[The episode begins with a recap of what previously happened as Beckman flashes back 20 years ago as she relives in her mind the day her former/friend associate Marcus Stefano standing at his tribunal hearing in front of The Committee due to his actions that nearly destroyed the anonymity of the Zeitgeist. Heated words were exchanged on both side leading to Marcus being expelled, but before being taken away Marcus speaks with Beckman separately and thenWexler joins the in the conversation a bit later. During the conversation with Beckman in which he felt betrayed he reveals that he proposed to Beckman leading her to change the subject. Cut to Marcus 20 years later as he flashback to the betrayal in question where he not only proposes an idea to both Beckman and Wexler about bringing the Zeitgeist organization to new ear, but also proposes the idea of marriage to Beckman again when they are both alone. Consequently, both proposals are postponed as he’s taken away by armed men. Move forward to the present once again to a conference room where Jeremiah Wexler is talking to his people concerning Project Eagle Eye and after being left alone in the room he gets a call from none other than his old friend/”brother” Marcus Stefano. Marcus tells him that he has return from exile in order to fulfill his destiny leading to a heated exchange to the point where he reveals to Wexler he has an incentive for him if he doesn’t hand over Project Eagle Eye…Cassidy. Cut to Casa Bartowski where Officer Sanders stops for the expressed purpose of getting more information from Cassidy concerning the incident at her hotel room in which chuck was involved in. Chuck informs him that she isn’t here, but asks him if he wants to wait inside leading to them moments later about to play Call of Duty: World at War with the final split screen shot being Beckman and Sarah heading towards Breckinridge, Colorado. The scene begins on a Thursday afternoon at 3:45 pm with the façade of Casa Bartowski to where it cut to the inside of Ellie’s apartment in the living room where Chuck and Officer Sanders are heavily engrossed playing Call of Duty: World At War. After a second or two Officer Sanders speaks up]
Officer Sanders: This game is awesome!
Chuck: Yeah…they practically outdid themselves this time with a more mature style for our gaming pleasure.
Officer Sanders: You’re telling me…I totally didn’t expect the scene in the level “Makin Raid” where it shows an allied prisoner of war being tortured by the Japanese before having his throat slit by a katana. That was just…wow.
Chuck: According to several gamer websites, the developers spent two years in order to make the game more visually realistic.
Officer Sanders: Your right…[points at screen]…you can actually see the bullets cut holes not only in the trees, but also through the characters as well. Plus, with the added element of flammable environments in the game you can get in touch with your inner pyromaniac and use the flamethrower weapon to basically burn down everything around you.
Chuck: [Beavis voice] Fire…fire…he..he..he…fire…fire.
Officer Sanders: [laughs] Mr. Bartowski…
Chuck: [interrupts Officer Sanders] Call me Chuck…my friends all do.
Officer Sanders: Cool…my names is Travis. We should keep in contact especially after finding out that you got the hook up on getting the new updates on Call of Duty games.
Chuck: Do you want my email address?
Officer Sanders: Better yet…do you have a MySpace or Facebook page? I can add you on my friends list.
Chuck: I have Facebook…I deleted my MySpace page about a month ago.
Travis: All right…I’ll find you on there and add you as a friend. [looks at watch] Listen…Chuck…when is Ms. Wexler going to arrive?
[As Travis says that Chuck’s phone rings leading him to speak up]
Chuck: That could be her right now? I’ll be right back.
Travis: I’ll be here torching most of Eastern Europe.
[Chuck heads to his room to answer his phone and when he does its Casey on the other end. A back and forth conversation begins]
Casey: Bartowski…I need you to meet me at the Barton Heliport now.
Chuck: I can’t.
Casey: Why not?
Chuck: Travis is here and we’re waiting for Sarah and Cassidy to get back so he can get more information from Cassidy on what happened at her hotel room.
Casey: Who is Travis?
Chuck: Oh…my bad…Officer Sanders.
Casey: Well, tell Colonel Sanders he is going to have a long wait?
Chuck: It’s Officer Sanders and why do you say that?
Casey: The situation has just gone from bad to worse.
[Chuck’s eyes widen with that bit of news. The scene ends with Casey turning around as he has gives a serious look on his face as he stands in front of a black S.U.V holding Sarah’s purse in his hand. Cue Chuck intro]
[Fade Out]
[The scene begins in Chuck’s room and after a moment or two he walks into camera view in the middle of a back and forth conversation with Casey who informs him of a grave situation involving the apparent capture of Cassidy and Sarah. Chucks speaks up as he paces back and forth]
Chuck: Are you sure its Sarah’s purse?
Casey: Who else would carry a government issued M1911 pistol in her purse?
