[The episode begins with what previously happened as the countdown freezes as one leaving Casey and Chuck wondering if Simon’s supposed masterpiece of death was a dud. Simon appears to inform them he stopped the sulfuric acid from pouring out leading him to tell the two that plans have changed to where he breaks Chuck out of his watery confinement in order to take him to one other person who possibly knows the whereabouts of his colleague…Sarah. Cut to Abe sitting in one of the Church pews concealing his identity as Simon and Chuck walk past in order to protect his son. You then see Abe bust out Casey from his watery confinement and before they leave Casey changed into some dry clothes that Abe picked out from the goodwill box. You see short conversations with Chuck and Simon, as well as, Casey and Abe who calls Morgan to do something that doesn’t sit well with him, but agrees to do it for Ellie. Finally, Chuck and Simon arrive walking down the Bel Air Hotel lobby when out of nowhere Morgan tackles both Chuck and Simon down to the ground causing Ellie to scream. Yet, Jeff and Lester do a fist tap because of the bet that was established. An expression of anger comes over Ellie’s face as she looks at Morgan then concern as she helps up Father Patrick Kelly aka Simon Templar whose disguise is torn leading Ellie to scream. Simon rips off his disguise, takes out his gun from inside his coat pocket, grabs Ellie, looks at Chuck, gives a sinister smile, and presses the button but to his chagrin sees Casey who calls out his name. The scene begins with people in the lobby either scrambling to get our of harms way or take cover/hide like Jeff and Lester as a freaked out Ellie looks on at Chuck, Sarah, Casey, Abe, Morgan, and Awesome as she is in the clutches of Simon Templar]
Ellie: [look of fear in her eyes] Devon…help!
Awesome: [frantic tone as he looks at Ellie] I will…hold on babe…[looks at Simon]…please let her go!
[cut to Simon looking around and gradually backing up slowly but surely as he eyes the elevators]
Simon: [pointing a gun at Ellie then at everybody] Unless you want this lovely young lady to die on her wedding day…I suggest you all stay back.
[cut to Ellie’s eyes widening as she hears those words being spoken into her ear as Simon looks at everybody]
Ellie: Chuck….daddy…
Chuck: [reassuring tone] Hold on sis…we’re going to get you out of this. I promise you.
Abe: Stay calm sweatheart.
[cut to Ellie nodding]
Casey: [holds up hand] There’s no where to run Templar…so why don’t you just give up?
Simon: [grins at Casey] I think not because as you can clearly see I have a bargaining chip…[smells Ellie’s hair and smiles]…a beautiful, sweet smelling one at that.
[cut to a very intense look on Devon’s face leading him to lunge after him but Chuck and Abe stop him]
Chuck: Whoa…calm down Devon.
Simon: Yes Devon…listen to your brother-in-law…oh wait…I’m sorry…since I’m not actually a priest…you two becoming related by marriage is pretty much never going to happen. [smirks as he shakes his head] How sad.
[Simon continues to back up with Ellie in his clutches heading towards the elevators]
Sarah: You son of a biatch.
Simon: [looks at Sarah] It takes one to know one.
[cut to Sarah with a look of intense anger in her eyes as Simon with Ellie in his clutches nears the elevators inevitably pressing the button]
Morgan: [chimes in] Ellie its going to be okay.
Ellie: [angry tone as she looks at Morgan and gritting her teeth] How…how… is it going to be okay?
Morgan: [starts babbling] I…I…I don’t know El…I’m just saying…it’s going to be okay.
[cut to everybody being startled leading Simon to speak up as a ding is clearly heard]
Simon: [raises gun in the air and fires] Excuse me…I hate to break up this very special, heartwarming Brady Bunch moment but my way out has arrived.
[You see smiling Simon pointing his gun towards Devon, Morgan, and Team Chuck as he backs up into the elevator with a visibly scared Ellie who calls out Devon’s last one last time before the elevator doors close. The scene ends with Devon lunging at the doors banging on them while yelling out Ellie’s name leading you to see a freaked out Chuck watching on then looking at his father, Casey, and Sarah. Cue Chuck Intro]
[Fade Out]
[The scene begins in the elevator as Simon releases Ellie from his clutches leading him to push the top floor, then remove the white color around his neck and throw it down on to the floor. Ellie is still visibly scared out of her mind hugging the right side of the elevator wall. Looking calm and collected Simon takes out his phone and makes a call. After a second or two of hearing ringing on the end he gets through leading him to speak up]
Simon: Let me speak to The Dealer.
[After a moment or two you hear his voice leading to a back and forth conversation between the two but you don’t see his face]
The Dealer: Were you able to attain the information we needed?
Simon: There has been a change in plans.
The Dealer: [concerned tone] Please explain.
Simon: The situation has gone critical
[cut to a shot of a scared Ellie in the corner]
The Dealer: How critical?
Simon: I’ve been compromised.…BUT…[looks at Ellie]...I’ve been able to attain not only a hostage, but also a bargaining chip that will inevitably help get Klinger back. We’ll be on the roof waiting for the extraction team for pickup.
The Dealer: Very well…don’t worry…I will take care of you.
[cut to Simon hanging up as he has a smile on his face leading Ellie to speak up]
Ellie: [pleading tone] Please…let me go.
[cut to Simon turning, stepping in front of her, and caressing her cheek]
Simon: In due time…once we both get out of here and put a bit of distance between us and the authorities. Look on the bright side…we’ll have a chance to get to know each other and in time you’ll grow to like me.
