To recap what previously happened Chuck reflects back on the aftermath of meetings his father as he talks to Awesome the next day before he goes to work in the afternoon. He shares with his future brother-in-law on how he had so much anger for the man who abandoned his family 15 years ago. Awesome listens to him and in the midst of Chuck talking about his the issues concerning his father and the pressure of having the responsibilities dumped on him he feels a bit better to where he thanks him. Cut to Chuck’s father talking to him in the Buy More break room about how it was easier for him to leave as she was angry about being told he didn’t love her. After telling his son the he regretted saying that to her he informs his son on his travels on the run from the powers that be. Move forward to Chuck talking about experiencing not only another headache, but also gave shotty intel that essentially caused the deaths of several good agents, which he has guilty about to the point where he suffered nightmares because of it. The subsequent loss of agents led to a reprimand by Beckman and Graham leading to Casey putting his two cents in. Chuck fires back and as he storms off in a huff he collapses. He’s immediately taken to the hospital where it cuts to Sarah asking Chuck is he’s okay and he responds by lying to her about his health in order to protect her from the truth.
The scene begins with a close up shot of the Zen garden on the coffee table and after a moment or two a bottle of water appears leading the camera to pan back with sitting back on the black leather couch. After he wipes his mouth, he begins talking.
Chuck: For the last 15 years, my father had been for the most part been able to avoid being caught by The Sect and with the bittersweet reunion my father had with his former section 8 teammate William Jax I seriously thought it would get increasingly dangerous. Shakes head I would know how dangerous it be when I decided to go with my father to his apartment.
We all went are separate ways after the meeting at the warehouse with my father and I hitching a ride together. During the car ride…I couldn’t help but feel that we were being followed…maybe a part of Sarah and Casey rubbed off because part of being a trained spy is using your paranoia to your advantage. Unfortunately, I didn’t consider myself a trained spy and so I just chalked it up to my mind playing tricks on me.
In any case…we finally arrived at my father’s apartment building and before he went up with me he had to go talk to the building manager about a problem with the sink. So I went up knowing that Tucker was home because he got off work early and he really didn’t have any friends that he hung out with except for me and Morgan. After knocking a few times it opened to where I was greeted at the door in a very amusing way.
As he says that scene flashes back to the doorway of Abe Bartowski’s apartment where Chuck is standing there with a look of amusement on his face as he sees Tucker with a half eaten powered doughnut in his hands and remnants of powder around his mouth.
Tucker: mouth full of doughnut Hey bro…I was just playing Call of Duty on the ole’ Xbox. Closes door and then turns around What’s up?
Cut to Chuck trying not to laugh as he walks through the door and stands in front of the door. He looks around and then turns back to look at Tucker.
Chuck: Just came by to hang out…dad is on his way up…ummm…motions to his own mouth as he looks with amusement at Tucker with white powder around his mouth…you got something there.
Tucker wipes his mouth but instead of wiping it off he spreads it across his to his left cheek.
Tucker: Better?
Chuck straight faced and biting his lip Yeah…its off.
As Chuck says that, Abe enters into the apartment and when he turns around his attention is immediately focused on Tucker.
Abe: Son.
Cut to Tucker with a mouth full of doughnut as he look at Abe.
Tucker: Yraw
Abe: Go wash your face. Tucker has this look of wonder at his father’s request leading him to walk past him a bit confused. As he does, he catches his reflection in a mirror hanging near the bathroom causing him to give a glaring look at Chuck before he disappears into it. Cut to Abe shaking his head as he looks back at Chuck who has an amused grin on his face. I don't know what I'm going to do with that boy.
Chuck: hint of laughter Dad…looks over the bathroom where running water is heard leading Chuck to whisper…I'm a bit worried.
Abe shakes his head as he put his right hand on Chuck's left shoulder.
Abe: You don't have to worry.
Chuck: Are you sure?
Abe looks towards the bathroom and responds by whispering as well.
