[The episode begins with clips of what previously happened as Chuck and Casey wake up in a dark unknown location leading them to meet face to face Simon Templar. You then see most of the wedding part arrive with the wedding planner Mary freaking out because Awesome can’t see Ellie or her wedding dress for that matter. She enlists the aide of Sarah and Diane to block Awesome’s view while all three ladies escort Ellie from his sight leading Awesome to have a father/father-in-law talk. In the hotel bar you see Jeff, Lester, and Morgan place a bet as to whether Morgan will somehow ruin Ellie’s wedding, which he agrees to. Finally, you come to where it left off with Simon revealing his sick plan to eliminate Chuck and Casey by mixing sulfuric acid and water together causing a mixture that will inherently burn their skin to the point where it just comes off all this while their alive…for the moment. The scene begins with Simon talking on his cell phone as he is outside the door where Chuck and Casey are being held]
Simon: [smirk on his face] Let me talk to The Dealer.
[cut to a pause and then to a sound of muffled voice on cell phone]
Simon: Yeah…it’s me.
[sound of muffled voice on cell phone]
Simon: They’re being taken care of as we speak. They won’t be considered a thorn in our side…I guarantee you that.
[sound of muffled voice on cell phone]
Simon: Negative…I wasn’t able to attain the location for Klinger from either one of them. It seems to me Agent Casey know more than Mr. Bartowski.
[sound of muffled voice on cell phone]
Simon: [serious look on face] Of course…I will interrogate Agent Casey and use whatever means necessary in order to get the location of his whereabouts.
[sound of muffled voice on cell phone]
Simon: Rest assured I will not fail you.
[Simon hangs up and walks off camera leading the scene to switch to Casey and Chuck who are still tied up as the clock, which reads 2 Hrs:30Min:13 Sec., continues to count down. You see Chuck frantically struggle and as he does he looks at Casey who is completely calm leading him to speak]
Chuck: [freaked out tone] Casey…why are you so calm at a time like this? As you can clearly see were in over our heads in more ways than one.
Casey: Relax Bartowski…I’ve been in hairier situations than this. You just have to keep a level head about you and not freak out like you’re doing now.
Chuck: Oh really…I think I have every reason to freak out. Let me ask you this question did any of the hairy situations you were in involve sulfuric acid?
[cut to Casey who has this reflective look on his face and after a moment or two he looks at Chuck]
Casey: Nope…this is a new one on me. [looking around] You know…I have to hand it to Templar, he’s much more creative than the other bad guys I’ve come across.
Chuck: [looks away and up] We’re going to die.
Casey: We’re not going to die.
Chuck: [looks at Casey] We’re not?
Casey: [shakes head] Nah.
Chuck: [smiles as he breathe out a big sigh of relief] Thanks God. You have a plan don’t you…I knew you had one. So what is it?
Casey: Nope…no plan.
Chuck: WHAT!?
Casey: Here’s what I’m thinking…we do absolutely nothing.
Chuck: [eyes widen] NOTHING!? Are you out of you’re freaking mind!
Casey: Struggling just saps your strength and besides we got plenty of time to figure out what to do next. Look…I say we just sit back, relax, close our eyes, and get some shut eye.
Chuck: Okay…who are you and what have you done with Casey.
[cut to Casey suddenly give a glaring looking at Chuck]
Casey: Look Bartowski…I’m trying to stay calm but you’re making it hard on me remain that way. So…I suggest you do what I say because with clearer head…maybe…just maybe…we can somehow get out of here.
[You see Chuck nervously nodding his head leading the scene to end with camera backing away giving you a wide shot of Chuck and Casey. Cue Chuck intro]
[Fade Out]
[The scene begins with the façade of the Bel Air Hotel and cut to the Sawn Lake area where you see Jeff, Lester, Morgan, Abe, Sam and even Awesome chipping in to help set up for his wedding. Suddenly you hear Abe’s cell phone ring leading him to answer and on the other end is Sarah to where a back/forth shot conversation between the two]
Sarah: Abe, have you heard from Chuck and Casey? I’ve tried calling them but all I get is their voicemail. I’m starting to get worried.
Abe: Sorry…haven’t heard from them at all. Don’t worry about those two…besides Chuck is Awesome’s best man and he wouldn’t miss his own sister’s wedding.
Sarah: [concerned tone] Maybe you’re right, but I have a funny feeling in my stomach there’s something wrong.
