To recap what previously happened, Chuck reflects back on the visit to his father’s apartment after having an important meeting with Jax about the headaches he’s experiencing. After being greeted by Tucker with remnants of powered doughnuts around his mouth Chuck talks with his father about how safe he truly is. Abe responds that as a former spy he takes precautions when it comes to his own safety. Cut to Chuck calling Sarah to tell him where he is and as he does The Sect barges in. All try their best to fend them off but the numbers were too great leading to their subsequent capture. Move forward to Chuck revealing what he was thinking at that moment when he was being captured as he reveals that if the missions they were on went wrong would this be how he would go out. He goes on and talks about making a difference in people’s lives and how there more to the world than just the negative stuff that can truly depress you. His last thought is of how he wouldn’t have been able to see Sarah on last time because he basically found a woman that balances him out and vice versa. Cut to Chuck and Tucker secured in a room while their father is going through some type of electroshock treatment. Tucker is in utter disbelief as to why Chuck is not showing concern to where he responds that will do more harm than good if they just keep a level head. You then see Chuck and his father find out that Tucker is really the clone of Josiah Gates who has a smug look on his face as he points a gun at the two of them. Cut to Chuck and Abe standing at the edge of the cliff getting ready to jump when Casey and Sarah arrive in the nick of time. Chuck thinks the worst is over until his father gets shot by Gates and as he points his gun at Chuck, Abe comes up from behind what strength he has left and punches him causing him to stumble backwards. Chuck trips him and Gates falls fpwm the cliff to his death to the rocky waters below. Move forward to Abe being lifted by Helivac to safety and then to Chuck standing at the cliffs edge where he basically decides to risk it all for Sarah. He turns around and as he walks towards Casey, Sarah, and Jax he experiences a headache so painful it causes him to fall to the ground inevitably blacking out.
The scene begins with the view point of Chuck as his head is bandaged and cut to a close up of his eyes as he gradually comes around in a considerably groggy state of mind where his vision is a bit blurred. As he focuses his eyes he begins see figures in the room all around him. Jax hovers over him and begins his examination.
Jax: Chuck…do you know where you are?
Chuck: groggy tone The Land of Oz cut to everybody looking at each other and then Chuck looks up at everybody with both a goofy looking smile laughing a bit. I’m on the yellow brick road off to see the wizard.
Jax checks Chuck’s eyes as he flashes his pen light over them and as he does he asks him a simple question.
Jax: Do you know who you are?
Chuck: grinning I’m the mayor of Munchkinland and you…
points at Jax Are The great and all powerful wizard…wow…lifts head to lean in to get a closer and then drops his head back on the pillow…that was quick.
looks and points at Ellie Glinda, The Good witch.
points to Morgan who is drinking a grape soda The Lion.
points to Awesome The Scarecrow.
points to Sarah Dorothy…big smile…pretty.
Cut to Sarah smiling and then Chuck suddenly sees Casey leading him to freak out causing everyone in the room to be concerned as they look at Casey and then to Chuck.
Chuck: waving hands all over Get away! Get Away! Get Away!
Chuck then pulls his blanket over his head and from underneath the pillow hears the voice of Jax as he feels his hand on his left shoulder.
Jax: Chuck…what’s wrong?
From underneath his blanket Chuck sticks his finger in a scared manner pointing Casey’s direction.
Chuck: Keep the scary flying monkey man away from me.
Cut to under the blanket where he sees Sarah lift the blanket on right sight on his bed giving a comforting smile as she rubs his arm in a gentle , nurturing fashion.
Sarah: Shhhhhhh……Chuck…its okay…calm down...its all right…shhhhhh…I’m here. Chuck sees Sarah look back at Casey….points to the back of the room…step back you’re scaring him.
Cut to Sarah looking back under the blanket at Chuck with a reassuring smile and as he does he hears the faint words of Casey mumbling the words I'll kick him upside his yellow brick road. After giving another quick look at Casey for that comment Sarah looks back at Chuck giving him a nod that the bad man won’t hurt him leading Chuck to stick his head out from under the blanket. He again scans the room seeing the smiling faces of what he thinks are characters from the Wizard of Oz. He then looks at Sarah.
Chuck: Is Toto with you?
Sarah: looks at everybody and then turns to Chuck He’s at home…rubs his chest…go back to sleep.
Chuck listens to Sarah and then cut to a front view of his face as he closes his eyes. His eyes open once again and as the camera pans back he’s sitting on the black leather couch. After a sheepish grin, he begins to speak up.
Chuck: The last thing I remembered before blacking out was seeing Casey, Sarah, and Jax. As I was out, I found myself in some trippy Wizard of Oz dream that was totally weird in a 3D way and it didn’t involve any hallucinogenic drugs whatsoever. According to Sarah, I was out for several days and she, along with Ellie, Devon, Morgan, and Casey, stayed by my side the whole time.