Abe: I used to be a spy so yeah…I’ve taken certain precautions when it comes to being safe.
Chuck: What sort of precautions?
Abe: You know…broken glass under the door mat…a glass bottle on the door handle…
Chuck: interrupts his father Just like the movie Conspiracy Theory.
Abe: look of confusion What?
Chuck: speaks up Conspiracy Theory…Mel Gibson and Julia Roberts…Abe just stares at his son…I have it on DVD. You can borrow it and see what I’m talking about.
Abe is about to respond when Tucker walks in responding to what he heard.
Tucker: Borrow what?
Tucker heads towards the recliner where a Xbox controller with white powdered finger prints is setting. A half a box of Krispy Kreme doughnuts are sitting on the coffee table inches away and he takes the controllers, reclines back, and as he continues to play Call of Duty he looks at Chuck.
Chuck: Conspiracy Theory…dad said he hasn’t seen it so I’m letting him borrow it.
Tucker looks at Abe and then at Chuck.
Tucker: Awesome.
Chuck: Yeah…looks at his father with concern…awesome.
Abe: We’re doing good…gives a reassuring nod…trust me.
Cut to Chuck feeling less worried about the safety of his father as a hint of smile appears on his face. Chuck was about to say something when Tucker speaks up.
Tucker: Yeah buddy…pauses game, grabs another doughnut from the box, devours it and with a mouth full of doughnut he speaks spitting pieces out…bwe dobing fo goo. Chuck and Abe just look at Tucker with disbelief Bwah?
Chuck and his father both just shake their head as all three spend quality time together. After a moment or two of talking with his dad, eating sizzling shrimp, and challenging Tucker in Call of Duty as he stuffs himself with Krispy Kreme doughnuts. Several minutes later gets up to go the kitchen to call Sarah on his cell.
Chuck: Hey…I decided to take a walk and I ended up visiting my dad and Tucker at his apartment. Don’t worry I’m not doing anything strenuous…just eating some sizzling shrimp and playing Xbox with Tucker…yeah…I’ll see you tomorrow.
As he says that, it flashes back to the present with Chuck, right arm propped up on the arm of the couch, leaning on the right sight of the black leather couch looking a bit pensive as he shakes his head.
Chuck: I’ll see you tomorrow…that wouldn’t happened because as I was walking into the living room to go sit down about to finish talking with Sarah, several men dressed in black wearing masks busted through the door catching all three of us off guard. Tucker tried his best to defend himself by throwing what was left of the sizzling shrimp at them. I…well…did my best to not give out a girlish scream and tried todefend myself by using the closest thing to use as a weapon, which was a framed picture of my father, me, and Tucker. I ended up dropping it on the floor after I was grabbed from behind. Anyways…as The Sect barged in I turned to see my dad jump into action and for a former spy he still had the moves standing toe to toe with those guys. Unfortunately, it wasn’t enough as they sprayed us knocking all three of us out, but before they did I was able to snap a picture of one of them then intentionally dropped my phone on the floor knowing Sarah and Casey would find it because it would the two of them that I fully trusted in finding me.
Chuck takes another sip from his bottle of water smacking his lips together as it goes down his throat. The scene ends with him shaking what’s left in his bottle as he stares at the bottle with a serious look on his face.
Fade Out
The scene begins with chuck leaning forward on the black leather couch with his head down holding his bottle of water with both hands shaking it a bit. He then finishes what’s left, looks at the bottle, places it on the table, leans back, and then beings to speak.
Chuck: The subsequent abduction of my father, myself, and my step-brother put quite a damper on being able to see Sarah, Ellie…basically the people I loved and cared about the next day. At the time, many thoughts were running through my head when The Sect abducted us and the one constant thought I kept returning to was will this be my last hurrah?
