[The episode begins with a recap of what previously happened as both Beckman, Sarah, Cassidy, and Sebastian arrive in Colorado. Cut to Chuck and Casey in a dark interrogations room as they are captured by Chuck’s new best friend Officer Travis Sanders who is the first to greet the dynamic duo as the black bags coverings their head are removed. The three chit chat a bit leading to another figure to make his presence known from within the darkness. They too do a bit of chit chatting to the point where he walks out of the darkness and standing in front of Casey and Chuck. When Chuck sees his face he immediately flashes leading him to flash and see several images including the name Tobias Carter on a letter of honorable discharge. Cut to Eagle Diner where Jeremiah Wexler stands in front of his old friend Marcus Stefano who is eating the Eagle Diner Steak Combo. They too do a bit of chit chatting about Cassidy, Sarah, what Marcus has been up to for the last 20 years, and his plans now, but when Jeremiah tries to delve more into what Marcus is planning another old friends arrives to Wexler’s surprise…General Edna Beckman. Switch from the Eagle to Colorado road where Sebastian tells Cassidy to cooperate, which she refuses to do leading Sebastian to call his driving behind him to kill Sarah at the count of 3. Cut back to the dark interrogation room where Tobias Carter, a former Special Forces Army Ranger, does a run down on Chuck and then Casey who in typical form makes matters difficult to where Tobias walks away into the darkness, but returns after Chuck reveals who he is by the flash he had. Switch back the Eagle Diner where Marcus reveals his plans of not only revenge to Wexler and Beckman, but also his plan to fulfill his destiny of taking over leadership of the Zeitgeist with the use of Project Eagle Eye. Marcus then gives them a choice to either be with him or against him. Switch back to the Colorado rock where Cassidy agrees to cooperate with Sebastian who tells his associate to not kill Sarah who is fighting the urge to kick the crap out of him for Cassidy’s sake. This leads to Cassidy to propose a deal leading Sebastian to be curiously interested. Cut to Chuck, Casey, Tobias, and Travis walking out of the interrogation room into a huge airport hanger where Tobias wants information in order for his own people to stop Marcus. Chuck and Casey refuse leading Chuck to stand face to face with the former member of the Army Ranger Special Forces. The scene begins with the façade of the airport hanger where Chuck is sitting in airport club car just off to the side of the slightly open hanger door and after a moment or two Travis walks out, sees Chuck, and then goes to sit beside him. After several seconds of awkward silence Travis speaks up]
Travis: [stares straight ahead] That was pretty intense in there dude.
Chuck: Yeah well…call me Mr. Intensity. [looks at Travis] What do you want? Did Tobias send you out here to bring me back in there for round 2?
Travis: No…I’m here as a friend and as your friend I got to say something to you.
Chuck: Let me ask you a question first.
Travis: Shoot
Chuck: Are you really a cop?
Travis: I was until Tobias recruited me to be on his team. Now can I say what I want to say?
Chuck: What is it?
Travis: [hits Chuck’s shoulder] You are the man!
Chuck: [gives Travis a weird look] Come again?
Travis: I have never seen anyone stand up to Tobias like you did? It was like the climatic final court room scene in the movie A Few Good Men where Tom Cruise and Jack Nicholson went face to face. That was a classic piece of cinematic history.
Chuck: I’m glad you found it entertaining…I sure as hell didn’t.
Travis: Seriously though, I’ve worked with Tobias for over 7 years now and only one person has ever attempted what you just did…[points towards the inside of the hangar]…in there.
Chuck: Oh really and whatever happened to him?
Travis: He put him in the hospital after poking his finger on his chest. [shakes head] Very brutal.
Chuck: Let me guess…it was a bad guy who said…did the wrong thing right?
Travis: Actually, he was one our people and he made the mistake of getting drunk one night and decided to call out Tobias. That reminds me…[takes out his PDA]…I should send a get well fruit basket and a card to wish him a speedy recovery. [starts typing] Is there two l’s in patella or one?