Abe: Yeah…I’m right and did you have anything to eat by chance?
Sarah: Not really.
Abe: Well there you go…it’s just your stomach rumbling. Get something to eat because you don’t want to end being a cranky maid of honor do you.
Sarah: [laughs] I certainly do not.
Abe: Hey…would it make you feel better if I went down to Sacred Heart Church and see if they’re still there?
Sarah: Would you? That would be so great.
Abe: No problem.
[Abe hangs up and tells the guys he going to Sacred Heart Church to check on what could be holding up Casey and Chuck. The scene switches from The Sawn Lake Area back to the unknown location where hear the door open leading Chuck and Casey to see Simon return holding a hair in one hand and a file folder along with an apple in another. He walks up, turns the chair around, sits down, eats the apple and after a second or two Casey speaks up]
Casey: So…did you come back to bore us to death.
[cut to Chuck giving Casey another look and then back to Simon who takes another bit from his apple leading all-the-while giving a sinister smile]
Simon: Actually I came back to ask you again…where is Maxwell Klinger being held at?
Casey: [glares at Simon] As I said before…you have to kill me before I ever divulge that bit of information.
Simon: [opens folder and starts look at its contents] I’m sorry to hear that.
Chuck: What are you looking at?
Casey: [snarky tone] He’s probably looking at naked pictures of Bea Arthur from the Golden Girls. Hold on…wait a minute…you’re into senior citizens aren’t you Templar…come on…you can tell us. Hey…whatever floats your boat.
Chuck: [looks at Casey] Would you stop antagonizing the man!
[Cut to Simon looking up, takes another bite from his apple, looks back down at the folder, and then begins to read the info]
Simon: Jayne Samantha Richardson…[cut to Casey’s smirk turning expressionless]…Santa Monica, California…member of the NRA…currently residing in Baldwin Park with her Rottweiler named JoJo. Oh…this is interesting…[points to something]…right here it says that she studied the art of horticulture in college, graduated with a 3.5 GPA, and wouldn’t you know it she ended up working at YamaGushi’s Bonsai Nursery. She’s a beautiful woman I must say.
[cut to Simon showing Casey surveillance pictures of his girlfriend Jayne leading you to see Casey who shows signs of being a bit rattled]
Casey: [angry tone] Leave her out of this.
[cut to Simon smiling and then taking another bite out the apple]
Simon: Ahh…I see I’ve pushed you’re buttons with this young lady here. Excellent…let’s get down to business shall we. I’ll ask you again…where is Maxwell Klinger being held at.
[You see the intensity growing in eyes of Casey as he’s a burning hole right through Simon. The scene ends with a close up shot of Simon who smiles and then takes one more bite of the apple]
[Fade out]
[The scene begins around 11:45 am with the façade of the Bel Air Hotel and cut to a private room where you see Sarah, Mary, Diane, and Ellie who is in regular clothes sitting down and in the middle of having a conversation concerning their significant others. Mary looks at Sarah and begins to speak]
Mary: So Sarah…how did you and Chuck meet?
Sarah: Well…I walked into Buy More and needed to get my phone fixed. I saw Chuck standing behind the desk on the phone badly rapping some movie character’s name from the movie Batman. Morgan was there too…but I ignored him for the most part.
Ellie: [speaks up] I’ve tried to ignore him for along time now and you can clearly see it hasn’t worked.
[cut to mild laughter being heard from the ladies leading Diane to look to speak to Sarah]
Diane: Was it love at first sight?
Sarah: No it wasn’t…I just moved here from D.C. and he seemed like a nice enough guy unlike the usual jerks I’ve dated in the past.
Ellie: What made you think he was different from all the rest.
[cut to Sarah thinking back to that first meeting leading her to not only smile, but also holding her gold locket]
Sarah: There was a father running up to the information desk with his daughter wearing a ballet uniform. You could clearly see he was freaking out and instead of ignoring him to focus on me. That is what most guys would do if they had to choose helping a man and his child or a attracting looking woman. Chuck not only helped the man out, but he also helped the little girl out too as I heard him calm her down because she was afraid that she too tall to be a ballerina. He went above and beyond the call of duty knowing that he didn’t have to.
[cut to a collective awwww from the ladies]
Mary: [smiles] That is so sweet…you’re a very lucky woman to have him in your life.
