because of Fulcrum or any other bad guy out there.
Sarah: [looks at Chuck]Relax Chuck. Look at me…[Chuck looks at Sarah]…we faced far greater obstacles than this together. [smiles]Besides…would your rather live in a bunker or with me?
Chuck: [grins]You of course
Sarah: [smirks]Then what’s the problem?
Chuck: [tapping finger on table] Call me old fashioned…but I’m the type of guy who would like to get to know more about a woman before ever taking the big step in moving in together. The only things I really know about you is that you don’t like black olives on your vegetarian pizza, when you’re lying you sigh first, and you like to throw knives at alarm clocks.[cut to Sarah chuckling] I would like to know more about you, but I know you can’t tell me not only for your protection, by also my protection as well.
Sarah: [smiles]When the time is right…I’ll eventually tell you everything.
Chuck: [nodding]Yeah…I know. [looks at watch and in a joking tone]Are you ready now?
[cut to Sarah punching Chuck in the arm but moves to avoid it as he laughs]
Sarah: Anyways…they will call use once they make their decision.
[cut to Chuck noticing that Sarah is lost in thought as she rubbing the gold locket between her fingers]
Chuck: [looks at the gold locket and then at Sarah]You know…if you keep rubbing that any harder you’re gonna melt it.
Sarah: [looks at Chuck and then at the gold locket]Sorry…I was just thinking about the night you gave this to me at the beach. I have never been given a gift like this before…especially one that represents so special and absolutely priceless...your heart.
Chuck: [reaches over, puts gold locket in his hand, opens it up, and then looks at into Sarah’s eyes]You put a picture of me in there.
Sarah: [looks at picture and then into Chuck’s eyes]No matter where I am I know you’ll always be with me close to my heart.
[cut to chuck and Sarah sharing a moment and after a while its broken up by Chuck’s cell phone ringing leading him to answer it. After a second or two he hangs up]
Sarah: [curious look]Who was it?
Chuck: [looks at Sarah]It’s Ellie…she called to say she’s made three appointments to interview wedding planners tomorrow.
Sarah: That’s good news
Chuck: Yeah… it is good news and things have been hectic for her trying to take care of everything all by herself. Hiring a wedding planner will not only takes all the pressure off her shoulders it also prevent Awesome, my dad, or myself from experiencing bodily harm.
Sarah: [tilts her head]You’re joking right?
Chuck: [looks at Sarah]Last week she threw the toaster at me nearly hitting me in the head and I didn’t even do anything wrong. Luckily, she’s a bad aim. I know you’re a trained spy who can take on anybody…but watch out or you’ll probably end up injured or knocked out by a stressed out bride-to-be.
[cut to Sarah laughing]
Sarah: [grins]Oh great…thanks for the warning. I have to go with her to not only have my bridesmaid dress fitted next week, but have her wedding dressed fitted as well.
Chuck: My suggestion...remove any heavy objects just in case she gets angry at you. Better to be safe than sorry.
[cut to Sarah and Chuck laughing leading the scene to switch from an afternoon at Weinerlicious to an evening at Casa Bartoswki. You see Chuck walk in]
Chuck: [yells out]Sis? Awesome? Morgan?
[Chuck walks over the fridge takes out a brew, opens it, and starts drinking it. He notices a notepad at the table with the cordless phone right beside it and out of curiosity he looks at the three names of the wedding planners that she’ll be interviewing tomorrow. The first name, Fran Donolly, causes him to flash leading him to see images of a wanted poster and 10 counts of marriage fraud]
Chuck: [talking out loud]Ms. Donolly…if that is your real name…you’re not planning my sister’s wedding. Note to self, call the police and make sure to give them this number.
[cut to Chuck reading the second name, Mary Fiore, causing him to flash again leading him to see images of Ashworth University, diploma, Ph.D., and the business name Eventful]
Chuck: [out loud]Ms. Fiore…you pass.
[cut to Chuck reading the final name, Michelle Mitrokhin, leading him to flash seeing images of a former KGB operative, member of the Cambridge Five, passports, the name Nadia Penkovsky and FBI, NSA, C.I.A, and Interpol’s most wanted list causing him to immediately snap out of it]
Chuck: [freaks out]Oh boy
[The scene ends with Chuck quickly taking out his phone and calling Casey about who he flashed on and gives him the information]
[The scene begins the next day around noon in the courtyard of Casa Bartowski where you see Michelle Mitrokhin aka Nadia Penkovsky walking up to Ellie’s door and about to knock on when Casey along with Chuck stands behind her]
Casey: Michelle Mitrokhin
Nadia: [turns around]Yes, young man, do I know you?
Casey: [holds up badge]No ma’am, but I do know you or should I say your true name…[holds up folder]…Nadia Penkovsky.
Chuck: Nadia Penkovsky…former KGB and member of The Cambridge Five. You were responsible for not only leading a failed coup de tat against Mikhail Gorbachev, but also stealing secrets from our government and selling them to the highest bidder.
Nadia: [looks down, then looks up, grins, and looks at Chuck]It’s been at least 40 years since I’ve been known by that name. [walking up to both Chuck and Casey]Is this the end of the road for me?
Casey: I’m afraid so…my orders are to take you in.
Chuck: [looks at Penkovsky]If its any consolation, you were the next qualified candidate to be my sister’s wedding planner.
[cut to Nadia smirking and then looking at Casey]
Nadia: [curious tone]How were you able to find me?
Casey: Does it really matter? Its time to go ma’am.
[cut to Casey going over to arrest her when all of sudden Nadia back hands Casey in the face,knees him in the gut, and then a roudhouse kick to the face leading him to fall into the fountain. She then spins around, takes out a Fairbairn-Sykes Fighting Knife, grabs Chuck holding the knife to his neck, and uses his him as a shield to escape]
Chuck: [throwing hands in the air]Why am I always the human shield?
Nadia: You’ll be released in due time…I just need a head start for my escape and you’re going to help me.
Chuck: [nervous grin]Glad I could be of assistance. Listen…would it be all possible for you to surrender peacefully and quietly.
Nadia: [talking to Chuck and backing up towards the entrance way]I’m sorry young man…but I rather enjoy my freedom.
Chuck: [nervous laugh]Me too…we got something in common... only that I enjoy the freedom of living.
[cut to Nadia backing up with Chuck and when all of a sudden from out of the corner she gets hit in the face by the butt of a gun. You see Nadia falling down as she’s knocked out on ground]
Sarah: [looks at Chuck]Sorry I’m late….traffic was a killer. [looking at Casey who is walking up all wet] What happened to you?
Chuck: [looks at Casey and then at Sarah]He got beat up by a 60 year old wedding planner and fell into the fountain
[cut to Sarah laughing and then to Casey who is giving a low growl]
Sarah: [picks up Penkovsky] I’ll take her in while you[looks at Casey]go dry yourself off.
[cut to Sarah walking of with Penkovsky as Chuck pats Casey on the shoulder as he heads towards his apartment. Just as he does that Ellie walks out looking at Chuck and a soaked Casey]
Ellie: [looks at Casey]John…what happened to you?
Casey: [looks at Chuck and then at Ellie]Well…uhh…
Chuck: [chimes in]John was the tragic victim of a water balloon ambush at Buy More this morning… [looks at Casey who nods]…as you can see they got him good.
Ellie: [looks at Chuck]Okay…[looks around]…Did you happen to see a woman around…she was supposed be here at noon for her interview.
Chuck: [shakes head]Nope…how about you Casey?
Casey: [shaking head]Sorry…if you’ll excuse me I’m going to go change.
[cut to Casey walking off shaking his pant leg and while inside his apartment his phone rings leading him to answer it. On the other is General Beckman with their decision and then cut back Ellie resuming her talk with Chuck]
Ellie: This is the second wedding planner that hasn’t shown up…Fran Donolly’s secretary called and said she had to cancel...something about taking a 10 year sabaticle.
Chuck: [eyes widen]Oh really…sorry to hear that. Hey…I have a good feeling about Mary Fiore though. [cut to Ellie looking at Chuck] Oh yeah…I read the names on the notepad when I came in last night.
Ellie: [smiles at Chuck]Oh…I hope so little brother…I hope so.
[The scene moves a few hours later as you see Ellie talking with Mary Fiore and after an hour of doing business, as well as, taking a bit of time to chit chat Ellie hires her as her wedding planner. Ellie proceeds to walk her towards the door leading to a short conversation]
Mary: [shakes Ellie’s hand]Ms. Bartowski…Ellie…leave everything to me. You will have the perfect wedding you’ve always wanted since you were a little girl.
Ellie: [excited smile]I’m so happy to hear you say that. Thanks you so much.
Mary: [smiles]You’re welcome and we’ll start planning sometime this week. I’ll call you to set up a time. Have a nice day.
Ellie: [waves]You too.
[The scene ends with Ellie closing the door and then doing a little victory dance in celebration of not only hiring a wedding plan, but also putting the stress of planning the wedding in her hands]
[The scene begins in the evening at Casa Bartowski where you see Sarah, Chuck, Abe, and Awesome sitting at the table with Ellie standing at the front. She begins the conversation]
Ellie: [smiles]Thank you all for coming to this family meeting. I want to let you know I’ve hired a wedding planner. [raises arms in the air] Yay!
Abe: That’s great honey…now you can relax and stopping throw kitchen appliances at us.
[cut to Ellie giving her dad an apologetic smile]
Sarah: [smiles] Congratulations...I know the wedding planner you picked is going make your dream wedding a reality.
Awesome: [looks at Ellie]That’s awesome new babe.
Ellie: [smiles back at Sarah]It is awesome news…now I can breathe easier. That’s one major job that I don’t need to worry about.
Chuck: [chimes in]Speaking of jobs sis…Morgan would like to be a part of the wedding. Now before you say no…hear me out.
Ellie: [looks at Chuck]I’m listening
Chuck: You need ushers at your wedding right…well…Morgan will more than happy to take the position. Plus I know two guys that I know will be happy to help…besides…they oew me big time.
Ellie:[look of apprehension] I don't know Chuck.
Awesome: [looks at Ellie]Come on babe…what’s the worst that could happen?
[cut to Ellie giving a look to Awesome]
Abe: [chimes in]Honey…if it makes you feel any better Casey will be head usher and will be in charge to keep them in line.[looks at Chuck] Right son?
Chuck: [looks at Abe]You bet dad[Looks at Ellie]See…so how about it?
Ellie: [thinking]As long as John is in charge of those three…I’ll agree to it.
[cut to Morgan running in and hugging Ellie]
Morgan: [smiling]Thank you…thank you...thank you...I will not let you down.
Ellie: [trying to push back Morgan]Remember the no touch policy still stands.
Morgan: [quickly backing up]Okay…I won’t let you down Ellie...I promise.[looks at Chuck and starts pretend boxing him]Dude…thanks man. That’s why we’re a great team…you and me…like Crocket and Tubbs from Miami Vice.
[cut to Chuck giving a weird look to Morgan when Sarah elbows Chuck giving him a looking]
Chuck: [putting hands in the air]Excuse me…I would like to make an announcement myself.
[cut to Ellie sitting down next to Awesome and everybody else paying close attention]Since we’re all in good spirits I want to tell you [looks at Ellie and Awesome] that I’m moving out.
Ellie: [looks at Chuck]What? When did you decide this?
Chuck: [looks at Ellie]I’ve been thinking about it for quite some time. With you guys getting married soon I thought it best that you need your space and privacy.
Abe: [looking at Chuck]When are you moving out son?
Chuck: [looks at Abe]Not now…if that’s what your thinking.[looking at Ellie]Look sis…I think its time for to get my own place.[smiles]I appreciate you and Awesome putting up with me and all that you've done for me in the past 5 years, but I think I’m making the right decision here.
Ellie: [walks over and hugs Chuck]I’m proud of you Chuck.
[cut to Morgan breaking up the brother/sister moment]
Morgan: [looks at Chuck]Dude…that’s great news your moving out.
Chuck: [looks at Morgan]Why is that?
Morgan: Perfect opportunity for you and I to be roommates buddy. Plus…it gives me a reason to move out of my grandmother’s place.[puts hand up for a high five]
Sarah: [chimes in]I don’t think that’s going work Morgan.
Morgan: [puts hand down as he looks at Sarah]Why not?
Chuck: [puts his arm around Sarah]Because Morg…the reason I’m moving out is…[looks at Ellie, Awesome, Abe, and Morgan then to Sarah] I’m moving in with Sarah.
Awesome: [points at Chuck]Way to go Chuck…you made an awesome decision. You’re the man.
[cut to a stunned look on Morgan’s face]
Chuck: We talked it over and Sarah is going to move out of her apartment. We’re going to look for a place and once we find one to our liking…we’ll let you know where it is so we can have a house warming party.
Ellie: [smiles and messes with Chuck’s hair]My baby bro is growing up. [looks at Sarah] Sarah…take care of him for me will you and if he gives you any trouble at all…call me and I will come over there and kick his butt.
Sarah: [looks at Chuck chuckling and then at Ellie]No problem
[The episode ends with Sarah, Chuck, Abe, Ellie, and Awesome with all smiles as they have two things to celebrate. The final shot is of Morgan with a forced smile as he celebrates with the group, but when turns around to head out the door he has this disappointed look on his face realizing that it’s the beginning of the end]
[Fade to Black]
Ellie: [stops and looks at Awesome]Devon, why are you standing there just laughing when our wedding is less than 4 month away.
Awesome: [smiles at Ellie]Sorry Babe…I was laughing because you have something on your face.
Ellie: [trying to look at her cheek]What is it?
[cut to Awesome walking over and removing a sticky note stuck on her cheek]
Awesome: [holding it up]A sticky note…[reading it and then looks at Ellie]..you wrote down I’m going crazy.
[cut to Chuck walking in dressed for work and grabbing a box of cereal, a bowl from the cupboard, milk from the fridge, and getting a spoon from the drawer]
Chuck: [looks at Awesome as he sits at the counter]Who’s going crazy?
Awesome: [points at Ellie]Your sister…she’s stressing herself out trying to plan everything for the wedding. That is not awesome.
Chuck: [looks at Ellie]Come on sis…don’t stress yourself out or you’ll end up having a nervous breakdown and just run off like Julia Roberts did in the movie Runaway Bride.
Ellie: [pacing back and forth]I wouldn’t be stressing out if I had a little help…[looks at Awesome with seriousness]…sweety! There’s so much we have plan for and take care of before the wedding. [looks at Awesome and starts listing things out loud] The florist…catering…photographer…booking a band…choosing my wedding dress…choosing Sarah’s bridesmaids dress…creating the seating arrangements…picking the color scheme…picking a theme for our wedding. Thank God, dad’s friend was able to book The Swan Lake Area at The Hotel Bel Air on June 14th because all the other places at this point are all now booked up.
Awesome: [looks at Ellie]Hey…hold on a minute…I tried to help. Remember a week ago…I suggested a cost effective alternative to the tuxedos because I know a guy who can hook Chuck, your dad, and I up. Plus…the music is added in with no cost at all.
Ellie: [stares at Awesome]You, my dad, and Chuck are not going to wear kilts at the wedding and there will absolutely be no bag pipes playing at the ceremony either.
[cut to a disappointed look on Awesome’s face]
Chuck: [chimes in]Thanks sis for shooting down that idea because my legs haven’t seen daylight for quite a long time.
Ellie: [looks at Chuck and the gives a sad puppy dog look on her face to Awesome]Devon…[drops everything, walks towards Awesome and leans on him]…I need your hep…I can’t do this all by myself…with both of us working at the hospital I don’t know how we’re going to get this all done.
Chuck: [looks at Ellie and Awesome as he’s eating cereal]Why don’t you guys hire a wedding planner. They live for this kind of stuff.
[cut to Ellie and Awesome looking at Chuck then looking at each other]
Ellie: [eyes widen]Great idea little brother.
Awesome: [points finger at Chuck]That’s an awesome idea Chuck…way to think quickly bro. That’s why you’re my best man.[looks at Ellie]See…now just calm down and take a deep breathe.[Cut to Ellie taking a deep breathe in and then letting it all out]Feel better?