Ellie: [disdain in her voice] Don’t you touch me.
[cut to Ellie spitting in Simon’s face leading him to smile, wipe his face, adjust his jacket, and then give a back hand to the right side of Ellie’s face causing her to fall to the elevator floor. You see Ellie hold her check as she looks with even more fear at Simon who has this serious look on his face. The scene switches from the elevator to the lobby where you see Chuck consoling seated awesome Awesome who speaks up]
Awesome: [throws hands up in the air] Can somebody please tell me what the hell is going on?
[cut to Chuck, Sarah, Casey and Abe all looking at each other leading Abe to speak up]
Abe: The man you and Ellie thought was a “Father Patrick Kelly” is in actuality a very dangerous con artist named Simon Templar who’s wanted in connection for swindling young couples who are getting married in several different states.
Morgan: [looks at Abe] How were able to figure it out Mr. B?
[cut to an NSA containment team that Casey called while on the road walking in wearing black suits and one walking up leading him to introducing himself as Agent Simmons from the F.B.I. inevitably flashing his badge as he speaks]
Agent Simmons: We debriefed Mr. Bartowski and Mr. Casey on the situation concerning Simon Templar. He can very unpredictable at times to where he has either robbed young couples with subtle finesse, at gun point, or used relatives/friends as hostages to get what he wants. We’ve lost track of him for a while until we got a hit here in Los Angeles, but unfortunately he smelled us coming from a mile away. [places his hand on Awesome’s shoulder] Don’t worry Mr. Gordon…we’ll have your fiancé back to you safe and sound.
Awesome: Thanks…that would awesome.
[cut to Casey giving a nod to Agent Simmons as he heads out leading Chuck, Sarah, Abe, and Casey to talk. With all the commotion Chuck didn’t notice what Casey was wearing leading him to speak]
Chuck: [looks at what Casey is wearing] Nice duds Casey. Going to see Bobby Mcferrin in concert later?
[cut to Sarah chuckling and the to Casey who is giving a low growl]
Awesome: [waves hands in the air to get everybody’s attention] Helloooo….can we focus here…Ellie is being held hostage by that con artist who going to perform our wedding ceremony. I don’t really care about the ceremony because all that matters is hers…[loosk around]…I would get married in this lobby right now if she were standing right here. Just need someone to marry us…[looks at his watch]…but that doesn’t look like its not going to happen. Ellie was so looking forward to today…special day.
[cut to Big Sal hearing this leading him to motion to Paulie who leans in as Sal talk to him in his ear. The scene ends with Paulie heading out to who knows where as a close up of a beleaguered Awesome is shown]
[Fade Out]
[The scene begins with a shot of Awesome being consoled by Jeff, Lester, Morgan, Mary, Sam, and Diane in the background leading the camera to pull back as you see Team Chuck in the foreground standing afar off from listening ears as they talk in sort a whisper about a game plan to rescue Ellie leading Sarah to speak]
Sarah: Chuck…you stay with Devon while Casey and I go after Ellie.
Chuck: At least its not a car this time.
[cut to Casey giving that you’re a moron look at Chuck]
Abe: I’m going too.
Casey: You’re staying back Carmichael.
Abe: She’s my daughter…
[cut to Casey stepping closer leading him to look into Abe’s eyes that have a look of intensity in them]
Casey: [interrupts him] That’s exactly why…you’re too emotionally involved and you can end up getting her killed. You want to take that risk?
Abe: I know the risks Casey...[pointing at Casey]…as a matter of fact I was taking risks way before you were even born.
Casey: [getting in Casey’s face] What are you trying to say Carmichael…I can’t do my job?
[cut to Sarah stepping in between the two leading her to speak]
Sarah: Can you two lower the high level of male testosterone and remember what we’re here for.
Chuck: [chimes in] Yeah guys…we have to work together on this and [looks at Abe] as much as you want to be the superhero dad who swoops in and saves Ellie you would be better off staying down here where you can [points at Awesome] help be a comforting rock for you future son-in-law.
Abe: You’re right…as much as I hate to say you’re right. [looks at Casey and Sarah] Casey…Sarah…bring back my baby girl safe and sound.
[cut to Sarah putting a hand on Abe’s shoulder as she gives him a reassuring smile]
Sarah: Trust me…we will.
[cut to Casey giving Abe a nod leading Agent Simmons to walk up with news]
Agent Simmons: It seems Simon Templar is heading towards the roof.
Casey: Escape by helicopter…figures.
Sarah: We have to act quickly then.
Agent Simmons: Agent Walker…Agent Casey…we have what you requested. Walk this way.
[You see Casey and Sarah discreetly walk off with Agent Simmons leaving Chuck and Abe with Devon along with the rest of the gang. The scene switches from the lobby to the top floor of the Bel Air Hotel where you see the elevators open leading you to see Simon step out holding Ellie by the arm this time. As they both steps out, a lowly security guard walks from around the corner leading to not only take out his gun, but radios in the situation. Unfortunately, his efforts were all for naught as he is shot several times leading Ellie to faint in horror at what she witnessed. Simon walks over, kneels down and takes the security guards gun with extra clip inevitably tucking it in front nicely concealed behind his coat. Simon then stands up, goes over and picks up Ellie, tosses her over his shoulder, and then heads towards the stairwell that leads up to the roof. Cut to him moments later stepping through the door, walking up the steps, and heading towards the middle of the roof. He sets Ellie down, looks at her, gives a sinister smirk, and then takes out his cell phone leading him to call The Dealer. He walks to edge of the building, looks down at the chaos ensuing below, and after a few seconds Simon speaks]
Simon: Let me speak to him. [cut to a momentary pause and a back and forth conversation begins with the face of The Dealer obscured from view] Its me.
