[The episode opens where it left off as you see Casey and Chuck in the Buy More Home Theatre Room with General Beckman on screen. Beckman and Casey were in the middle of an intense discussion on the next course of action to take when it pertained to the whereabouts of Sarah leading to Chuck to speak up. The scene begins with Chuck about to reveal how they may be able to find Sarah]
Casey: [looks at Chuck]Spill it Bartowski…how do we find Walker?
[cut to Chuck standing in front of Casey as he has his back to Beckman who is shown in the monitor]
Chuck: When General Beckman mentioned that they weren’t able to track the signal I just thought of Sarah’s gold locket I gave to her for Valentine’s Day.
Beckman: [clears her throat]Run that by me again Mr. Bartowski.
[cut to Chuck’s eye’s widening as he slowly turns around giving a freaked out laugh]
Chuck: [nervous smile]Oh…yeah…you know for our cover relationship that is in no way real General.
[cut to Beckman raising her right eyebrow leading to Casey to changing the subject as he speaks up]
Casey: Chuck what does the gold locket you gave Sarah going to help us locate her.
Chuck: Well…I figured that if the locket I gave her were to be ever stolen or lost I would have a way of retrieving it.
Casey: [looks at Chuck]What did you do Chuck?
Chuck: [Chuckish smile]I went to the spy shop in the Buy More plaza and had them install a GPS tracking chip. Hey, with the money I paid for something that means a lot to…[cut to Beckman giving Chuck piercing stare leading him to choose his words wisely]…our not so real fake relationship…I didn’t want to take any chances.
Casey: [grins]I got to hand it to you Bartowski…you do something like that it makes me forget all the stupid things you said or did in the past.
[cut to Chuck smiling at Casey leading Beckman to speak up]
Beckman: Great work Mr. Bartowski…now all we need is the GPS tracking system to locate Agent Walker and take down Malcolm Reynolds.
Chuck: [has that deer in the heads like look in his eyes]Ahhh…I don’t exactly know where it is.
[cut to General Beckman giving a serious look towards Chuck as Casey closes his eyes as he’s massaging his temple and talking to himself]
Casey: [gives a big sigh]Suddenly they’re all rushing back to me again.
Chuck: [points finger in the air]But…but I do know its somewhere in my room. I just need time to find it.
Beckman: [serious tone]Time is what we don’t have. I seriously urge you Mr. Bartowski to find it for Agent Walker’s sake.
Casey: [looks at Beckman]Don’t worry General, Bartowski will find it or[looks at Chuck with a glare]he’ll die trying.
[cut to Chuck with a freaked out look at the tone of how he said those last three words]
Beckman: [looks at Casey]Both of you find that tracking system and that is an order.[screen turns off]
[cut to Abe walking in making a beeline straight towards Chuck and Casey]
Abe: [looks at Chuck]What’s going on?
Chuck: [looks at Chuck]Dad…where is Morgan?
Abe: I don’t know…Lester and Jeff are nowhere to be found either which isn’t a surprising fact.
Casey: Forget Dumb and Dumber…we need to get back to Ellie's apartment to find something so we can locate Sarah.
Abe: [motions them to the door]Go then…I’ll stay behind and watch the store.
Chuck: [smiles]Thanks dad.
[You see Abe raising and pumping his fist as he sees Chuck and Casey running out of Buy More towards Casa Bartowski. The scene ends with a shot of Alecia wearing Sarah’s necklace at the undisclosed location. Cue Chuck intro]
[The scene begins at the undisclosed location where you see Sarah pacing back and forth in her uncomfy confines of a dingy room. Suddenly you see Malcolm appear in front of the window leading him to open the small slot in order to talk to her]
Malcolm: How are you doing Sarah?
Sarah: [looks at Mal]I’m hungry. If you don’t mind can I get something to eat.
Malcolm: [grins]I’ll have Alecia bring you something.
[cut to him about to leave when Sarah speaks up]
Sarah: Wait…hold on.
Malcolm: Yes?
Sarah: [curious tone]Why are you doing this? Why brainwash Morgan of all people?
Malcolm: Let’s just say I used to share the same ideals as you and my former protégé Casey until the government you both work for…that I used to work for…questioned my loyalty. And for your friend Mr. Grimes…well...he’s giving his life up for the greater good…mine and not to mention’s Fulcrum’s.
Sarah: [shaking head]You’re insane.