Ellie: [breathes in/out and then smiles]Yeah...thanks. Now I remember why I’m marrying you. [with her closed Ellie asks Awesome a question]Oh…I forgot to ask…have you and Chuck bought your tuxedos yet that we looked at so we can have them tailored so they fit right? Dad already bought his.
Awesome: [kisses Ellie’s forehead and hugs her tighter]Of course we did. [cut to Chuck nodding in agreement] Don’t worry about it…[looks at Ellie who opens her eyes to look at Awesome]…Chuck and I have it all under control. Now why don’t you go take a nice, long, relaxing bath while we clean up out here.
[cut to Ellie walking to the bathroom and as she looks back both Chuck and Awesome stand there smiling/waving at her. After a few moments you hear the water running and then you see Chuck and Awesome looking at each other leading both of them to run out the door to buy the tuxedos for the wedding. Cue Chuck intro]
[The scene begins around 10pm with the façade of Buy More and inside you see Chuck sitting inside his office working/writing things down with his door open. Cut to Abe walking up and knocking on the door leading to the conversation between father and son to begin]
Abe: [sitting on the side of the table]I heard you and Devon had a pretty eventful morning running out to buy those tuxedos.
Chuck: [looks at Abe]How do you know?
Abe: [shakes head]I was talking to Casey. He was doing his usual early morning surveillance and listened in on what was going on. He saw you two run out the door like mad men.
Chuck: [gives his Chuckish smile]Of course...Casey...yeah...we finally bought the tuxedos after putting it off for so long. Now we have to get them fitted some time this week.[sarcastic tone]That’s going to be fun.
[As Chuck says that Morgan walks up]
Morgan: [looks at Abe and then Chuck]Chuck…I need to talk to you.
Chuck: [looks at Morgan]Did you swallow something…is Anna trying to kill you…again. Has a customer threatened you with bodily harm? What is it this time?
Morgan: [points finger in the air]Chuck…buddy…I want to take part in your sister’s wedding. You know…make a contribution to the Bartowski family who has graciously let me into their home and opened their arms accepting me as part of the family…granted it’s oftentimes unannounced through the Morgan door, but still.
Chuck: [raises right eyebrow and grins]You just want to impress Ellie don’t you?
Morgan: When will she come to her senses and realize I’m truly the man of her dreams?
Abe: [puts hand on Morgan’s shoulder]When Angelina Jolie comes to her senses, dumps Brad Pitt, and runs to me. Yeah…like that would ever happen.
Morgan: [looks at Abe] That’s harsh Mr. B.
[cut to Chuck grinning and Abe giving a little chuckle at Morgan’s expense]
Morgan: Come on dude…can you just put a good word in for me. I’ll gladly be an usher…how hard a job can that be? I just want to show her that when it comes to important events like her wedding I can be a mature, responsible adult.
Chuck:[thinking]I’ll see what I can do.
[cut to Jeff and Lester running up to the doorway]
Jeff: [sticks his head in and spots Morgan]There you are…we’ve been looking all over for you… we’re going to the roof to throw water balloons at the Large Mart employees.
Lester: [sticking head in office as well and looks at Morgan]Quick…get you’re sling shot out of your locker.
[cut to Morgan running out the door as Chuck and Abe look at Jeff, Lester, and Morgan heading to the roof carrying 3 buckets of water balloons]
Chuck: [arms crossed]There goes the mature, responsible adult right there.
Abe: [looks at Chuck and pats him on the arm]I’ll keep an eye on them son.
Chuck: [looks at Abe heading towards the roof]Thanks dad.
[cut to Casey walking up and looking at Chuck from the legs up]
Casey: [smirks]Come on William Wallace…the general wants to see us.
[After several moments later you see Casey. Chuck, as well as, Sarah who is wearing the gold locket around her neck Chuck gave her, in the Buy More Home Theatre room standing in front of the screen as you see General Beckman and C.I.A. Director Graham. C.I.A Director Graham is in the middle of speaking to them]
Graham: [looks at Chuck]Mr. Bartowski…we feel that its in your best interest to relocate you. The dangers you face grow increasingly larger. [cut to Chuck’s eyes widening and then looks at Sarah] With all that has happened in the past year we have serious doubts as to how well protected The Beta Version of the Intersect truly is.
Sarah: [quickly looks at Chuck and then at Beckman]General…I assure you Agent Casey and I have the situation well under control.
Graham: [looks at Sarah]Under control Agent Walker? From Agent Casey’s reports we think otherwise.
Chuck: [nervous tone as he looks at both Beckman and Graham]You guys sent your best agents to protect me and I’m still alive. I owe these two my life…please don’t do this to me again. Not now.
Beckman: [looks at Chuck and then at Casey]Agent Casey…do you agree with Agent Walker that you both have the situation under control and that relocation is not necessary?
Casey: [looks at Sarah who is saying a lot with her eyes]Negative...Fulcrum is getting closer as time goes by and I firmly believe that relocating Chuck is the best course of action.
[cut to Sarah and Chuck quickly looking at Casey with mixed emotions]
Beckman: [nodding]Very well…we’ll make the arrangements to ha…
Casey: [interrupts Beckman]However General…if I can make a suggestion.
Beckman: [listening intently]Proceed.
Casey: [looks at Chuck and Sarah then at Beckman]Bartowski’s sister will be getting married in a few months and its highly unlikely he will be a resident once the union is finalized. Plus…Agent Walker and Chuck’s cover as bf/gf hasn’t been compromised in any way.
Graham: [gives a serious look to Casey]What’s your point Agent Casey?
Casey: [looks at Beckman and Graham]My point is…[looks at Chuck and Sarah]…for cover sake…I believe Chuck and Agent Walker should move in together.
[cut to a side view where you see Chuck and Sarah looking at each other then look at Casey. The scene ends with a close up of Casey’s face as he exudes a look of professionalism with a hint of a smirk on his face]
[The scene begins around lunch time with the façade of Weinerlicious and inside you see Chuck and Sarah sitting down having a conversation about the living arrangements that Casey suggested to Beckman and Graham]
Chuck: [looks straight ahead]So we’re moving in together…that’s a big step in our relationship. What…we’ve only known each other close to a year now. Don’t get me wrong, I want to but on my own terms...not forced to because of Fulcrum or any other bad guy out there.
Sarah: [looks at Chuck]Relax Chuck. Look at me…[Chuck looks at Sarah]…we faced far greater obstacles than this together. [smiles]Besides…would your rather live in a bunker or with me?
Chuck: [grins]You of course
Sarah: [smirks]Then what’s the problem?
Chuck: [tapping finger on table] Call me old fashioned…but I’m the type of guy who would like to get to know more about a woman before ever taking the big step in moving in together. The only things I really know about you is that you don’t like black olives on your vegetarian pizza, when you’re lying you sigh first, and you like to throw knives at alarm clocks.[cut to Sarah chuckling] I would like to know more about you, but I know you can’t tell me not only for your protection, by also my protection as well.
Sarah: [smiles]When the time is right…I’ll eventually tell you everything.
Chuck: [nodding]Yeah…I know. [looks at watch and in a joking tone]Are you ready now?
[cut to Sarah punching Chuck in the arm but moves to avoid it as he laughs]
Sarah: Anyways…they will call use once they make their decision.
[cut to Chuck noticing that Sarah is lost in thought as she rubbing the gold locket between her fingers]
Chuck: [looks at the gold locket and then at Sarah]You know…if you keep rubbing that any harder you’re gonna melt it.
Sarah: [looks at Chuck and then at the gold locket]Sorry…I was just thinking about the night you gave this to me at the beach. I have never been given a gift like this before…especially one that represents so special and absolutely priceless...your heart.
Chuck: [reaches over, puts gold locket in his hand, opens it up, and then looks at into Sarah’s eyes]You put a picture of me in there.
Sarah: [looks at picture and then into Chuck’s eyes]No matter where I am I know you’ll always be with me close to my heart.
[cut to chuck and Sarah sharing a moment and after a while its broken up by Chuck’s cell phone ringing leading him to answer it. After a second or two he hangs up]
Sarah: [curious look]Who was it?
Chuck: [looks at Sarah]It’s Ellie…she called to say she’s made three appointments to interview wedding planners tomorrow.
Sarah: That’s good news
Chuck: Yeah… it is good news and things have been hectic for her trying to take care of everything all by herself. Hiring a wedding planner will not only takes all the pressure off her shoulders it also prevent Awesome, my dad, or myself from experiencing bodily harm.
Sarah: [tilts her head]You’re joking right?
Chuck: [looks at Sarah]Last week she threw the toaster at me nearly hitting me in the head and I didn’t even do anything wrong. Luckily, she’s a bad aim. I know you’re a trained spy who can take on anybody…but watch out or you’ll probably end up injured or knocked out by a stressed out bride-to-be.
[cut to Sarah laughing]
Sarah: [grins]Oh great…thanks for the warning. I have to go with her to not only have my bridesmaid dress fitted next week, but have her wedding dressed fitted as well.
Chuck: My suggestion...remove any heavy objects just in case she gets angry at you. Better to be safe than sorry.
[cut to Sarah and Chuck laughing leading the scene to switch from an afternoon at Weinerlicious to an evening at Casa Bartoswki. You see Chuck walk in]
Chuck: [yells out]Sis? Awesome? Morgan?
[Chuck walks over the fridge takes out a brew, opens it, and starts drinking it. He notices a notepad at the table with the cordless phone right beside it and out of curiosity he looks at the three names of the wedding planners that she’ll be interviewing tomorrow. The first name, Fran Donolly, causes him to flash leading him to see images of a wanted poster and 10 counts of marriage fraud]
Chuck: [talking out loud]Ms. Donolly…if that is your real name…you’re not planning my sister’s wedding. Note to self, call the police and make sure to give them this number.
[cut to Chuck reading the second name, Mary Fiore, causing him to flash again leading him to see images of Ashworth University, diploma, Ph.D., and the business name Eventful]
Chuck: [out loud]Ms. Fiore…you pass.
[cut to Chuck reading the final name, Michelle Mitrokhin, leading him to flash seeing images of a former KGB operative, member of the Cambridge Five, passports, the name Nadia Penkovsky and FBI, NSA, C.I.A, and Interpol’s most wanted list causing him to immediately snap out of it]
Chuck: [freaks out]Oh boy
[The scene ends with Chuck quickly taking out his phone and calling Casey about who he flashed on and gives him the information]
[The scene begins the next day around noon in the courtyard of Casa Bartowski where you see Michelle Mitrokhin aka Nadia Penkovsky walking up to Ellie’s door and about to knock on when Casey along with Chuck stands behind her]
Casey: Michelle Mitrokhin
Nadia: [turns around]Yes, young man, do I know you?
Casey: [holds up badge]No ma’am, but I do know you or should I say your true name…[holds up folder]…Nadia Penkovsky.
Chuck: Nadia Penkovsky…former KGB and member of The Cambridge Five. You were responsible for not only leading a failed coup de tat against Mikhail Gorbachev, but also stealing secrets from our government and selling them to the highest bidder.
Nadia: [looks down, then looks up, grins, and looks at Chuck]It’s been at least 40 years since I’ve been known by that name. [walking up to both Chuck and Casey]Is this the end of the road for me?
Casey: I’m afraid so…my orders are to take you in.
Chuck: [looks at Penkovsky]If its any consolation, you were the next qualified candidate to be my sister’s wedding planner.
[cut to Nadia smirking and then looking at Casey]
Nadia: [curious tone]How were you able to find me?
Casey: Does it really matter? Its time to go ma’am.
[cut to Casey going over to arrest her when all of sudden Nadia back hands Casey in the face,knees him in the gut, and then a roudhouse kick to the face leading him to fall into the fountain. She then spins around, takes out a Fairbairn-Sykes Fighting Knife, grabs Chuck holding the knife to his neck, and uses his him as a shield to escape]
Chuck: [throwing hands in the air]Why am I always the human shield?
Nadia: You’ll be released in due time…I just need a head start for my escape and you’re going to help me.
Chuck: [nervous grin]Glad I could be of assistance. Listen…would it be all possible for you to surrender peacefully and quietly.
Nadia: [talking to Chuck and backing up towards the entrance way]I’m sorry young man…but I rather enjoy my freedom.
Chuck: [nervous laugh]Me too…we got something in common... only that I enjoy the freedom of living.
[cut to Nadia backing up with Chuck and when all of a sudden from out of the corner she gets hit in the face by the butt of a gun. You see Nadia falling down as she’s knocked out on ground]
Sarah: [looks at Chuck]Sorry I’m late….traffic was a killer. [looking at Casey who is walking up all wet] What happened to you?
Chuck: [looks at Casey and then at Sarah]He got beat up by a 60 year old wedding planner and fell into the fountain
[cut to Sarah laughing and then to Casey who is giving a low growl]
Sarah: [picks up Penkovsky] I’ll take her in while you[looks at Casey]go dry yourself off.
[cut to Sarah walking of with Penkovsky as Chuck pats Casey on the shoulder as he heads towards his apartment. Just as he does that Ellie walks out looking at Chuck and a soaked Casey]
Ellie: [looks at Casey]John…what happened to you?
Casey: [looks at Chuck and then at Ellie]Well…uhh…
Chuck: [chimes in]John was the tragic victim of a water balloon ambush at Buy More this morning… [looks at Casey who nods]…as you can see they got him good.
Ellie: [looks at Chuck]Okay…[looks around]…Did you happen to see a woman around…she was supposed be here at noon for her interview.
Chuck: [shakes head]Nope…how about you Casey?
Casey: [shaking head]Sorry…if you’ll excuse me I’m going to go change.
[cut to Casey walking off shaking his pant leg and while inside his apartment his phone rings leading him to answer it. On the other is General Beckman with their decision and then cut back Ellie resuming her talk with Chuck]
Ellie: This is the second wedding planner that hasn’t shown up…Fran Donolly’s secretary called and said she had to cancel...something about taking a 10 year sabaticle.
Chuck: [eyes widen]Oh really…sorry to hear that. Hey…I have a good feeling about Mary Fiore though. [cut to Ellie looking at Chuck] Oh yeah…I read the names on the notepad when I came in last night.
Ellie: [smiles at Chuck]Oh…I hope so little brother…I hope so.
[The scene moves a few hours later as you see Ellie talking with Mary Fiore and after an hour of doing business, as well as, taking a bit of time to chit chat Ellie hires her as her wedding planner. Ellie proceeds to walk her towards the door leading to a short conversation]
Mary: [shakes Ellie’s hand]Ms. Bartowski…Ellie…leave everything to me. You will have the perfect wedding you’ve always wanted since you were a little girl.
Ellie: [excited smile]I’m so happy to hear you say that. Thanks you so much.
Mary: [smiles]You’re welcome and we’ll start planning sometime this week. I’ll call you to set up a time. Have a nice day.
Ellie: [waves]You too.
[The scene ends with Ellie closing the door and then doing a little victory dance in celebration of not only hiring a wedding plan, but also putting the stress of planning the wedding in her hands]
[The scene begins in the evening at Casa Bartowski where you see Sarah, Chuck, Abe, and Awesome sitting at the table with Ellie standing at the front. She begins the conversation]
Ellie: [smiles]Thank you all for coming to this family meeting. I want to let you know I’ve hired a wedding planner. [raises arms in the air] Yay!
Abe: That’s great honey…now you can relax and stopping throw kitchen appliances at us.
[cut to Ellie giving her dad an apologetic smile]
Sarah: [smiles] Congratulations...I know the wedding planner you picked is going make your dream wedding a reality.
Awesome: [looks at Ellie]That’s awesome new babe.
Ellie: [smiles back at Sarah]It is awesome news…now I can breathe easier. That’s one major job that I don’t need to worry about.
Chuck: [chimes in]Speaking of jobs sis…Morgan would like to be a part of the wedding. Now before you say no…hear me out.
Ellie: [looks at Chuck]I’m listening
Chuck: You need ushers at your wedding right…well…Morgan will more than happy to take the position. Plus I know two guys that I know will be happy to help…besides…they oew me big time.
Ellie:[look of apprehension] I don't know Chuck.
