[The episode begins with a recap of what previously happened as Chuck forges a new friendship with Officer Travis Sanders who stopped by Ellie’s apartment in order to interview her more about the incident at her hotel. Moments later Chuck receives a phone from Casey concerning the disappearance of Sarah and Cassidy leading Chuck to think of a reasonable excuse to have Travis leave so that Chuck can meet up with Casey. Cut to the clear blue sky where a UH 60 Blackhawk Helicopter is in the air and inside Cassidy initiates a conversation with Sarah. It is Sarah who tells her big sister that she not only hates being under her shadow growing up, but she also hates her. Cut to a conversation between Chuck and Morgan in which Chuck informs his bosom buddy for cover sake that he’s going to Colorado to meet Sarah’s parents leading Morgan to feel like he’s already lost his best friend. When Chuck leaves to meet up with Casey at the Barton Heliport, Officer Travis Sanders steps out into camera view and calls someone. The scene inevitably switches to the Buy More break room where Abe flashes back to when Marcus killed his partner and left him to die, but doesn’t leading to take his partner’s dog tag. After the flashback is over, he takes out the dry blood stained dog tag that hangs around his neck, looks at it, clinches tight in his hand, and closes his eyes. Cut to the Barton Heliport where Chuck and Casey are halfway to the helicopter when all of a sudden 3 black cars block their way leading to not only several armed men surrounding the two, but the appearance of Officer Travis Sanders with these men causing Chuck to have a look of absolute disbelief. The scene begins at around 4:15 p.m. where General Beckman’s private plane touches down at Eagle County airport and when she departs the plane she’s dressed in civilian clothes. Cut to her getting into a rental car and as she drives off, a man walks into camera view on his cell phone leading him to speak up]
Man: This is Rodriquez…she’s here.
[At the same time that happens it cuts to a shot of an abandoned airport with a close up of an old sign saying Breckingridge STOLport where 2 black S.U.V’s await them. The UH 60 Black Hawk helicopter lands and all 5 occupants get out. Cassidy is led at gun point to the first S.U.V that Sebastian is in while Sarah is led to the second S.U.V. by the same guy who was leering at her. The two S.U.V drive off leading the scene to switch from the airport to what looks like a dark interrogation room with an overhead light brightening the middle of the room where Chuck and Casey sitting behind a table with black bags covering their heads tied to a chair. After a moment or two Chuck speaks up]
Chuck: [turns head back and forth] Casey are you here? I can’t see a thing.
Casey: Yeah Bartowski…I’m here and neither can I.
Chuck: Are you all right?
Casey: I’m fine, but you’re new best friend won’t be once I get my hands on him.
Chuck: [hangs head] I can’t believe it…you meet a guy and find out that he is also a true gamer at heart and turns out he's a bad guy. Man…you think you know a guy. I’m definitely not accepting him as a friend on facebook I know that for sure.
Casey: [turns head to face Chuck] Slam him in your diary later…we have to figure a way out of this.
[Chuck nods his head leading both he and Casey to struggle in order to try to escape from their bonds. After several seconds of this, a sound of a door opens and footsteps are heard leading Chuck and Casey to immediately stop in order to pinpoint where those footsteps are going. Cut to a seemingly long pause as the camera focuses on a close up of the covered heads of Chuck and Casey. Suddenly, the bags are removed causing Chuck and Casey to squint because of the light shining above them. After taking time to focus they see Travis standing before them leading Casey to speak up]
Casey: [looks at Travis] Look who it is…Colonel Sanders.
Travis: [gives Casey a weird look] What?
Chuck: Don’t mind him…he’s hungry and has a KFC chicken on the brain. Talk to me Travis…wait…is Travis actually your real name?
[Casey shakes head while looking Chuck and then looks at Travis]
Chuck: What Columbo here is trying to say is who are you working for?
[As he says that a voice is heard in the darkness behind them]
Voice: The real question is gentlemen…who are you working for?
Casey: [looking around with a smirk] I asked first.
Chuck: [looks at Casey] Casey…now is not the time to get into a verbal tennis match with someone who clearly has us at a disadvantage.
[The man in the dark starts walking behind them and then around the room. As he does Travis speaks up]
Travis: [puts Casey’s gun on the table] We searched both of them and he…[points to Casey]…was the only one possessing a weapon.
Voice: Government issued M1911 Pistol with attached laser scope…impressive. I favor the M9 9MM pistol…you can fire it either in single or double action mode.
Casey: You know your hardware.
Voice: I make it my business to know.
Chuck: [nervous tone] So…ummm…what type of business are you in? Importing…exporting…killing?
