[The episode begins where it left off as you see a close up shot Mal’s face, Morgan riding up to the Orpheum Theater Sarah and Alecia in all out fight high on a catwalk, as well as, 2 Sikorsky HH-60 Pave Hawks landing several yards from the Downey Insane Asylum leading Chuck, Casey, Bryce and several other agents to jump out. After some words from Casey they head in. The scene begins with Mal on the phone with his henchmen at the Orpheum theater as they have a short back and forth conversation]
Malcolm: [intense look]So…are guest has arrived…excellent.
Henchmen: Yes sir.
Malcolm: Remember…just give him the package and he’ll do the rest.
[cut to the Malcolm hanging up and then to the henchmen who stands there as a stone faced Morgan walks up to him. He hands him the package leading him to walk right past him to the back of the Orpheum Theater. Cut to Sarah and Alecia high on a catwalk in the defensive position where they have a discussion going on in a farily wide area where they circle each other. Alecia is the first to speak]
Aleica: [points at Sarah]I should have killed you when I first had the chance. It would have saved me the aggravation of dealing with you now.
Sarah: Do you know what your problem is?
Aleica: [raising right eyebrow]What might that be?
Sarah: You’re all talk and not enough action.
[cut to Alecia taking out a knife from behind her leading her to lick the blade]
Aleica: [points knife at her]I’ll show you action.
[You suddenly see Alecia run off camera towards Sarah leading the scene to switch to the outside of the Downey Insane Asylum about several hundred feet away from the building where you see Casey, Chuck, Bryce, and several other agents on a crouch position as they assess the situation at hand to determine how many people their dealing with. Cut to Casey looking through some binoculars when Bryce speaks up]
Bryce: [looks at the Asylum then Casey]How many are there?
Casey: In total…6. 2 on the roof…and 4 patrolling on the ground.
[cut to Casey looking at one of the agents and tells him to take the two on the roof out. The agents proceeds to set up his Subsonic 308 Remington Sniper Rifle with Suppressor Silencer. After a few moments you gets into position leading you to see the agents point of view as he’s looking through the scope. Cut to the first henchmen goes down with no problem leading him to fall to the ground causing the henchmen to hear it and walk over to see what’s going on. He checks him, sees the shot hit right between the eyes, leading to stand up and about to call it in when he’s taken down with a shot between the eyes. The agent speaks up]
Agent 1: [looks at Casey] 2 down sir.
[cut to Casey nodding and motioning for the agents to split up as Casey, Bryce, and Chuck to go in one direction while the other agents going the other way as they will meet up at the front door of the Asylum. After a few moments you see 2 henchmen walking the grounds when all of sudden Casey appears and breaks the first henchmen’s neck causing the other henchmen to run up but is stopped by Bryce who not only clothes lines him but takes out a knife and sticks it into his chest. Chuck steps out, sees the dead bodies, and his this look as if he’s about to puke, but doesn’t. Cut to Casey who is informed that the other two henchmen have been dispatched without any complications. You see everybody eventually meet up at the front door leading Casey to motion for everybody to get into position as he points to one of the agents who steps to the front of the door sticking a C4 explosive to it. Cut to Malcolm talking on the phone, henchmen relaxing/talking with each other, and one henchmen walking by the door when all of sudden the door explodes leading the henchmen in front of it to blown back by the impact causing him to be killed instantly. Malcolm not only hears the explosion but feels it as well leading him to have this wtf look. Cut to Team Chuck, Bryce, and the other agents storming through the smoke taking out everybody in their path leading Casey to yell out something]
Casey: Honey…we’re home!
[Cue Chuck Intro]
[The scene begins inside the break room at Buy More where you see a close up shot of Jeff and Lester on the floor. You suddenly see both of them being slapped in the face by someone leading to gradually wake up, but their vision is somewhat blurred as Lester sees a dark figure standing over them leading him to scream panic]
Lester: [holding up hands with his eyes closed]I’m not ready for you to take me death…I got so much to live for. I’m young and viral…take this guy…[points to Jeff]…he’s old and decrepit.
[cut to Jeff whose eyes are widen open clearly focused and doesn’t see death, but Anna hovering above them leading him to look at Lester]
Jeff: [hits Lester on his chest]Open your eyes dilweed…its not death…its just Anna.
