To recap what previously happened as Chuck reflects back on sharing the news with Ellie that he and Sarah are back together. She is so elated that she immediately starts hugging him to the point where she nearly chokes him out. After a moment or two, they have their usual brother/sister talk as Ellie informs her brother she never saw a future with Kat and all the time he was with her something was missing. What was missing from Ellie’s point of view was the energy coming to life in his eyes whenever he would see Sarah. The conversation ends with a knock at the door as Chuck gets up to open the door leading Ellie to see Sarah standing there waving at her to where a hug is shared between the two of them. Cut to Chuck and Sarah having a discussion in her car about how he needs to be taught self defense instead of learning pressure points that in her mind don’t actually work. Move forward to Chuck telling Sarah he wants to be more than just the brains of the group and contribute to Team Chuck when it comes to the physical aspects of the missions. Sarah reassures him that he is contributing and tells him that he’s truly remarkable and unlike Casey she’d much rather you be the man you are rather than be the man he’s not adding that there are a million other Casey’s in the world…but there’s one of him and she’s very happy about that. After sharing a moment, she also informs Chuck that she would be the one teaching him self defense much to Chuck’s surprise. Cut to Chuck’s room as he’s talking with Morgan on what he thinks is about Sarah but in actuality it’s about meeting General Beckman’s superior William Jax. Before hand, he was given a file to look over it and as soon he read it, he began to experience a headache. Move forward to Team Chuck in the warehouse elevator on their way up to meeting William Jax and his associates as they discuss a contingency plan just in case things go wrong. Chuck is freaked out as usual, but Sarah assures him that things will be okay and to let them handle whatever might go down. Cut to Chuck back in the present sitting on the black leather couch talking about how the meeting with Jax didn’t go too well as he not only experienced another headache when he saw him, but his associate Taga Yoshimuri was part of fulcrum unbeknownst to him to where Taga held Chuck at gunpoint using him as a human shield. Taga’s escape was thwarted when Chuck swept the leg by Sarh subtly hinting about the movie Karate Kid. He shares how he never forget what Jax told him about trust either killing you or setting you free. The last things he says is that he would see Jax again and he would be reunited with the one person he never though he would see again…his father.
The scene begins with chuck sitting back on the black leather couch with a serious look on his face as he has bother arms crossed with his right hand balled in a fist over his mouth. After a moment or two, he speaks up.
Chuck: The last time I saw my father was before leaving school with Morgan 15 years ago. When I got back home from school I was a happy and goofing around with Morgan because we challenged each other on Mike Tyson’s Punchout for Super Nintendo my dad bought me. Whoever the winner was and beat Mike it would settle the argument on who would win in a battle between Vultron and Godzilla…I still say Vultron by the way. What about you…who do you think…waves hand…never mind. I ended up throwing the game against my bedroom wall because it reminded me of him.
Anyways…changes the subject…after suffering another major headache that caused me to pass out I was able to recover minutes afterwards and none too soon mind you because another mission was on hand and it involved THE best assassin in the world codenamed Ghost because he’s considered a master of disguise. To make a long story, we caught him and after feeling the oh so sweet smell of a yet another successful mission I would soon feel anger and betrayal when I came face to face with the man who I thought abandoned us.
As I stood there with Sarah, I was in total disbelief because not only dear old dad was standing before me, but also the man I came to know as a friend and fellow Buy More employee was apparently my step brother. Other than Morgan almost becoming a father, the sudden appearance of my father left me with so many unanswered questions him to answer for, but everything hit me so hard that I just couldn’t deal with it so I basically stormed out there.
I…punches his left hand…we…managed to do okay for ourseleves…Ellie is a great doctor and for me…I work for the government as a spy, which I can't tell anybody. I learned, with the help of Ellie and my mom to shave, drive, and everything else in between, that a son should have been taught by his dad. You know what…I stopped being angry over him along time ago with the help of therapy…but now after talking about it and spending time reconnecting with him again he was taken from me by Marcus Stefan that son a b…stops as he looks at the person he’s talking to off camera…sorry. I just wanted more time…he came back in to my life and then in an instant he was taken away.
Chuck leans forward holding both his hands as he has this look of sadness and anger in his eyes. The scene ends with him looking to the left and then hanging his head as he rubs the back of his neck.