The funny thing though…shakes head and grins…even though I couldn’t see or hear them while I was in a coma like state in a quest to find all the all powerful wizard I could swear I could somehow feel their presence and know that I wasn‘t alone. Looks at the person he’s speaking to Do you think that’s weird? Well…that what’s I felt and to be perfectly honest they…in a way…helped me on my journey back to consciousness. Now…when I was incapacitated things were a bit crazy and in there…points to his head…I could in a way control the outcome. Unfortunately, when I woke up I wouldn’t be able to control the outcome of what would happen for what was about to happen when I stood before Beckman and Graham.
Fade Out
The scene begins with Chuck sitting back on the black leather couch with his arms crossed. He has this contemplative look on his face and after a brief moment he speaks up.
Chuck: After recovering at the Warehouse, finding out the status of my father’s condition, and recuperating at home for a few hours I was in Casey’s apartment standing in front of the monitor with Beckman and Graham congratulating on a job well done. Graham proceeds to tell me that my services are no longer needed and I could now lead a normal life. It was something that I wanted ever since I was recruited to become a government analyst, which wasn’t my choice to make.
However, when I heard that bit of news I had a mixture of emotions running through me. Of course I was happy I would be able to go back to my life before it was turned upside down, but there was a part of me that was disappointed. Why? Two reason one of them being that for nearly a year the intel that I’ve attained has helped in the capture of enemy threats such as Fulcrum. To me…they were huge accomplishment that I couldn’t tell anyone about. The other reason was no doubt Sarah.
When Beckman and Graham gave me the free pass to get out my heart began to sink because I knew that with me no longer an imprtant assett Team Chuck would be no more, but more importantly Sarah would be reassigned. Everything we both been through on professional level would end, but when it came to the two of us personally it would have been difficult to end because of how emotionally connected we were to each other. I couldn’t…I didn’t want to say goodbye and have her walk out of my life knowing how much I truly cared about her.
I know what you’re thinking though…why didn’t I man up and tell Beckman and Graham about my relationship with Sarah? At the time I was excited at the prospects of no longer feeling fear and anxiety whenever I would go on a mission. My family and friends wouldn’t be caught in harms away or be put unknowingly put in a situation where their lives were greatly effected in such a negative way causing a ripple effect of sorts. Plus…I would be getting paid for the services rendered for the successful mission that were mainly due to the intel that I gave.
It was such a surreal, bittersweet moment for me but it would be an even bigger moment when Jax suddenly knocked Casey out with a tranq gun and then took me hostage. I had no idea what was going on but one thing I did know was the he man I thought I trusted to help me now was telling Graham that he had a vested interest in me. I was freaking out big time and I looked to Sarah for help, but she too was incapacitated by Jax leaving both Agents down for the count. I still remember the words he said to Graham and Beckman before he shut the monitor off…catch me if you can.
Anyways…so many things were running through my mind when Jax dragged me out of Casey’s apartment one of them being that Jax might have been Fulcrum all along. The situation with his former associate Taga Yoshimuri was just a ploy to gain my trust in order to lull me into a false sense of security. It was at that point we reached his car…his trunk to be more specific and he released me for a split second to throw me his keys as I quickly turned around.
As he says that, Chuck flashes back to that particular night in question where Jax points the tranq gun at Chuck with Jax‘s keys in his hand.
Jax: Open the trunk Chuck.
Chuck responds in a nervous, freaked out fashion.
Chuck: Why…would it be better if I rode shotgun?
Jax: Open it…steps forward and points tranq gun straight at his forehead with a serious look on his face…now! Chuck sticks the key in the lock, opens the trunk, and then steps back. Good…motions him to get into the trunk…get in.
Chuck turns to go in but hesitates.
Chuck: Listen…I’m not good with trunks. It’s stuffy and dark…you can ask Sarah. She and I were locked in a trunk together a long time ago. You can ask her...Points back to the direction of Casey’s apartment...right…you tranqued her, which make it impossible for her to speak.
Jax: Chuck…just get in the trunk.
Chuck slowly and reluctantly gets in the trunk but as he does pleads his case with Jax one more time.
Chuck: You don’t have to do this.
Jax: I have to Chuck….
Chuck: interrupts Jax Why?
Jax: You will understand in due time.
Chuck: My father trusted you. You basically turned your back on him for what you’re doing to me.
Jax: This is not what you think.
Chuck: Money…that’s what its about isn’t it…because according to you I‘m considered an investment?
Jax: That isn’t what its about at all.
Chuck: What then…explain it to me…tell me.
Jax: I can’t explain it to you…what I can tell you is that what I’m doing is for your own best interest.
Cut to Chuck completely in the trunk looking up at Jax still point the tranq gun at him.