Lester: [eyes still closed]Same thing…they’re both scary in their own right.
[cut to Anna giving Lester a nipple twister leading him to give a high pitched scream like a little girl to the point that Abe comes running in. Cut to Anna who is now standing up in between Lester and Jeff]
Abe: [looks at Anna]Who in the blue blazes…
Anna: [chimes in as she points down at Jeff]Not Shirley that’s for sure…but his partner in crime…[point to Lester]…Laverne.
[cut to Anna giving another nipple twister to Lester for the death comment and then standing back. You then see Abe help the two up and speaking to the both of them]
Abe: So this is where you two have been…sleeping on the job?
Jeff: [glazed look in his eyes]We weren’t sleeping…this time.
Lester: [massaging his pectoral area]Yeah…oww…we were assaulted by Morgan. He went all Jett Li on us all of a sudden.
Anna: [smirks]He did that…to you?
[cut to Anna giving laughing at them as Jeff and Lester lick their wounds. You then see Anna have an impressed look on her face]
Abe: [looks of disbelief]Morgan…the same Morgan who two weeks ago was beat up by little girl who he taunted after he won challenging her in a game of Guitar Heroes. I don’t believe you.
Lester: [continuing to massage his pectoral area]Fine…don’t believe me…[looks at Jeff]…Jeff take me to the hospital...I think Anna may have twisted both my nipples off.
[you see Jeff and Lester walking out of the break room as you see a shot of Anna smirking. The scene switches from the break room at Buy More to The Orpheum Theater where you see Morgan going up into the rafters a couple hours before the show starts to set up in order to eliminate his intended target. The scene switches from The Orpheum Theater to Downey Insane Asylum where you see Casey directing traffic]
Casey: I’ll take the 3rd floor…Larkin and Bartwoski 4th…all other agents…fan out. Remember…there is a captured agent somewhere in this building….MOVE!
[cut to everybody scrambling as they all head in different direction leading the scene to switch high on the catwalk where you see Alecia running at Sarah with a knife. You see her yielding the knife in an expert type fashion that see Sarah has this look on her face as if it reads she seriously underestimated this chick. She continues to defend herself from the knife wielding woman as she rolls over Alecia’s back to avoid getting stabbed by her. The unrelenting attack continues as Alecia has this aggressively determined look to take Sarah out at all costs. You then see Alecia run in for an attack leading Sarah to fall backwards but she instinctively flips her over with her feet against her stomach inevitably knocking the wind out of her. Sarah jumps up to her feet and as she turns around she unfortunately sees her back on her feet leading to Alecia to speak]
Alecia: [frustrated tone as she’s breathing hard]Why don’t you just die?
Sarah: [smirks as she’s breathing hard]You first
[cut to Sarah holding out her right hand and giving the motion to come and get me leading Alecia to attack. She is about to when she suddenly takes off the necklace, shows it Sarah, and then throws it over the side leading you to see the necklace fall and eventually then land at the edge of one of the broken windows in the glass ceiling below. Cut to Sarah who has this look as if a part of herself was thrown over the side and then you see Alecia with a smirk on her face as she goes after her. After a few moments of dodging and weaving you see Alecia cut Sarah leading her to back away as she sees the blood dripping from the wound. The scene ends with Alecia wiping the blade off with her finger, tasting it, and then going in for more]
[The scene begins with Casey on the 3rd floor hallway with weapon drawn scanning the area checking each room for any sign of his partner Sarah all-the-while taking about henchmen left and right. After a minute or two shots ring out relentlessly towards his direction nearly hitting him leading him to take cover. He responds by relentlessly shooting back as well and after a while you cut to Casey talking to himself]
Casey: [smirks]You have been in tougher scrapes than this…come on. Compared to Kosovo, Prague, and Istanbul this is a cake walk.
[cut to Casey’s self conversation with himself broken up by a familiar voice. You see a back and forth shot as they have a conversation]
Voice of Mal: [yells up the hall] Talking to yourself I see…and they supposedly say I’m insane.
Casey: [yells down the hall] Yeah well…you can’t escape Mal…so why don’t you give up. What’s you’re answer?
[cut to shots fired in his direction leading to pieces of the cailing to fall on Casey]
Mal: [yells] How’s that for my answer?
