[The episode begins the day after Ellie and Awesome’s with a skyline shot of Los Angeles and the cut to the façade of Buy More. Inside you see Abe helping a customer choose a video camera, Casey unloading a Beastmaster, and then to a shot of Morgan at with info desk in the middle of talking to Anna when all of a sudden a perturbed Jeff and Lester drop 2 cases of grape soda appear leading Jeff to speak up]
Jeff: Here’s your two cases of grape soda. Happy?
[cut to Morgan looking at the 2 cases and then at Jeff]
Morgan: [smirks] I will have to properly inspect the merchandise before I can clearly say that I am.
Jeff: This is totally lame.
Lester: [looks at Jeff and points at Morgan] If you ask me I think you knew were going to win the bet all along.
Anna: [chimes in] Come on boys…don’t be such sore losers boys just because my man outwitted you.
Lester: [looks at Anna as he points at Morgan] Him outwitting us…please…just saying that makes me laugh. Mr. Bean could easily outwit him.
Morgan: I’m not going to dignify that remark with a response because I’m feeling way to good and you know why?
Anna: [smiles at Morgan] Why?
Morgan: I don’t have to do any work for a month…[points at Jeff and Lester]…you two do…so get started.
Lester: Fine…give us your list of duties so we can get this stupid bet over with.
Morgan: There is no list.
Lester: Excuse me?
Jeff: [glares at Morgan] I swear I will cut you.
Morgan: [looks at Jeff] A bet that I won has to be savored…so for your first task of the day you two are working the hole all day…[looking behind them at people standing in line]…and from the looks of things you are going to be real busy.
Lester: [looks back and then at Morgan] This is cruel and inhumane…I want to talk to Chuck.
Morgan: [smirks] Chuck isn’t here and when he’s not here I’m in charge.
[An argument ensues amongst the 4 leading Abe to just shake his head. After several minutes the arguments breaks up leading Morgan and Anna to head to the break room and Jeff and Lester heading towards the hole. A close up shot of beautiful young women entering the Buy More, stops to look around and then heads straight for Abe. She’s around her late 20’s/early 30’s, slender builder, blonde hair pulled back in a ponytail, wearing a tan business style pants suit, tan high heels, black purse, and a blue tooth in her right ear. She walks up behind Abe and begins talking leading him to be startled. He turns around and is about to speaks to her when she hold up a finger in front of his face as she continues to have a conversation with someone on the other end. Abe has a perturbed look on his face causing him to look back at the argument that is still ongoing when suddenly his focus is broken by the young women getting his attention]
Young Woman: Excuse me sir…you can help me now.
Abe: [turns around with a forced smile] Yes ma’am…how can I help you?
Young Woman: [hands Abe a palm pilot] I’m in town for a couple of days for an important business meeting and I’m having problems accessing important files on my palm pilot. I need you to find the problem and then fix it A.S.A.P.
Abe: Right this way miss…
[cut to Abe and Abe walking over and arriving at the info desk]
Young Woman: Miss Wexler.
Abe: All right Ms. Wexler, let me get some information from you and once I have that I can get started on figuring out what the trouble is.
Miss Wexler: Maybe the trouble is a little less talking and more working.
[All Abe can do is just bit his lip and smile at the demanding young woman as he begins to take down her information. The scene switches from the info Desk at Buy More to the façade of Casa Bartowski around 10:30a.m. You then see a close up on Chuck’s eyes as he opens them and then immediately closes them to where the shot slowly pans back to see his entire face. A voiceover is then heard as it is the voice of Chuck]
Chuck: Was it all a dream? For all I know it could possibly have been one and I hope it isn’t. I really don’t want to open my eyes right now, but I have to. All right Chuck…you can do this buddy…on the count of three…open your eyes. 1…2…3…[nothing happesn]...okay…let’s try this again…1…2…
[As he is about to say three you see Sarah come into the shot and kiss Chuck on the cheek. Chuck opens his eyes, turns his head to look at Sarah who smiles at him, turns back, looks up and gives off the biggest Chuckish smile to the camera. Cue Chuck intro]
[Fade Out]
[The scene begins in the kitchen where you see Chuck dressed only in his pajama bottoms making lunch for Sarah. As he does, Sarah walks out wearing the top half of Chuck’s pajamas and heads straight towards Chuck who has his back towards her. She creeps up and gives him a bear hug leading Chuck to back up and then turn around inevitably looking down into the eyes of the most beautiful woman in the world. They both kiss and after a moment or two Sarah begins to speak]
Sarah: [looks up smiling as she rubs his chest] Good morning!