Fade Out
The scene begins with walking into camera view as paces back and forth in front of the black leather couch biting his thumb nails all-the-while glancing at the person he’s speaking too. After a moment or two he stops pacing, turns with his arms crossed, and speaks up.
Chuck: The reunion with my father wasn’t a happy one and after spending much of the entire night sitting on the beach talking with Sarah we finally headed back to the house. I wasn’t in the mood to talk with my dad for obvious reasons so I headed off to my room to get some sleep before I headed off to work in the afternoon. I didn’t get much sleep…maybe 2 hours or so and the rest of the time I spent looking up at the ceiling trying to make sense of all that happened within a 24 hour time span. Glances back at the black leather couch and sits down Around 11a.m. I got up, showered, shaved, put on my Buy More uniform…you know the usual routine before going to work and as I was getting ready Captain Awesome would come in to talk with me. At that particular time, I didn’t feel like talking to anybody but in hind sight I’m glad he and I did.
As he says that, the scene flashes back to Chuck sitting at the edge of his bed tying his shoes and about that same time he hears a knock at his door. When he turns his head, he sees it his future brother-in-law Awesome leading him to turn his attention back on tying his shoes.
Awesome: walks in Hey bro…how you doing?
Chuck glances at Devon and then walks to get his phone and other items on his dresser.
Chuck: Did Ellie send you in here to see how I was doing…glances back…tell her I’m fine. Is she here?
Awesome: No…she was called into work and I’m just concerned about you that’s all.
Chuck turns around as he puts his Buy More I.D. in the pocket of his shirt.
Chuck: You don’t have to worry about me…puts both hands up…I’m fine…really.
Chuck, with his bag over his shoulder, starts walking as he passes Awesome giving another quick glance, but before he head out his door he speaks up.
Awesome: sympathetic tone I know how you must feel and…
Chuck immediately stops, turns around, and points his straight at Awesome face interrupting in mid sentence.
Chuck: angered look No…you don’t know how I feel. You don’t know how I’ve hated that man for abandoning me, Ellie, and especially our mom.
Awesome: Whoa Chuck…holds up hands…you have every right to be angry at him.
Chuck: You're damn right I have every right to be angry at him.
Awesome: Tell me then…why are you angry?
Chuck: points both fingers at Awesome Why…you don’t know how many times on my birthday as a kid I wished for him come back. You don’t know how I wanted him to be there when I learned how to drive, shave, or anything father/son related. You don’t know how much I wanted to punch him in the face when he was just standing a few feet away from me.
Awesome: Why didn’t you?
Chuck doesn’t answer and after a brief moment he continues his rant.
Chuck: Look…pauses a bit…because of that man you don’t know how much hate...rage I had inside of me and to have my therapist repeatedly tell me it wasn’t my fault…
Awesome: interrupts him Calm down…I know it wasn’t your fault Chuck…it was your dad’s.
Chuck: throws hands in the air I know that…now...turns and walks across the room with his back facing Awesome and his hands at his sides…it took me along time to get that through my head. Chuck turns around and then goes to sit at the edge of the bed I spent my entire teenage life being angry at my father for suddenly putting all the responsibility on my shoulders. There was a lot of pressure I put on myself and with so much pressure brought with it a whole lot of stress, especially when mom got sick. I had to grow up very quickly and be a man…not for my sake…but for the sake of Ellie and mom because they were counting on me to be strong. I looked after them and when mom died…I…we looked after each other.
Awesome take a deep breathe, takes the computer desk chair around, and sits down.
Awesome: Chuck…Chuck turns to look at him…you have been an awesome, strong little brother to Ellie and your mom. When I came into the picture and started hanging around more often after your mom died you felt threatened that I was taking over as man of the house, but I wasn’t and you eventually saw that.
Chuck: shakes head I didn’t feel threatened…Awesome looks at him…okay maybe a little.
Awesome: Yeah…puts left hand on Chuck’s left shoulder…I don’t know how you feel but I do know that through all crap you’ve been through you’ve managed to become the man you are today. Responsible, caring, trustworthy, dependable…you can stop me anytime.
Chuck: Nah…shakes head…keep going.