Voice: It depends.
Casey: Depends on what?
Voice: It depends…[walks out into the light holding files and stands in front of Chuck and Casey]…on whether or not on how cooperative you two are.
[When Chuck sees him his eyes start to flutter leading him to immediately flash to where he begins to see an image of a rubix cube, a video clip of Military Special Forces, a file that reads Contra Wars, a letter of honorable discharge with the name Tobias Carter, several photos of him in the background with distinguished people in suits, and finally the image of the rubix cube again. When he snaps out of it he has that freaked out look on his face leading him to quickly look at Casey, who recognizes what just happened. Cue Chuck Intro]
[Fade Out]
[The scene begins with the façade of Eagle Diner and the arrival of Jeremiah Wexler pulling into the parking lot. Cut to the inside of the diner where Wexler walks in and is greeted by one of the young waitresses]
Waitress: [smiles] Hey Mr. Wexler…order in or take out?
Wexler: [nods at Sam] How’s it going Sam…sorry not today. Listen…I’m supposed to meet an old friend and I was wondering if he’s here.
Sam: As a matter of fact, a gentleman came in 30 minutes ago and said he was a friend of yours.
Wexler: [looks around] Where is he?
Sam: [motions to her left] He’s sitting at the corner booth.
Wexler: Thanks Sam and say hello to your folks for me.
Sam: You’re welcome and I will.
[Wexler has a serious look on his face as he slowly walks over to the corner table where Marcus Stefano sits facing him busy eating a meal and drinking coffee. He arrives at his table standing a few feet away leading Marcus to speak up]
Marcus: [doesn’t look at Wexler] The food here is not what I expected. [cutting his steak] Have you tried the Eagle Diner Steak Combo…it’s quite remarkable.
Wexler: I have and it’s actually my favorite meal to order.
Marcus: [looks at Wexler as he drinks his coffee] It’s good to see you old friend…I see the past 20 years have treated you well. [motions to the seat in front of him] Please…sit…do you want some hot coffee to warm yourself up from this cold Colorado air?
Wexler: [removes his coat and sits down] No thanks and I wish I could same the same. Where is Cassidy?
Marcus: In due time brother…[takes a sip of coffee]…let's catch up. How is your wife Emily?
Wexler: Fine…leave her out of this. You have my daughter you don’t need her mixed in this.
Marcus: Does she know?
Wexler: [serious look] I don’t want her upset…she’s been through enough worrying about one daughter, she doesn’t need to worry about another.
Marcus: How is your other daughter if I may ask…what was her name?
Wexler: DeAnna…from what my wife tells me she’s doing fine as well.
Marcus: From the tone of your voice, you seem uncertain about that.
Wexler: If you must know…we…we aren’t on the best of speaking terms. [starts thinking of Sarah] We have a difficult relationship and that difficulty has led to a strain in our family. I’ve invested so much on both my business and family that I didn’t want to lose what I worked hard for, but I did when it came to DeAnna. Emily thinks it’s just a phase she’s going through and in time she’ll come back home from who knows where so we can talk things out and repair the rift between us, but to be perfectly honest I think the relationship may be beyond repair.
Marcus: There will always exist a struggle between parent and child. The thing to keep in mind is that you must never give up on your kids, which is something you may have already done it seems.
Wexler: [shakes head] It’s not so much giving up on DeAnna…it’s more like realizing that I’ve poorly invested my time on someone who never wanted to reach their greatest potential.
Marcus: Every parent wants what’s best for their children in order for them to succeed.
Wexler: Is that why you never married…so that you could avoid the hassles of parenthood?
Marcus: I came close to asking someone to marrying me, but there were certain unmitigated circumstances that forced me to step back and re-evaluate my priorities.
Wexler: What happened?
Marcus: Let’s just say, it was an issue of trust that came between us. Speaking of trust, why did you turn your back on me?
Wexler: I never turned my back on you. I pretty much saved your ass from them putting you six feet under. Talk to me Marcus…where have you been? What have you been doing for the past 20 years anyway?
Marcus: I’ve been here and there.
Wexler: Can you be more specific?
Marcus: I’ve had a lot of time to think, regroup, acquire financial assets they never found if they tried, and re-establish contacts that backed off when I was exiled, which wasn’t easy.
Wexler: What are you planning?
Marcus: Something very lucrative that involves Project Eagle Eye, but first…
Wexler: But first what? Tell me…
Marcus: [interrupts Wexler] Ah…I see our other guest has arrived.
Wexler: What other guest?