Chuck: Sydney Bristow from the show Alias.
Casey: Quit with the stupid tv references Bartowski…we have a serious situation here.
Chuck: I know…just trying to lighten the mood. So what’s the plan?
Casey: You drive down here to the Barton Heliport so we can go save Walker and her sister.
Chuck: Have you contacted General Beckman?
Casey: I haven’t been able to reach her…according to her secretary she’s left on some personal business.
Chuck: Could it have anything do with Project Eagle Eye.
Casey: Only one way to fine out…so get your butt down here.
Chuck: What…what do I say to Travis?
Casey: I don’t know Bartowski…tell him…tell him…it can’t work out between the two of you because you have a girlfriend. Do something to get rid of him and get down here.
Chuck: Funny…after a year a half of working together that’s the only response you could come up with? You’re slipping Casey.
Casey: I missed lunch…hurry up because time is something we don’t have much of.
[Casey hangs up leading it to cut to Chuck who has a worried/freaked out look as he tries figure out how he’s going to get Travis out so he can meet up with Casey. The scene switches from Chuck’s room to the UH 60 Black Hawk helicopter heading towards an intended destination. Cassidy and Sarah are sitting inside being held captive by a man named Sebastian and two nefarious thugs who are not only pointing their guns at both of them, but one of them is leering at Sarah causing her to ball up her fist for a punch. After a moment or two Cassidy speaks to Sarah so that only she can hear inevitably breaking that urge]
Cassidy: Why do you hate me?
Sarah: [quickly looks at Cassidy] What? I don’t hate you.
Cassidy: It sure seems like it to me. The minute I walked into that hot dog place you worked at I saw a mix of surprised embarrassment on your face. It’s as if showing up out of the blue has gotten you totally unraveled.
Sarah: I don’t think this is the perfect time talk right now Cass. As you may have noticed we’re being held at gunpoint heading to who knows where.
Cassidy: No…I think this is the perfect time to hash out some issues that you may be harboring because to be perfectly honest we’re stuck here for a while and have no place to go. So what’s bothering you?
Sarah: [clutches her gold locket] Nothing is bothering me.
Cassidy: I know something is bothering because you get that look on your face when you’re getting annoyed. It’s that same look you give Chuck when he tends to say something stupid.
Sarah: You really want to know what’s bothering me.
Cassidy: Yeah I do.
Sarah: I’m tired of living in your shadow and I feel like no matter how far I try to go to get away I’m always standing under it.
Cassidy: I don’t understand?
Sarah: Oh come on Cass…it should be obvious.
Cassidy: What?
Sarah: Overshadowed by your accomplishments, being constantly told why I should be more like you, and here’s the one I thoroughly enjoyed hearing…I’m not utilizing to my advantage the potential I have to be someone other than who I am now. Do you know how sick and tired I was hearing that over and over again?
Cassidy: It was a way to motivate you D.
Sarah: It didn’t motivate me at all…as a matter of fact it became the reason that I left college to pursue what I thought could help leave the past behind.
Cassidy: Did it?
Sarah: [looks down] Yeah…but…[looks up and at Cassidy] when you showed up 3 days ago all those unresolved feelings started to come back. The anger…resentment…frustration…bitterness…you know what…yeah I hate you.
[A hurtful look comes over Cassidy’s face as she hears that her sister hates her. The scene ends with a shot of Sarah giving a very serious look at Cassidy all-the-while continuing to clutch her gold locket]
[Fade Out]
[The scene begins back at Casa Bartowski and cut to the living room in Ellie’s apartment where Officer Travis Sanders is thoroughly engrossed in playing the Call of Duty game. A few moments later Chuck walks into the living leading Travis to speak up]
Travis: So what’s the 411 Chuck?
Chuck: Do you want the good news or the bad news?
Travis: Oh man…okay…give me the good news.
Chuck: Well…the good news is you got a taste of the new Call of Duty game that doesn’t come out till November.
Travis: I thank you for that…the bad news?
Chuck: Cassidy isn’t going to be able to do the interview.
Travis: Why?
Chuck: Apparently, she’s getting her hair done and you know how long that can take. [looks at watch] It could be hours before she arrives.
Travis: Trust me…[holding up wedding ring]…I’ve been married for quite some time and I know the feeling very well my friend. You married?
Chuck: Girlfriend…been together for a year and a half.
Travis: [stands up] Congrats…[scratching head]…I guess I should get back on duty to protect and serve the city of Los Angeles.
Chuck: Sorry dude…you came all this way for nothing.
Travis: I wouldn’t exactly say that…I not only met a new friend and fellow gamer, but I got to be the first person to play the new Call of Duty game. If my friends ever knew…it would blow their minds.
