To recap what previously happened as Chuck reflects back on sharing the news with Ellie that he and Sarah are back together. She is so elated that she immediately starts hugging him to the point where she nearly chokes him out. After a moment or two, they have their usual brother/sister talk as Ellie informs her brother she never saw a future with Kat and all the time he was with her something was missing. What was missing from Ellie’s point of view was the energy coming to life in his eyes whenever he would see Sarah. The conversation ends with a knock at the door as Chuck gets up to open the door leading Ellie to see Sarah standing there waving at her to where a hug is shared between the two of them. Cut to Chuck and Sarah having a discussion in her car about how he needs to be taught self defense instead of learning pressure points that in her mind don’t actually work. Move forward to Chuck telling Sarah he wants to be more than just the brains of the group and contribute to Team Chuck when it comes to the physical aspects of the missions. Sarah reassures him that he is contributing and tells him that he’s truly remarkable and unlike Casey she’d much rather you be the man you are rather than be the man he’s not adding that there are a million other Casey’s in the world…but there’s one of him and she’s very happy about that. After sharing a moment, she also informs Chuck that she would be the one teaching him self defense much to Chuck’s surprise. Cut to Chuck’s room as he’s talking with Morgan on what he thinks is about Sarah but in actuality it’s about meeting General Beckman’s superior William Jax. Before hand, he was given a file to look over it and as soon he read it, he began to experience a headache. Move forward to Team Chuck in the warehouse elevator on their way up to meeting William Jax and his associates as they discuss a contingency plan just in case things go wrong. Chuck is freaked out as usual, but Sarah assures him that things will be okay and to let them handle whatever might go down. Cut to Chuck back in the present sitting on the black leather couch talking about how the meeting with Jax didn’t go too well as he not only experienced another headache when he saw him, but his associate Taga Yoshimuri was part of fulcrum unbeknownst to him to where Taga held Chuck at gunpoint using him as a human shield. Taga’s escape was thwarted when Chuck swept the leg by Sarh subtly hinting about the movie Karate Kid. He shares how he never forget what Jax told him about trust either killing you or setting you free. The last things he says is that he would see Jax again and he would be reunited with the one person he never though he would see again…his father.
The scene begins with chuck sitting back on the black leather couch with a serious look on his face as he has bother arms crossed with his right hand balled in a fist over his mouth. After a moment or two, he speaks up.
Chuck: The last time I saw my father was before leaving school with Morgan 15 years ago. When I got back home from school I was a happy and goofing around with Morgan because we challenged each other on Mike Tyson’s Punchout for Super Nintendo my dad bought me. Whoever the winner was and beat Mike it would settle the argument on who would win in a battle between Vultron and Godzilla…I still say Vultron by the way. What about you…who do you think…waves hand…never mind. I ended up throwing the game against my bedroom wall because it reminded me of him.
Anyways…changes the subject…after suffering another major headache that caused me to pass out I was able to recover minutes afterwards and none too soon mind you because another mission was on hand and it involved THE best assassin in the world codenamed Ghost because he’s considered a master of disguise. To make a long story, we caught him and after feeling the oh so sweet smell of a yet another successful mission I would soon feel anger and betrayal when I came face to face with the man who I thought abandoned us.
As I stood there with Sarah, I was in total disbelief because not only dear old dad was standing before me, but also the man I came to know as a friend and fellow Buy More employee was apparently my step brother. Other than Morgan almost becoming a father, the sudden appearance of my father left me with so many unanswered questions him to answer for, but everything hit me so hard that I just couldn’t deal with it so I basically stormed out there.
I…punches his left hand…we…managed to do okay for ourseleves…Ellie is a great doctor and for me…I work for the government as a spy, which I can't tell anybody. I learned, with the help of Ellie and my mom to shave, drive, and everything else in between, that a son should have been taught by his dad. You know what…I stopped being angry over him along time ago with the help of therapy…but now after talking about it and spending time reconnecting with him again he was taken from me by Marcus Stefan that son a b…stops as he looks at the person he’s talking to off camera…sorry. I just wanted more time…he came back in to my life and then in an instant he was taken away.
Chuck leans forward holding both his hands as he has this look of sadness and anger in his eyes. The scene ends with him looking to the left and then hanging his head as he rubs the back of his neck.
Fade Out
The scene begins with walking into camera view as paces back and forth in front of the black leather couch biting his thumb nails all-the-while glancing at the person he’s speaking too. After a moment or two he stops pacing, turns with his arms crossed, and speaks up.
Chuck: The reunion with my father wasn’t a happy one and after spending much of the entire night sitting on the beach talking with Sarah we finally headed back to the house. I wasn’t in the mood to talk with my dad for obvious reasons so I headed off to my room to get some sleep before I headed off to work in the afternoon. I didn’t get much sleep…maybe 2 hours or so and the rest of the time I spent looking up at the ceiling trying to make sense of all that happened within a 24 hour time span. Glances back at the black leather couch and sits down Around 11a.m. I got up, showered, shaved, put on my Buy More uniform…you know the usual routine before going to work and as I was getting ready Captain Awesome would come in to talk with me. At that particular time, I didn’t feel like talking to anybody but in hind sight I’m glad he and I did.
As he says that, the scene flashes back to Chuck sitting at the edge of his bed tying his shoes and about that same time he hears a knock at his door. When he turns his head, he sees it his future brother-in-law Awesome leading him to turn his attention back on tying his shoes.
Awesome: walks in Hey bro…how you doing?
Chuck glances at Devon and then walks to get his phone and other items on his dresser.
Chuck: Did Ellie send you in here to see how I was doing…glances back…tell her I’m fine. Is she here?
Awesome: No…she was called into work and I’m just concerned about you that’s all.
Chuck turns around as he puts his Buy More I.D. in the pocket of his shirt.
Chuck: You don’t have to worry about me…puts both hands up…I’m fine…really.
Chuck, with his bag over his shoulder, starts walking as he passes Awesome giving another quick glance, but before he head out his door he speaks up.
Awesome: sympathetic tone I know how you must feel and…
Chuck immediately stops, turns around, and points his straight at Awesome face interrupting in mid sentence.
Chuck: angered look No…you don’t know how I feel. You don’t know how I’ve hated that man for abandoning me, Ellie, and especially our mom.
Awesome: Whoa Chuck…holds up hands…you have every right to be angry at him.
Chuck: You're damn right I have every right to be angry at him.
Awesome: Tell me then…why are you angry?
Chuck: points both fingers at Awesome Why…you don’t know how many times on my birthday as a kid I wished for him come back. You don’t know how I wanted him to be there when I learned how to drive, shave, or anything father/son related. You don’t know how much I wanted to punch him in the face when he was just standing a few feet away from me.
Awesome: Why didn’t you?
Chuck doesn’t answer and after a brief moment he continues his rant.
Chuck: Look…pauses a bit…because of that man you don’t know how much hate...rage I had inside of me and to have my therapist repeatedly tell me it wasn’t my fault…
Awesome: interrupts him Calm down…I know it wasn’t your fault Chuck…it was your dad’s.
Chuck: throws hands in the air I know that…now...turns and walks across the room with his back facing Awesome and his hands at his sides…it took me along time to get that through my head. Chuck turns around and then goes to sit at the edge of the bed I spent my entire teenage life being angry at my father for suddenly putting all the responsibility on my shoulders. There was a lot of pressure I put on myself and with so much pressure brought with it a whole lot of stress, especially when mom got sick. I had to grow up very quickly and be a man…not for my sake…but for the sake of Ellie and mom because they were counting on me to be strong. I looked after them and when mom died…I…we looked after each other.
Awesome take a deep breathe, takes the computer desk chair around, and sits down.
Awesome: Chuck…Chuck turns to look at him…you have been an awesome, strong little brother to Ellie and your mom. When I came into the picture and started hanging around more often after your mom died you felt threatened that I was taking over as man of the house, but I wasn’t and you eventually saw that.
Chuck: shakes head I didn’t feel threatened…Awesome looks at him…okay maybe a little.
Awesome: Yeah…puts left hand on Chuck’s left shoulder…I don’t know how you feel but I do know that through all crap you’ve been through you’ve managed to become the man you are today. Responsible, caring, trustworthy, dependable…you can stop me anytime.
Chuck: Nah…shakes head…keep going.
Awesome: Smiles What I’m saying is your mom if she were alive would be happy to see what an awesome man you’ve become. A man that I can not only call my friend…but also would call my brother who I would proudly be related. You and Ellie share an awesome bond…something that can’t ever be broken no matter what.
Chuck shows a hint of a smile on his face and with that Awesome responds by slapping his knee then heads towards the door but before heading out Chuck speaks up.
Chuck: turns head to look back Devon.
Awesome: turns around Yeah
Chuck: Thanks
Awesome nods at his future brother-in-law and then heads out disappearing out of sight. Cut to a front view of Chuck sitting at the end of his bed with a look of relief on his face as he was able to get some issues about his father of his chest. The scene ends with him taking a look around, gets up, and head off camera on the way to work.
Fade Out
The scene begins back in the present with Chuck leaning back on the black leather couch as he takes a quick look at his watch and then crosses his arms. After a few moments of deep thought he speaks up.
Chuck: My life was for the most part doing quite well before my father showed up. Despite the constant danger I was facing on missions, I was a in real, fake relationship with woman I loved and nothing would ruin that for me. When he did show up, he looked the same after all these years, he felt to me like a complete stranger who just barged into me and Ellie’s life as if he wanted to continue being a family knowing full well what he did.
I tried to keep myself busy at work, but Morgan wouldn’t that happen as he unfortunately told Lester and Jeff who told that they should be included in the Bartowski family fortune, which doesn’t really exist. Anyways…when my father showed up wanting to talk to me and I obliged thinking nothing he could say could have me forgive him…I was wrong.
He informed me that he was a spy for the government who was a member of group called Section 8. His real name was Steven Carmichael, which is totally coincidental being that my alias is Charles Carmichael and he told me that on the day I left school 15 years ago a burn notice was placed on me. So…in order to protect the family he loved he had no choice but to leave.
As he continued to inform me about how he truly loved my mom and telling her he didn’t love was the most painful thing he had to ever say all I kept thinking is its all just a joke…it can’t be real. It certainly was and I distinctly remember talking more with my dad about the day he supposedly abandoned them.
As he says that, it flashes back to the Buy More break room where Chuck is sitting across from Abe as he is in the middle of talking about thing he most regretted doing.
Abe: When I visited you at school, I had come from telling your mother that I didn’t love her. When I said that, I could see the impact of those words hit her as if she go punched in the stomach. She kept pleading for me to tell me why and I couldn’t tell her.
Chuck: Why did you have to be so harsh…you could have handled it another way. Because of you she died of a broken not knowing why the man she loved left her.
Cut to Abe with a pained look on his face and then responds to what Chuck said.
Abe: At the time I had no other options because according to Jax they were coming after me and I needed to get out of there immediately.
Chuck: Still…you could have done something to show mom you cared about her despite what you said?
Abe: Son…as much as I wanted to say I love you…grab her...pull her in to give one last kiss and hug...I knew I couldn’t because I needed for her to be angry at me.
Cut to Chuck with a look of absolute disbelief on his face.
Chuck: What…why?
Abe: In a way…it made it easier for me to leave and when I walked out the door I never looked back.
Chuck: Is that when you showed up at school and looking all weird?
Abe: I didn’t look weird?
Chuck: Dad…come on…all high school kids considered their parents to be weird and the way your were talking to me I was kind of thinking your were on drugs or something. Plus…you said I love you in public and as a guy in high school it’s kind of embarrassing.
Abe stands up and starts walking around the break room.
Abe: Okay maybe I was….waves hand…but getting to why I was at your school in the first place. I knew I wasn’t going to be around and I told you that you were going to be the man of the house taking care of your sister, as well as, your mother. I needed to get as far away from you guys as possible to keep you safe because if they knew I had a family you would not only be in danger, but you would used as bargaining chips in order for me to surrender myself.
Chuck: So where did you go…what did you do after you left?
Abe: I was off the grid and with money I was able to take out from certain secret accounts I disappeared. I had a few contacts that I knew I could trust to help me out in order to get me out of the country. I needed to keep a low profile so I got odd jobs to make money as I spent time on the run going to places such as Italy, Jakarta, and there was a point I was almost caught in Mumbai but luckily with the help of a family I helped out they kept me hidden until it was safe for me to make my escape.
Chuck: How did you end up in Fresno of all places?
Abe: I missed the good U.S. of A and it was all that I could afford with the money I had left. During my time there I was able to get a job as a computer technician.
Cut to Abe walking behind Chuck.
Chuck: And that’s when you eventually met Tucker and his mom.
Abe: Yup…and since that time not a day goes by I haven’t thought about Ellie…your mother…and you.
Abe has a proud smile on his face as he sees how his son turned out. Cut to Chuck taking it all what his father has said to him in as his father is behind him conflicted on whether or not to pat him on the shoulder. The scene ends with Abe deciding not to do it and then walks past him in order to sit back down across from his son.
Fade Out
The scene begins back in the present with Chuck sitting comfortably on the black leather couch with a pack of gum in his hands. After taking a piece out, opening it, and popping it in his mouth he looks at the person off camera he’s speaking.
Chuck: hold up pack of gum Do you want some…no…puts pack of gum in his pocket…okay then. Claps both hands together Okay…where was I. Oh yeah….it would take some time but the Bartowski family would heal after the return of my father plus the added addition of a step-brother., which caused friction between he and Morgan. Anyways…it wasn’t just my personal life that was getting better as it was also my professional life when it came to my job at Buy More.
Big Mike dropped a bomb on all of us including me especially, which was that he got a new job and chose me as the new manager of Buy More. I was freaking not just on the outside, but also on the inside as well because that meant I was responsible for dealing with my own employees…specifically Morgan, Jeff, and Lester. It was hard enough dealing with them as co-workers, but now dealing with all three of them, the store itself, the home office, complaints from customer about those three stooges. drawing the line between friend/boss, and whatever else Big Mike’s job consisted of would most certainly test me physically, mentally, and emotionally.
Now when it came to my other professional life as a spy…General Beckman and Director Graham wanted to know if I was able to find out anything on why he returned. After telling them what little I knew, Beckman and Graham did a little digging of their finding out the name of one key figure that kept surfacing regarding my father…Josiah Gates. He was part of an organization called The Sect and from what little I knew about them…they wanted my dad no matter what and would stop at nothing to get him.It would be a lead that would unfortunately not only bring my father’s past gradually to my doorstep, but it would ultimately cost several agents their lives caused by an explosion at their secret headquarters located at Chesapeake Bay Lighthouse by shotty intel that I gave.
To this day…I still feel guilty as I was partly responsible for the deaths of several good agents who probably had families of their own. It significantly effected me to the point where I would have difficult sleeping and wake up in a cold sweat. I’ve asked myself if Sarah and Casey have experienced this because they are in the business of protecting the greater cause by any means necessary all-th-while losing teammates in the process. If so…actually I know so. I certainly have a new found respect for them not as agents…but as human beings. Sometimes I forget underneath the tough agent façade they’re regular people who at one point had lives before they gave it all up to serve their country.
I screwed up royally and now was on very thin ice with Beckman and Graham. The images of anger on both their faces still stay with me and to make matters worse…shakes head…Casey would put his own 2 cents worth. As much as Sarah helped defend me against the scary NSA Agent…I stood up to him and gave him a piece of my mind. Looking back on it…I was proud of myself for doing it and it felt awesome to get that off my chest. I guess when you take so much from a guy like Casey you’re bound to snap and walk way with your teeth still in your mouth. As I walked away I suffered a sever headache that ultimately had me down for the count.
I don’t remember much except that I started feeling severe pain and then blacked out. Next thing I know…I wake up in the hospital surround by my family and friends. According to the doctor…I suffered stress related exhaustion and I was told to stay a day or two for observation. It was at that point my father wanted to have a talk with me and Casey…that talk would change everything. Why? My father knew Casey and Sarah were government agents and according to him it wasn’t hard to figure out after an situation happened that involved drawing their weapons because of a driveby. Plus…he not only knew about the bugs that Casey hid around the house but he also figured out that w woman like Sarah would never be with me unless I was being protected, which I considered a back handed compliment. Yeah…puts hands over head…things were certainly getting interesting after I told my dad I was experiencing severe headaches that would seriously affect my health and it would get much worse before it got better.
Chuck, with his hands on the top of his head, gives a bit of a chuckle as he looks up at the ceiling. The scene ends with Chuck rubbing his face with both of his hands as a fatigued look is seen on his face.
Fade Out
The scene begins with Chuck standing taking a swig from his bottle of water. After a few moments his sits down on the arm of the black leather chair and then speaks up.
Chuck: After my father and Casey left the hospital. I ended up just falling asleep because quite frankly when you’re ordered to rest by not only you presiding doctor, but also your old sister who is also a doctor you pretty much listen. Plus…she threatened to beat the crap out of me if I didn’t stay in bed. In any case…I slept and woke up several hours later to a most beautiful sight…Sarah. I saw she was really upset and I didn’t want to see her sad so I did the only logical think I could do…try to make her smile or at least laugh. Needless to say it didn’t work because I could she was really shaken up about what happened to me. I promised her that I wasn’t going anywhere and when I make promises I stick to them. I remember her getting into my hospital bed with me and we cuddle until we both feel asleep. I would wake up later to find Ellie standing there with a smile on her face checking up on me...both of us...and then she quietly walked out of the room closing the door behind her to give us some privacy. I spent much of that time just watching Sarah sleep as she her head nestled in my left shoulder and after trying to readjust me arm to keep it from falling asleep I accidentally woke her up. We both locked eyes and all I could was just kiss her on the lips. After the kiss, I ended up lying to her when she asked me an important question.
