[The episode begins with several clips of what previously happened as you see Ellie excited about her wedding then Team Chuck being informed by Beckman and Graham that another member of The Dead Man’s hand, Simon Templar, has stepped up to the plate to eliminate the dynamic duo. You then see Casey, Chuck, and Awesome talking with Jeff, Lester, and Morgan leading you to see Ellie and Awesome’s mom Diane have a mother/mother-in-law talk. The scene begins 45 minutes later after Chuck and Casey drink coffee that Father Kelly offered them they’re in dark area tied down in chairs in separate open glass structures. Attached to the glasses cases are 2 hoses. Cut to Chuck who slowly wakes up and is the first to speak up in order to wake Casey up]
Chuck: [looks around as he tries to break free] Casey…buddy…are you okay…wake up.
Casey: [gives a low growl as he slowly comes to] I’m just peachy Bartowski.
[Suddenly you hear someone voice leading the two to look around, except behind them because they’re not able to move around freely. You then see Simon Templar come into camera view and walks up from behind]
Simon: I see my two guests are awake. Would you like any refreshments like a donut or maybe even some coffee to drink? I made it myself…its fresh and hot.
Chuck: No thanks…the last cup I drank didn’t really agree with me.
Casey: [gives a glaring look] Simon Templar I presume.
[Simon gives a tip of the hat to both of them]
Chuck: What have you done with Father Patrick Kelly or was ever he even real?
Simon: Ahh…the good Father…nice man. Yes…he’s real…or should I say was real. Father Kelly was a transferring priest from another parish and unfortunately he wasn’t able to make it…but I did. Fortunate enough for me that parish was Sacred Heart Church and it became my headquarters giving me the opportunity to not only get to know the people and familiarize myself with this lovely city, but also locate the whereabouts of you two fine gentlemen. It’s a perfect cover if you think about it and hey I may hang my hat hear when I eventually retire from the business.
Chuck: How could you? He was a man of the cloth.
Simon: It was quite easy really when you don’t have a conscience to nag at you. Plus I'm an Athiest.
Chuck: Tell me…how did you even know about my sister?
Casey: [chimes in] Better yet…how long have you been planning this set up?
Simon: [looks at Casey] Several months now after my colleague and friend Maxwell Klinger was captured by you’re people. I and my remaining partners in crime actually drew straws to see who would be the next in line to get the chance to step up to the plate, in a manner of speaking.
Casey: Let me guess…you drew the short straw and lost.
Simon: Actually I won. [looks at Chuck] To answer your questionI didn’t know about your sister until she called my office and left a message with my secretary to do her wedding. Chalk it up to pure coincidence and after talking with her I put two and two together giving me the incentive to take my time in planning this whole elaborate set up. You now…your sister is a very beautiful woman and I’ve gotten to know her quite well…maybe I’ll be the comforting shoulder to cry on when her husband dies in some freak accident.
Chuck: [angered look on her face] If you touch her I will kill you.
Casey: Calm down Bartowski.
Simon: Yes…listen to your friend here or you’ll end up with high blood pressure. You wouldn’t want that especially at your age. [looks at Casey] I want to know where Max is being held so my colleagues and I can retrieve him.
Casey: What makes you think I’m going to divulge that piece of information? I’ll die before ever giving you his location…and [motions over to Chuck] him too.
[cut to Chuck quickly looking over at Casey with his freaked out Chuckish grin]
Simon: [smirks] Gentlemen…gentlemen…why you are making this so difficult on yourselves? [looks at the Casey and Chuck] You know…I don’t understand how Max could have been taken down by likes of you two fools…[points at chuck]…especially you.
Chuck: [nervous smile] Dumb luck I guess.
Simon: [smiles as he looks Chuck dead in the eyes] Well…that luck is about to run out.