You see…over the past two years whenever I was on a mission and things didn’t go as planned to where we were either captured or threatened with torture I thought to myself is this how I’m going to go out? Before I was recruited to become a government analyst I thought I would simply die from old age…possibly with a Xbox controller in my hand playing along side my best friend Morgan in one last game of Call of Duty.
However, when my life was turned upside down my thoughts immediately turned on what I might not be able to do if I bit the dust. Not being able to see my sister Ellie, Devon, and the many awesome kids they’re going to have. To not be able to play Call of Duty at all hours of the night with my bearded best friend Morgan. To not be able to tell Sarah how much I truly care about her.
It would be those thoughts that would have me worried to the point of freaking out as I feared that if I closed my eyes I might not open them ever again. I accepted the fact a long time ago that if a person’s time is up…then its up. BUT…points finger in the air…if you found the joy in what you did to where it brought joy to others then I accomplished in what I set out to do.
Putting smiles on the faces of people who truly mattered in your life and knowing you influenced that person in such a positive way he or she would become better…or be inspired to become better. At least…gives a hint of laughter…that’s what I think because the fact of the matter is you never know who you’re going to meet in this life.
What I’m saying is…there more to this world than just seeing and experiencing the bad stuff that can truly depress you. The wars fought over stupid things; loved ones in the military overseas dying for their country; the bad guys getting off scott free while innocent people go to jail for something they didn’t commit. It can literally cause you to give up on humanity itself.
Thinking about it though…its not all bad. There’s absolute meaning when you see the good stuff as well that makes you feel good inside within your heart. People who put others…complete strangers interests above your own. By doing that you have a sense that there are amazing people in this world who go above and beyond what they’re capable of.
I see that in the lives of people like my sister Ellie and Awesome who save lives on a day to day basis. I see it in Morgan who has the potential to be great and all he has to do is believe in himself. I see it in Casey who has come along way from the emotionally constipate ”cold school” killer who didn’t care who lived or died. Most of all…I see it in Sarah and every time I open my eyes seeing her stare back at me in the morning I know I’m safe.
Sarah…smiles...when I looked into her eyes they at one time were lonely…dark…cold…basically the look of death. Now…grins…things have changed as they’re replaced by warmth and life. The walls she’s built up from being a tough no nonsense spy have gradually gone down bit by bit showing a woman experiencing feelings and emotions she not used to dealing with. Don’t get me wrong…if you rub her the wrong way she’ll kick your butt.
Sarah has been physically fighting for me as I’ve been fighting for her in an emotional way. We balance each other out…smiles…I’m the ying to her yang. We’re a team and if we ended up outnumbered…outgunned…I know the last face I see if not my friends and family is hers…but during that time she wasn‘t with me and it would only be the image of her face I would cling on to if I didn’t make it.
So yeah…takes a deep breathe…that was pretty much going through my head in that moment when everything went all chaotic as I saw a fading image of my father and Tucker fall to the floor before everything went black.
Chuck lays his head back on the black leather couch letting out a tired sigh as he rubs his eyes. The scene ends with Chuck getting up, grabbing the empty bottle on the coffee table, and walks off camera.
Fade Out
The scene begins with a lone shot of the black leather couch and after a moment or two Chuck walks into view scratching his head as he takes a seat. After getting into a comfortable position he speaks up.
Chuck: Have you ever woken up in an unfamiliar place and it didn’t involved a wild night of drinking? Tucker and I sure did as we were woken up by having water thrown into our faces, which is a nice way to start an interrogation. Scratches the side of his face and then rubs his mouth When we got our bearings straight our holding area looked the set of the movie True Lies with a big mirror right in front of us but unfortunately Tucker was right when he said Arnold Schwarzenegger and Tom Arnold wouldn’t be behind it. We both would soon realize there was no time for fun and games as a synthesized voiced informed both of us that if we didn’t cooperate our father would die. Tucker had no idea what was going on or what was at sake but I did and I was prepared for all three of us to die in order to protect the important intel they wanted. As I sat there fixated on my broken watch around my wrist, which must have happened during the struggle at my father’s apartment, I knew it would be impossible for Sarah and Casey to find us and despite that I continued to cling on to the hope that they were going to save the day. My train of thought would soon turn away from my watch to Tucker who relentlessly waved his hand in front of my face trying to get my attention.