The scene flashes back to Chuck’s hospital room where he and Sarah are lying face to face with each other as Chuck is stroking her hair.
Sarah: Chuck…are you okay?
Chuck: Yeah…looking and shaking his left arm…it was sleepy for a while but it was worth it.
Sarah: I’m not talking about you’re arm…I’m talking about you and how you scared me half to death when you passed out on the floor at Buy More.
Chuck: humorous tone I wouldn’t call it passing out…it was more like falling with style…
Sarah: agitated tone Chuck…now is not the time to be funny.
Chuck: How you seen the hospital gown I’m wearing.
Sarah: serious tone Chuck!
Chuck: Look…I’m fine…you heard the doctor it’s just stress related exhaustion and all I need is bed rest…gently places his forehead against hers…which is what I’m getting as I lay here next to the most beautiful woman in the
Sarah: Don’t try to change the subject.
Chuck: I’m not trying to change the subject.
Sarah: Chuck…gently places her right hand on Chuck’s left cheek…I need you to look me in the eyes and tell me you’re not keeping something from me that could potentially risk your health.
Chuck moves his head back a bit to look at her as tears begin to form and after a brief pause he looks with love in his eyes responding to her.
Chuck: I would never keep anything like my own health from you.
Sarah: Are you lying to me?
Chuck: I remember you telling me the day at the beach to trust you 2 years ago…now I’m asking you to do same for me. Trust me Sarah.
Sarah looks into Chuck’s brown eyes and after a moment or two she responds.
Sarah: I trust you.
Chuck goes in for another kiss and then looks into her eyes.
Chuck: You are one of the main reasons I’m alive and before you ever showed up in my life I was completely dead inside. With you in my life I will continue to be alive because you’re my friend, my protector, and most all…caresses her cheek and then takes her right hand placing it on his chest…my heart.
Cut to Sarah showing a smile on her face as she kisses Chuck on his lips to where both of them share a hug. The shot then goes to a close up of Chuck with a serious look on his face leading the scene to flash back to the present to the same look of seriousness on his face sitting on the black leather couch.
Chuck: I looked into her eyes that night and I lied to her. Why? For once…I was protecting her in my own way and if she knew how much in danger I truly was…she wouldn’t be able to do her job. In a way…I’m glad I lied to her because she would need to be on top of her game…focused 110% when my step-brother, father and I were abducted by the organization my father was running from…The Sect.
Fade To Black
About Me

- Yoda
- Let's see, I'm a single, 39 year old 5'2-ish pinoy who worked with kids for the 14 years and I was pretty good at it. I am now working in a totally different area away from kids and it's awesome. Anyways, for fun I listen to music, draw, play video games, watch movies, hang with friends, surf the internet, go skydiving, and write down my thoughts, which I call Yodaisms. I'm pretty much a quiet, laid back dude once you get to know me and that's pretty much it, so have fun reading my thoughts. Take care and peace out!
Monday, March 30, 2009
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
Chuck vs. The Black Leather Couch Part 10
To recap what previously happened as Chuck reflects back on the two relationships that were considered important to him as it signified something normal. The first relationship being the deli owner Lou and Chuck remembers a conversation he has with Morgan concerning his best friend thinking about breaking up with Sarah so he can have a normal relationship with Lou. In the conversation Morgan compares him to Patrick Dempsey character Ronald Miller from the movie Can’t Buy Me Love. After having a laugh, Morgan tells his best friend that whatever he decides he’ll be fine with the decision he makes. Cut to the aftermath at the docks after a chaotic situation in which Chuck and Sarah share a kiss that left both of them in a seemingly awkward position. The scene moves to Casey basically ribbing him about not being such a girl, how he dumped her, and how it would be fun to watch him grovel back to Sarah to establish a fake relationship again. Casey then tells him to go home and let the professionals handle this leading Chuck to agree whereby informing the NSA Agent it gives him the chance to smooth things over for the third time with Lou. Casey responds with a hearty grunt and Chuck reacts with worry about the grunt he gives as he finds out that Casey told Lou that he’s undercover FDA much to Chuck’s chagrin. Unfortunately, the relationship with Lou falls apart and it inevitably leads to the relationship with Katherine “Kat” Matthews after Chuck and Sarah agreed to be just friends. Cut to Chuck and Morgan having a conversation again, but this time Morgan finds out about Chuck scoring a date to where he compares him to Patrick Dempsey yet again in which he responds with a weird look. Morgan wants to know his secret and Chuck responds by telling him just be you. Morgan reaction is one of disappointment because he expected the secret to be the proverbial holy grail of knowledge but Chuck reassures him that you just have to be you. Cut to the tail end of the Kat relationship where Chuck is at her apartment to break up with her because he still has feelings for Sarah. Ms. Matthews didn’t react to well as she was hurt and angry so much so that she threw shoes like a major league pitcher on steroids at Chuck.
The scene begins with Chuck leaning forward on the edge of the black leather couch rubbing the front of his face with both hands as he gives a small yawn. He then stretches a bit, then looks at the person he’s speaking to, and begins to speak.
Chuck: The fake relationship Sarah and I shared was now very real and as happy as we both were to be together we had to keep our relationship under wraps from the powers that be. It was easier said than done and as far as Casey goes in being able to keep our relationship a secret we were fairly sure at that time…about 50% sure he couldn’t be trusted. No that we’re free to be in a relationship we know he’s 100% t behind us and even though he doesn’t want to admit it he cares and protects us in his own way. Knowing that Casey has our back gives us a new found sense of support and yet in the back of my mind I kept thinking that even though we would be facing the dangers both personally and professionally there would be a whole new set of problems to deal with. Shakes head Anyways… now the one person who would be totally ecstatic about our new formed real relationship would be my sister Ellie. She was one of the main reasons for leading me to the decision that I wasn’t entirely over Sarah and I’m totally grateful to her for not letting me give up on Sarah. It would only be fitting to hear the news from me and I still remember the reaction on her face when I told her the news.
As he says that, the scene flashes back to the façade of Casa Bartowski and then cut inside where Ellie has a look of utter happiness as she excitedly hugs Chuck around his neck nearly choking him to death after informing her about how he’s back with Sarah. After the hug is over, they sit on the couch and have a brother/sister talk.
Chuck: Wow El…if you were this excited about us getting back together what would you have done if I asked Sarah to marry me…Cut to Ellie’s eyes widening and is about to respond when Chuck cuts her off…and no I didn’t.
Ellie has a look of disappointment on her face.
Ellie: But you do want to marry her don’t you?
Chuck: Whoa…forms a T with both hands…time out here. We just got back together and I can probably speak for Sarah when I say marriage is far from our minds right now. We’re both taking it slow and I need you…puts right hand on his sister’s knee…to not be jumping the gun about us taking that next step.
Ellie: I just want what’s best for you Chuck.
Chuck: I know El...but I need you take it down a notch.
Ellie: I’m sorry but as much as I liked Kat little brother…she wasn’t the one for you.
As she says that, Ellie starts to tear up leading Chuck to wonder why.
Chuck: Why are you crying?
Ellie: I can’t help it…wipes her eyes with the bottom of her palms…whenever you’re with or around Sarah I see you light up and the same can be said with her as well.
Chuck: You never saw that when I was with Kat?
Ellie: The truth?
Chuck: sarcastic tone No…lie to me…yes tell me the truth.
Ellie: It’s true you seemed happier when you’re with her…but
Chuck tilts his head as a look of curiosity appears on his face.
Chuck: But what?
Ellie: There’s always a light that I know comes on your face whenever I see you with Sarah…cut to Chuck listening intently…and yet it never really showed when you’re with Kat. A look of disbelief appears on Chuck’s face leading Ellie to respond Yeah…you smiled and laughed the times I saw you together but there was something different like a part of you was missing.
Chuck: shakes head Missing…what would be missing?
Ellie: That energy coming to life in your eyes…it was always there when you would open the door and Sarah would be standing there.
Chuck: leans back Come on El…you don’t believe..
Ellie: interrupts Chuck I do believe that and deep down inside you do too. Honestly, from the bottom of my heart, I believe Sarah brought the life back into your eyes after what Jill and Bryce did to you at Stanford leaving you looking like a zombie.
Chuck: So to you…points at Ellie…I’ve been walking around the past month like a character in a Night of the Living dead movie?
Ellie: nods Pretty much.
Cut to Chuck laughing under his breathe and then looks at his sister with a smile on his face.
Chuck: You know me well.
Ellie: smirks Of course…I know everything about you.
Chuck gives off that “you don’t know everything about me” look leading the two siblings to share a hug.
Chuck: Thanks for helping me come back from the dead sis.
Ellie rustles her brother’s hair as she responds.
Ellie: Sarah is mainly responsible for that and…smiles…no problem.
Ellie and Chuck share a brother/sister moment when a knock at the door is heard.
Chuck: getting off the couch with a smile on his face Speaking of Sarah.
Cut to an excited Ellie’s eyes widening as Chuck opens the door with Sarah standing at the doorway hands clasps with a smile on her face. The scene ends with Chuck motioning her in and then watching Ellie and Sarah hug each other.
Fade Out
The scene begins with an up close right side profile shot of Chuck’s face as he exudes a contemplative look on it. After a moment or two, he leans forward while sitting on the black leather couch as the camera pans back to a full length view as Chuck speaking up.
Chuck: Ellie said she knew everything about me...shakes head…but she was wrong. It’s hard…still is hard to not tell my sister about my other job as a government analyst and how I find myself in constant danger at every turn all-the-while trying to make excuses why I’ve been getting battered, as well as, bruised. Pauses a bit as he gives a hint of a chuckles and then points finger in the air You know...there was one time I did tell her I was a spy and it was when she was jacked up on truth serum that led to her being poisoned caused by Reardon Payne. My worlds collided at that moment but thankfully we were able to get the antidote and she’s be fine ever since. You Ever since I became a government analyst my life has turned into a series of unfortunate events especially after Sarah and I became a real couple who at the time were posing as a fake couple. Thinking about it, it initially started with a new employee named Tucker Gaines who would later turn out to be someone who I did not expect to be, but I’ll discuss that later. What I will discuss though is my role in Team Chuck which was not only to provide important intel, but to also stay in the car whenever possible. Do I do it? No and in my own way I’m like MacGyver …you know the use your brains instead of muscles mentality. Yet, as much as I am the brains of the team, I would like to show my physical worth as well to show Sarah and especially Casey that I can hold my own. I always thought it would be Casey teaching me self defense because in his own words I needed to stop being such a frightened little girl and hide from danger. Granted I do have a girlish scream and I’m not the Rambo type, but I’m working on it. Hey…points at person off camera…don’t judge me. Anyways…it would be Sarah who would be teaching me and I distinctly recall the conversation we had about it. Morgan and I just finished a strategically well fought Call of Duty battle in my room when Sarah called me saying she was coming over to pick me up to talk to me, which in Morgan’s warped mind meant I was getting lucky. In any case…cut to a close up of Chuck’s face…it would be a talk that would literally save my life.
The scene flashes back to an overview of the City of Los Angeles with the bright lights illuminating the night sky. After a moment or two, it shows the façade of Sarah’s Porsche as it rolls up the road and then it cuts inside as Chuck and Sarah are in the middle of a conversation.
Sarah: Chuck…you’re not going to be taught how to kill a man by hitting certain pressure points.
Chuck: Why not? It worked for Uma Thurman’s character Black Mamba in Kill Bill Vol. 2 when she did Pai Mei’s five point palm-exploding heart technique.
Sarah: In the movies Chuck…besides do you actually believe those moves that you see done work?
Chuck: The Vulcan death grip sort of works...I did it on Morgan…
Sarah: interrupts him Chuck.
Chuck: shrugs shoulders I don’t know…maybe…Chuck glances at Sarah who gives a brief stare…okay no.
Sarah: The reason you’re being taught self defense is it will get Casey off your back and have him stop constantly calling you a bumbling idiot.
Chuck: This is because I accidentally fell on top of him as I was escaping from a manly looking woman as he was about to make an arrest on a Fulcrum agent? I said I was sorry…plus…points at Sarah…you saw the woman she would give Arnold Schwarzenegger a run for his money.
Sarah: Listen…we’re talking about real life situations here with bad guys shooting guns trying to hurt you…or worse…kill you and I don’t want that to happen because you mean a lot to me.
Sarah places her hand of his and caresses it. Chuck looks down and then at Sarah as a smile appears on his face.
Chuck: I know…looks out the window…I just want to contribute more to the team and show I’m just more than the brains of the group.
Cut to Sarah glancing over at Chuck as he looks out the window with a sullen look on his face.
There is a momentary silence in the car as they pull into the warehouse parking garage. After a few moments Sarah parks the car, they both get out, and walk towards the elevator. As they stand there, Sarah swipes her key card, and then take a deep breathe as she speaks up.
Sarah: You are contributing…hey look at me. Chuck turns to look at her Do you know the difference between you and Casey is?
Chuck: I’m not emotionally constipated?
Sarah: No…smiles…it’s how remarkable you truly are…I’d much rather you be the man you are rather than be the man you’re not. There are a million other Casey’s in the world…but there’s one of you and I’m very happy about that.
Chuck bumps her as he gives a hint of a smile and he does a ding is heard leading the elevator doors to open. As they both step in Chuck turns to Sarah.
Chuck: So…is Casey the one teaching me self defense?
Sarah: looks straight ahead Nope.
Chuck quickly looks at Sarah and then looks straight ahead.
Chuck: Okay…who then?
Cut to Sarah pressing the keypad in the elevator.
Sarah: sly smile with a raised right eyebrow Me.
As she says that, it immediately cuts to Chuck with a look of mixed emotions as he finds out Sarah is the one who is going to teach him self defense. The scene ends with a front shot view of both Chuck and Sarah as the elevator doors close.
Fade Out
The scene begins with Chuck standing against the wall with his arms folded with a look of seriousness on his face as he’s biting his lower lip. After a moment or two, he leans forward moving towards the couch and then sits downs to where he speaks up.
Chuck: I would meet a very important man named William Jax later that night after my self defense class with Sarah. However, before I would ever meet him I was given a file to look over and upon reading it I began experiencing a headache that lasted mere seconds. I just chalked it up to being tired due to combinations of stress at both of my jobs. Anyways…where was I? Oh yeah…looking back…holds out both hands looking at them…I was given ample opportunity to ask one of the biggest questions that I wanted to know about the valuable intel that I’ve keenly stored within my head. Balls both hands into a fist Yet, I didn’t and I am angry at myself for not doing that. I was caught up in having the powers that be who were over General Beckman no less wanting to meet me…points to himself…a guy who started out working at buy making $11 an hour and ends up becoming a government analyst that helps save the world at every turn. Shakes head You know before meeting Jax…I was freaking out as usual and do you know who was able to calm my nerves? It wasn’t Sarah or even Casey…the person who calmed me down…Morgan.
The scene flashes back to the façade of the Casa Bartowski and then cut to Chuck’s room where he walks into camera view wearing brown khaki slacks, white button down long sleeve shirt, and his oh so familiar Chuck Taylors on his feet. He stands in front of the mirror putting on his father’s suit coat and as he does, Morgan enters through the Morgan door.
Morgan: Hey Chu…whoa…where you going dressed up buddy?
Chuck: looking at reflection of Morgan from the mirror Sarah and I are going out.
Cut to Morgan sitting on the edge of Chuck’s bed holding the Xbox controller in his hand.
Morgan: Ah…whining and dining your lady. Chuck nods and after a few moments Morgan notices something is wrong with his bosom buddy You seem edgy dude…turns on Call of Duty on the Xbox…talk to Dr. Morgan.
Chuck turns around then sits down at the Morgan door.
Chuck: Have you ever been excited and at the same time freaked you out about meeting someone?
Morgan: You bet man…remember me telling you how I met Mark Hamill a.k.a. the Jedi Master himself Luke Skywalker.
Chuck: You didn’t actually meet him Morg…when you found out he was at the Burbank Mall you stood in line for several hours to get his autograph wearing a half dark/light costume.
Morgan: It represented his struggle with both sides of the force…besides…I got it didn’t I and…points finger in the air…I took a picture with him.
Chuck: Yes you did…and not to mention a restraining order too. What was it…not more than 100 feet from him?
Morgan: Hey…it was an accident.
Chuck: You nearly poked his eye out with an electronic retractable toy light saber.
Morgan: All I’m saying is they should put warning labels on those things...not my fault. Chuck laughs as Morgan continues playing on leading him to stand up and take one last look in the mirror. So…what with you being so edgy…glances at Chuck…it’s just Sarah.
Chuck realizes they are talking about different people leading him to continue with discretion.
Chuck: I know buddy…it’s just that I’m like introducing myself to someone new…gives a half hearted chuckle…you know after breaking up with her.
Morgan: I get it…you don’t want to mess things up and embarrasses yourself.