Chuck: [eyes widen] Two…[looks straight forward exuding a freaked out look]..I’m pretty sure there is two.
[After a second or two of typing Travis puts his PDA in his pocket leading him to look at Chuck and speaks]
Travis: Chuck…can I ask you a question?
Chuck: If it’s about needing a pair of new shorts after what you just told me…yes.
Travis: No…not that. Are you really in love with the C.I.A Agent posing as your girlfriend?
Chuck: [smiles] With all my heart. She and I have been through so much together in the past year and a half that…
Travis: [interrupts Chuck by putting hand on his shoulder] She’ll be safe and sound in your arms again dude…trust me.
Chuck: I hope you’re right.
Travis: I am right. [Travis gets out of the club car and as he’s about to enter through the hanger door he turns back to talk to Chuck] Hey Chuck!
Chuck: Yeah?
Travis: We cool?
Chuck: We’re cool?
Travis: Cool enough to accept me as a friend on facebook?
Chuck: [smirks] I’ll think about it.
[Travis gives a smirk back leading him to head back into the airport hanger. Chuck takes out his iphone and begins to looking at picture of him with Sarah. He flashes back to the house that they were both looking at with Rusty, Isabel, and their realtor who is ready for whatever decision they make. Cut to the beach around 5pm where Chuck and Sarah are walking hand in hand with the sun slowly dropping into the sea. Sarah’s hair blows back in the wind and after a minute or two she stops leading Chuck to hold her from behind as they both take in the beautiful scenery of the Santa Monica water. Sarah closes her eyes and is in the moment leading her to then speaks up]
Sarah: Lisa
Chuck: What?
Sarah: My middle name is Lisa.
[Sarah turns to look at Chuck with her all-too-familiar look while still in Chuck’s arms. The scene ends with Chuck exuding his Chuckish smile as he looks deeply into Sarah’s eyes as the realization sets in she’s opening up to him]
[Fade Out]
[The scene begins with Chuck and Sarah holding each other on Santa Monica beach as they stand looking into each other’s eyes. Sarah revealed to Chuck her middle name is Lisa leading Chuck to give a stunned smile and after a few seconds of being speechless Sarah speaks up]
Sarah: Chuck…are you going to say something?
Chuck: [snaps out of it] Sorry…ummm…[chuckes a bit]…it sounds better than my middle name Irving. Honestly…do I look like an Irving to you?
[Sarah pushes Chuck back, turns around, and takes a few steps forward]
Sarah: Chuck…I need you to take this seriously.
[Chuck walks up, steps around Sarah, and puts both hands on her face]
Chuck: [smiles] I am taking this seriously. It’s just that it was completely out of the blue and I didn’t expect you to reveal something so personal about yourself.
Sarah: Do you remember the mission with Carina where we retrieved a gem from Peyman Alahi?
Chuck: The Wookie...yeah I do.
Sarah: The one thing I remember and still sticks with me to this day happened afterwards when you came to my hotel room with vegetarian pizza…
Chuck: [chimes in] Without olives. It was the one thing I knew that was real about you.
[Chuck and Sarah both sit down on the sandy beach leading Sarah to continue as the wind blows her hair back]
Sarah: [smiles] You started talking to me about how Bryce got all the great girls and then all of a sudden you looked up at me with those brown eyes wishing to know where I grew up…my name…then my middle name.
Chuck: I remember it well…you just sat there looking at me not saying a word. I didn’t push the issue any further so I got up to get napkins.
Sarah: You don’t know how hard it was for me to share with you what you wanted to know about me.
Chuck: [chuckish smile] I understand…you were protecting me for my own good.
Sarah: Maybe…but I did and it was distinctly low so you couldn’t hear me.
Chuck: I’m glad that I didn’t.
Sarah: Why is that?
Chuck: Any personal knowledge of you, other than the hatred of olives on your vegetarian pizza, would have changed everything between us. The question is…what made you reveal it now?