Malcolm: [laughs]We’re all considered insane my dear…it’s the level of insanity that you have to worry about. If you’ll excuse me, I’ll inform Alecia about your food.
[The scene switches from Sarah immediately messing with the light switch panel as Mal is out of sight to Chuck and Casey quickly running into Ellie’s apartment. You see Ellie and Awesome sitting on the couch watching tv leading Devon to speak up]
Awesome: [looks at Chuck]Whoa Chuckles…where are you and John going in such a hurry?
Casey: [chimes in]Chuck lost something and its important that he finds it…its work related. So I offered to help him.
Ellie: [smiles at Casey]You’re such a sweet guy and very generous of you.
Awesome: [points at Casey]That’s awesome John…way to help my future brother-in-law in his time of need.
[cut to Casey giving a forced smile]
Ellie: Well…I hope you two find it and don’t end up tearing up the living room like last time looking for that stupid fish.
Chuck: Marlin actually...[cut to Casey giving a low growl]…okay we’ll be in my room looking for that thing I need for work.
[cut to Chuck and Casey heading towards his room leading Ellie to say something]
Ellie: Try not to break anything!
Voice of Chuck: [yells]We wont!
[Cut to Chuck’s bedroom where they both stand there leading Casey to speak]
Casey: [serious tone]All right Bartowski…with all the secrets you can easily remember stored in that melon of yours…surely you can easily remember where you put a stupid GPS tracking system device in your room.
Chuck: [looks around]Let me think…[looks at Casey]…and don’t call me Shirley.[cut to Chuck chuckling and Casey just giving him a glaring look]Okay…bad time for a stupid joke...[looking around]…if I were a GPS tracking system where would I be.
Casey: [slapping Chuck upside the head]I know where my foot will be if you don’t find it. Remember…you’re girlfriend is out there and we need to find her before its too late.
[The scene ends with a close up of Chuck as he quickly runs off camera as both he and Casey tear his room apart looking for the GPS tracking system device]
[The scene begins in Chuck’s overturned room where they’re in the middle of finding the GPS tracking system in order to locate the exact location of Sarah. As they are searching, Bryce climbs through the window leading Casey to draw his weapon]
Bryce: [whispers as he holds up hands]Don’t shoot its me.
Casey: [whispers]Tempting…but there are more important things than shooting you.
Chuck: What are you doing here…Ellie is in the living room and if she just happens to walk in here and see you…well you know the rest.
Bryce: Relax Chuck…anyways General Beckman informed of the situation…so did you find it yet?
Chuck: Does it look like I found it? Why don’t you make yourself useful and look over there.
[cut to Bryce giving Chuck a look and then heads towards Chuck’s desk. When ruffles through it he stumbles on the ring box and inside is Chuck’s mother’s wedding ring. He stares at it, looks at Chuck, closes it, and then puts it down. He goes looking elsewhere leading the three to continue searching his room. The scene switches to The Orpheum where under Marquee it reads William Shakespeare’s A Mid Summer Night’s Dream and then you see one of Malcolm’s henchmen walk into camera view talking on his cell phone leading to a back and forth conversation]
Henchmen: [looks at the Marquee]Yes…I’m in front of the theatre now.
Malcolm: Excellent…has he arrived yet?
Hechmen: [holding and looking at a picture of Morgan]Not yet sir.
Malcolm: Okay…once he does just give him the package and leave the rest up to him. After the target is eliminated there will be one less thorn in my side to deal with. Sadly, I won’t be able to thank Mr. Grimes for his contribution in all this.
[cut to Morgan riding his bike towards the Opheum Theatre still with a stone faced look. The scene switches from Morgan back to Chuck’s room as you see his room in shambles looking for the GPS tracking device. You see Chuck’s feet sticking out from under his bed when all of a sudden you hear him shout]
Voice of Chuck: YES!
[cut to Casey sticking head from closet and Bryce turning around from dumping out clothes from Chuck’s dresser leading Casey to speak]
Casey: Did you find it?
[cut to Chuck crawling out the other side holding the GPS tracking device, stands up, and holds up for Casey and Bryce to see]
Bryce: Turn it on.
[cut to Chuck trying to turn it on but nothing happens leading Casey to speak]
Casey: [gives a low growl]What’s wrong now Bartowski?
Chuck: [nervous tone]I don’t…I don’t know…wait...hold on just one minute[turns device over, open panel, and shows it to Casey and Bryce]…ahh…no batteries.