Chuck: nods Pretty much.
Morgan: You won’t and you want to know why? Chuck looks at Morgan waiting for his response You’re Chuck Bartowski…you’ve faced so much over the years and were able conquered it. Dude…whatever you’re going to face I know she’ll be by your side and both of you…in my opinion…are totally unstoppable man when the odds are possibly against you.
Chuck: Thanks Morg.
Chuck reaches out for a fist tap leading Moran to reciprocate. After a another quick check in the mirror he heads out his bedroom door, but before he leaves Morgan speaks up.
Morgan: I invited Tucker over…if it’s okay with you.
Chuck: Yeah I’m okay with it…just remember…
Morgan: I know…clean up after yourself.
Chuck: And…
Chuck stares at Morgan and after a brief moment he responds.
Morgan: Your sister’s room is off limits.
Chuck: All right…you two behave, have fun, and say hi to Tucker for me.
Morgan responds with a quick salute as Chuck heads out closing his bedroom door behind him. Morgan waits to hear the front door shut leading him to set the controller down, get up, and walk straight toward the door. The scene ends with Chuck sticking his head through his bedroom window causing Morgan to quickly turn around to go back and continue playing Call of Duty like nothing happened leaving Chuck to give him one last look before his goes to meet William Jax.
Fade Out
The scene begins back in the present with Chuck slouched on the black leather couch in sort of a trace like state as he stares at the Zen garden on the coffee table. After a moment or two, he snaps out of it, adjusts how he’s sitting on the couch, and begins to speak up.
Chuck: You got to hand it to Morgan…he can have his Yoda moments and what he said helped me quite a bit as I would William Jax. After talking with Morgan, I headed out with Casey in his car to meet up with Sarah at the Warehouse and before meeting with Jax, along with his associates, they talked to me beforehand about a game plan just in case if anything serious were to go down.
The scene flashes back to the warehouse elevator where Sarah is wearing a dark pants suit with a blue top minus the jacket while Casey and Chuck are wearing somewhat similar attire. They just stepped into it when Sarah glances at Chuck and speaks to him.
Sarah: How are you feeling?
Chuck: I’m fine…I felt the urge to puke a while ago but that went away.
Cut to Casey giving him a glancing glare.
Casey: Keep it together Bartowski or do I have to tranq you?
Chuck: I am together…it’s not too often that General Beckman’s superiors want to meet me of all people. Can you answer me that...looks back and forth at the two agents…why me?
Casey: Stop you’re moaning…glares at Chuck...all you have to do is make it through tonight without saying or doing something stupid.
Chuck: That might be a problem because when I get nervous I tend to babble.
Casey: Lucky for me I carry duct tape with me just for that.
Chuck: Who are…MacGyver?
Sarah: chimes in You’ll do fine…Chuck looks at her…just remember the game plan if anything goes down tonight.
Chuck: Yeah…looks straight ahead…find a good hiding place while you two take care of business.
Casey: gives a low grunt Knowing Bartowski…he’ll probably screw it up and we’ll have to go to plan B.
Chuck quickly looks at Casey.
Chuck: Plan…plan B…what…what… is plan B?
Casey: If I tell you, you’ll probably screw that up too.
Chuck: You just brimming with positivity tonight are you Casey.
Casey faces Chuck and taps him hard on the chest.
Casey: You want positivity…I’m positive that somehow the meeting with this William Jax character will be a complete failure and all three us will get our asses handed to us by General Beckman.
Casey has that ‘I’m going to tear Bartowski a new one’ looks leading Sarah to direct Chuck’s attention towards her by placing her hand on his left shoulder.
Sarah: Let us worry about the alternative measures for your safety and you…smiles at Chuck as she’s straightening his tie…just focus on William Jax.
Chuck responds with a smile back leading Casey to speak up.
Casey: Weapons check.
Sarah takes out her gun, removes the clip, and checks it.
Sarah: Full…looks at Casey…you?
Casey checks his clip, places it back in his gun, cocks it, and then aims the laser sight at the elevator doors all in one quick swoop.
Casey: Full.
Chuck: chimes in Question…umm..when do I get a gun?
Casey: When hell freezes over.
Chuck: So never…nods as he tilts his head a bit to look at Sarah…at least I have a goal to shoot for.
Cut to Sarah looks straight forward showing a hint of a smile on her face. The scene ends with the elevator doors opening as all three take a breathe then head out and off camera towards the conference room.
Fade Out
The scene begins in the present with Chuck sitting back on the black leather couch with his hands rest folded resting on his stomach. He cracks his neck a few times letting out a small sigh as he speaks up.
Chuck: When I stepped off the elevator and saw William Jax I experienced another brief headache. Sarah noticed it and was concerned, but I just told her that I didn’t eat before I came. It was stupid decision to make on my part because in my stubbornness I wanted to impress him. If I had known then, what I know now I would have immediately told Casey and Sarah what happened to me when I read his file.
Anyways, the meeting turned out pretty good and I didn’t babble that much, which Casey would disagree with. After talking for a bit Jax’s associate, Taga Yoshimuri, eventually showed up and he brought with him trouble with a capital T to the point where all hell broke loose. You see…he turned out to Fulcrum and after shooting Jax in the left shoulder he took me hostage. I guess Casey was half right when the meeting turned into a somewhat of failure.
As I was being herded back towards the elevator by Mr. Yoshimuri Sarah signaled me to get away by telling me how I swept her off her feet when we both saw The Karate Kid. When he turned to go up the stair towards the elevator I made my move by sweeping his leg and got to say it was an absolute adrenaline rush despite the fear and utter anxiety I was feeling as Yoshimuri had a gun point to my head.
William Jax… told me trust can either kill you or set you free. I never forgot what he said to me and I owe him so much for what he did to the point of going rogue in order to help me. He not only played a very key role when I started experiencing headaches that not only put me, as well as, others in danger as well, but he would also be reunited with his former Section 8 member and the one person who I thought I would never see again…my father.
Fade To Black
The scene begins with Chuck leaning forward on the edge of the black leather couch rubbing the front of his face with both hands as he gives a small yawn. He then stretches a bit, then looks at the person he’s speaking to, and begins to speak.
Chuck: The fake relationship Sarah and I shared was now very real and as happy as we both were to be together we had to keep our relationship under wraps from the powers that be. It was easier said than done and as far as Casey goes in being able to keep our relationship a secret we were fairly sure at that time…about 50% sure he couldn’t be trusted. No that we’re free to be in a relationship we know he’s 100% t behind us and even though he doesn’t want to admit it he cares and protects us in his own way. Knowing that Casey has our back gives us a new found sense of support and yet in the back of my mind I kept thinking that even though we would be facing the dangers both personally and professionally there would be a whole new set of problems to deal with. Shakes head Anyways… now the one person who would be totally ecstatic about our new formed real relationship would be my sister Ellie. She was one of the main reasons for leading me to the decision that I wasn’t entirely over Sarah and I’m totally grateful to her for not letting me give up on Sarah. It would only be fitting to hear the news from me and I still remember the reaction on her face when I told her the news.
As he says that, the scene flashes back to the façade of Casa Bartowski and then cut inside where Ellie has a look of utter happiness as she excitedly hugs Chuck around his neck nearly choking him to death after informing her about how he’s back with Sarah. After the hug is over, they sit on the couch and have a brother/sister talk.
Chuck: Wow El…if you were this excited about us getting back together what would you have done if I asked Sarah to marry me…Cut to Ellie’s eyes widening and is about to respond when Chuck cuts her off…and no I didn’t.
Ellie has a look of disappointment on her face.
Ellie: But you do want to marry her don’t you?
Chuck: Whoa…forms a T with both hands…time out here. We just got back together and I can probably speak for Sarah when I say marriage is far from our minds right now. We’re both taking it slow and I need you…puts right hand on his sister’s knee…to not be jumping the gun about us taking that next step.
Ellie: I just want what’s best for you Chuck.
Chuck: I know El...but I need you take it down a notch.
Ellie: I’m sorry but as much as I liked Kat little brother…she wasn’t the one for you.
As she says that, Ellie starts to tear up leading Chuck to wonder why.
Chuck: Why are you crying?
Ellie: I can’t help it…wipes her eyes with the bottom of her palms…whenever you’re with or around Sarah I see you light up and the same can be said with her as well.
Chuck: You never saw that when I was with Kat?
Ellie: The truth?
Chuck: sarcastic tone No…lie to me…yes tell me the truth.
Ellie: It’s true you seemed happier when you’re with her…but
Chuck tilts his head as a look of curiosity appears on his face.
Chuck: But what?
Ellie: There’s always a light that I know comes on your face whenever I see you with Sarah…cut to Chuck listening intently…and yet it never really showed when you’re with Kat. A look of disbelief appears on Chuck’s face leading Ellie to respond Yeah…you smiled and laughed the times I saw you together but there was something different like a part of you was missing.
Chuck: shakes head Missing…what would be missing?
Ellie: That energy coming to life in your eyes…it was always there when you would open the door and Sarah would be standing there.
Chuck: leans back Come on El…you don’t believe..
Ellie: interrupts Chuck I do believe that and deep down inside you do too. Honestly, from the bottom of my heart, I believe Sarah brought the life back into your eyes after what Jill and Bryce did to you at Stanford leaving you looking like a zombie.
Chuck: So to you…points at Ellie…I’ve been walking around the past month like a character in a Night of the Living dead movie?
Ellie: nods Pretty much.
Cut to Chuck laughing under his breathe and then looks at his sister with a smile on his face.
Chuck: You know me well.
Ellie: smirks Of course…I know everything about you.
Chuck gives off that “you don’t know everything about me” look leading the two siblings to share a hug.
Chuck: Thanks for helping me come back from the dead sis.
Ellie rustles her brother’s hair as she responds.
Ellie: Sarah is mainly responsible for that and…smiles…no problem.
Ellie and Chuck share a brother/sister moment when a knock at the door is heard.
Chuck: getting off the couch with a smile on his face Speaking of Sarah.
Cut to an excited Ellie’s eyes widening as Chuck opens the door with Sarah standing at the doorway hands clasps with a smile on her face. The scene ends with Chuck motioning her in and then watching Ellie and Sarah hug each other.
Fade Out
The scene begins with an up close right side profile shot of Chuck’s face as he exudes a contemplative look on it. After a moment or two, he leans forward while sitting on the black leather couch as the camera pans back to a full length view as Chuck speaking up.
Chuck: Ellie said she knew everything about me...shakes head…but she was wrong. It’s hard…still is hard to not tell my sister about my other job as a government analyst and how I find myself in constant danger at every turn all-the-while trying to make excuses why I’ve been getting battered, as well as, bruised. Pauses a bit as he gives a hint of a chuckles and then points finger in the air You know...there was one time I did tell her I was a spy and it was when she was jacked up on truth serum that led to her being poisoned caused by Reardon Payne. My worlds collided at that moment but thankfully we were able to get the antidote and she’s be fine ever since. You Ever since I became a government analyst my life has turned into a series of unfortunate events especially after Sarah and I became a real couple who at the time were posing as a fake couple. Thinking about it, it initially started with a new employee named Tucker Gaines who would later turn out to be someone who I did not expect to be, but I’ll discuss that later. What I will discuss though is my role in Team Chuck which was not only to provide important intel, but to also stay in the car whenever possible. Do I do it? No and in my own way I’m like MacGyver …you know the use your brains instead of muscles mentality. Yet, as much as I am the brains of the team, I would like to show my physical worth as well to show Sarah and especially Casey that I can hold my own. I always thought it would be Casey teaching me self defense because in his own words I needed to stop being such a frightened little girl and hide from danger. Granted I do have a girlish scream and I’m not the Rambo type, but I’m working on it. Hey…points at person off camera…don’t judge me. Anyways…it would be Sarah who would be teaching me and I distinctly recall the conversation we had about it. Morgan and I just finished a strategically well fought Call of Duty battle in my room when Sarah called me saying she was coming over to pick me up to talk to me, which in Morgan’s warped mind meant I was getting lucky. In any case…cut to a close up of Chuck’s face…it would be a talk that would literally save my life.
The scene flashes back to an overview of the City of Los Angeles with the bright lights illuminating the night sky. After a moment or two, it shows the façade of Sarah’s Porsche as it rolls up the road and then it cuts inside as Chuck and Sarah are in the middle of a conversation.
Sarah: Chuck…you’re not going to be taught how to kill a man by hitting certain pressure points.
Chuck: Why not? It worked for Uma Thurman’s character Black Mamba in Kill Bill Vol. 2 when she did Pai Mei’s five point palm-exploding heart technique.
Sarah: In the movies Chuck…besides do you actually believe those moves that you see done work?
Chuck: The Vulcan death grip sort of works...I did it on Morgan…
Sarah: interrupts him Chuck.
Chuck: shrugs shoulders I don’t know…maybe…Chuck glances at Sarah who gives a brief stare…okay no.
Sarah: The reason you’re being taught self defense is it will get Casey off your back and have him stop constantly calling you a bumbling idiot.
Chuck: This is because I accidentally fell on top of him as I was escaping from a manly looking woman as he was about to make an arrest on a Fulcrum agent? I said I was sorry…plus…points at Sarah…you saw the woman she would give Arnold Schwarzenegger a run for his money.
Sarah: Listen…we’re talking about real life situations here with bad guys shooting guns trying to hurt you…or worse…kill you and I don’t want that to happen because you mean a lot to me.
Sarah places her hand of his and caresses it. Chuck looks down and then at Sarah as a smile appears on his face.
Chuck: I know…looks out the window…I just want to contribute more to the team and show I’m just more than the brains of the group.
Cut to Sarah glancing over at Chuck as he looks out the window with a sullen look on his face.
There is a momentary silence in the car as they pull into the warehouse parking garage. After a few moments Sarah parks the car, they both get out, and walk towards the elevator. As they stand there, Sarah swipes her key card, and then take a deep breathe as she speaks up.
Sarah: You are contributing…hey look at me. Chuck turns to look at her Do you know the difference between you and Casey is?
Chuck: I’m not emotionally constipated?
Sarah: No…smiles…it’s how remarkable you truly are…I’d much rather you be the man you are rather than be the man you’re not. There are a million other Casey’s in the world…but there’s one of you and I’m very happy about that.
Chuck bumps her as he gives a hint of a smile and he does a ding is heard leading the elevator doors to open. As they both step in Chuck turns to Sarah.
Chuck: So…is Casey the one teaching me self defense?
Sarah: looks straight ahead Nope.
Chuck quickly looks at Sarah and then looks straight ahead.
Chuck: Okay…who then?
Cut to Sarah pressing the keypad in the elevator.
Sarah: sly smile with a raised right eyebrow Me.
As she says that, it immediately cuts to Chuck with a look of mixed emotions as he finds out Sarah is the one who is going to teach him self defense. The scene ends with a front shot view of both Chuck and Sarah as the elevator doors close.
Fade Out
The scene begins with Chuck standing against the wall with his arms folded with a look of seriousness on his face as he’s biting his lower lip. After a moment or two, he leans forward moving towards the couch and then sits downs to where he speaks up.
Chuck: I would meet a very important man named William Jax later that night after my self defense class with Sarah. However, before I would ever meet him I was given a file to look over and upon reading it I began experiencing a headache that lasted mere seconds. I just chalked it up to being tired due to combinations of stress at both of my jobs. Anyways…where was I? Oh yeah…looking back…holds out both hands looking at them…I was given ample opportunity to ask one of the biggest questions that I wanted to know about the valuable intel that I’ve keenly stored within my head. Balls both hands into a fist Yet, I didn’t and I am angry at myself for not doing that. I was caught up in having the powers that be who were over General Beckman no less wanting to meet me…points to himself…a guy who started out working at buy making $11 an hour and ends up becoming a government analyst that helps save the world at every turn. Shakes head You know before meeting Jax…I was freaking out as usual and do you know who was able to calm my nerves? It wasn’t Sarah or even Casey…the person who calmed me down…Morgan.
The scene flashes back to the façade of the Casa Bartowski and then cut to Chuck’s room where he walks into camera view wearing brown khaki slacks, white button down long sleeve shirt, and his oh so familiar Chuck Taylors on his feet. He stands in front of the mirror putting on his father’s suit coat and as he does, Morgan enters through the Morgan door.
Morgan: Hey Chu…whoa…where you going dressed up buddy?
Chuck: looking at reflection of Morgan from the mirror Sarah and I are going out.
Cut to Morgan sitting on the edge of Chuck’s bed holding the Xbox controller in his hand.
Morgan: Ah…whining and dining your lady. Chuck nods and after a few moments Morgan notices something is wrong with his bosom buddy You seem edgy dude…turns on Call of Duty on the Xbox…talk to Dr. Morgan.
Chuck turns around then sits down at the Morgan door.
Chuck: Have you ever been excited and at the same time freaked you out about meeting someone?
Morgan: You bet man…remember me telling you how I met Mark Hamill a.k.a. the Jedi Master himself Luke Skywalker.
Chuck: You didn’t actually meet him Morg…when you found out he was at the Burbank Mall you stood in line for several hours to get his autograph wearing a half dark/light costume.
Morgan: It represented his struggle with both sides of the force…besides…I got it didn’t I and…points finger in the air…I took a picture with him.