[As he turns to see who it is his eyes widen as he sees Beckman standing there leading her to speak up]
Beckman: [looks at Wexler] Jeremiah?
Wexler: [looks at Beckman} Edna?
Marcus: [looks at Beckman and Wexler with a smile] The band is back together.
[Beckman and Wexler immediately look at Marcus who has this big grin on his face. The scene ends with Marcus going back to eating his steak combo and drinking coffee with Beckman and Wexler looking on]
[Fade Out]
[The scene begins with an ariel shot of the Colorado Road where 2 S.U.Vs are rolling down the road. Cut to the first S.U.V. where Sebastian is riding shot gun, Cassidy is sitting behind the driver, the henchmen holding her at bay is across from her behind Sebastian, and behind him are two other henchmen. Sebastian is on the tail end of a conversation and after moment or two he hangs up leading Cassidy to speak up]
Cassidy: Where are we going?
Sebastian: [looks straight ahead] We’re taking a little field trip to where daddy works at.
Cassidy: Wexler Industries...why would you possibly want to go there?
Sebastian: Cassidy…Cassidy…Cassidy…let’s stop playing the dumb blonde routine because you know exactly why we’re going there.
Cassidy: I have no idea what you’re talking about.
Sebastian: [takes out cell phone] Fine…I’ll just call my associate whose behind us and order him to kill your friend. [Cassidy doesn’t flinch] You have a choice to make…help me help you my dear.
Cassidy: You’re bluffing.
Sebastian: Okay then
[Sebastian takes out his cell phone and calls his associate driving behind him. Cut to the other S.U.V where the henchmen’s cell phone rings leading him to answer it causing Sarah to focus her attention is on the conversation]
Man: Yes sir.
Sebastian: At the count of 3…shoot the young lady.
[Cut to Cassidy who has this look of concern as Sebastian continues to look straight ahead. The scene switches from the S.U.V. back to Chuck and Casey where they’re currently being held captive by Chuck’s former new best friend Travis and are being interrogated by someone by the name of Tobias Carter after Chuck flashed when he saw his face. Casey speaks up]
Casey: Why should we cooperate with you?
Tobias: Unless you want you’re two lady friends alive…I suggest you do.
Casey: So you’re responsible for the abduction of not only a daughter of a high profile military weapon’s industry mogul, but also a civilian as well.
Tobias: Negative…we’re not responsible for any abduction. My former associate has gone rogue and has taken aforementioned Cassidy Wexler and your lady friend.
Chuck: Who is he?
Tobias: No…I’m asking the questions here. [Tobias looks through the 2 files leading] Major John Casey…United States Air Force...N.S.A…you’re list of credentials are impressive Major.
Casey: [smirks] I’m an overachiever.
Tobias: Charles Bartowski…Buy More employee for the last 5 years with Major Casey here. You live with your sister Dr. Eleanor Bartowski and her now husband Dr. Devon Howard who are currently on their honeymoon in Hawaii. Huh...it says here you were expelled from Stanford for cheating.
Chuck: [speaks up] I did not cheat.
Casey: Shut up Chuck.
Tobias: [continues reading] Involved in a relationship with a beautiful young lady named Sarah Walker who works at the Weinerlicious. The civilian abducted along with Cassidy Wexler.
Travis: [looks at Sarah’s picture and speaks up] Niiiice.
[All three look at Travis who shuts up leading Tobias to speak]
Tobias: [looks at file] Tell me Mr. Bartowski…[looks at Chuck]…why is a C.I.A agent posing as your girlfriend and what is her association with Cassidy Wexler?
[Chuck is at a loss for words leading Casey to speak up]
Casey: I give you credit…you did your homework on us. Now tell us does any of this involve your former associate Marcus Stefano.
Tobias: I never told you my former associate’s name.
Casey: [smirks] I’m a mind reader. You should see me at parties…it wows the crowd.
Tobias: You’re trying my patience Major…either cooperate or be responsible for hundreds…thousands…maybe millions of people lives on your hands.
Casey: When you put it that way…no.
Chuck: Casey what are you doing?
Casey: [looks at Chuck] Negotiating.
Chuck: What!? You’re going to get us all killed. [A look of frustration comes over Tobias’ face leading him to look at Travis signaling him to lave. They both turn to leave leading Chuck to speak up] Wait! I have something to say.
Tobias: [walks into the darkness] I’m not listening.
Chuck: You’re Tobias Carter…former Army Ranger, Special Forces Unit. [Tobias immediately stops] You were involved in a US-backed “contra” counter-insurgency in Nicaragua against the left-wing government from 1965-1969, but it was major washout as it cost many people their lives including several of your comrades as well. 1 year later you were honorably discharged and several months later you went to work for an organization calling themselves the Zeitgeist.
