To recap what previously happened, Chuck reflects back on waking up after being in a coma like state from the intersect crashing in his brain. He’s brought to the warehouse where they basically reboot his brain and there with him at his side are Ellie, Devon, Morgan, Casey, and Sarah. After the procedure is done, he wakes up thinking everybody is characters from the movie The Wizard of Oz leading him to freak out at the sight of Casey because he looks like the Wicked Witch’s flying monkey. Cut to Casey’s apartment where Jax joins them as Beckman and Graham inform Chuck his services are no longer needed. He experiences some mixed emotions at that very moment, but that would soon change after Jax tranqs Casey, then Sarah, and then takes him hostage. Beckman and Graham are furious to which Jax with a sly grin on his face responds with catch me if you can. Move forward to Chuck feeling betrayed by what Jax is doing as he is getting into the trunk. He lays a guilt trip on him for also betraying his father who was his former section 8 member and close friend. After being locked in the trocked for what seemed to be forever they arrive at their destination…the warehouse. Jax informs Chuck that everything that happened back at Casey’s apartment was all for Beckman and Graham’s eyes, which Casey and Sarah were a part of. He also informs him about the 3 step plan involving him downloading the beta intersect back into his brain. Cut to inside a white V.R. room where Chuck is wearing a V.R. helmet being downloaded the beta intersect information. The download is successful and after making a grand entrance in the conference room where Casey, Sarah, Beckman, and Graham are in the lights go out giving Jax the opportunity to escape but not before giving Chuck a section 8 coin and telling him that its his turn to implement step 3. Cut to 2 days later in the hospital where Casey informs Team Chuck step 3 was successful leading Abe to raise his fist in the air for what his old friend did.
The scene begins with a close up shot of Chuck’s right hand tapping the right arm of the black leather couch. As the camera pans up to his face, he expresses a sullen look as he thinks about his father.
Chuck: I always appreciated the fact that before my dad supposedly abandoned us I could go to him for advice when it came to practically anything. Whether it was school, my friendship with Morgan, girl problems, or whatever the case may be he was able to take time to hear me out. He was there for me when things didn’t make any sense at all and he had this uncanny ability to put what I was going through into a considerably clear perspective for me. Now…shakes head…I can no longer go to the one person who can put this what happened to him into perspective…him.
I’m angry at the fact that Marcus Stefano stole the chance to continue getting to know my father all over again. He was an excellent cook…I didn’t know that. I guess having great cooking skills wasn’t one of the things that would be passed on from father to son. Anyways…I honestly thought my father would be around to see me get married…to be there to meet his grandchild or children…to babysit them when Sarah and I need a brake or we’re on a mission. Most of all though…be there for them like he was for me giving advice when they truly needed it the most.
Thinking back…there were two occasions in which I sorely needed his advice. The first instance I’ll share with you was when Jill made her triumphant return back into my life after 5 years. I wouldn’t have found out about it if Ellie told me she ran into her and she wanted to relay a message to me that she wanted to talk. In my head I was thinking she wanted to either apologize for what she did to me or make her plea to get back together. I would take the apology, but when it came to the latter it would be a definite nada. When she arrived at my door I fully expected to just get my apology, say a few words without any drama, and then go our separate ways. I would most certainly more than an apology because she would drop the biggest bomb on me…our son.
At the time, I was in utter shock at the thought of having a son and then that shock turned to anger because I was deprived on not being able to see him or even have the privilege of getting to know him for five years. Looking back, I was so angry at Jill that I couldn’t even stand to look at her and so I walked off towards the one place that represented my fortress of solitude…the beach. After talking with Sarah she put things into perspective for me and I appreciated what she did reassuring me that I shouldn’t be sorry for the secret that I didn’t know about…but it would be after my “son” getting hurt that I would need and inevitably get some much needed words of wisdom from him.
Fade Out
The scene begins as Sarah, Jill, Chuck, and Charlie are leaving the hospital after Charlie gets 8 stitches on his forehead from falling in the playground. They are in the parking lot and are at Jill’s car leading Chuck to escorts his “son” to the back seat where he buckles him in. After giving him a kiss on the top of his head, Chuck nods at Jill then waves to them as they drive off. Chuck and Sarah head back to her Porsche holding hands and as they do they happen to run into Abe who is holding a bag in his right hand.
Chuck: Dad?
Abe: Chuck…Sarah…what are you two kids doing here?
Chuck: Charlie had a little accident…8 stitches on his forehead.
Abe: winces Ouch…is he okay...looking he here?
Chuck: He’s fine…you just missed him though.