The Dealer: Are you at the extraction point?
Simon: Affirmative…ETA on the helicopter?
The Dealer: ETA is about 15 minutes away and as I promised you will be taken care of.
Simon: [smirks] Excellent. [hangs up and looks at Ellie] Well my dear…our winged chariot awaits us.
[As he says that you hear the voice of Casey behind him leading to turn around seeing not only him with a gun with laser sight attachment pointed at him, but Sarah pointing a gun at him as well wearing some type of S.W.A.T gear]
Casey: [glares at Simon] I hate to break it to you…I think you’re going to miss your ride.
[You see a look of intensity in Simon’s eyes as a showdown ensues. The scene ends with a wide shot of Simon near the edge of the roof with Ellie in the middle on the ground on the left and Sarah/Casey on the right]
[Fade Out]
[The scene begins where it left off as you see a wide shot a standoff ensuing on the roof with Simon on one side and Casey/Sarah on the other with Ellie situated in the middle on the ground. Walking up with both weapons aimed at Simon Casey looks down at Sarah who is attending to Ellie]
Casey: How is she doing?
Sarah: [feeling her pulse] She’s okay
Casey: [glares at Simon] You and I have some unfinished business.
Simon: How did you…no matter…you and Mr. Bartowski have truly become an annoyance, especially now that you’ve not only ruined my kill ratio, but taken away my bargaining chip.
Sarah: [chimes in with her weapon aimed at Simon] Stop whining…you nearly had Chuck and my partner killed and knowing him…[glances at Casey]…he’s really ticked off. Put the gun down, turn around and put your hands behind your head.
Simon: I surely don’t want Agent Casey ticked off at me. [cut to Simon dropping his gun, putting his hands up with a smug look on his face, them turning around, and from behind him you see Sarah cautiously walk up to Simon kicking the gun he dropped to off the side with Casey covering her. As the camera pans down, you see the gun that he took from the late security guard and as Sarah takes a hold of his left wrist Simon suddenly grabs the concealed gun, spins around, and point the gun straight at Sarah’s head leading him to speak calmly in her ear as he looks straight at Casey] Drop you’re gun…now!
[cut to Sarah dropping her gun leading Casey to speak up]
Casey: This is between you and I Templar…let Walker go.
Simon: [smells Sarah’s hair] I think not Agent Casey…it seems to me having a government agent makes for a better hostage don’t you think?
Sarah: [yells at Casey] Don’t worry about me Casey…take him out.
Casey: Don’t tell me what to do…you’re not my mother.
Sarah: Yeah…I’m not you’re mother…I’m actually better looking than her.
Casey: Oh you didn’t just go there.
[you see Simon looking at the both of them arguing like little kids all-the-while point the gun at Sarah and Casey]
Sarah: Yes…I…did. So what are you going to do about it?
[cut to Simon getting frustrated at the both of them arguing leading him to speak up and just as he does Sarah hits his face with the back of her head. She breaks free leading to her to roll out of the way causing a somewhat disoriented Simon doing a side role getting the other gun and firing them at Casey who ducks for cover along side Sarah. The scene switches from the roof to the lobby where Agents Simmons who is standing next to Awesome, Abe, the rest of the gang, and in the back is Chuck. Suddenly, they hear from Agent’s Simmon’s radio that shots have been fired. There’s so many mixed emotions in Awesome’s eyes as he’s comforted by Abe, Diane, Sam, and the rest of the gang, but Chuck is nowhere to be found. The scene switches back to the roof where a barrage of gunfire is exchanged and after several moments there’s a slight lull leading Simon who is behind a wall checking what’s left of his ammo, 3 rounds to be exact, to speak up]
Simon: [yells] Agent Walker….I’m sorely disappointed in you. We could have hit off so well you and I.
[cut to Casey and Sarah behind a wall several feet away leading them to have a short conversation as Sarah takes a peak around the corner then speaks]
Sarah: Doesn’t he ever shut up? Sorry about the crack at your mom.
Casey: No…he doesn’t [checks his clip in what’s left of his ammo] I have 5 rounds left. How about you? Forget it…we got a job to do.
Sarah: [checks her clip] 4 rounds left. Ready partner?
Casey: [smirks at Sarah] Let’s go.
[cut to the both of them running out and at the same time so does Simon. All three go balls to wall heading straight for each other as their shots narrowly miss or hit the ground in front of them. The scene ends as they all three do a barrel roll leading them to face each other in a kneeling position as Simon points his guns at Sarah/Casey as they do the same with their gun]
[Fade Out]
[The scene begins in the lobby where amidst the controlled chaos you see Morgan, Jeff, and Lester in a huddle having a short conversation as Jeff begins to speak]
Jeff: [holds out hand] You lost...I won.
Lester: [elbows Jeff] You mean we won.
Jeff: Yes…we won.
Morgan: I didn’t lose…I was specifically told by Mr. B. to tackle the priest who turned out to be a con artist.
Lester: [looks at Jeff] What does that mean?
Morgan: That means…boys…the bet is still on.