As he says that, the scene flashes back to the holding room in an unknown location where Chuck is sitting down against the wall with one leg near his chest as his left arm is resting on his knee. He looks up to see a look of confused concern on Tucker’s face as he looks down at his brother.
Tucker: Hey…its sucks that you’re watch got broke bro but do you know what sucks even more? Chuck looks up and stares at Tucker They have dad…looks and point at the mirror then looks back at Chuck…and you don’t look the least bit concerned.
Chuck: speaks up I am concerned Tuck…more than you’ll ever know.
Tucker: throws hands up in the air Then why aren’t you freaking out about this or at the very least banging at the mirror to get some answers as to why we’re here. Tucker’s tone of voice gets angrier and louder For crying out loud…show some kind of emotion and not just sit there moping over your stupid watch.
Chuck: gives Tucker a look and then looks forward Shut up
Tucker: look for disbelief You shut up.
Chuck gives Tucker a glaring look.
Chuck: Come down here and make me.
Tucker glares at Chuck as he balls up his fists to prepares to he thinks better of it and backs off.
Tucker: Ah…waves him off with both hands…you’re not worth it.
Tucker walks off with his both hands at his sides walking towards the door as the sounds of his shoes scrape the floor. Chuck’s focus is back on his watch but would soon turn back on Tucker when he hears the sound of the door behind hit along with the sound of considered pain as he quickly turns to see Tucker biting his bottom lip holding his right hand. Chuck just shakes his head leading Tucker to walk across to the other side of the room is shaking his head to try to alleviate the pain. After a several moments of silence, Chuck speaks up.
Chuck: I’m sorry for telling you to shut up.
Tucker: massaging his right hand Right back at ya dude.
There is a brief moment of silence and then Chuck speaks up.
Chuck: Were you actually going to hit me?
Tucker walks forward shaking his head.
Tucker: Nah…to be perfectly honest I’m not a fighter unless you challenge me to a video game then its on like Donkey Kong.
Chuck and Tucker share a laugh.
Chuck: Look…glances at Tucker…the best thing we can do for dad right now is nothing.
Tucker: Why?
Chuck: We have no idea who we’re dealing with here or for that matter how many bad guys are out there. We could be possibly doing more harm to dad if we don’t go about this whole situation with a level head.
Tucker: We can’t just do nothing while dad is being lighted up like a Christmas tree. For all we know he could be dead.
Chuck: shakes head He’s not dead.
Tucker: How do you know?
Chuck: We’re still alive aren’t we? They…points at the mirror…want us to cooperate and killing dad wouldn’t be smart idea on their part.
Tucker lets those words sink in as he paces back and forth as Chuck continues sitting on the floor looking at his watch again. His focus is interrupted again when Tucker stands in front of him with a serious look on his face.
Tucker: Level with me…what is going on?
Chuck: looks up at Tucker Its too complicated to explain…let’s just say I would die before handing over what they wanted.
Cut to Tucker with shock on his face as he responds to what Chuck just said.
Tucker: You’re telling me…you…you would risk all our lives for something they want. When or If we ever get out of this I’m going to tell dad about this…boy you’ll be sorry.
Chuck: gives a weird look to Tucker Trust me…dad would do the same because he’s not the man you think he is.
Tucker has look of curious confusion on his face as he wonders what Chuck meant by that last statement. Tucker then goes over and standing beside Chuck on his right side. The scene ends with him leaning back and then slowly slides down sitting next to him.