Chuck: Yeah, I know my best friend Morgan would go ballistic if he knew I had this in my possession. He would not only tell everyone after playing it, but he would also download certain game scenes on YouTube.
Travis: Seriously?
Chuck: Oh you have no idea.
[Chuck walks Travis to the door]
Travis: [laughs] Thanks Chuck and I’ll definitely add you to my friend’s list on facebook.
Chuck: I’ll accept it.
[They both shake hands leading Travis to head out. After a brief view of the Los Angeles skyline Chuck walks out of Ellie’s apartment in order to meet Casey at Barton Heliport. He’s in the courtyard with a bag when he receives a phone call leading him to answer it. Thus a back and forth conversation begins]
Chuck: What’s up Morgan?
Morgan: [sitting behind the info desk] Nothing much…hey listen…I called you because I think we should have a boy’s night out. Just you and me…we haven’t had one in a long time ever since Sarah came into the picture.
Chuck: I know man…hey…didn’t we already have a boy’s night out in Vegas?
Morgan: That doesn’t count?
Chuck: And why not?
Morgan: We were separated for most of the night especially when you and Casey were trapped in the elevator with Isabel who was going into labor. I, on the other hand, was helping a freaked out father to be do deep breathing exercises. I just feel we need to reconnect…how about a Bruce Lee movie marathon at your house.
Chuck: Morgan…that would be great.
Morgan: [smiles] All right…we just have to tell our ladies…
Chuck: [interrupts Morgan] But not tonight Morg…I’m going to Colorado.
Morgan: Sweet…road trip! I’ll pack my bags and we’ll both head out tomorrow. Oh before I forget…remind me to tell you to give me a day off.
Chuck: Morg…you’re not going with me to Colorado.
Morgan: Going solo I see…what are you going to do…ski…snowboard?
Chuck: Actually…I’m driving up there to meet Sarah’s parents…she’s gone ahead to see them before I do.
Morgan: Pretty big step in the relationship man…I hope you’re making the right decision.
Chuck: What does that supposed to mean?
Morgan: Nothing…I’ll talk to you later.
[Morgan has a look on his face as if it read that he’s losing his best friend when he hangs up after talking with Chuck. Cut to Chuck who just shakes his head and after checking the items in his bag one last time he then heads out. The scene ends with Officer Travis Sanders stepping out into view with a serious look on his face as he gets on his cell phone to call someone]
[Fade Out]
[The scene begins at Buy More and cut to the break room where Abe is just relaxing for a bit eating a bag of chips. After a moment or two he looks to be in deep thought and flashes back on the day that he was nearly killed by Marcus Stefano in Zurich, Switzerland. The flashback begins in Abe’s hotel room as he’s tied to a chair severely beaten up and lying on the floor next to him dead on the floor is his partner. Marcus walks into camera view leading him to stand in front of Abe, kneels down, and then speaks to him]
Marcus: [waves his finger at Abe] You came close to ruining a very lucrative deal. Who are you and what is your name?
Abe: [spits out blood] Don’t you recognize me…I’m the famous Swedish tennis player Bjorn Borg.
[Marcus nods to one of his men and then walks away. Marcus’ henchman proceeds to beat the crap out of him. After a few seconds, Marcus stops him leading him to speak to Abe again]
Marcus: Again…what is your name?
Abe: [spits out blood again] All right…I’m not Bjorn Borg.
Marcus: [looks at him intensely] Who are you then?
Abe: [smirks] I’m Ingvar Kamprad and I am the founder of IKEA. Would you be interested in any furniture? I can give you a good deal on a living room set.
[Marcus nods again leading to the same man stepping up to beat the holy crap out of him. After a few seconds Marcus tells him to stop in order to talk to him]
Marcus: You are wearing my patience thin…tell me who you work for. C.I.A? F.B.I.? N.S.A.? Interpol?
Abe: [grimaces in pain] Does it matter…you killed my partner and I’m making it my mission to take you down by any means necessary.
Marcus: [laughs] Really…well as you can clearly see you’re not in any position to do that now are you? I have the advantage and as far as you trying to take me down…it’s going to be me who is going to take you down…permanently.
Abe: What are you going to do…shoot me?
Marcus: That’s too easy…I want you to suffer before you die.
Abe: What…you’re going to tell me your life story?
Marcus: Do you think you’re funny?
Abe: I think so...why don’t you ask my partner, he can tell you I’m hilarious…[looks down beside him]…oh wait…you killed him.
Marcus: Joking till the bitter end…how sad.
