[The episode begins with a recap of what previous happened as Chuck is sitting on an airport club car after having a heated confrontation with Tobias Carter. Travis walks out leading he and Chuck to have a conversation about not only the heated conversation, but also the relationship between Chuck and Sarah. Cut to Travis leaving and after a moment or two Chuck takes out his iphone to look at pictures of Sarah leading him to flashback to when they were looking at the house with Rusty, Isabel, and their realtor. Switch to Chuck and Sarah walking on the beach where Sarah not only reveals to him that her middle name is Lisa, but she also opens up about her C.I.A. past, growing up, and the strained relationship she has with her sister, as well as, her father. The flashback ends and it cuts to a conversation between he and Casey about how he was proud of Chuck for not backing down even when Tobias threatened him with a combat knife on his neck. After giving Chuck an actual compliment Tobias appears telling the dynamic duo its time to go leading you to see the Fairchild C-123 heading out of the airport hanger. The scene begins with the façade of Buy More at 6:30 pm and cut to the parking lot where Abe is walking to his car. As he is walking the camera switches to a point of view where it seems someone is following him leading Abe’s spy instincts to kick in. Whoever it is gets closer and closer to the point that when Abe reaches his car a is seen touching his right shoulder leading him to quickly grab it, pull the person in, grabbed his head from behind, and flipped him over inevitably landing on the hood of the car. Immediately cut to an upward shot of Abe as he is he rears back to punch the person in the face but stops leading him to speak up]
Abe: Morgan?
[cut to a downward torso shot of Morgan sprawled out on Abe’s hood wheezing out sounds of pain all-the-while looking up at him trying at best to talk to him]
Morgan: Eeey…midster….bbbbb
[cut to Abe pulling Morgan off the hood of the car and helping him to his feet leading him to speak up]
Abe: Are you okay?
Morgan: [bent over and waves his hand] Yeah…I’m all right. [points finger in the air] Just give me a second here.
Abe: Sorry son…I thought someone was about to rob me or worse hurt me.
Morgan: [stands up right, stretches his back, and looks at Abe] Hurt you? How about the other way around with those Jet Li moves? Where did you learn that and more importantly can you teach me those awesome moves.
Abe: [holds hands up] I took some self defense classes along time and I can’t.
Morgan: Oh come on Master Po…teach this young grasshopper the ways of butt kicking so I can do it on Jeff and Lester.
[Morgan does some karate hand moves and then does the crane kick stance]
Abe: [shakes head] No can do son....those moves that were taught to me are specifically for self defense purposes and not to injure people no matter how much they deserve it.
Morgan: [looks at Abe] Fine…[looks down and then gives a side look]…how about just the grab the head from behind flip you did that sent me flying over your should and on the hood of your car.
Abe: [assertive tone] I said no. [curious tone] What’s with the aggressive streak all of a sudden?
[Morgan shakes his head and then sits on the hood of the car with his head down]
Morgan: Chuck and I are breaking up.
Abe: [gives a weird look to Morgan] Morgan…I’m pretty sure that my son has been dating Sarah for the past year and half instead of you.
Morgan: There lies the problem.
Abe: Excuse me and what do you mean my son dating Sarah is the problem?
Morgan: She’s breaking up a great team Mr. B. I ask you what is Han Solo without Chewbacca…Frodo without Samwise Gange… Chuck Noland without Wilson…
Abe: [interrupts Morgan] Wait…hold on…you’re comparing your relationship you have with my son to Tom Hanks and a volleyball that he ended up losing at the end of the movie Castaway?
Morgan: Good point…scratch the last one. How about…
Abe: [interrupts Morgan again] Morgan…Morgan…what’s really going on?
Morgan: Chuck went to Colorado to meet Sarah’s parents. Now you see why this is the beginning of the end for the two of us?
[Abe’s eyes widen as he hears from Morgan that Chuck went to Colorado and knows the real reason why he went. The scene ends as it switches to a shot of Tobias who is walking up the aisle of the plane in front of his men who are sitting inevitably passing Travis and Casey leading the camera to stop on Chuck who has a very focused look on his face]
[Fade Out]
[The scene begins with the façade of the Fairchild C-123 about 11,000 ft in the air. Cut inside where a very focused Chuck is interrupted by Travis who sits down beside him after talking with Tobias leading him to speak up]
Travis: ETA to Breckinridge, Colorado is 45 minutes. [looks at chuck] How are you feeling?
Chuck: [looks straight ahead] I’m filled with anxiety…freaked out…in way over my head. You know…[looks at Travis]…the usual feelings I get whenever I’m on a mission.
