[The episode begins with clips of what previously happened as you hear Simon Templar speak with someone on his cell phone name The Dealer. Simon informs the dealer he will get the location of his colleague’s whereabouts by any means necessary leading him to return to basement where Chuck and Casey are behind held at. The means that Simon uses is threatening to kill Casey’s girlfriend Jayne if he doesn’t cooperate, but like the usual Casey we all know and love he gives a smartass remark. Cut to Sarah who calls Abe telling him that she has a gut feeling that something is wrong leading him to go to the Sacred Heart Church to check on the dynamic duo. At the Church he sees Father Patrick Kelly do something that suspects he isn’t who he says is and his suspicions are confirmed when he does it again. The scene begins where it left off as you see a close up Chuck who has a freaked out like unlike Casey who is prepared to die. Cut to the clock counting down from 5 leading you to see Chuck close his eyes leading back to the clock reaching 1 then back to Chuck who has his eyes tightly shut as he takes one last deep breathe. After a moment or two, Chuck looks around with eyes closed leading him to speak]
Chuck: What happened? Are we dead?
Casey: [looks at Chuck] Open your eyes moron…we’re still alive. [cut to Chuck opening his eyes, looks at the clock stopped at 1, and gives off a frantic laugh of relief] For now.
[cut to Chuck quickly looking at casey]
Chuck: For now…what do you mean for now?
Casey: [glares at Chuck] Just because his so called masterpiece didn’t work doesn’t mean he won’t kill us.
Chuck: What happened…did it malfunction?
[As Casey is about to say something Simon speaks up]
Simon: Malfunction? Hardly…my masterpieces work and so far my kill ratio is 100%. [holds up portable keyboard device in his right hand] No…I spared both your lives for the time being.
Casey: [smirks] What are you going to do now…just leave us here soaking in this water until we die of pneumonia? My God…that was your plan all along wasn’t it you cruel bastard?
[cut to Chuck looking at Casey and back to Simon who has a very a serious look on his face as he puts the device in his pocket, drops the bag he was carrying on the floor, walks over, and picks a small pipe off the basement floor. He walks towards Casey and Chuck with the lead pipe resting on his right shoulder. As he stands in front of Chuck and Casey’s watery glass enclosure he speaks up]
Simon: There’s been a change of plans gentlemen…[points at Chuck]…you are coming with me. [cut to Simon busting Chuck’s watery glass enclosure with the lead pipe leading all the water to pour out to the floor. He then takes out his gun and aims it at Chuck’s head as he walks up to frees him from the straps that bound his wrists, as well as, ankles to the chair] Stand up…we don’t want you soaking wet where we are going.
Chuck: [curious tone] Uh…um…where exactly are we going?
Simon: Don’t concern yourself about that right now.
[cut to Simon throwing the bag at Chuck leading him catch it]
Chuck: What’s this?
Simon: Dry clothes…put them on…[points gun at him]…now. Remember…one push of a button and [points at Casey] you’re friend there dies a horrible, painful death.
Casey: I’m already dying a horrible painful death by just looking at your face.
Simon: [looks at Casey] Ah…Agent Casey I will truly miss our witty repartee. [looks at Chuck] Hurry and change.
[cut to Chuck about to change when he sees Simon looking at him leading to speak up]
Chuck: Would you mind looking the other way.
Simon: A bit embarrassed are we?
Chuck: Yeah
Simon: [points over to a large, messy white board tuned on its side] Change over there and no funny business…or else.
[cut to Chuck glancing at Casey as he walks over to change. While changing Chuck talks to Simon from behind the white board]
Chuck: You haven’t answered my question…where exactly are we going?
Simon: We’re going to take a little ride to the Bel Air Hotel. With Agent Casey unable to cooperate and much of my time spent listening to a annoying young woman’s complaints about her husband I have no choice but to go to plan B.
[After a minute or two Chuck steps out wearing a UCLA sweatshirt, sweatpants, and white sneakers]
Chuck: Why and what is Plan B.