Awesome: [looks at Ellie]Come on babe…what’s the worst that could happen?
[cut to Ellie giving a look to Awesome]
Abe: [chimes in]Honey…if it makes you feel any better Casey will be head usher and will be in charge to keep them in line.[looks at Chuck] Right son?
Chuck: [looks at Abe]You bet dad[Looks at Ellie]See…so how about it?
Ellie: [thinking]As long as John is in charge of those three…I’ll agree to it.
[cut to Morgan running in and hugging Ellie]
Morgan: [smiling]Thank you…thank you...thank you...I will not let you down.
Ellie: [trying to push back Morgan]Remember the no touch policy still stands.
Morgan: [quickly backing up]Okay…I won’t let you down Ellie...I promise.[looks at Chuck and starts pretend boxing him]Dude…thanks man. That’s why we’re a great team…you and me…like Crocket and Tubbs from Miami Vice.
[cut to Chuck giving a weird look to Morgan when Sarah elbows Chuck giving him a looking]
Chuck: [putting hands in the air]Excuse me…I would like to make an announcement myself.
[cut to Ellie sitting down next to Awesome and everybody else paying close attention]Since we’re all in good spirits I want to tell you [looks at Ellie and Awesome] that I’m moving out.
Ellie: [looks at Chuck]What? When did you decide this?
Chuck: [looks at Ellie]I’ve been thinking about it for quite some time. With you guys getting married soon I thought it best that you need your space and privacy.
Abe: [looking at Chuck]When are you moving out son?
Chuck: [looks at Abe]Not now…if that’s what your thinking.[looking at Ellie]Look sis…I think its time for to get my own place.[smiles]I appreciate you and Awesome putting up with me and all that you've done for me in the past 5 years, but I think I’m making the right decision here.
Ellie: [walks over and hugs Chuck]I’m proud of you Chuck.
[cut to Morgan breaking up the brother/sister moment]
Morgan: [looks at Chuck]Dude…that’s great news your moving out.
Chuck: [looks at Morgan]Why is that?
Morgan: Perfect opportunity for you and I to be roommates buddy. Plus…it gives me a reason to move out of my grandmother’s place.[puts hand up for a high five]
Sarah: [chimes in]I don’t think that’s going work Morgan.
Morgan: [puts hand down as he looks at Sarah]Why not?
Chuck: [puts his arm around Sarah]Because Morg…the reason I’m moving out is…[looks at Ellie, Awesome, Abe, and Morgan then to Sarah] I’m moving in with Sarah.
Awesome: [points at Chuck]Way to go Chuck…you made an awesome decision. You’re the man.
[cut to a stunned look on Morgan’s face]
Chuck: We talked it over and Sarah is going to move out of her apartment. We’re going to look for a place and once we find one to our liking…we’ll let you know where it is so we can have a house warming party.
Ellie: [smiles and messes with Chuck’s hair]My baby bro is growing up. [looks at Sarah] Sarah…take care of him for me will you and if he gives you any trouble at all…call me and I will come over there and kick his butt.
Sarah: [looks at Chuck chuckling and then at Ellie]No problem
[The episode ends with Sarah, Chuck, Abe, Ellie, and Awesome with all smiles as they have two things to celebrate. The final shot is of Morgan with a forced smile as he celebrates with the group, but when turns around to head out the door he has this disappointed look on his face realizing that it’s the beginning of the end]
[Fade to Black]
Tuesday, February 19, 2008
Chuck Vs. The Secret Admirer
[The episode opens with clips from what previously happened as you see Chuck angry at Jill for hiding the fact for the past 5 years that he has a son. You then see Chuck talking with his dad at Buy More talking about the dilemma he is when he flashes on Desmond Claudius who he later finds out he’s more than just a media mogul. Cut to a scene where Jill and Chuck are at the park with their son as they have a short conversation about him wanting to be in Charlie’s life leading to a moment inevitbaly cut short by the arrival of Sarah. After a short discussion that leads to them getting into Claudius’ night club firestorm you suddenly see Jill, Chuck, and Sarah drive off in Sarah’s car with a bleeding Charlie to the hospital. Cut to Casey’s arrival and putting the bloodied paper towel that was left behind in a plastic bag then walking off. Cut to later that night at the night club Firestorm where Chuck flashes on Claudius’ business associate Xiang Wan Po who is a shady character with a very dangerous past. You then see Sarah having a touching conversation with Abe when Casey walks up and reveals that Chuck is not Charlie’s biological father leading all three to look through the window at father and son playing around. The scene begins in Casey’s going more in depth with the information that he found]
Sarah: [serious tone]Are you sure the DNA results are correct?
Casey: [looks at Sarah]I had the lab techs at the warehouse test it at least three times and it confirms that Chuck is not Charlie’s father. Walker…I thought you of all people would be glad to hear this news.
Sarah: [defensive tone]This is not about me Casey…its about Chuck and how he’s going to take the news that Charlie is not his son. Its going to leave him devastated and heartbroken.
Casey: [offensive tone]Oh come on Walker...I know that you’re smiling inside and you can’t wait to go in there and tell Bartowski that Jill may have been lying to him about being the father.
Sarah: [angered tone]You have no idea how I’m feeling or what I’m even thinking for that matter so back off…or else!
Casey: [smirks]What are you going to do about it Walker? Get all emotional on me?
[Cut to Abe getting in between Sarah and Casey to calm the situation down before a fight breaks out]
Abe: [low forceful tone as he looks at Casey and Sarah]All right you two…cool it. I know you two care about my son. [looks at Casey]Well…okay…one of you does more than the other. Anyways, we have to give him as much support now more than ever.
Sarah: [looks at Casey and then at Abe]Fine…for Chuck.
Casey:[looks at Abe and then at Sarah]All right…for Bartowski’s sake.
Abe: [looks at Casey]Did the DNA results find out who the real father is?
Casey: Yes it did…the father is….
[Just as he is about to say who the father is Jill and Chuck who is holding Charlie walk out the door. They see Sarah, Casey, and Abe standing there and begin to talk to them]
Chuck: [smiles]Hey Sarah…dad…Casey [All three acknowledge with a nod/wav/grunt and then Chuck looks at Jill]Jill I know you’ve met Sarah…this handsome gentlemen is my dad Abraham Bartowski.
Abe: [smiles]Nice to meet you and call me Abe for short young lady. [looks at Charlie]So…this is my grandson.
[cut to Sarah and Casey looking at Abe who gives them a look]
Chuck: [looks at Charlie]Yeah Charlie...that’s you grandpa…you’ll have plenty of time to get to know him. [looks at Jill and then points at Casey]And that is John Casey…he works for me at Buy More. He’s a hard worker and yet his customer service needs a bit of work.
[cut to Casey giving a low growl leading Chuck’s smile to turn into a slight look of fear]
Jill: [grins]Nice to meet you Abe and Casey[looks at watch and then at Chuck]Hey…you better get going if you want to beat the traffic to Logan Street Elementary School. I don’t want our son to be late.
[cut to Sarah biting her lipe as she has that look of wanting to reveal to him what she just found out about Charlie]
Chuck: [impresonating Ace Ventura]All righty then…let’s go big guy.[cut to Jill and Chuck holding Charlie’s hand as they head to the Nerd Herder when Chuck suddenly stops, turns around and looks at Sarah]Oh…hey…Sarah…our plans for tommorrow night…
Sarah: [gives a forced smile as she interrupts Chuck]I’ll understand if you need to cancel them.
[cut to Chuck giving the wait a minute gesture to Jill and Charlie and walking towards Sarah]
Chuck: [looks at Sarah]Are you kidding me…it’s still on. I know things have been a bit hectic with everything that’s happened, but I just want you to know I have something special planned for you.
Sarah: [smiling as she gives that all-too-familiar look]What is it?
Chuck: [smiles]It’s a surprise.
[Chuck proceeds to hold both her hands and looks into her eyes leading to Sarah to blushingly smile. Cut to Jill who looks looks away, Abe who has a small grin on his face, and Casey who has this annoyed look on his face as he sees Chuck and Sarah sharing a moment. You then suddenly hear a cough from Jill breaking up the moment and tapping her watch]
Jill: [breaks up moment as she looks at Chuck]We got to go.
Chuck: [looks at Jill and then at Sarah]Got to run…we’ll talk later.
[cut to Chuck jogging over to Jill and Charlie]
Sarah: [waving and talking under her breathe]Yes we do…yes we do.
[The opening scene ends with Sarah looking at Jill, Charlie, and Chuck walk off and then turns around to look at Abe and then Casey who is tapping the folder that has the name of Charlie’s father]
[The scene begins in the afternoon at Buy More where you see everybody busy at work when a delivery person drops off a pre-Valentine’s Day gift basket filled with Oreo cookies at the nerd herd desk where Abe, Jeff , Lester, and Anna are working at leading Anna to begin the conversation as they open it up to partake in the sugary double stuffed goodness that is creamy the red filling]
Anna: [looks at the gift basket and thinks out loud]Morgan...you shouldn’t have.
Abe: That was nice of Morgan, especially before Valentine’s Day.
Jeff: [looks at gift basket]What a lame gift
Lester: You got that right brother.
[cut to Jeff and Lester doing a fist tap and then Abe giving them a look]
Abe: [looks at Jeff and Lester]And when was the last time you received something special before or on Valentine’s Day?
Jeff: [looks at Anna]Does a restraining order count?
Chuck: [walking up joining the conversation]That’s not special Jeff…that’s just disturbingly creepy.[looks at gift basket] So whose this for?
Anna: [smiling]Its from my Morgan...its his way of telling me that I’m doubly sweet and its from the bottom of his heart filled with love.
Lester: [raising left eyebrow]Are you sure? What it says to me is that you’re smothering him in the relationship that you stuffed him into not being able to let him move. [cut to everybody just staring at Lester]Not letting him be able to breathe. [tugging at his collar] He wants out I tell you…he wants out! [looks at Anna and grabs her by both arms]For crying out loud woman, let the man out!
[cut to Anna escaping Lester’s grip and slapping him in the face not one, not twice, but three times. You then see Lester coming back from wherever he went off to as he holds both his cheeks]
Lester: [holding his cheeks as he’s comforted by Jeff] Thank you…I needed that.
[cut to Lester straightening his tie, fixing his hair, and then walking away with Jeff in tow with the little dignity he has left after being slapped by Anna]
Anna: You’re welcome [looks at everybody]Does anybody else need to be slapped?[cut to everybody backing up a bit and holding up their hands] Okay then…where’s is Morgan so I can properly thank him.
[cut to Chuck looking around and eventually spots him hiding behind the Call of Duty poster mouthing its not from me]
Chuck: [looks at Morgan, then Anna, and then inside the basket]Hey…there’s a card.
Anna: [grabs card and smiles]That’s mine
Chuck: Ummm…Anna…I don’t think...
Anna: [interrupts Chuck and gives him a glaring, sinister look]You don’t think what?
Chuck: [hiding behind Abe]Nothing....absolutely nothing
[Cut to Anna ripping open the envelope, reading it, throwing it down in disgust, and then walking off. You then see upward shot of Abe, Jeff, Lester, Chuck, and Morgan who was waiting for the coast to be clear creep up to see who the gift basket was for stand over theenvelope that Anna threw down. Chuck then proceeds to pick it up to read it and just as he does Casey walks by hauling several boxes of Xbox systems]
Casey: [looks at cookies]Hey…free oreos and double stuffed…my favorite. Awesome[thinks out loud and shakes his head]I’ve been hanging around Ellie’s fiancé too long. [eats some more Oreos and then looks at everybody]Who’s this for?
Chuck: [reads the card and then has a smirk on his face as he looks at Casey]You…from your secret admirer.
[cut to Casey who has this surprised deer staring in the headlights look as he bites into an Oreo cookie. The scene shifts from Buy More to the façade of Firestorm and inside the quietness of the building you Jill working on several more computers in order to fix problems on behalf of Claudius’ request. You then see her end up in his office and as she starts working on his computer to fix possible problems, she stumbles on certain encrypted files that intrigue her. Out of curiosity, she starts to decoding the encrypted files inevitably slipping through a backdoor firewall. She eventually sees the information, downloads it on to a disc and then immediately leaves the building. As you see her leave you then see a close up of Claudius’ associates walking into camera view. The scene ends with him presumably calling Desmond Claudius to inform him of the situation]
[The scene begins with the façade of Weinerlicious and inside you see Chuck having lunch with Sarah. You see they’re laughing and joking around wih each other like a couple of school kids. You then hear Chuck begin the conversation that turns gradually serious]
Chuck: [looks at Sarah]I know this has been hard on you with Jill and Charlie showing up out of the blue like this.
Sarah: [forced smile and sighing]It all right
Chuck: Your lying
Sarah: [looks at Chuck]How do you know?
Chuck: [grins]Well, for one thing you usually give a sigh when something bothers you and I know your real smile from the smile you’re giving me now. Listen…I know having both Jill and Charlie here makes it an uncomfortable situation, but you have to face facts…they’re a part of my…our lives now.
Sarah: [looks down and then puts her head on Chuck’s shoulder]I know…its just bad timing.
Chuck: [kisses her forehead]If I could turn back time I would go back, but what happened…happened. Anyways, I have something special planned for you that I know you will enjoy.
Sarah: [face brightens up]What is it? I want to know.
Chuck: [smiles]Well…it wouldn't be special if you knew about it wouldn’t it? You’ll find out soon enough.
[cut to Scooter walking up behind Sarah and telling her something]
Scooter: [demanding tone] Ms. Walker, your break is almost over so I suggest you quickly finish whatever your planning for Valentine’s Day in 5 minutes.
Sarah: [looks at Scooter]Don’t you have anyone special in your life for Valentine’s Day? A girlfriend…a secret admirer at least? It might loosen you up more?
Scooter: [looks at Sarah]I have my mother…she the only woman who truly loves me. [walks to the back]
Sarah: [turns around and looks at Chuck]Wow…That explains a lot.
[cut to Chuck trying not to burst out laughing]
Scooter: [annoucing from the back]4 minutes Ms. Walker
[cut to Sarah rolling her eyes and drinking her soft drink]
Chuck: [changes the subject]Hey…speaking of secret admirer…Casey has one.
Sarah: [spits out her soft drinking and quickly looks at Chuck]Are you serious? What did he get? Who is it?
Chuck: [looks at the customer seated next to Sarah]Sorry about that Ma’am. She has the hiccups.
[cut to a soda soaked woman with a perturbed look on her face sitting and then getting up to head out the door]
Chuck: [looks at the lady walking out and then at Sarah]Yes I’m serious…a gift basket filled with Oreo Cookies…and we don’t know.
Sarah: Was there anything in the gift basket other than the Oreo Cookies?
Chuck: [grins]Funny that you mention that…there was a miniature bonsai tree in the middle of the basket. All Casey did was pick it up and then had this look on his face that he knew who sent it to him.
Sarah: [thinking]I wonder who is crazy enough to send Casey a Valentine gift basket full of Oreo cookies?
Chuck: [looking at watch] I don’t know…but I do know one thing…[points both fingers at himself] this guy who is crazy for you[points two fingers at Sarah]is going back to work.
[You then see Chuck kiss Sarah on the cheek and head out the door. As he is walking in the parking lot, his cell phone rings and when he answers it he hears the voice of Jill. She tells him to meet him at her company Everkwest Inc. The scene ends with Chuck getting in the nerd herder and heads out to where she is]
[The scene begins in evening with the façade of Everkwest Inc. where you see Chuck arrive and then head into the building. Cut to Chuck and Jill looking at the files leading to Chuck to begin the discussion]
Chuck: [looks at Jill]You have to take this to authorities right away.
Jill: [serious look]You know I can’t…Claudius has connections and he’ll use them to get this CD back…no…I’m using this as leverage.
Chuck: [looking at Jill and then paces around]What are you out of your mind? What about Charlie? Have you thought about the danger you’re putting him in?
Jill: [look on contemplation] I thought about that…Chuck if anything happens to me I want you to take care of him…after all he’s your son.