Chuck: Yes you did…and not to mention a restraining order too. What was it…not more than 100 feet from him?
Morgan: Hey…it was an accident.
Chuck: You nearly poked his eye out with an electronic retractable toy light saber.
Morgan: All I’m saying is they should put warning labels on those things...not my fault. Chuck laughs as Morgan continues playing on leading him to stand up and take one last look in the mirror. So…what with you being so edgy…glances at Chuck…it’s just Sarah.
Chuck realizes they are talking about different people leading him to continue with discretion.
Chuck: I know buddy…it’s just that I’m like introducing myself to someone new…gives a half hearted chuckle…you know after breaking up with her.
Morgan: I get it…you don’t want to mess things up and embarrasses yourself.
Chuck: nods Pretty much.
Morgan: You won’t and you want to know why? Chuck looks at Morgan waiting for his response You’re Chuck Bartowski…you’ve faced so much over the years and were able conquered it. Dude…whatever you’re going to face I know she’ll be by your side and both of you…in my opinion…are totally unstoppable man when the odds are possibly against you.
Chuck: Thanks Morg.
Chuck reaches out for a fist tap leading Moran to reciprocate. After a another quick check in the mirror he heads out his bedroom door, but before he leaves Morgan speaks up.
Morgan: I invited Tucker over…if it’s okay with you.
Chuck: Yeah I’m okay with it…just remember…
Morgan: I know…clean up after yourself.
Chuck: And…
Chuck stares at Morgan and after a brief moment he responds.
Morgan: Your sister’s room is off limits.
Chuck: All right…you two behave, have fun, and say hi to Tucker for me.
Morgan responds with a quick salute as Chuck heads out closing his bedroom door behind him. Morgan waits to hear the front door shut leading him to set the controller down, get up, and walk straight toward the door. The scene ends with Chuck sticking his head through his bedroom window causing Morgan to quickly turn around to go back and continue playing Call of Duty like nothing happened leaving Chuck to give him one last look before his goes to meet William Jax.
Fade Out
The scene begins back in the present with Chuck slouched on the black leather couch in sort of a trace like state as he stares at the Zen garden on the coffee table. After a moment or two, he snaps out of it, adjusts how he’s sitting on the couch, and begins to speak up.
Chuck: You got to hand it to Morgan…he can have his Yoda moments and what he said helped me quite a bit as I would William Jax. After talking with Morgan, I headed out with Casey in his car to meet up with Sarah at the Warehouse and before meeting with Jax, along with his associates, they talked to me beforehand about a game plan just in case if anything serious were to go down.
The scene flashes back to the warehouse elevator where Sarah is wearing a dark pants suit with a blue top minus the jacket while Casey and Chuck are wearing somewhat similar attire. They just stepped into it when Sarah glances at Chuck and speaks to him.
Sarah: How are you feeling?
Chuck: I’m fine…I felt the urge to puke a while ago but that went away.
Cut to Casey giving him a glancing glare.
Casey: Keep it together Bartowski or do I have to tranq you?
Chuck: I am together…it’s not too often that General Beckman’s superiors want to meet me of all people. Can you answer me that...looks back and forth at the two agents…why me?
Casey: Stop you’re moaning…glares at Chuck...all you have to do is make it through tonight without saying or doing something stupid.
Chuck: That might be a problem because when I get nervous I tend to babble.
Casey: Lucky for me I carry duct tape with me just for that.
Chuck: Who are…MacGyver?
Sarah: chimes in You’ll do fine…Chuck looks at her…just remember the game plan if anything goes down tonight.
Chuck: Yeah…looks straight ahead…find a good hiding place while you two take care of business.
Casey: gives a low grunt Knowing Bartowski…he’ll probably screw it up and we’ll have to go to plan B.
Chuck quickly looks at Casey.
Chuck: Plan…plan B…what…what… is plan B?
Casey: If I tell you, you’ll probably screw that up too.
Chuck: You just brimming with positivity tonight are you Casey.
Casey faces Chuck and taps him hard on the chest.
Casey: You want positivity…I’m positive that somehow the meeting with this William Jax character will be a complete failure and all three us will get our asses handed to us by General Beckman.
Casey has that ‘I’m going to tear Bartowski a new one’ looks leading Sarah to direct Chuck’s attention towards her by placing her hand on his left shoulder.
Sarah: Let us worry about the alternative measures for your safety and you…smiles at Chuck as she’s straightening his tie…just focus on William Jax.
Chuck responds with a smile back leading Casey to speak up.
Casey: Weapons check.
Sarah takes out her gun, removes the clip, and checks it.
Sarah: Full…looks at Casey…you?
Casey checks his clip, places it back in his gun, cocks it, and then aims the laser sight at the elevator doors all in one quick swoop.
Casey: Full.
Chuck: chimes in Question…umm..when do I get a gun?
Casey: When hell freezes over.
Chuck: So never…nods as he tilts his head a bit to look at Sarah…at least I have a goal to shoot for.
Cut to Sarah looks straight forward showing a hint of a smile on her face. The scene ends with the elevator doors opening as all three take a breathe then head out and off camera towards the conference room.
Fade Out
The scene begins in the present with Chuck sitting back on the black leather couch with his hands rest folded resting on his stomach. He cracks his neck a few times letting out a small sigh as he speaks up.
Chuck: When I stepped off the elevator and saw William Jax I experienced another brief headache. Sarah noticed it and was concerned, but I just told her that I didn’t eat before I came. It was stupid decision to make on my part because in my stubbornness I wanted to impress him. If I had known then, what I know now I would have immediately told Casey and Sarah what happened to me when I read his file.
Anyways, the meeting turned out pretty good and I didn’t babble that much, which Casey would disagree with. After talking for a bit Jax’s associate, Taga Yoshimuri, eventually showed up and he brought with him trouble with a capital T to the point where all hell broke loose. You see…he turned out to Fulcrum and after shooting Jax in the left shoulder he took me hostage. I guess Casey was half right when the meeting turned into a somewhat of failure.
As I was being herded back towards the elevator by Mr. Yoshimuri Sarah signaled me to get away by telling me how I swept her off her feet when we both saw The Karate Kid. When he turned to go up the stair towards the elevator I made my move by sweeping his leg and got to say it was an absolute adrenaline rush despite the fear and utter anxiety I was feeling as Yoshimuri had a gun point to my head.
William Jax… told me trust can either kill you or set you free. I never forgot what he said to me and I owe him so much for what he did to the point of going rogue in order to help me. He not only played a very key role when I started experiencing headaches that not only put me, as well as, others in danger as well, but he would also be reunited with his former Section 8 member and the one person who I thought I would never see again…my father.
Fade To Black
Friday, March 13, 2009
Chuck vs. The Black Leather Couch Part 9
To recap what previously happened Chuck reflects back on the gelling on Team Chuck to where he begins to talk about Agent John Casey and how he was when Dr. Strickland’s son Hunter got him considerably agitated upon their first meeting as he kicked Casey in the leg 2 times. Cut to the parking garage of the Warehouse where Casey is annoyed by the fact that he has be in his own words a babysitter for not only Chuck but also Hunter as well. Move forward to a discussion amongst Team Chuck to the point where they all look down at Hunter to where he proceeds to kick Casey in the leg for the 3rd time causing Hunter to laugh leading Chuck and Sarah to do so as well. Move forward to Casey’s apartment where he and Chuck are talking as Hunter is playing on his couch playing with Chuck’s toy dinosaurs. After a moment or they both find that he’s no longer sitting on the couch to where there is a frantic search that leads Chuck to find Hunter in Casey’s bedroom playing with a tattered stuff dog. Cut to Casey entering to see the playful interaction between Chuck and Hunter along with his tattered stuff dog Mr. Bruiser leading him to be angry to the point where he causes Hunter to cry. A look of possible regret appears on Casey’s face leading to the later that night as Chuck, along with Sarah, put Hunter to bed. Cut to the living room where the conversation about being a potential father leads to a moment shared between Chuck and Sarah only to be interrupted by a crying hunter who apparently fell out of bed. Moments later Chuck is standing outside with Casey who hands him his tattered stuff dog for Hunter to play with in order for him to feel better inevitably surprising Chuck who not only thanks him, but also promises never to tell Sarah about what he did. After that moment, Casey begins to hang around a bit but not outwardly showing that Hunter has grown on him even though inwardly he is being affected by him to where it cuts to Hunter leaving giving him a hug around his neck leading him to struggle for a moment and then gives in showing that the “Cold School” Killer Agent John Casey possibly has a heart after all.
The scene begins with a shot of the black leather couch and after a few moments Chucks walks into camera view talking on his cell. A few seconds later he hangs up and then looks at the person he’s talking to he puts his cell phone in his right front pocket leading him to sit down in a comfortable position to where he speaks up.
Chuck: That was Sarah…she was checking to see how I was doing. Pauses a bit and then a hint of a smile appears on his face You know…I must of done something right to truly deserve a woman like Sarah because I can be the first one to tell you I never thought in a million years my supposed charm that I have would have her fall in love with me. Leans forward Thinking about it, ever since Sarah stepped into my life my “charm” has basically attracted a number of women during our “fake relationship” who either liked me, wanted to sleep with me, or wanted to kill me but not necessarily in that order. Shakes head as lets out a chuckle You know what’s funny…there have been two relationships that I genuinely thought I could lead a normal life with…hangs head as he rubs his neck…but I ended up finding out that my life…looks up…was never going to be normal. Anyways, when I first met Lou I couldn’t help but be attracted to her because she was a bit of nerd as well when it came to meats and cheeses being that she’s a deli owner. It was at that point when she left Morgan pops up and tells me that I’m a mind cheater, which wasn’t far from the truth. Sits back and looks up at the ceiling The truth…it’s a hard pill to swallow some say and when it came to my fake relationship with Sarah and a possible real relationship with Lou Palone…I chose the real relationship. When I stood in front of Sarah in Weinerlicious. I looked straight in the eyes to tell that I couldn’t do it anymore because it killed me inside knowing at that time Sarah, under truth serum mind you, told me the thing under the undercover thing wasn’t going anywhere. That’s when I took the initiative and fake broke up with her so I could lead a life with a woman who I thought would make me happy. I can safely say Morgan…from day one…has been a main supporter of my relationship with Sarah and when others including myself didn’t see any glimmer of hope he saw it. You know…there was a point in my imminent “break up” with Sarah to what the kids call today my “hook up” with Lou that Morgan and I had a talk in the break room regarding what I was thinking about doing.
As he says that, the scene flashes back to the Buy More break room where Chuck is sitting down at the table while Morgan walks into camera view with a concerned look on his face as his arms are crossed. After a moment of silence Morgan speaks up.
Morgan: As your best friend I think you’re out of freaking mind because any guy would give anything to be in your shoes man…Chuck is a bit antsy in his seat as looks at his bearded best friend grilling him…but as a guy…puts his right hand on Chuck’s left shoulder…I understand.
Chuck: bewildered look Really!?
Morgan: Yeah man…sits down across from Chuck…you have do what you have to do. It doesn’t make sense mind you…shakes head…but if you’re happier with Lou than with Sarah then I’m happy for you.
Chuck: Thanks man…it means a lot to me coming from you.
Morgan: smiles No problem. Chuckles a bit as he runs his right hand through his hair You know what…points at Chuck…you’re the Patrick Dempsey of our nerdy generation.
Chuck immediately gives Morgan a weird look.
Chuck: In what way?
Morgan: Remember the movie Can’t Buy Me Love?
Chuck: Are you kidding…that movie is a piece of nerd Americana.
Morgan: Well…his nerdy character Ronald Miller makes a deal with the most popular girl in school to date him in order to become popular himself and in return she gets the money to pay for her mother’s dress that she messed up.
Chuck: Yeah…I know and they end up falling in love. What’s your point?
Morgan: My point is…points at Chuck…you’re Ronald Miller and by dating Sarah you’ve become popular and whereby I’ve become popular by association…unless…
Chuck: Unless what?
Morgan: You haven’t been paying Sarah to date you or something scandalous like that…leans in…are you?
There is a momentary pause as Morgan looks at Chuck who is waiting for an answer. After a brief moment Chuck responds.
Chuck: nervously laughs Of course not…waves hand…don’t be ridiculous.
Morgan and Chuck share a laugh leading Chuck to turn his head away from him showing his eyes widen. After the laugh subsides Morgan speaks up.
Morgan: waves hand That would be crazy…looks to the side and then back Chuck…look just think about what you’re doing to me if you do break up with Sarah.
Chuck: That’s the thing Morg…it’s not about you.
Morgan: Fine…have you told Ellie yet?
Chuck: shakes head No I haven’t and I don’t think she’ll take the news well. Cut to Morgan’s face perking up with that bit of news I have to break it to her gently because other than you…points at Morgan…Ellie has been overwhelming supportive of Sarah to the point where she treats her like a sister-in-law.
Morgan: Well then…I think I should be there to console her and comfort her when you do. Chuck gives that “you’re funeral if you try” look Or not.
Chuck: You know Morg…I got to do what’s best for me.
Morgan: Throws hands in the air Why!?
Chuck: Its complicated buddy…trust me on this.
Morgan: I still think you’re possibly making the biggest mistake of your life…but whatever choice you’re make I’ll be fine with it…I got your back.
Chuck nods at Morgan in recognition that whatever he does he’ll support him no matter what. The scene ends with Morgan reaching out for a first tap leading Chuck to reciprocate.
Fade Out
The scene begins back in the present with Chuck sitting comfortably against the black leather couch with his head back rubbing his forehead. After a few moments of rubbing his forehead, he faces forward and begins to speaking.
Chuck: The relationship between Lou and I didn’t last very long because 1…point finger in the air...I ended up accusing her of being a co-conspirator with her ex-boyfriend and his father in smuggling arms, but she wasn’t much to my embarrassment. Nods Yeah…what a way to say you’ve royally screwed up then by doing that. And that leads to…points two fingers in the air…#2, which is something I still remember to this day and it was after the kiss with Sarah at the docks. Sarah was off giving her status report to C.I.A Director Graham leaving me with Casey and let’s just say he abruptly ended the relationship for me.
As he says that, the scene flashes back to the docks where countless agents are walking around. After a moment or two it cuts to Casey who has just ended his conversation with General Graham when Chuck walks up in order to talk to him.
Chuck: looks around Where’s Sarah?
Casey: low grunt She’s busy…what do you want?
Chuck: I just want to talk to her.
Casey: gruff tone About what?
Chuck: To see if she’s okay that’s all.
Casey: smirks You worried about Agent Walker Bartowski…puts right hand on Chuck’s left shoulder…I’m touched.
Chuck: surprised look Wow Casey…smiles…really!?
Casey: No.
Chuck loses the smile leading Casey to quickly respond in disgust.
Casey: Be a man Bartowski and quit acting like a girl…you dumped her remember.
Chuck: That’s not it…
Casey: What then?
Chuck: Well…umm…can’t a guy be concerned about his fake ex-girlfriend?
Casey just stares at Chuck.
Casey: You’re pathetic Bartowski.
Chuck: I don’t think so.
Casey: Look…do you want to write a note with all your lady feelings on it so I can pass it along to her?
Chuck: No…gives Casey a smarmy look as he shakes his head…but thank you though.
Casey: Look Bartowski…as much as I would enjoy watching you grovel your way back into a fake relationship again with Walker…we have important matters to attend to. So why don’t you just go home while the professionals handle this situation.
Chuck: All right…turns to leave…it gives me a chance to smooth things over with Lou for the third time. Casey gives an amusing grunt to which Chuck reacts to as he stops and slowly turns around What was that grunt…looks intently at Casey…what did you do Casey?
Casey: Nothing.
Chuck: inches towards Casey Casey…gives stern curious tone…what did you do?
Casey: I told her I was undercover FDA and…
Chuck: grimaces as he interrupts Casey You didn’t mention my name did you?
Casey: Nope
Chuck: Thank God.
Casey: Although…Chuck hangs his head and then looks up throwing his hands in the air…she is a smart girl you know.
Chuck gives a half hearted smiles as he nods.
Chuck: Yes…yes I know.
Casey: Have you tried her sandwiches…kisses his fingers…to die for.
Chuck: Yes…I’ve tried them…very tasty.
Casey: Relax Bartowski…maybe she’s not that smart.
Chuck: You think?
Casey: She’s stupid enough to date you…I consider that not a smart move on her part?
Cut to Chuck giving Casey a look and then responds.
Chuck: What…what if she does know?
Casey: Well…slaps chuck in the back of his left shoulder…then it sucks to be you Bartowski.
Casey walks off with a huge smirk on his face as he thoroughly enjoyed ribbing Chuck. The scene ends with Chuck just standing there speechless as he watches Casey walk off knowing that the relationship with Lou is unfortunately over.
Fade Out
The scene begins back in the present with Chuck sitting on the full length of the black leather couch with hands folded resting on his stomach. He has this far off look on his face and after a second or two he turns to face the person he’s speaking to off camera.
Chuck: Thanks to Casey, my chance to reconcile with Lou failed and the sandwich she named after me “The Chuck Bartowski” was sadly done away with. Shrugs shoulders The damage was done and in hindsight that relationship was never meant to be. Pauses a bit Now when it came to Katherine Matthews, she came at a point when Sarah and I agreed to just be friends after the whole Lon Kirk situation. She and I hit it off instantly and before you knew it I asked her out. As I was sitting at the nerd herd desk, Morgan apparently saw a goofy grin on my face and proceeded to grill me.
