To recap what previously happened as Chuck reflects back on the two relationships that were considered important to him as it signified something normal. The first relationship being the deli owner Lou and Chuck remembers a conversation he has with Morgan concerning his best friend thinking about breaking up with Sarah so he can have a normal relationship with Lou. In the conversation Morgan compares him to Patrick Dempsey character Ronald Miller from the movie Can’t Buy Me Love. After having a laugh, Morgan tells his best friend that whatever he decides he’ll be fine with the decision he makes. Cut to the aftermath at the docks after a chaotic situation in which Chuck and Sarah share a kiss that left both of them in a seemingly awkward position. The scene moves to Casey basically ribbing him about not being such a girl, how he dumped her, and how it would be fun to watch him grovel back to Sarah to establish a fake relationship again. Casey then tells him to go home and let the professionals handle this leading Chuck to agree whereby informing the NSA Agent it gives him the chance to smooth things over for the third time with Lou. Casey responds with a hearty grunt and Chuck reacts with worry about the grunt he gives as he finds out that Casey told Lou that he’s undercover FDA much to Chuck’s chagrin. Unfortunately, the relationship with Lou falls apart and it inevitably leads to the relationship with Katherine “Kat” Matthews after Chuck and Sarah agreed to be just friends. Cut to Chuck and Morgan having a conversation again, but this time Morgan finds out about Chuck scoring a date to where he compares him to Patrick Dempsey yet again in which he responds with a weird look. Morgan wants to know his secret and Chuck responds by telling him just be you. Morgan reaction is one of disappointment because he expected the secret to be the proverbial holy grail of knowledge but Chuck reassures him that you just have to be you. Cut to the tail end of the Kat relationship where Chuck is at her apartment to break up with her because he still has feelings for Sarah. Ms. Matthews didn’t react to well as she was hurt and angry so much so that she threw shoes like a major league pitcher on steroids at Chuck.
The scene begins with Chuck leaning forward on the edge of the black leather couch rubbing the front of his face with both hands as he gives a small yawn. He then stretches a bit, then looks at the person he’s speaking to, and begins to speak.
Chuck: The fake relationship Sarah and I shared was now very real and as happy as we both were to be together we had to keep our relationship under wraps from the powers that be. It was easier said than done and as far as Casey goes in being able to keep our relationship a secret we were fairly sure at that time…about 50% sure he couldn’t be trusted. No that we’re free to be in a relationship we know he’s 100% t behind us and even though he doesn’t want to admit it he cares and protects us in his own way. Knowing that Casey has our back gives us a new found sense of support and yet in the back of my mind I kept thinking that even though we would be facing the dangers both personally and professionally there would be a whole new set of problems to deal with. Shakes head Anyways… now the one person who would be totally ecstatic about our new formed real relationship would be my sister Ellie. She was one of the main reasons for leading me to the decision that I wasn’t entirely over Sarah and I’m totally grateful to her for not letting me give up on Sarah. It would only be fitting to hear the news from me and I still remember the reaction on her face when I told her the news.
As he says that, the scene flashes back to the façade of Casa Bartowski and then cut inside where Ellie has a look of utter happiness as she excitedly hugs Chuck around his neck nearly choking him to death after informing her about how he’s back with Sarah. After the hug is over, they sit on the couch and have a brother/sister talk.
Chuck: Wow El…if you were this excited about us getting back together what would you have done if I asked Sarah to marry me…Cut to Ellie’s eyes widening and is about to respond when Chuck cuts her off…and no I didn’t.
Ellie has a look of disappointment on her face.
Ellie: But you do want to marry her don’t you?
Chuck: Whoa…forms a T with both hands…time out here. We just got back together and I can probably speak for Sarah when I say marriage is far from our minds right now. We’re both taking it slow and I need you…puts right hand on his sister’s knee…to not be jumping the gun about us taking that next step.
Ellie: I just want what’s best for you Chuck.
Chuck: I know El...but I need you take it down a notch.
Ellie: I’m sorry but as much as I liked Kat little brother…she wasn’t the one for you.
As she says that, Ellie starts to tear up leading Chuck to wonder why.
Chuck: Why are you crying?