Chuck: [looks and then hugs Jill]Look, I care about you…I don’t want you do anything stupid that will get you killed leaving our son without a mother.
Jill: [smiling while in the embrace]Can I ask you a question?
Chuck: [looks at Jill]Sure...what is it?
Jill: [give him a look]Do you still love me? The reason I’m asking is because I still love you and there’s not a day that goes by that I still think about you.
Chuck: [looks down]Jill…I…
[cut to Jill suddenly initiating a kiss that turns deeply passionate as she runs her hands through his hair leading Chuck to be in the moment. After a couple of seconds Chuck backs up keeping Jill at arm’s distance. She sees him with his eyes closed holding both hands in the air]
Jill: [yearning look]Tell me you still have feelings for me…tell me you still love me…tell me there possibly is still hope for us.
Chuck: [eyes closed]Jill…I…love…
Jill: [holding both hands close to her heart]Yes?
Chuck: I love…[opens eyes]…more than anything to tell you that I still have feelings for you or that I love you, but…things have changed…I love Sarah. All I can ever be for you is just a friend.
Jill: [in tears]Is that all..just friends?
Chuck: [takes a deep breathe]That’s all I can give you…my friendship. [cut to a look of devastating disappointment on Jill’s face]Sarah…[points and looks to the side]…she was there for me when I needed it the most and she brought back not only hope within my heart that I lost 5 years ago, but the confidence to be straight up and forward. So I stand here and say this to you…[pointing at Jill and then hold his chest]…I’m sorry if you thought if there was any hope for us, but I moved on and you have to realize that. You and I will always be connected by our son.
Jill: [forced smiled]Hey, you can’t blame a girl for trying.
Chuck: [smiling]Hey, you'll find a guy who will love you unconditionally as I do Sarah.
[cut to Jill mustering a smile through her tears]
Jill: [looks at Chuck]Sarah’s a lucky woman to have a special guy like you.
Chuck: [grins]Yeah…well…[changes the subject and gives a serious look to Jill]…Listen…I know some people who I can trust…give me the disc and don’t worry…they’re the good guys.
Jill: Are you sure?
[cut to Jill handing Chuck the disc]
Chuck: Yeah…what I want you to do is pick up Charlie from School…go home…and wait for my call. Can you do that for me?
Jill: Yeah I can…[cut to Chuck and Jill about to head out the door when she says something]…Chuck
Chuck: [looks out the office door and then at Jill] Yeah
Jill: I want you to know that I never meant to hurt you.
Chuck: [giving a look of acknowledgement] We better get going.
[cut to both Chuck and Jill leaving Everkwest Inc and heading off in different directions. The scene with Chuck calling Sarah to meet him and Casey at his apartment pronto]
[The scene begins at Casey’s apartment where you see Sarah and Casey waiting there. Just then the door opens with Chuck walking in and then proceeds to speak]
Chuck: [hold up disc]We have the evidence we need to take down Claudius and Pan Wo.
Casey:[looks at Chuck]Good job Bartowski…we’ll inform General Beckman and C.I.A Director Graham.[looks at Sarah as if motioning to tell him]
Sarah: [looks at Casey and then at Chuck]Chuck…we need to talk about something really important…its concerning Charlie.
Chuck: [curious tone]What about him…what about my son?
Sarah: That just it…he’s not your son.
Chuck: [looks at Sarah and then Casey]Of course he is…come on guys are you playing a joke on me because if you are…its not funny.
Casey: [looks at Chuck]We’re not joking Bartowski and I have the proof right here.[holds up folder]
[cut to Casey handing over the folder to Chuck and him opening up to read it]
Chuck: [reads it, looks down,and then shakes head]You got to be kidding…you’re telling me that Charlie’s father is…is…Allan Watterman? The same Allan Watterman from my Stanford days who I bumped into while you, Casey I were looking for La Cuidad. The same Allan Watterman who is involved in insider trading, and has offshore accounts in the Cayman Islands?
Casey: [looks at Chuck]Yup…that douche bag.
Chuck: [looks at Sarah and then smirks]Remind me to inform the proper authorities about him and his offshore accounts in the Cayman Islands. I never really liked anyways.
Sarah: Are you okay?
Chuck: [chuckles a bit]Huh…yeah...I’m okay…for a split second I actually thought I was going to read Bryce’s name.
Sarah: [looks at Chuck]Good thing he wasn’t…if Charlie were Bryce’s son and Fulcrum knew about it…they would use it against him. It would put not only him in even more danger, but Charlie in danger as well.
Chuck: [looks at Sarah]I have to call Jill to tell her that we have things under control[cut to Chuck calling Jill and as he is doing that looks at Casey] Did you ever find out who your secret admirer was that sent you the gift basket of Oreo cookies?
[cut to Sarah giving a look of disbelief]
Casey: [looks at Sarah]What?
Sarah: Nothing…I’m just surprised that’s all.
[cut to Chuck smiling and then after a few seconds gets Jill on the phone]
Voice of Jill: Chuck?
Chuck: [talking on cell]Yeah…its me…are you and Charlie okay?
Voice of Jill: We’re both fine
Chuck: Listen…sit tight…I’m bringing the good guys over so…
Voice of Jill: Chuck…don’t…
[cut to a close up of Chuck’s face as there is a seemingly long silence at the other end]
Chuck: [yells into phone]Jill…are you there? Jill!
Voice of Claudius:] Mr. Bartowski…if you want to see Ms. Anderson and her son alive again come to Club Firestorm and alone. Bring the disc. [phone clicks off]
Chuck: [looks at Casey and Sarah]Claudius has her.
Casey: So let’s get going…I haven’t shot anyone in a while.
[cut to Chuck looking at Casey]
Chuck: [looks straight ahead]No…I’m going in there alone. I have to or he’ll kill them both.
[The scene ends with a Casey and Sarah in the background as you see close of him as he grips the disc in his hands tapping it on his forehead]
[The scene begins at midnight at a packed club Firestorm where you see Chuck enters and then escorted to Claudius’ office. When he walks in he sees Jill and Charlie sitting there scared, as well as, Xiang Wan Po near Claudius’ desk. Claudius leads the conversation]
Claudius: [looking out into the crowd and then at Chuck]Where’s my disc?
Chuck: [holds up disc]I have it…now let them go. Do we have a deal?
Claudius: [looks at Chuck]Deal[cut to Claudius walking over to Chuck. taking the disc, looking at Chuck, and punching him in the stomach leading him to fall to the ground]On second thought…no deal. Wan Po my friend…[motions to him and then to Chuck]if you will.
[Cut to Wan Po nodding, walking over/ picking up chuck and then doing a round house kick right to the face]
Jill: [pleading to Claudius]Stop it!
Claudius: [smirks]Oh…no my dear. We’re just getting started.[nods to Wan Po]
[Cut to Wan Po picking up Chuck, kneeing him in the gut, and then a double axe handle blow to the back causing him floor to the floor again. You then see Jill comforting a crying Charlie as he pleads to Claudius to stop]
Claudius: [looks at Jill and sighs]All right…looks at two of his associates] Kill them and do it quietly.
[cut to Claudius and Wan Po leaving his office. You then see Jill and Charlie run over to Chuck who shields them from the two associates who are holding silencers. They walk over to the window, hold up their silencers to Jill/Chuck’s head, and just as they’re all about to pull the trigger all the lights go out in the club leading to several small explosions. Mass chaos erupts with the crowd heading toward the exits and you then see two people repelling and crashing through the window wearing black with night vision goggles on. From this point on you see the scene shot totally in night vision. The two people take out the two associates with ease and then head towards Chuck leading one of them to talk]
Sarah: [whispering in his ear]Chuck..its me Sarah…and Casey.
Chuck: [grinning]I thought I told you to stay back in the apartment?
Casey: [pats him on the shoulder and whispers in his ear]Sorry Bartowski…just like you tend to do…we hardly listen.
Casey: [whispers to Sarah]Take Bartowski, Jill, and Charlie to safety.
Sarah: [looks at Casey]What are you going to do?
Casey: [looks at the golf clubs in the corner]I’m going golfing.
[Sarah helps lead, Chuck, Jill and Charlie out the door to safety. Casey takes the golf bag and searches for Claudius and Wan Po in the dark, who haven’t really gone far. They are near the bar trying to avoid all the customers who are stampeding out of the club. Casey grabs a 9 iron, slowly walks down the stairs, walks over to Claudius first who beside the bar, taps him on the shoulder with the golf club. Cut to Claudius turning around to see who it is]
Casey: [yelling]FOUR!
[You then see Casey knock Claudius out cold with one swing leading Wan Po to back up as he stumbles around in the dark. Casey drops the 9 iron and pulls out a driver. He hits Wan with a round house to the face causing him to fall to the ground. Wan Po gets up bleeding and as he does so gets a driver in the gut and then one to the side of the head leading Wan Po to fall to his knees doubled over in pain]
Wan Po: [holding hands together and screams out]Mercy!
[cut to Casey about to swing for the fences but then decides the better of it and just punches him in the face knocking him out Casey takes off his goggles and as he does the the lights turn on. You see a smirk on Casey face as he stands over Claudius and Wan Po leading him to take the driver, looks at the club head, blows some dirt off it, and then places it back in the bag. Casey takes the golf bag minus the 9 iron and walks out of Firestorm as agents head in to arrest the bad guys. The scene the switches to the Buy More Home Theater room Casey and Sarah have a short conversation with Beckman and Graham]
Beckman: How is Mr. Bartowksi doing?
Sarah: [looks at Beckman]He’s banged up…but he’ll recover. What about Claudius and Wan Po?
Beckman: [grins]They’ll be taken care like their predecessors before them.
Sarah: Jill and Charlie…will they be safe?
Graham: For the time being…if it were my suggestion they should relocate.
Casey: [looks at Sarah]We’ll take care of it sir.
[The scene ends with Casey and Sarah looking at each other as they plan on what to do with Jill and Charlie]
[The scene begins right around closing time at Buy More where you see Chuck in his office doing paperwork, Jeff/Lester in the hole, and Abe/Anna at the info desk. All of sudden you hear Morgan’s voice on the loud speaker leading everybody in the store including Anna to pay attention]
Voice of Morgan: Testing…1..2..3…Okay…Anna this is for you
Chuck: [stepping out of his office and thinks out loud to himself]Oh the Beatles...this is not going to be good at all.
Voice of Morgan: Anna I haven’t made any plans for tonight so I’m going to do this...[starts singing…badly]I want to hold your hand...I want to hold your hand….I want to hold your hand…Oh please, say to me…You'll let me be your man….And please, say to me…You'll let me hold your hand...
[cut to Casey in the back putting his fingers in his ears at the pure torture of it all]
[After a few moments you then see Morgan walk out and heading towards Anna still singing. Cut to everybody in the store just looking at Morgan as he inevitably stands in front of Anna. As he is about to sing one more line Anna covers his mouth leading her to say something]
Anna: [looks at Morgan]Morgan…[cut to Chuck, Abe, Lester, and Jeff preparing themselves see Anna punch in the face]…That was beautiful…you sang to me.
Morgan: [smiles]I just wanted to do something special so…
[Before Morgan could finish the sentence Anna grabs him by the hand and pulls him towards the break room. Cut to Chuck look at all this and says something]
Chuck: [grins]They make one…happy…dysfunctional couple.
[cut to Casey Walking up]
Casey: [looks at Chuck]Jill and Charlie are currently relocating to Italy as we speak.
Chuck: [grins]So how is the new computer analyst for one of the C.I.A’s cover businesses.
Casey: She’s going to be well protected Bartowski even if Charlie isn’t your son…don’t you worry about. [looks at Chuck]I have to ask…why didn’t you tell her?
Chuck: [looks at Casey]She’s already been through enough...besides…we’ll still keep in contact.
[cut to a 5’6, 29 year old petite woman, brunette hair, brown eyes, wearing jeans, red halter top, a brown jacket, and high heels looking around for someone]
Chuck: [looks at the woman and points finger in air]Ma’am do...
Casey: [interrupts him as he looks at the woman]She’s not a customer…[looks at Chuck and smirks]She’s my secret admirer...my date.[waves at woman who waves back at Casey]
Chuck: What’s her name? What does she do?
Casey: [looks at woman]Her name is Jayne Richardson…she works at YamaGushi’s Bonsai Nursery. [looks at Chuck] She was one the one who sent the gift basket filled with Oreo Cookies.
Chuck: [looks at Casey]Where are you going on your date?
Casey: [looks at Chuck]If must know...the firing range...[cut to Chuck giving a weird look to Casey and then Casey looking at Chuck]...She's a member of the NRA...my kind of woman.
[cut to Chuck smiling at Casey who is walking towards Jayne and as they leave out the door Casey looks back giving Chuck a wink]
[The scene swtiches to around 8:30pm, Valentine’s Day night, as you Sarah in her apartment wondering what her surprise is that Chuck has planned. Suddenly you hear Sarah’s cell phone ring leading her to answer it. From the look on her face its Chuck and after a few moments she heads out the door in a red cocktail dress. She gets in her car and heads off to the spot that is considered special to both of them…the beach. After a few moments she arrives and when she walks up over the hill…she sees the most beautiful sight. She sees 4 tiki torches surrounding a blanket with a picnic basket sitting on, and finally Chuck with no shoes standing there wearing all white holding a dozen roses]
Chuck: [smiling]Surprise
[cut to Sarah just smiling and then walking towards Chuck. You and then a montage of clips of Sarah and Chuck having dinner on the beach and as the song The Rose by Westlife plays. Moments later you see Chuck and Sarah dancing in the sand with the backdrop the moon behind them leading Sarah to say something]
Sarah: [putting her head on Chuck’s heart]Thank you Chuck.
Chuck: [whispering in her ear]For what?
Sarah: [looks into Chuck’s eyes]Making my Valentine’s Day one that I will never forget as long as I live.
Chuck: [looks into Sarah’s eyes]It gets better[cut to Chuck getting down on one knee]
Sarah: [eyes widen]Chuck?
Chuck: [looks up at Sarah]Sarah Walker…my heart belongs to you…[opening box revealing a small gold locket]
[cut to an stunned Sarah who thought Chuck may have been porposing. She's has that disappointed and yet relieved look]
Chuck: [looks up at Sarah]Open it
[She takes the gold locket, opens it, and then reads the enscription out loud]
Sarah: My heart is yours, for all time.
Chuck: [stands up and looks into Sarah's eyes as he holds her hands]Do you accept?
Sarah: [in tears]Yes..I do.
[Cut to Chuck putting both hands gently on Sarah’s face as he goes in for a deeply, romantic kiss Sarah just goes with it and they both lost in the moment. You then see a full length shot of both of them still kissing leading the camera to the right as the episode ends with the shot of the moon]
[Fade to Black]
Sarah: [serious tone]Are you sure the DNA results are correct?
Casey: [looks at Sarah]I had the lab techs at the warehouse test it at least three times and it confirms that Chuck is not Charlie’s father. Walker…I thought you of all people would be glad to hear this news.
Sarah: [defensive tone]This is not about me Casey…its about Chuck and how he’s going to take the news that Charlie is not his son. Its going to leave him devastated and heartbroken.
Casey: [offensive tone]Oh come on Walker...I know that you’re smiling inside and you can’t wait to go in there and tell Bartowski that Jill may have been lying to him about being the father.
Sarah: [angered tone]You have no idea how I’m feeling or what I’m even thinking for that matter so back off…or else!
Casey: [smirks]What are you going to do about it Walker? Get all emotional on me?
[Cut to Abe getting in between Sarah and Casey to calm the situation down before a fight breaks out]
Abe: [low forceful tone as he looks at Casey and Sarah]All right you two…cool it. I know you two care about my son. [looks at Casey]Well…okay…one of you does more than the other. Anyways, we have to give him as much support now more than ever.
Sarah: [looks at Casey and then at Abe]Fine…for Chuck.
Casey:[looks at Abe and then at Sarah]All right…for Bartowski’s sake.
Abe: [looks at Casey]Did the DNA results find out who the real father is?
Casey: Yes it did…the father is….