Sarah: I spent my life as a spy traveling around the world giving different cover names to my intended male targets and seducing them in order to get the job done. It was like playing a game of cat and mouse. I was good at it and in the process of hiding myself in the job I kept all my emotions buried deep down inside. By burying my emotions, it helped me stay alive as I didn’t hold back from taking out anyone who stood in my way. I didn’t care and when you don’t care nothing else really matters. Not being able to feel anything led to gradually lose my own identity…who I was…who I am. There were moments where I stood in front of a mirror and I didn’t recognize the person I was staring at.
[Chucks look and picks up Sarah’s right hand leading him to point to her ring]
Chuck: I remember you wore this ring the same day Casey became a new Buy More Employee.
Sarah: What about my ring?
Chuck: When I flashed on it, I saw surveillance video footage of a woman killing two men without remorse. When she was done…she set her sights on the camera itself. To be perfectly honest I freaked out and it wasn’t because of you killing those two guys.
Sarah: [curious tone] What was it then?
Chuck: It was the look in your eyes. They were cold and calculating…sort of like Hannibal Lecter.
Sarah: [gives Chuck a look] So you’re comparing me to a cannibalistic serial killer?
Chuck: No…[Sarah look back at the water]…you’re much better looking than him. [Sarah smiles] Waaayyyy better looking.
Sarah: So what are you saying?
Chuck: Over the past year and half the look in your eyes has changed. [Chuck turns and looks straight into Sarah’s eyes] I no longer see the coldness in your eyes anymore.
Sarah: What do you see?
Chuck: I see…[brushes hair back]…warmth and most of all love.
[Sarah smiles leading her to respond back]
Sarah: Do you know what I see when I look into your eyes?
Chuck: What might that be?
[Cut to a close up shot of Sarah face as she goes in for a kiss. The scene ends with a side view as the waves wash up near Chuck and Sarah’s feet]
[Fade Out]
[The scene begins back at the beach where Chuck and Sarah were kissing. Chuck is now lying down on the sand with his head on Sarah’s lap. She is looking at some parents playing with their kids on the beach and after a few moments her attention is broken by Chuck who asks her a question]
Chuck: [eyes closed] You never really answered my question on why you revealed your middle name to me now.
[Sarah looks down as she runs her fingers through his hair]
Sarah: I don’t know…maybe for the first time in my life I’m feeling comfortable in my own skin.
Chuck: [opens eyes and looks up] What do you mean?
Sarah: Growing up, I never felt like I belonged and I viewed myself as an outsider in my own family.
Chuck: Every kid feels that way at some point or another rebelling against their parents.
Sarah: I was doing much more than rebelling. [Upon hearing that Chuck sits up listening intently as Sarah opens up more] I was sort of a military brat and I was always expected to act a certain way so not to embarrass my family. Acting the way they wanted me to be was the easy part, trying not to embarrass them was hard.
Chuck: What did you do?
Sarah: Not drugs…I wasn’t into that. No…I got into a lot of fights in school and according to the school psychologist I was dealing with displaced anger issues by starting fights where there were none.
Chuck: What were you angry about?
Sarah: It was a mixture of issues dealing with my dad and older sister. When it wasn’t with my dad, it was with my sister and when it wasn’t with my sister it was with my dad. Sometimes it would be both of them at once and I couldn’t handle it, especially when it came to my sister.
Chuck: Were you too close?
Sarah: When we were younger yeah, but when we got older she started taking after my dad. She took it upon herself to look after me and get me out trouble that I got myself into. As much I loved her for getting me out of those situations, I resented the fact that she saw me as her kid sister who always needed to be looked after. It drove me nuts.
Chuck: What about your mom?
Sarah: I considered her my saving grace that helped me keep my sanity in check. She basically understood that I wasn’t meant to follow in my dad’s footsteps like my sister did.
Chuck: Does your sister work along side your dad?
Sarah: Yeah…like father, like daughter.
Chuck: Have you spoken to either of them?
Sarah: No…and I don’t think I would ever want to. I feel more at home with your family than I ever did with mine.
Chuck: Ouch…that’s pretty to harsh say all things considering.