Cut to Abe with a look of disappointment in his face that wasn’t able to meet his grandson.
Sarah: looks at the bag Are you okay?
Abe: Oh…holds up bag…you mean this. Its just my arthritis medication…I used to take on five bad guys at once back in the day using these hands without feeling any pain afterwards, but now doing something simple like typing on a computer hurts my hands. I’m not as young as I used to be.
Sarah: Sorry.
Abe responds with a grin as he shrugs his shoulders leading Chuck to turn to Sarah.
Chuck: Hey Sarah…is it all right if I get a ride home with my dad. I need to talk to him anyways…you know…about Buy More stuff.
Sarah: smiles Sure…kisses Chuck…I’ll pick you up at 7 tonight for the mission tonight.
Chuck: I’ll be ready.
Sarah gives a hug to Abe then walks off to heads to her car but not before giving one last look at Chuck who waves at her. Chuck and Abe walk off heading to a nearby picnic table across the street from the hospital. After a moment or two, they arrive leading both of them to sit down with Abe speaking up first.
Abe: look of concern Something tells me this isn’t about Buy More stuff.
Chuck: shakes head It’s not dad…its about Charlie and Jill.
Abe: And Sarah?
Chuck: Yeah…nods…and Sarah.
Abe: Like I said before son, knowing the guy that you are you want to do what’s best for your son and at that the same its possibly conflicting with your relationship with Sarah.
Chuck: Sarah says she’s fine…but I know she’s not.
Abe: How do you know for sure…spies can be deceptive with their emotions.
Chuck: Trust me dad I know. I’ve spent enough time around Sarah to know she’s not being deceptive about how she’s feeling.
Abe: What do you think she’s feeling then?
Chuck: Alone…that I’m slowly gravitating towards a relationship that is bonded only by my son Charlie. That my love for her is possibly steadily moving away and towards not only my son, but also to Jill.
Abe: That’s not true.
Chuck: points to his eyes I can see it in her eyes dad and she says so much without having to say a word. There is a moment of silence and then Abe takes Chuck arms straightening them out on the table. He then hold’s Chuck’s wrists gripping them in his hands causing Chuck to quickly look at his father. What are you doing?
Abe: Giving you a lie detector test.
Chuck: You’re doing what!? How do you…
Abe: interrupts Chuck Son…shut up.
Chuck: Yes sir.
Abe: Let me ask you a question Chuck…Chuck nods and then takes a deep breathe to where Abe leans in…do you still love Jill?
Chuck: shakes head No…I’m over her and the reason being is Sarah. My feelings for her are left in the past and even though having a son with her complicates things with Sarah I know one thing is certain.
Abe: What is that?
Chuck: Dad…look straight into his father’s eyes…I love Sarah with all my heart.
Abe releases the grip he has on his son’s wrists and then leans back as Chuck rubs his wrists giving a look of curious uncertainty as to whether or not he’s telling the truth.
Abe: You’re telling the truth.
Chuck: Really…a lie detector test?
Abe: Just wanted to make sure and I also wanted you to realize you weren’t lying to yourself about no longer having any feelings for Jill. No matter what happens between you and Jill concerning Charlie…points and taps Chuck’s chest…your heart belongs to Sarah.
Chuck gets up and goes over to hug his father. As they embrace, Chuck responds to what his father said to him.
Chuck: Thanks dad.
Abe pats his son’s back as they step back.
Abe: No problem.
As they leave the picnic table heading towards Abe’s car Chuck asks his father a question.
Chuck: Can you teach me the lie detector test?
Abe responds by playfully pushing his son after asking that question. The scene ends with Chuck pushing his father back as they both walk off.
Fade Out
The scene begins back in the present with Chuck sitting back on the black leather couch. He’s leaning back and patting both his legs with his hands. After a brief moment he stops, crosses his arms, and then speaks up.
Chuck: The conversation I had with my father concerning Jill and who I thought at the time was my son put things into perspective for me, especially when he gave me that lie detector test. It was similar to what Robert DeNiro’s character Jack Byrnes did to Ben Stiller’s character Greg Focker in the movie Meet The Parents. That through me for a loop because it was something new that I learned about my father when it pertained to his days as a spy. He never did teach me how to do it, but in hind sight I’m glad he didn’t because I would have a field day with what he taught me.
Anyways…the situation between Jill and I got a bit…rubbing both his hands…more interesting when we were at her company Everkwest Inc. looking over certain disc containing evidence of her rich wannabe James Bond villain client Desmond Claudius doing bad business with a guy named Xiang Wan Po. As we were talking, she tells me that if anything were to happen to her I would be the one to look after our son. It would be at that point she would suddenly kiss me…I want to point that out…she kissed me and not the other way around. Needless to say, that took me by surprise and what also took me by surprise was her asking me if I still loved her.