[Just as he is about to say who the father is Jill and Chuck who is holding Charlie walk out the door. They see Sarah, Casey, and Abe standing there and begin to talk to them]
Chuck: [smiles]Hey Sarah…dad…Casey [All three acknowledge with a nod/wav/grunt and then Chuck looks at Jill]Jill I know you’ve met Sarah…this handsome gentlemen is my dad Abraham Bartowski.
Abe: [smiles]Nice to meet you and call me Abe for short young lady. [looks at Charlie]So…this is my grandson.
[cut to Sarah and Casey looking at Abe who gives them a look]
Chuck: [looks at Charlie]Yeah Charlie...that’s you grandpa…you’ll have plenty of time to get to know him. [looks at Jill and then points at Casey]And that is John Casey…he works for me at Buy More. He’s a hard worker and yet his customer service needs a bit of work.
[cut to Casey giving a low growl leading Chuck’s smile to turn into a slight look of fear]
Jill: [grins]Nice to meet you Abe and Casey[looks at watch and then at Chuck]Hey…you better get going if you want to beat the traffic to Logan Street Elementary School. I don’t want our son to be late.
[cut to Sarah biting her lipe as she has that look of wanting to reveal to him what she just found out about Charlie]
Chuck: [impresonating Ace Ventura]All righty then…let’s go big guy.[cut to Jill and Chuck holding Charlie’s hand as they head to the Nerd Herder when Chuck suddenly stops, turns around and looks at Sarah]Oh…hey…Sarah…our plans for tommorrow night…
Sarah: [gives a forced smile as she interrupts Chuck]I’ll understand if you need to cancel them.
[cut to Chuck giving the wait a minute gesture to Jill and Charlie and walking towards Sarah]
Chuck: [looks at Sarah]Are you kidding me…it’s still on. I know things have been a bit hectic with everything that’s happened, but I just want you to know I have something special planned for you.
Sarah: [smiling as she gives that all-too-familiar look]What is it?
Chuck: [smiles]It’s a surprise.
[Chuck proceeds to hold both her hands and looks into her eyes leading to Sarah to blushingly smile. Cut to Jill who looks looks away, Abe who has a small grin on his face, and Casey who has this annoyed look on his face as he sees Chuck and Sarah sharing a moment. You then suddenly hear a cough from Jill breaking up the moment and tapping her watch]
Jill: [breaks up moment as she looks at Chuck]We got to go.
Chuck: [looks at Jill and then at Sarah]Got to run…we’ll talk later.
[cut to Chuck jogging over to Jill and Charlie]
Sarah: [waving and talking under her breathe]Yes we do…yes we do.
[The opening scene ends with Sarah looking at Jill, Charlie, and Chuck walk off and then turns around to look at Abe and then Casey who is tapping the folder that has the name of Charlie’s father]
[The scene begins in the afternoon at Buy More where you see everybody busy at work when a delivery person drops off a pre-Valentine’s Day gift basket filled with Oreo cookies at the nerd herd desk where Abe, Jeff , Lester, and Anna are working at leading Anna to begin the conversation as they open it up to partake in the sugary double stuffed goodness that is creamy the red filling]
Anna: [looks at the gift basket and thinks out loud]Morgan...you shouldn’t have.
Abe: That was nice of Morgan, especially before Valentine’s Day.
Jeff: [looks at gift basket]What a lame gift
Lester: You got that right brother.
[cut to Jeff and Lester doing a fist tap and then Abe giving them a look]
Abe: [looks at Jeff and Lester]And when was the last time you received something special before or on Valentine’s Day?
Jeff: [looks at Anna]Does a restraining order count?
Chuck: [walking up joining the conversation]That’s not special Jeff…that’s just disturbingly creepy.[looks at gift basket] So whose this for?
Anna: [smiling]Its from my Morgan...its his way of telling me that I’m doubly sweet and its from the bottom of his heart filled with love.
Lester: [raising left eyebrow]Are you sure? What it says to me is that you’re smothering him in the relationship that you stuffed him into not being able to let him move. [cut to everybody just staring at Lester]Not letting him be able to breathe. [tugging at his collar] He wants out I tell you…he wants out! [looks at Anna and grabs her by both arms]For crying out loud woman, let the man out!
[cut to Anna escaping Lester’s grip and slapping him in the face not one, not twice, but three times. You then see Lester coming back from wherever he went off to as he holds both his cheeks]
Lester: [holding his cheeks as he’s comforted by Jeff] Thank you…I needed that.
[cut to Lester straightening his tie, fixing his hair, and then walking away with Jeff in tow with the little dignity he has left after being slapped by Anna]
Anna: You’re welcome [looks at everybody]Does anybody else need to be slapped?[cut to everybody backing up a bit and holding up their hands] Okay then…where’s is Morgan so I can properly thank him.
[cut to Chuck looking around and eventually spots him hiding behind the Call of Duty poster mouthing its not from me]
Chuck: [looks at Morgan, then Anna, and then inside the basket]Hey…there’s a card.
Anna: [grabs card and smiles]That’s mine
Chuck: Ummm…Anna…I don’t think...
Anna: [interrupts Chuck and gives him a glaring, sinister look]You don’t think what?
Chuck: [hiding behind Abe]Nothing....absolutely nothing
[Cut to Anna ripping open the envelope, reading it, throwing it down in disgust, and then walking off. You then see upward shot of Abe, Jeff, Lester, Chuck, and Morgan who was waiting for the coast to be clear creep up to see who the gift basket was for stand over theenvelope that Anna threw down. Chuck then proceeds to pick it up to read it and just as he does Casey walks by hauling several boxes of Xbox systems]
Casey: [looks at cookies]Hey…free oreos and double stuffed…my favorite. Awesome[thinks out loud and shakes his head]I’ve been hanging around Ellie’s fiancé too long. [eats some more Oreos and then looks at everybody]Who’s this for?
Chuck: [reads the card and then has a smirk on his face as he looks at Casey]You…from your secret admirer.
[cut to Casey who has this surprised deer staring in the headlights look as he bites into an Oreo cookie. The scene shifts from Buy More to the façade of Firestorm and inside the quietness of the building you Jill working on several more computers in order to fix problems on behalf of Claudius’ request. You then see her end up in his office and as she starts working on his computer to fix possible problems, she stumbles on certain encrypted files that intrigue her. Out of curiosity, she starts to decoding the encrypted files inevitably slipping through a backdoor firewall. She eventually sees the information, downloads it on to a disc and then immediately leaves the building. As you see her leave you then see a close up of Claudius’ associates walking into camera view. The scene ends with him presumably calling Desmond Claudius to inform him of the situation]
[The scene begins with the façade of Weinerlicious and inside you see Chuck having lunch with Sarah. You see they’re laughing and joking around wih each other like a couple of school kids. You then hear Chuck begin the conversation that turns gradually serious]
Chuck: [looks at Sarah]I know this has been hard on you with Jill and Charlie showing up out of the blue like this.
Sarah: [forced smile and sighing]It all right
Chuck: Your lying
Sarah: [looks at Chuck]How do you know?
Chuck: [grins]Well, for one thing you usually give a sigh when something bothers you and I know your real smile from the smile you’re giving me now. Listen…I know having both Jill and Charlie here makes it an uncomfortable situation, but you have to face facts…they’re a part of my…our lives now.
Sarah: [looks down and then puts her head on Chuck’s shoulder]I know…its just bad timing.
Chuck: [kisses her forehead]If I could turn back time I would go back, but what happened…happened. Anyways, I have something special planned for you that I know you will enjoy.
Sarah: [face brightens up]What is it? I want to know.
Chuck: [smiles]Well…it wouldn't be special if you knew about it wouldn’t it? You’ll find out soon enough.
[cut to Scooter walking up behind Sarah and telling her something]
Scooter: [demanding tone] Ms. Walker, your break is almost over so I suggest you quickly finish whatever your planning for Valentine’s Day in 5 minutes.
Sarah: [looks at Scooter]Don’t you have anyone special in your life for Valentine’s Day? A girlfriend…a secret admirer at least? It might loosen you up more?
Scooter: [looks at Sarah]I have my mother…she the only woman who truly loves me. [walks to the back]
Sarah: [turns around and looks at Chuck]Wow…That explains a lot.
[cut to Chuck trying not to burst out laughing]
Scooter: [annoucing from the back]4 minutes Ms. Walker
[cut to Sarah rolling her eyes and drinking her soft drink]
Chuck: [changes the subject]Hey…speaking of secret admirer…Casey has one.
Sarah: [spits out her soft drinking and quickly looks at Chuck]Are you serious? What did he get? Who is it?
Chuck: [looks at the customer seated next to Sarah]Sorry about that Ma’am. She has the hiccups.
[cut to a soda soaked woman with a perturbed look on her face sitting and then getting up to head out the door]
Chuck: [looks at the lady walking out and then at Sarah]Yes I’m serious…a gift basket filled with Oreo Cookies…and we don’t know.
Sarah: Was there anything in the gift basket other than the Oreo Cookies?
Chuck: [grins]Funny that you mention that…there was a miniature bonsai tree in the middle of the basket. All Casey did was pick it up and then had this look on his face that he knew who sent it to him.
Sarah: [thinking]I wonder who is crazy enough to send Casey a Valentine gift basket full of Oreo cookies?
Chuck: [looking at watch] I don’t know…but I do know one thing…[points both fingers at himself] this guy who is crazy for you[points two fingers at Sarah]is going back to work.
[You then see Chuck kiss Sarah on the cheek and head out the door. As he is walking in the parking lot, his cell phone rings and when he answers it he hears the voice of Jill. She tells him to meet him at her company Everkwest Inc. The scene ends with Chuck getting in the nerd herder and heads out to where she is]
[The scene begins in evening with the façade of Everkwest Inc. where you see Chuck arrive and then head into the building. Cut to Chuck and Jill looking at the files leading to Chuck to begin the discussion]
Chuck: [looks at Jill]You have to take this to authorities right away.
Jill: [serious look]You know I can’t…Claudius has connections and he’ll use them to get this CD back…no…I’m using this as leverage.
Chuck: [looking at Jill and then paces around]What are you out of your mind? What about Charlie? Have you thought about the danger you’re putting him in?
Jill: [look on contemplation] I thought about that…Chuck if anything happens to me I want you to take care of him…after all he’s your son.
Chuck: [looks and then hugs Jill]Look, I care about you…I don’t want you do anything stupid that will get you killed leaving our son without a mother.
Jill: [smiling while in the embrace]Can I ask you a question?
Chuck: [looks at Jill]Sure...what is it?
Jill: [give him a look]Do you still love me? The reason I’m asking is because I still love you and there’s not a day that goes by that I still think about you.
Chuck: [looks down]Jill…I…
[cut to Jill suddenly initiating a kiss that turns deeply passionate as she runs her hands through his hair leading Chuck to be in the moment. After a couple of seconds Chuck backs up keeping Jill at arm’s distance. She sees him with his eyes closed holding both hands in the air]
Jill: [yearning look]Tell me you still have feelings for me…tell me you still love me…tell me there possibly is still hope for us.
Chuck: [eyes closed]Jill…I…love…
Jill: [holding both hands close to her heart]Yes?
Chuck: I love…[opens eyes]…more than anything to tell you that I still have feelings for you or that I love you, but…things have changed…I love Sarah. All I can ever be for you is just a friend.
Jill: [in tears]Is that all..just friends?
Chuck: [takes a deep breathe]That’s all I can give you…my friendship. [cut to a look of devastating disappointment on Jill’s face]Sarah…[points and looks to the side]…she was there for me when I needed it the most and she brought back not only hope within my heart that I lost 5 years ago, but the confidence to be straight up and forward. So I stand here and say this to you…[pointing at Jill and then hold his chest]…I’m sorry if you thought if there was any hope for us, but I moved on and you have to realize that. You and I will always be connected by our son.
Jill: [forced smiled]Hey, you can’t blame a girl for trying.
Chuck: [smiling]Hey, you'll find a guy who will love you unconditionally as I do Sarah.
[cut to Jill mustering a smile through her tears]
Jill: [looks at Chuck]Sarah’s a lucky woman to have a special guy like you.
Chuck: [grins]Yeah…well…[changes the subject and gives a serious look to Jill]…Listen…I know some people who I can trust…give me the disc and don’t worry…they’re the good guys.
Jill: Are you sure?
[cut to Jill handing Chuck the disc]
Chuck: Yeah…what I want you to do is pick up Charlie from School…go home…and wait for my call. Can you do that for me?
Jill: Yeah I can…[cut to Chuck and Jill about to head out the door when she says something]…Chuck
Chuck: [looks out the office door and then at Jill] Yeah
Jill: I want you to know that I never meant to hurt you.
Chuck: [giving a look of acknowledgement] We better get going.
[cut to both Chuck and Jill leaving Everkwest Inc and heading off in different directions. The scene with Chuck calling Sarah to meet him and Casey at his apartment pronto]
[The scene begins at Casey’s apartment where you see Sarah and Casey waiting there. Just then the door opens with Chuck walking in and then proceeds to speak]
Chuck: [hold up disc]We have the evidence we need to take down Claudius and Pan Wo.
Casey:[looks at Chuck]Good job Bartowski…we’ll inform General Beckman and C.I.A Director Graham.[looks at Sarah as if motioning to tell him]
Sarah: [looks at Casey and then at Chuck]Chuck…we need to talk about something really important…its concerning Charlie.
Chuck: [curious tone]What about him…what about my son?
Sarah: That just it…he’s not your son.
Chuck: [looks at Sarah and then Casey]Of course he is…come on guys are you playing a joke on me because if you are…its not funny.
Casey: [looks at Chuck]We’re not joking Bartowski and I have the proof right here.[holds up folder]
[cut to Casey handing over the folder to Chuck and him opening up to read it]
Chuck: [reads it, looks down,and then shakes head]You got to be kidding…you’re telling me that Charlie’s father is…is…Allan Watterman? The same Allan Watterman from my Stanford days who I bumped into while you, Casey I were looking for La Cuidad. The same Allan Watterman who is involved in insider trading, and has offshore accounts in the Cayman Islands?
Casey: [looks at Chuck]Yup…that douche bag.
Chuck: [looks at Sarah and then smirks]Remind me to inform the proper authorities about him and his offshore accounts in the Cayman Islands. I never really liked anyways.
Sarah: Are you okay?
Chuck: [chuckles a bit]Huh…yeah...I’m okay…for a split second I actually thought I was going to read Bryce’s name.
Sarah: [looks at Chuck]Good thing he wasn’t…if Charlie were Bryce’s son and Fulcrum knew about it…they would use it against him. It would put not only him in even more danger, but Charlie in danger as well.
Chuck: [looks at Sarah]I have to call Jill to tell her that we have things under control[cut to Chuck calling Jill and as he is doing that looks at Casey] Did you ever find out who your secret admirer was that sent you the gift basket of Oreo cookies?
[cut to Sarah giving a look of disbelief]
Casey: [looks at Sarah]What?
Sarah: Nothing…I’m just surprised that’s all.
[cut to Chuck smiling and then after a few seconds gets Jill on the phone]
Voice of Jill: Chuck?
Chuck: [talking on cell]Yeah…its me…are you and Charlie okay?
Voice of Jill: We’re both fine
Chuck: Listen…sit tight…I’m bringing the good guys over so…
Voice of Jill: Chuck…don’t…
[cut to a close up of Chuck’s face as there is a seemingly long silence at the other end]
Chuck: [yells into phone]Jill…are you there? Jill!
Voice of Claudius:] Mr. Bartowski…if you want to see Ms. Anderson and her son alive again come to Club Firestorm and alone. Bring the disc. [phone clicks off]
Chuck: [looks at Casey and Sarah]Claudius has her.
Casey: So let’s get going…I haven’t shot anyone in a while.
[cut to Chuck looking at Casey]
Chuck: [looks straight ahead]No…I’m going in there alone. I have to or he’ll kill them both.
[The scene ends with a Casey and Sarah in the background as you see close of him as he grips the disc in his hands tapping it on his forehead]
[The scene begins at midnight at a packed club Firestorm where you see Chuck enters and then escorted to Claudius’ office. When he walks in he sees Jill and Charlie sitting there scared, as well as, Xiang Wan Po near Claudius’ desk. Claudius leads the conversation]
Claudius: [looking out into the crowd and then at Chuck]Where’s my disc?