[You see a defeated look on Jeff and Lester’s face as they hear from Morgan that the bet is still on. The scene switches to the stand off where Simon has his weapons trained on Casey and Sarah and vice versa. They all pull the trigger at the same time leading all three to hear just a clicking noise. All three pull the trigger again to make sure and again they hear a clicking sound leading Casey to speak up]
Casey: We can do this all day…or…we settle the unfinished business between you and I by simply beating the crap out of each other.
Sarah: [chimes in] Add me in
[cut to Casey looking at Sarah]
Simon: [smirks as he looks at Casey and Sarah] A manage a trois…how kinky.
Casey: [glares at Simon] Quit yapping and just fight.
[Cut to the fight ensuing near the edge of the building as it goes back and forth with each receiving/taking shots. As the fight is going on you inevitably see Chuck appear, see Ellie on the ground, and heads towards her, but gets distracted by the fight leading him to speak up]
Chuck: Sarah!
[cut to Sarah and Casey looking back]
Casey: [angry tone] I specifically told you to wait in the lobby with Devon.
[Simon uses the small window of opportunity to get the upperhand on Casey as he kicks Casey into Sarah inevitably causing them to fall over the side. Simon has a smile on his face, and then walks away leading you to a shot of Chuck with a horrified look on his face as he kneels beside his sister. As he’s about to run over to where Casey/Sarah fell over the side from a helicopter appears leading him to stop in his tracks. Simon looks at the Helicopter, then turns around to look at Chuck, and just gives him a sly smirk. Cut to a back and forth conversation between the pilot and The Dealer]
Pilot: I see him sir.
The Dealer: You know what to do.
Pilot: Yes sir.
[The pilot looks at someone and then nods leading the shot to return to Simon’s perspective as he waves at the pilot of the helicopter. Cut to Chuck who makes the decision to go after him, but when he does you see a shot of the copter turning at angle to where you see a man holding TA6B Semi-Automatic Assault Rifle with attached scope raised and ready to fire. You see again another smirk on his face as he looks back and gives a salute as if to say goodbye Chuck. From the man in the copter’s perspective his focus as he looks in his scope is on Chuck, but is quickly turned to Simon. Cut back to Simon who’s attention is still on Chuck, but his sly smirk is quickly gone as he jerks a bit leading him to look down, feel, and see that his hand is a bloody mess. Simon slowly turns around leading the shot to return to the man looking through scope inevitably putting one round right between the eyes of Simon causing to fall backwards. Cut to Chuck who has no idea what’s going on. The man shoulders his weapon, looks at the pilot and nods leading the pilot to speak to The Dealer once again]
The Pilot: It’s done sir.
The Dealer: Get out of there.
[Cut to Chuck watching the helicopter heading out into the distance over the clear blue water. He then checks on Ellie one more time, gets up, and slowly walks over to the side where Casey and Sarah fell over fearing the worst. All sort of emotions are running through leading him to tear up and as he looks over his tears of sadness become tears of joy as he sees Casey and Sarah dangling on the edge holding on for dear life leading Chuck to speak up]
Chuck: Sarah…Casey…you’re alive.
Casey: [looks up] Don’t just stand there…help us moron.
[You see a smile come over Chuck’s face as he breathes a sigh of relief. The scene ends with Chuck sticking out his hand as he goes to help Casey and Sarah up]
[Fade Out]
[The scene begins in the lobby where you see a now awake Ellie sitting next to Awesome with the wedding party and not to mention the guests checking on her. After a few moments Ellie speaks up]
Ellie: Devon…everybody…I’m fine. Thank you for your concern.
Awesome: I’m just glad that you’re safe and sound babe.
Abe: That goes for all us Ellie.
[You see everybody shaking their heads in agreement leading Ellie to stand up and hug her father. Cut to Chuck with a smile on his face as he turns to look at Casey and Sarah. Sarah looks at Casey and speaks]
Sarah: Did you find anything on Templar’s cell phone?
Casey: Negative…apparently he rigged it to short out if anyone were to access it. I sent it to the boys in the lab at the warehouse to see if they could find any useful information.
Chuck: I thought for sure I was going to get killed. Why would Templar’s own people kill him?
Casey: Who cares…he’s dead and that what counts.
Chuck: [looking down the tux he is wearing] Plus, who knew the NSA containment team does emergency runs to get Sarah’s maid of honor dress, my tux, dad’s tux, and Casey’s tux too.
Casey: Agent Simmon’s owed me a favor.
Chuck: [Chuckish grin] Score another one for Team Chuck.
[Cut to Chuck sticking out his fist for all three to do a fist tap leading Sarah to smile and put her first in. They share a short moment leading both of them to look at Casey who looks at the two and just walks off. After a moment or two you see Jayne, Anna, Rusty, Isabel with C.J. and the rest of Devon’s family walk in leading Garrett and Drew to look around at the aftermath of what happened. Garrett walks up to Devon leading him to speak]
Garrett: Hey big bro…what happened?
Devon: Well…Morgan tackled the priest and then Ellie was kidnapped by that same priest who turned out to be a con artist named Simon Templar. The kidnapper in question was killed and thanks to the F.B.I she’s now safe and sound with the people who love/care about her.
[cut to Drew slapping Garrett in the arm]
Drew: This so not awesome…[cut to everybody giving a weird look]…you see we always miss out on the cool stuff.