[You see Chuck’s eyes widening when he hears those words from Simon leading him to have this freaked out look on his face. The scene ends with Chuck looking at Casey as the camera cuts to behind them leading you to see Simon standing there with a sinister smile on his face]
[Fade Out]
[The scene begins with the façade of the Bel Air Hotel and cut to the Swan Lake area where you see Sam and Abe walk in heading straight towards Ellie who is standing next to Diane. Abe hugs then kisses Ellie on her forehead leading him to begin to speak]
Abe: [smiles] How is my little girl? You look absolutely beautiful sweatheart.
Ellie: Thanks daddy and I’m doing great so far. I haven’t gone bridezilla on anyone yet like the one’s you see on the WE channel.
Sam: That’s good to hear because I don’t want my daughter-in-law to be like any of those ladies who wigs out, are always screaming, and overly demanding. They scare me.
Ellie: You actually watch that show?
Diane: [chimes in] Its one of his favorites shows next to The Hills on MTV.
Abe: [looks at Sam] Really!?
Sam: Look…I admit it. I’m hooked on the show and let me tell you something…I’m glad that Heidi kicked Spencer to the curb. He was jerk and she deserves better just like L.C. and Audrina.
Abe: [gives Sam a weird look and then looks at Ellie] So what have you two lovely ladies been talking about?
Ellie: [looks at Diane and then at Abe] You know…women’s stuff.
Abe: Ahh…you don’t need to say anymore. [looks around] Are Chuck and Casey back yet, I wanted to talk to them about something?
Ellie: They haven’t returned yet from talking with Father Patrick Kelly at Sacred Heart Church.
[cut to Sarah and Mary walking up leading Sarah to speak]
Sarah: [looks at Abe and Sam] Hey guys
Mary: Looks like the most of the wedding party is all here.
[As she says that Jeff, Lester, Morgan, and Awesome walk in leading Mary to scream/freak out as they walk up causing everybody to be startled yelling at Awesome to turn around, which he immediately does]
Abe: [holds his right ear] Can you at least warn me when you do that…I think you busted out my right ear drum?
Sam: [holds his ear] You’re not the only one. [looks at Mary] What’s wrong?
[cut to Mary standing in front of Ellie leading Sarah to almost pull a gun out from behind her. She speaks up]
Sarah: [looks at Mary] Mary…what’s going on? Why did you scream?
Mary: The groom cannot see the bride until she walks down the isle, especially when she’s in her wedding dress.
Awesome: [with his back turned looking the other way]Are you serious? That is not awesome.
Jeff: [grins] Don’t worry big guy…you’ll get to see a whole lot of her on your honeymoon.
Lester: You got that right my friend.
[cut to Jeff and Lester doing a fist tap as they see Awesome look at them causing them to back up a bit behind Morgan. You then hear Morgan speak up]
Morgan: Hey guys…that is totally uncalled for. [looks at Ellie who is being shielded by Mary] I’m sorry you had to hear that El.
Ellie: Its okay.
Morgan: It’s not okay…as your usher I’m going to give them a stern talking to.
Awesome: Isn’t that Casey’s job…he’s the head usher.
Morgan: When he’s not here…I’m second in command.
[cut to Morgan forcefully grabbing Jeff and Lester by the arm leading them away. As he does Jeff leans in and speaks up]
Jeff: [leans in] Are you really mad at us?
Morgan: [smiles] Nah…I always wanted to make a dramatic exit.
[cut to everybody watching them walk off leading to Mary to speak up again]
Mary: [looks at Sarah and Diane] Ladies…lets lead this blushing bride away because I don’t want to jinx it. [looks at Abe, Sam, and Awesome] As a wedding planner I do tend to get a tad…
Sam: [speaks up] Crazy?
Mary: I would call it being superstitious.
Abe: I can see that.
[cut to Sarah, Diane, and Mary leading Ellie away. The scene ends with the guys chuckling a bit just watching the ladies walking away looking like bodyguards protecting the beautiful bride]
[Fade Out]
[The scene begins back at the Swan Lake area where you see Abe, Sam, and Awesome watching Mary along with Sarah and Diane herd Ellie into the Bel Air Hotel away from the eyes of Awesome. As they disappear into the building, Awesome begins to speak]
Awesome: Dad.
