[The episode begins with a recap of what previously happened as the man known as Sebastian and several of his men have Cassidy and Sarah in their clutches. Cut to General Beckman’s office where she receives a phone call from an old friend from her past leading the scene to switch to a conversation between Chuck and his father Abe. Chuck tells Abe about his flash concerning a group known as the Zeitgeist to where Abe informs him that he had a close personal encounter with one of their members who nearly killed him…Marcus Stefano. Cut back to an intensive conversation between Marcus and Beckman where he basically gives her an ultimatum to either give the whereabouts of Project Eagle Eye or her son, as well as, his fiancé are eliminated. He informs her to take a trip to Breckinridge, Colorado to a small diner aptly named Eagle Diner. Cut to a heliport where Cassidy and Sarah are being led by gunpoint into a helicopter by Sebastian and his men heading towards Breckinridge, Colorado. The scene begins 20 years ago in semi-darkness and then all of a sudden a man walks up in front of several people sitting behind a long table. The man’s face is not shown and just behind him, afar off in semi-darkness stands a man and a woman. After a few seconds a man behind the table speaks up]
Man: Marcus Stefano…your recent actions nearly brought this organization into the light jeopardizing everything we worked hard for. As you know, we are in the business of being in the shadows guiding history for the betterment of mankind for over 100 years. What do you have to say for yourself?
Marcus: My actions weren’t meant to jeopardize this organization by any means whatsoever. In fact, my intentions were to bring it to whole new level. It’s a level, where we can use our influence and vast financial assets to our advantage.
[cut to the man and woman listening intently as they watch a seemingly stoic Marcus explaining himself to the Zeitgeist figureheads]
Man: [shaking head] By coming close to merging deals with a high profile foreign organizations without our knowledge. What were you thinking?
Marcus: What was I thinking? I’ll tell you. I was thinking that this organization has been standing in the shadows for too long holding on to lofty ideals for over a century.
Man: Those lofty ideals as you call it are what has kept this organization strong and continues to be strong as ever. [Marcus laughs leading the man to give a serious/curious look] What seems to be so funny?
Marcus: [laughs] Those ideals are weak and should be changed for an organization that is better suited more towards world dominance.
Man: You’ve gone mad.
Marcus: [points finger at man] NO! I assure you I haven’t gone mad. My eyes have just been opened to seizing the opportunity to bring the Zeitgeist into a whole new era.
Man: What era would that be?
Marcus: The era in which we rightly take our place amongst the powers that be establishing us as part of all supreme powerful entity that can’t be touched.
Man: I’ve heard enough…it’s the best interest of this tribunal that because of your actions you’re expelled as member of this organization. You’re financial assets will be frozen and any documents you have are to be turned over immediately. Plus, any access cards you may have in your possession. Before you leave, do you have any last words?
Marcus: Yes…for all that I have done for this organization…you’re just going to erase me from existence.
Man: You brought this on your self.
Marcus: [shouts and points at everybody] I disagree…YOU brought this on yourselves.
Man: I suggest you lower your tone or suffer the consequences.
[As the man says that the woman steps out from the shadows speaks out wearing her military uniform]
Woman: Sir…if I may speak on behalf of Marcus.
Man: [reluctantly nods] General Edna Beckman…as one of the two people responsible for bringing this matter to our attention what do you have to say?
Beckman: [looks at Marcus and then at man] Jeremiah Wexler and I know that Marcus is a good man, but somewhere along the line he lost his way. Don’t judge him on the basis of his recent actions, but rather on his action from his past as a loyal member and trusted friend to the Zeitgeist.
[As Beckman says that a man, Jeremiah Wexler, steps out of the shadows wearing a black suit, sporting a mustache, dark hair, and brown eyes]
Wexler: If I may add to that sir…he is no longer a threat to this organization or to anyone else for that matter. Please…just let him leave with the only thing he has left…his dignity.