Travis: [leans in] Talk to me man…I got to know why you’re putting yourself in danger especially when the person you’re in love with is a government agent working for the C.I.A. Do your superiors even know about you two?
Chuck: No…if they did she would be immediately reassigned.
Travis: So tell me…I want to know why take the risk?
Chuck: Sarah has risked her life for me more times than I can count…its time for me to step up and risk my life for her.
Travis: Even if it costs you your own life?
Chuck: [looks at Travis’ wedding ring] Do you love your wife?
Travis: [looks at ring] Yes I do.
Chuck: Do you have any kids?
Travis: 2 girls and a boy on the way.
Chuck: [intense look] Do you love them?
Travis: With every fiber of my being.
Chuck: Would you risk your own life to die for them…even kill in order to keep them safe?
Travis: You bet I would.
Chuck: Why?
Travis: Why? I’ll tell you why. They are my world. They give me a reason to smile and I thank God every day they are in my life even though there are times where I can be driven completely crazy to the point of frustration by them. If someone took away the smiles I see on my wife and daughter’s faces or feel the hugs and kisses they give me every time I leave for work…when I come home…life wouldn’t be worth living any longer. It would absolutely kill me not hear the sound of their voices…their laughter...my wife giving birth and listening to the cries of my son being born into the world. Sharing the joyous experience with her like I have in the past with my 2 daughters being born are truly special moments you cherish. They’re love give me strength to get out of bed each day and face whatever life throws at me.
Chuck: [points at Travis] That’s why I’m taking the risk.
[A larger intensified look appears on Chuck’s face as he says that leading the scene to switch from the Fairchild C-123 to the façade of Wexler Industries’ front gate where 2 guards stop 2 black S.U.V’s. Cut to Sarah in the other van looking on from the second vehicle leading it to cut back to the first one with Sebastian and Cassidy. When one of the guards walks up to the driver’s side window the passenger side window on the driver’s side goes down leading the guard to speak up]
Guard: [smiles] Ms. Wexler…good to see you back. How was California?
Cassidy: It was great Randy…how are
[Randy is about to finish his sentence when two silent shots to the head ring out leading both guards to fall dead to the ground before Cassidy’s eyes. Cassidy is in stunned shock as two of Sebastian’s men appear, pick up the two lifeless bodies and hide them in the small outpost and then take their place at the front gate. The two S.U.V’s head in and then cut to Cassidy who speak up]
Cassidy: [tears in her eyes] You killed them.
Sebastian: Actually…you killed them after distracting them for me giving enough time for my men to take them out. You did your job perfectly.
Cassidy: [angered tone] That wasn’t part of the deal.
Sebastian: We never discussed not killing anyone in the deal…soooo…as I see it everyone is fair game including you.
Cassidy: [wipes tears away] You can’t kill me because I have something important you need.
Sebastian: Really…what would that be?
Cassidy: First agree you won’t kill any more of my people and then we’ll talk.
Sebastian: That takes all the fun out of it.
Cassidy: Agree or the deal is off.
Sebastian: You’re bluffing.
Cassidy: You willing to risk it?
[Sebastian looks at Cassidy for a moment leading him to speak up]
Sebastian: Fine…now tell me what I need that is so important.
Cassidy: Access codes and passwords.
Sebastian: My people on the inside acquired those for all 35 levels of Wexler Industries.
Cassidy: 36
Sebastian: What are you talking about?
Cassidy: There are actually 36 level and you need the access code, as well as, the password to get into that highly secured area.
[Sebastian turns to look at Cassidy leading him to see a glimpse of a smirk on her face. The scene ends with the shot of the two S.U.V’s heading towards a glowing Wexler Industries lighting up the Colorado night sky with the mountains in the background]
[Fade Out]
[The scene begins with the façade of Casa Bartowski and Abe’s car pulling up to the front leading him to get out. He runs in through the opening and cut to him going through the Morgan door to Chuck’s room where he immediately goes to Chuck’s top drawer. When he opens it, he rifles through it inevitably finding what he’s looking for…the GPS locating system. A look of concerned determination is on Abe’s face as he clutches the GPS system in his hand leading him to quickly walk off camera. The scene switches from Chuck’s room back to the Fairchild C-123 where the conversation between Chuck and Travis has momentarily paused because of how intense it was. After a moment or two Chuck looks at Travis and then speaks up]
Chuck: I’m sorry I questioned the love you have for your family.
Travis: Don’t apologize…you were trying to make a point and it came through crystal clear for me to understand.
Chuck: I asked Sarah to marry me.
Travis: What did she say?
Chuck: I didn’t give her a chance to respond because I told her…when she feels ready to say yes then she’ll tell me.
Travis: Why?