Honestly…at one point I did but not anymore and I had to tell the truth to her that I’m in love with Sarah knowing full well how much it hurt Jill to hear it. I told that all I can ever possibly give her is my friendship and the connection we have through our son is something she can always hold on to. I truly believe that in my heart of heart and the fact that Jill is an attractive women who will fall in love with a great guy someday. She embarrassingly for her actions and said that I couldn’t blame her for trying, which I didn’t because I still cared for her but not in a romantic kind of way. We both were going down different paths and mine happens to be with Sarah.
After telling Jill to go pick her son up from school, go home, and wait for my call I went to see Casey and Sarah with disc in hand. When I got there I was in for quite a surprise as Casey somehow acquired the DNA results from Charlie and according to the findings I wasn’t the biological father. When I heard that news I was disappointed and yet happy at the same time because even though I wasn’t Charlie father I grew to care for him as if he was my own son. Just like Hunter…I grew attached to both of them over a period of time because they were two very special little boys.
I looked at Sarah to see if she was relieved but all I saw was a look of concern when Casey gave me the papers with the results of who the actual father is. Now in the back of my mind I‘m thinking its Bryce but when I read it I was in total disbelief of who the father actually was…Allan Watterman. The man who became a successful businessman after he graduated Stanford as not only Charlie’s biological father, but was also involved in some insider trading with offshore accounts in the Cayman Islands. I say this because he’s now in prison after I tipped off the property authorities. Holds up both hands What!? He deserved it and beside he was a douche bag to begin with.
The situation would turn from being somewhat lighthearted to very serious when Desmond Claudius captured Jill and Charlie. He demanded that the disc I took be given back to him and that I should come alone. After a brief discussion with Sarah and Casey, I went in alone to Claudius’ fancy night club Firestorm. I brought the disc in exchange for Charlie and Jill but like any villain you can’t really trust them on their word. I ended up getting beat and for my efforts I suffered bruised ribs and cut on my face after receiving a round house kick to the face. To make a long story short…Sarah and Casey arrived to save the day.
Claudius and Wan Po are still in prison possibly next to Allan Watterman…who knows. As for Jill and Charlie…they are doing well in their new life as we keep in contact from time to time. I told Casey that I let Jill think that Charlie was my son because she’s been through enough already and to find out that Charlie isn’t would totally devastate her. Charlie is the only connection to me she has left and I didn’t want to ruin that her. Mother and son are currently in an undisclosed location living a good life and even though you have that curious look on your face wanting to know where I’m not at liberty to give that information to you.
Fade Out
The scene begins with Chuck back in the black leather couch biting his bottom lip with a far off look on his face. He shakes his head and then begins to speak up.
Chuck: You know…one of the greatest institutions in life is marriage and when my sister Ellie got married to my now brother-in-law Capt. Awesome it was the happiest days of her life. I could see the joy it brings to both of them as they have a future together filled with absolute possibilities. Its those same possibilities that I want to experience that with Sarah too someday, but there was a point where the future looked bleak for the two of us when my dad, Sarah, Ellie, Devon and myself traveled to where my mother grew up…Sandomierz, Poland.
It would be there that my life would take an unexpected turn once again and it didn’t involve me having a son. What it did involve was finding out that I was married to a girl I hardly even know…a girl who I hung out with when my family went on vacation there. Her name was Marcelina and unbeknownst to me I took part in a marriage ceremony, which shouldn’t be legal. However, according to the Polish tradition if two young kids hands are bound and then walk around a table they are engaged to be married..
At that moment, when I first found out I was engaged to be married I thought I was getting Punk’d and Ashton Kutcher would be showing up to tell me it was all a joke. Unfortunately, it wasn’t and the one person who I thought would be there for me wasn’t. Sarah and I have been through so much together but to find out that I was engaged to be married to where the tradition couldn’t be broken was too much for her to handle. I tried to tell her that the whole situation was going to be fixed, but instead of working this out like we’ve done in the past she decided she needed to think, which was a bad omen. What the situation made it even harder to bear was her giving me back the gold locket that represented how much I truly loved her.
When Sarah gave me back the gold locket my whole world basically fell apart and it would be at that point my father would step in to be there for me when I needed it the most.
As he says that, the scene flashes back to Abe’s hotel room and inside Chuck is sitting on the couch depressed about the situation with Sarah and she’s not by his side helping him work through this. Chuck’s focus is on the gold locket and as he’s rubbing the gold locket in his right hand he shakes his head in disbelief. His concentration is broken when his father walks in, sees how distraught he is, takes a chair near the bed, places it front of Chuck, sits down, and then begins to speak.