Man: [looks at Wexler and Beckman then at Marcus] Mr. Stefano…be glad your friends have your best interest at heart. [looks at two big guys behind him] Gentlemen…escort this man off the premises.
[The two big guys lead Marcus out but not before giving Beckman and Wexler one last look. He disappears into the darkness as it cuts back to a close up shot of Beckman’s face as she watching on. The scene switches from the close up shot of Beckman 20 years ago to sitting in a private jet looking out the window as it ends with her having a conflicted/serious look on her face due to the flashback. Cue Chuck intro]
[Fade Out]
[The scene begins back in the private jet where Beckman continues to flashback at what happened 15 years ago with her former Zeitgeist associate Marcus Stefano. Cut to halls of the building where Marcus is being led out by the two big guys into a brightly lit hallway and after a second or two Wexler and Beckman walk out. Beckman then runs up to stop the two big guys so she could talk to Marcus. When he turns around he has dark hair, hazel eyes, sporting a goatee, wearing a 3 piece suit, with Gucci shoes. After receiving a limited amount of time Marcus begins the conversation with Beckman]
Marcus: What do you want?
Beckman: Listen…what Jeremiah and I did was for your own good. Just be lucky that you came out of alive before they took it upon themselves to expel you on a more permanent basis.
Marcus: [looks at Wexler and then at Beckman] For my own good…as I recall weren’t the two of you supposedly on board with what I envisioned the future of Zeitgeist to be.
Beckman: It was disillusioned future and to perfectly honest you’re ideals became too much too handle. So much so, it hindered on being absolutely dangerous so we both took it upon ourselves to stop it before it got totally out of hand.
Marcus: Uh huh or was it the fact that I asked you to marry me? You never really gave me an answer.
Beckman: Don’t change the subject. This is a grave situation you put not only yourself in, but the entire organization in. You became greedy and put the needs of yourself over the organization.
Marcus: Why can’t you, Jeremiah, and the others understand that what I intended to do was for the greater good?
Beckman: What greater good? To expose us and have everything we worked hard for be destroyed by your own ideals of what the Zeitgeist should be.
Marcus: [puts hand in the air] No…[curls hand into a fist]…to show that we’re not just an organization who simply stays in the shadows guiding history, but instead to be part of history by taking control of it.
[As he is saying that Wexler walks up leading him to speak]
Wexler: You actually believe what you’re saying?
Marcus: Yes I do. It’s part of our destiny and if it wasn’t for you two we would be fulfilling what we were meant to become.
Wexler: We were meant to always be in the background and stay unnoticed…only to guide aspects of world history in order for the best possible future for mankind. This organization wasn’t built on the ideals of taking control with an iron fist and rule on the basis of fear and intimidation. Somewhere along the line you lost sight of what we stand for.
Marcus: [points at Wexler and Beckman] It’s what you two and the rest of those fools stand for…I no longer stand for those particular ideals.
Wexler: So that’s it…just like that…you’re going to turn your back on everything including the friendship we three established?
Marcus: You and Edna turned your back on me once you decided to turn me in for a cause that you know is the right thing do for this organization. As the friendship between the three us…consider it permanently severed as of now.
Beckman: Don’t say that…trust me when I say that somewhere down the road you’ll thank us for doing what we did.
Marcus: [low laugh] Trust…you know after all these years…I thought I could trust you…[pauses to look at Beckman with disappointment and then at Wexler]…not only as associates, but as friends as will in helping bring forth something that is bigger and far greater than all of us could ever have imagined…but…I guess the only person I can trust is me.
[As he says that one of the big guys walks up to take him away leaving Wexler and Beckman watching him go. After all three turn a corner a conversation begins between Wexler and Beckman]
Wexler: Are you oaky?
Beckman: I’m fine…it’s just that I didn’t want it to come down this way.
Wexler: [puts hand on Beckman’s shoulder] I know the two of you were close…but it had to be done and if we didn’t act quickly the tribunal would have given a harsher sentence than just expelling from the group.