Chuck: Good morning to you too. I guess you won’t be going to work today?
Sarah: I guess not.
Chuck: Won’t Scooter be mad?
Sarah: Who cares? If it makes you feel any better you want to call him and tell him the reason why I’m not coming in to work today.
Chuck: You’re feeling good this morning. You must have slept well last night?
Sarah: Like a baby and I have you to thank for it? [Chuck’s smile turns to a look of disappointment] What’s wrong?
Chuck: I guess I didn't live up to your expectations.
Sarah: No...you didn’t.
[Chuck hangs his head leading Sarah lift his head up by his chin]
Sarah: You far surpassed all my expectations. [Chuck’s face brightens up] Why did you want to know?
Chuck: Well…compared with Bryce…
Sarah: [puts finger over Chuck’s mouth and looks in his eyes] Forget about Bryce…he doesn’t have the one thing he never used…his heart. You were caring, tender, passionate, and made me feel not only comfortable, but also safe to let myself completely go with you.
Chuck: [smiles] Really!?
[Chuck and Sarah let go of each other and head towards the table to eat lunch]
Sarah: With you it was all about taking your time and as woman I appreciated that very much. Thank you.
Chuck: Wow…you’re welcome.
[cut to the both of them eating lunch leading Chuck to drink his cup of coffee]
Sarah: Are you ready to go back to your room for round 2?
[Chuck does a spit take leading to Sarah to look at the trail of coffee spewed out and then at Chuck]
Chuck: Now?
Sarah: What? I thought you of all people would jump at the chance.
Chuck: Don’t get me wrong…I would love to…[looks at Sarah who is giving her all-too-familiar look as she seductively plays with Chuck’s pajama top that reveals more cleavage leading him to gulp]…BOY would I love to but…
Sarah: But? What did you have in mind?
Chuck: I was thinking about calling Rusty up so we can look at the house near the beach in Santa Monica.
Sarah: [smiles as she rustles Chuck’s hair] We can do that too.
Chuck: Awesome…I’ll go call Rusty. I’ll be right back.
Sarah: [smiles] I know you will.
[cut to Chuck getting up and going to his room to get his cell phone. After a minute or two, he’s walking out having a back and forth conversation]
Chuck: Let’s say 4 pm…all righty then…yeah…I don’t know about Sarah but I’m excited about seeing…[suddenly he stops as he sees Sarah standing in the middle of the living room and then a shot from her feet where she drops Chuck’s pajama top to the floor]…boobs. [after a second or two of a silence Rusty speaks up on the other end leading Chuck to answer back] What…no I didn’t say I’m excited about seeing boobs…ummm…Rusty…I’ll call you back later.
[Chuck throws his cell phone behind him and heads straight towards Sarah with a smirk on his face. After a several minutes you first hear laughter and then moans coming from both Sarah and Chuck. Cut to Morgan coming in through the Morgan door to play Call of Duty on his lunch break and as he is about to play he hears noises coming from the living room]
Morgan: Chuck? You hear buddy? [Morgan goes to the living room, sees Chuck’s phone on the floor, and when he turns the corner he immediately jumps back] Holy sh…
[cut to Chuck quickly getting up and holding a pillow from the couch in front of him with Sarah standing behind him]
Chuck: MORGAN!
Morgan: [smirks] I know why you didn’t come into work today…way to go buddy. [tilts head and waves at Sarah] Hey Sarah.
Sarah: MORGAN!
Morgan: [smiles] Chuck…I couldn’t be prouder of you than I am right now.
Chuck and Sarah: MORGAN!!! GET OUT!!!