Chuck: The job itself and there’s the matter of dealing with certain obstacles in our way.
strong>Travis: Your superiors.
Chuck: Yeah
[Travis leans forward to look at Casey who is leaning back with his eyes shut. Travis leans back up to look at Chuck]
Travis: How about Casey…does he know and aren’t you afraid he’s going to turn you guys in? He looks like the by the book…obeying orders…shoot now ask questions later kind of guy.
Chuck: [look at Casey and then at Travis] You hit it right on the nose. Well…Casey knows about us and the funny thing is…he’s done everything in his power to keep us together.
Travis: [look of disbelief] John Casey…the guy who’s not only considered a burnout from what I read in his file, but also has the reputation for leaving a path of destruction behind him. He pulled for you two to be together?
Chuck: Yeah…to the point of suggesting to our superiors that we move in together.
Travis: Dude…I totally pegged him wrong.
Chuck: The man can surprise you at times and by having our back…he too has put himself in danger of getting reassigned as well. Sarah and I owe him much more than he will ever know. On the outside he’s exudes this gritty, oftentimes scary tough exterior but on the inside he’s just a big softy at heart.
Travis: Huh…he doesn’t look that at all intimidating after what you told me.
Chuck: [smirks] I haven’t told you the best part yet.
Travis: What?
Chuck: If you want to have some fun and annoy him…call him Sugar Bear.
[Travis laughs causing to Chuck to laugh leading Casey, who is still leaning back with his eyes closed, to speak up]
Casey: Can you two ladies cut down the giggle fest over there… I’m trying to catch some shut eye.
Travis: [leans foward] Sorry…we’ll try to keep down…[leans back]…Sugar Bear.
[Cut to Casey slowly opening his eyes and giving the glare of death in Chuck and Travi’s direction]
Casey: What did you just say?
Travis: [trying to hold in the laughter] Nothing.
[Casey looks at Chuck]
Chuck: What?
[Casey gets up about to deliver a possible beaten down to Travis and Chuck who stand as well when Tobias’ voice comes over the loudspeaker leading everybody to immediately look to their right]
Tobias: ETA is 25 minutes…so I suggest you all do some last minute check on weapons and gear. I’ll notify you once we reach the drop zone.
[Tobias finishes leading him to climb the ladder and head to the cockpit area. Cut to Chuck who immediately turns to Travis]
Chuck: What did he mean when he referred to reaching the drop zone area.
Casey: [speaks up] It means…we’re strapping on parachutes for a surprise ariel assault under dark cover moron.
[Chuck has a freaked out look on his face as he looks at Casey and then Travis. The scene ends with Chuck sits down as the realization that he’s going to be jumping out of an airplane at night where you can’t see how close he is to the ground]
[Fade Out]
[The scene begins at the warehouse and cut to the heliport where a Huey helicopter is sitting. After a second or two you see Abe emerge from the stairs dressed in black fatigues leading him to walk towards the helicopter holding a bag. As he is about to reach the Huey when 2 armed guards in the same outfit emerge telling Abe to stop]
Guard 1: [guns drawn] Sir…stop right there!
Abe: [looks over his right shoulder] I’m on an important mission son...I need to get in the air now.
Guard 2: No you’re not…turn around!
[Abe turns our leading Guard 1 and 2 to put away their weapons. Gaurad 1 speaks up]
Guard 1: Mr. Carmichael...sorry about that.
Guard 2: Someone triggered a silent arm in this particular location. Did you see anyone…is anyone up here besides you?
Abe: That someone was me…I triggered the alarm.
Guard 2: You…why?
Abe: I’ll explain later.
Guard 1: I think you need to explain it to us now.
Abe: It has to do with my son, Agent Walker, and Agent Casey.
Guard 2: [holds hand up] Okay…but…you’re not authorized to take the Huey sir and do you even know how to fly one?
Abe: I was flying Huey’s before you were even born…so yeah I think I can.
Guard 2: There’s no need to get angry with us sir…we’re only here to help you.
Abe: Then help me by letting me use the Huey…I promise I’ll return in polished with a full tank of gas.
Guard 1: I think it best you come with us. We’ll contact General Beckman or Director Graham and notify them off the situation. Once we here from them and straighten this whole thing out we’ll act accordingly to what their orders are.
Abe: No time…[turns around and takes a few steps towards the helicopter]…by then it may be too late.
Guard 1: Please…[both guards put their hand on their gun]…come with us or else.
Guard 2: Don’t put yourself at risk sir…it’s for your own safety.
