To recap what previously happened, Chuck reflects back on his first meeting with Sarah at the Buy More and how she left behind her business card. He felt disappointed…a feeling he was used to by now and in his mind she wouldn’t be around any time soon leading to a conversation between him, Morgan, Jeff and Lester that involved the business card being snatched around until Morgan took it back. Morgan tells Chuck to carpe diem and he takes the card inevitably putting it in his shirt pocket. Cut to moments later where he reflects back on the conversation he had with Morgan after Sarah unexpectedly shows again he experienced a crazy situation at Large Mart to where he ends up sitting at the nerd herd desk with his head repeating I’m losing my mind over and over again. Chuck is beside himself after Sarah asks him out and before he could say anything Morgan answers for him leading to the conversation afterwards with his bearded best friend who not only congratulates him, but also ask if he gets lucky on his date does he have protection. Chuck responds by just staring at him leading to moments later after work in the courtyard where Morgan compares Chuck and Sarah to Anakin and Padme to which Chuck refutes that comparison because according to him he doesn’t want to be the guy who “kills her” fpr being so emotionally attached. Morgan then compares both of them to Princess Lea and Han Solo, but Chuck sees himself more like Luke Skywalker to which Morgan refutes because of the whole brother/sister relationship. Cut to a few moments later where Chuck shares how freaked out he is to where Morgan assures him that his date with Sarah will be the most memorable night of his life, which it truly was in every sense of the word. Move forward to the present where Chuck recounts what happened during his date with Sarah as he experienced a memorable night by finding out she’s a spy, Bryce was a spy, being chased by Casey, nearly saw Sarah get run over by him in a car, defused a bomb with a porn virus, and ended up sitting on the beach thinking what he’s gotten himself into, as well as, realizing his life would never be the same again…ever.
The scene begins with a fade close up shot of a look a look of seriousness on Chuck’s face as he reflected back on how his life changed on that particular day as Sarah informed him the severity of the situation. Chuck takes a few seconds to refocus and then begins speaking up.
Chuck: Team Chuck…when it first started out we didn’t gel all too well because one of the main things that was missing was trust and now we've established that trust. We’re a cohesive team and yes there are times where we get on each other’s nerves but that’s to be expected. Individually…each of us brings to the table strengths as I’m considered the brains with heart. Sarah is the beauty with brawn, and Casey…well…he’s basically all brawn. However, when we’re together as a team we’re a forced to be reckoned with, especially when you have a guy like Casey having your back. Agent John Casey…call him what you will…a burn out, a cold school killer…looks to his left, right, then to the person he’s speaking to…but whatever you do never call him Sugar Bear. He hates it and I can trust you to keep this between you and me right? Nods head the look you’re giving me I trust you can keep what I told you on the down low. Anyways, as long as I’ve known Casey he’s never been the type to share his feelings or open up about his past, but I do know one thing…underneath that gruff and seemingly scary exterior he has a soft side to him. He won’t admit that mind you…but he does and I’ve seen it and it involved a 4 year old boy named Hunter, the son of the late Dr. Strickland Hunter. Cue Chuck intro.
Fade Out
The scene begins with Chuck leaning comfortably back on the black leather couch with his hands behind his head exuding his ever so familiar Chuckish smile. He’s clearly amused as he’s reflecting back on how a 4 year old child was able to get the better of a NSA Agent. After a brief moment, Chuck speaks up.
Chuck: You see, Hunter and Casey didn’t start off on the right foot when they first met as Hunter kicked him in the leg not once…holds up two fingers…twice. The second time caused Casey to go for his gun but we stopped him immediately. As funny as that was, the relationship between Hunter and Casey would gradually progress into a bond although you wouldn’t see it the way Casey was as we were about to leave the warehouse.
As he says that, the scene flashes back to the warehouse parking garage and then cut to the shot of the elevator. After a second or two, a ding is heard leading the doors to separate revealing a close of shot of Hunter and then cuts out to reveal him along with Sarah holding the lap top, Chuck, and Casey towering behind him. Hunter looks over his shoulder at Chuck who speaks up as he gives him a nod.
Chuck: You ready buddy? Hunter smiles from ear to ear giving him a nod back All right…looks at Sarah and Casey…let’s go then.
As Chuck is about to guide him out of the elevator, Hunter steps to the side and takes a hold of Chuck’s hand. Chuck looks down smiling, then looks at Sarah who is also smiling, and they both look at Casey who is scowling at all three of them as he walk out of the elevator.
Casey: gives a low growl Can we hurry this along Bartowksi…I’ve got better things to do than be a babysitter.