Sam and Abe: [both turn around and face Awesome] Yes?
Awesome: [looks at Abe as he puts his hand on his father’s shoulder] Oh, I was referring to my dad, but since you’re here and will be my dad-in-law…
Abe: [speaks up] What is it son...what can we help you with?
Sam: What’s on your mind?
Awesome: [take a deep breathe] I am in need of sage wisdom…[points at Sam and Abe]…from both of you and if you have any at this time that would be awesome.
Abe: [smiles] I think we both can share some valuable advice we’ve been able to attain over the years.
Sam: [smiles] Let’s take a walk.
[The scene switches from the Swan Lake Area to the unknown location where Casey and Chuck are being held at. You see Templar walk in to camera view leading Chuck to speak up]
Chuck: [struggling in his chair] What are you going to do us?
Simon: [grins] Oh…curious are we about how you’re going to die.
Chuck: [nervous tone] Not really…but since you’re on the subject what are the options?
Simon: I could just shoot you in the head and make it a quick death or I can make it a slow painful death that you end up begging me to put you out of your misery. [laughs] Either way you suffer.
Casey: [looks at Simon] I’ll go for the bullet in the head if you don’t mind because hearing you ramble on and on makes me want to shoot myself and get it over with.
Chuck: [looks at Casey and then at Simon] Is there by any chance another option?
[The scene switches from the dark unknown location to inside the Bel Air Hotel where you see Sarah, Diane, and Ellie pass the bar. The camera stops as you see Jeff, Lester, and Morgan sitting at the bar having a conversation while drinking a few beers. Morgan begins to speak up]
Morgan: Guys…I don’t want to mess this up. I promised Ellie that I wouldn’t let her down and so far I haven’t.
Lester: Yet…you haven’t let her down yet.
Morgan: [looks at Lester] What do you mean by that?
Jeff: [chimes in] What he means is that somehow you’re going to screw this whole thing up for her.
Morgan: I bet you I’m not going to.
Lester: [eyes widen] Ahh…are we settling this with a friendly wager?
Morgan: [looks at Jeff then to Morgan] Fine…what’s the bet?
Jeff: If I…
Lester: [speaks up and looks at Jeff] You mean we.
Jeff: Yeah…If we win you not only have to get back our DVD that Chuck took from us, but also do our work for a month.
Morgan: And if I win?
Jeff: If you win…fat chance that might actually happen…we do your work for a month.
Morgan: Not good enough…sweeten the pot a little bit more boys.
[cut to Jeff and Lester thinking for a moment leading to Lester to speak up]
Lester: We buy you 2 cases of grape soda.
Morgan: [quickly responds] Deal.
[Cut to all three doing a fist tap sealing the deal. The scene ends with Jeff, Lester, and Morgan finishing up their beer before they head out and help setting up for the wedding]
[Fade out]
[The scene begins with Abe, Sam and Awesome walking along a path as they are in the middle of a conversation. You hear Awesome speak]
Awesome: [looks at Sam] Dad…how were you able to do it?
Sam: Do what Devon?
Awesome: Be able to provide for mom, me, Garrett, and Drew? Quite honestly, I’m amazed how were able to be keep the marriage between you and mom strong, as well as, keep your sanity raising three rambunctious boys who tended to get into trouble every now and then.
Sam: Believe me son…it wasn’t easy by any stretch of the imagination. It took a lot sacrificing not only on my part, but also on your mother’s part as well.
Abe: [chimes in] Listen to him…he knows what he’s talking about.
Awesome: [looks at Abe] How about you…did it take a lot of sacrificing on your part as well despite what happened along time ago.
Abe: I regret what I did leaving my family in such a lurch…it was a mistake….but I digress. My story is a bit different and yet the same with your father’s.