Ellie: I can’t help it…wipes her eyes with the bottom of her palms…whenever you’re with or around Sarah I see you light up and the same can be said with her as well.
Chuck: You never saw that when I was with Kat?
Ellie: The truth?
Chuck: sarcastic tone No…lie to me…yes tell me the truth.
Ellie: It’s true you seemed happier when you’re with her…but
Chuck tilts his head as a look of curiosity appears on his face.
Chuck: But what?
Ellie: There’s always a light that I know comes on your face whenever I see you with Sarah…cut to Chuck listening intently…and yet it never really showed when you’re with Kat. A look of disbelief appears on Chuck’s face leading Ellie to respond Yeah…you smiled and laughed the times I saw you together but there was something different like a part of you was missing.
Chuck: shakes head Missing…what would be missing?
Ellie: That energy coming to life in your eyes…it was always there when you would open the door and Sarah would be standing there.
Chuck: leans back Come on El…you don’t believe..
Ellie: interrupts Chuck I do believe that and deep down inside you do too. Honestly, from the bottom of my heart, I believe Sarah brought the life back into your eyes after what Jill and Bryce did to you at Stanford leaving you looking like a zombie.
Chuck: So to you…points at Ellie…I’ve been walking around the past month like a character in a Night of the Living dead movie?
Ellie: nods Pretty much.
Cut to Chuck laughing under his breathe and then looks at his sister with a smile on his face.
Chuck: You know me well.
Ellie: smirks Of course…I know everything about you.
Chuck gives off that “you don’t know everything about me” look leading the two siblings to share a hug.
Chuck: Thanks for helping me come back from the dead sis.
Ellie rustles her brother’s hair as she responds.
Ellie: Sarah is mainly responsible for that and…smiles…no problem.
Ellie and Chuck share a brother/sister moment when a knock at the door is heard.
Chuck: getting off the couch with a smile on his face Speaking of Sarah.
Cut to an excited Ellie’s eyes widening as Chuck opens the door with Sarah standing at the doorway hands clasps with a smile on her face. The scene ends with Chuck motioning her in and then watching Ellie and Sarah hug each other.
Fade Out
The scene begins with an up close right side profile shot of Chuck’s face as he exudes a contemplative look on it. After a moment or two, he leans forward while sitting on the black leather couch as the camera pans back to a full length view as Chuck speaking up.
Chuck: Ellie said she knew everything about me...shakes head…but she was wrong. It’s hard…still is hard to not tell my sister about my other job as a government analyst and how I find myself in constant danger at every turn all-the-while trying to make excuses why I’ve been getting battered, as well as, bruised. Pauses a bit as he gives a hint of a chuckles and then points finger in the air You know...there was one time I did tell her I was a spy and it was when she was jacked up on truth serum that led to her being poisoned caused by Reardon Payne. My worlds collided at that moment but thankfully we were able to get the antidote and she’s be fine ever since. You Ever since I became a government analyst my life has turned into a series of unfortunate events especially after Sarah and I became a real couple who at the time were posing as a fake couple. Thinking about it, it initially started with a new employee named Tucker Gaines who would later turn out to be someone who I did not expect to be, but I’ll discuss that later. What I will discuss though is my role in Team Chuck which was not only to provide important intel, but to also stay in the car whenever possible. Do I do it? No and in my own way I’m like MacGyver …you know the use your brains instead of muscles mentality. Yet, as much as I am the brains of the team, I would like to show my physical worth as well to show Sarah and especially Casey that I can hold my own. I always thought it would be Casey teaching me self defense because in his own words I needed to stop being such a frightened little girl and hide from danger. Granted I do have a girlish scream and I’m not the Rambo type, but I’m working on it. Hey…points at person off camera…don’t judge me. Anyways…it would be Sarah who would be teaching me and I distinctly recall the conversation we had about it. Morgan and I just finished a strategically well fought Call of Duty battle in my room when Sarah called me saying she was coming over to pick me up to talk to me, which in Morgan’s warped mind meant I was getting lucky. In any case…cut to a close up of Chuck’s face…it would be a talk that would literally save my life.