[Cut to everybody laughing including Ellie who really needed it after what she’s been through leading Mary to speak up as she looks at Ellie]
Mary: Ellie…I hate to ask you this now but do you want to postpone your wedding and have it on a later date…[looks at watch]…its 2:45.
Abe: [looks at Mary] Hey…if its about the money…
Mary: [interrupts Abe] Its not about the money.
Ellie: [looks at Abe] Dad…[looks at Mary]…my dream was to get married in the one place that I’ve wished for since I was a little girl...and you know what.
Mary: What?
Ellie: Nothing will stop me from having my dream come true…not even getting kidnapped.
Abe: [smiles] That’s my little girl.
Chuck: [grins] Way to go sis.
Ellie: [looks at Mary] Can you get everything prepared?
Mary: Can I? I’m considered one of the best wedding planners in L.A. for nothing. Watch me work my magic.
Awesome: [points at Mary] You’re one awesome lady.
[cut to Mary smiling leading her to go and work her proverbial magic. As she leaves Chuck speaks up]
Chuck: Who’s going to marry Devon and Ellie?
[You see everybody looking around and thinking leading Big Sal to speak up]
Big Sal: I may have the answer to your problems.
[Big Sal looks behind him leading everybody else to look as they see Paul with someone over his shoulder walking down the lobby towards them. As he walks towards them you hear the voice of the man clearly angry at the situation he is currently in. When he stands in front of Big Sal, he sets down the gentlemen he turns around leading you see it’s a rabbi who was apparently in the middle of eating as he still had a napkin tucked in his shirt with a deli sandwich in his right hand. The scene ends with a close up shot of the Rabbi wondering what in the world is going on and who all the people around him are]
[Fade Out]
[The scene begins where it left off as you see an agitated Rabbi looking around wondering why a very large Italian man picked him up and put him over his shoulder while he was in the middle of finishing eating his sanwich. Abe speaks up as he talks to the Rabbi]
Abe: I apologize for this man taking you away without notice and bring you here. [looks at Big Sal] If I had known he was going to do this I would have stopped him.
Big Sal: Wha…what did I do?
Abe: [looks at the Rabbi] Rabbi…I’m sorry may I ask what you name is.
Rabbi: My name is Rabbi Solomon Weinberg…but you can call me Saul. My friends do. [looks up at Paulie] You…you call me Solomon
[cut to Rabbi Solomon eating his sandwich when Chuck speaks]
Chuck: Rabbi Solomon…
Rabbi Saul: Please…you seem like a nice young man…call me Saul.
Chuck: Okay…Saul…I was wondering if you can help us…my sister and her fiancé are getting married and since Father Patrick Kelly turned out be a con artist…would you be willing to marry them?
Rabbi Saul: [looks at Ellie and Devon] Are they Jewish?
Awesome: [speaks up] We’re catholic.
Rabbi Saul: Eh…nobody’s perfect.
Abe: So…can you perform the wedding ceremony Rabbi?
Rabbi Saul: I would love to…[cut to Ellie and Awesome smiling]…BUT…since you’re not Jewish I cannot.
Ellie: Why?
Rabbi: There are strict Jewish guidelines we must adhere to young lady when it comes to marrying people. In order for me to marry you and this young man you will have to endure a rigorous study and preparation in the marriage process. Plus, you will have to convert to Judaism.
Awesome: That’s not awesome…[cut to Rabbi Saul quickly looking at Awesome]…oh not Judaism…love the Jewish people. Some of my best doctor friends are Jewish. I’m referring to our unfortunate situation.
Rabbi Saul: [looks at Ellie and Awesome] Sorry I couldn’t be of any help…if its any consolation…[takes out a card from inside his coat pocket]...here’s a number for a good lawyer just in case you need one. He comes highly recommended and tell him Saul sent ya…he’ll know who it is. [looks at Chuck] Are you single young man…if you are my daughter is looking for a nice man…preferably a nice Jewish boy? With you…I can make an exception.
Chuck: Sorry…I have a girlfriend and [pointing over to Sarah who is standing next to Casey] she’s standing right over there.
Rabbi Saul: Who the gorgeous blonde woman standing next to man that looks like he’s constipated?
Chuck: Uh…yeah…that’s her.
[cut to Rabbi Saul looking at Sarah who waves at him and then looks at Chuck]
Rabbi Saul: Hatchi Matchi…you and her. Let me shake your hand son.
[cut to Rabbi Saul shaking Chuck’s hand all-the-while raising his eyebrows at Sarah leading Chuck to look at Sarah who is blushing a bit and then to Casey who just rolls his eyes as he gives a low grunt. Abe speaks up]
Abe: Sorry for the inconvenience you’ve been put through. I’ll drive you back to wherever you were taken from…no charge.
Rabbi Saul: That’s all right…I’ll walk. I need the exercise…as you can clearly see. Gives me a chance to walk off the sandwich I ate.
[cut to Rabbi Saul holding his gut, then waves goodbye to everybody and walks off giving a glaring look at Paulie who beings to go after him as he sticks his hand in his coat, but is stopped by Big Sal who just shakes his head. After a moment or two Chuck speaks up]
Chuck: I’m sorry sis…I know you and Devon wanted this so much.
Ellie: Its okay…I may end up just having to postpone my wedding.
Morgan: No…you’re not El.
[cut to everybody looking at Morgan leading Chuck to speak up]
Chuck: Why not Morg?