[cut to Casey and Bryce just staring at him]
Casey: Well go find some and put them in moron.
[cut to Chuck walking quickly to the kitchen past Ellie and Awesome giving a grin/wave, getting batteries, walking back to his room but not before grinning/waving back to Ellie and Awesome who just give a weird look. Chuck comes into his room, places the batteries in, and when he turns it on, a strong blip with a pulsating red dot is shown giving the coordinates 33.94 N degrees…118.131 degrees W]
Bryce: [curious tone]Where is that?
Chuck: I’ll Google it.
[cut to the three at the computer as Chuck types in the coordinates on the keyboard leading them to read the words Downey Insane Asylum in Downey, CA. Casey speaks up]
Casey: [looks at Chuck and Bryce]That’s just thirty minutes away. Let’s head to the warehouse and use the helicopter…it will be quicker to get there than by car.
Bryce: Are the three…[looks at chuck]…are the two of us going in for Sarah?
Casey: [looks at Bryce]All three of us are going in Larkin…including several agents as back up because we have something going for us that Mal doesn’t anticipate us having.
Chuck: [chimes in] What?
Casey: [smirks]The element of surprise.
[The scene ends with all three heading out the Morgan door and into the nerd herder towards the warehouse where a helicopter awaits to take then straight to Downey Insane Asylum]
[The scene begins at the warehouse where you see Bryce and Casey stocking up on weapons as Chuck puts on a bulletproof vest. Chuck sees Casey take out the biggest gun he has ever seen leading him to express how awed he is by it]
Chuck: [eyes widen]Whoa
Casey: [looks at Chuck]Like it…its an FN(Fabrique National) F2000 with attached laser sight. Its lightweight, compact, and the ammo cartridges are ejected forward and away.
[cut to Bryce holding a Steyr AUG(Armee Universal Gewher) leading Chuck to express a bit of enviousness. Chuck points his finger in the air as Casey speaks up]
Casey: [smirks]You want a gun too?
Chuck: Look…I know I don’t have a good history with guns and the last time I tried shooting one was when Sarah was locked in the freezer at Weinerlicious by Lizzie. I ended up dropping the clip instead of well...you know the rest.
Bryce: [looks at Chuck and then at Casey]Are you sure about this Casey…giving him a gun?
[cut to Chuck getting in Bryce’s face]
Chuck: [intense stare]I have never been sure about anything in my life…especially when it comes to Sarah.
[cut to Bryce looking into the eyes of a man that is serious leading Casey to physically back up Chuck away from Bryce for his own safety as he has this impressed look on his face]
Casey: Okay…calm down killer. Look...we’ll start you off small because we don’t you end up shooting me, Sarah…[looks at Bryce]…just try not to shoot me and Sarah. [holds up and shows a handgun causing Chuck’s eyes to widen ]…this a Berreta M9…you...[puts it down and shows him the one he’ll be using]…will be using this…a Walther PPK.
Chuck: [smiling] Hey James Bond’s gun…pretty awesome.
Casey: To make sure you won’t shoot yourself…[points to the safety]red means its ready to fire. Got it?
[cut to Chuck nodding and then psyching himself for the rescue mission. All three load head up to the helipad atop the warehouse where instead of seeing a helicopter you see 2 Sikorsky HH-60 Pave Hawks. Bryce, Chuck, and Casey board one as the several other agents board the other. They both take off leading the scene to switch from the sky above the warehouse to Downey Insane Asylum where you see Alecia bringing Sarah some food she requested from Malcolm Reynolds. Alecia stops at the door, slide the small slot open, talks to Sarah as she unlocks the door holding a gun under the steel tray of food]
Alecia: [looks at Sarah] Step away from the door…back up to the wall.
[cut to Sarah slowly backing away as she distracts Alecia by asking her a question all-the-while holding several wires behind he back]
Sarah: Where is your boss?
[cut to Alecia standing in a small puddle as she sets the tray of food and a bottle of water on the floor]
Alecia: He’s taking care of important business matters…he’ll be back shortly.