The scene flashes back to an overview of the City of Los Angeles with the bright lights illuminating the night sky. After a moment or two, it shows the façade of Sarah’s Porsche as it rolls up the road and then it cuts inside as Chuck and Sarah are in the middle of a conversation.
Sarah: Chuck…you’re not going to be taught how to kill a man by hitting certain pressure points.
Chuck: Why not? It worked for Uma Thurman’s character Black Mamba in Kill Bill Vol. 2 when she did Pai Mei’s five point palm-exploding heart technique.
Sarah: In the movies Chuck…besides do you actually believe those moves that you see done work?
Chuck: The Vulcan death grip sort of works...I did it on Morgan…
Sarah: interrupts him Chuck.
Chuck: shrugs shoulders I don’t know…maybe…Chuck glances at Sarah who gives a brief stare…okay no.
Sarah: The reason you’re being taught self defense is it will get Casey off your back and have him stop constantly calling you a bumbling idiot.
Chuck: This is because I accidentally fell on top of him as I was escaping from a manly looking woman as he was about to make an arrest on a Fulcrum agent? I said I was sorry…plus…points at Sarah…you saw the woman she would give Arnold Schwarzenegger a run for his money.
Sarah: Listen…we’re talking about real life situations here with bad guys shooting guns trying to hurt you…or worse…kill you and I don’t want that to happen because you mean a lot to me.
Sarah places her hand of his and caresses it. Chuck looks down and then at Sarah as a smile appears on his face.
Chuck: I know…looks out the window…I just want to contribute more to the team and show I’m just more than the brains of the group.
Cut to Sarah glancing over at Chuck as he looks out the window with a sullen look on his face.
There is a momentary silence in the car as they pull into the warehouse parking garage. After a few moments Sarah parks the car, they both get out, and walk towards the elevator. As they stand there, Sarah swipes her key card, and then take a deep breathe as she speaks up.
Sarah: You are contributing…hey look at me. Chuck turns to look at her Do you know the difference between you and Casey is?
Chuck: I’m not emotionally constipated?
Sarah: No…smiles…it’s how remarkable you truly are…I’d much rather you be the man you are rather than be the man you’re not. There are a million other Casey’s in the world…but there’s one of you and I’m very happy about that.
Chuck bumps her as he gives a hint of a smile and he does a ding is heard leading the elevator doors to open. As they both step in Chuck turns to Sarah.
Chuck: So…is Casey the one teaching me self defense?
Sarah: looks straight ahead Nope.
Chuck quickly looks at Sarah and then looks straight ahead.
Chuck: Okay…who then?
Cut to Sarah pressing the keypad in the elevator.
Sarah: sly smile with a raised right eyebrow Me.
As she says that, it immediately cuts to Chuck with a look of mixed emotions as he finds out Sarah is the one who is going to teach him self defense. The scene ends with a front shot view of both Chuck and Sarah as the elevator doors close.
Fade Out
The scene begins with Chuck standing against the wall with his arms folded with a look of seriousness on his face as he’s biting his lower lip. After a moment or two, he leans forward moving towards the couch and then sits downs to where he speaks up.
Chuck: I would meet a very important man named William Jax later that night after my self defense class with Sarah. However, before I would ever meet him I was given a file to look over and upon reading it I began experiencing a headache that lasted mere seconds. I just chalked it up to being tired due to combinations of stress at both of my jobs. Anyways…where was I? Oh yeah…looking back…holds out both hands looking at them…I was given ample opportunity to ask one of the biggest questions that I wanted to know about the valuable intel that I’ve keenly stored within my head. Balls both hands into a fist Yet, I didn’t and I am angry at myself for not doing that. I was caught up in having the powers that be who were over General Beckman no less wanting to meet me…points to himself…a guy who started out working at buy making $11 an hour and ends up becoming a government analyst that helps save the world at every turn. Shakes head You know before meeting Jax…I was freaking out as usual and do you know who was able to calm my nerves? It wasn’t Sarah or even Casey…the person who calmed me down…Morgan.
The scene flashes back to the façade of the Casa Bartowski and then cut to Chuck’s room where he walks into camera view wearing brown khaki slacks, white button down long sleeve shirt, and his oh so familiar Chuck Taylors on his feet. He stands in front of the mirror putting on his father’s suit coat and as he does, Morgan enters through the Morgan door.