Morgan: [looks at Chuck] Because…I’m a minister and…[looks at Ellie and Awesome]…I have the power to marry you two.
[The scene ends with a look on everybody’s face exuding a combination of are you serious mixed in with out right disbelief at the thought of Morgan as a minister]
[Fade Out]
[The scene begins with everybody including Anna in disbelief as they all look at Morgan who revealed to the gang that he’s a minister. After a seemingly long silence Ellie speaks up]
Ellie: Morgan…this isn’t the time to be joking about being a minister.
Anna: Yeah Morgan…stop joking...especially about that.
Morgan: I’m not joking…I really am a minister.
[cut to Garrett looking at Drew]
Garrett: [looking around for the cameras] We got to be on Punk’d.
Casey: [looks at Morgan] Who in their right mind would appoint you a minister?
Morgan: [looks at Casey] The Universal Life Church…they ordained me online. I have the papers and a card to prove it.
[cut to Morgan taking out the card and handing it to Ellie as both she and Awesome look at it]
Awesome: He’s n ordained minister all right…that is surprisingly awesome.
Chuck: Morg…we’re best friend…how come you didn’t tell me about this. More importantly…when did you do this?
Morgan: Hey…there are something you don’t know about me dude. I applied on line a couple of years ago out of boredom and after I did it I forgot about all about it until I received the papers in the mail. I’m an honest to goodness, certified ordained minister. I can perform weddings, open a church, and even choose my own title if I wanted to. Thinking about it…I kind of like the title Father or Pastor Morgan..or better yet…your holiness.
Ellie: I have absolutely no idea what to say about this.
Morgan: You may have all thought you knew me…but you have no idea. I’m an enigma that hasn’t been solved.
Casey: [chimes in] More like an idiot that has delusions of grandeur.
[cut to Morgan looking at Casey]
Morgan: Ellie…I want to make it up to you after you thought I ruined your wedding by tackling the priest, which turned out to be a fraud…you’re welcome by the way. Please, let me do the ceremony.
Ellie: I don’t know.
Awesome: Come on babe…give the little guy a break.
Abe: Its your decision sweatheart.
Morgan: Look…if you let me do the ceremony I won’t bother you for a week.
Ellie: A month
Morgan: 3 days and you get to pick which three days.
Ellie: Deal…[cut to Ellie and Morgan shaking hands and then looks at everybody]…what are you all standing around for…I’m getting married today.
Chuck: You heard my sister…the wedding is on!
[you see Ellie excitedly smiling at everybody and then look back at Morgan]
Morgan: Thanks El…I won’t let you down.
[Ellie looks at Morgan then says something as she heads towards the private room with Sarah]
Ellie: God help me.
[cut to Morgan stopping Awesome leading him to ask an important question]
Morgan: Devon…for ceremony purposes…what is your middle name?
Awesome: Eugene.
Morgan: [chuckles] Eugene…seriously?
Awesome: [gives him a look] It was my grandfather’s name.
Morgan: [quickly nods] And a fine name it is.
[cut to Awesome and everybody heading towards the Swan Lake area leading you to see Jeff and Lester standing there just staring at Morgan]
Morgan: [with a smug look he straightens his bow tie and adjusts his tux] Excuse me gentlemen…I have a wedding ceremony to perform…[walks in between Jeff and Lester, stops after a few feet, and then turns around pointing his finger in the air]…Oh boys. [cut to Jeff and Lester looking at Morgan] That means I win the bet so…have fun doing my work for a month and I’ll expect the 2 cases of grape soda at work tomorrow.
[Cut to Morgan walking away to prepare for the wedding as well leading Jeff speak up]
Jeff: This is lame.
Lester: You said it brother.
[Cut to Casey walking up behind the both of them and placing his hands on both their shoulders hard causing them to grimace]
Casey: Come on Tweedle Dee and Tweedle Dumb…we got a job to do.
[The scene ends with Casey escorting Jeff and Lester who lost sure bet to of all people Morgan to the swan lake area]
[Fade Out]
[The scene begins with a wide shot of the swan lake area leading you to see all the guests. As the camera pans to the guests you see shots of Casey, Jeff, and Lester standing in the back, Devon’s family, his frat brothers, doctor friends Jayne, Anna, Big Al with Paulie, Rusty, Isabel with C.J. in a stroller, and Mary with a headset on directing traffic, so to speak. You see Morgan walk up, holding a bible, and stands in front with a smile on his face leading Awesome to walk up nervous as can be as he stands near Morgan. Awesome waves at his family, nodding at his colleagues, and pointing at his frat brothers the scene begins at the entrance to the Swan Lake area where you see Abe and Chuck standing at the entrance. Suddenly, Ellie and Sarah walk in leading both the guys to look leaving them both absolutely speechless as Abe nearly tears up at the sight of her daughter and Chuck simply speechless at the sight of Sarah in her maid of honor dress leaving both of them to exude big smiles. After a moment or two Abe stands beside Ellie and then turns to look at her leading him to speak]
Abe: [smiles] Are you ready pumpkin?
Ellie: With you walking me down the isle dad…yeah I am.
[cut to Ellie giving a big sigh leading Abe to look at her]
Abe: What’s wrong?
Ellie: [smiles] Nothing…its just…both my dreams are coming true.
[Abe kisses his daughter on her forehead and then the shot turns to Sarah as she looks at Chuck’s crooked bow tie leading her to fix it]
Sarah: [straightens his bow tie] Perfect.
