[The episode begins with several clips of what previously happened as you see Ellie excited about her wedding then Team Chuck being informed by Beckman and Graham that another member of The Dead Man’s hand, Simon Templar, has stepped up to the plate to eliminate the dynamic duo. You then see Casey, Chuck, and Awesome talking with Jeff, Lester, and Morgan leading you to see Ellie and Awesome’s mom Diane have a mother/mother-in-law talk. The scene begins 45 minutes later after Chuck and Casey drink coffee that Father Kelly offered them they’re in dark area tied down in chairs in separate open glass structures. Attached to the glasses cases are 2 hoses. Cut to Chuck who slowly wakes up and is the first to speak up in order to wake Casey up]
Chuck: [looks around as he tries to break free] Casey…buddy…are you okay…wake up.
Casey: [gives a low growl as he slowly comes to] I’m just peachy Bartowski.
[Suddenly you hear someone voice leading the two to look around, except behind them because they’re not able to move around freely. You then see Simon Templar come into camera view and walks up from behind]
Simon: I see my two guests are awake. Would you like any refreshments like a donut or maybe even some coffee to drink? I made it myself…its fresh and hot.
Chuck: No thanks…the last cup I drank didn’t really agree with me.
Casey: [gives a glaring look] Simon Templar I presume.
[Simon gives a tip of the hat to both of them]
Chuck: What have you done with Father Patrick Kelly or was ever he even real?
Simon: Ahh…the good Father…nice man. Yes…he’s real…or should I say was real. Father Kelly was a transferring priest from another parish and unfortunately he wasn’t able to make it…but I did. Fortunate enough for me that parish was Sacred Heart Church and it became my headquarters giving me the opportunity to not only get to know the people and familiarize myself with this lovely city, but also locate the whereabouts of you two fine gentlemen. It’s a perfect cover if you think about it and hey I may hang my hat hear when I eventually retire from the business.
Chuck: How could you? He was a man of the cloth.
Simon: It was quite easy really when you don’t have a conscience to nag at you. Plus I'm an Athiest.
Chuck: Tell me…how did you even know about my sister?
Casey: [chimes in] Better yet…how long have you been planning this set up?
Simon: [looks at Casey] Several months now after my colleague and friend Maxwell Klinger was captured by you’re people. I and my remaining partners in crime actually drew straws to see who would be the next in line to get the chance to step up to the plate, in a manner of speaking.
Casey: Let me guess…you drew the short straw and lost.
Simon: Actually I won. [looks at Chuck] To answer your questionI didn’t know about your sister until she called my office and left a message with my secretary to do her wedding. Chalk it up to pure coincidence and after talking with her I put two and two together giving me the incentive to take my time in planning this whole elaborate set up. You now…your sister is a very beautiful woman and I’ve gotten to know her quite well…maybe I’ll be the comforting shoulder to cry on when her husband dies in some freak accident.
Chuck: [angered look on her face] If you touch her I will kill you.
Casey: Calm down Bartowski.
Simon: Yes…listen to your friend here or you’ll end up with high blood pressure. You wouldn’t want that especially at your age. [looks at Casey] I want to know where Max is being held so my colleagues and I can retrieve him.
Casey: What makes you think I’m going to divulge that piece of information? I’ll die before ever giving you his location…and [motions over to Chuck] him too.
[cut to Chuck quickly looking over at Casey with his freaked out Chuckish grin]
Simon: [smirks] Gentlemen…gentlemen…why you are making this so difficult on yourselves? [looks at the Casey and Chuck] You know…I don’t understand how Max could have been taken down by likes of you two fools…[points at chuck]…especially you.
Chuck: [nervous smile] Dumb luck I guess.
Simon: [smiles as he looks Chuck dead in the eyes] Well…that luck is about to run out.
[You see Chuck’s eyes widening when he hears those words from Simon leading him to have this freaked out look on his face. The scene ends with Chuck looking at Casey as the camera cuts to behind them leading you to see Simon standing there with a sinister smile on his face]
[Fade Out]
[The scene begins with the façade of the Bel Air Hotel and cut to the Swan Lake area where you see Sam and Abe walk in heading straight towards Ellie who is standing next to Diane. Abe hugs then kisses Ellie on her forehead leading him to begin to speak]
Abe: [smiles] How is my little girl? You look absolutely beautiful sweatheart.