Awesome: Smiles What I’m saying is your mom if she were alive would be happy to see what an awesome man you’ve become. A man that I can not only call my friend…but also would call my brother who I would proudly be related. You and Ellie share an awesome bond…something that can’t ever be broken no matter what.
Chuck shows a hint of a smile on his face and with that Awesome responds by slapping his knee then heads towards the door but before heading out Chuck speaks up.
Chuck: turns head to look back Devon.
Awesome: turns around Yeah
Chuck: Thanks
Awesome nods at his future brother-in-law and then heads out disappearing out of sight. Cut to a front view of Chuck sitting at the end of his bed with a look of relief on his face as he was able to get some issues about his father of his chest. The scene ends with him taking a look around, gets up, and head off camera on the way to work.
Fade Out
The scene begins back in the present with Chuck leaning back on the black leather couch as he takes a quick look at his watch and then crosses his arms. After a few moments of deep thought he speaks up.
Chuck: My life was for the most part doing quite well before my father showed up. Despite the constant danger I was facing on missions, I was a in real, fake relationship with woman I loved and nothing would ruin that for me. When he did show up, he looked the same after all these years, he felt to me like a complete stranger who just barged into me and Ellie’s life as if he wanted to continue being a family knowing full well what he did.
I tried to keep myself busy at work, but Morgan wouldn’t that happen as he unfortunately told Lester and Jeff who told that they should be included in the Bartowski family fortune, which doesn’t really exist. Anyways…when my father showed up wanting to talk to me and I obliged thinking nothing he could say could have me forgive him…I was wrong.
He informed me that he was a spy for the government who was a member of group called Section 8. His real name was Steven Carmichael, which is totally coincidental being that my alias is Charles Carmichael and he told me that on the day I left school 15 years ago a burn notice was placed on me. So…in order to protect the family he loved he had no choice but to leave.
As he continued to inform me about how he truly loved my mom and telling her he didn’t love was the most painful thing he had to ever say all I kept thinking is its all just a joke…it can’t be real. It certainly was and I distinctly remember talking more with my dad about the day he supposedly abandoned them.
As he says that, it flashes back to the Buy More break room where Chuck is sitting across from Abe as he is in the middle of talking about thing he most regretted doing.
Abe: When I visited you at school, I had come from telling your mother that I didn’t love her. When I said that, I could see the impact of those words hit her as if she go punched in the stomach. She kept pleading for me to tell me why and I couldn’t tell her.
Chuck: Why did you have to be so harsh…you could have handled it another way. Because of you she died of a broken not knowing why the man she loved left her.
Cut to Abe with a pained look on his face and then responds to what Chuck said.
Abe: At the time I had no other options because according to Jax they were coming after me and I needed to get out of there immediately.
Chuck: Still…you could have done something to show mom you cared about her despite what you said?
Abe: Son…as much as I wanted to say I love you…grab her...pull her in to give one last kiss and hug...I knew I couldn’t because I needed for her to be angry at me.
Cut to Chuck with a look of absolute disbelief on his face.
Chuck: What…why?
Abe: In a way…it made it easier for me to leave and when I walked out the door I never looked back.
Chuck: Is that when you showed up at school and looking all weird?
Abe: I didn’t look weird?
Chuck: Dad…come on…all high school kids considered their parents to be weird and the way your were talking to me I was kind of thinking your were on drugs or something. Plus…you said I love you in public and as a guy in high school it’s kind of embarrassing.
Abe stands up and starts walking around the break room.
Abe: Okay maybe I was….waves hand…but getting to why I was at your school in the first place. I knew I wasn’t going to be around and I told you that you were going to be the man of the house taking care of your sister, as well as, your mother. I needed to get as far away from you guys as possible to keep you safe because if they knew I had a family you would not only be in danger, but you would used as bargaining chips in order for me to surrender myself.
Chuck: So where did you go…what did you do after you left?
Abe: I was off the grid and with money I was able to take out from certain secret accounts I disappeared. I had a few contacts that I knew I could trust to help me out in order to get me out of the country. I needed to keep a low profile so I got odd jobs to make money as I spent time on the run going to places such as Italy, Jakarta, and there was a point I was almost caught in Mumbai but luckily with the help of a family I helped out they kept me hidden until it was safe for me to make my escape.