Sarah: I’m just saying with your family I feel like I belong. Ellie was the first person who welcomed me in and considered me a sister over time; Devon has told me countless times I’m awesome for you; and Abe practically thinks of me as his daughter to be.
Chuck: He told me once second chances are hard to come by and when you do get one seize it…cherish it…and never let it slip through your fingers.
Sarah: Your dad is a wise man and I hope you’re not letting your second chance slip through your fingers.
Chuck: [smiles as he looks at Chuck] I’m not…trust me.
Sarah: You know your father talked me through a tough time when Jill came back.
Chuck: What did he say to you?
Sarah: It’s not so much what he said, it was the look of loving concern for someone who was facing a difficult situation. It’s a look that I wanted to get just once from my own dad, but what I ended up getting were looks of disappointment, especially when he heard I left college to travel around the world or so he thought. The reason I left college was to join the C.I.A. and it was my chance to prove to not only myself that I wasn’t a disappointment, but to somehow prove it to my dad even though he wouldn’t know about it. Does that sound crazy to you?
Chuck: Not at all.
Sarah: I hope to one day show my dad that I’m utilizing my greatest potential and putting it good use. Right now I don’t think that is ever going to happen because of the long standing rift between us.
Chuck: I’m sorry.
Sarah: You know Chuck…Abe is more of a dad to me than my own and I would love nothing more than to have him be proud of me like he is with you and Elli.
Chuck: He is…and so am I.
[Sarah smiles leading both of them to watch as the sun starts to set. The scene ends with the dark silhouette of Chuck and Sarah in the foreground and the setting sun in the background]
[Fade Out]
[The scene begins with Chuck and Sarah walking on the shoreline of the beach holding each other’s hand all-the-while holding their shoes in the other. As they are walking Chuck speaks up]
Chuck: When was the last time you talked to your sister?
Sarah: 6 months ago.
Chuck: How did it go?
Sarah: We ended up arguing over the phone like usual. She’s pretty much hard headed, stubborn, and incapable of listening to anything I say.
Chuck: [low tone] Sounds like you at times.
Sarah: What?
Chuck: Nothing…there’s got to be something redeeming about your sister that you like. She’s after all your blood.
Sarah: Well…she did have this uncanny ability to talk her way out of or into certain situations. It was the one thing that I admired about her. [clinches her fists] Don’t get me wrong I love my sister to death, but she can truly get on your nerves to the point where you just want to strangle her.
Chuck: All right…calm down…breathe…and repeat after me…serenity now!
Sarah: [laughs] Does that ever work?
Chuck: It didn’t for the gang in a harlious Seinfeld episode, but it might for you.
Sarah: [smiles] You’re such a dork.
Chuck: And proud of it. Listen…we all go through battles…with life…with family...with friends.
Sarah: Yeah…but when it comes to my life in the C.I.A. compared to my family life it has practically been a battle to survive.
Chuck: From what I can see, you survived and turned out okay.
Sarah: Barely
Chuck: You survived nonetheless.
Sarah: Face it Chuck…I’m one screwed up woman.
Chuck: Need I remind you my dad left my mom when Ellie and I were young leading her to die heartbroken. He returns years later bringing with him my step brother and I end up not only finding out my dad’s a spy working for an agency called Section 8, but I find my step brother is actually the man who placed a burn notice on him. I would also like to add Bryce Larkin is the cause for the intersect in my head, which led me to catch a virus that nearly killed me. [Sarah just looks on and listens] Anyways, it was because of him I spent the last 5 years being resentful for stealing my ex-girlfriend Jill and getting me kicked out of Stanford because I supposedly cheated…none of which were true. Bryce got me kicked out to save me from being put into the Omaha Project and we end up resolving the whole thing between us. Jill, on the other hand, had Bryce lie about stealing her away from me because…get this…she was pregnant with my son Charlie and didn’t want to be the one standing in my way of becoming successful. Here’s the twist in this whole situation…Charlie wasn’t my son at all as I found out through DNA testing that it was Allan Watterman’s, but I let her think its my son because she’s been through enough as it is. For the better part of 5 years, I have lived with my sister and her now husband whose whole vocabulary consists of one word... awesome. I have a best friend who not only is in a dysfunctional relationship with a woman who can easily kick his ass, but is also threatened by the fact I spend more time with you than I do with him causing him to try unconsciously sabotage my relationship with you. I work with a cavalcade of idiots at the Buy More, excluding Casey who coincidently had orders to kill me once the new beta version of the intersect was up, which was on New Years Day. Don’t get me started when I found out that I was engaged to be married when I was 12 to Marcelina and came close to marrying her. BUT do you know what makes me truly screwed up?