Ellie: Thanks daddy and I’m doing great so far. I haven’t gone bridezilla on anyone yet like the one’s you see on the WE channel.
Sam: That’s good to hear because I don’t want my daughter-in-law to be like any of those ladies who wigs out, are always screaming, and overly demanding. They scare me.
Ellie: You actually watch that show?
Diane: [chimes in] Its one of his favorites shows next to The Hills on MTV.
Abe: [looks at Sam] Really!?
Sam: Look…I admit it. I’m hooked on the show and let me tell you something…I’m glad that Heidi kicked Spencer to the curb. He was jerk and she deserves better just like L.C. and Audrina.
Abe: [gives Sam a weird look and then looks at Ellie] So what have you two lovely ladies been talking about?
Ellie: [looks at Diane and then at Abe] You know…women’s stuff.
Abe: Ahh…you don’t need to say anymore. [looks around] Are Chuck and Casey back yet, I wanted to talk to them about something?
Ellie: They haven’t returned yet from talking with Father Patrick Kelly at Sacred Heart Church.
[cut to Sarah and Mary walking up leading Sarah to speak]
Sarah: [looks at Abe and Sam] Hey guys
Mary: Looks like the most of the wedding party is all here.
[As she says that Jeff, Lester, Morgan, and Awesome walk in leading Mary to scream/freak out as they walk up causing everybody to be startled yelling at Awesome to turn around, which he immediately does]
Abe: [holds his right ear] Can you at least warn me when you do that…I think you busted out my right ear drum?
Sam: [holds his ear] You’re not the only one. [looks at Mary] What’s wrong?
[cut to Mary standing in front of Ellie leading Sarah to almost pull a gun out from behind her. She speaks up]
Sarah: [looks at Mary] Mary…what’s going on? Why did you scream?
Mary: The groom cannot see the bride until she walks down the isle, especially when she’s in her wedding dress.
Awesome: [with his back turned looking the other way]Are you serious? That is not awesome.
Jeff: [grins] Don’t worry big guy…you’ll get to see a whole lot of her on your honeymoon.
Lester: You got that right my friend.
[cut to Jeff and Lester doing a fist tap as they see Awesome look at them causing them to back up a bit behind Morgan. You then hear Morgan speak up]
Morgan: Hey guys…that is totally uncalled for. [looks at Ellie who is being shielded by Mary] I’m sorry you had to hear that El.
Ellie: Its okay.
Morgan: It’s not okay…as your usher I’m going to give them a stern talking to.
Awesome: Isn’t that Casey’s job…he’s the head usher.
Morgan: When he’s not here…I’m second in command.
[cut to Morgan forcefully grabbing Jeff and Lester by the arm leading them away. As he does Jeff leans in and speaks up]
Jeff: [leans in] Are you really mad at us?
Morgan: [smiles] Nah…I always wanted to make a dramatic exit.
[cut to everybody watching them walk off leading to Mary to speak up again]
Mary: [looks at Sarah and Diane] Ladies…lets lead this blushing bride away because I don’t want to jinx it. [looks at Abe, Sam, and Awesome] As a wedding planner I do tend to get a tad…
Sam: [speaks up] Crazy?
Mary: I would call it being superstitious.
Abe: I can see that.
[cut to Sarah, Diane, and Mary leading Ellie away. The scene ends with the guys chuckling a bit just watching the ladies walking away looking like bodyguards protecting the beautiful bride]
[Fade Out]
[The scene begins back at the Swan Lake area where you see Abe, Sam, and Awesome watching Mary along with Sarah and Diane herd Ellie into the Bel Air Hotel away from the eyes of Awesome. As they disappear into the building, Awesome begins to speak]
Awesome: Dad.
Sam and Abe: [both turn around and face Awesome] Yes?
Awesome: [looks at Abe as he puts his hand on his father’s shoulder] Oh, I was referring to my dad, but since you’re here and will be my dad-in-law…
Abe: [speaks up] What is it son...what can we help you with?
Sam: What’s on your mind?
Awesome: [take a deep breathe] I am in need of sage wisdom…[points at Sam and Abe]…from both of you and if you have any at this time that would be awesome.
Abe: [smiles] I think we both can share some valuable advice we’ve been able to attain over the years.