Simon: To see someone who also knows the location of my esteemed colleague other than Agent Casey here.
[cut to Chuck’s eyes widen as a sense of realization comes over his face]
Chuck: Sarah.
[Simon motions for Chuck to move along as he points his gun at him. The scene ends with both of them leaving as you see an up close of Casey as he has this intense stare focused on Simon as he heads out the door. Cue Chuck Intro]
[Fade Out]
[The scene begins inside the church where you see Abe sitting in the pew waiting for “Father Patrick Kelly” to emerge from the basement. After a moment or two of waiting he does, but not alone as he sees his own son being escorted out. Simon and Chuck inevitably pass Abe who conceals his identity from both of them by putting his head down, as well as, covering his face with his hands as he is praying in order to not put Chuck in further danger. When they leave out the front headed towards the Bel Air Hotel, Abe gets up and heads towards the basement. Cut to moments later where you see cautiously reach the door and as he does he smells the aroma of sulfuric acid leading him to fear the worst. When he opens the door he sees Casey sitting in a glass enclosure submerged in water. Casey runs up and begins to speak to him]
Abe: Casey…you all right? I saw Chuck and an imposter posing as priest walking out of here.
Casey: [slight grin on his face] Hey Carmichael. Well…other than getting a bit pruney just sitting here I’m fine. How about you?
Abe: [chuckles a bit] At least you still have your morbid sense of humor in tact all things considering. Glad you’re okay son.
Casey: Can we have this Hallmark moment later…get me out of here so we can go after Templar.
[cut to Abe picking up the lead pipe Simon used to get Chuck out and break Casey out leading all the water to flow out. He then frees Casey from the straps leading him to get up and crack his neck. Abe speaks up]
Abe: [looks at Casey up and down] You need to change clothes.
Casey: There’s no time to go back to my apartment…if we don’t move quickly Walker will be Simon’s next target.
Abe: Well…I saw a goodwill box near the front door of the Church filled with clothes. They’re for the needy…[looks at Casey]…but I think this is the exception. You stay here while I go rummage through the box and see what I can find.
Casey: Here’s a better idea…why don’t I wait in Father Kelly’s office while you look for my clothes because quite frankly I’ve been sitting here for the last couple of hours and I’m sick of looking at the place. Hurry up because we don’t have time to spare.
Abe: All right…come on.
[cut to several moments later where you see Casey in Templar’s office soaking wet from head to toe shivering. He’s trying to warm himself up by walking around, but the air conditioner that’s blowing cold air isn’t helping any. After a moment or two you see Abe walk in leading Casey to speak up]
Casey: Its about time Carmichael.
Abe: Sorry…[hands him clothes and worn out sandles]…I found some things that may be in your size. Oh…and somebody was nice enough to donate a pack of boxers in there.
Casey: [smirks] Well...I guess I’m not going commando then.
Abe: That’s a nice visual I didn't want swimming around in my head.
[cut to Casey heading towards the bathroom in the office to change. After a minute or two you hear Casey’s voice echo from the bathroom as he talks to Abe]
Voice of Casey: So Carmichael…how did you know Templar wasn’t a priest?
[cut to Abe sitting at Simon’s desk searching it]
Abe: There was a mission I was on back in the day where my cover was a priest and I had to take down some Spanish arms dealer in Madrid, Spain. Long story short I took him down.
Voice of Casey: Is there a point to this story?
Abe: I’m getting to that. You see…one of the things you always do when passing Jesus Christ on the cross is you genuflect. There were three occasions where he passed by and not once did he do it leading me to suspect he wasn’t a real priest.
Voice of Casey: You still got it Carmichael. Do you want to come out of retirement and get back in the spy game?
Abe: No thanks…the benefits are appealing and all but I like my semi-retired life.
[cut to Casey walking out leading Abe to see him wearing black beach sandals, cargo shorts with some holes in them, and a yellow smiley face shirt with the words don’t worry be happy written on it. Casey speaks up]
Casey: [points at Abe] Don’t say a word.