Upon saying that, the scene flashes back to the nerd herd desk where Chuck is sitting back in his chair when Morgan walks up from behind him and speaks up.
Morgan: Whatcha doing bro?
Chuck: Just thinking…Morg…just thinking.
Morgan: About Sarah…nods and smiles…I told you being just friends with her was a mistake…
Chuck: interrupts Morgan It’s not about Sarah buddy.
Morgan: curious tone If its not about Sarah…who then?
Chuck: Katherine Matthews…smiles…or Kat for short.
Morgan: Who is she? Is she hot?
Chuck: Well…when you left she came up to the desk all frantic searching for a role playing game for her brother. Looks at Morgan and then shakes his head You know what…to make a long story short I have a date with her tonight.
Morgan: What!?
Chuck: Yup…going to hear some good music and then to the movies.
Morgan: Chuck Bartowski…gives Chuck a bear hug…I love you.
As he says that, an elderly couple walks past giving them a strange look leading Chuck to acknowledge them with a half hearted smile and nod.
Chuck: Okay…pushes Morgan back…that’s long enough.
Morgan: You lucky devil you…pretend boxes Chuck’s left shoulder…you’re becoming a straight up pimp my man.
Chuck: I wouldn’t say that.
Morgan: I would…you’re like Patrick Dempsey’s in the movie Loverboy.
Chuck gives Morgan a weird look.
Chuck: Seriously…what is with you comparing me to Patrick Dempsey?
Morgan: I would have compared you to the king of all nerds Anthony Michael Hall and his character Johnny Walker from the movie Johnny Be Good but I don’t see you as the jock type.
Chuck: True.
Morgan: waves hand Anyways…all I’m saying is you’ve become the nerd lothario in which all nerds everywhere aspire to be.
Chuck: I don’t want to be put on that type of pedestal.
Morgan: Too late because I’m already worshipping…bowing down…at your feet.
Chuck: Knock it off Morgan.
Morgan: For just one day…points at Chuck…I would like to be you.
Chuck: Trust me when I say Morg…puts left hand on Morgan’s right shoulder…you or anyone else for that matters wouldn’t want to be me.
Morgan: Right…so tell me what’s your secret?
Chuck: No secret…I’m just being me.
Morgan: That’s it!?
Chuck: What were you expecting?
Morgan: The holy grail of knowledge that I can bring forth to the nerd masses.
Chuck: Just be you…that is pretty much the extent of the knowledge right there my bearded little friend.
Morgan: I don’t believe you…there’s got to be more.
Chuck: Believe me or not…points at Morgan…just be you.
Morgan: Come on...Chuck shrugs his shoulders as he walks around the nerd herd desk, walks away backwards from Morgan who is still sitting behind the desk, and then turns around…share the legend that is Chuck Bartowski.
Cut to a front shot of Chuck with a smile on his face as he walks towards the camera and then veers left. The scene ends with Morgan in the background yelling at Chuck’s name one more time, throws his hands in the air, and then walking off to the right.
Fade Out
The scene begins back in the present with Chuck sitting in the same position he was in last time only his left arm is resting in the back of the couch. He’s looks up as if he’s thinking about something to where he’s tapping his fingers on the couch and after a few moments he turns to look at the person he’s speaking to and begins talking.
Chuck: The relationship with Kat lasted longer than with Lou and things were going well…surprisingly well to where I met her family. For the first time in my life since I became a government analyst I was happy or so I thought at the time. I was having fun with Kat and from my standpoint there was an absolute professional relationship between Sarah and I until she accused Kat of cheating on me with another man. That other man turned out to be her 18 year old younger brother and that’s when I lashed out at her for being jealous that I was a uncomplicated, happy, real relationship. That unfortunate situation caused a bit of tension not only between Sarah and I, but also in the dynamic of Team Chuck so much so that when we were on a mission at Comicon to capture an ex-military scientist Xavier Tombs. My job was to simply point out his associates and any potential buyers that he may be selling to. On a side not…I did get to meet and shake hands with Stan Lee. Anyways, getting back to the mission…Tombs escaped to where all three of us went after him and ended up in the bowls of the building. Casey went solo leaving me with Sarah giving me the opportunity to thank her for taking a picture along side a childhood hero of mine. It was at that point one of the scariest things I ever saw happened to Sarah as Tombs came out of nowhere with a lead pipe knocking her out and ends up falling down the stairs to the floor below totally unconscious. To make a long story short, Tombs was captured and Sarah suffered a broken arm. As I sat by her beside during her time in the hospital, I came to a revelation about Sarah and I ended up calling Kat to see if we could meet in order to talk.
The scene flashes back to the façade of Tropicana Apts and then cut to the inside of Kat’s nicely furnished apartment where there is a knock at the door. Kat walks out of her bedroom straight to the door, looks through the peep hole, opens it, and there stands Chuck with a nervous smile on his face.
Kat: Hey Chuck…you called and said you wanted to talk. Kat motions him in to her apartment What’s up?
Chuck: Just wanted to stop by and talk. How are your folks…your brother…doing by the way?
Kat: They’re doing good.
Chuck: rubbing hands Awesome. Umm…how about your kids?
Kat: They’re doing good too.
Chuck: Again awesome news…you’re doing an awesome job as their nanny by the way.
Kat: Chuck is that it or is there something more you want to talk about other than how its awesome that my family and kids are doing good?
Chuck: Yeah…looks at the couch to their right…can we sit.
A concerned look appears on Kat’s face.
Kat: Sure…Chuck and Kat sit…is something wrong?
Chuck: We’ve been going out for about a month now and I don’t know about you but I’ve been having the best time with you.
Kat: Yeah…I’m having the best time with you too.
Cut to Chuck having difficulty trying to find the words to say because he’s never been in this particular position before leading to an even more concerned look on Kat’s face. After a brief moment, he sucks it up and begins talking again.
Chuck: You’re a great girl and you’re everything I’ve been looking for.
At the moment, Kat has this look of realization on her face.
Kat: I can’t believe this…stands up, walks forward a few feet, and then turns around…you’re breaking up with me.
Chuck: It’s not you…points to himself…it’s me.
Kat: No…no…no…don’t tell me you’re about to break up with me.
Chuck: I’m sorry…stands up as Kat angrily stands there glaring at Chuck with her arms crossed…but…
Kat: interrupts Chuck But what…begins pacing back and forth in front of Chuck…I thought you were different than the guys I usually date. You were actually sincere, honest, caring, trustworthy and…pauses as she tries to find the words and then looks at Chuck…is this about Sarah?
Chuck: Takes a deep breathe Yeah…it is about her.
Cut to Kat who has mixture of emotions on her face.
Kat: You still have feelings for her don’t you.
Chuck: It’s complicated…
Kat: interrupts Chuck Do you or do you not have feelings for your ex?
Chuck: Looks down at the floor Listen…
Kat: That answers my question.
Chuck: Hey…Chuck walks up and reaches out in order to hold by the side of the arms…I’m sorry it had to be this way…
Kat throws her arms up and backs up in order to keep him at arm’s length.
Kat: angered tone Save it! Do you know how many times I thought I met the right guy and they ended up being a jerk. I never thought in million years you would turn out to be one of those guys.
Kat stands next to her kitchen table where several shoe boxes are sitting as Chuck tries to keep the situation calm as possible.
Chuck: You have every right to be angry with me…
Kat: interrupts Chuck again as she points finger straight at Chuck I’m way past angry.
Cut to Chuck cautiously trying to not bury himself any further.
Chuck: How angry are you?
Cut to Kat tapping the shoe boxes on top of her kitchen table with a look on her face that would put a fear of God in any man’s face. The shot then movies immediately to Chuck’s face with a awkward smile on his face anticipating her answer. The scene ends with the outside shot of Kat’s front door where you to hear a muffled scream and objects impacting the door leading you to see Chuck quickly opening the door to get himself out there as shoes whiz past his head.
Fade Out
The scene begins back in the present again with Chuck sitting at the edge of the black leather couch, head down, leaning forward, and holding his hands. After a while, he gives of a look of regret on his face to where he speaks up.
Chuck: If I had to do it over again…I would have a chosen a neutral and not to mention much less dangerous place to talk to Kat without any potential weapons nearby to use to throw at me. You know for a girl she threw that high heel shoe at my head like a major league baseball player and I swear it left a possible hole on the top of my head.
It’s been a while since I’ve seen her...wait…I did see her in passing one time at The Grove when I was with Sarah and she was with a guy. I was able to catch her eye and in that small moment of time she seemed happy being that she was holding hands with him and being considerably affectionate. I really don’t know if she was able to get over what I did to her and hopefully…if we do ever meet up again…we can put the past behind us and become friends.
Wishful thinking I know…but I try to find the good in people and I know Kat is a great girl who will hopefully move on with life and not let the past hold her back. Maybe in another lifetime, if I wasn’t a government analyst...she and I would have a complicated free normal relationship in which I was possibly married to her. Shrugs shoulders Who knows.
Thinking about it though, there is no disputing that Sarah and I were meant to be together. I can’t see my life without her and the same can be said for her about me. She and I have literally been through hell and back as we’ve both experienced our own trials and tribulations to get to the point where we are at now. Smiles She is no doubt the great love of my life.
Fade To Black
The scene begins with a shot of the black leather couch and after a few moments Chucks walks into camera view talking on his cell. A few seconds later he hangs up and then looks at the person he’s talking to he puts his cell phone in his right front pocket leading him to sit down in a comfortable position to where he speaks up.
Chuck: That was Sarah…she was checking to see how I was doing. Pauses a bit and then a hint of a smile appears on his face You know…I must of done something right to truly deserve a woman like Sarah because I can be the first one to tell you I never thought in a million years my supposed charm that I have would have her fall in love with me. Leans forward Thinking about it, ever since Sarah stepped into my life my “charm” has basically attracted a number of women during our “fake relationship” who either liked me, wanted to sleep with me, or wanted to kill me but not necessarily in that order. Shakes head as lets out a chuckle You know what’s funny…there have been two relationships that I genuinely thought I could lead a normal life with…hangs head as he rubs his neck…but I ended up finding out that my life…looks up…was never going to be normal. Anyways, when I first met Lou I couldn’t help but be attracted to her because she was a bit of nerd as well when it came to meats and cheeses being that she’s a deli owner. It was at that point when she left Morgan pops up and tells me that I’m a mind cheater, which wasn’t far from the truth. Sits back and looks up at the ceiling The truth…it’s a hard pill to swallow some say and when it came to my fake relationship with Sarah and a possible real relationship with Lou Palone…I chose the real relationship. When I stood in front of Sarah in Weinerlicious. I looked straight in the eyes to tell that I couldn’t do it anymore because it killed me inside knowing at that time Sarah, under truth serum mind you, told me the thing under the undercover thing wasn’t going anywhere. That’s when I took the initiative and fake broke up with her so I could lead a life with a woman who I thought would make me happy. I can safely say Morgan…from day one…has been a main supporter of my relationship with Sarah and when others including myself didn’t see any glimmer of hope he saw it. You know…there was a point in my imminent “break up” with Sarah to what the kids call today my “hook up” with Lou that Morgan and I had a talk in the break room regarding what I was thinking about doing.
As he says that, the scene flashes back to the Buy More break room where Chuck is sitting down at the table while Morgan walks into camera view with a concerned look on his face as his arms are crossed. After a moment of silence Morgan speaks up.
Morgan: As your best friend I think you’re out of freaking mind because any guy would give anything to be in your shoes man…Chuck is a bit antsy in his seat as looks at his bearded best friend grilling him…but as a guy…puts his right hand on Chuck’s left shoulder…I understand.
Chuck: bewildered look Really!?
Morgan: Yeah man…sits down across from Chuck…you have do what you have to do. It doesn’t make sense mind you…shakes head…but if you’re happier with Lou than with Sarah then I’m happy for you.
Chuck: Thanks man…it means a lot to me coming from you.
Morgan: smiles No problem. Chuckles a bit as he runs his right hand through his hair You know what…points at Chuck…you’re the Patrick Dempsey of our nerdy generation.
Chuck immediately gives Morgan a weird look.
Chuck: In what way?
Morgan: Remember the movie Can’t Buy Me Love?
Chuck: Are you kidding…that movie is a piece of nerd Americana.
Morgan: Well…his nerdy character Ronald Miller makes a deal with the most popular girl in school to date him in order to become popular himself and in return she gets the money to pay for her mother’s dress that she messed up.
Chuck: Yeah…I know and they end up falling in love. What’s your point?
Morgan: My point is…points at Chuck…you’re Ronald Miller and by dating Sarah you’ve become popular and whereby I’ve become popular by association…unless…
Chuck: Unless what?
Morgan: You haven’t been paying Sarah to date you or something scandalous like that…leans in…are you?
There is a momentary pause as Morgan looks at Chuck who is waiting for an answer. After a brief moment Chuck responds.
Chuck: nervously laughs Of course not…waves hand…don’t be ridiculous.
Morgan and Chuck share a laugh leading Chuck to turn his head away from him showing his eyes widen. After the laugh subsides Morgan speaks up.
Morgan: waves hand That would be crazy…looks to the side and then back Chuck…look just think about what you’re doing to me if you do break up with Sarah.
Chuck: That’s the thing Morg…it’s not about you.
Morgan: Fine…have you told Ellie yet?
Chuck: shakes head No I haven’t and I don’t think she’ll take the news well. Cut to Morgan’s face perking up with that bit of news I have to break it to her gently because other than you…points at Morgan…Ellie has been overwhelming supportive of Sarah to the point where she treats her like a sister-in-law.
Morgan: Well then…I think I should be there to console her and comfort her when you do. Chuck gives that “you’re funeral if you try” look Or not.
Chuck: You know Morg…I got to do what’s best for me.
Morgan: Throws hands in the air Why!?
Chuck: Its complicated buddy…trust me on this.
Morgan: I still think you’re possibly making the biggest mistake of your life…but whatever choice you’re make I’ll be fine with it…I got your back.
Chuck nods at Morgan in recognition that whatever he does he’ll support him no matter what. The scene ends with Morgan reaching out for a first tap leading Chuck to reciprocate.
Fade Out
The scene begins back in the present with Chuck sitting comfortably against the black leather couch with his head back rubbing his forehead. After a few moments of rubbing his forehead, he faces forward and begins to speaking.
Chuck: The relationship between Lou and I didn’t last very long because 1…point finger in the air...I ended up accusing her of being a co-conspirator with her ex-boyfriend and his father in smuggling arms, but she wasn’t much to my embarrassment. Nods Yeah…what a way to say you’ve royally screwed up then by doing that. And that leads to…points two fingers in the air…#2, which is something I still remember to this day and it was after the kiss with Sarah at the docks. Sarah was off giving her status report to C.I.A Director Graham leaving me with Casey and let’s just say he abruptly ended the relationship for me.
As he says that, the scene flashes back to the docks where countless agents are walking around. After a moment or two it cuts to Casey who has just ended his conversation with General Graham when Chuck walks up in order to talk to him.
Chuck: looks around Where’s Sarah?
Casey: low grunt She’s busy…what do you want?
Chuck: I just want to talk to her.
Casey: gruff tone About what?
Chuck: To see if she’s okay that’s all.
Casey: smirks You worried about Agent Walker Bartowski…puts right hand on Chuck’s left shoulder…I’m touched.
Chuck: surprised look Wow Casey…smiles…really!?
Casey: No.
Chuck loses the smile leading Casey to quickly respond in disgust.
Casey: Be a man Bartowski and quit acting like a girl…you dumped her remember.
Chuck: That’s not it…
Casey: What then?
Chuck: Well…umm…can’t a guy be concerned about his fake ex-girlfriend?
Casey just stares at Chuck.
Casey: You’re pathetic Bartowski.
Chuck: I don’t think so.
Casey: Look…do you want to write a note with all your lady feelings on it so I can pass it along to her?
Chuck: No…gives Casey a smarmy look as he shakes his head…but thank you though.
Casey: Look Bartowski…as much as I would enjoy watching you grovel your way back into a fake relationship again with Walker…we have important matters to attend to. So why don’t you just go home while the professionals handle this situation.
Chuck: All right…turns to leave…it gives me a chance to smooth things over with Lou for the third time. Casey gives an amusing grunt to which Chuck reacts to as he stops and slowly turns around What was that grunt…looks intently at Casey…what did you do Casey?
Casey: Nothing.
Chuck: inches towards Casey Casey…gives stern curious tone…what did you do?
Casey: I told her I was undercover FDA and…
Chuck: grimaces as he interrupts Casey You didn’t mention my name did you?
Casey: Nope
Chuck: Thank God.
Casey: Although…Chuck hangs his head and then looks up throwing his hands in the air…she is a smart girl you know.
Chuck gives a half hearted smiles as he nods.
Chuck: Yes…yes I know.
Casey: Have you tried her sandwiches…kisses his fingers…to die for.
Chuck: Yes…I’ve tried them…very tasty.
Casey: Relax Bartowski…maybe she’s not that smart.
Chuck: You think?
Casey: She’s stupid enough to date you…I consider that not a smart move on her part?
Cut to Chuck giving Casey a look and then responds.