Sam: [smiles] Let’s take a walk.
[The scene switches from the Swan Lake Area to the unknown location where Casey and Chuck are being held at. You see Templar walk in to camera view leading Chuck to speak up]
Chuck: [struggling in his chair] What are you going to do us?
Simon: [grins] Oh…curious are we about how you’re going to die.
Chuck: [nervous tone] Not really…but since you’re on the subject what are the options?
Simon: I could just shoot you in the head and make it a quick death or I can make it a slow painful death that you end up begging me to put you out of your misery. [laughs] Either way you suffer.
Casey: [looks at Simon] I’ll go for the bullet in the head if you don’t mind because hearing you ramble on and on makes me want to shoot myself and get it over with.
Chuck: [looks at Casey and then at Simon] Is there by any chance another option?
[The scene switches from the dark unknown location to inside the Bel Air Hotel where you see Sarah, Diane, and Ellie pass the bar. The camera stops as you see Jeff, Lester, and Morgan sitting at the bar having a conversation while drinking a few beers. Morgan begins to speak up]
Morgan: Guys…I don’t want to mess this up. I promised Ellie that I wouldn’t let her down and so far I haven’t.
Lester: Yet…you haven’t let her down yet.
Morgan: [looks at Lester] What do you mean by that?
Jeff: [chimes in] What he means is that somehow you’re going to screw this whole thing up for her.
Morgan: I bet you I’m not going to.
Lester: [eyes widen] Ahh…are we settling this with a friendly wager?
Morgan: [looks at Jeff then to Morgan] Fine…what’s the bet?
Jeff: If I…
Lester: [speaks up and looks at Jeff] You mean we.
Jeff: Yeah…If we win you not only have to get back our DVD that Chuck took from us, but also do our work for a month.
Morgan: And if I win?
Jeff: If you win…fat chance that might actually happen…we do your work for a month.
Morgan: Not good enough…sweeten the pot a little bit more boys.
[cut to Jeff and Lester thinking for a moment leading to Lester to speak up]
Lester: We buy you 2 cases of grape soda.
Morgan: [quickly responds] Deal.
[Cut to all three doing a fist tap sealing the deal. The scene ends with Jeff, Lester, and Morgan finishing up their beer before they head out and help setting up for the wedding]
[Fade out]
[The scene begins with Abe, Sam and Awesome walking along a path as they are in the middle of a conversation. You hear Awesome speak]
Awesome: [looks at Sam] Dad…how were you able to do it?
Sam: Do what Devon?
Awesome: Be able to provide for mom, me, Garrett, and Drew? Quite honestly, I’m amazed how were able to be keep the marriage between you and mom strong, as well as, keep your sanity raising three rambunctious boys who tended to get into trouble every now and then.
Sam: Believe me son…it wasn’t easy by any stretch of the imagination. It took a lot sacrificing not only on my part, but also on your mother’s part as well.
Abe: [chimes in] Listen to him…he knows what he’s talking about.
Awesome: [looks at Abe] How about you…did it take a lot of sacrificing on your part as well despite what happened along time ago.
Abe: I regret what I did leaving my family in such a lurch…it was a mistake….but I digress. My story is a bit different and yet the same with your father’s.
Awesome: How so?
Abe: You see, my wife and I eloped rather than having a fancy wedding making it easier on the both of us. However, like your parents we endured the much of the same sacrifices as well.
Awesome: How were you able to deal with it?
Abe: By encouraging and relying on each other when things seem dark. Also, praying helps as you hand all your problems over to God as he will be able to answer them.
Awesome: [smiles] I appreciate what you’ve said to me and know I’ll cherish it.
Abe: [puts hand on Awesome’s shoulder] You know…you remind me of me when I was younger. Though I didn’t much of the extreme things you young kids do today…I did something somewhat similar that was considered extreme.
Sam: [points finger in the air] Speaking of extreme son…you will one day have to sacrifice those extracurricular activities as well when you have a family of your own.
Awesome: I know…but they’re awesome things to do as they give you such an adrenaline rush.
Abe: So does the love of your wife and your future kids. When you have them in your life nothing else really matters.
[The scene switches from Abe, Awesome, and Sam’s father/son talk to Mary, Sarah, Ellie, and Diane who are having a conversation of their own. Mary speaks up]
Mary: I would like to apologize for my sudden outburst out there.