Chuck: Don’t you mean Fulcrum’s own interest?
Jax doesn’t say anything but after a brief moment of silence he speaks up only to say two words.
Jax: I’m sorry.
Chuck: look of disappointment You should be.
With fear of uncertainty in Chuck’s eyes he looks up a man he thought he could trust. The scene ends with Jax hover over Chuck with his right placed on the trunk lid, points the tranq gun away from Chuck, and then with one last look he closes the trunk.
Fade Out
The scene begins back with Chuck sitting on the black leather couch reflecting back on what he thought was the betrayal of someone he thought was a friend, but in actuality was a case of deception for Beckman and Graham’s eyes. After a few moments, he speaks up.
Chuck: I was in another trunk once again in complete darkness, alone, freaked out, and having no idea where I was going. I actually feared the worst thinking that Jax was going to hand me over to Fulcrum and get handsomely paid for it. It wasn’t long before we apparently arrived at the intended destination and I was increasingly getting freaked out especially when I heard Jax opening the trunk with his key.
I searched within the darkness for any kind of weapon but to no avail. When Jax opened the trunk I only saw his dark silhouette because he was standing in front of a street light. He told me to get out and once I was out I looked around for anything remotely familiar. Finding out my location was short lived as Jax grabbed me from behind directing me towards the alley. It was then that as we were approaching the opening I soon realized where we were…the warehouse. Jax released me where I immediately turned around so that I could at least try to lay a guilt trip him in order to bring him back to the good side of the force.
It was at that point the inevitable twist of this whole sordid tale revealed it was all staged with Casey and Sarah in on it as well. There was a 3 step plan and step 1 was accomplished, which would have been nice if I was let in on the plan. However, Jax figured that in order for the plan to work and be absolutely authentic I needed to be left completely in the dark because the key was how real I reacted to the situation.. Still though…sticking me in the trunk was a bit excessive but that’s all water under the bridge now.
Anyways, when I Jax proceeded to inform me about step 2 which was to get into the warehouse and re-acquire the intel that I lost while I was being in all intensive purposes being reboot. Easier said than done because when I peered out from the alley towards the warehouse I could see agents swarming all over the place in order to stop me and Jax from entering. In some ways, Jax and I were like Sam and Frodo trying to sneak into Mordor in order to merge the ring with me…if that makes any sense at all.
When I turned back to Jax, I told him that it would be impossible to get in there with all that security there. He told me that we weren’t going through the front door and at the same time he said that he pulled a secret lever that revealed a hidden passage. My jaw just hit the ground when I saw that and it took everything in my power not to geek out because it was like something right out a movie. I had to quickly refocus because business was about to pick when Jax and I entered the secret passage leading to the one place that we need to be at…the virtual reality room.
While we were in the secret passage, Jax explained to me that the intel that he had in his possession would be loaded on a virtual reality helmet in which I was going to be implanted with the information in an instant instead of reading it, which we didn’t have any time to do. After sharing more information with me, Jax found the elevator leading to the secret V.R. room, which according to him only a few trusted associates and himself knew existed. The elevator ride seemed to take forever and the anticipation to get there made it all more thrilling in a way as I couldn’t stop fidgeting because I was a bit nervous.
We finally arrived and when the doors opened we stepped into a white room sort of like in the movie Men In Black 2 where Agent K was in when they needed to de-nueralize him in order to find out what he knew concerning the situation with Serleena. Anyways…he sat behind the controls and I took my place in the chair. As I sat there, I thought to myself I could have stopped myself from going into secret passage with Jax, but I didn’t. You see…either way there was no turning back and I chose to go with him in order to continue to be part of something important that I didn’t ask to be a part of in the first place.The big question is here why? I would answer that question when my Jax broke my concentration on what my current situation was by asking me if I was sure about doing this.
After sharing what Stan Lee said to me at ComiCon, I told Jax that I was my destiny to be government analyst and to keep the intel that was given to me safe from those who would use it for evil means. After taking a deep breathe, I nodded to Jax that I was ready putting on the helmet and then lowered the visor giving the proverbial thumbs up that signaled him that I was ready for him to punch it. In that split second before Jax pressed entered, I took a deep breathe and realized there was no turning back now as I heard his voice in my VR helmet count down from 3...2...1.
Fade Out
The scene begins in the virtual reality room with Chuck sitting in the chair wearing the V.R. helmet at the end of the download process. Jax gets up from behind the computer console, walks over to Chuck, and carefully assists him in taking off the helmet. After a brief moment of Chuck gathering himself, Jax examines him.
Jax: Chuck…are you okay?
Chuck: I think so.
Cut to Jax holding up right finger in front of his face and moving it in different directions.
Jax: Follow my finger…don’t move your head…just follow it with your eyes.With every direction Jax moves his finger to, Chuck eye’s follow and after a few times of doing that he finds that he is okay. Do you know where you are?