Chuck: What…what if she does know?
Casey: Well…slaps chuck in the back of his left shoulder…then it sucks to be you Bartowski.
Casey walks off with a huge smirk on his face as he thoroughly enjoyed ribbing Chuck. The scene ends with Chuck just standing there speechless as he watches Casey walk off knowing that the relationship with Lou is unfortunately over.
Fade Out
The scene begins back in the present with Chuck sitting on the full length of the black leather couch with hands folded resting on his stomach. He has this far off look on his face and after a second or two he turns to face the person he’s speaking to off camera.
Chuck: Thanks to Casey, my chance to reconcile with Lou failed and the sandwich she named after me “The Chuck Bartowski” was sadly done away with. Shrugs shoulders The damage was done and in hindsight that relationship was never meant to be. Pauses a bit Now when it came to Katherine Matthews, she came at a point when Sarah and I agreed to just be friends after the whole Lon Kirk situation. She and I hit it off instantly and before you knew it I asked her out. As I was sitting at the nerd herd desk, Morgan apparently saw a goofy grin on my face and proceeded to grill me.
Upon saying that, the scene flashes back to the nerd herd desk where Chuck is sitting back in his chair when Morgan walks up from behind him and speaks up.
Morgan: Whatcha doing bro?
Chuck: Just thinking…Morg…just thinking.
Morgan: About Sarah…nods and smiles…I told you being just friends with her was a mistake…
Chuck: interrupts Morgan It’s not about Sarah buddy.
Morgan: curious tone If its not about Sarah…who then?
Chuck: Katherine Matthews…smiles…or Kat for short.
Morgan: Who is she? Is she hot?
Chuck: Well…when you left she came up to the desk all frantic searching for a role playing game for her brother. Looks at Morgan and then shakes his head You know what…to make a long story short I have a date with her tonight.
Morgan: What!?
Chuck: Yup…going to hear some good music and then to the movies.
Morgan: Chuck Bartowski…gives Chuck a bear hug…I love you.
As he says that, an elderly couple walks past giving them a strange look leading Chuck to acknowledge them with a half hearted smile and nod.
Chuck: Okay…pushes Morgan back…that’s long enough.
Morgan: You lucky devil you…pretend boxes Chuck’s left shoulder…you’re becoming a straight up pimp my man.
Chuck: I wouldn’t say that.
Morgan: I would…you’re like Patrick Dempsey’s in the movie Loverboy.
Chuck gives Morgan a weird look.
Chuck: Seriously…what is with you comparing me to Patrick Dempsey?
Morgan: I would have compared you to the king of all nerds Anthony Michael Hall and his character Johnny Walker from the movie Johnny Be Good but I don’t see you as the jock type.
Chuck: True.
Morgan: waves hand Anyways…all I’m saying is you’ve become the nerd lothario in which all nerds everywhere aspire to be.
Chuck: I don’t want to be put on that type of pedestal.
Morgan: Too late because I’m already worshipping…bowing down…at your feet.
Chuck: Knock it off Morgan.
Morgan: For just one day…points at Chuck…I would like to be you.
Chuck: Trust me when I say Morg…puts left hand on Morgan’s right shoulder…you or anyone else for that matters wouldn’t want to be me.
Morgan: Right…so tell me what’s your secret?
Chuck: No secret…I’m just being me.
Morgan: That’s it!?
Chuck: What were you expecting?
Morgan: The holy grail of knowledge that I can bring forth to the nerd masses.
Chuck: Just be you…that is pretty much the extent of the knowledge right there my bearded little friend.
Morgan: I don’t believe you…there’s got to be more.
Chuck: Believe me or not…points at Morgan…just be you.
Morgan: Come on...Chuck shrugs his shoulders as he walks around the nerd herd desk, walks away backwards from Morgan who is still sitting behind the desk, and then turns around…share the legend that is Chuck Bartowski.
Cut to a front shot of Chuck with a smile on his face as he walks towards the camera and then veers left. The scene ends with Morgan in the background yelling at Chuck’s name one more time, throws his hands in the air, and then walking off to the right.
Fade Out
The scene begins back in the present with Chuck sitting in the same position he was in last time only his left arm is resting in the back of the couch. He’s looks up as if he’s thinking about something to where he’s tapping his fingers on the couch and after a few moments he turns to look at the person he’s speaking to and begins talking.
Chuck: The relationship with Kat lasted longer than with Lou and things were going well…surprisingly well to where I met her family. For the first time in my life since I became a government analyst I was happy or so I thought at the time. I was having fun with Kat and from my standpoint there was an absolute professional relationship between Sarah and I until she accused Kat of cheating on me with another man. That other man turned out to be her 18 year old younger brother and that’s when I lashed out at her for being jealous that I was a uncomplicated, happy, real relationship. That unfortunate situation caused a bit of tension not only between Sarah and I, but also in the dynamic of Team Chuck so much so that when we were on a mission at Comicon to capture an ex-military scientist Xavier Tombs. My job was to simply point out his associates and any potential buyers that he may be selling to. On a side not…I did get to meet and shake hands with Stan Lee. Anyways, getting back to the mission…Tombs escaped to where all three of us went after him and ended up in the bowls of the building. Casey went solo leaving me with Sarah giving me the opportunity to thank her for taking a picture along side a childhood hero of mine. It was at that point one of the scariest things I ever saw happened to Sarah as Tombs came out of nowhere with a lead pipe knocking her out and ends up falling down the stairs to the floor below totally unconscious. To make a long story short, Tombs was captured and Sarah suffered a broken arm. As I sat by her beside during her time in the hospital, I came to a revelation about Sarah and I ended up calling Kat to see if we could meet in order to talk.
The scene flashes back to the façade of Tropicana Apts and then cut to the inside of Kat’s nicely furnished apartment where there is a knock at the door. Kat walks out of her bedroom straight to the door, looks through the peep hole, opens it, and there stands Chuck with a nervous smile on his face.
Kat: Hey Chuck…you called and said you wanted to talk. Kat motions him in to her apartment What’s up?
Chuck: Just wanted to stop by and talk. How are your folks…your brother…doing by the way?
Kat: They’re doing good.
Chuck: rubbing hands Awesome. Umm…how about your kids?
Kat: They’re doing good too.
Chuck: Again awesome news…you’re doing an awesome job as their nanny by the way.
Kat: Chuck is that it or is there something more you want to talk about other than how its awesome that my family and kids are doing good?
Chuck: Yeah…looks at the couch to their right…can we sit.
A concerned look appears on Kat’s face.
Kat: Sure…Chuck and Kat sit…is something wrong?
Chuck: We’ve been going out for about a month now and I don’t know about you but I’ve been having the best time with you.
Kat: Yeah…I’m having the best time with you too.
Cut to Chuck having difficulty trying to find the words to say because he’s never been in this particular position before leading to an even more concerned look on Kat’s face. After a brief moment, he sucks it up and begins talking again.
Chuck: You’re a great girl and you’re everything I’ve been looking for.
At the moment, Kat has this look of realization on her face.
Kat: I can’t believe this…stands up, walks forward a few feet, and then turns around…you’re breaking up with me.
Chuck: It’s not you…points to himself…it’s me.
Kat: No…no…no…don’t tell me you’re about to break up with me.
Chuck: I’m sorry…stands up as Kat angrily stands there glaring at Chuck with her arms crossed…but…
Kat: interrupts Chuck But what…begins pacing back and forth in front of Chuck…I thought you were different than the guys I usually date. You were actually sincere, honest, caring, trustworthy and…pauses as she tries to find the words and then looks at Chuck…is this about Sarah?
Chuck: Takes a deep breathe Yeah…it is about her.
Cut to Kat who has mixture of emotions on her face.
Kat: You still have feelings for her don’t you.
Chuck: It’s complicated…
Kat: interrupts Chuck Do you or do you not have feelings for your ex?
Chuck: Looks down at the floor Listen…
Kat: That answers my question.
Chuck: Hey…Chuck walks up and reaches out in order to hold by the side of the arms…I’m sorry it had to be this way…
Kat throws her arms up and backs up in order to keep him at arm’s length.
Kat: angered tone Save it! Do you know how many times I thought I met the right guy and they ended up being a jerk. I never thought in million years you would turn out to be one of those guys.
Kat stands next to her kitchen table where several shoe boxes are sitting as Chuck tries to keep the situation calm as possible.
Chuck: You have every right to be angry with me…
Kat: interrupts Chuck again as she points finger straight at Chuck I’m way past angry.
Cut to Chuck cautiously trying to not bury himself any further.
Chuck: How angry are you?
Cut to Kat tapping the shoe boxes on top of her kitchen table with a look on her face that would put a fear of God in any man’s face. The shot then movies immediately to Chuck’s face with a awkward smile on his face anticipating her answer. The scene ends with the outside shot of Kat’s front door where you to hear a muffled scream and objects impacting the door leading you to see Chuck quickly opening the door to get himself out there as shoes whiz past his head.
Fade Out
The scene begins back in the present again with Chuck sitting at the edge of the black leather couch, head down, leaning forward, and holding his hands. After a while, he gives of a look of regret on his face to where he speaks up.
Chuck: If I had to do it over again…I would have a chosen a neutral and not to mention much less dangerous place to talk to Kat without any potential weapons nearby to use to throw at me. You know for a girl she threw that high heel shoe at my head like a major league baseball player and I swear it left a possible hole on the top of my head.
It’s been a while since I’ve seen her...wait…I did see her in passing one time at The Grove when I was with Sarah and she was with a guy. I was able to catch her eye and in that small moment of time she seemed happy being that she was holding hands with him and being considerably affectionate. I really don’t know if she was able to get over what I did to her and hopefully…if we do ever meet up again…we can put the past behind us and become friends.
Wishful thinking I know…but I try to find the good in people and I know Kat is a great girl who will hopefully move on with life and not let the past hold her back. Maybe in another lifetime, if I wasn’t a government analyst...she and I would have a complicated free normal relationship in which I was possibly married to her. Shrugs shoulders Who knows.
Thinking about it though, there is no disputing that Sarah and I were meant to be together. I can’t see my life without her and the same can be said for her about me. She and I have literally been through hell and back as we’ve both experienced our own trials and tribulations to get to the point where we are at now. Smiles She is no doubt the great love of my life.
Fade To Black
Sunday, March 8, 2009
Chuck vs. The Black Leather Couch Part 8
To recap what previously happened, Chuck reflects back on his first meeting with Sarah at the Buy More and how she left behind her business card. He felt disappointed…a feeling he was used to by now and in his mind she wouldn’t be around any time soon leading to a conversation between him, Morgan, Jeff and Lester that involved the business card being snatched around until Morgan took it back. Morgan tells Chuck to carpe diem and he takes the card inevitably putting it in his shirt pocket. Cut to moments later where he reflects back on the conversation he had with Morgan after Sarah unexpectedly shows again he experienced a crazy situation at Large Mart to where he ends up sitting at the nerd herd desk with his head repeating I’m losing my mind over and over again. Chuck is beside himself after Sarah asks him out and before he could say anything Morgan answers for him leading to the conversation afterwards with his bearded best friend who not only congratulates him, but also ask if he gets lucky on his date does he have protection. Chuck responds by just staring at him leading to moments later after work in the courtyard where Morgan compares Chuck and Sarah to Anakin and Padme to which Chuck refutes that comparison because according to him he doesn’t want to be the guy who “kills her” fpr being so emotionally attached. Morgan then compares both of them to Princess Lea and Han Solo, but Chuck sees himself more like Luke Skywalker to which Morgan refutes because of the whole brother/sister relationship. Cut to a few moments later where Chuck shares how freaked out he is to where Morgan assures him that his date with Sarah will be the most memorable night of his life, which it truly was in every sense of the word. Move forward to the present where Chuck recounts what happened during his date with Sarah as he experienced a memorable night by finding out she’s a spy, Bryce was a spy, being chased by Casey, nearly saw Sarah get run over by him in a car, defused a bomb with a porn virus, and ended up sitting on the beach thinking what he’s gotten himself into, as well as, realizing his life would never be the same again…ever.
The scene begins with a fade close up shot of a look a look of seriousness on Chuck’s face as he reflected back on how his life changed on that particular day as Sarah informed him the severity of the situation. Chuck takes a few seconds to refocus and then begins speaking up.
Chuck: Team Chuck…when it first started out we didn’t gel all too well because one of the main things that was missing was trust and now we've established that trust. We’re a cohesive team and yes there are times where we get on each other’s nerves but that’s to be expected. Individually…each of us brings to the table strengths as I’m considered the brains with heart. Sarah is the beauty with brawn, and Casey…well…he’s basically all brawn. However, when we’re together as a team we’re a forced to be reckoned with, especially when you have a guy like Casey having your back. Agent John Casey…call him what you will…a burn out, a cold school killer…looks to his left, right, then to the person he’s speaking to…but whatever you do never call him Sugar Bear. He hates it and I can trust you to keep this between you and me right? Nods head the look you’re giving me I trust you can keep what I told you on the down low. Anyways, as long as I’ve known Casey he’s never been the type to share his feelings or open up about his past, but I do know one thing…underneath that gruff and seemingly scary exterior he has a soft side to him. He won’t admit that mind you…but he does and I’ve seen it and it involved a 4 year old boy named Hunter, the son of the late Dr. Strickland Hunter. Cue Chuck intro.
Fade Out
The scene begins with Chuck leaning comfortably back on the black leather couch with his hands behind his head exuding his ever so familiar Chuckish smile. He’s clearly amused as he’s reflecting back on how a 4 year old child was able to get the better of a NSA Agent. After a brief moment, Chuck speaks up.
Chuck: You see, Hunter and Casey didn’t start off on the right foot when they first met as Hunter kicked him in the leg not once…holds up two fingers…twice. The second time caused Casey to go for his gun but we stopped him immediately. As funny as that was, the relationship between Hunter and Casey would gradually progress into a bond although you wouldn’t see it the way Casey was as we were about to leave the warehouse.
As he says that, the scene flashes back to the warehouse parking garage and then cut to the shot of the elevator. After a second or two, a ding is heard leading the doors to separate revealing a close of shot of Hunter and then cuts out to reveal him along with Sarah holding the lap top, Chuck, and Casey towering behind him. Hunter looks over his shoulder at Chuck who speaks up as he gives him a nod.
Chuck: You ready buddy? Hunter smiles from ear to ear giving him a nod back All right…looks at Sarah and Casey…let’s go then.
As Chuck is about to guide him out of the elevator, Hunter steps to the side and takes a hold of Chuck’s hand. Chuck looks down smiling, then looks at Sarah who is also smiling, and they both look at Casey who is scowling at all three of them as he walk out of the elevator.
Casey: gives a low growl Can we hurry this along Bartowksi…I’ve got better things to do than be a babysitter.
Sarah and Chuck with Hunter holding his hand walk out the elevator leading Sarah to speak up.
Sarah: amused laughter Oh come on Casey…Sarah looks down to see the dimpled little face of Hunter smiling up at her and then looks at Casey…you’re not still sore about him kicking you in the leg are you?
Casey stops and turns around with an agitated look on his face as he looks at Hunter holding Chuck’s hand then to Sarah.
Casey: points at Hunter That kid assaulted a federal officer and you think this is funny?
Chuck: He’s just a kid Casey…as he is says that Chuck is playfully lift Hunter up and down with his right hand off the ground…all he understands at his age is having fun. Don’t you remember having fun when you were his age or were you sent to NSA boot camp immediately after being born?
Casey gives low grunt as he responds.
Casey: Fun…walks straight up to Chuck, who is distracted a bit playing with Hunter, startles him and glares at him as he points his finger in his face...there is not time for fun. We have a serious situation here on our hands. Dr. Strickland was killed by a radical group bent on destruction and it’s our job to find the intel he’s gathered on them or his death will be all for nothing.
Sarah steps up and tries to defuse the situation.
Sarah: Back off Casey.
Casey: Protecting your boyfriend Walker?
Chuck looks at Sarah who gives a quick glance back as she responds back by changing the subject.
Sarah: You’re missing the point…he needs our protection because without us he’s scared, lonely, and not going to be able to survive.
Casey: looks at Chuck I couldn’t agree with you more.
Chuck: Not me…playfully lifts Hunter off the ground for a brief moment…him.
Cut to an up close shot of Casey walking off with a smirk on his face as Sarah, Chuck, and Hunter follow him to their vehicle.
Chuck: All I’m saying is…give Hunter a chance. He may grow on you.
Casey looks down at Hunter who sticks his tongue out at him.
Casey: Yeah…he’ll grow on you all right…cut to Sarah and Chuck smiling…like an Anthrax spore.
Sarah and Chuck lose their smiles hearing Casey’s response leading Chuck to speak up.
Chuck: That’s harsh…even for you Casey.
Casey stops and looks Chuck straight in the eyes.
Casey: Look Bartowski…if you want to play babysitter after that little terrorist be my guest. Me…I’m going to do the job I…looks at Sarah…and you are trained to do.
Sarah: I can do my job Casey.
Casey: Maybe…or maybe you want to play house with Bartowski especially now you two have a kid.
Chuck is completely caught off guard by that statement and then quickly looks at Sarah who doesn’t even look at him.
Sarah: serious tone Drop it Casey.
Casey: Or what…smirks…you’re going to kick my ass.