Sarah: It was sudden all right…are you okay?
Mary: I am…thanks for asking.
Diane: You don’t have to apologize for that. It shows not only how much dedication you have for your job, but also how much care you have for the people that you work for.
Mary: Sometimes too much.
Ellie: You’re a passionate person and after getting to know you for the last couple of months you’re in it because you love your job…not because of the money.
Mary: When it comes to my job I consider myself a perfectionist and I don’t like making mistakes.
Sarah: Mistakes are a part of life and trust me I’ve made plenty of my own in the past. Some that I would love to forget…but I can’t. Anyways, it just shows you how much of a human being we are.
Diane: [looks at Mary] You’re more than a just a wedding planner in our eyes.
Ellie: [chimes in] She’s right…[smiles at Mary]…you’re not just my wedding planner and friend, but I consider you part of my family.
[Cut to Mary who has tears in her eyes as she smiles at all three ladies. The scene ends with the camera backing away as you see Mary, Ellie, Sarah, and Diane sharing a moment together]
[Fade Out]
[The scene begins at the dark unknown location where you hear noise as you see Simon Templar setting something up behind Chuck and Casey. After a moment or two he walks up to talk to the both of them wearing the disguise again leading Casey to speak up]
Casey: [smirks] What were you doing back there…building a girlfriend?
Simon: Funny…I was actually putting the finishing touches on your very own instrument of death.
Casey: Please tell me you’re not going to play us a yanni c.d. That’s not only pure torture, but I think it also violates the Geneva convention.
Chuck: [looks at Casey] What are you doing? Stop antagonizing him.
Casey: [looks at Chuck] Just having fun Bartowski.
Chuck: Having fun? We’re strapped in a chair, in a glass enclosure, and being held captive by one of the most elite assassin groups out there. Oh need I remind you Ellie’s wedding is in a couple of hours and we’re supposed to be there…but noooooo…you’re throwing insults at Jigsaw over there.
[cut to Casey just looking at Chuck leading Simon to speak up]
Simon: Are you guys done…or do you want me to leave while you two work things out. [looks at Chuck] He seems like a reasonably nice guy and I’m not the type of guy to judge…hey my cousin is gay.
Chuck: [quickly looks at Simon] We’re not in a relationship…I have a girlfriend.
Casey: [looks at Chuck] You lied to me…you told me we would be together forever.
Chuck: [give Casey and look then hangs head] Somebody kill me.
Simon: [claps hands together] Okay…let’s not keep this man waiting then.
Chuck: [freaked out tone] I…I…I…was speaking metaphorically.
[cut to Simon walking behind them and after a moment or two wheels in front of them a large device. On that device the camera does a close up shot on the words sulfuric acid leading Casey to speak up]
Casey: So that is how you’re going to do it?
Chuck: What? Do what Casey?
Simon: [speaks up] If you notice there is a hose attached the bottom of your glass structure. Water will be pouring out of it inevitably filling up to your neck. The second hose, which I’m attaching now, is going to pour out sulfuric acid into the water causing a mixture that will inherently burn your skin to the point that it comes off. The stench is unbearable and the best part is you’ll be alive while it’s happening.
Chuck: You’re insane.
[cut to Simon setting the timer at 3 hours, which is approximately an hour before the wedding. Simon then turns around]
Simon: I don’t consider myself insane…just an artist of death who has ingeniously put together one of his greatest masterpieces. Gentlemen…[walks away with a smile on his face as he pushes a remote button in his hand]…your countdown to death begins now.
[You see the timer counting down leading you to see a wide shot of Chuck and Casey strapped to their chairs. The scene ends with Chuck struggling to free himself visibly freaking all-the-while looking at Casey who looks as calm as a cucumber]
[Fade to Black]
About Me

- Yoda
- Let's see, I'm a single, 39 year old 5'2-ish pinoy who worked with kids for the 14 years and I was pretty good at it. I am now working in a totally different area away from kids and it's awesome. Anyways, for fun I listen to music, draw, play video games, watch movies, hang with friends, surf the internet, go skydiving, and write down my thoughts, which I call Yodaisms. I'm pretty much a quiet, laid back dude once you get to know me and that's pretty much it, so have fun reading my thoughts. Take care and peace out!
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