Chuck: [looks down, looks up, and then smiles] Are you talking about the bow tie or me?
Sarah: [looks up into his eyes smiling] Both.
[They both kiss leading Mary to quickly walk up]
Mary: [looks at Chuck and Sarah] All right you two cut it out…[cut to Sarah and Chuck looking at her]…its showtime.
[The scene switches to outside where inevitably start to hear the song When You Love Someone by Bryan Adams playing leading you to see all the guest stand and turn to look at the entrance way.
Chuck and Sarah walk out and up the pathway towards their assigned spot. When Chuck and Sarah arrive they split off as Chuck stands by Awesome who gives him a fist tap. As he does that all eyes turn to the entrance of Ellie being escorted by Abe and as soon as she appears wearing her wedding dress you see a shot of Awesome who has this take my breathe away look as he sees the woman he loves walking slowly towards him. Cut to the shot of the guests smiling as they see Ellie in all her glory as her eyes are focused on Awesome who has the biggest smiles on his face. When they reach the front Morgan begins to speak]
Morgan: Who gives this bride away?
Abe: I do.
[cut to Awesome walking up, nodding at Abe, and then taking his wife-to-be by the hand as they both turn to face Morgan leading Sarah to fix Ellie’s train that is behind her. After a moment or two she stands off to the side of Ellie as does Chuck with Awesome leading Morgan to once again speak]
Morgan: Marriage is like playing Call of Duty…[cut to everybody with a looking at each other with confusion leading you to Ellie with that I will kill you look at Morgan]…you start out playing in 1 player mode facing the world not knowing who you’re going to encounter. When you’re in single player mode you play with reckless abandon and its all about survival of the fittest as you look out for number one. However, there comes a point where you feel alone…vulnerable…scared as if you’re on the last level, no extra health, and your life bar is close to being out. Eventually, someone comes along who saves you in a way making the 1 player mode a 2 player mode game and instead of working against each other…you work with each other as partners. Partners who rely on each other, depend on each other, support each other, encourage other when your down, and most importantly watch each other’s back from unseen attacks that tend to sneak up on you. [cut to Chuck with a hint of a smile as he looks at Sarah who smiles back at him. Morgan then looks at Ellie and Awesome] These two people are standing here today are becoming partners in 2 player mode as they embark on a new journey where they will face the unknown together knowing they will watch each other’s back for better or for worse. [Looks at Sarah] Sarah…the ring. [cut to Sarah handing Awesome the ring leading him to place it on Ellie’s finger] Awesome repeat after me.
[Awesome repeats these words said by Morgan]
Awesome: I, Devon Eugene Gordon, take you, Eleanor Faye Bartowski, to be my awesome friend, my faithful partner, and most of all my loving wife. In the presence of God I solemnly promise to be an awesome husband who will always be there for you in sickness and in health, in good times, and in bad, and in joy as well as in sorrow. I promise to honor, cherish, and respect you as long as I live.
[cut to Morgan looking at Ellie as she tells her to do the same thing leading her to repeat the same vows to Awesome. After a several minutes Morgan speaks]
Morgan: [looks at the crowd] By the power vested in me…[looks at Awesome and Ellie]…I pronounce you husband and wife.
[cut to Ellie and Devon standing looking at each other leading Ellie to whisper to Morgan]
Ellie: Morgan…say you may kiss the bride.
Morgan: Do I have to?
Ellie: Morgan!
Morgan: Okay…okay...[says aloud]…You may kiss the bride.
[cut to Ellie and Awesome smiling at each other leading them to kiss. The scene ends with everybody clapping, the bride/groom/moh/best man walking up the aisle]
[Fade Out]
[The scene begins with a montage of clips at the reception where you see everybody have a good time dancing, talking, and eating the rest day away as the band PCH plays. There are shots of Jeff and Lester, getting splattered drunk, Ellie dancing with Awesome, Abe, Sam, Chuck, Garret, Drew, several frat brothers, and even Morgan as well as shots of Awesome dancing with his mother and Sarah. After a while you see Morgan dancing with Anna, Casey dancing with Jayne, Sam, dancing with Diane, and cut to Chuck and Sarah dancing who after moment or two talk]
Chuck: [looks at Sarah] By far this has got to be the most memorable wedding I’ve ever been a part of. How about you?
Sarah: This is actually my first…you know being a spy and all.
Chuck: Well for your first time…I say you did awesome.
Sarah: Thanks.
Chuck: You’re welcome…did I mention you look absolutely beautiful in that dress?
Sarah: [smiles] No…you didn’t.
Chuck: Well…you do.
[cut to both of them sharing a kiss and after a while Chuck feels a tap on his arm. When Chuck looks behind him Garrett and Drew are standing there leading Garrett to speak]
Garrett: Can we dance with Sarah?
[Cut to Sarah looking at Chuck and then at Garrett]
Sarah: Of course you can.
Drew: Awesome!
Garrett: I’m first.
Drew: No…I’m first.
[Chuck walks off the dance floor chuckling at the boys arguing on who gets to dance with Ellie first]
Sarah: Boys…I’ll dance with Garrett first and you Drew.
[cut to Garrett having a gloating look on his face towards his brother. The scene switches a little later as you see the guys standing around talking. They’re in the middle of the conversation and laughing about Vegas when the ladies walk up]
Ellie: What so funny?