Beckman: I know…I’m worried that he may not be able to get past what has been done to him.
Wexler: Don’t worry about Marcus…he’ll get over it and bounce back like he always does. [looks at watch] Listen, I got to fly back to Colorado for business…call me if you want to talk.
[Wexler and Beckman both hug leading Wexler to walk away, but not before turning around to give a wave. The scene switches from the hallway back to the private jet where you Beckman again looking out the window again. Cut to inside the plane where she takes out a small dark blue box from her bag and when she opens it there sits a wedding ring. The scene ends with a close up of the wedding ring and then to Beckman who stares at for a second or two. She then closes it, holds it against her heart, rests her head back on the seat, and then looks out the window once again]
[Fade Out]
[The scene begins with a wide shot of snow capped mountains of Breckinridge, Colorado with people skiing, snowboarding, and riding the ski lifts. Cut to the façade of a local ski lodge and to a man walking into a room straight towards the balcony where he stands in front of a man who has his back to him. When he turns around, it’s Marcus Stefano wearing glasses and basically all black except for the grey hair that now sits atop his head]
Man: Everything is set for her arrival Mr. Stefano.
Marcus: Excellent Colter…have you heard from Conway?
Colter: Yes sir…according to Conway General Beckman left in a private jet and is on her way. ETA is around 4pm. Rodriquez is at the airport as we speak and once she lands he’s going to contact us.
Marcus: Good…thank you Colter.
Colter: What do you want us to about Wexler sir?
Marcus: Don’t worry about it…I’ll handle him personally.
[Colter walks away leaving Marcus standing on the balcony. He turns around to take in the scenery and after a second or two he begins to flashback 20 years ago on the moment before he was taken down by Beckman and Wexler, which was located in his spacious home after dinner. All three walk into his living room with a huge fire place leading Wexler to speak up as Beckman and Wexler sit down]
Wexler: [smoking a cigar] Kudos to the chef my friend.
Beckman: Yes…the lobster was excellent and so was the salmon.
[Marcus stands in front of the fireplace, take out a cigar, light it, takes a few puffs, and then sits down to look at Beckman and Wexler]
Marcus: I’m glad you enjoyed it. So…have you thought over what we discussed?
[Beckman and Wexler look at each other leading Wexler to speak up]
Wexler: Yes…though the prospects of gaining power beyond belief is appealing I can’t help but think about the possible ramifications of what may happen if this does happen.
Marcus: Jeremiah...you focus too much on the negative rather than positive. Think about how we all can benefit from this both financially and personally to where Zeitgeist can ultimately rise to the forefront. To take our rightful place in the annals of history as the superior leaders we know we are.
Beckman: As tempting as that sound…you’re not at all worried you’re overstepping your boundaries with The Committee?
Marcus: The Committee will commend me for what I intend to do because for so long we’ve had to endure hearing the same old rhetoric and to be perfect honest it begins to grow old. Aren’t you two tired of always being expected to conform to their ways and their way of life?
Wexler: You have to understand and see it from their point of view as they’re just simply looking out for our best interests for the future.
Marcus: Can’t you two see we ARE the future of this organization and I’m just taking the initiative to leave the past behind so we can focus on a future where we not only play by our own set of rules, but write a new set of ideals. With this potential deal in the works, it may come to fruition.
[As he says that Wexler receives a phone leading him to look at his phone and then speaks up]
Wexler: It’s my wife…I’m going to take it in the other room.
[Wexler heads to the other room leaving Beckman and Marcus by themselves. After a few moments of silence Marcus talks to Beckman]
Marcus: [looks at Beckman] Have you thought over the other situation we discussed?
Beckman: I have and I still need time to think about it.
Marcus: What is there to think about…[walks over and sits next to Beckman holding her hand]…we love each other and I would be a great father to young David. [takes out dark blue box and opens to reveal a wedding ring] What do you say?