Casey: [yells] Sorry…I didn’t hear you over the gun fire…can you give me your answer again?
Mal: [yells]When did you become such a pain the ass?
Casey: [yells] When I met you…after all I learned from the master.
[cut to Mal shooting again leading Casey to respond back as well but his gun doesn’t respond. He grunts, throws down the gun, and after getting sprayed with several more rounds in his direction Mal’s gun clicks, which Casey hears. You see Mal take out a cartridge and in that time span cut to Casey who hears takes the opportunity to strike by quickly getting up and runs down the hall in the direction of Mal who has his back against the wall in the middle of changing cartridges. He stands up, turns around, and just as he sticks in the cartridge he looks up he sees Casey lunging at him leading both of them fall to the floor to where they not only begin punching each other, but start wrestling with Machine gun to the point where they choke each other with it. They exchange elbows, knees, and punches leading Mal to hit the arm that Mal shot causing Casey to grimace in pain, but fights through it. After a while they both end up near a reinforced glass ceiling and cut to a view of the room you see its some sort of lounge area. Cut back to Casey and Mal where they find their way on to the glass ceiling still wrestling with the machine gun in a circular pattern to the point where its aimed downward leading it fire hitting the glass ceiling. After a while, you hear the glass ceiling start to crack as the shear the weight of both them causes it break under causing both of them look at each other then fall to the 2nd floor below crashing on top of table where ultimately see their seemingly lifeless bodies sprawled out. The scene switches from Casey and Mal to Chuck and Bryce who are on the 4th floor looking for any sign of Sarah. You see Bryce in the lead with Chuck several feet behind him tightly holding the gun Casey gave him all-the-while having that I don’t want to be shot look on his face. Suddenly something falls in front of Bryce’s feet leading him to stop, pick it up, sees that it’s the gold locket, and then looks up. You then see Chuck who is walking backwards bump into him. Bryce sticks the locket in his pocket and at the same time he does that Chuck bumps into him leading him to speak up]
Chuck: [looks at Bryce]Why did you stop?
Bryce: [points up]Sarah
[cut to both of them looking up to see Sarah through a glass ceiling still duking it out with Alecia leading Chuck to about run up to the 5th floor, but Bryce grabs him by the left arm]
Bryce: [looks at Chuck]What do you think you’re doing?
Chuck: I’m going to help her!
Bryce: [points finger at Chuck]You are going to end up getting her killed. At least stop and think for a minute.
Chuck: [glares at Bryce]I’m done thinking!
Chuck: [rips his arm away from Bryce’s grip]You can stay here for all I care, but me…I’m going up there and nothing you say or do will stop me.
[cut to Bryce seeing the intensity in his eyes, which is a look he has never seen before. After a moment or two, you see Chuck run down the hall, turns, and then run up the stairs. Cut to Bryce who says something under his breath]
Bryce: Idiot
[The scene ends with a shot of Chuck running full tilt up the stairs with gun in hand and cut back to Bryce who looks up then runs off camera presumably to chase after Chuck]
[The scene begins on the catwalk where you see Sarah and Alecia still battling it out. You see Sarah with a cut on her arm but it doesn’t stop her from kicking butt. They’re both trading punches and kicks when the knife Alecia is holding is kicked out of her hands and lands a few feet away giving Sarah the opportunity to go after it. You see Alecia having the same thought, but as she goes for it she’s stopped by a back leg sweep by Sarah leading her to fall on face leaving her a but stunned. As he goes for the knife that’s when Chuck arrives calling out her name]
Chuck: Sarah!
Sarah: [turns around]Chuck!
Chuck: Are you okay?
Sarah: I’m fi….
[As she is about to say the word fine Alecia pops up and grabs her from behind leading them to back up a bit. They struggle side to side as Sarah back up to the rails causing Alecia to hit her back but it causes her to hold on even tighter as she goes for the knife. Cut to Chuck who is looking on with concern as he sees Sarah looking to him leading her to do a front leg kick that hits Alecia’s head causing her to stumble backwards inevitably releasing her hold on Sarah causing her to flip over to the side. However, before she does completely fall over to the side she grabs Sarah’s shirt leading both of them to fall over causing Chuck’s eyes widen as he screams out]
Chuck: NOOOOO!!!!