Chuck: Yeah…the virtual reality room somewhere within the confines of the warehouse.
Jax: Do you know who you are?
Chuck: Chuck…Chuck Bartowski.
Jax: Excellent…gives out a sigh of relief…at least we know you’re memory is in tact. Jax then leans in with a serious look and asks another question. Do you know who I am?
Chuck: William Jax…a trusted friend of my father’s…and mine too.
Jax grins and then pats Chuck on his left shoulder to which he looks up at Jax with curiosity.
Chuck: Did it work?
Jax steps back a bit from Chuck with a serious look on his face causing him to worry. Suddenly that look of seriousness turned into a smile.
Jax: The download was a success. Chuck smiles leading him to quickly get out of the chair and stand only to find himself experience a bit dizziness to where he nearly falls down to the ground but is caught by Jax before he does. That was a mistake to do…pats him on the stomach as he sits him down in the chair…take a minute or two to rest and then we’ll be on our way.
Chuck rubs his eyes with fingers, take in several deep breathes, and then speaks up.
Chuck: What now?
Cut to Jax behind the computer console typing away leading Chuck to get and make his way towards him. When he stands beside him he sees that Jax has brought up security feed on the entire warehouse and after a few shots of agents running around with their heads cut off they eventually see a shot of Casey and Sarah in the conference room talking along with Graham and Beckman.
Jax: We magically appear out of nowhere in there and…Jax stands up and turns to look at Chuck…that’s where we will inevitably part ways my boy.
Chuck: You risked your life to save me and now…because of me... you’ll be on the run like my father was.
Jax: It was a risk worth taking…besides…it was fun. Like being back in the game after being out for so long.
Chuck: grins For you maybe it was fun…but for me it has been a nightmare having to go through this after it all started with me reading your file.
Jax: chuckles a bit Don’t worry…the nightmare is over for you now.
Chuck: I hope so.
Jax: Are you ready?
Chuck: Yeah…Chuck and Jax are about to head out when Chuck stops…wait.
Jax: What it is…something go wrong with procedure?
Chuck: No…everything is fine…it just that…
Jax: What?
Chuck: Unless you’re a world renowned magician like David Copperfield…how are we just going to appear out of nowhere without getting ourselves captured from here to…points at conference room…there. You don’t have mutant X-men superpowers that I don’t know about do you like Nightcrawler’s teleportation or can turn yourself invisible like The Invisible Woman from The Fantastic Four?
Jax: shakes head Uh…no…don’t say that I have. Chuck has a concerned look on his face to where it cuts to Jax with a sly grin on his face. Trust me…just leave it to me.
Jax walks off with the sly grin still plastered on his face. The scene ends with Chuck with a look of uncertainty on his face and walk off as well in order to catch up to Jax.
Fade Out
The scene begins back in the present with a medium length front view shot of Chuck sitting on the black leather couch. He hit’s the seat of the couch a couple of times and then speaks up.
Chuck: Jax and I showed up to the surprise of Beckman and Graham, but they weren’t happy about it as they had every agent in the room’s weapon trained on him, which was unsettling to say the last. Well…during the ensuing standoff Jax revealed to Beckman and Graham that the intel they didn’t want me to have was back in my possession, which was news they didn’t like hearing causing them to become more agitated than usual. The situation would grow increasingly tense when all of a sudden the lights went out and it was due to Jax.
Jax hacked into the warehouse security system and caused a temporary shutdown for at least 30 seconds which was enough for him to make his grand exit. It was in the cover of darkness that he said Step 1 and 2 were complete and now it was his turn to complete step 3. I thanked him for all that he did and before he disappeared he gave me a metallic section 8 coin that my father would later explain the significance about it. When the lights came back on I was standing alone with all guns trained on me and needless to say I did what came natural…I fainted.
Two days later…I would see my father for the first time since he was shot back at the lighthouse. After Ellie and Devon left to do their round Casey informed us about an explosion at DN1 that resulted from Jax’s own doing to which dad responded with a hearty fist pump. Everything was looking good for the Bartowski family, Team Chuck, and for Sarah and I as well…or so I thought. OH about the see…my father explained to me the significance of the coin Jax left me and how it was a sign he would come back again. I indeed would see him again…but not the way I thought it would be.
Fade To Black
About Me

- Yoda
- Let's see, I'm a single, 39 year old 5'2-ish pinoy who worked with kids for the 14 years and I was pretty good at it. I am now working in a totally different area away from kids and it's awesome. Anyways, for fun I listen to music, draw, play video games, watch movies, hang with friends, surf the internet, go skydiving, and write down my thoughts, which I call Yodaisms. I'm pretty much a quiet, laid back dude once you get to know me and that's pretty much it, so have fun reading my thoughts. Take care and peace out!
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