Awesome: How so?
Abe: You see, my wife and I eloped rather than having a fancy wedding making it easier on the both of us. However, like your parents we endured the much of the same sacrifices as well.
Awesome: How were you able to deal with it?
Abe: By encouraging and relying on each other when things seem dark. Also, praying helps as you hand all your problems over to God as he will be able to answer them.
Awesome: [smiles] I appreciate what you’ve said to me and know I’ll cherish it.
Abe: [puts hand on Awesome’s shoulder] You know…you remind me of me when I was younger. Though I didn’t much of the extreme things you young kids do today…I did something somewhat similar that was considered extreme.
Sam: [points finger in the air] Speaking of extreme son…you will one day have to sacrifice those extracurricular activities as well when you have a family of your own.
Awesome: I know…but they’re awesome things to do as they give you such an adrenaline rush.
Abe: So does the love of your wife and your future kids. When you have them in your life nothing else really matters.
[The scene switches from Abe, Awesome, and Sam’s father/son talk to Mary, Sarah, Ellie, and Diane who are having a conversation of their own. Mary speaks up]
Mary: I would like to apologize for my sudden outburst out there.
Sarah: It was sudden all right…are you okay?
Mary: I am…thanks for asking.
Diane: You don’t have to apologize for that. It shows not only how much dedication you have for your job, but also how much care you have for the people that you work for.
Mary: Sometimes too much.
Ellie: You’re a passionate person and after getting to know you for the last couple of months you’re in it because you love your job…not because of the money.
Mary: When it comes to my job I consider myself a perfectionist and I don’t like making mistakes.
Sarah: Mistakes are a part of life and trust me I’ve made plenty of my own in the past. Some that I would love to forget…but I can’t. Anyways, it just shows you how much of a human being we are.
Diane: [looks at Mary] You’re more than a just a wedding planner in our eyes.
Ellie: [chimes in] She’s right…[smiles at Mary]…you’re not just my wedding planner and friend, but I consider you part of my family.
[Cut to Mary who has tears in her eyes as she smiles at all three ladies. The scene ends with the camera backing away as you see Mary, Ellie, Sarah, and Diane sharing a moment together]
[Fade Out]
[The scene begins at the dark unknown location where you hear noise as you see Simon Templar setting something up behind Chuck and Casey. After a moment or two he walks up to talk to the both of them wearing the disguise again leading Casey to speak up]
Casey: [smirks] What were you doing back there…building a girlfriend?
Simon: Funny…I was actually putting the finishing touches on your very own instrument of death.
Casey: Please tell me you’re not going to play us a yanni c.d. That’s not only pure torture, but I think it also violates the Geneva convention.
Chuck: [looks at Casey] What are you doing? Stop antagonizing him.
Casey: [looks at Chuck] Just having fun Bartowski.
Chuck: Having fun? We’re strapped in a chair, in a glass enclosure, and being held captive by one of the most elite assassin groups out there. Oh need I remind you Ellie’s wedding is in a couple of hours and we’re supposed to be there…but noooooo…you’re throwing insults at Jigsaw over there.
[cut to Casey just looking at Chuck leading Simon to speak up]
Simon: Are you guys done…or do you want me to leave while you two work things out. [looks at Chuck] He seems like a reasonably nice guy and I’m not the type of guy to judge…hey my cousin is gay.
Chuck: [quickly looks at Simon] We’re not in a relationship…I have a girlfriend.
Casey: [looks at Chuck] You lied to me…you told me we would be together forever.
Chuck: [give Casey and look then hangs head] Somebody kill me.
Simon: [claps hands together] Okay…let’s not keep this man waiting then.
Chuck: [freaked out tone] I…I…I…was speaking metaphorically.
[cut to Simon walking behind them and after a moment or two wheels in front of them a large device. On that device the camera does a close up shot on the words sulfuric acid leading Casey to speak up]
Casey: So that is how you’re going to do it?