[Cut to Chuck about to run over to when he’s met with gun fire from across the way by two of Malcolm’s remaining henchmen. Suddenly you hear Sarah’s voice and then cut to her and Alecia dangling on the side of catwalk continuing to fight each other. You then see Chuck run towards her as a hail of gun fire is directed towards him. As he is running he trips and when he looks up see from henchmen’s point of view his sights set on killing him. As he is about to pull the trigger you hear a shot ring out causing the 1st henchmen to fall to the ground below. When Chuck looks back he sees Bryce crouched in the door way leading him to speak up]
Bryce: [looks at Chuck]Do what you got to do…I’ll cover you.
[cut to Chuck look at Bryce, looks at Sarah, gets up, and as he gets to her he lunges forward in order to grab hold on to Sarah’s wrists as Bryce deal with the last remaining henchmen. As Bryce is dealing with him he hears Chuck talk to Sarah. Sarah begins to speak]
Sarah: [looks up at Chuck]What took you so long?
Chuck: [smiles]Sorry about that…better late than never. I'm here now…I got you. I’m never letting go…you hear me I promise you I’m never letting go.[kisses Sarah’s hand] I love you and if you die on me now I’ll never live with myself.
[cut to Alecia with angered, determined look on her face as he is trying to pull her down in order for both of them to fall to their death]
Sarah: [looks down and looks up at Chuck]I love you too…I knew you were coming for me. I just kept holding to the thought of seeing your face again. Wait…hold on to me real tight so I can take care of something?
Chuck: What are you going to do?
Sarah: [looks up at Chuck and then down at Alecia]I’m about to cut off some extra weight
[cut to Chuck hold her left wrist with both his hands as tight as he can as she takes the knife in her right hand and starts blindly slashing into Alecia arms causing her to scream out to the point where she eventually lets go. You see an up close shot of her face as he falls through the glass window below to her death. Cut to Bryce finally taking care of the henchmen and when he puts down his gun he looks at Chuck pull Sarah up leading both of them hugging then kissing each other. You see Bryce look at the two of them, turns around, and heads out. The scene ends as it switches from the catwalk to the second floor where you see only Casey’s body laid out on the floor, but the question is where is Mal?]
[The scene begins outside the Downey Insane Asylum where you see Chuck, Sarah, and Bryce standing around as the other agents deal with the aftermath inside. You then hear Sarah speak up]
Sarah: I wonder where Casey is?
Chuck: [smirks]You know him…he’s probably beating up somebody…or shooting him the leg. He’ll be coming out of that door with a smile on his face. Just you wait.
Sarah: [smiles]Oh is that right?
Chuck: Yes ma’am
[cut to Sarah pulling him in for a kiss leading Bryce to turn around not wanting to see the public display of affection between the two of them. Suddenly you hear a scream leading all three of them to look and when they do its Malcolm holding up a Beretta M9 directly pointed at them. You see Chuck swing Sarah behind him and Bryce take out his gun and just as he’s about to pull the trigger, you hear2 shots ring out. Cut to a front torso shot of Malcolm where you see blood soaking through as he points his gun in the air firing off 2 rounds. He drops down to the ground off camera and in the background you see Casey battered and bruised but still strong enough to kill his former mentor. He walks up leading Chuck and Sarah to run over to him as Bryce simply takes his sweet time to get over to him. Chuck speaks up]
Chuck: Casey…buddy…you okay?
Casey: [looks at Chuck]I’m fine Bartowski…[looks at Sarah]What’s up Sarah.
Sarah: [smiles as she puts his hands on his shoulder]Hey partner…thanks for coming to my rescue.
Casey: [looks at Sarah]Are you going to get all emotional on me Walker?
Sarah: Why…because you don’t want to deal with as you like to call it my “lady feelings”?
Casey: Yeah….and the fact if I had to babysit Bartowski for one more day I would have killed him myself. And you’re welcome.[take a deep breathe in/out]Man…a bottle of whiskey sure would be good right now.
[cut to Sarah and Chuck smiling at Casey with Bryce just looking at him]
Chuck: Oh…come on big guy…I wasn’t that bad. Hey, if it wasn’t for the locket we wouldn’t be standing here right?
[cut to Chuck slapping in the arm that was shot leading him to growl leading Chuck to stand behind Sarah]
Sarah: [looks at Sarah]What about the locket?