Ellie: That’s my little brother for you. Looking out for others rather than looking out for himself.
Sarah: [smiles as she looks at Ellie] Its one of those endearing qualities that first attracted me to your brother.
Ellie: Are you sure it wasn’t his hair that tends to make funny animal shapes that first attracted you about him.
Sarah: [laughs] Maybe
[The scene switches from the ladies in the private room to the unknown location where you see Casey flustered as Simon has found something or should I someone to try to make him cooperate…Jayne. Simon throws what is left of the apple behind him, wipes his hands, and begins to speak]
Simon: Agent Casey…if you don’t cooperate with me and divulge the location of my colleague I will contact one of my field associates to kill her. What do you think about that?
[cut to Chuck looking back and forth from Casey to Simon]
Casey: [gives him a glaring look] Do you know what I think?
Simon: [smirking] Please…share with me what you’re thinking.
Casey: I think if you send someone to kill her you better be prepared to experience an ass whoopin’ unlike any other. [looks at Chuck] If you think I’m tough…she’s twice as tough and with an attitude to match. [looks at Simon with a smirk on his face] You better send an army of associates to take her down because what you’ll end up with is one dead associate.
[cut to Simon getting visibly frustrated when all of a sudden his cell phone rings. After a moment or two he hangs up, stands, and speak to both Chuck and Casey]
Simon: We’ll continue this later gentlemen…it seems Father Patrick Kelly is needed. [as he walks away he stops, looks back, points his finger in the air, and then begins to say something] Oh…just to show how serious I really am…[cut to Simon taking out a device from his pocket and starts typing]…you’re countdown to death is cut in half.
[cut to Chuck and Casey see not only the time go from 2: 20:05 to 1:20:00 leading to Chuck’s eyes widening wider to the point they possibly could pop out of his head, but also the water starts to fill up in the glass structure their both contained in. The scene ends with Simon walking off to see what the late Father Patrick Kelly is needed]
[Fade Out]
[The scene begins in the Swan Lake area where you Jeff, Lester, Morgan and Awesome sitting around and taking a break. They are having a short discussion with Awesome on his upcoming nuptials leading him to speak up as he looks at the guys]
Awesome: You guys are doing an awesome job.
Morgan: Don’t mention it dude. It’s all for you and Ellie…well more for Ellie than you.
Awesome: Thanks…I think.
Lester: [wipes his forehead] Look at that…sweat…and sweat equals manual labor. I haven’t done manual labor…since…I don’t remember when.
Jeff: [looks at Lester] It’s all Chuck’s fault.
Awesome: [looks at Jeff and Lester] Why is it my bro-in-law’s fault?
[cut to Lester who tries to quickly change the subject]
Lester: [looks at Devon] So Devon…are you going to be wearing the pants in the relationship or…[starts to trail off]….is Ellie going to grab of hold of your maracas and squeeze them until you no longer have the power to think for yourself leading you to become a cynical, lonely shell of your former self.
[cut to the guys looking at Lester leading Awesome to speak up]
Awesome: It’s going to be an equal partnership and are you okay man? I have a friend at the hospital who is an awesome therapist if you need to work out some issues.
Morgan: You’re ex-wife really did a number on you didn't she.
[You see Lester just looking at Morgan leading the scene to switch from the Swan Lake Area to the façade of the Sacred Heart Church. Inside you see Abe talking to one of the nuns asking where he could find Father Patrick Kelly and she point to the second floor where his office is located at. Suddenly out of the corner of her eye she spots him coming out of the back door marked basement leading her to point to him. Abe thanks the nun and begins to walk toward him but he suddenly stops because he sees something that tells him he isn’t Father Patrik Kelly. He sits down leading him to observe “Father Patrick Kelly” walk over to a young married couple who are apparently there to have emergency counseling. You then see Father Patrick Kelly aka Simon Templar begrudgingly, but with a smile on his face, lead the young couple to his office all-the-while being observed by Abe. You then see Abe go outside the Church to make a phone call to Sarah, but unfortunately Sarah is not carrying her phone at the moment because she’s left it in the private room in her purse. Abe leaves a message for her to call him back and stressing that it’s urgent. The scene switches from outside the Sacred Church to the basement where you see Chuck and Casey submerged up to their neck in water as the time on the countdown clock now reads 00:59:03. The scene begins with Chuck looking at Casey and speaks up]
Chuck: You know…I really didn’t plan on going out like this. I always imagined I would go out dying of old age…not being burned alive and having my skin stripped away by sulfuric acid.