Chuck: quickly chimes in Whoa whoa whoa…covers Hunter’s ears…watch the language whenever Hunter’s around. He’s a very impressionable and innocent child you know. All three look down at Hunter who has this wide up grin on his face and then suddenly kicks Casey in the leg again. Casey is hopping around favoring his leg with a an amused Hunter laughing away leading Chuck and Sarah to laugh along with him. Cut back to Casey who is about to swear from the pain when Chuck speaks up again as he holds up a finger to Casey. Ah…watch the language.
Casey: grimaces in pain Innocent my a...
Sarah: stern tone Casey.
Casey gives a low growl as he looks at Hunter and then at Chuck. After taking a very big deep breathe he turns around hobbling stage left out of camera view. Sarah nods to Chuck to get going and then cut to a shot of all three from behind following Casey. The scene ends with Hunter, who is walking in middle holding Chuck’s hand, reaches out to hold Sarah’s left hand as she grips the lap top with her other hand leading to both of them to look down, smile, look up at each other for a brief moment, and then walk off camera.
Fade Out
The scene begins with a downward shot of Chuck lying down on the black leather couch with his left arm behind his head and his right arm resting on his chest. He’s tapping his hand on his chest and after a few seconds of doing that he begins to speak up.
Chuck: After getting into Dr. Strickland’s computer, a video popped up talking with him basically stating that all the info about Project Osiris wasn’t in his office computer or lap tap. However, he did state that the info was in a safe, secured placed and according to him the knowledge we seek was in the heart of the sun. At the time, we thought Dr. Strickland planted the info in his son’s heart because records indicated he had open heart surgery to repair a blocked artery to which I was angry that any father would put the safety of his son in danger....but I digress. In any case, Graham and General Beckman told us it would take several days to make preparations to have surgical team ready and in meantime we were ordered to protect Hunter at all costs. Sarah and I were glad to spend time with getting to know him…Casey, on the other hand, didn’t want any part of it as he was all about keeping him alive and not about forming attachments because according to him people disappointment you in the end. Anyways, Casey and I had the day off from Buy More but Sarah had to work leaving us or should I say Casey to babysit both of us much to his chagrin. Hunter and I were playing video games in my room while Casey was next door doing what he does best…monitoring us. After a while, we got kind of bored and decided to go next door and visit Uncle Casey. You should have seen his face when he opened the door and saw the two of us standing there as he was hold some type of small cutting shears in his right hand.
As he says that, it flashes back to that point in question with Chuck and Hunter who is holding his toy dinosaurs standing at Casey’s door. He gives both of them a glaring look, then a low grunt, and then speaks up.
Casey: What do you two want?
Chuck: We just came over to visit Uncle Casey. Casey just stares at them and walks away closing the door, but Chuck holds out his arm stopping the door from closing. They both walk in leading Chuck to pick up Hunter and sit him on the couch to play with his dinosaurs giving him the opportunity to speak to Casey. After taking a look back, he walks over to Casey standing near the kitchen trimming his bonsai tree and talks to him. What is with you Casey…why are trying so hard to not like him.
Without looking Casey points his finger in the air at Chuck.
Casey: First off…looks at Chuck…I am now and never will be Uncle Casey. Secondly…instead of going after The Sons of Osiris I’m stuck here watching after a kid who got on my nerves the minute I met him…Chuck turns to look at Hunter busy playing with dinosaurs on the couch and then turns back to look at Casey…and that kid over there sitting on my couch.
Chuck: shakes head You still didn’t answer my question, why don’t you like him?
Casey: Other than the fact he’s kicked me in the leg three times…he’s way too happy and I find that very suspicious.
Cut to Chuck with a bewildered look on his face as he responds to Casey.
Chuck: He’s 4 years old…he doesn’t have any problems, worries, or fears to deal with. What…you want him to be like you…points at Casey…always grumpy and emotionally constipated?
Casey: Never to early to start.
Chuck: You were never hugged as a child were you?
Casey looks at Chuck and is about to respond when he notices that Hunter is no longer sitting on the couch. Casey rushes past Chuck over to the couch were he and Chuck find only the dinosaurs sitting there leading Casey to speak up.
Casey: Where is the kid Bartowski?
Chuck: He’s gone.
Casey: throwing hands in the air No kidding boy genuis…where did he go?
A concerned look appears on Chuck’s face as he goes to search for Hunter. Cut to a perturbed look on Casey’s face as he joins in the search for him as well. After about 5 minutes, Chuck finds him upstairs in Casey’s bedroom sitting on his bed playing with what looks to be a tattered old stuffed dog. After calming himself and catching his breathe, he yells down stairs to Casey.
Chuck: I’ve found him…he’s in your room. Turns back to look at Hunter playing away You had me worried little guy. Don’t walk off like that again you here…sits downnext to him…what do you got there?
Hunter: holds up stuffed dog with a smile on his face Woof Woof!
Chuck takes the dog and starts playfully attacking him with it on his face, neck, and stomach causing Hunter to laugh with glee. As that happens, the sound of angry footsteps are heard coming up stairs and after a brief moment Casey appears with a non too pleased look on his face.
Casey: Bartwoski…get that kid out of my…Casey stops at mid sentence when he sees what Hunter is holding...Mr. Bruiser.
Chuck gives Casey a weird look as he holds up the tattered stuffed dog.
Chuck: This is your stuffed dog…Chuckish smile…huh…I always thought of you as the pet rock kind of guy.
Casey angrily walks up and grabs the stuffed dog from Chuck’s hand holding it closely to him and then points towards the door with his right hand.
Casey: Get him out of here right now Bartowski.
Chuck holds up both his hands as he stands in front of Hunter.
Chuck: Chill Casey…looks at the opened closet door…he probably got the dog from in there when he came in. You don’t need to worry…points to the stuffed dog with a humorous tone…Mr. Bruiser is still in tact.
Casey: angry tone He’s kicked me three times in the leg and now he’s taken my personal property…
Chuck: chimes in Speaking of that…points at stuffed dog…it sure must mean a lot to you the way you’re holding it.
As he says that, Casey walks over to the closet, puts Mr. Bruiser back, slides the door closed, pauses a bit, and then turns to look at Chuck with Hunter now standing on his bed looking over Chuck’s shoulder.
Casey: That’s none of your business and I’m not going to say it again…get him out of here.
Chuck: Come on Casey…turns to look at Hunter jumping up and down over his shoulder…he didn’t break anything or hurt anybody.
Casey: NOW!!!
The loud bellow of Casey’s voice startles not only Chuck, but young Hunter as well causing him to start crying. Chuck turns around, picks him up with tears flowing from his eyes, and consoles Hunter patting his back as his head rests on his right shoulder. Chuck turns back to give a disappointed look on his face towards Casey.
Chuck: Happy now Mr. Grinch…you made him cry. Turns his attention to Hunter who has the pouty face as tears stream down his face. Shhhh…its okay buddy…looks at Casey with disappointment…let’s go little guy.
Chuck comforts a crying Hunter back to his house after Casey yelled. The scene ends with Chuck walking out of Casey’s room and then cut to Casey who shows of hint of regret for doing what he did as he slowly sits down on his bed giving one last look at his closet.
Fade Out
The scene begins with Chuck still lying down on the black leather couch with both hands now resting on his chest. After a brief moment, he turns to the person off camera and begins speaking.
Chuck: Casey should have handles that situation better instead of blowing his top like that. It took several minutes and not to mention an orange flavored popsicle to get him to calm down. After that, he was a happy camper…but later that night was a different story. Ellie and Awesome were working late and Sarah came over after work to help look after Hunter. She actually enjoyed spending time with him even though she never was around kids but from what I saw she seemed to be a pro at it. Casey was next door of course, which was fine by me. Anyways…Hunter fell asleep and so I picked him up , walked him over to my room, placed him in my bed putting the covers over him, and then strategically placed the pills around him so he didn’t fall off the bed. Then…without even thinking about it I kissed him on the head and as I did I turned to look at Sarah standing at the doorway smiling at me.
Upon saying that, the scene flashes back to that moment as Sarah quietly walks out of Chuck’s room followed by Chuck who leaves the door ajar so he could hear if anything happens. As he takes one last look from the small crack in the doorway, he turns to see Sarah still smiling as he gives him that all-too-familiar look. They walk to the living and sit down where they are watching tv for a while when Chuck notices Sarah looking at him.
Chuck: What?
Sarah: Nothing…turns to watch tv and after a brief moment she speaks up…I was right you know.
Chuck: Right about what?
Sarah: At the beach...How I told you you’re going to make a terrific father someday.
Chuck and Sarah are in the living room and sit down on the couch facing each other.
Chuck: Really!? Rest his right arm on top of the couch. I was just winging it and to tell you the truth it felt kind of good. Sarah sees Chuck smiles as he thinks about Hunter I hope to have a son just as amazing as Hunter…but its just a matter of having a wife who is equally as amazing.
Chuck snaps out of it and when he does he sees Sarah looking at him in a way that causes his heart to stop for just a moment.
Sarah: I’m sure…puts her hand on top of Chuck’s hand…that when you do have a wife like that she’ll realize how amazing of a man that you truly are because I see it.
A moment is shared between Chuck and Sarah as they look into each other’s eyes, but it’s immediately broken up by the sound of crying leading Chuck to jump from off the couch towards his room with Sarah right behind him. When he goes into his room, they find that he has fallen to the floor on the other side of the bed. Chuck quickly goes over to him and comforts him the best way he can but it’s not working as he’s crying out for his dad.
Chuck: Shhhh…patting him on the back…you’re all right buddy. Hunter continues to cry and not knowing what to do he looks at Sarah You want to try holding him?
Sarah: Uh…me…I don’t know Chuck...are you sure it's safe?
Chuck: Come on…passes Hunter or to Sarah who almost drops him but holds him similar to how Chuck did…he already likes you. All you have to do is pat him on the back, walk around, rock him a bit, and try to sing to him.
Sarah: Okay…Hunter continues to cry calling for his dad…what do I sing?
Chuck: Do you know the song Rock-A-Bye- Baby?
Sarah: Yeah...pats Hunter on the back…its okay Hunter.
Sarah begins to sing the song but Hunter’s cries become increasingly louder causing Chuck and Sarah to panic a bit. After a moment or two, a knock is heard on Chuck’s window and when they both look they see its Casey standing there.
Chuck: looks at Sarah Keep trying…goes over to the window, opens it, and before he goes out he turns to look at Sarah…you’re doing great.
Chuck hops out his window to see Casey standing near his door with a irritated look on his face. When he approaches Casey he speaks up.
Casey: Get that kid to shut up…its bad enough I’m tortured by you and Morgan talking about what type of sandwich to take on a deserted island but to hear that high pitch squeal seriously wants me to blow my brains out to relieve me of this horrible torture that I'm subjected to.
Cut to Chuck’s open window where Hunter’s cries are overheardm as well as, Sarah singing.
Chuck: looks to his window and then at Casey We’re trying…but nothing seems to be working and what’s worse is he wants his dad.
Casey: I can tranq him for you and save of us the hassle of hearing him cry all night. Chuck just stares at Casey giving him a ‘you got to be kidding me’ look Okay…fine…wait here.
Chuck watches him go into his apartment leaving his door open.
Chuck: Where are you going!?
Voice of Casey: Just stay there Bartowski.
Chuck stands there fidgety and then his attentions returns to the cries of Hunter once again. After a while, Casey’s voice is heard from behind scaring the living daylights out of him.
Chuck: Don’t do that! Bends over for a few seconds to compose himself and then stands upright Where did you go anyway?
When he says that, Casey suddenly holds up his tattered stuff dog Mr. Bruiser.
Casey: Take care of it or else I take care of you…got it. Points to Chuck Not of word of this to Walker.
Chuck: I will…My lips are sealed. Before Casey leaves Chuck stops him Casey…wait!
Casey: turns around What?
Chuck: Thanks.
Casey gives a low grunt, turns, and heads inside his apartment closing the door behind him. Chuck holds Casey’s stuffed dog in his hand and then looks up with a smile on his at the gesture he just did. Cut to Chuck climbing through his window and waving the stuffed dog so that Hunter can see it. The scene ends shows Hunter in Sarah’s arms with his tears stops crying a bit, leading to eventually calm down, and then begins to smile much to the relief of not only Chuck, but Sarah as well.
Fade Out
The scene begins with Chuck sitting up at the edge of the black leather couch leaning forward taking a swig of his bottle water, wipes his mouth with the back of his hand, closes it, puts it on the table, and then leans back comfortably. A smirk appears on his face as he speaks up again.
Chuck: Casey redeemed himself in my eyes that night by letting Hunter borrow his stuffed dog Mr. Bruiser and after that situation he started hanging with us. Of course, his explanation was that there should be another responsible adult to supervise the babysitter who should be watching the child instead of the pretty C.I.A Agent.
You and I both know Hunter was getting to him in a good way and in the last few days before Hunter was picked up by Sarah’s “sister” I saw playful interaction between the two. Well, it was more playful interaction on Hunter’s part than on Casey’s as he just stood there stoned faced as he grabbed on to his left leg and just sat down on his foot.
He would look down and see Hunter laughing, smiling, and having a good time to the point Casey would walk towards me dragging him along so that I could retrieve him. As much as he led Sarah and I to believe that he found Hunter annoying I caught glimpses of a smile on his face, which showed that Casey may have a heart after all.
The day came when Sarah received the phone call that the surgeons at the warehouse were ready. She took him to the warehouse as Casey and I do the one thing to keep ourselves busy…work. It wasn’t just hard for me to concentrate with my mind on Hunter, but it also hard on Casey as well who tried his best not to show it.
At the nerd herd desk, I was look at the cell phone picture that Ellie took of me, Sarah, and Hunter. I noticed the necklace around his neck and after making a realization that the info was in Hunter’s necklace I told Casey. We sprung into action and after several frantic moments trying to get Sarah on the phone I finally got through. She stopped the surgery and the powers that be got the intel they needed.
When Hunter left and one the most touching things I witnessed was him saying goodbye thooger bear to the hardened school killer. When he knelt down to say goodbye he puts his hand up for a high five to where Casey was expecting to be kicked again. However, he did the one thing I, Sarah, and even Casey didn’t expect….Hunter hugged him around his neck.
Casey had a look as he’s trying to fight it, but goes with it as he pats him on his back. I’m sure about this, but I had a feeling Casey’s cold heart warmed up a bit. Thinking back…when I first met Casey he started out a scary mean, grouchy, easily irritated, no heart, emotionally constipated NSA Agent who shot first and asked question later kind of guy. Now…well…he’s still the same guy but gradually showing some heart and most definitely a lot less emotionally constipated.
Fade To Black
The scene begins with a fade close up shot of a look a look of seriousness on Chuck’s face as he reflected back on how his life changed on that particular day as Sarah informed him the severity of the situation. Chuck takes a few seconds to refocus and then begins speaking up.
Chuck: Team Chuck…when it first started out we didn’t gel all too well because one of the main things that was missing was trust and now we've established that trust. We’re a cohesive team and yes there are times where we get on each other’s nerves but that’s to be expected. Individually…each of us brings to the table strengths as I’m considered the brains with heart. Sarah is the beauty with brawn, and Casey…well…he’s basically all brawn. However, when we’re together as a team we’re a forced to be reckoned with, especially when you have a guy like Casey having your back. Agent John Casey…call him what you will…a burn out, a cold school killer…looks to his left, right, then to the person he’s speaking to…but whatever you do never call him Sugar Bear. He hates it and I can trust you to keep this between you and me right? Nods head the look you’re giving me I trust you can keep what I told you on the down low. Anyways, as long as I’ve known Casey he’s never been the type to share his feelings or open up about his past, but I do know one thing…underneath that gruff and seemingly scary exterior he has a soft side to him. He won’t admit that mind you…but he does and I’ve seen it and it involved a 4 year old boy named Hunter, the son of the late Dr. Strickland Hunter. Cue Chuck intro.
Fade Out
The scene begins with Chuck leaning comfortably back on the black leather couch with his hands behind his head exuding his ever so familiar Chuckish smile. He’s clearly amused as he’s reflecting back on how a 4 year old child was able to get the better of a NSA Agent. After a brief moment, Chuck speaks up.
Chuck: You see, Hunter and Casey didn’t start off on the right foot when they first met as Hunter kicked him in the leg not once…holds up two fingers…twice. The second time caused Casey to go for his gun but we stopped him immediately. As funny as that was, the relationship between Hunter and Casey would gradually progress into a bond although you wouldn’t see it the way Casey was as we were about to leave the warehouse.
As he says that, the scene flashes back to the warehouse parking garage and then cut to the shot of the elevator. After a second or two, a ding is heard leading the doors to separate revealing a close of shot of Hunter and then cuts out to reveal him along with Sarah holding the lap top, Chuck, and Casey towering behind him. Hunter looks over his shoulder at Chuck who speaks up as he gives him a nod.
Chuck: You ready buddy? Hunter smiles from ear to ear giving him a nod back All right…looks at Sarah and Casey…let’s go then.
As Chuck is about to guide him out of the elevator, Hunter steps to the side and takes a hold of Chuck’s hand. Chuck looks down smiling, then looks at Sarah who is also smiling, and they both look at Casey who is scowling at all three of them as he walk out of the elevator.