[Tobias slowly walks back out from the cloak of darkness with Travis following close behind leading Casey to speak up]
Casey: [smirks] You’re not the only one who does his homework.
[Tobias looks at Travis who is completely dumbfounded look on his face at what Chuck said. The scene ends with Tobias staring a hole right through Chuck who is has this considerably freaked out look on his face as realizes what he just did]
[Fade out]
[The scene begins back to the 20 year reunion at the Eagle Diner where Marcus has brought his two old friends Beckman and Wexler together again. Marcus is sitting on one side as Beckman and Wexler sit together on the other side facing Marcus who continues to have a smile on his face. Beckman speaks up]
Beckman: Why have you brought us here Marcus?
Marcus: Isn’t it obvious?
Wexler: Don’t tell me you still believe you have this supposed destiny that you’re supposed to fulfill.
Marcus: Yes…but it’s just not my destiny to fulfill any longer as it is ours to fulfill.
Beckman: What are you talking about?
Wexler: He’s talking about finishing what he started 20 years ago.
Marcus: No brother…it’s more than just bringing The Zeitgeist to the forefront. It’s about seizing the power that is rightfully ours. It’s about eliminating obstacles standing in our way.
Beckman: What obstacles?
Wexler: You got to be kidding me. So that’s what you’ve been planning for the last 20 years.
Beckman: [looks at Wexler] What it is…what’s he planning?
Wexler: Revenge.
Beckman: On who?
Marcus: The people responsible for exiling me and I thought it best to repay them with a proper thank you.
Wexler: The Committee…though the faces may have changed they are considered the obstacles standing in your way.
Marcus: Our way…you see it’s our destiny to take over leadership from those fools who are clinging to past ideologies. They are standing in our way and we will usher in a new way of thinking…new blood…and with that a whole new era for the Zeitgeist.
Beckman: Think this through Marcus…you’re going to reach a point of no return that might possibly lead to your death.
Marcus: I’ve already passed the point of no return once I made the decision to involve Cassidy and David as incentives for my cause, which is truly unfortunate.
[A look of intensity is shown in Wexler’s eyes leading him to lean a bit closer to Marcus]
Marcus: Unfortunate? You consider my daughter and her son as incentives…they’re human beings Marcus…not pawns in some sick, twisted game of chess.
Marcus: Then if you consider this a game of chess…then the important pieces have already been decisively placed and all I need is one piece to proclaim checkmate and you…[looks at Wexler]…posses that piece. [looks at Beckman and Wexler] Now…you’re either with me or against me…make the choice.
[Beckman and Wexler sit back in absolute disbelief at what Marcus has planned. The scene switches from Eagle Diner to the S.U.V.’s rolling down the road. Cut to the S.U.V where Sarah is in where the henchmen cinches back on the gun and points it directly at Sarah face leading the scene to move back to the van holding Cassidy who has been told by Sebastian that if she doesn’t cooperate her sister will be shot in 3 seconds by the henchmen he’s talking to on his cell phone on the other end of the line. Sebastian begins the countdown]
Sebastian: 1…
[cut to close up of Cassidy’s showing a poker face]
Sebastian: 2…
[cut back to Cassidy’s face starting to falter and when Sebastian is about to reach 3 she speaks up immediately]
Cassidy: Stop!
Sebastian: [on cell phone] Hold on a minute. [Cut to the other S.U.V. where the henchman redirects the gun away leading Sarah to breath out a sigh of relief. Switch back to the other S.U.V Cassidy talks with Sebastian]
Cassidy: All right…I’ll cooperate with you.
Sebastian: [turns to look at Cassidy] Excellent…I knew you would see it my way.
Cassidy: You know they’re not just going to let you in through the gate. You need security clearance to get past 2 high trained guards.
Sebastian: We don’t need security clearance…we only need you as a simple distraction to get us through the front door.
Cassidy: After that what then?
Sebastian: You will see soon enough.
[A smile comes over Sebastian’s face as he resumes talking with the henchmen he told to hold on from shooting Sarah in the face. Cut back to the S.U.V Sarah is in with the henchman getting off the phone leading him to speak to Sarah]
Man: [smiles] Good news…you live. [looks Sarah up and down] Sad really…it would have been such a waste to kill someone as beautiful as you. Now we have all the time in the world to get to know each other.
[A look of disgust comes over Sarah’s face leading to not only clinch her right fist as she looks out the window to avoid seeing his face. Cut back to the lead S.U.V where after a brief moment of silence Cassidy speaks up]
Cassidy: Are you in this for the money?