Casey: Nobody every plans to die Bartowski…if you’re number is up your number is up. I can’t count the number of times I thought my number was up only to get out of it just in the nick of time.
Chuck: I’ll never have the chance to kiss her and tell Sarah one last time as I look her in the eyes that I love her. [Cut to Chuck looking at Casey] What would you do with your one last chance on this earth Casey?
Casey: [looks at Chuck] Honestly?
Chuck: [grins] Yeah.
Casey: I would go back 5 minutes and stop myself from hearing what you wanted to do with your once last chance on earth with Walker.
Chuck: Come on Casey…seriously.
Casey: All right Bartowski…[smiles]…I would tell Jayne I love her and ever since I found out Ilsa was alive…she gave me a new lease on life. Jaybe has made me happy. Of course, I’m not going mention Ilsa.
Chuck: Of course. Casey…
Casey: Yeah.
Chuck: I love you man.
Casey: Shut up Bartowski.
[The scene ends with the camera panning back as you see Chuck and Casey awaiting their fate leading you to see the countdown clock running down to 00:40:23]
[Fade To Black]
[The scene begins in “Father Patrick Kelly’s office where you see him sitting behind his desk as he’s “listening” to the couple argue about their problems. Actually, to be more specific, it’s the young wife who is arguing about her problems about her husband as he’s just sitting there not being able to get in a word in edgewise. After a 35 minutes of going on and on you can see a very agitated look on Templar’s face leading him to speak up interrupting the wife in mid argument]
Simon: You know what…I have the solution to your problem.
Young Wife: Really…what is it? Will it be able to help our marriage?
Simon: Actually…it will help your husband more than you.
Young Husband: [points to himself] Me…why me?
Simon: [stands ups and looks at young husband] Well…I’ve noticed from listening to just her talking for God knows how long that I inevitably came up with a simple solution. I’m going to say two words that will solve your problem.
[cut to the young wife curiously looking at Simon]
Young Husband: What are they?
Simon: [smirks] Shut up! You see when she just runs her mouth simply tell her to just shut up. [looks at young wife] I’ve actually wanted to say that to you for quite some time, but for the first 15 minutes I kind of zoned out from listening to your non stop rant after mentioning something about not picking his clothes off the floor.
[cut to the young wife standing up appalled at what Simon just said leading her to Storm out. As she heads out the door you hear her yell out her husband's name leading him to jump up and run out the door, but not before sticking his head back in with a smile on his face to tell Simon thanks. You see Simon smile, then walk out of his office leading you to cut to the 1st floor where you see Abe sitting in one of the church pews. From his perspective he’s observing Simon look at his watch, walks back into his office for a few seconds, walks back out, walks down the stairs towards the door he saw him standing in front of earlier with a bag in his hand, and passing the front of the church essentially confirming what he suspected about Father Patrick Kellywalk down the stairs towards the door he saw him standing in front of earlier. The scene switches from the Church itself to down in the basement where you see clock read 1 minute till the sulfuric acid pours out leading to a painful death leading Chuck to speak up]
Chuck: [looks straight ahead at the clock] Casey
Casey: What is it Bartowski
Chuck: I just wanted to say…it’s been nice knowing you and thanks for not killing me back at the beach on New Years day.
Casey: Yeah...well.
Chuck: Casey
Casey: What!?
Casey: Don’t you want to say anything to me before we die?
Casey: Not really…but if I had to…I would say…[turns to look at clock]…15 seconds.
Chuck: 15 seconds?
Casey: [motions with his head] 10 seconds
[You see both Chuck and Casey look at each other and then look at the clock counting down to 7. The scene ends with a close up shot of the clock at 5]
[Fade to Black]
About Me

- Yoda
- Let's see, I'm a single, 39 year old 5'2-ish pinoy who worked with kids for the 14 years and I was pretty good at it. I am now working in a totally different area away from kids and it's awesome. Anyways, for fun I listen to music, draw, play video games, watch movies, hang with friends, surf the internet, go skydiving, and write down my thoughts, which I call Yodaisms. I'm pretty much a quiet, laid back dude once you get to know me and that's pretty much it, so have fun reading my thoughts. Take care and peace out!
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