Chuck: What? Do what Casey?
Simon: [speaks up] If you notice there is a hose attached the bottom of your glass structure. Water will be pouring out of it inevitably filling up to your neck. The second hose, which I’m attaching now, is going to pour out sulfuric acid into the water causing a mixture that will inherently burn your skin to the point that it comes off. The stench is unbearable and the best part is you’ll be alive while it’s happening.
Chuck: You’re insane.
[cut to Simon setting the timer at 3 hours, which is approximately an hour before the wedding. Simon then turns around]
Simon: I don’t consider myself insane…just an artist of death who has ingeniously put together one of his greatest masterpieces. Gentlemen…[walks away with a smile on his face as he pushes a remote button in his hand]…your countdown to death begins now.
[You see the timer counting down leading you to see a wide shot of Chuck and Casey strapped to their chairs. The scene ends with Chuck struggling to free himself visibly freaking all-the-while looking at Casey who looks as calm as a cucumber]
[Fade to Black]
About Me

- Yoda
- Let's see, I'm a single, 39 year old 5'2-ish pinoy who worked with kids for the 14 years and I was pretty good at it. I am now working in a totally different area away from kids and it's awesome. Anyways, for fun I listen to music, draw, play video games, watch movies, hang with friends, surf the internet, go skydiving, and write down my thoughts, which I call Yodaisms. I'm pretty much a quiet, laid back dude once you get to know me and that's pretty much it, so have fun reading my thoughts. Take care and peace out!
Sunday, April 27, 2008
Saturday, April 26, 2008
Chuck vs. The Priest, The Rabbi, and The Minister
Devon Eugene Gordon
cordially invite you to celebrate
their union in holy matrimony
on Sunday June 13th 2008
3 O’Clock p.m.
The Swan Lake Area at
The Beverly Hills Hotel
[The episode opens early Sunday morning with shots of the Santa Monica beach, The Griffith Observatory, and downtown Los Angeles. As you continue to look on you hear the song Let’s Get Married Remix by Jagged Edge featuring Run DMC playing leading you to see a shot of Casa Bartowksi. Cut to inside where you see not only an up close shot of a fogged up bathroom mirror, but you also see someone standing in front of it. When that someone wipes the mirror you see it’s Ellie wearing a robe and towel wrapped around her head singing the exact same song as she’s listening to it on her Ipod.
She’s takes off the towel, dries her hair with a hair dryer, and as she does that she sings into it as if it were a microphone. After a moment or two, she steps out of the bathroom holding a comb continuing to sing and dance in the process as she’s heading out into the living room. Ellie is so into the song she doesn't see Morgan sitting at the table eating a bowl of Cheerios watching her shake her booty, which is evident by the smile on his face. The scene begins when she turns around and sees Morgan causing her to scream as she feels a combination of being startled, embarrassed, and slightly anger]
Ellie: Morgan…what are you doing!?
Morgan: [mouth full of cereal] I’m having breakfast. Wants some?
Ellie: [looks at the clock] What? No… its 7 am…why are you here so early?
Morgan: I wanted to get a jump start on my duties as an usher.
Ellie: At the hotel Morgan…not here in my house…[grips her robe tighter]…where I’m clearly not dressed.
[cut to Chuck and Awesome running out of their rooms yielding weapons to fight off whatever/whoever Ellie was screaming at leading Awesome who is holding a tennis racket speaks up]
Awesome: [looking around] What’s wrong babe?
Chuck: [waving a toy lightsaber around] Are you okay sis?
Ellie: [looks at Chuck and Awesome] I’m fine…[points at Morgan]…it’s just Morgan.
Chuck: Is that all…I’m going back to bed.
[cut to Chuck going to back sleep leading Awesome to walk up to Ellie and hugging her]
Awesome: Its all right…breathe…just focus on your big day, which is 8 hours away. Trust me…nothing is going to go wrong.