[A book is thrown in Morgan’s direction, but he avoids getting hit as it hits the wall behind him leading him to exit stage left. The scene ends with Morgan heading out the way he came in, but not before quickly coming out again to give a big smile to his best friend to the point another book is thrown]
[Fade Out]
[The scene begins in Washington D.C. as you see shots of the Washington Monument, The Capitol Building, and The White House. Cut to office door of General Beckman and inside you not only see her, but also Director Graham inside as well in the middle of a conversation about Chuck and Sarah’s living arrangement]
Beckman: I had my reservations before about Agent Walker and Mr. Bartowski’s cover as a couple, but to go so far as to move in together….I’m greatly concerned.
Graham: We went over all the variables and each time the only logical course of action was to place him in a bunker for his own protection. However….Agent Casey did give a reasonably strong argument supporting the idea and I too have my own concerns, but it’s out of our control now. What is done is done.
Beckman: [taps table with her finger] Correct…but we still pull strings.
Graham: [curious look] What are you getting at?
Beckman: I’m just saying when it comes Agent Casey I trust him to the fullest extent and I know he has The Intersect’s best interest in mind. Whatever he’s asked to do, he’ll comply fully with any order despite…
Graham: Despite what?
Beckman: [shakes head] Nothing….again I trust Agent Casey, but when it comes to Agent Walker…
Graham: [interrupts Beckman] What about Agent Walker?
Beckman: It seems to me that the supposed cover relationship is getting a bit more real than I would like it to be. Agent Walker is there to protect The Intersect and there have been particular instances where I seen and felt that she may have compromised herself when it pertains to Mr. Bartowski or vice versa.
Graham: How so?
Beckman: I’m not going to go into much detail but there have been certain instances such as when Mr. Bartowski broke up the cover relationship with Agent Walker in order to date the civilian sandwich shop girl Lou there was something in her eyes, as well as, tone in her voice that hint a sense of being really brothered as if she were emitting an emotion such as jealousy.
Graham: [holds both hands up] Hold on…listen…I trust Agent Walker in doing her job and she knows that when it comes to the safety of The Intersect its serious business, especially when Fulcrum is involved.
Beckman: These are merely my suspicions that I’m having and if I’m wrong then we have nothing to worry about.
Graham: And if you’re right?
[cut to a close up of Beckman with serious look on her face]
Beckman: Let’s just hope that I’m wrong.
[The scene switches from General Beckman’s office to several hours later to a scenic beach view of Santa Monica where you see a shot of a beautiful 1920’s Spanish Style home. Inside you Rusty, Isabella, and their realtor in the middle of showing Chuck and Sarah the house leading the realtor to hook both of them into buying]
Realtor: As I said you have 4 bedrooms, 2.5 baths, a den and from what Rusty has told me you are into video games so it could be your area of the house. When it comes to cleaning there is no need to vacuum because the whole house has hardwood floors. You have living room with an excellent fireplace, a formal dining room, large laundry room, and did I mention the kitchen with granite countertops & eat-in area. The detached garage has been converted into a room so if you have any guest they can stay in there. Plus, the beach is right down the road. So…have you made a decision?
Rusty: Yeah Chuck…this place is pretty much a steal. Is it a deal or no deal?
Isabella: It would be awesome if you became our neighbors.
[cut to Chuck smiling after hearing Isabella saying the words awesome]
Chuck: Well…[looks around and then at Rusty]…Howie Mandell its really not my deal to make unless…
Realtor: Unless?
Chuck: Unless…[motions over to Sarah by leaning over and bumping her]…we both think it’s a good deal. [looks at Sarah] So how about it?
[Rusty, Isabella, their realtor, and Chuck look at Sarah anticipating her answer. The scene ends with a close up look on Sarah’s face as she looks at everybody and then at Chuck]
[Fade Out]
[The scene begins the next day with the façade of Buy More and cut to a shot of the front door where you see a whistling Chuck walk in. As he walks in he is greeted by Morgan]
Morgan: [smirks] What’s up Casanova?
Chuck: Hey Morg and no I’m not giving you any details.
Morgan: Oh man…that stinks. You know the bro code…share your sexual escapades with you’re your best friend.
Chuck: I will certainly not…[leans in] and if you tell anybody about it…
Morgan: [holds up hands] Whoa…I’m insulted that you would even think that. Its in the vault. You have my word.
Chuck: It’s in the Vault?
Morgan: Yes…its in the vault and sealed shut. Don’t worry about it.