Morgan: Hey Chu…whoa…where you going dressed up buddy?
Chuck: looking at reflection of Morgan from the mirror Sarah and I are going out.
Cut to Morgan sitting on the edge of Chuck’s bed holding the Xbox controller in his hand.
Morgan: Ah…whining and dining your lady. Chuck nods and after a few moments Morgan notices something is wrong with his bosom buddy You seem edgy dude…turns on Call of Duty on the Xbox…talk to Dr. Morgan.
Chuck turns around then sits down at the Morgan door.
Chuck: Have you ever been excited and at the same time freaked you out about meeting someone?
Morgan: You bet man…remember me telling you how I met Mark Hamill a.k.a. the Jedi Master himself Luke Skywalker.
Chuck: You didn’t actually meet him Morg…when you found out he was at the Burbank Mall you stood in line for several hours to get his autograph wearing a half dark/light costume.
Morgan: It represented his struggle with both sides of the force…besides…I got it didn’t I and…points finger in the air…I took a picture with him.
Chuck: Yes you did…and not to mention a restraining order too. What was it…not more than 100 feet from him?
Morgan: Hey…it was an accident.
Chuck: You nearly poked his eye out with an electronic retractable toy light saber.
Morgan: All I’m saying is they should put warning labels on those things...not my fault. Chuck laughs as Morgan continues playing on leading him to stand up and take one last look in the mirror. So…what with you being so edgy…glances at Chuck…it’s just Sarah.
Chuck realizes they are talking about different people leading him to continue with discretion.
Chuck: I know buddy…it’s just that I’m like introducing myself to someone new…gives a half hearted chuckle…you know after breaking up with her.
Morgan: I get it…you don’t want to mess things up and embarrasses yourself.
Chuck: nods Pretty much.
Morgan: You won’t and you want to know why? Chuck looks at Morgan waiting for his response You’re Chuck Bartowski…you’ve faced so much over the years and were able conquered it. Dude…whatever you’re going to face I know she’ll be by your side and both of you…in my opinion…are totally unstoppable man when the odds are possibly against you.
Chuck: Thanks Morg.
Chuck reaches out for a fist tap leading Moran to reciprocate. After a another quick check in the mirror he heads out his bedroom door, but before he leaves Morgan speaks up.
Morgan: I invited Tucker over…if it’s okay with you.
Chuck: Yeah I’m okay with it…just remember…
Morgan: I know…clean up after yourself.
Chuck: And…
Chuck stares at Morgan and after a brief moment he responds.
Morgan: Your sister’s room is off limits.
Chuck: All right…you two behave, have fun, and say hi to Tucker for me.
Morgan responds with a quick salute as Chuck heads out closing his bedroom door behind him. Morgan waits to hear the front door shut leading him to set the controller down, get up, and walk straight toward the door. The scene ends with Chuck sticking his head through his bedroom window causing Morgan to quickly turn around to go back and continue playing Call of Duty like nothing happened leaving Chuck to give him one last look before his goes to meet William Jax.
Fade Out
The scene begins back in the present with Chuck slouched on the black leather couch in sort of a trace like state as he stares at the Zen garden on the coffee table. After a moment or two, he snaps out of it, adjusts how he’s sitting on the couch, and begins to speak up.
Chuck: You got to hand it to Morgan…he can have his Yoda moments and what he said helped me quite a bit as I would William Jax. After talking with Morgan, I headed out with Casey in his car to meet up with Sarah at the Warehouse and before meeting with Jax, along with his associates, they talked to me beforehand about a game plan just in case if anything serious were to go down.
The scene flashes back to the warehouse elevator where Sarah is wearing a dark pants suit with a blue top minus the jacket while Casey and Chuck are wearing somewhat similar attire. They just stepped into it when Sarah glances at Chuck and speaks to him.
Sarah: How are you feeling?
Chuck: I’m fine…I felt the urge to puke a while ago but that went away.
Cut to Casey giving him a glancing glare.
Casey: Keep it together Bartowski or do I have to tranq you?