Chuck: [holds up disc]I have it…now let them go. Do we have a deal?
Claudius: [looks at Chuck]Deal[cut to Claudius walking over to Chuck. taking the disc, looking at Chuck, and punching him in the stomach leading him to fall to the ground]On second thought…no deal. Wan Po my friend…[motions to him and then to Chuck]if you will.
[Cut to Wan Po nodding, walking over/ picking up chuck and then doing a round house kick right to the face]
Jill: [pleading to Claudius]Stop it!
Claudius: [smirks]Oh…no my dear. We’re just getting started.[nods to Wan Po]
[Cut to Wan Po picking up Chuck, kneeing him in the gut, and then a double axe handle blow to the back causing him floor to the floor again. You then see Jill comforting a crying Charlie as he pleads to Claudius to stop]
Claudius: [looks at Jill and sighs]All right…looks at two of his associates] Kill them and do it quietly.
[cut to Claudius and Wan Po leaving his office. You then see Jill and Charlie run over to Chuck who shields them from the two associates who are holding silencers. They walk over to the window, hold up their silencers to Jill/Chuck’s head, and just as they’re all about to pull the trigger all the lights go out in the club leading to several small explosions. Mass chaos erupts with the crowd heading toward the exits and you then see two people repelling and crashing through the window wearing black with night vision goggles on. From this point on you see the scene shot totally in night vision. The two people take out the two associates with ease and then head towards Chuck leading one of them to talk]
Sarah: [whispering in his ear]Chuck..its me Sarah…and Casey.
Chuck: [grinning]I thought I told you to stay back in the apartment?
Casey: [pats him on the shoulder and whispers in his ear]Sorry Bartowski…just like you tend to do…we hardly listen.
Casey: [whispers to Sarah]Take Bartowski, Jill, and Charlie to safety.
Sarah: [looks at Casey]What are you going to do?
Casey: [looks at the golf clubs in the corner]I’m going golfing.
[Sarah helps lead, Chuck, Jill and Charlie out the door to safety. Casey takes the golf bag and searches for Claudius and Wan Po in the dark, who haven’t really gone far. They are near the bar trying to avoid all the customers who are stampeding out of the club. Casey grabs a 9 iron, slowly walks down the stairs, walks over to Claudius first who beside the bar, taps him on the shoulder with the golf club. Cut to Claudius turning around to see who it is]
Casey: [yelling]FOUR!
[You then see Casey knock Claudius out cold with one swing leading Wan Po to back up as he stumbles around in the dark. Casey drops the 9 iron and pulls out a driver. He hits Wan with a round house to the face causing him to fall to the ground. Wan Po gets up bleeding and as he does so gets a driver in the gut and then one to the side of the head leading Wan Po to fall to his knees doubled over in pain]
Wan Po: [holding hands together and screams out]Mercy!
[cut to Casey about to swing for the fences but then decides the better of it and just punches him in the face knocking him out Casey takes off his goggles and as he does the the lights turn on. You see a smirk on Casey face as he stands over Claudius and Wan Po leading him to take the driver, looks at the club head, blows some dirt off it, and then places it back in the bag. Casey takes the golf bag minus the 9 iron and walks out of Firestorm as agents head in to arrest the bad guys. The scene the switches to the Buy More Home Theater room Casey and Sarah have a short conversation with Beckman and Graham]
Beckman: How is Mr. Bartowksi doing?
Sarah: [looks at Beckman]He’s banged up…but he’ll recover. What about Claudius and Wan Po?
Beckman: [grins]They’ll be taken care like their predecessors before them.
Sarah: Jill and Charlie…will they be safe?
Graham: For the time being…if it were my suggestion they should relocate.
Casey: [looks at Sarah]We’ll take care of it sir.
[The scene ends with Casey and Sarah looking at each other as they plan on what to do with Jill and Charlie]
[The scene begins right around closing time at Buy More where you see Chuck in his office doing paperwork, Jeff/Lester in the hole, and Abe/Anna at the info desk. All of sudden you hear Morgan’s voice on the loud speaker leading everybody in the store including Anna to pay attention]
Voice of Morgan: Testing…1..2..3…Okay…Anna this is for you
Chuck: [stepping out of his office and thinks out loud to himself]Oh the Beatles...this is not going to be good at all.
Voice of Morgan: Anna I haven’t made any plans for tonight so I’m going to do this...[starts singing…badly]I want to hold your hand...I want to hold your hand….I want to hold your hand…Oh please, say to me…You'll let me be your man….And please, say to me…You'll let me hold your hand...
[cut to Casey in the back putting his fingers in his ears at the pure torture of it all]
[After a few moments you then see Morgan walk out and heading towards Anna still singing. Cut to everybody in the store just looking at Morgan as he inevitably stands in front of Anna. As he is about to sing one more line Anna covers his mouth leading her to say something]
Anna: [looks at Morgan]Morgan…[cut to Chuck, Abe, Lester, and Jeff preparing themselves see Anna punch in the face]…That was beautiful…you sang to me.
Morgan: [smiles]I just wanted to do something special so…
[Before Morgan could finish the sentence Anna grabs him by the hand and pulls him towards the break room. Cut to Chuck look at all this and says something]
Chuck: [grins]They make one…happy…dysfunctional couple.
[cut to Casey Walking up]
Casey: [looks at Chuck]Jill and Charlie are currently relocating to Italy as we speak.
Chuck: [grins]So how is the new computer analyst for one of the C.I.A’s cover businesses.
Casey: She’s going to be well protected Bartowski even if Charlie isn’t your son…don’t you worry about. [looks at Chuck]I have to ask…why didn’t you tell her?
Chuck: [looks at Casey]She’s already been through enough...besides…we’ll still keep in contact.
[cut to a 5’6, 29 year old petite woman, brunette hair, brown eyes, wearing jeans, red halter top, a brown jacket, and high heels looking around for someone]
Chuck: [looks at the woman and points finger in air]Ma’am do...
Casey: [interrupts him as he looks at the woman]She’s not a customer…[looks at Chuck and smirks]She’s my secret admirer...my date.[waves at woman who waves back at Casey]
Chuck: What’s her name? What does she do?
Casey: [looks at woman]Her name is Jayne Richardson…she works at YamaGushi’s Bonsai Nursery. [looks at Chuck] She was one the one who sent the gift basket filled with Oreo Cookies.
Chuck: [looks at Casey]Where are you going on your date?
Casey: [looks at Chuck]If must know...the firing range...[cut to Chuck giving a weird look to Casey and then Casey looking at Chuck]...She's a member of the NRA...my kind of woman.
[cut to Chuck smiling at Casey who is walking towards Jayne and as they leave out the door Casey looks back giving Chuck a wink]
[The scene swtiches to around 8:30pm, Valentine’s Day night, as you Sarah in her apartment wondering what her surprise is that Chuck has planned. Suddenly you hear Sarah’s cell phone ring leading her to answer it. From the look on her face its Chuck and after a few moments she heads out the door in a red cocktail dress. She gets in her car and heads off to the spot that is considered special to both of them…the beach. After a few moments she arrives and when she walks up over the hill…she sees the most beautiful sight. She sees 4 tiki torches surrounding a blanket with a picnic basket sitting on, and finally Chuck with no shoes standing there wearing all white holding a dozen roses]
Chuck: [smiling]Surprise
[cut to Sarah just smiling and then walking towards Chuck. You and then a montage of clips of Sarah and Chuck having dinner on the beach and as the song The Rose by Westlife plays. Moments later you see Chuck and Sarah dancing in the sand with the backdrop the moon behind them leading Sarah to say something]
Sarah: [putting her head on Chuck’s heart]Thank you Chuck.
Chuck: [whispering in her ear]For what?
Sarah: [looks into Chuck’s eyes]Making my Valentine’s Day one that I will never forget as long as I live.
Chuck: [looks into Sarah’s eyes]It gets better[cut to Chuck getting down on one knee]
Sarah: [eyes widen]Chuck?
Chuck: [looks up at Sarah]Sarah Walker…my heart belongs to you…[opening box revealing a small gold locket]
[cut to an stunned Sarah who thought Chuck may have been porposing. She's has that disappointed and yet relieved look]
Chuck: [looks up at Sarah]Open it
[She takes the gold locket, opens it, and then reads the enscription out loud]
Sarah: My heart is yours, for all time.
Chuck: [stands up and looks into Sarah's eyes as he holds her hands]Do you accept?
Sarah: [in tears]Yes..I do.
[Cut to Chuck putting both hands gently on Sarah’s face as he goes in for a deeply, romantic kiss Sarah just goes with it and they both lost in the moment. You then see a full length shot of both of them still kissing leading the camera to the right as the episode ends with the shot of the moon]
[Fade to Black]
Thursday, February 14, 2008
Chuck Vs. The Big Dilemma
[Chuck opens with a montage of clips showing what previously happened as Big Mike handed the proverbial torch of Buy More leadership over to Chuck. Team Chuck being briefed on the return of Vuc Audric who tried to eliminate General Stanfield with a only to be thwarted by Mr. Chuck Bartowski. Cut to several moments later and you find out that not only Audric has returned with a partner no less, but also the infamous Jill Anderson, Chuck’s ex. You essentially find out that she want to meet with Chuck so they can discuss an important matter, but before that happens Team Chuck must stop Audric and his comrade in arms from fulfilling his duty. Cut to several moments later, you see an altercation between Casey, Sarah, and Audric as Chuck deals with Bratislav, as well as, a large that he eventually finds after using a tazer on him. You see Audric being killed but before he dies he presses the stick that activates the in the van in which Chuck sprays several tanks of liquid nitrogen on/into the itself causing it to freeze in the last few seconds of possibly exploding. Several moments later you see Abe becoming the new leader of the nerd herd and then come to the climax of the entire episode in which Jill shows up to reveal to Chuck that after 5 years she returns to show him the biggest surprise of all…his son. The scene begins with Chuck sitting on the beach late at night just looking at the reflection of the moon on the water with his hair blowing in the wind. You then flashback of the conversation between a standing Chuck and Jill who sitting on the side of the fountain in the courtyard]
Chuck: [pacing back and forth with angered tone]Five years…five…years…it took you this long to finally share this with me. [looks at Jill]My God… I have a son and for you to have deprived me of the chance to watch him grow up is absolutely inexcusable. [puts his hand on his heart]Do you know how that makes me feel?
Jill: [defensive tone]Make you feel? Did you ever consider how I may have been feeling at the time? I had to live with the regret of not telling you.
ChucK: [serious look]So why now after all these years and…oh…lest we forget...[points at Jill]...you choosing to throw my love for you away and be with my former roommate Bryce Larkin who got me kicked out Stanford.
Jill: [looks at Chuck]I don’t know…I just wanted Charlie to know who his father is and when it comes to Bryce…he was a mistake. However, let’s get something straight here…[points at Chuck]…Bryce never stole me away from you…I chose to be with him. You see, from how I remember it, things between us weren’t exactly going so well and the only person who I could turn to that could understand and make sense of it all was Bryce. When I told him that I was pregnant…
Chuck: [interrupts Jill]Whoa…whoa…whoa…Bryce new about this before I did? Why did you tell him first and not me.
Jill: [look s down and then at Chuck]I guess I was scared of how you would react to the news knowing you and Bryce were on the verge of possibly making it big creating your own updated version of Zork. I didn’t want Charlie to hold you back…so I decided to step out of the picture.
Chuck: [shaking his head as he gives an angry laugh]Unbelievable…you know what…I can’t even look at you right now.
[Cut to Chuck walking out of the courtyard with Jill standing there leading to the end of the flashback. You then see Chuck sitting on the beach and in the background you see Sarah walking up inevitably sitting down next to him]
Sarah: [looking straight ahead]Are you okay?
Chuck: [looking at the sand run through his fingers]Well…considering the fact that I just found out I have a son who didn’t see grow up the first 5 years of his life…I’m excellent.
Sarah: [looks at Chuck and grins]You’re lying
Chuck: Yeah I am…[looks at Sarah]...I’m sorry.
Sarah: [intrigued look]What do you have to be sorry about?
Chuck: [regretful tone]You put your trust in me and I end up having a secret…
Sarah: [interrupts Chuck]A secret that Jill chose to keep from you…hey…look at me…[Chuck looks at Sarah]This doesn’t change a thing between us. [Sarah smiles and then bumps Chuck leading them to share a moment together]
[The opening scene ends with Sarah and Chuck walking back into Casa Bartowski where you see Elllie in the kitchen and Jill w/Charlie sitting on the couch watching cartoons. Sarah joins Ellie in the kitchen who both see Chuck looks at Jill and then at Charlie. He then stands a few feet away from a standing Jill who motions for Charlie to do the same, which he does. The opening scene ends with Charlie looking at Jill who motions to go over to go to his father and when he does Chuck kneels down to hug him. Cue Chuck intro]
[The scene begins the the next day at Buy More 2 days before Valentine’s Day as you see people shopping to their hearts content while some frantically search for gift items for their wife, husband, bf, gf. You then see Chuck walking around checking up on all his employees trying to keep busy in order to get his mind off what happened last night when all of a sudden Morgan runs up behind him]
Morgan: [frantic tone]Watermelon!
Chuck: [confused look]Watermelon?
Morgan: [looks around biting his fingernails]Yeah…watermelon…the code for an impossible event you can’t control.
Chuck: I thought we agreed the codename for that was pineapple?
[Cut to Jeff walking up holding a stack of Xbox games and hearing the codename. He drops the Xbox games and begins to freak out leading him to run towards the fire alarm. Morgan realizing what Jeff is doing runs after him and tackles him to the ground between the row of video games shelves]
Jeff: [turns to look at Morgan]Why did you stop me…Chuck said the codename.
Morgan: [looks at Jeff]I stopped you because its not a store crisis…I’m going through a major personal crisis.
[cut to Abe and Lester walking up and hearing what Morgan said]
Abe: [looking down at the both of them on the ground]What’s wrong son?
Lester: [looks at Morgan]What's the crisis…I bet they ran out of grape soda in the break room?
[cut to Morgan looking at Lester and then to Chuck who calms the situation down as he talks to Morgan]
Chuck: [snapping his fingers to get Morgan’s attention]Morgan…hey...can you explain to me codename Watermelon?
Morgan: [nervous tone as he looks around]As you know in 2 days is Valentine’s day and I have nothing…nada…to give to Anna. That is why I have been avoiding her at all cost and I come to you [looking at Chuck]oh Don Juan of nerds everywhere…give me an idea…anything.
Chuck: [looks at Morgan]Sorry Morg…I’ve been a bit pre-occupied with my own personal life as of late.
Morgan: Oh yeah…Jill coming back and not to mention…you have a son…wow. Listen….
[As he is about to say something he points at Anna who is in search mode of Morgan. Chuck, Abe, Lester, and Jeff look at Anna and then look at Morgan, but he isn’t there. You see him on the floor and starts crawling in order to avoid being seen by Anna]
Anna: [walking up and looking at the guys]Have you guys seen Morgan? I want to talk to him about our plans for Valentine’s Day.
Lester: [doing a stretching motion and pointing to Morgan’s location]No…I have no idea where he is.
Jeff: [motions with his head towards Morgan’s location]Nope…not a clue.
[Cut to Abe giving a weird look at Jeff and Lester then looks at Anna who isn’t really paying attention to them]
Chuck: [looks at Anna]Don’t worry Anna…knowing Morgan he’s probably on his hands knees as we speak working to surprise you with what he has planned.
Chuck: [looks at Jeff and Lester]Get back to work fellas and remember I still have the disc.
Lester: [looks at Chuck]We will regain what is rightfully ours Chuck…oh yes...we will.
[cut to Lester looking at Jeff and motioning him to get back to doing whatever they were doing]
Abe: [looks at Chuck]Want to talk about it son?
Chuck: [looks around]I have a big dilemma dad.