[As Morgan says that Jeff and Lester walk up]
Jeff: [sly smirk] So, you tapped the wiener girl.
[cut to Chuck looking at Jeff and then quickly looks at Morgan]
Morgan: Is that Anna calling me? Gotta go.
[Chuck has a look of angered disappointment on his face as he watches Morgan quickly leave to avoid confrontation]
Chuck: [stern tone under his breathe] Morgan
Lester: So Chuck…[puts hand on shoulder]…how is she in bed?
[Chuck looks at Lester hands leading him to quickly take it off]
Chuck: Sorry fellas…I am not going to talk about what happened between Sarah and I, especially to you two.
Jeff: You are so lame.
Lester: Come on Chuckles…give us something…anything.
[As Lester says that Casey walks up leading him to speak up as he looks at Jeff and Lester]
Casey: [intense look as he gives a low growl] Scram!
[Jeff and Lester leave immediately leading Chuck to speak to Casey]
Chuck: You know…you’re people skills are getting much better. What’s up?
Casey: What are you talking about Bartowski?
Chuck: Well…when you normally tell Thing 1 and Thing 2 to scram you also usually threaten them with some type of bodily harm. What’s wrong…did you go see M. Night Shymalan’s movie The Happening for possible bloody violence and came out disappointed because I know Sarah and I were. Plants killing people…that was not only a stupid concept, but it was also a waste of my money.
Casey: What? No you idiot….I’m not going to threaten them with bodily harm…I’m threatening you with bodily harm. Come here.
[cut to Casey walking towards Chuck as he begins to back pedal]
Chuck: Me!? Why me?
Casey: Thanks to you and Walker…[shivers and shakes]…I will never get the sound of what I was listening to at what you two were doing out of my head. Not even a bottle of whiskey could help remove the mental pain I was enduring.
[Chuck continues to back up all-the-while looking behind him]
Chuck: So that’s why you bit grumpier than usual. Sorry buddy.
Casey: Sorry…all you have to say is sorry? Bartowski…because of you I’m never going to watch one of my favorite episodes of Law and Order the same again.
Chuck: Again I’m sorry…ummm…so what was the episode?
[Casey doesn’t say a word and continues to go straight towards Chuck who backs up inevitably bumping into his father Abe. He stands behind leading Abe to look at Chuck and then at Casey]
Abe: What’s up boys?
Chuck: [points at Casey] Dad…Casey is going to kill me…can you please do or say something to stop him.
Casey: [gives a low growl] Bartowski…nothing your dad will say will stop me from getting my hands on you. So, stop hiding behind him, come here, so I can use you as floss to scrub my brain out.
Abe: Jayne is here. [Casey looks at the front leading him to smile and then look back at Chuck to just point at him] I’ll be on my break.
Chuck: You do that…calm down and let go of the urges to want to use me as brain floss.
[Casey leaves leading Chuck to thank his dad by patting his shoulders. They part ways leading Chuck to pass the info desk and as he does he sees the Palm Pilot that his father was going to repair. He decides to repair it being that its been a while for him in fixing anything electronic since he started as manager of Buy More. He takes it, as well as, the form to his office, closes the door, sits down at his desk, and as soon he reads the name on the sheet he flashes. He sees images of an eagle, special tactical weapons being created for the military, the words Wexler Industries , the image of General Beckman, and the eagle again. The scene ends with a close up shot of Chuck’s face as he has a freaked out look as he holds the palm pilot in his hand]
[Fade Out]
[The scene begins with back at Buy More where Miss Wexler walks in with a very serious look on her face. The first one to greet her is Lester as he gets his game on by first brushing his eyebrows before he walks up]
Lester: [smiles] What may I help you with beautiful lady?
Miss Wexler: You can help me…[looks him up and down]…little man by direct me to the man who is fixing my palm pilot. I have a very important meeting and the files I need are in there.
Lester: Who are you calling little man…I will have you know…
Miss Wexler: NOW!
[Lester jumps and quickly looks for the man who is fixing her palm pilot but doesn’t have any idea who it is as Miss Wexler stands at the info desk with a very perturbed look on his face. Lester runs into Jeff who point to Morgan. Lester walks up flustered and speaks to Morgan on the whereabouts of Abe who informs him that he last saw him in the break room leading Lester to quickly go back there After a few minutes, Abe emerges with Lester close behind point her out leading him to speak]
Lester: Good luck…if I had any holy water I would give it to you in a second.