Chuck: How did you end up in Fresno of all places?
Abe: I missed the good U.S. of A and it was all that I could afford with the money I had left. During my time there I was able to get a job as a computer technician.
Cut to Abe walking behind Chuck.
Chuck: And that’s when you eventually met Tucker and his mom.
Abe: Yup…and since that time not a day goes by I haven’t thought about Ellie…your mother…and you.
Abe has a proud smile on his face as he sees how his son turned out. Cut to Chuck taking it all what his father has said to him in as his father is behind him conflicted on whether or not to pat him on the shoulder. The scene ends with Abe deciding not to do it and then walks past him in order to sit back down across from his son.
Fade Out
The scene begins back in the present with Chuck sitting comfortably on the black leather couch with a pack of gum in his hands. After taking a piece out, opening it, and popping it in his mouth he looks at the person off camera he’s speaking.
Chuck: hold up pack of gum Do you want some…no…puts pack of gum in his pocket…okay then. Claps both hands together Okay…where was I. Oh yeah….it would take some time but the Bartowski family would heal after the return of my father plus the added addition of a step-brother., which caused friction between he and Morgan. Anyways…it wasn’t just my personal life that was getting better as it was also my professional life when it came to my job at Buy More.
Big Mike dropped a bomb on all of us including me especially, which was that he got a new job and chose me as the new manager of Buy More. I was freaking not just on the outside, but also on the inside as well because that meant I was responsible for dealing with my own employees…specifically Morgan, Jeff, and Lester. It was hard enough dealing with them as co-workers, but now dealing with all three of them, the store itself, the home office, complaints from customer about those three stooges. drawing the line between friend/boss, and whatever else Big Mike’s job consisted of would most certainly test me physically, mentally, and emotionally.
Now when it came to my other professional life as a spy…General Beckman and Director Graham wanted to know if I was able to find out anything on why he returned. After telling them what little I knew, Beckman and Graham did a little digging of their finding out the name of one key figure that kept surfacing regarding my father…Josiah Gates. He was part of an organization called The Sect and from what little I knew about them…they wanted my dad no matter what and would stop at nothing to get him.It would be a lead that would unfortunately not only bring my father’s past gradually to my doorstep, but it would ultimately cost several agents their lives caused by an explosion at their secret headquarters located at Chesapeake Bay Lighthouse by shotty intel that I gave.
To this day…I still feel guilty as I was partly responsible for the deaths of several good agents who probably had families of their own. It significantly effected me to the point where I would have difficult sleeping and wake up in a cold sweat. I’ve asked myself if Sarah and Casey have experienced this because they are in the business of protecting the greater cause by any means necessary all-th-while losing teammates in the process. If so…actually I know so. I certainly have a new found respect for them not as agents…but as human beings. Sometimes I forget underneath the tough agent façade they’re regular people who at one point had lives before they gave it all up to serve their country.
I screwed up royally and now was on very thin ice with Beckman and Graham. The images of anger on both their faces still stay with me and to make matters worse…shakes head…Casey would put his own 2 cents worth. As much as Sarah helped defend me against the scary NSA Agent…I stood up to him and gave him a piece of my mind. Looking back on it…I was proud of myself for doing it and it felt awesome to get that off my chest. I guess when you take so much from a guy like Casey you’re bound to snap and walk way with your teeth still in your mouth. As I walked away I suffered a sever headache that ultimately had me down for the count.
I don’t remember much except that I started feeling severe pain and then blacked out. Next thing I know…I wake up in the hospital surround by my family and friends. According to the doctor…I suffered stress related exhaustion and I was told to stay a day or two for observation. It was at that point my father wanted to have a talk with me and Casey…that talk would change everything. Why? My father knew Casey and Sarah were government agents and according to him it wasn’t hard to figure out after an situation happened that involved drawing their weapons because of a driveby. Plus…he not only knew about the bugs that Casey hid around the house but he also figured out that w woman like Sarah would never be with me unless I was being protected, which I considered a back handed compliment. Yeah…puts hands over head…things were certainly getting interesting after I told my dad I was experiencing severe headaches that would seriously affect my health and it would get much worse before it got better.
Chuck, with his hands on the top of his head, gives a bit of a chuckle as he looks up at the ceiling. The scene ends with Chuck rubbing his face with both of his hands as a fatigued look is seen on his face.