Beckman: Again…all I’m asking is a bit more time.
Marcus: [smiles] Okay
[He closes the box and goes in for a kiss but is interrupted by Wexler walking back in leading Beckman to back up]
Wexler: My wife was having a bit of a problem with the girls…[looks at Beckman and Marcus]…what’s going on?
[After a seemingly long awkward pause Marcus’ front door is busted wide open as several armed men rush and take down Marcus who drops the ring box on the floor. After a moment or two a man in a dark suit walks and stands over Marcus leading Beckman speak up]
Wexler: Tobias…we had a deal. We give you him and in return you promise not to harm him.
Tobias: That deal still stands. [looks at Marcus on the ground and then looks at one of the arm men] Take him.
[They stand Marcus up, but before they take him away he looks at Beckman with disbelief/betrayel leading her to speak up]
Beckman: I’m sorry.
[Tobias and the armed men lead Marcus away. Cut to Wexler following not too behind and stopping just a few feet away from the S.U.V that he’s going to be put into. The scene ends with Marcus looking at Beckman walking up right beside Wexler as he’s put in the black S.U.V leading the flashback to end to where you see a close up of a serious/vengeful look on Marcus’ face]
[Fade Out]
[The scene begins in a conference room where you there is a group of people standing in a huddled mass in what seems to be the tail end of a meeting. As the camera pans to the left there stands Jeremiah Wexler no longer with a mustache and showing signs of grey hair. After a moment or two he speaks up]
Wexler: How for along are we on the Eagle Eye satellite?
Woman: We’re right on schedule and it’s nearly 100% complete.
Wexler: What’s the problem?
Man: There have been some minor problems with several metallic brackets, but it’s nothing to be overly concerned about.
Wexler: When it concerns an important project for the military minor problems are considered to be major ones…always keep that in mind.
Woman: Yes sir.
Wexler: Wexler Industries is THE top high tech military weapons manufacturer and will continue to stay that way. I have made it my livelihood to be the best and I expect nothing else from you people…do I make myself clear?
Everybody in room: Yes sir!
Wexler: All right…get back to work and contact me once the satellite is fully complete.
[As they leave Wexler’s cell phone rings leading him to answer it]
Wexler: Hello?
Marcus: How does it feel being one of two people solely responsible for ruining a man’s life simply because he wanted to fulfill his destiny?
[Wexler pauses for a few seconds and then walks over to a window that overlooks the nearly complete Eagle Eye Satellite. Wexler and Marcus begin to have a back and forth split screen/single screen conversation]
Wexler: To be quite honest Marcus…it didn’t feel to good turning in someone who I thought of as a brother, but it had to be done.
Marcus: Ah…after 20 years I still see you were able to remember my name…brother.
Wexler: What is your agenda Marcus?
Marcus: What…no how are you…what have you been up to Marcus?
Wexler: I think I’ll just skip the pleasantries and move on to why you are calling me now after 20 years?
Marcus: Straight to business I see…very well. Are you familiar with local eatery called Eagle Diner?
Wexler: Yes…I’m familiar with it…why?
Marcus: Meet me there exactly at 4:30pm to discuss handing over the top secret hush hush Project Eagle Eye satellite you’re very own company is building for the military.
Wexler: Project Eagle Eye…I have no idea what you’re talking about.
Marcus: Jeremiah…brother…stupidity is not your strong suit. I suggest you give me what I want or like I told Edna…
Wexler: [angered tone] Leave her out of this…what we did to you 20 years ago was of my own doing.
Marcus: So it was you that convinced her to turn her back on me. Nevertheless, it doesn’t change of what I have planned.
Wexler: If you harm Edna in any way…I swear…
Marcus: [interrupts Wexler] Lower your tone...I haven’t harmed her…I’m not a violent man by any means.
Wexler: Edna told me about Zurich, Switzerland 30 years ago and how you killed two government agents.