Sarah and Chuck with Hunter holding his hand walk out the elevator leading Sarah to speak up.
Sarah: amused laughter Oh come on Casey…Sarah looks down to see the dimpled little face of Hunter smiling up at her and then looks at Casey…you’re not still sore about him kicking you in the leg are you?
Casey stops and turns around with an agitated look on his face as he looks at Hunter holding Chuck’s hand then to Sarah.
Casey: points at Hunter That kid assaulted a federal officer and you think this is funny?
Chuck: He’s just a kid Casey…as he is says that Chuck is playfully lift Hunter up and down with his right hand off the ground…all he understands at his age is having fun. Don’t you remember having fun when you were his age or were you sent to NSA boot camp immediately after being born?
Casey gives low grunt as he responds.
Casey: Fun…walks straight up to Chuck, who is distracted a bit playing with Hunter, startles him and glares at him as he points his finger in his face...there is not time for fun. We have a serious situation here on our hands. Dr. Strickland was killed by a radical group bent on destruction and it’s our job to find the intel he’s gathered on them or his death will be all for nothing.
Sarah steps up and tries to defuse the situation.
Sarah: Back off Casey.
Casey: Protecting your boyfriend Walker?
Chuck looks at Sarah who gives a quick glance back as she responds back by changing the subject.
Sarah: You’re missing the point…he needs our protection because without us he’s scared, lonely, and not going to be able to survive.
Casey: looks at Chuck I couldn’t agree with you more.
Chuck: Not me…playfully lifts Hunter off the ground for a brief moment…him.
Cut to an up close shot of Casey walking off with a smirk on his face as Sarah, Chuck, and Hunter follow him to their vehicle.
Chuck: All I’m saying is…give Hunter a chance. He may grow on you.
Casey looks down at Hunter who sticks his tongue out at him.
Casey: Yeah…he’ll grow on you all right…cut to Sarah and Chuck smiling…like an Anthrax spore.
Sarah and Chuck lose their smiles hearing Casey’s response leading Chuck to speak up.
Chuck: That’s harsh…even for you Casey.
Casey stops and looks Chuck straight in the eyes.
Casey: Look Bartowski…if you want to play babysitter after that little terrorist be my guest. Me…I’m going to do the job I…looks at Sarah…and you are trained to do.
Sarah: I can do my job Casey.
Casey: Maybe…or maybe you want to play house with Bartowski especially now you two have a kid.
Chuck is completely caught off guard by that statement and then quickly looks at Sarah who doesn’t even look at him.
Sarah: serious tone Drop it Casey.
Casey: Or what…smirks…you’re going to kick my ass.
Chuck: quickly chimes in Whoa whoa whoa…covers Hunter’s ears…watch the language whenever Hunter’s around. He’s a very impressionable and innocent child you know. All three look down at Hunter who has this wide up grin on his face and then suddenly kicks Casey in the leg again. Casey is hopping around favoring his leg with a an amused Hunter laughing away leading Chuck and Sarah to laugh along with him. Cut back to Casey who is about to swear from the pain when Chuck speaks up again as he holds up a finger to Casey. Ah…watch the language.
Casey: grimaces in pain Innocent my a...
Sarah: stern tone Casey.
Casey gives a low growl as he looks at Hunter and then at Chuck. After taking a very big deep breathe he turns around hobbling stage left out of camera view. Sarah nods to Chuck to get going and then cut to a shot of all three from behind following Casey. The scene ends with Hunter, who is walking in middle holding Chuck’s hand, reaches out to hold Sarah’s left hand as she grips the lap top with her other hand leading to both of them to look down, smile, look up at each other for a brief moment, and then walk off camera.
Fade Out
The scene begins with a downward shot of Chuck lying down on the black leather couch with his left arm behind his head and his right arm resting on his chest. He’s tapping his hand on his chest and after a few seconds of doing that he begins to speak up.
Chuck: After getting into Dr. Strickland’s computer, a video popped up talking with him basically stating that all the info about Project Osiris wasn’t in his office computer or lap tap. However, he did state that the info was in a safe, secured placed and according to him the knowledge we seek was in the heart of the sun. At the time, we thought Dr. Strickland planted the info in his son’s heart because records indicated he had open heart surgery to repair a blocked artery to which I was angry that any father would put the safety of his son in danger....but I digress. In any case, Graham and General Beckman told us it would take several days to make preparations to have surgical team ready and in meantime we were ordered to protect Hunter at all costs. Sarah and I were glad to spend time with getting to know him…Casey, on the other hand, didn’t want any part of it as he was all about keeping him alive and not about forming attachments because according to him people disappointment you in the end. Anyways, Casey and I had the day off from Buy More but Sarah had to work leaving us or should I say Casey to babysit both of us much to his chagrin. Hunter and I were playing video games in my room while Casey was next door doing what he does best…monitoring us. After a while, we got kind of bored and decided to go next door and visit Uncle Casey. You should have seen his face when he opened the door and saw the two of us standing there as he was hold some type of small cutting shears in his right hand.