Abe: [puts his hand on Chuck’s shoulder]I know…being the guy that I know that you are you want to do what is right in taking care of your son you didn’t know you had, BUT you also want to be happy with Sarah and possibly start a family of your own with her.
Chuck: [looks at Abe]Man…is there anything you don’t know?
Abe: [thinking]Yeah…how many licks does it take to get to the center of a tootsie pop? [cut to Chuck laughing] I’m glad to see you smiling son…seriously though…have you decided what you’re going to do?
Chick: [looks at Abe] I don’t…
[As he is about to end his sentence he sees several men, one of which is in a black suit, looking around, leading him to flash on him seeing images such as weapons stockpile, money laundering, meeting with a Chinese figure head, Claudius Communications, and the name Desmond Claudius]
[The scene begins later that afternoon in Casey’s apartment where you see Casey, Sarah, and Chuck having a discussion with General Beckman and C.I.A. Director Graham about who he flashed on]
Beckman: Desmond Claudius…[picture shows up on screen]...a media mogul and considered a major power player in creating a media network that stretches around the world. You name it…his name will most likely be either on it or attached to it.
Chuck: [chimes in]He’s a regular Elliot Carver.
[cut everybody looking at Chuck]
Casey: [giving a serious look towards Chuck]What are you talking about now Bartowski?
Chuck: [nervous tone as he looks at everybody]Elliot Carver…Tomorrow Never Dies? He’s like your typical James Bond villain who wants to take over the world by use of his media empire…you know…[cut to everybody look at Chuck with blank stares]…never mind.
Graham: [speaks up]Mr. Bartowski, this is not a movie or read from scripts by any stretch of the imagination…this is real life and it should be treated as a serious matter.
Sarah: What intel do we have on Claudius General?
Beckman: [looking at file]According to credible sources Claudius is in Los Angeles he here to launch the opening of his new media based night club called Firestorm, which is considered a front for the real business at hand. From what we gathered, he’s uses the money to fund a network of threats that span all over the world. That’s not all…we also found information that personally links you to Claudius Mr. Bartowski.
Chuck: Me? How am I linked to one of the richest man on the planet?
Graham: [looks at Chuck]Do you know a Jill Anderson?
Sarah: [speaks up]What does Chuck’s ex-girlfriend have to do with this?
Beckman: Jill Anderson heads a computer systems analyst company called Everkwest Inc. Her company has been closely working with Claudius in the integration of software and system choices to help run faster and more efficiently.
Casey: [looks at Beckman]So what you’re saying is Bartowski job is to try get close to Jill in order to get close to Claudius?
[cut to Sarah with a look on her face of disdain concerning that idea, a look of apprehension on Chuck’s face, and a smirk on Casey’s face]
Beckman: Affirmative…I know you two have a sordid history, but don’t let that distract you from the mission at hand. You have your orders.[screen turns off]
[The scene switches from Casey’s apartment to later in the day The Park where you see Chuck and Jill sitting on a bench as Charlie is having on the playground with the other kids. Cut to Casey in a van across the street monitoring their every word< and then to the conversation between Chuck and Jill]
Jill: I’m surprised you wanted to speak to me…you know after dropping a on you that you weren’t prepared to hear.
Chuck: [looks at Jill]I was hurt…you coming back after 5 years...not knowing the reason why… you leaving me for Bryce…the unexpected news of my son. Its all bit overwhelming to take in at one time.
Jill: [looking down]Yeah…those are things that I can never take back.
Chuck: However…you’re still the mother of my son and theirs is something you can give me. I [looks at Charlie playing]want to be part of his life.
Jill: [gives Chuck a look and touches his hand] I want that too.
[You then see a moment being shared between the two of them when all of sudden Sarah walks up to break the mood]
Sarah: [smiling]Hey guys,…Ellie said you would be here.
[cut to very awkward moment that leads Chuck to change the subject]
Chuck: Hey, I heard there is a night club opening up…its supposed to be innovative and totally tech savvy.
Jill: Oh yeah…my company was hired by this media mogul to look over their computer systems and see if everything checks out. If you want, I can get you, Sarah, and whoever else wants to go in. I’ll make sure to inform whoever is working at the front that you’re my guests.
Chuck: [Smiles, looks at Sarah and then at Jill]Awesome
[As he says that you hear a sudden scream and then crying. The camera cuts to Charlie who is bleeding from his forehead leading Chuck and Sarah to run quickly to him with Jill folowed behind with a hand full of paper towels that were in Jill’s purse to put over the wound. Sarah tells them to hop in her car since she drove there and all three speed off to the hospital. The scene ends with Casey slowly walking up, picking up the dropped paper tower with on it that was mistakenly left on the ground, putting it a clear plastic bag, giving a look, and then walking off camera]
[The scene begins latet that night with Chuck, Sarah, Ellie, and Awesome walking into Firestorm with an impressed look on each of their faces. As they are taking in everything that they see, Jill walks up to greet them]
Jill: [smiling]Glad you could make it.
Awesome: [looks at Jill]This place is Awesome.
Sarah: [forced smile]Thanks for inviting us…we appreciate it.
Jill: You’re welcome…I reserved a table for you guys since you’re my guests and the drinks are on me…I can afford it with my salary.
[Cut to Ellie and Sarah giving Jill forced smiles as Chuck and Awesome are getting into the groove of the music]
Ellie: So…Jill…how is Charlie doing. Sarah told me about his fall.
Jill: 8 stitches…he’s my tough little man. [points to Chuck] His father was holding his hand while he was getting patched up. I couldn’t tell who was scared more…Charlie being stitched up or Chuck watching his son get stitched up?
Chuck: [grins]Hey…we both got lollipops out of it didn’t we.
Sarah: [pinching Chuck’s cheek]Yes you did…for being two brave boys.
[cut to Jill, Sarah, Ellie, and Awesome laughing]
Awesome: [looks at Jill] So where’s the little guy now?
Jill: He’s with the babysitter probably sound asleep. He had a pretty eventful day.
Chuck: [chimes in]Tell me about it…my first duty as a dad and I rush my son to the hospital…[looks at Sarah]…hey…at least it was a bonding experience.
[cut to everybody smiling at Chuck]
Jill: [looks at Sarah]Sarah, I can’t thank you enough for driving us to the hospital. I’ll pay for any stains that may have gotten into to your interior,
Sarah: [waves hand]Don’t worry about it…its just a car.
Chuck: [leans in to whisper in Sarah’s ear] I wish Casey were that understanding like you.
[cut to Sarah smiling after whispering that in her ear and Jill seeing that exchange giving a look. Just then Desmond Claudius walks up and introduces himself]
Claudius: [looking at everybody]How is everybody doing…thanks for coming out for Firestorm’s grand opening.
Chuck: [shaking Claudius’ hand]Trust me sir…we wouldn’t miss this for the world.
Claudius: [looks at Jill]Jill…there seems to be a problem with several computers in the media/entertainment area...would you find out what’s wrong?
Jill: [looks at everybody]My job is never done…I’ll see you guys later.
[cut to everybody waving and then Awesome speaking up]
Awesome: [looks at Claudius] This is an awesome setup you got here…you must pay a fortune for the electric bill.
[cut to Ellie elbowing him in the stomach]
Claudius: [laughs and looks around]She is a beauty all right…and yes [looks at Awesome]I’m considered the power company’s new best friend.
[You then see one of Claudius’ associates walk up to him and whisper in his ear leading him to excuse himself with Chuck and Sarah paying close attention]
Claudius: [smiles]I’m sorry, there’s a business matter that I have to attend to…please excuse me.
[cut to Claudius walking away and after several moments Sarah sees him standing next to 2 Asian men at the top of the stairs near his office. Sarah taps Chuck to look and when he does he flashes on one of the men seeing images of illegal arms deals, counterfeiting, former police officer, and the name Xiang Wan Po]
Chuck: [whispers in Sarah’s ear]Claudius is talking Xiang Wan Po…former member of the Chinese secret police who is selling illegal high end weapons on the black market and counterfeiting to boot.
[cut to Sarah giving a nod of acknowledgement and then all of a sudden you see Ellie slapping Chuck in the arm]
Chuck: [holding arm]Oww sis…what did you do that for?
Ellie: [looks at Chuck]I thought we were here to have a good time...so let’s dance.
Chuck: [looks at Ellie] I don’t know…it would be kind of weird dancing with my sister.[cut to Ellie about to slap him upside the head when Chuck stops her] Kidding…just kidding. [looks at Sarah] Would you like to shake your groove thing with on the dance floor Ms. Walker?
Sarah: [smiles]Yes, I would most certainly would.
[The scene ends with Chuck, Sarah, Ellie, and Awesome grooving the rest night the away all the while keeping a watchful eye on Claudius and Wan Po]
[The scene begins in the Home Theatre Room at Buy More around midnight as you Chuck and Sarah with Casey there as well discussing with General Beckman and C.I.A Director Graham on who Chuck flashed on]
Chuck: [looks at Beckman] What do we have on Wan Po General?
Beckman: Xiang Wan Po is as dangerous as they come Mr. Bartowski. From our intel, he responsible for mass s of civilians in 68’, providing weapons to radical extremist groups, and not mention he attempted along with men that were extremely loyal to him a coup de tat against his own government to overthrow the presiding leader at the time in 85’, but it was unsuccessful.
Casey: What happened?
Graham: [chimes in]Apparently, government officials were tipped off by an anonymous source leading to the arrest of his men, but he somehow was able to escape.
Sarah: [speaks up]After laying low for several years, he’s resurfaced in Los Angeles and partnering with Desmond Claudius, which means…
Beckman: [finishes the sentence]Which means…unlimited resources, funds, and man power to pull it off once again and quite possibly be successful at it this time.
Casey: What are our orders General?
Beckman: [looks at Team Chuck]Continue monitoring Claudius and Wan Po…with Mr. Bartowski’s connection to Ms. Anderson you won’t have a problem with that as she basically works for him.
[Cut to Sarah having a perturbed look on her face when Jill’s name is mentioned]
Chuck: We’re going back tonight General…[looks at Casey]…You might even find the next Mrs. John Casey there the day before Valentine’s Day…who knows.[Cut to Casey who looks at Chuck and then gives a low growl]Or not.
Beckman: [smirks]You have your orders.
[The scene switches from the Buy More Home Theatre room to early the next day as you Morgan, Ellie, and Chuck eating breakfast. They then hear a knock at the door and when Ellie opens it there stands Jill and Charlie]
Ellie: Oh …hi…what’s up…ummm…come in. [looks at Charlie and waves] Hey Charlie
[cut to Charlie smiling and waving back]
Jill: Thanks…I guess by your surprised expression you weren’t expecting me…[looks at Chuck]…Chuck offered to take Charlie to school so I dropped him off.
[cut to Chuck walking up and picking up his son]
Chuck: [looks at Ellie]Yeah sis…it’s the least I can do. Oh…Jill this is Morgan…Morgan…Jill.
Morgan: [looks at Jill]So you’re Jill…the one who broke Chuck’s heart by going to the arms of his former roommate and now arch nemesis Bryce Larkin…that Jill?
Jill: [looks at Morgan]Yeah…I’m THAT Jill.
Morgan: [shakes jill’s hand and gives a jabbing shot sort of tone]Nice to meet you…I’m Chuck’s best friend and possibly best man when he gets married to Sarah… the future Mrs. Bartowski.
Jill: [gives Morgan a look]Oh…okay.
Ellie: [walks past Jill]Excuse him…he ate glue as a child.
[The scene switches from inside Ellie’s apartment to the courtyard where you see Sarah walk up to the door, but stops. She looks through the window seeing Jill and Chuck who is holding Charlie standing together and gets this look of sadness. She decides to leave and when she turns around she bumps into Abe who has Starbucks coffee in his hands]
Sarah: Sorry about that…wasn’t really paying attention.
Abe: [looks through the window and then at Sarah] I understand…Listen Sarah…I can see it in his eyes that Chuck loves you with all his heart, but right he’s going through a dilemma. He’s caught between doing what is right and what he wants to do and that is be with you. If this situation never came about you would be in Jill’s place right now with Chuck holding your son. Look at me…[cut to Sarah looking down and then Abe lifting up her head with her chin]…I would be proud to have you as my daughter-in-law.
Sarah: [smiles and tears up]Thanks Abe
[cut to Abe and Sarah sharing a hug. All of sudden you hear a sort of a coughing/grunting noise that breaks up the moment. When then turn to see who it is Casey is standing there with a folder in his hand]
Casey: [looks at both of them with a smirk]Hope I’m not interrupting anything...I wouldn’t want to find out you were attracted to older men Walker…especially Bartowski’s dad.
[cut to Abe just laughing and Sarah rolling her eyes]
Sarah: What is it Casey?
Casey: [gives a serious look]I have something here that may interest you?
Abe: [curious look]What is it?
Casey: [holding up folder]DNA results concerning Chuck and Charlie.
Sarah: How did you…
Casey: [interrupts her]Walker…shut up and listen…Chuck is not Charlie’s biological father.
[You then cut to Abe and Sarah with a surprised look on their face leading all three to turn around and look through the window. The episode ends with Jill, Chuck, and Charlie standing together like a picture perfect family, then to a close up of Chuck holding/playing around with Charlie]
[Fade to Black]
Chuck: [pacing back and forth with angered tone]Five years…five…years…it took you this long to finally share this with me. [looks at Jill]My God… I have a son and for you to have deprived me of the chance to watch him grow up is absolutely inexcusable. [puts his hand on his heart]Do you know how that makes me feel?
Jill: [defensive tone]Make you feel? Did you ever consider how I may have been feeling at the time? I had to live with the regret of not telling you.
ChucK: [serious look]So why now after all these years and…oh…lest we forget...[points at Jill]...you choosing to throw my love for you away and be with my former roommate Bryce Larkin who got me kicked out Stanford.
Jill: [looks at Chuck]I don’t know…I just wanted Charlie to know who his father is and when it comes to Bryce…he was a mistake. However, let’s get something straight here…[points at Chuck]…Bryce never stole me away from you…I chose to be with him. You see, from how I remember it, things between us weren’t exactly going so well and the only person who I could turn to that could understand and make sense of it all was Bryce. When I told him that I was pregnant…
Chuck: [interrupts Jill]Whoa…whoa…whoa…Bryce new about this before I did? Why did you tell him first and not me.
Jill: [look s down and then at Chuck]I guess I was scared of how you would react to the news knowing you and Bryce were on the verge of possibly making it big creating your own updated version of Zork. I didn’t want Charlie to hold you back…so I decided to step out of the picture.
Chuck: [shaking his head as he gives an angry laugh]Unbelievable…you know what…I can’t even look at you right now.
[Cut to Chuck walking out of the courtyard with Jill standing there leading to the end of the flashback. You then see Chuck sitting on the beach and in the background you see Sarah walking up inevitably sitting down next to him]
Sarah: [looking straight ahead]Are you okay?
Chuck: [looking at the sand run through his fingers]Well…considering the fact that I just found out I have a son who didn’t see grow up the first 5 years of his life…I’m excellent.
Sarah: [looks at Chuck and grins]You’re lying
Chuck: Yeah I am…[looks at Sarah]...I’m sorry.
Sarah: [intrigued look]What do you have to be sorry about?
Chuck: [regretful tone]You put your trust in me and I end up having a secret…
Sarah: [interrupts Chuck]A secret that Jill chose to keep from you…hey…look at me…[Chuck looks at Sarah]This doesn’t change a thing between us. [Sarah smiles and then bumps Chuck leading them to share a moment together]
[The opening scene ends with Sarah and Chuck walking back into Casa Bartowski where you see Elllie in the kitchen and Jill w/Charlie sitting on the couch watching cartoons. Sarah joins Ellie in the kitchen who both see Chuck looks at Jill and then at Charlie. He then stands a few feet away from a standing Jill who motions for Charlie to do the same, which he does. The opening scene ends with Charlie looking at Jill who motions to go over to go to his father and when he does Chuck kneels down to hug him. Cue Chuck intro]
[The scene begins the the next day at Buy More 2 days before Valentine’s Day as you see people shopping to their hearts content while some frantically search for gift items for their wife, husband, bf, gf. You then see Chuck walking around checking up on all his employees trying to keep busy in order to get his mind off what happened last night when all of a sudden Morgan runs up behind him]
Morgan: [frantic tone]Watermelon!