Fade Out
The scene begins with Chuck sitting in the corner of the black leather couch arms extended on top of the arm/back of it with his legs crossed. He cracks his neck a few times and then speaks up
Chuck: Tucker would find out that dad’s secret when he rescued us. Needless to say he was shocked and bit insulted that he wasn’t told about this. Chuck leans forward turning to look at the person he’s talking to Dad’s secret wouldn’t be the only one that was going to be revealed as my dad and I would find out that Tucker wasn’t who he said he was. The man who I worked side by side with At Buy More…fighting with Morgan for my time and attention…played Call of Duty till all hours of the night…went camping with…the person who I considered a part of the Bartowski family…was in fact Josiah Gates.
How could that be you might be asking? He was a clone and I found out that piece of information when we stumbled on a lab with a computer in it during our escape. My curiosity got the better of me and despite my father’s objections I punched in a few keys leading me to see Project Gemini. Everything started falling into place once I got all the intel concerning what the project was about…embryonic stem cell research. Josiah Gates was doing experiments in cloning and he was the main test subject. This isn’t the sort of cloning you see in movies like Multiplicity with Michael Keaton where his 3 counterparts were either in touch with their feelings, manly, or just a complete idiot.
No…shakes head…his experiment weren’t something to laugh about as he experienced several failures until he had a successful clone with memories and all…Tucker. After finding out who Tucker’s mother was we turned around to see him pointing a gun at us with a smug look on his face that read he pulled a big one on us, but most importantly he pulled the wool over my father’s eyes because the man he was running from was actually with him all along. According to Tucker or should I say Josiah Gates he planned this all along and during his sinister rant I said something that caused me to get shot. Luckily I was wearing a bullet proof vest.
You know…ever since Bryce shot me at Buy More I never take for granted wearing a bullet proof vest. I can’t count the number of times I’ve been shot and lived to tell about it all thanks to that unseen life savor. I wouldn’t recommend getting shot though because depending on the type of bullets or shells you’re shot with they leave bruises. Plus…winces…they hurt like you wouldn’t believed. You know…grins giving a small chuckle…like the American Express card I never leave home without it and so far I’ve been able to stay alive and hopefully…leans forward to knock on the wooden coffee table…I will continue to stay alive.
Anyway…getting back to Gates. He shot me and thought I was dead. As I laid there, I could hear Gates gloating on how his perfect plan coming to fruition and how he was the so called “puppet master” pulling the strings of two pathetic puppets in this well orchestrated play. It took a lot for me to keep quiet and not say anything that would jeopardize my father’s safety. So…I waited for the perfect time to spring into action and make my move, which hopefully would be soon because he had rambled on any longer I would have died from utter boredom. It was at that point, I heard the him pull back the trigger giving my dad the chance to distract him in order for me to do my thing, which was sweep the leg.
Gates was down, but he was certainly not out. We got ourselves out of there as the entire facility was in red alert no doubt because of Gates as we headed for the exit It felt like forever trying to make our way but we finally running up the stairs and busting through two steel doors where I could somewhat determine where we were. However, we didn’t have time to enjoy our surroundings as my dad and I ran like we never ran before as we had countless Sect agents hot on our tail. We kept raining forward until we found ourselves at the edge of a really steep cliff and as we looked down we heard the sound of weapons at the ready to either shoot or capture us.
As we were backing up towards the edge of the cliff, my father made the most outrageous suggestion that I could ever imagine. I remember him looking at me and telling me if I was ready to jump like Bunch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid. Now, in my head I was thinking are completely out of your mind old man and why of all times you had to think of that movie? To me…jumping off reasonably short cliff to the waters below is possibly something I can handle but jumping off a really really really high cliff wasn’t something I wanted to try because I’m scared enough of heights as it is. I get woozy just standing on a ladder and then he said something that really got to me.