Casey: gives a low growl Can we hurry this along Bartowksi…I’ve got better things to do than be a babysitter.
Sarah and Chuck with Hunter holding his hand walk out the elevator leading Sarah to speak up.
Sarah: amused laughter Oh come on Casey…Sarah looks down to see the dimpled little face of Hunter smiling up at her and then looks at Casey…you’re not still sore about him kicking you in the leg are you?
Casey stops and turns around with an agitated look on his face as he looks at Hunter holding Chuck’s hand then to Sarah.
Casey: points at Hunter That kid assaulted a federal officer and you think this is funny?
Chuck: He’s just a kid Casey…as he is says that Chuck is playfully lift Hunter up and down with his right hand off the ground…all he understands at his age is having fun. Don’t you remember having fun when you were his age or were you sent to NSA boot camp immediately after being born?
Casey gives low grunt as he responds.
Casey: Fun…walks straight up to Chuck, who is distracted a bit playing with Hunter, startles him and glares at him as he points his finger in his face...there is not time for fun. We have a serious situation here on our hands. Dr. Strickland was killed by a radical group bent on destruction and it’s our job to find the intel he’s gathered on them or his death will be all for nothing.
Sarah steps up and tries to defuse the situation.
Sarah: Back off Casey.
Casey: Protecting your boyfriend Walker?
Chuck looks at Sarah who gives a quick glance back as she responds back by changing the subject.
Sarah: You’re missing the point…he needs our protection because without us he’s scared, lonely, and not going to be able to survive.
Casey: looks at Chuck I couldn’t agree with you more.
Chuck: Not me…playfully lifts Hunter off the ground for a brief moment…him.
Cut to an up close shot of Casey walking off with a smirk on his face as Sarah, Chuck, and Hunter follow him to their vehicle.
Chuck: All I’m saying is…give Hunter a chance. He may grow on you.
Casey looks down at Hunter who sticks his tongue out at him.
Casey: Yeah…he’ll grow on you all right…cut to Sarah and Chuck smiling…like an Anthrax spore.
Sarah and Chuck lose their smiles hearing Casey’s response leading Chuck to speak up.
Chuck: That’s harsh…even for you Casey.
Casey stops and looks Chuck straight in the eyes.
Casey: Look Bartowski…if you want to play babysitter after that little terrorist be my guest. Me…I’m going to do the job I…looks at Sarah…and you are trained to do.
Sarah: I can do my job Casey.
Casey: Maybe…or maybe you want to play house with Bartowski especially now you two have a kid.
Chuck is completely caught off guard by that statement and then quickly looks at Sarah who doesn’t even look at him.
Sarah: serious tone Drop it Casey.
Casey: Or what…smirks…you’re going to kick my ass.
Chuck: quickly chimes in Whoa whoa whoa…covers Hunter’s ears…watch the language whenever Hunter’s around. He’s a very impressionable and innocent child you know. All three look down at Hunter who has this wide up grin on his face and then suddenly kicks Casey in the leg again. Casey is hopping around favoring his leg with a an amused Hunter laughing away leading Chuck and Sarah to laugh along with him. Cut back to Casey who is about to swear from the pain when Chuck speaks up again as he holds up a finger to Casey. Ah…watch the language.
Casey: grimaces in pain Innocent my a...
Sarah: stern tone Casey.
Casey gives a low growl as he looks at Hunter and then at Chuck. After taking a very big deep breathe he turns around hobbling stage left out of camera view. Sarah nods to Chuck to get going and then cut to a shot of all three from behind following Casey. The scene ends with Hunter, who is walking in middle holding Chuck’s hand, reaches out to hold Sarah’s left hand as she grips the lap top with her other hand leading to both of them to look down, smile, look up at each other for a brief moment, and then walk off camera.
Fade Out
The scene begins with a downward shot of Chuck lying down on the black leather couch with his left arm behind his head and his right arm resting on his chest. He’s tapping his hand on his chest and after a few seconds of doing that he begins to speak up.
Chuck: After getting into Dr. Strickland’s computer, a video popped up talking with him basically stating that all the info about Project Osiris wasn’t in his office computer or lap tap. However, he did state that the info was in a safe, secured placed and according to him the knowledge we seek was in the heart of the sun. At the time, we thought Dr. Strickland planted the info in his son’s heart because records indicated he had open heart surgery to repair a blocked artery to which I was angry that any father would put the safety of his son in danger....but I digress. In any case, Graham and General Beckman told us it would take several days to make preparations to have surgical team ready and in meantime we were ordered to protect Hunter at all costs. Sarah and I were glad to spend time with getting to know him…Casey, on the other hand, didn’t want any part of it as he was all about keeping him alive and not about forming attachments because according to him people disappointment you in the end. Anyways, Casey and I had the day off from Buy More but Sarah had to work leaving us or should I say Casey to babysit both of us much to his chagrin. Hunter and I were playing video games in my room while Casey was next door doing what he does best…monitoring us. After a while, we got kind of bored and decided to go next door and visit Uncle Casey. You should have seen his face when he opened the door and saw the two of us standing there as he was hold some type of small cutting shears in his right hand.
As he says that, it flashes back to that point in question with Chuck and Hunter who is holding his toy dinosaurs standing at Casey’s door. He gives both of them a glaring look, then a low grunt, and then speaks up.
Casey: What do you two want?
Chuck: We just came over to visit Uncle Casey. Casey just stares at them and walks away closing the door, but Chuck holds out his arm stopping the door from closing. They both walk in leading Chuck to pick up Hunter and sit him on the couch to play with his dinosaurs giving him the opportunity to speak to Casey. After taking a look back, he walks over to Casey standing near the kitchen trimming his bonsai tree and talks to him. What is with you Casey…why are trying so hard to not like him.
Without looking Casey points his finger in the air at Chuck.
Casey: First off…looks at Chuck…I am now and never will be Uncle Casey. Secondly…instead of going after The Sons of Osiris I’m stuck here watching after a kid who got on my nerves the minute I met him…Chuck turns to look at Hunter busy playing with dinosaurs on the couch and then turns back to look at Casey…and that kid over there sitting on my couch.
Chuck: shakes head You still didn’t answer my question, why don’t you like him?
Casey: Other than the fact he’s kicked me in the leg three times…he’s way too happy and I find that very suspicious.
Cut to Chuck with a bewildered look on his face as he responds to Casey.
Chuck: He’s 4 years old…he doesn’t have any problems, worries, or fears to deal with. What…you want him to be like you…points at Casey…always grumpy and emotionally constipated?
Casey: Never to early to start.
Chuck: You were never hugged as a child were you?
Casey looks at Chuck and is about to respond when he notices that Hunter is no longer sitting on the couch. Casey rushes past Chuck over to the couch were he and Chuck find only the dinosaurs sitting there leading Casey to speak up.
Casey: Where is the kid Bartowski?
Chuck: He’s gone.
Casey: throwing hands in the air No kidding boy genuis…where did he go?
A concerned look appears on Chuck’s face as he goes to search for Hunter. Cut to a perturbed look on Casey’s face as he joins in the search for him as well. After about 5 minutes, Chuck finds him upstairs in Casey’s bedroom sitting on his bed playing with what looks to be a tattered old stuffed dog. After calming himself and catching his breathe, he yells down stairs to Casey.
Chuck: I’ve found him…he’s in your room. Turns back to look at Hunter playing away You had me worried little guy. Don’t walk off like that again you here…sits downnext to him…what do you got there?
Hunter: holds up stuffed dog with a smile on his face Woof Woof!
Chuck takes the dog and starts playfully attacking him with it on his face, neck, and stomach causing Hunter to laugh with glee. As that happens, the sound of angry footsteps are heard coming up stairs and after a brief moment Casey appears with a non too pleased look on his face.
Casey: Bartwoski…get that kid out of my…Casey stops at mid sentence when he sees what Hunter is holding...Mr. Bruiser.
Chuck gives Casey a weird look as he holds up the tattered stuffed dog.
Chuck: This is your stuffed dog…Chuckish smile…huh…I always thought of you as the pet rock kind of guy.
Casey angrily walks up and grabs the stuffed dog from Chuck’s hand holding it closely to him and then points towards the door with his right hand.
Casey: Get him out of here right now Bartowski.
Chuck holds up both his hands as he stands in front of Hunter.
Chuck: Chill Casey…looks at the opened closet door…he probably got the dog from in there when he came in. You don’t need to worry…points to the stuffed dog with a humorous tone…Mr. Bruiser is still in tact.
Casey: angry tone He’s kicked me three times in the leg and now he’s taken my personal property…
Chuck: chimes in Speaking of that…points at stuffed dog…it sure must mean a lot to you the way you’re holding it.
As he says that, Casey walks over to the closet, puts Mr. Bruiser back, slides the door closed, pauses a bit, and then turns to look at Chuck with Hunter now standing on his bed looking over Chuck’s shoulder.
Casey: That’s none of your business and I’m not going to say it again…get him out of here.
Chuck: Come on Casey…turns to look at Hunter jumping up and down over his shoulder…he didn’t break anything or hurt anybody.
Casey: NOW!!!
The loud bellow of Casey’s voice startles not only Chuck, but young Hunter as well causing him to start crying. Chuck turns around, picks him up with tears flowing from his eyes, and consoles Hunter patting his back as his head rests on his right shoulder. Chuck turns back to give a disappointed look on his face towards Casey.
Chuck: Happy now Mr. Grinch…you made him cry. Turns his attention to Hunter who has the pouty face as tears stream down his face. Shhhh…its okay buddy…looks at Casey with disappointment…let’s go little guy.
Chuck comforts a crying Hunter back to his house after Casey yelled. The scene ends with Chuck walking out of Casey’s room and then cut to Casey who shows of hint of regret for doing what he did as he slowly sits down on his bed giving one last look at his closet.
Fade Out
The scene begins with Chuck still lying down on the black leather couch with both hands now resting on his chest. After a brief moment, he turns to the person off camera and begins speaking.
Chuck: Casey should have handles that situation better instead of blowing his top like that. It took several minutes and not to mention an orange flavored popsicle to get him to calm down. After that, he was a happy camper…but later that night was a different story. Ellie and Awesome were working late and Sarah came over after work to help look after Hunter. She actually enjoyed spending time with him even though she never was around kids but from what I saw she seemed to be a pro at it. Casey was next door of course, which was fine by me. Anyways…Hunter fell asleep and so I picked him up , walked him over to my room, placed him in my bed putting the covers over him, and then strategically placed the pills around him so he didn’t fall off the bed. Then…without even thinking about it I kissed him on the head and as I did I turned to look at Sarah standing at the doorway smiling at me.
Upon saying that, the scene flashes back to that moment as Sarah quietly walks out of Chuck’s room followed by Chuck who leaves the door ajar so he could hear if anything happens. As he takes one last look from the small crack in the doorway, he turns to see Sarah still smiling as he gives him that all-too-familiar look. They walk to the living and sit down where they are watching tv for a while when Chuck notices Sarah looking at him.
Chuck: What?
Sarah: Nothing…turns to watch tv and after a brief moment she speaks up…I was right you know.
Chuck: Right about what?
Sarah: At the beach...How I told you you’re going to make a terrific father someday.
Chuck and Sarah are in the living room and sit down on the couch facing each other.
Chuck: Really!? Rest his right arm on top of the couch. I was just winging it and to tell you the truth it felt kind of good. Sarah sees Chuck smiles as he thinks about Hunter I hope to have a son just as amazing as Hunter…but its just a matter of having a wife who is equally as amazing.
Chuck snaps out of it and when he does he sees Sarah looking at him in a way that causes his heart to stop for just a moment.
Sarah: I’m sure…puts her hand on top of Chuck’s hand…that when you do have a wife like that she’ll realize how amazing of a man that you truly are because I see it.
A moment is shared between Chuck and Sarah as they look into each other’s eyes, but it’s immediately broken up by the sound of crying leading Chuck to jump from off the couch towards his room with Sarah right behind him. When he goes into his room, they find that he has fallen to the floor on the other side of the bed. Chuck quickly goes over to him and comforts him the best way he can but it’s not working as he’s crying out for his dad.
Chuck: Shhhh…patting him on the back…you’re all right buddy. Hunter continues to cry and not knowing what to do he looks at Sarah You want to try holding him?
Sarah: Uh…me…I don’t know Chuck...are you sure it's safe?
Chuck: Come on…passes Hunter or to Sarah who almost drops him but holds him similar to how Chuck did…he already likes you. All you have to do is pat him on the back, walk around, rock him a bit, and try to sing to him.
Sarah: Okay…Hunter continues to cry calling for his dad…what do I sing?
Chuck: Do you know the song Rock-A-Bye- Baby?
Sarah: Yeah...pats Hunter on the back…its okay Hunter.
Sarah begins to sing the song but Hunter’s cries become increasingly louder causing Chuck and Sarah to panic a bit. After a moment or two, a knock is heard on Chuck’s window and when they both look they see its Casey standing there.
Chuck: looks at Sarah Keep trying…goes over to the window, opens it, and before he goes out he turns to look at Sarah…you’re doing great.
Chuck hops out his window to see Casey standing near his door with a irritated look on his face. When he approaches Casey he speaks up.
Casey: Get that kid to shut up…its bad enough I’m tortured by you and Morgan talking about what type of sandwich to take on a deserted island but to hear that high pitch squeal seriously wants me to blow my brains out to relieve me of this horrible torture that I'm subjected to.
Cut to Chuck’s open window where Hunter’s cries are overheardm as well as, Sarah singing.
Chuck: looks to his window and then at Casey We’re trying…but nothing seems to be working and what’s worse is he wants his dad.
Casey: I can tranq him for you and save of us the hassle of hearing him cry all night. Chuck just stares at Casey giving him a ‘you got to be kidding me’ look Okay…fine…wait here.
Chuck watches him go into his apartment leaving his door open.
Chuck: Where are you going!?
Voice of Casey: Just stay there Bartowski.
Chuck stands there fidgety and then his attentions returns to the cries of Hunter once again. After a while, Casey’s voice is heard from behind scaring the living daylights out of him.
Chuck: Don’t do that! Bends over for a few seconds to compose himself and then stands upright Where did you go anyway?
When he says that, Casey suddenly holds up his tattered stuff dog Mr. Bruiser.
Casey: Take care of it or else I take care of you…got it. Points to Chuck Not of word of this to Walker.
Chuck: I will…My lips are sealed. Before Casey leaves Chuck stops him Casey…wait!
Casey: turns around What?
Chuck: Thanks.
Casey gives a low grunt, turns, and heads inside his apartment closing the door behind him. Chuck holds Casey’s stuffed dog in his hand and then looks up with a smile on his at the gesture he just did. Cut to Chuck climbing through his window and waving the stuffed dog so that Hunter can see it. The scene ends shows Hunter in Sarah’s arms with his tears stops crying a bit, leading to eventually calm down, and then begins to smile much to the relief of not only Chuck, but Sarah as well.
Fade Out
The scene begins with Chuck sitting up at the edge of the black leather couch leaning forward taking a swig of his bottle water, wipes his mouth with the back of his hand, closes it, puts it on the table, and then leans back comfortably. A smirk appears on his face as he speaks up again.
Chuck: Casey redeemed himself in my eyes that night by letting Hunter borrow his stuffed dog Mr. Bruiser and after that situation he started hanging with us. Of course, his explanation was that there should be another responsible adult to supervise the babysitter who should be watching the child instead of the pretty C.I.A Agent.
You and I both know Hunter was getting to him in a good way and in the last few days before Hunter was picked up by Sarah’s “sister” I saw playful interaction between the two. Well, it was more playful interaction on Hunter’s part than on Casey’s as he just stood there stoned faced as he grabbed on to his left leg and just sat down on his foot.
He would look down and see Hunter laughing, smiling, and having a good time to the point Casey would walk towards me dragging him along so that I could retrieve him. As much as he led Sarah and I to believe that he found Hunter annoying I caught glimpses of a smile on his face, which showed that Casey may have a heart after all.
The day came when Sarah received the phone call that the surgeons at the warehouse were ready. She took him to the warehouse as Casey and I do the one thing to keep ourselves busy…work. It wasn’t just hard for me to concentrate with my mind on Hunter, but it also hard on Casey as well who tried his best not to show it.
At the nerd herd desk, I was look at the cell phone picture that Ellie took of me, Sarah, and Hunter. I noticed the necklace around his neck and after making a realization that the info was in Hunter’s necklace I told Casey. We sprung into action and after several frantic moments trying to get Sarah on the phone I finally got through. She stopped the surgery and the powers that be got the intel they needed.
When Hunter left and one the most touching things I witnessed was him saying goodbye thooger bear to the hardened school killer. When he knelt down to say goodbye he puts his hand up for a high five to where Casey was expecting to be kicked again. However, he did the one thing I, Sarah, and even Casey didn’t expect….Hunter hugged him around his neck.
Casey had a look as he’s trying to fight it, but goes with it as he pats him on his back. I’m sure about this, but I had a feeling Casey’s cold heart warmed up a bit. Thinking back…when I first met Casey he started out a scary mean, grouchy, easily irritated, no heart, emotionally constipated NSA Agent who shot first and asked question later kind of guy. Now…well…he’s still the same guy but gradually showing some heart and most definitely a lot less emotionally constipated.
Fade To Black
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