Awesome: Oh nothing…oh babe…[points to Rusty]…this is Rusty Ryan…we met him and his wife in Vegas. Rusty this is my awesome wife Ellie…Chuck;'s girlfirend Sarah…Casey's girlfriend Jayne…and Morgan's girlfriend Anna.
[cut to Rusty nodding at all four ladies]
Rusty: Sarah…I hear you and Chuck are looking for a house. The house next to us is for sale…good price…basically a steal if you ask me with the house market going down the toilet. Its in Santa Monica…close to the beach.
Sarah: Thanks…we’ll check it out. Were you at his bachelor party that these guys are so hush hush about?
Rusty: You can say that…it was a memorable night.
Morgan: Oh boy was it.
Casey: [chimes in] Yeah…it was memorable to say the least…right Chuck? [cut to Chuck looking at Casey] If I’m not mistaken you had your head up Rusty’s wife’s dress.
Sarah and Ellie: What!?
Chuck: [quickly looks at Sarah and Ellie] Uh…let me explain…
Sarah: [glares at Chuck] Yes…please do.
Rusty: [chimes in] Maybe I should explain…Chuck and Casey were stuck in the elevator with my wife when she gave birth to our son Charles John Ryan or C.J. for short. I asked Casey and Chuck to be the godfather and they agreed to it. [looks behind him seeing Isabel holding C.J. in her arms] As a matter of fact here she comes now.
[cut to the ladies going awww at the sight of C.J. leading Sarah to look back at Chuck]
Sarah: You’re forgiven.
[A look of relief is on Chuck's face leading the scene switches from the ladies engrossed in baby C.J. to the ceremony where the garter and bouquet are thrown. The first to be thrown is the garter as you see Morgan, Chuck, Abe, Awesome’s frat brothers, Kyle, Casey, and a visibly drunk Jeff and Lester. After a moment or two of Awesome slowly removing the garter inevitably getting a hoot and holler from everybody he throws it leading a mosh pit type battle to catch it and the one who ends up catching is…Casey who has a not to thrilled look on his face. Cut to all the ladies getting ready to catch the bouquet that Ellie is about to throw. She turns around, tosses it blindly behind her, and a battle ensues amongst the ladies for possession of the so called holy grail and the one who ends up getting it is…Sarah. The scene ends with Chuck clapping as Sarah stands there smelling the flowers leading her to give her all-too-familiar look towards Chuck]
[Fade Out]
[The scene begins around 10pm at Casa Bartowski and inside Ellie’s apartment you see Chuck and Sarah still dressed unlike Ellie and Awesome who have changed to go on their honeymoon to Hawaii. After a moment or two of checking their luggage they four stand hugging/shaking hands at the front door leading Chuck to speak]
Chuck: You two have a great time on your honeymoon in Hawaii…bring me back a souvenir if you can.
Awesome: I don’t think we’ll have much time buying souvenir’s bro…[looks at Ellie who hits his arm]…If you know what I am.
[Cut to Chuck and Sarah look at each other]
Ellie: [looks at Sarah] Sarah…take care of my little brother…you know how lost he gets without me around.
Chuck: Oh really sis.
Ellie: I’m just kidding.
Sarah: Don’t worry Ellie…I’ll take good care of him when you’re gone…trust me.
Ellie: I trust you.
[cut to Sarah and Ellie hugging leading Chuck and Awesome to shake hands]
Chuck: Captain…take good care of sister. You’re the main man in her life now.
Awesome: I will bro…we’re brothers now…can you believe it. Its so…awesome.
Chuck: Truer words have never been spoken.
[cut to Chuck and Awesome doing a fist tap leading Ellie and Awesome to walk to the car where Abe is waiting to take them to the airport. Chuck closes the door leading both him and Sarah sitting on the couch. After a moment or two, Sarah looks at Chuck, kisses him, and then speaks up]
Sarah: What are you thinking?
Chuck: I’m thinking…it’s a new beginning for Ellie and Awesome. Next thing you know there will be little awesome running around. How about you…what are you thinking?
Sarah: I’m thinking…I have the greatest and most patient man in my life. Always telling Ellie we’re taking it slow in our relationship…what has it been...nearly a year and a half
Chuck: [chimes in] 1 year...six months...and 23 days to be exact...but whose counting.
Sarah: What have you been doing to distract yourself?
Chuck: Took a lot of cold showers and built a lot of toy models…I’m currently working on the Millennium Falcon right now.
Sarah: I’m proud of you.
Chuck: So am I…[looks at watch]…well its getting late and I have to go to work tomorrow. I’ll walk you to the door.
[cut to both of them getting up with Sarah walking in front and as Chuck goes to the door open the door Sarah locks it and puts the chain on the door leading Chuck to speak up]
Chuck: Sarah?
[Sarah doesn’t say a word as she just looks at him, takes his hand, and walks him to the front door of his bedroom. The episode ends with Sarah giving him her all-too-familiar look, opens the door, and slowly pulls him in leading the door to close behind them]
[Fade To Black]
About Me

- Yoda
- Let's see, I'm a single, 39 year old 5'2-ish pinoy who worked with kids for the 14 years and I was pretty good at it. I am now working in a totally different area away from kids and it's awesome. Anyways, for fun I listen to music, draw, play video games, watch movies, hang with friends, surf the internet, go skydiving, and write down my thoughts, which I call Yodaisms. I'm pretty much a quiet, laid back dude once you get to know me and that's pretty much it, so have fun reading my thoughts. Take care and peace out!
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