Sebastian: We’re in this to make a far greater impact on the world. Our intentions are to make a statement.
Cassidy: You seem like a smart business man…how about I make you a deal.
Sebastian: [curious tone] What kind of deal?
Cassidy: [whispers in his ear] A deal in which I personally guarantee you’ll make an impact that will most definitely be heard.
Sebastian: [turns to look at Cassidy] I’m listening.
[As Sebastian and Cassidy talk the camera view cuts to the façade of the S.U.V as it rolls down the road followed closely behind by the other S.U.V. The scene ends with camera pulling away from the two S.U.V’s as it goes to a wide ariel shot of the snow filled Colorado mountains]
[Fade Out]
[The scene begins back in the location where Chuck and Casey were being interrogated at by Tobias Carter. The dynamic duo follow Tobias Carter and Travis out the room to find themselves in huge airport hanger with not only a Fairchild C-123 Provider several yards away, but several men arming themselves to the t. All 4 men are in a ready made conference area where maps are tacked on boards, pictures spread out on a table, and important intelligence type stuff are gathered. After a few moments, Tobias speaks up]
Tobias: So Mr. Bartowski…as far as I know, we have never met and yet it seems a man who works at Buy More for 11 dollars an hour knows all about me. How is that?
Casey: [speaks up] Chuck here is an analyst and with his exceptional abilities in being able to retain loads of information he was recruited to work for the government.
Travis: Whoa…you’re like Keanu Reeves in the movie Johnny Mnemonic.
[Casey and Tobias look at Travis leading Casey to speak up]
Casey: Oh great…a new member of Chuck Bartowski geek squad.
[Travis gives Casey a weird look]
Chuck: [smirks] You could say that...instead of uploading information into an implant in my head I just remember important things through my keen sense of memory.
Tobias: [looks at Chuck] Fascinating…you’re an exceptional young man. The organization I work for could use a guy like you in our ranks.
Casey: Speaking of the organization you work for...how is Marcus Stefano involved in all this?
Tobias: Marcus Stefano was a former member of a secret organization that Mr. Bartowski referred to earlier as Zeitgeist.
Casey: Got it…that we know. Can you just give the cliff notes version?
Tobias: 20 years ago he nearly brokered a deal with several high profile organizations that are considered to be a threat to our long standing anonymity, which has lasted for 100 years. I was there personally when he was taken into custody after a deal was made by two of his associates to spare his life rather than to see him be killed. He would later be stripped any financial assets and then excommunicated from the organization. Until recently he hasn’t made any noise and now he’s up to something, but we don’t know what.
Chuck: Out of curiosity…who were the two associates that made the deal?
[Tobias turns to rifle through several photos on the table leading him to turn around handing two of them to Chuck who immediately looks at Casey as they both see the faces of Jeremiah Wexler and General Beckman. Tobias speaks up]
Tobias: In any case, we need to gather as much information from you two so that we can find and stop him ourselves once and for all.
Casey: Hold on…we’re not just going to stand by, tell you what we know, and then let you have all the fun.
Tobias: Negative…this is an internal matter and we do not need outsiders involved in our business.
Chuck: [speaks up] Guess what…we’re already involved in your business the minute he took someone I love and her sister. Plus, he killed one government and nearly killed another one, which I take very personally. We’re not the bad guys here…we’re both basically doing this for the same reason. So, unless you know the exact whereabouts of where this Stefano guy is taking Cassidy and Sarah…
Tobias: And you do!?
Chuck: I sure as hell do! [Chuck steps up to Tobias looking at him face to face] Now...I suggest...demand…we come with you and work together on this.
Tobias: Or what?
Chuck: There is no or what. It’s your call.
[Casey is thoroughly impressed as he looks at an assertive Chuck who is demanding to join forces while Travis ready to see Chuck get knocked out. The scene ends with a close up shot of Chuck’s face with a look of intensity as he stares down a former Special Forces Army Ranger with Casey and Travis looking on]
[Fade To Black]
About Me

- Yoda
- Let's see, I'm a single, 39 year old 5'2-ish pinoy who worked with kids for the 14 years and I was pretty good at it. I am now working in a totally different area away from kids and it's awesome. Anyways, for fun I listen to music, draw, play video games, watch movies, hang with friends, surf the internet, go skydiving, and write down my thoughts, which I call Yodaisms. I'm pretty much a quiet, laid back dude once you get to know me and that's pretty much it, so have fun reading my thoughts. Take care and peace out!
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