Fade Out
The scene begins with Chuck standing taking a swig from his bottle of water. After a few moments his sits down on the arm of the black leather chair and then speaks up.
Chuck: After my father and Casey left the hospital. I ended up just falling asleep because quite frankly when you’re ordered to rest by not only you presiding doctor, but also your old sister who is also a doctor you pretty much listen. Plus…she threatened to beat the crap out of me if I didn’t stay in bed. In any case…I slept and woke up several hours later to a most beautiful sight…Sarah. I saw she was really upset and I didn’t want to see her sad so I did the only logical think I could do…try to make her smile or at least laugh. Needless to say it didn’t work because I could she was really shaken up about what happened to me. I promised her that I wasn’t going anywhere and when I make promises I stick to them. I remember her getting into my hospital bed with me and we cuddle until we both feel asleep. I would wake up later to find Ellie standing there with a smile on her face checking up on me...both of us...and then she quietly walked out of the room closing the door behind her to give us some privacy. I spent much of that time just watching Sarah sleep as she her head nestled in my left shoulder and after trying to readjust me arm to keep it from falling asleep I accidentally woke her up. We both locked eyes and all I could was just kiss her on the lips. After the kiss, I ended up lying to her when she asked me an important question.
The scene flashes back to Chuck’s hospital room where he and Sarah are lying face to face with each other as Chuck is stroking her hair.
Sarah: Chuck…are you okay?
Chuck: Yeah…looking and shaking his left arm…it was sleepy for a while but it was worth it.
Sarah: I’m not talking about you’re arm…I’m talking about you and how you scared me half to death when you passed out on the floor at Buy More.
Chuck: humorous tone I wouldn’t call it passing out…it was more like falling with style…
Sarah: agitated tone Chuck…now is not the time to be funny.
Chuck: How you seen the hospital gown I’m wearing.
Sarah: serious tone Chuck!
Chuck: Look…I’m fine…you heard the doctor it’s just stress related exhaustion and all I need is bed rest…gently places his forehead against hers…which is what I’m getting as I lay here next to the most beautiful woman in the
Sarah: Don’t try to change the subject.
Chuck: I’m not trying to change the subject.
Sarah: Chuck…gently places her right hand on Chuck’s left cheek…I need you to look me in the eyes and tell me you’re not keeping something from me that could potentially risk your health.
Chuck moves his head back a bit to look at her as tears begin to form and after a brief pause he looks with love in his eyes responding to her.
Chuck: I would never keep anything like my own health from you.
Sarah: Are you lying to me?
Chuck: I remember you telling me the day at the beach to trust you 2 years ago…now I’m asking you to do same for me. Trust me Sarah.
Sarah looks into Chuck’s brown eyes and after a moment or two she responds.
Sarah: I trust you.
Chuck goes in for another kiss and then looks into her eyes.
Chuck: You are one of the main reasons I’m alive and before you ever showed up in my life I was completely dead inside. With you in my life I will continue to be alive because you’re my friend, my protector, and most all…caresses her cheek and then takes her right hand placing it on his chest…my heart.
Cut to Sarah showing a smile on her face as she kisses Chuck on his lips to where both of them share a hug. The shot then goes to a close up of Chuck with a serious look on his face leading the scene to flash back to the present to the same look of seriousness on his face sitting on the black leather couch.
Chuck: I looked into her eyes that night and I lied to her. Why? For once…I was protecting her in my own way and if she knew how much in danger I truly was…she wouldn’t be able to do her job. In a way…I’m glad I lied to her because she would need to be on top of her game…focused 110% when my step-brother, father and I were abducted by the organization my father was running from…The Sect.
Fade To Black
About Me

- Yoda
- Let's see, I'm a single, 39 year old 5'2-ish pinoy who worked with kids for the 14 years and I was pretty good at it. I am now working in a totally different area away from kids and it's awesome. Anyways, for fun I listen to music, draw, play video games, watch movies, hang with friends, surf the internet, go skydiving, and write down my thoughts, which I call Yodaisms. I'm pretty much a quiet, laid back dude once you get to know me and that's pretty much it, so have fun reading my thoughts. Take care and peace out!
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