Abe: [puts hands up in the air] I wasn’t…but if I was to say something I’d say you need to get in the sun more. [cut to Abe looking at Casey’s legs] Wow…you’re legs are whiter than Michael Jackson.
Casey: [glares at Abe] Are you done because we need to get go.
[Cut to Abe nodding as both of them head out the door. The scene ends with a shot of Chuck driving the nerd herder with “Father Patrick Kelly” aka Simon Templar riding shotgun pointing a gun at him]
[Fade Out]
[The scene begins in the nerd herder where you see Chuck driving and Simon riding shotgun pointing his gun at him. After what seemed like an eternity of silence Chuck speaks up]
Chuck: You are never going to get away with this.
Simon: I think otherwise Mr. Bartowski because you see I hold you’re friend’s life in my hand and with one push of a button he’s history.
Chuck: What if…what if…plan B doesn’t work huh and Sarah somehow figure out who you are? You’ve pretty much failed so what then?
Simon: I don’t believe in the word failure and if plan B doesn’t work I will just have to go to contingency plan C.
Chuck: [gives a quick side look at Simon] Contingency plan C? What is that?
Simon: Eliminate all three of you including you’re friends and family.
[cut to close up shot of Chuck who has this freaked out/horrified look on his face as they head towards the Bel Air Hotel. Several miles back you see a car speeding along and cut inside you see Abe and Casey. Casey speaks up]
Casey: [agitated tone] I hate L.A. traffic.
Abe: [looks at Casey] Casey, I want to get there as much as you do…preferably alive so I can walk my daughter down the isle.
Casey: Carmichael…[looks at watch]…its 1:45 and I hate to break it to you but the way things are looking Ellie may not be getting married today.
Abe: I’m going to stay optimistic on this if you don’t mind.
Casey: You do that…[blares horn at cars]…GET OUT OF THE WAY!
[Cut to Abe holding on for dear life as the scene switches to from Casey and Abe to Jeff, Lester and Morgan who are greeting some guest who have decided to come early to get better seats. Morgan begins to speak as he shakes their hands]
Morgan: Welcome…are you friends with the bride or the groom?
Guest: The Bride.
Morgan: [looks at Jeff] Show them to their seat Jeff.
Jeff: [looks at Lester and whispers to him] I forgot…do I sit them on the left or right.
Lester: The right…no the left…wait…I think it’s definitely the…left.
Morgan: [chimes in with a low serious tone] Facing the stage on the right…dude get it together and do your jobs.
[cut to Morgan continuing to greet some early guests]
Lester: [looks at Morgan] Okay…you don’t have to yell. [looks at Jeff and leans into to whisper to him] He’s taking this job way too seriously.
Jeff: [looks at Lester and whispers back] Yeah…I say we take control. Its 2 on 1.
Lester: Jeffrey, are you talking about a mutiny?
[As he says that Awesome walks up from behind and puts his hands on both their shoulders inevitably startling the two]
Awesome: [smiles] Have I told you lately you guys you are doing an awesome job?
Lester: Hey…from my count at least 20 times
Awesome: Well…make it 21 because you guys are doing an awesome job.
[cut to Morgan who is presently greeting a familiar guest who is accompanied by a very big man]
Morgan: Yes sir…how many and are you’re a friend of the bride or the groom?
Big Sal: Two and you could say I’m a friend of the bride.
Morgan: All righty then…Jeff will escort you and…[looks up at the big guy]…tank with legs to your seat.
Big Sal: Thanks…[looks behind him]…come on Paulie.
[Cut to Jeff and Lester eyes widen as he looks up at site of the big man behind Big Sal leading Awesome to speak up as he sees him as well]
Awesome: That is one awesomely big dude.
Morgan: [leans in] You’re not kidding…does he come with his own zip code?