Chuck: I am together…it’s not too often that General Beckman’s superiors want to meet me of all people. Can you answer me that...looks back and forth at the two agents…why me?
Casey: Stop you’re moaning…glares at Chuck...all you have to do is make it through tonight without saying or doing something stupid.
Chuck: That might be a problem because when I get nervous I tend to babble.
Casey: Lucky for me I carry duct tape with me just for that.
Chuck: Who are…MacGyver?
Sarah: chimes in You’ll do fine…Chuck looks at her…just remember the game plan if anything goes down tonight.
Chuck: Yeah…looks straight ahead…find a good hiding place while you two take care of business.
Casey: gives a low grunt Knowing Bartowski…he’ll probably screw it up and we’ll have to go to plan B.
Chuck quickly looks at Casey.
Chuck: Plan…plan B…what…what… is plan B?
Casey: If I tell you, you’ll probably screw that up too.
Chuck: You just brimming with positivity tonight are you Casey.
Casey faces Chuck and taps him hard on the chest.
Casey: You want positivity…I’m positive that somehow the meeting with this William Jax character will be a complete failure and all three us will get our asses handed to us by General Beckman.
Casey has that ‘I’m going to tear Bartowski a new one’ looks leading Sarah to direct Chuck’s attention towards her by placing her hand on his left shoulder.
Sarah: Let us worry about the alternative measures for your safety and you…smiles at Chuck as she’s straightening his tie…just focus on William Jax.
Chuck responds with a smile back leading Casey to speak up.
Casey: Weapons check.
Sarah takes out her gun, removes the clip, and checks it.
Sarah: Full…looks at Casey…you?
Casey checks his clip, places it back in his gun, cocks it, and then aims the laser sight at the elevator doors all in one quick swoop.
Casey: Full.
Chuck: chimes in Question…umm..when do I get a gun?
Casey: When hell freezes over.
Chuck: So never…nods as he tilts his head a bit to look at Sarah…at least I have a goal to shoot for.
Cut to Sarah looks straight forward showing a hint of a smile on her face. The scene ends with the elevator doors opening as all three take a breathe then head out and off camera towards the conference room.
Fade Out
The scene begins in the present with Chuck sitting back on the black leather couch with his hands rest folded resting on his stomach. He cracks his neck a few times letting out a small sigh as he speaks up.
Chuck: When I stepped off the elevator and saw William Jax I experienced another brief headache. Sarah noticed it and was concerned, but I just told her that I didn’t eat before I came. It was stupid decision to make on my part because in my stubbornness I wanted to impress him. If I had known then, what I know now I would have immediately told Casey and Sarah what happened to me when I read his file.
Anyways, the meeting turned out pretty good and I didn’t babble that much, which Casey would disagree with. After talking for a bit Jax’s associate, Taga Yoshimuri, eventually showed up and he brought with him trouble with a capital T to the point where all hell broke loose. You see…he turned out to Fulcrum and after shooting Jax in the left shoulder he took me hostage. I guess Casey was half right when the meeting turned into a somewhat of failure.
As I was being herded back towards the elevator by Mr. Yoshimuri Sarah signaled me to get away by telling me how I swept her off her feet when we both saw The Karate Kid. When he turned to go up the stair towards the elevator I made my move by sweeping his leg and got to say it was an absolute adrenaline rush despite the fear and utter anxiety I was feeling as Yoshimuri had a gun point to my head.
William Jax… told me trust can either kill you or set you free. I never forgot what he said to me and I owe him so much for what he did to the point of going rogue in order to help me. He not only played a very key role when I started experiencing headaches that not only put me, as well as, others in danger as well, but he would also be reunited with his former Section 8 member and the one person who I thought I would never see again…my father.
Fade To Black
About Me

- Yoda
- Let's see, I'm a single, 39 year old 5'2-ish pinoy who worked with kids for the 14 years and I was pretty good at it. I am now working in a totally different area away from kids and it's awesome. Anyways, for fun I listen to music, draw, play video games, watch movies, hang with friends, surf the internet, go skydiving, and write down my thoughts, which I call Yodaisms. I'm pretty much a quiet, laid back dude once you get to know me and that's pretty much it, so have fun reading my thoughts. Take care and peace out!
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