As he says that, it flashes back to that point in question with Chuck and Hunter who is holding his toy dinosaurs standing at Casey’s door. He gives both of them a glaring look, then a low grunt, and then speaks up.
Casey: What do you two want?
Chuck: We just came over to visit Uncle Casey. Casey just stares at them and walks away closing the door, but Chuck holds out his arm stopping the door from closing. They both walk in leading Chuck to pick up Hunter and sit him on the couch to play with his dinosaurs giving him the opportunity to speak to Casey. After taking a look back, he walks over to Casey standing near the kitchen trimming his bonsai tree and talks to him. What is with you Casey…why are trying so hard to not like him.
Without looking Casey points his finger in the air at Chuck.
Casey: First off…looks at Chuck…I am now and never will be Uncle Casey. Secondly…instead of going after The Sons of Osiris I’m stuck here watching after a kid who got on my nerves the minute I met him…Chuck turns to look at Hunter busy playing with dinosaurs on the couch and then turns back to look at Casey…and that kid over there sitting on my couch.
Chuck: shakes head You still didn’t answer my question, why don’t you like him?
Casey: Other than the fact he’s kicked me in the leg three times…he’s way too happy and I find that very suspicious.
Cut to Chuck with a bewildered look on his face as he responds to Casey.
Chuck: He’s 4 years old…he doesn’t have any problems, worries, or fears to deal with. What…you want him to be like you…points at Casey…always grumpy and emotionally constipated?
Casey: Never to early to start.
Chuck: You were never hugged as a child were you?
Casey looks at Chuck and is about to respond when he notices that Hunter is no longer sitting on the couch. Casey rushes past Chuck over to the couch were he and Chuck find only the dinosaurs sitting there leading Casey to speak up.
Casey: Where is the kid Bartowski?
Chuck: He’s gone.
Casey: throwing hands in the air No kidding boy genuis…where did he go?
A concerned look appears on Chuck’s face as he goes to search for Hunter. Cut to a perturbed look on Casey’s face as he joins in the search for him as well. After about 5 minutes, Chuck finds him upstairs in Casey’s bedroom sitting on his bed playing with what looks to be a tattered old stuffed dog. After calming himself and catching his breathe, he yells down stairs to Casey.
Chuck: I’ve found him…he’s in your room. Turns back to look at Hunter playing away You had me worried little guy. Don’t walk off like that again you here…sits downnext to him…what do you got there?
Hunter: holds up stuffed dog with a smile on his face Woof Woof!
Chuck takes the dog and starts playfully attacking him with it on his face, neck, and stomach causing Hunter to laugh with glee. As that happens, the sound of angry footsteps are heard coming up stairs and after a brief moment Casey appears with a non too pleased look on his face.
Casey: Bartwoski…get that kid out of my…Casey stops at mid sentence when he sees what Hunter is holding...Mr. Bruiser.
Chuck gives Casey a weird look as he holds up the tattered stuffed dog.
Chuck: This is your stuffed dog…Chuckish smile…huh…I always thought of you as the pet rock kind of guy.
Casey angrily walks up and grabs the stuffed dog from Chuck’s hand holding it closely to him and then points towards the door with his right hand.
Casey: Get him out of here right now Bartowski.
Chuck holds up both his hands as he stands in front of Hunter.
Chuck: Chill Casey…looks at the opened closet door…he probably got the dog from in there when he came in. You don’t need to worry…points to the stuffed dog with a humorous tone…Mr. Bruiser is still in tact.
Casey: angry tone He’s kicked me three times in the leg and now he’s taken my personal property…
Chuck: chimes in Speaking of that…points at stuffed dog…it sure must mean a lot to you the way you’re holding it.
As he says that, Casey walks over to the closet, puts Mr. Bruiser back, slides the door closed, pauses a bit, and then turns to look at Chuck with Hunter now standing on his bed looking over Chuck’s shoulder.
Casey: That’s none of your business and I’m not going to say it again…get him out of here.
Chuck: Come on Casey…turns to look at Hunter jumping up and down over his shoulder…he didn’t break anything or hurt anybody.