[You Awesome greet several guests and heads back to his own private room in the Bel Air Hotel to get ready. The scene ends with a shot of Chuck and Simon on the road, as well as, Abe and Casey who is far behind trying to close the distance in order to catch up to them]
[Fade Out]
[The scene begins back with a shot of the nerd herder weaving in and out on the road of cars leading you to see Chuck and Simon once again as Simon speaks up]
Simon: Tell me Mr. Bartowski…do you believe in God?
Chuck: Yes I do…I believe that there is an absolute high power that can’t be explained. When I die my soul goes to Heaven and there I will be reunited with loved one like my mom. [cut to Simon laughing leading to Chuck to quickly look at him] What’s so funny?
Simon: You Christians and you’re belief in this God and Heaven of yours.
Chuck: Tell me…as an Athiest…what do you believe then?
Simon: [condescending tone] Oh I’ll share what I believe my boy. I believe that when you die…that’s it...nothing happens. There is no white light…a stairway to heaven that brings you up to the pearly gates. You’re soul doesn’t go anywhere and all you become is one with this earth. From there I will become a fertilizer for this planet and after a while I grow into a huge tree.
Chuck: Oh really.
Simon: Yes really.
Chuck: Well…if that’s what you believe then I hope you do become a tree.
Simon: [curious tone] Why is that?
Chuck: I hope that you get cut down one day, put on a truck, taken to a paper factory, and then turned into paper.
Simon: Paper? Why paper?
Chuck: [gives him a glaring look] So the bible can be printed on you that’s why.
[You see a Simon look at a very perturbed Chuck who one upped him leading the scene switches from the nerd herder to Abe and Casey several miles back. Abe speaks up]
Abe: We’re not going to make.
Casey: We’re going to make it.
Abe: I’ve tried calling Sarah but all I get is her voicemail. I hope my son is all right.
Casey: Don’t about Bartowski…he tougher than he looks.
Abe: Indeed he is.
Casey: Try calling Sarah again.
Abe: I’ve got a better idea…but its gonna be a bit risky.
Casey: [quickly looks at Abe] What are you going to do?
[The scene switches from Abe and Casey to the Swan Lake area where Jeff, Lester, and Morgan are standing around as there is a lull in early guest showing up. All of a sudden Morgan’s cell phone rings leading him to answer it to where a back and forth conversation begins and as he does this he meanders over in the vicinity of where Big Sal]
Morgan: Hello?
Abe: Morgan…its me Abe.
Morgan: Hey Mr. B. how is it going? You know it’s your daughter’s wedding right?
[cut to Big Sal trying to listen in on the conversation]
Abe: Yes Morgan I know it my daughter’s wedding. I just had to run a few errands…I thought I told you.
Morgan: I guess I was listening. I probably have ADD or ADH….
Abe: [interrupts Morgan] Morgan…listen to me! Is Chuck or Father Patrick Kelly there?
Morgan: No sir, they haven’t shown up yet.
Abe: [looks at Casey as he covers the phone] They aren’t there yet. [uncovers the phone and continues to talk to Morgan] Morgan…you care about my daughter right?
Morgan: Yes I do…very much.
Abe: You would do anything for her right?
Morgan: Of course…what’s up Mr. B?
Abe: Listen to me very carefully Morgan….
[cut to Morgan listening on the other end of what Abe is telling him to do. After a moment or two Morgan speaks up]
Morgan: I don’t know Mr. B…what you’re asking me to do…it’s just wrong. Plus, Ellie is not only going to be really mad at me if I do this, but she might kill me.
Abe: I know my daughter son and she may get mad at first but trust me…she’ll thank you in the long run. Don’t do this for me…do it for Ellie.
Morgan: [scratches his head] Okay…I’ll do it for Ellie.
[cut to Morgan hanging up leading to see Abe and Casey in the car where Casey quickly looks at Abe]
Casey: You know you’re out of your mind don’t you.
Abe: It isn’t the first time someone told me that.