Sarah: I’m afraid to ask.
Chuck: [looks ahead] Well, I’ll tell you. [turns to look at Sarah and smiles] I’m screwed up because of you.
Sarah: Me…why me?
Chuck: The minute you walk into my life at Buy More, my world turned upside down and you know what…I thank you for that. Sarah Lisa Walker…I’ve fallen deeply and madly in love with you. [touches the gold locket around Sarah’s neck] My heart is yours, for all time.
[Chuck gives off his Chuckish smile causing Sarah to blush. The scene ends with Chuck kissing Sarah on her forehead leading both of them to walk out of camera view as the shot shows the sun disappearing down into the ocean]
[Fade Out]
[The scene begins back in the present with Chuck sitting in the airport club car. He puts his iphone back in his pocket and when he does that Casey walks out from the open hanger door. He sees Chuck, walks up to him, and begins to speak]
Casey: You simply amaze me Bartowski.
Chuck: [looks at Casey] Oh do I now…how so?
Casey: Its amazing to me that a guy who runs and hides in the face of danger decides to stand up to a man without fear who can easily kill you with his pinky.
Chuck: When you have a reason to face that danger dead in the eyes it doesn’t matter.
Casey: Agent Walker.
Chuck: Yeah
Casey: Look Bartowski…I’ve got to say something to you…
Chuck: [stands up to interrupt Casey] What! I’m out of mind...I’m not thinking straight…I’m letting my emotions cloud my better judgment and by doing that I already killed them? Is that what you were going to say Casey?
Casey: Pretty much…but mostly I wanted to say…I’m proud of you.
Chuck: You’re proud of me…for what.
Casey: Not backing down the slightest bit to Tobias when he clearly did all he could to intimidate you.
Chuck: I was a little scared when he took out his combat knife and put it under my neck.
Casey: A little scared?
Chuck: Okay…I damn near crapped my pants.
Casey: I got to hand it to you Bartowski…you did good in my book.
Chuck: Thanks Casey. So what do we do now? Call in the cavalry?
[As Chuck says that the voice of Tobias is heard behind them leading both of them to turn around to him and Travis]
Tobias: Excuse me gentlemen…we’re leaving and if you two are coming with us I suggest you hop on board the plane now.
[Tobias gives Casey and Chuck a look leading him to go back inside along with Travis who gives the dynamic duo a thumbs up. Chuck and Casey walk towards the toward and as they are about to enter Chuck stops Casey leading him to speak up]
Chuck: Can we trust him?
Casey: Right now…are only option is to trust him. Let’s go.
[Chuck nods leading both him and Casey to head through the hangar doors. After a moment or two the hanger doors completely open with the Fairchild C-123 engines raring to go. The scene ends with Fairchild C-123 moving forward and then immediately cut inside to Chuck sitting next to Casey and Travis with his game face on]
[Fade To Black]
About Me

- Yoda
- Let's see, I'm a single, 39 year old 5'2-ish pinoy who worked with kids for the 14 years and I was pretty good at it. I am now working in a totally different area away from kids and it's awesome. Anyways, for fun I listen to music, draw, play video games, watch movies, hang with friends, surf the internet, go skydiving, and write down my thoughts, which I call Yodaisms. I'm pretty much a quiet, laid back dude once you get to know me and that's pretty much it, so have fun reading my thoughts. Take care and peace out!
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