Casey: NOW!!!
The loud bellow of Casey’s voice startles not only Chuck, but young Hunter as well causing him to start crying. Chuck turns around, picks him up with tears flowing from his eyes, and consoles Hunter patting his back as his head rests on his right shoulder. Chuck turns back to give a disappointed look on his face towards Casey.
Chuck: Happy now Mr. Grinch…you made him cry. Turns his attention to Hunter who has the pouty face as tears stream down his face. Shhhh…its okay buddy…looks at Casey with disappointment…let’s go little guy.
Chuck comforts a crying Hunter back to his house after Casey yelled. The scene ends with Chuck walking out of Casey’s room and then cut to Casey who shows of hint of regret for doing what he did as he slowly sits down on his bed giving one last look at his closet.
Fade Out
The scene begins with Chuck still lying down on the black leather couch with both hands now resting on his chest. After a brief moment, he turns to the person off camera and begins speaking.
Chuck: Casey should have handles that situation better instead of blowing his top like that. It took several minutes and not to mention an orange flavored popsicle to get him to calm down. After that, he was a happy camper…but later that night was a different story. Ellie and Awesome were working late and Sarah came over after work to help look after Hunter. She actually enjoyed spending time with him even though she never was around kids but from what I saw she seemed to be a pro at it. Casey was next door of course, which was fine by me. Anyways…Hunter fell asleep and so I picked him up , walked him over to my room, placed him in my bed putting the covers over him, and then strategically placed the pills around him so he didn’t fall off the bed. Then…without even thinking about it I kissed him on the head and as I did I turned to look at Sarah standing at the doorway smiling at me.
Upon saying that, the scene flashes back to that moment as Sarah quietly walks out of Chuck’s room followed by Chuck who leaves the door ajar so he could hear if anything happens. As he takes one last look from the small crack in the doorway, he turns to see Sarah still smiling as he gives him that all-too-familiar look. They walk to the living and sit down where they are watching tv for a while when Chuck notices Sarah looking at him.
Chuck: What?
Sarah: Nothing…turns to watch tv and after a brief moment she speaks up…I was right you know.
Chuck: Right about what?
Sarah: At the beach...How I told you you’re going to make a terrific father someday.
Chuck and Sarah are in the living room and sit down on the couch facing each other.
Chuck: Really!? Rest his right arm on top of the couch. I was just winging it and to tell you the truth it felt kind of good. Sarah sees Chuck smiles as he thinks about Hunter I hope to have a son just as amazing as Hunter…but its just a matter of having a wife who is equally as amazing.
Chuck snaps out of it and when he does he sees Sarah looking at him in a way that causes his heart to stop for just a moment.
Sarah: I’m sure…puts her hand on top of Chuck’s hand…that when you do have a wife like that she’ll realize how amazing of a man that you truly are because I see it.
A moment is shared between Chuck and Sarah as they look into each other’s eyes, but it’s immediately broken up by the sound of crying leading Chuck to jump from off the couch towards his room with Sarah right behind him. When he goes into his room, they find that he has fallen to the floor on the other side of the bed. Chuck quickly goes over to him and comforts him the best way he can but it’s not working as he’s crying out for his dad.
Chuck: Shhhh…patting him on the back…you’re all right buddy. Hunter continues to cry and not knowing what to do he looks at Sarah You want to try holding him?
Sarah: Uh…me…I don’t know Chuck...are you sure it's safe?
Chuck: Come on…passes Hunter or to Sarah who almost drops him but holds him similar to how Chuck did…he already likes you. All you have to do is pat him on the back, walk around, rock him a bit, and try to sing to him.
Sarah: Okay…Hunter continues to cry calling for his dad…what do I sing?
Chuck: Do you know the song Rock-A-Bye- Baby?
Sarah: Yeah...pats Hunter on the back…its okay Hunter.
Sarah begins to sing the song but Hunter’s cries become increasingly louder causing Chuck and Sarah to panic a bit. After a moment or two, a knock is heard on Chuck’s window and when they both look they see its Casey standing there.
Chuck: looks at Sarah Keep trying…goes over to the window, opens it, and before he goes out he turns to look at Sarah…you’re doing great.
Chuck hops out his window to see Casey standing near his door with a irritated look on his face. When he approaches Casey he speaks up.
Casey: Get that kid to shut up…its bad enough I’m tortured by you and Morgan talking about what type of sandwich to take on a deserted island but to hear that high pitch squeal seriously wants me to blow my brains out to relieve me of this horrible torture that I'm subjected to.