Abe: How are you holding up son?
Chuck: shakes head Why is this happening to me…to us dad?
Abe: Life can throw us some major curveballs son…
Chuck immediately drops his head back on the couch looking up at the ceiling.
Chuck: Not a sports analogy…
Abe: holds up hands Just here me out…I know you couldn’t understamd them as a kid.
Chuck lifts his head back up looking at his father.
Chuck: I still don’t understand them…what makes you think I will now?
Abe: Can I finish? Chuck flops his head on the back of the couch looking back up at the ceiling Life can throw us some major curveballs and we may swing and miss because we couldn’t see it…Chuck gives a low grunt leading Abe to speak a bit louder and more emphasis on what he‘s saying…BUT if we determine ourselves to not give up and continue swinging as we foul off the pitches thrown…we’ll eventually see it clear as day giving us the opportunity to swing for the fences.
Chuck lifts his head and gives his dad a weird look.
Chuck: Now can you explain what you just said to me in English?
Abe: Look…Chuck leans in hunching over resting his arms on his legs and as he glances back and forth from the gold locket to his father…what I’m trying to say is you and Sarah have been thrown so many curveballs in your relationship like Bryce…catching a computer virus that nearly killed you…Jill returning with what we now know is your son…you were able to handle these particular pitches just fine because you had each other.
Chuck: looks up at his dad But that’s the thing dad…clutches Sarah’s gold locket in his hand and holds up to his father’s face…how am I going to handle being thrown something that I can’t be able to see or handle without her.
Abe: You’ll find a way…I know you will…you’ll see the opportunity and hit out of the park like you've always done in the past.
Chuck: What about Sarah.
Abe: She’ll be with you.
Chuck: How?
Abe: You’re holding her in your hand aren’t you? Chuck turns his hand, opens it up, and looks at Sarah gold locket leading Abe to stand up to where he puts his right hand on his son’s left shoulder. Chuck looks back up at his father who continues on. She’s be with you in spirit every step of the way…you just have to believe that things will turn out for the better.
Cut to Chuck in utter silence leading Abe to give his son a neck hug and then before heading out the door he looks at his son who is leans back on the couch clutching the gold locket in his right hand o his heart. When the door closes, chuck turns his head seeing the mini bar, gets up, and opens the door, and takes a few bottles in order to drown his sorrows. The scene ends with Chuck opening one of the bottles and starts drinking away.
Fade Out
The scene begins back in the present with Chuck sitting on the black leather couch grinning. A few seconds later he speaks up.
Chuck: My dad would once again give me advice that would help me out, but at that particular time I didn’t know how. It was until I had a one on one talk at a wooden pier behind Marceline’s house I saw the opportunity to swing for the fences talking with her best friend. I found out through the course of a few polish beers that he was in love with her. It didn’t dawn on me until he started describing how many smiles she had and then I saw it in his face…the look of unrequited love. It was a look that I knew so well because at one point my face expressed the same look towards Sarah.
After my talk with my best man, which wasn't my idea, I called my dad to have an emergency meeting to discuss my plan. It was a risky venture to pull off but what did I have to lose if I didn’t try it because to be perfectly honest I didn’t want to be married to a woman who I didn’t even know let alone deal with a her love lorned best friend. I tried to get through to him but all he said was he couldn’t defy tradition and I responded by telling to screw tradition to which he responded by punching me in the face. Yeah…all the making for the next episode of The Jerry Springer Show right there.
To make a long story short…Lina and Alexi have been happily married for quite some time now. I got a letter from her several months ago telling me they’re expecting their third child pretty soon. The risk I took worked and it was that same risk in which I was able to place the gold locket around Sarah’s neck where it rightfully belonged. I owe my father and his words of wisdom because without them I probably would have been living in Poland married to a woman that I didn’t love. Shakes head and begins to get choked up My father was a wise man and I would later find out he would give me one last piece of important advice after he died.
Fade To Black
About Me

- Yoda
- Let's see, I'm a single, 39 year old 5'2-ish pinoy who worked with kids for the 14 years and I was pretty good at it. I am now working in a totally different area away from kids and it's awesome. Anyways, for fun I listen to music, draw, play video games, watch movies, hang with friends, surf the internet, go skydiving, and write down my thoughts, which I call Yodaisms. I'm pretty much a quiet, laid back dude once you get to know me and that's pretty much it, so have fun reading my thoughts. Take care and peace out!
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