Abe: [looks at Lester] Thanks son, but I don’t think holy water will be able to work with her. [looks at Miss Wexler] I’m going in.
Lester: [holds hand up] May God be with you.
[Abe takes a deep breathe, puts a forced smile on his face, and walks up to her. Miss Wexler sees him and immediately speaks up]
Miss Wexler: Is my palm pilot ready?
Abe: No ma’am…I haven’t had time to work on it yet.
Miss Wexler: This is totally unacceptable…I have a business meeting in 2 days and if I don’t have my palm pilot my head is going to be on a silver platter. Since you’re the one solely responsible for fixing it and seeing how incompetent the employees here are I’m going to have your head on a silver platter if I don’t have it by tomorrow. [walks away, stops, and then turns back around heading towards Abe again] You know what…scratch that…I want my Palm Pilot now so I can take it to a place that knows what they are doing.
Abe: [forced smile] Yes...of course...ma’am.
[Abe walks behind the desk to retrieve her palm pilot but it isn’t there. He searches high and low, but still can’t find it. This leaves Miss Wexler even more perturbed as it takes a bit longer than usual from her point of view to find her personal property. This leads her to speak up]
Miss Wexler: What is taking so long?
Abe: I’m sorry…it seems to be…[finding the right words]…misplaced.
Miss Wexler: You LOST it!
Abe: I didn’t say lost…I said misplaced.
Miss Wexler: If you have lost my…I want to talk to your manager…NOW!
Abe: That would be my son Chuck.
[As Abe says that, Chuck quickly comes out of his office and heads straight for the door. Abe points him out leading him to call out for his son, but Chuck ignores him and heads straight out the door towards Weinerlicious where Sarah is working. Miss Wexler, now in a foul mood, sees him and quickly heads out the door in hot pursuit after him. As she heads out the door, Chuck is halfway across the parking lot walking very quickly to Weinerlicious. Miss Wexler has this pissed off look on her face leading her to walk with a mission after Chuck. Chuck enters Weinerlicious and after a moment or two you see Miss Wexler enter. Cut to the inside where there are no customers at the moment and you see Chuck’s with his back to the camera in the middle of talking with Sarah waving and pointing at the palm pilot. Miss Wexler enters, sees Chuck holding her property, and when she reaches him she immediately grabs his right shoulder causing him to spin around]
Miss Wexler: Excuse me…I want to talk to you! I've have a complaint...
Chuck: [interrupts her] If it’s about any of our Buy More Employees, namely Jeff and Lester, I will speak to them.
Miss Wexler: [interrupts Chuck] My complaint…[points at him]…is against you.
[Miss Wexler is about to have an all out argument with Chuck and tell him how he thinks of him and his employees when Sarah steps out from behind Chuck leading Miss Wexler just stare at her. After a second or two she speaks up]
Miss Wexler: DeAnna?
[Cut to Chuck who is in the middle of the two women having no idea what’s going on leading him to speak up]
Chuck: [looks at Sarah and then at Miss Wexler] Sorry ma’am…you must be mistaken her name is…
Sarah: [interrupts Chuck] CHUCK…[Chuck looks at her]…she’s not mistaken.
Chuck: [confused look] What?
Sarah: Chuck[looks at Chuck]…this is Cassidy…[looks at Cassidy]...my sister.
[Chuck is floored as Cassidy reveals not only Sarah’s real name, but also meets her sister for the first time at a very awkward time. The last shot is of all three just looking at each other as Chuck learns a bit of truth about Sarah or should I say DeAnna as her past comes into the present]
[Fade To Black]
About Me

- Yoda
- Let's see, I'm a single, 39 year old 5'2-ish pinoy who worked with kids for the 14 years and I was pretty good at it. I am now working in a totally different area away from kids and it's awesome. Anyways, for fun I listen to music, draw, play video games, watch movies, hang with friends, surf the internet, go skydiving, and write down my thoughts, which I call Yodaisms. I'm pretty much a quiet, laid back dude once you get to know me and that's pretty much it, so have fun reading my thoughts. Take care and peace out!
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