Cut to Chuck’s open window where Hunter’s cries are overheardm as well as, Sarah singing.
Chuck: looks to his window and then at Casey We’re trying…but nothing seems to be working and what’s worse is he wants his dad.
Casey: I can tranq him for you and save of us the hassle of hearing him cry all night. Chuck just stares at Casey giving him a ‘you got to be kidding me’ look Okay…fine…wait here.
Chuck watches him go into his apartment leaving his door open.
Chuck: Where are you going!?
Voice of Casey: Just stay there Bartowski.
Chuck stands there fidgety and then his attentions returns to the cries of Hunter once again. After a while, Casey’s voice is heard from behind scaring the living daylights out of him.
Chuck: Don’t do that! Bends over for a few seconds to compose himself and then stands upright Where did you go anyway?
When he says that, Casey suddenly holds up his tattered stuff dog Mr. Bruiser.
Casey: Take care of it or else I take care of you…got it. Points to Chuck Not of word of this to Walker.
Chuck: I will…My lips are sealed. Before Casey leaves Chuck stops him Casey…wait!
Casey: turns around What?
Chuck: Thanks.
Casey gives a low grunt, turns, and heads inside his apartment closing the door behind him. Chuck holds Casey’s stuffed dog in his hand and then looks up with a smile on his at the gesture he just did. Cut to Chuck climbing through his window and waving the stuffed dog so that Hunter can see it. The scene ends shows Hunter in Sarah’s arms with his tears stops crying a bit, leading to eventually calm down, and then begins to smile much to the relief of not only Chuck, but Sarah as well.
Fade Out
The scene begins with Chuck sitting up at the edge of the black leather couch leaning forward taking a swig of his bottle water, wipes his mouth with the back of his hand, closes it, puts it on the table, and then leans back comfortably. A smirk appears on his face as he speaks up again.
Chuck: Casey redeemed himself in my eyes that night by letting Hunter borrow his stuffed dog Mr. Bruiser and after that situation he started hanging with us. Of course, his explanation was that there should be another responsible adult to supervise the babysitter who should be watching the child instead of the pretty C.I.A Agent.
You and I both know Hunter was getting to him in a good way and in the last few days before Hunter was picked up by Sarah’s “sister” I saw playful interaction between the two. Well, it was more playful interaction on Hunter’s part than on Casey’s as he just stood there stoned faced as he grabbed on to his left leg and just sat down on his foot.
He would look down and see Hunter laughing, smiling, and having a good time to the point Casey would walk towards me dragging him along so that I could retrieve him. As much as he led Sarah and I to believe that he found Hunter annoying I caught glimpses of a smile on his face, which showed that Casey may have a heart after all.
The day came when Sarah received the phone call that the surgeons at the warehouse were ready. She took him to the warehouse as Casey and I do the one thing to keep ourselves busy…work. It wasn’t just hard for me to concentrate with my mind on Hunter, but it also hard on Casey as well who tried his best not to show it.
At the nerd herd desk, I was look at the cell phone picture that Ellie took of me, Sarah, and Hunter. I noticed the necklace around his neck and after making a realization that the info was in Hunter’s necklace I told Casey. We sprung into action and after several frantic moments trying to get Sarah on the phone I finally got through. She stopped the surgery and the powers that be got the intel they needed.
When Hunter left and one the most touching things I witnessed was him saying goodbye thooger bear to the hardened school killer. When he knelt down to say goodbye he puts his hand up for a high five to where Casey was expecting to be kicked again. However, he did the one thing I, Sarah, and even Casey didn’t expect….Hunter hugged him around his neck.
Casey had a look as he’s trying to fight it, but goes with it as he pats him on his back. I’m sure about this, but I had a feeling Casey’s cold heart warmed up a bit. Thinking back…when I first met Casey he started out a scary mean, grouchy, easily irritated, no heart, emotionally constipated NSA Agent who shot first and asked question later kind of guy. Now…well…he’s still the same guy but gradually showing some heart and most definitely a lot less emotionally constipated.
Fade To Black
About Me

- Yoda
- Let's see, I'm a single, 39 year old 5'2-ish pinoy who worked with kids for the 14 years and I was pretty good at it. I am now working in a totally different area away from kids and it's awesome. Anyways, for fun I listen to music, draw, play video games, watch movies, hang with friends, surf the internet, go skydiving, and write down my thoughts, which I call Yodaisms. I'm pretty much a quiet, laid back dude once you get to know me and that's pretty much it, so have fun reading my thoughts. Take care and peace out!
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