Chuck: I’ll explain it to you later.
Sarah: Speaking of the locket…I lost it and I know how it meant to you giving it to me.
Chuck: [holds hands up]The locket doesn’t matter…what matters is that you are safe and sound with me by my side.
Bryce: I think I’m going to be sick.
Casey: [looks at Bryce]Finally…its one thing we share something in common.
[Cut to Malcolm’s body and close up to his face when suddenly you see his eyes open leading him to sit up and aim his gun at whoever is closest…namely Chuck. Out of the corner of his eye, Bryce sees him pointing the gun at Chuck and when Malcolm pulls the trigger Bryce steps in front of Chuck. You see Bryce get hit in the right arm and in the left leg. You see Chuck catch Bryce as they go down at the same time on the ground leading Casey to draw his weapon but before he pulls the trigger Chuck fires off first with all the rounds that were in the Walther PPK that Casey gave him inevitably killing Mal. You see Casey standing there with a impressed look on his face as he sees Chuck holding on to Bryce as Sarah checks on both of them. Suddenly Casey’s phone rings and after several minutes you see a serious look come over his face. The scene ends with Chuck and Sarah looking at each other then at Casey with concern]
[The scene begins with sun setting in the horizon as you see in air as you see a Sikorsky HH-60 Pave Hawk on route to somewhere and inside you see Casey, Chuck, and Sarah minus Bryce who was left back in Downey Insane Asylum being treated for gun shot wounds to his right arm and left leg. All three are wearing head phones to better communicate with each other. Casey begins to speak up]
Casey: All right…the NSA containment team will be at the Orpheum Theater soon shortly. They’ll keep Morgan inside long enough for us to stop him from accomplishing his mission…if he hasn’t already done so.
Chuck: [look of disbelief]I can’t believe Fulcrum used him for Project Trojan Horse.
Sarah: [looks at Chuck]Believe it…I stumbled upon their plan and tried to contact you guys, but I was unfortunately captured.
Chuck: So who is Morgan’s target?
Casey: [looks at Chuck and Sarah]Retired Air Force General Marcus Washburn…he was one of the main men that questioned Malcolm’s loyalty. After all these years…he’s harbored so much resentment towards him that to show his undying gratitude by sending Morgan do his dirty work. To be killed by a video game nerd…absolutely humiliating.[cut to Chuck giving a look to Casey]If we don’t get to Washburn soon, Mal is going to have the last laugh from his grave.
[Suddenly you hear the pilot look back and tell Team Chuck that their ETA to the Orpheum Theater is about 20 minutes. You then see a look of concern on Chuck’s face as the scene switches to the Orpheum Theater where you see patrons going into the main doors to find their seats, including Washburn along with his wife walking upstairs to be seated in those special reserved seats that a select few can sit in. Cut back to Sikorsky HH-60 Pave Hawk as you see it off in the distance close to the its intended location. Cut back to inside the Orpheum Theater where everybody is seated leading the lights to lower. You then see Morgan appear concealed in the rafters holding a M40A3 sniper rifle with silencer attachment. Cut to Team Chuck finally arriving in silence mode, hovering above the roof, and then rope repelling down. You then hear Casey yell something as they open the roof door and head down into the building]
Casey: Where is Washburn sitting? Okay…on my word…do it!
[cut back to Morgan who sets up the M40A3 sniper rifle and from the view of his scope you see him aim directly at the head of Washburn who is watching the play in progress. You see him put his finger on the trigger and then cut to Casey quickly running into camera telling someone to do it now. Cut to Morgan who is just about to pull the trigger when all the lights go out leading to a big commotion in the darkness. After a few minutes the lights come back on leading a voice coming over the speaker system to say for the patron to stay in their seats as there was an apparent problem in the electrical system. Cut to Morgan’s view from his scope as he is no longer sees Washburn sitting there leading him to put down the sniper rifle and take out M1911 gun. He walks over to the ladder, climbs down, and quickly books it towards where Washburn was sitting. Cut to Casey, Chuck, and Sarah leading Washburn along with his wife down a long wide hallway to the safety of lobby area where several agents are awaiting their arrival. Just as their about to get there you see Morgan come out nowhere pointing the gun directly at Washburn who stands in front of his wife leading Casey to point his gun at Morgan. Suddenly, you see Chuck walk up and stand right in front of Washburn as he looks at Morgan, who still conveys that stone face look. Cut to Sarah speak up]
Sarah: [looks at Chuck]Chuck what are you doing!?