[A momentary pauses is heard on the phone on Wexler’s end. After a few seconds Marcus speaks up]
Marcus: Did she also tell she helped me cover the incident…it was something she did quite frequently.
Wexler: What is the point?
Marcus: My point is…let’s stop this sibling quarrel we’re having and cooperate with each other.
Wexler: What makes you think I will cooperate with you?
Marcus: I gave Edna an incentive like I’m giving you?
Wexler: What…money…power?
Marcus: Do you know where your daughter Cassidy is?
Wexler: You son of a bitch.
Marcus: Don’t talk to or alert anyone…remember 4:30 pm…Eagle Diner…don’t be late.
[Marcus hangs up leading him to have a sly smirk on his face. Cut immediately to a shot of Wexler who has a very serious/angered look on his face. The scene ends with Wexler holding his phone tightly, looking down at the satellite, and then walks off camera view]
[Fade Out]
[The scene begins with the façade of the Casa Bartowski and cut to the courtyard where Chuck walks into camera view holding a bag seemingly lost in thought. He is about to head inside Ellie’s apartment when her hears a voice behind that causes him to freak out a bit]
Officer Sanders: Mr. Bartowski…I’m sorry if I startled you…do you remember me?
Chuck: Yes…Officer Sanders and no apologize necessary. I wanted to experience what it was like to have a heart attack at such an early age. [composes himself] Can I help you?
Officer Sanders: I’m here to get further information from Cassidy Wexler concerning the incident at her hotel room in which you too were involved in. Is she here so that I may speak with her?
Chuck: She’s not here at the moment.
Officer Sanders: What time do you expect her to arrive?
Chuck: [looks at watch] She’ll be back soon…you can come inside and wait for her if you like?
[They both walk in leading Officer Sanders to stand in the living room and Chuck to head towards the fridge]
Officer Sanders: You have a nice place.
Chuck: Actually it isn’t mine…it’s my sister’s and her boyfriend…or should I say now husband. They got married recently and I’m just house sitting for them until they get back. My girlfriend and I bought a place in Santa Monica so once they get back we move in. [offers him a drink] Beer?
Office Sanders: Congratulations and thank you, but I’m on duty at the moment.
Chuck: Okay…two for me then. [motions for him to sit] Please…have a seat.
Officer Sanders: I can’t stay long…[his attention is interrupted by something he sees]…is that the new version Call of Duty game…World At War?
Chuck: Yup…I get it sent to me to test it out. What you’re a Call of Duty fan?
Officer Sanders: You can say that…every once and a while I play in tournaments with a group of my friends. Open it up and see it how it looks.
Chuck: I don’t know.
Officer Sanders: [serious look] If you don’t I’ll have no choice but to arrest you.
Chuck: Seriously?
[serious look turns into a smile]
Officer Sanders: Nah…I’m just kidding, but come on I just want to check out the graphics. From what I heard the visual effects are supposed to be out of this world.
Chuck: Since you put it that way…I’ll go get my Xbox from my room and bring it out here. Hey, it’s going to kill some time waiting for Cassidy to get back.
[Office Sanders gives him a reassuring point as if to say you da man leading Chuck to disappear from sight. The scene ends at it switches to both a UH 60 Black Hawk helicopter and private jet where you see a split shot of Sarah and General Beckman giving a far off look as they head towards Breckinridge, Colorado]
[Fade To Black]
About Me

- Yoda
- Let's see, I'm a single, 39 year old 5'2-ish pinoy who worked with kids for the 14 years and I was pretty good at it. I am now working in a totally different area away from kids and it's awesome. Anyways, for fun I listen to music, draw, play video games, watch movies, hang with friends, surf the internet, go skydiving, and write down my thoughts, which I call Yodaisms. I'm pretty much a quiet, laid back dude once you get to know me and that's pretty much it, so have fun reading my thoughts. Take care and peace out!
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