[Marcus has his back to him as he fiddles with something. After a moment or two he turns around not only holding some sort of small cylindrical contraption, but also holds a handkerchief in front of his face] I’ve got a joke for you...[sprays him]…how many men does it take to kill a man with a lethal dose of Hydrogen Cyanide will take 10 minutes to take effect. 1…[bends down to look him straight in the eyes]…whose laughing now? [After a few seconds he turns his back again leading him to speak up] Untie him.
[His henchmen untie him leading Marcus to turn around and as he does Abe lunges towards Marcus but falls on his stomach just a few inches away from him due to the affects of the Hydrogen Cyanide. Abe slowly turns over to see a hazy image of Marcus looking down at him smirking, looking up to motion his men to leave, and then walks away closing the door behind. After several minutes he rolls on his side, crawls to his fallen comrade, and removes his dog tag from around his neck leading him to force himself. Abe stumbles out the door in order to find Sodium Thiosulfate to counteract the poison, which just so happens to be located down in the lobby. The flashback ends with Abe sitting at the table loosening his tie and unbuttoning the top buttons of his shirt revealing his partner’s dog tag around his neck. The scene ends with Abe looking at intently at the dry blood stained tag in his hand, then clinches them tight, and then closes his eyes]
[Fade Out]
[The scene begins back in the break room with Abe buttoning his shirt back up and straightening his tie. After taking in a deep breathe, he stands up, heads towards the door, and just as he’s about to reach for the door knob, the door swings open leading Jeff and Lester to run in. They close the door behind him and look through the blinds]
Abe: What’s up boys…can I help you?
Lester: [looks at Abe] Hey Mr. B…nope…we’re good.
Jeff: We’re hiding from Morgan again…he’s trying to give us more work to do because of the stupid bet we made with him.
Abe: A little hard work wouldn’t kill you boys.
Jeff: [looks at Abe] Yes it would…working hard ages people.
Lester: We don’t want to turn into old, grey haired men because of working hard.
Abe: Boys…I’ve worked hard for the last 40 years…are you calling me an old, grey haired man?
Lester: No…[Abe smiles]…you don’t have any grey hair that we can see.
[Abe smile turns more into a glaring look at Jeff and Lester]
Jeff: [leans in towards Lester] Maybe he uses just for men to color in the grey.
Abe: [laughs and puts hands on both their shoulders] And you wonder why Chuck never considers you two for employee of the month. [Abe walks out the door with a bewildered Jeff and Lester left in the break room. As he walks into the main room he runs into Morgan who seems out of sorts] Are you all right son?
Morgan: I’m fine…just heard some devastating news that I didn’t want to hear.
Abe: Do you want to sit down and talk about it.
Morgan: I appreciate it…maybe later. Listen...have you seen Jeff and Lester by chance?
Abe: They’re in the break room…when you find them do me a favor.
Morgan: What’s that?
Abe: Work them hard till they break.
Morgan: [Ivan Drago voice] I will break them.
[Morgan walks towards the break room leading the camera to cut back to Abe who has a sly smirk on his face. The scene switches from Buy More to the Barton Heliport about 30 minutes later where Chuck drives up to not only the black S.U.V where Casey is, buy also to another helicopter nearby. Chuck gets out, looks around, and walks to Casey who is holding Sarah’s purse leading him to speak]
Chuck: You know Casey…that purse doesn’t really go with your outfit.
Casey: How about I outfit this purse up your ass?
Chuck: Later…we have two ladies to save.
Chuck: Whose going to pilot that thing?
Casey: Me
Chuck: Let’s do it. You ready?
[Casey locks, loads, and checks the laser sight on his gun]
Casey: [smirks] I always am.
[Chuck and Casey head towards the helicopter, but in the background there are 3 black cars driving up. They are halfway there when they are immediately cut off by the three cars inevitably blocking their way to the helicopter. Chuck and Casey look at each other then at the three cars. After a moment several heavily armed men get out and surround the dynamic duo leading Casey to speak]
Casey: What the hell is going on? Who are you?
Voice: We would like to ask you the very same thing.
Chuck: [turns around] Travis?
[Chuck’s new best friend Officer Travis Sanders has appeared with several armed men who are pointing guns at Chuck and Casey. A look of disbelief comes over Chuck’s face as the scene ends with a serious look on Travis’s face]
[Fade To Black]
About Me

- Yoda
- Let's see, I'm a single, 39 year old 5'2-ish pinoy who worked with kids for the 14 years and I was pretty good at it. I am now working in a totally different area away from kids and it's awesome. Anyways, for fun I listen to music, draw, play video games, watch movies, hang with friends, surf the internet, go skydiving, and write down my thoughts, which I call Yodaisms. I'm pretty much a quiet, laid back dude once you get to know me and that's pretty much it, so have fun reading my thoughts. Take care and peace out!
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