Casey: Bartowski…have you lost your mind!
Chuck: [looks straight ahead at Morgan as he talks to Casey]Casey…you said he’s brainwashed…I think I can be able to get through to him. So, put you’re gun and let me talk to him.
[You see Chuck about to reason with a gun toting Morgan as he stands in front of General Washburn. The scene ends with Sarah and Casey who has his drawn gun at Morgan looking on as they witness Chuck put not only his life on the line, but also the intersect as well]
[The scene begins where it left off as you see Chuck standing in between Washburn as Morgan hold in his hands a government issued M1911 handgun aimed straight at him. Chuck speaks]
Chuck: [points at Casey]Casey don’t shoot!
[cut to Sarah who speaks up]
Sarah: [lowers her gun] Lower your weapons Casey!
Casey: [looks at Sarah]Are you nuts? You’re going to risk the safety of Washburn and leave it in the hands of the one man that may end up getting him by his friend? Real Smart..plus...we lose the intersect.
Sarah: [looks at Casey]Shut up Casey!
Chuck: [looks at straight at Morgan]Yeah…shut up Casey!
[cut to Casey giving a low growl]
Casey: All right Bartowski…if you screw this one up I swear…
Chuck: [interrupts Casey as he points a finger at him]Kill me later…I’m working here.[cut to Morgan still aiming his gun straight at Chuck who is standing in front of Washburn and his wife]Oh boy.
Sarah: Go on Chuck…I have faith in you.
Casey: At least one of us does.
[cut to Chuck looking at Casey, nods at Sarah and then speaks to Morgan]
Chuck: [looks at Morgan as he walks slowly towards him]Morgan…if you can hear me…its me your best bed Chuck. I know what Fulcrum did to you and I’m telling you man don’t do it. You’re have a good heart even though you do tend to get me into trouble, but you have the best of intentions. You were always there for me man and I consider you my wingman. If I’m Maverick…you buddy are Goose. [cut to Morgan still looking stone faced]Don’t do this Morgan…damn it…we’ve been through so much together and you’ve been there for me when I needed it the most, especially when it came to me getting over Jill. I thank you from the bottom of my heart and so does Ellie who is expecting you to be an usher at her wedding. You don’t wont to let her down. Listen to me…if you do this…it’s not only going to haunt you for the rest of your life, but you’re also going to make Anna very sad. [cut to Morgan showing signs of a breakthrough when he hears Anna’s name]Anna...if you do this you won’t be able to see her or her smiling face again because you’ll be locked away. She loves you man and you love her so fight…fight with every fiber in your being…at whatever/whoever is telling you inside your head to do this because right now you’re at a point of no return. [You then see Chuck step right in front of the gun as it touches his chest]So what are you going to do?
[cut to Sarah and Casey just watching and then a close up Morgan. cut to a close up shot of the gun in Morgan’s hand suddenly trembling to the point where its dropped. While this is happening Casey sneaks around behind him taking out a billy club from his back pocket. Cut back to Morgan where you see him have his eyes closed and head down as if he’s shaking off the effects of the brainwash. You see chuck take a deep breathe and then suddenly you see Morgan rub his eyes with his palms, look up/around at his surroundings, and then at Chuck leading him to speak]
Morgan: Chuck?
Chuck: [smiling]Yeah..its me Morg. How are you feeling?
Morgan: Fine…what’s going on…[points to Sarah]…Why does Sarah have a gun?
[cut to Casey sneaking around behind Morgan]
Chuck: She doesn’t have a gun buddy?
Morgan: [looks at Sarah]She doesn’t?
Chuck: You’re having a dream…so go back to sleep.
Morgan: Oh okay…it seems so real.
[cut to Casey right behind him]
Chuck: I’m sorry buddy.
Morgan: For what?