[cut to Alecia about to back up when Sarah suddenly throws the live wire to the ground leading Alecia to quickly react by having one foot out of the puddle, but not the other as she quickly gets shocked. Unfortunately, she doesn’t go down leading her to pick up the steel tray and hit her in the back causing her to hit the door, which knocks her out. Cut to Sarah taking Alecia’s gun, looks at her necklace around Alecia’s neck she took from her, and begins to speak]
Sarah: That’s mine
[Cut to Sarah reaching for it about to take it back when suddenly shots are fired in her direction leading her to seek cover and return fire. She was close to getting her necklace back but not avail as she heard Mal’s henchmen inform him that she’s escaped. You Sarah taking one last look at her necklace before making the decision to escape and live to get it back another day. The scene ends with the shot of the 2 Sikorsky HH-60 Pave Hawks carrying Chuck, Casey, Bryce and several other agents heading towards Downey Insane Asylum]
[The scene begins with Malcolm walking up and standing over Alecia after being informed by one of his henchmen. You see a disappointed look on his face as he picks up a bottled water, opens it, take a sip, kneels down, and then pour it on her face leading her to come to as she wipes her face. Mal begins to speak]
Malcolm: [gives a intense, serious look at Alecia]My dear…unless you want to seek unemployment…permanently….I suggest you get up and find Sarah.
[cut to Mal helping her up of the ground and then giving her a gun]
Alecia: [angered look]She got the jump on me sir…it won’t ever happen again.
Malcolm: [puts his finger on her lips]No excuses…less talking, more results.[cut to Alecia about to leave when Mal pulls in Alecia for a kiss and after a moment or two you see a smile on her face. As she heads out to go after Sarah Mal calls out to her]Oh…Alecia…[Alecia turns around]…Sarah is no longer regarded as our insurance policy. So have fun and make her death as painful as it can be.
[cut to Mal giving a sinister grin towards Alecia who in turn gives a sinister smile back. Cut to Sarah who is cautiously going down a bad lit hallway as she looks all around her for any sign of henchmen. You see an up close shot of her as she stops for a minute to regroup leading her to talk to herself as she checks the chamber and magazine of the gun]
Sarah: [breathing hard]Come on Sarah…keep going...stay alive so you can see Chuck again.
[As she heads out shots are fired in her direction again. She takes cover, returns fire, and when she peaks around the corner she sees its one of Mal’s Henchmen. Cut to Alecia hearing those shots and heads towards the sound echoing in the building. Cut back to the fire fight between Sarah and the henchmen where you see her spotting a fire extinguisher near him. She aims and fires at the extinguisher several times causing it to blind the henchmen who inevitably is shot after stumbling out in the open. You then see Sarah head out and she passes some stairs you see Alecia leap out of nowhere and tackle Sarah leading both of them to crash through a window in the area of what seems a catwalk where Alecia’s gun falls to the ground below. After a few short moments of tussling on the ground Sarah flips Alecia over her leading both of them to jump back on to their feet quickly going into defensive position. Alecia begins to speak]
Alecia: [smirks]You’re not getting out of here alive.
Sarah: [smirks]We’ll see…you and I have some unfinished business. I want my necklace back.
Alecia: [holds up necklace around her neck]You want it…come over here and get it.
[You then see Sarah and Alecia start fighting not in the way she did with Lizzie but more in the way she did with La Cuidad. The scene switches from Sarah and Alecia fighting on the catwalk to shot of the 2 Sikorsky HH-60 Pave Hawks landing several yards from the Downey Insane Asylum. You see Chuck, Bryce, Casey, and several other agents jumping out leading Casey to call everybody in]
Casey: [looks at everybody as he yells over the noise of the noise]We’re going in hot people…so lock and load!
[cut to a freaked out, nervous, but intense look on Chuck’s face as he’s going in to save the woman he loves. Cut to Malcolm on the phone with one of his henchmen concerning Morgan. The episode ends with a 4 shot screen as you see a close up of Mal’s face, Sarah and Alecia duking it out high on the catwalk, Morgan riding up to the Orpheum Theater, and Chuck, Casey, Bryce along with several other agents going in for the thrilling conclusion]
[Fade To Black]
About Me

- Yoda
- Let's see, I'm a single, 39 year old 5'2-ish pinoy who worked with kids for the 14 years and I was pretty good at it. I am now working in a totally different area away from kids and it's awesome. Anyways, for fun I listen to music, draw, play video games, watch movies, hang with friends, surf the internet, go skydiving, and write down my thoughts, which I call Yodaisms. I'm pretty much a quiet, laid back dude once you get to know me and that's pretty much it, so have fun reading my thoughts. Take care and peace out!
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