[You see shot of Casey and Abe in the car as they speed off leading the scene to switch to the façade of The Bel Air Hotel where you see the Nerd Herder pull up with Chuck and Simon inside]
[Fade Out]
[The scene begins with the inside of the private room where the ladies were in and an up close shot of Sarah’s purse. Suddenly you see Sarah walk in and head straight for her purse, open it, and see that her cell phone is flashing. Just as she is about to pick it up and listen to the message she hears Ellie’s voice from outside leading her to put her phone back down and walk out to see Chuck walking up the lobby with Father Kelly holding his arm]
Ellie: [yells down lobby] Well it’s about time you showed up little brother. [waving at Father Kelly] Nice to see you again Father Kelly.
[cut to Simon waving back and leaning in to talk to Chuck who has this nervous smile on his face as he looks at both Sarah and Ellie]
Simon: Remember…one push of the button.
[cut to Chuck looking at Simon and then back to Sarah and Ellie]
Sarah: Where’s Casey!
Chuck: He’s running a bit late...he went back to his apartment for something.
[Just as Chuck and Simon are about to reach Sarah and Ellie you see Morgan come out of nowhere and just tackle both Father Kelly/Simon and Chuck to the ground leading to a horrified look on not only Ellie’s face, but everybody in the hotel lobby as well. Ellie is speechless for about a second and then begins to scream at Morgan]
Ellie: MORGAN!
Morgan: [looks at Ellie] Ellie I know how this looks.
Ellie: It looks like you tackled an elderly priest down to the ground.
[cut to Lester, Jeff, Awesome, and the rest of the wedding guest running in after they heard a very loud scream inside. Jeff and Lester enter first leading see the carnage on the ground to where Lester to speak up]
Lester: What happened?
Sarah: [points at Morgan] Morgan tackled the priest.
Chuck: [raises hand] I’m fine by the way if anyone wants to know.
[cut to Ellie looking at Chuck and then at Morgan with a very intense angry look]
Ellie: Yeah and thanks to him my wedding may be ruined.
[cut to Lester and Jeff looking at each other as they give a fist tap. Morgan speaks up]
Chuck: [looks at Sarah] Sarah...I need to talk to you.
[cut to Sarah just looking at him as she gives him a weird look]
Morgan: [gets up] You don’t understand you’re fath…
Ellie: [points a finger at Morgan’s face] This is totally unforgiveable…you know what I’ll deal with you later. [cut to Ellie helping up Father Kelly/Simon up to his feet] Are you all right Father?
[As he stands up to face Ellie she lets out another scream leading you to see that Simon’s disguise has torn causing him to rip off his disguise, takes out a gun from in his coat and grabs Ellie. You see Jeff and Lester quickly hide leading Ellie to look at Awesome]
Ellie: Devon!
Awesome: [eyes widen] Ellie…[looks at Templar]...let her go.
Simon: In due time.
Ellie: Please…let me go.
Chuck: I swear if you hurt my sister…
[cut to Simon taking out the hand held device from his pocket and then looks at Chuck and Sarah]
Simon: [sinister smirk] Say goodbye to your friend.
Chuck: NOOOO!!!
[Just as he says that Casey and Abe run as they stand in front of the crowd forming around the spectacle leading Casey to yell]
Casey: Templar!
[You see a smile come over Chuck’s face and then realizes the situation at hand as the scene ends with a standoff ensuing as Sarah, Abe, Casey, Chuck, Awesome along with a bunch of hotel guest and employees watch in horror as a man who they think is a priest is holding a very freaked out Ellie hostage]
[Fade To Black]
About Me

- Yoda
- Let's see, I'm a single, 39 year old 5'2-ish pinoy who worked with kids for the 14 years and I was pretty good at it. I am now working in a totally different area away from kids and it's awesome. Anyways, for fun I listen to music, draw, play video games, watch movies, hang with friends, surf the internet, go skydiving, and write down my thoughts, which I call Yodaisms. I'm pretty much a quiet, laid back dude once you get to know me and that's pretty much it, so have fun reading my thoughts. Take care and peace out!
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