My own father called me a chicken. As a kid, he would call me that whenever I would do or at least try something that was remotely adventurous. Points at himself Look at me…do I look like the adventurous type to you? Lifts pant legs These legs haven’t seen the sun since I went off to Stanford and have never been out in the sun ever since. My father then looked at me and said you only live once, which meant it now or never. At tat point, I wanted to see Sarah’s face one last time before I took the leap of faith that I may not survive from. As we were about to turn and jump, Casey and Sarah arrived much to chagrin of The Sect. They startled scrambling as they saw the helicopters overhead.
As I looked up at the beautiful sight of the good guys coming to over rescue I was happy, but when I looked at my father he looked a bit disappointed that he didn’t get the chance to jump. At that point, we thought it was over…we were wrong. Gates shot my father and then pointed it at me. There we both were….standing at the precipice of either life or death. In the end, I lived and Gates died when my father had enough strength from being shot to take him by surprise and punch him the face to where he stumbled back towards my direction. As he was stumbling towards me, I had two options: 1.) Save him or 2.) Step aside.
I ended up doing neither as I just stuck my foot out and he tripped to his death. As I watched him fall to his rocky death below one thought came to my mind and that was my dad’s past was no longer a concern…I would be wrong again. In any case, when I turned back I saw my father smile at me and then suddenly keel over. Even though he was wearing a vest, he got shot under his arm pit. It was a lucky shot...but not lucky for my father. In that moment, every went into slow motion and as I looked up I saw Sarah and Casey running towards me. Casey and Sarah wouldn’t disappoint me as they radioed for help in order to save my father’s life. Little did I know…it wasn’t just his life that they would be saving.
Chuck covers hands with his mouth leading him to rub his face several times. The scene ends as Chuck hangs his head rubbing both hands through his hair and then leans back on the black leather couch.
Fade Out
The scene begins with Chuck with his back turned to the person he’s talking to. He’s looking intently at the warshak painting and after a moment or two he turns around to speak up.
Chuck: Casey and Sarah got there just in the nick of time. I honestly don’t know if I would have jumped or not but thankfully that option was taken off the table for me. Anyways…they both stayed with me until the helivac chopper arrived and when I got the assurance he was safe I walked off. I headed back towards the edge of the cliff not to jump but to take a breather away from all the controlled chaos going on behind me. As I looked out into in the ocean with the wind blowing in my face and the warmth of the sun shining on my face I closed my eyes and breathed out a sigh of relief.
During that moment, so many thoughts were running there my head one of them being it’s over. My dad can stop looking over his shoulder and wonder if today is the day that he’ll be caught. He walked away from a life he felt comfortable with and spent it running from his past that the possibility of a normal future would be out of the question. It was at that point my thoughts turned to Sarah and questioning whether or not we could possibly have a normal relationship with Beckman and Graham keeping close tabs on us. Yet, when I looked back at what my dad’s situation with my mom I realized something.
What I realized was that I didn’t want that to happen to me. I didn’t want to end up walking away from a real relationship that makes me happy regardless of what Beckman and Graham think. I am not an asset and Sarah is not my handler. I am a man who is in love with a beautiful woman who I want to spend the rest of my life with. When I opened my eyes, I made the decision once Jax took care of the headaches I was experiencing I would lay it all on the table with Sarah by my side. It would be a risk, but it would be well worth it to no longer hide how we feel from the powers that be.
With that I took one last look at the scenery, took a deep breathe, and then turned around to walk back to where Casey and Sarah were. To my surprise they were with Jax and as I walking towards them with a grin on face I suddenly experienced excruciating pain in my head causing me to grab my head. All went black after I hit the ground.
Fade To Black
About Me

- Yoda
- Let's see, I'm a single, 39 year old 5'2-ish pinoy who worked with kids for the 14 years and I was pretty good at it. I am now working in a totally different area away from kids and it's awesome. Anyways, for fun I listen to music, draw, play video games, watch movies, hang with friends, surf the internet, go skydiving, and write down my thoughts, which I call Yodaisms. I'm pretty much a quiet, laid back dude once you get to know me and that's pretty much it, so have fun reading my thoughts. Take care and peace out!
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