Chuck: [confused look]Watermelon?
Morgan: [looks around biting his fingernails]Yeah…watermelon…the code for an impossible event you can’t control.
Chuck: I thought we agreed the codename for that was pineapple?
[Cut to Jeff walking up holding a stack of Xbox games and hearing the codename. He drops the Xbox games and begins to freak out leading him to run towards the fire alarm. Morgan realizing what Jeff is doing runs after him and tackles him to the ground between the row of video games shelves]
Jeff: [turns to look at Morgan]Why did you stop me…Chuck said the codename.
Morgan: [looks at Jeff]I stopped you because its not a store crisis…I’m going through a major personal crisis.
[cut to Abe and Lester walking up and hearing what Morgan said]
Abe: [looking down at the both of them on the ground]What’s wrong son?
Lester: [looks at Morgan]What's the crisis…I bet they ran out of grape soda in the break room?
[cut to Morgan looking at Lester and then to Chuck who calms the situation down as he talks to Morgan]
Chuck: [snapping his fingers to get Morgan’s attention]Morgan…hey...can you explain to me codename Watermelon?
Morgan: [nervous tone as he looks around]As you know in 2 days is Valentine’s day and I have nothing…nada…to give to Anna. That is why I have been avoiding her at all cost and I come to you [looking at Chuck]oh Don Juan of nerds everywhere…give me an idea…anything.
Chuck: [looks at Morgan]Sorry Morg…I’ve been a bit pre-occupied with my own personal life as of late.
Morgan: Oh yeah…Jill coming back and not to mention…you have a son…wow. Listen….
[As he is about to say something he points at Anna who is in search mode of Morgan. Chuck, Abe, Lester, and Jeff look at Anna and then look at Morgan, but he isn’t there. You see him on the floor and starts crawling in order to avoid being seen by Anna]
Anna: [walking up and looking at the guys]Have you guys seen Morgan? I want to talk to him about our plans for Valentine’s Day.
Lester: [doing a stretching motion and pointing to Morgan’s location]No…I have no idea where he is.
Jeff: [motions with his head towards Morgan’s location]Nope…not a clue.
[Cut to Abe giving a weird look at Jeff and Lester then looks at Anna who isn’t really paying attention to them]
Chuck: [looks at Anna]Don’t worry Anna…knowing Morgan he’s probably on his hands knees as we speak working to surprise you with what he has planned.
Chuck: [looks at Jeff and Lester]Get back to work fellas and remember I still have the disc.
Lester: [looks at Chuck]We will regain what is rightfully ours Chuck…oh yes...we will.
[cut to Lester looking at Jeff and motioning him to get back to doing whatever they were doing]
Abe: [looks at Chuck]Want to talk about it son?
Chuck: [looks around]I have a big dilemma dad.
Abe: [puts his hand on Chuck’s shoulder]I know…being the guy that I know that you are you want to do what is right in taking care of your son you didn’t know you had, BUT you also want to be happy with Sarah and possibly start a family of your own with her.
Chuck: [looks at Abe]Man…is there anything you don’t know?
Abe: [thinking]Yeah…how many licks does it take to get to the center of a tootsie pop? [cut to Chuck laughing] I’m glad to see you smiling son…seriously though…have you decided what you’re going to do?
Chick: [looks at Abe] I don’t…
[As he is about to end his sentence he sees several men, one of which is in a black suit, looking around, leading him to flash on him seeing images such as weapons stockpile, money laundering, meeting with a Chinese figure head, Claudius Communications, and the name Desmond Claudius]
[The scene begins later that afternoon in Casey’s apartment where you see Casey, Sarah, and Chuck having a discussion with General Beckman and C.I.A. Director Graham about who he flashed on]
Beckman: Desmond Claudius…[picture shows up on screen]...a media mogul and considered a major power player in creating a media network that stretches around the world. You name it…his name will most likely be either on it or attached to it.
Chuck: [chimes in]He’s a regular Elliot Carver.
[cut everybody looking at Chuck]
Casey: [giving a serious look towards Chuck]What are you talking about now Bartowski?
Chuck: [nervous tone as he looks at everybody]Elliot Carver…Tomorrow Never Dies? He’s like your typical James Bond villain who wants to take over the world by use of his media empire…you know…[cut to everybody look at Chuck with blank stares]…never mind.
Graham: [speaks up]Mr. Bartowski, this is not a movie or read from scripts by any stretch of the imagination…this is real life and it should be treated as a serious matter.
Sarah: What intel do we have on Claudius General?
Beckman: [looking at file]According to credible sources Claudius is in Los Angeles he here to launch the opening of his new media based night club called Firestorm, which is considered a front for the real business at hand. From what we gathered, he’s uses the money to fund a network of threats that span all over the world. That’s not all…we also found information that personally links you to Claudius Mr. Bartowski.
Chuck: Me? How am I linked to one of the richest man on the planet?
Graham: [looks at Chuck]Do you know a Jill Anderson?
Sarah: [speaks up]What does Chuck’s ex-girlfriend have to do with this?
Beckman: Jill Anderson heads a computer systems analyst company called Everkwest Inc. Her company has been closely working with Claudius in the integration of software and system choices to help run faster and more efficiently.
Casey: [looks at Beckman]So what you’re saying is Bartowski job is to try get close to Jill in order to get close to Claudius?
[cut to Sarah with a look on her face of disdain concerning that idea, a look of apprehension on Chuck’s face, and a smirk on Casey’s face]
Beckman: Affirmative…I know you two have a sordid history, but don’t let that distract you from the mission at hand. You have your orders.[screen turns off]
[The scene switches from Casey’s apartment to later in the day The Park where you see Chuck and Jill sitting on a bench as Charlie is having on the playground with the other kids. Cut to Casey in a van across the street monitoring their every word< and then to the conversation between Chuck and Jill]
Jill: I’m surprised you wanted to speak to me…you know after dropping a on you that you weren’t prepared to hear.
Chuck: [looks at Jill]I was hurt…you coming back after 5 years...not knowing the reason why… you leaving me for Bryce…the unexpected news of my son. Its all bit overwhelming to take in at one time.
Jill: [looking down]Yeah…those are things that I can never take back.
Chuck: However…you’re still the mother of my son and theirs is something you can give me. I [looks at Charlie playing]want to be part of his life.
Jill: [gives Chuck a look and touches his hand] I want that too.
[You then see a moment being shared between the two of them when all of sudden Sarah walks up to break the mood]
Sarah: [smiling]Hey guys,…Ellie said you would be here.
[cut to very awkward moment that leads Chuck to change the subject]
Chuck: Hey, I heard there is a night club opening up…its supposed to be innovative and totally tech savvy.
Jill: Oh yeah…my company was hired by this media mogul to look over their computer systems and see if everything checks out. If you want, I can get you, Sarah, and whoever else wants to go in. I’ll make sure to inform whoever is working at the front that you’re my guests.
Chuck: [Smiles, looks at Sarah and then at Jill]Awesome
[As he says that you hear a sudden scream and then crying. The camera cuts to Charlie who is bleeding from his forehead leading Chuck and Sarah to run quickly to him with Jill folowed behind with a hand full of paper towels that were in Jill’s purse to put over the wound. Sarah tells them to hop in her car since she drove there and all three speed off to the hospital. The scene ends with Casey slowly walking up, picking up the dropped paper tower with on it that was mistakenly left on the ground, putting it a clear plastic bag, giving a look, and then walking off camera]
[The scene begins latet that night with Chuck, Sarah, Ellie, and Awesome walking into Firestorm with an impressed look on each of their faces. As they are taking in everything that they see, Jill walks up to greet them]
Jill: [smiling]Glad you could make it.
Awesome: [looks at Jill]This place is Awesome.
Sarah: [forced smile]Thanks for inviting us…we appreciate it.
Jill: You’re welcome…I reserved a table for you guys since you’re my guests and the drinks are on me…I can afford it with my salary.
[Cut to Ellie and Sarah giving Jill forced smiles as Chuck and Awesome are getting into the groove of the music]
Ellie: So…Jill…how is Charlie doing. Sarah told me about his fall.
Jill: 8 stitches…he’s my tough little man. [points to Chuck] His father was holding his hand while he was getting patched up. I couldn’t tell who was scared more…Charlie being stitched up or Chuck watching his son get stitched up?
Chuck: [grins]Hey…we both got lollipops out of it didn’t we.
Sarah: [pinching Chuck’s cheek]Yes you did…for being two brave boys.
[cut to Jill, Sarah, Ellie, and Awesome laughing]
Awesome: [looks at Jill] So where’s the little guy now?
Jill: He’s with the babysitter probably sound asleep. He had a pretty eventful day.
Chuck: [chimes in]Tell me about it…my first duty as a dad and I rush my son to the hospital…[looks at Sarah]…hey…at least it was a bonding experience.
[cut to everybody smiling at Chuck]
Jill: [looks at Sarah]Sarah, I can’t thank you enough for driving us to the hospital. I’ll pay for any stains that may have gotten into to your interior,
Sarah: [waves hand]Don’t worry about it…its just a car.
Chuck: [leans in to whisper in Sarah’s ear] I wish Casey were that understanding like you.
[cut to Sarah smiling after whispering that in her ear and Jill seeing that exchange giving a look. Just then Desmond Claudius walks up and introduces himself]
Claudius: [looking at everybody]How is everybody doing…thanks for coming out for Firestorm’s grand opening.
Chuck: [shaking Claudius’ hand]Trust me sir…we wouldn’t miss this for the world.
Claudius: [looks at Jill]Jill…there seems to be a problem with several computers in the media/entertainment area...would you find out what’s wrong?
Jill: [looks at everybody]My job is never done…I’ll see you guys later.
[cut to everybody waving and then Awesome speaking up]
Awesome: [looks at Claudius] This is an awesome setup you got here…you must pay a fortune for the electric bill.
[cut to Ellie elbowing him in the stomach]
Claudius: [laughs and looks around]She is a beauty all right…and yes [looks at Awesome]I’m considered the power company’s new best friend.
[You then see one of Claudius’ associates walk up to him and whisper in his ear leading him to excuse himself with Chuck and Sarah paying close attention]
Claudius: [smiles]I’m sorry, there’s a business matter that I have to attend to…please excuse me.
[cut to Claudius walking away and after several moments Sarah sees him standing next to 2 Asian men at the top of the stairs near his office. Sarah taps Chuck to look and when he does he flashes on one of the men seeing images of illegal arms deals, counterfeiting, former police officer, and the name Xiang Wan Po]
Chuck: [whispers in Sarah’s ear]Claudius is talking Xiang Wan Po…former member of the Chinese secret police who is selling illegal high end weapons on the black market and counterfeiting to boot.
[cut to Sarah giving a nod of acknowledgement and then all of a sudden you see Ellie slapping Chuck in the arm]
Chuck: [holding arm]Oww sis…what did you do that for?
Ellie: [looks at Chuck]I thought we were here to have a good time...so let’s dance.
Chuck: [looks at Ellie] I don’t know…it would be kind of weird dancing with my sister.[cut to Ellie about to slap him upside the head when Chuck stops her] Kidding…just kidding. [looks at Sarah] Would you like to shake your groove thing with on the dance floor Ms. Walker?
Sarah: [smiles]Yes, I would most certainly would.
[The scene ends with Chuck, Sarah, Ellie, and Awesome grooving the rest night the away all the while keeping a watchful eye on Claudius and Wan Po]
[The scene begins in the Home Theatre Room at Buy More around midnight as you Chuck and Sarah with Casey there as well discussing with General Beckman and C.I.A Director Graham on who Chuck flashed on]
Chuck: [looks at Beckman] What do we have on Wan Po General?
Beckman: Xiang Wan Po is as dangerous as they come Mr. Bartowski. From our intel, he responsible for mass s of civilians in 68’, providing weapons to radical extremist groups, and not mention he attempted along with men that were extremely loyal to him a coup de tat against his own government to overthrow the presiding leader at the time in 85’, but it was unsuccessful.
Casey: What happened?
Graham: [chimes in]Apparently, government officials were tipped off by an anonymous source leading to the arrest of his men, but he somehow was able to escape.
Sarah: [speaks up]After laying low for several years, he’s resurfaced in Los Angeles and partnering with Desmond Claudius, which means…
Beckman: [finishes the sentence]Which means…unlimited resources, funds, and man power to pull it off once again and quite possibly be successful at it this time.
Casey: What are our orders General?
Beckman: [looks at Team Chuck]Continue monitoring Claudius and Wan Po…with Mr. Bartowski’s connection to Ms. Anderson you won’t have a problem with that as she basically works for him.
[Cut to Sarah having a perturbed look on her face when Jill’s name is mentioned]
Chuck: We’re going back tonight General…[looks at Casey]…You might even find the next Mrs. John Casey there the day before Valentine’s Day…who knows.[Cut to Casey who looks at Chuck and then gives a low growl]Or not.
Beckman: [smirks]You have your orders.
[The scene switches from the Buy More Home Theatre room to early the next day as you Morgan, Ellie, and Chuck eating breakfast. They then hear a knock at the door and when Ellie opens it there stands Jill and Charlie]
Ellie: Oh …hi…what’s up…ummm…come in. [looks at Charlie and waves] Hey Charlie
[cut to Charlie smiling and waving back]
Jill: Thanks…I guess by your surprised expression you weren’t expecting me…[looks at Chuck]…Chuck offered to take Charlie to school so I dropped him off.
[cut to Chuck walking up and picking up his son]
Chuck: [looks at Ellie]Yeah sis…it’s the least I can do. Oh…Jill this is Morgan…Morgan…Jill.
Morgan: [looks at Jill]So you’re Jill…the one who broke Chuck’s heart by going to the arms of his former roommate and now arch nemesis Bryce Larkin…that Jill?
Jill: [looks at Morgan]Yeah…I’m THAT Jill.
Morgan: [shakes jill’s hand and gives a jabbing shot sort of tone]Nice to meet you…I’m Chuck’s best friend and possibly best man when he gets married to Sarah… the future Mrs. Bartowski.
Jill: [gives Morgan a look]Oh…okay.
Ellie: [walks past Jill]Excuse him…he ate glue as a child.
[The scene switches from inside Ellie’s apartment to the courtyard where you see Sarah walk up to the door, but stops. She looks through the window seeing Jill and Chuck who is holding Charlie standing together and gets this look of sadness. She decides to leave and when she turns around she bumps into Abe who has Starbucks coffee in his hands]
Sarah: Sorry about that…wasn’t really paying attention.
Abe: [looks through the window and then at Sarah] I understand…Listen Sarah…I can see it in his eyes that Chuck loves you with all his heart, but right he’s going through a dilemma. He’s caught between doing what is right and what he wants to do and that is be with you. If this situation never came about you would be in Jill’s place right now with Chuck holding your son. Look at me…[cut to Sarah looking down and then Abe lifting up her head with her chin]…I would be proud to have you as my daughter-in-law.
Sarah: [smiles and tears up]Thanks Abe
[cut to Abe and Sarah sharing a hug. All of sudden you hear a sort of a coughing/grunting noise that breaks up the moment. When then turn to see who it is Casey is standing there with a folder in his hand]
Casey: [looks at both of them with a smirk]Hope I’m not interrupting anything...I wouldn’t want to find out you were attracted to older men Walker…especially Bartowski’s dad.
[cut to Abe just laughing and Sarah rolling her eyes]
Sarah: What is it Casey?
Casey: [gives a serious look]I have something here that may interest you?
Abe: [curious look]What is it?
Casey: [holding up folder]DNA results concerning Chuck and Charlie.
Sarah: How did you…
Casey: [interrupts her]Walker…shut up and listen…Chuck is not Charlie’s biological father.
[You then cut to Abe and Sarah with a surprised look on their face leading all three to turn around and look through the window. The episode ends with Jill, Chuck, and Charlie standing together like a picture perfect family, then to a close up of Chuck holding/playing around with Charlie]
[Fade to Black]
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