[cut to Casey knocking him out to the floor with a shot to the back of the head with the billy club and at the same time Chuck speaks up as he walks over to him]
Chuck: [looks down at Morgan]That
[The scene ends with Chuck standing over Morgan as Sarah walks over to Chuck to check how he is doing while Casey talks with Washburn with his wife by his side about the situation as the NSA containment team enter]
[The scene begins the next day at Casey’s Apartment where you see Chuck, Sarah, Abe and Casey standing in front of Bryce who right arm is in a sling and using a crutch after being shot in the right left leg. They’re in the middle of discussion when you hear Sarah]
Sarah: With list of civilians Reynolds used in Project Trojan Horse, it will be easy to locate them and deprogram them.
Abe: Speaking of deprogramming…how is Morgan doing?
Casey: He’ll have a serious headache tomorrow, but our guys were able to deprogram him. He won’t have any recollection of what happened to him.
Sarah: [chimes in]In his mind…it was all a dream to him, but with Chuck’s help he’s still alive.
Chuck: My little buddy lives and pretty sure there are two guys who won’t mess with him after what he did to them. Plus…after she heard on the news that Morgan saved someone important she took him back because in her own words heroes are totally hot.
[cut to everybody laughing]
Chuck: [looks down and then at Bryce]Listen…I want to thank you for risking your life to save me from being shot by Reynolds.
Sarah: [smiles at Bryce]I am too.
Bryce: [grins] Look…I just reacted and honestly I don’t know why you’re making such a big deal about this.
Abe: [puts hand on Bryce’s shoulder]I think I know why they are son.
Bryce: [looks at Abe]Why?
Abe: [grins]For the first time, you actually thought about someone other than yourself and I would fair to guess that even though you and my son don’t see eye to eye…[looks at Chuck and then back at Bryce]…the bond of friendship you two shared is still there.
Bryce: [looks at Chuck]After 6 years…is this thing finally resolved between the two us?
Chuck: After what you did for me…yeah they are, but it will take a while for our friendship to be back to what it once was.
[cut to Chuck and Bryce giving a fist tap leading Bryce to look at Sarah]
Bryce: [looks at Sarah] How about you Sarah…are we cool?
Sarah: [looks at Chuck and then at Bryce]I’m with Chuck on this.
[cut to Bryce sticking his hand out for a handshake leading to a shot of Sarah who looks at Bryce. Instead of shaking his hand, she smiles, and hugs Bryce leading him to talk in her ear]
Bryce: To answer you question…no I wasn’t in love with you. I’m sorry for all that I put you and Chuck through.
[cut to Sarah giving a look as if a weight has lifted off her shoulder and after a moment or two you hear Casey chime in the background]
Casey: [smirk on his face]Watch him Bartowski…he may be injured but that won’t stop him from stealing your girlfriend back.
[cut to Sarah turning and giving a glaring looking towards Casey as Abe, Bryce, and Chuck just give him a look. Bryce then tells everybody if he could speak to Chuck alone leading Casey, Abe, and Sarah to walk outside and after a moment or two Chuck speaks up]
Chuck: What’s up?
Bryce: I want to talk to you about Sarah.
Chuck: Bryce…come on…remember last time that happened.
Bryce: [holds hand up]Chuck…listen to me. I never really believed you two were in love with each other. I thought Sarah was confused and she was using you as her rebound relationship.
Chuck: Thanks…we’re finally okay and you say…
Bryce: [interrupts him]Let me finish…until...you risked your own life to save her on that catwalk. You ran through a hail of gunfire to get to her and I not only heard what you said to her, but the look both of you gave each other said a lot.
Chuck: What are you trying to say Bryce?
Bryce: What I’m saying is…[cut to Bryce taking out the gold locket from his pocket, holding up his hand and letting Sarah’s gold locket dangle]…take good care of her buddy.
[cut to Chuck taking the gold locket, looking at it, and then looks at Bryce]
Chuck: [grins]I will
[The episode ends with the camera panning back as the two former best friends squash everything that happened in the past and on a path to slowly becoming friends once again]
[Fade To Black]
About Me

- Yoda
- Let's see, I'm a single, 39 year old 5'2-ish pinoy who worked with kids for the 14 years and I was pretty good at it. I am now working in a totally different area away from kids and it's awesome. Anyways, for fun I listen to music, draw, play video games, watch movies, hang with friends, surf the internet, go skydiving, and write down my thoughts, which I call Yodaisms. I'm pretty much a quiet, laid back dude once you get to know me and that's pretty much it, so have fun reading my thoughts. Take care and peace out!
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