[Abe has this frustrated look on his face leading him to turn around and reluctantly walk in the direction of the guards. He walks in between them leading the guards to follow closely behind and as they keep an eye on him a close up shot of Abe’s right shows him gripping the handle tightly. As he is about to reach the stairs he slings the bag around inevitably hitting the two guards in the face causing guard 1 to fall to the ground and disorienting guard 2 just enough to act quickly. Abe quickly goes over to guard 1, grabs him the head and knees him in the face. When he turns around guard 2 has his gun in his face leading him to speak up]
Guard 2: Mr. Carmichael…turn around and get on your knees.
Abe: Time is of the essence here young man.
Guard 2: I am not going to repeat myself…do what I asked you to do.
[Abe turns around and gets on his knees leading the guard to slowly creep up with his point directly at his head. Guard 2 puts his left hand on Abe’s right shoulder leading him to look and have a sly smirk on his face. He puts his gun away leading him to get handcuffs giving Abe the chance to strike. Abe does the same flip over move that he did with Morgan at Buy More parking lock and it ended with guard 2 having the sleep hold applied to him. After struggling for a moment or two, Guard 1 is completely knocked out. Abe lays him down gently leading him to pat the guard on the chest]
Abe: Sorry son…I’ll make it up to you two later.
[Abe take their weapons and several clips from their belt. After a moment of two the helicopter turns on leading the blades to rotate and cut inside where Abe opens his bag and takes out not only the GPS system but a map as well. He turns on the GPS system inevitably giving the coordinates of Sarah’s location. The scene ends with Abe taking off in the helicopter heading off to where Sarah, Casey, and Chuck location]
[Fade Out]
[The scene begins with the façade of Wexler industries as the 2 S.U.V’s pull up to the front. All 6 occupants get out of the car leading Cassidy and Sarah to not only be back together again, but also have a very brief conversation]
Cassidy: [look of concern] Are you okay D?
Sarah: Yeah…I’m fine.
[Cut to Sebastian standing in front of the 2 sisters at the tail ending of texting someone, looks at Wexler Industries, turns to back look at them, and then nods at his 2 associates behind them]
Sebastian: Let’s go
[Cut inside to the lobby where 4 security guards sit behind their station leading the shot to switch to Sebastian and Co. to enter. As they walk in, security guard 1, much older than the first 3, walks from behind the desk and stops them leading him to speak up]
Security Guard 1: Sorry folks I need to see some I.D.
[Cassidy steps out leading her to speak up]
Cassidy: Hey Frank…they’re with me.
[Cut to Sarah looking at Cassidy leading her to grab her arm and pull her in to talk to her]
Sarah: What are you doing?
Cassidy: Trying to keep everybody alive.
[The brief conversation is broken up by Frank speaking up again]
Frank: Ms. Wexler...it’s good to see you, but you know the rules those who enters must show their I.D or risk being arrested for trespassing.
Cassidy: I know.
[As she says that the other 3 guards walk up behind Frank with one of them standing beside him]
Frank: Sir…ma’am…[looks at Sarah and the 4 other people]…your I.D.’s please
Sebastian: Ah yes…boys ket's show them our I.D.'s
[As he says that the 2 guards behind Frank and other guard pistol whip them from behind leading them to fall to the ground unconscious. Cassidy looks at the guards and then to the 2 men who are now holding guns. One of the men looks at Sebastian and then speaks up]
Man 1: Do you want us to shoot them?
[Cassidy gives Sebastian a look who returns the look leading him to roll his eyes]
Sebastian: [looks at his associate] No…just tie them up, keep them quiet, and continue to stay at your posts.
Associate 1: Yes sir.
[As he and the other guard deal with two unconscious bodies Cassidy speaks to Sebastian]
Cassidy: Thank you.
Sebastian: I’m honoring the deal…I’m a man of my word.
Sarah: [speaks up] What deal?
Cassidy: [looks at Sarah] Talk your sister later…[looks at Cassidy]…take me to level 36.
[Cassidy looks her sister, takes a deep breathe and then nods at Sebastian. She leads them towards the elevators leading the scene to switch to the Eagle Diner parking lot where General Beckman, Jeremiah Wexler, and Marcus Stefano get into an awaiting S.U.V. with Marcus in the front passenger seat. As they drive off, Marcus receives a text leading the scene to end with him reading it and then exuding a sinister smile]
[Fade To Black]
About Me

- Yoda
- Let's see, I'm a single, 39 year old 5'2-ish pinoy who worked with kids for the 14 years and I was pretty good at it. I am now working in a totally different area away from kids and it's awesome. Anyways, for fun I listen to music, draw, play video games, watch movies, hang with friends, surf the internet, go skydiving, and write down my thoughts, which I call Yodaisms. I'm pretty much a quiet, laid back dude once you get to know me and that's pretty much it, so have fun reading my thoughts. Take care and peace out!
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