Morgan: [looks at Ellie] Yeah El…rest assured you’re wedding is in good hands with me as one of your ushers. What possibly is going to happen?
[cut to Morgan smiling leading Ellie to say something]
Ellie: [looks at Awesome] Is it too late to elope?
[Awesome gives Ellie another comforting hug and then the scene switches from the living room to Chuck’s room where you see him visibly sleeping. His slumber is broken up by noise causing him to speak up]
Chuck: Morgan…I’m sleeping. Come back in an hour and you can play Call of Duty.
[cut to the person walking into camera view from his waist down and then bends down leading you to see its Casey]
Casey: Get up Bartowski…General Beckman wants to see us.
[cut to Casey walking off and out the Morgan door]
Chuck: [half asleep] All right…in a minute.
[cut to Chuck falling back to sleep leading to Casey to speak up again]
Voice of Casey: Now Bartowski!
[cut to Chuck jumping out of bed]
Chuck: [sitting up and scratching his head] I’m up…I’m up…I’m up.
[The scene switches from Chuck’s room to Casey’s apartment where you see Sarah there. Chuck walks in wearing a robe and stands next to Sarah and Casey. Beckman and Graham are on the screen with Beckman speaking up]
Beckman: [looks at Chuck] Nice robe Mr. Bartowski.
[cut to Sarah smiling and Casey just glaring at him]
Chuck: [smiling] Why thank you general.
Beckman: [gives a glaring look] That wasn’t meant as a compliment.
[cut to Chuck quickly losing the smiling leading Sarah to speak up]
Sarah: What’s going on General?
Graham: [chimes in] Simon Templar
[cut to Chuck immediately flashing as he sees images of a chameleon, passport photos of him in different disguises, deceased targets, the dossier file of elite assassin group Dead Man’s Hand, a card showing the 8 of clubs, and the chameleon again]
Chuck: [snaps out of it] Oh boy!
[The scene ends with Chuck as he looks at Sarah, then at Casey, then to General Beckman and Director Graham, and then a close up Chuck’s face as he freaks out]
[Fade Out]
[The scene begins where it left off as you see Chuck freaking out a bit after snapping out of the flash that had him see another member of The Dead Man’s hand. Team Chuck is in the middle of a discussion with Beckman and Graham about Templar when Casey walks into camera view leading him to speak up]
Casey: So what you’re saying is this guy is making us his #1 target?
Beckman: [looks at Casey] To be more specific Agent Casey…he’s eliminating the two people who are responsible for taking down one of their own.
Sarah: Chuck and Casey.
Graham: That is correct Agent Walker. We’ve picked up some chatter for the past couple of months and from what we’ve heard he’s stepped up to the plate and made it his mission to eliminate you two. [cut to Chuck’s eye’s widening] From the intel we’ve gathered on Simon Templar is that he’s smart, crafty, and will capitalize on any mistake so don’t underestimate him.
Chuck: [chimes in with a nervous tone] Are sure that he’s talking about the two us? He could have been talking some other two guys?
Beckman: Well…[opens file and reads transcripts…according to what was overheard he’s going to enjoy torturing, hurting, and eventually killing a scowly looking individual with the personality of piece of driftwood.
Chuck: [snaps his fingers] Steven Segal…there you go. [looks at Casey who is glaring at him and then at Beckman] How about the other guy?
Beckman: [gives Chuck a look and then reads on] The other individual as he describes it is a tall, lanky man who has the fighting ability of Barney Fife.
Casey: [chimes in with a smirk] That describes you exactly to a t Bartowski.
[cut to Chuck giving Casey a look]
Sarah: [look at the Chuck and Casey then to Beckman and Graham] Do we have a location on his whereabouts?
Graham: Not at this juncture, but be on your toes because he could strike when you least expect it.
Sarah and Casey: Yes sir
Beckman: Oh…Mr. Bartowski I hope you sister’s wedding goes off without a hitch.
Chuck: I hope so too…hey…if you came to the wedding I would save a dance especially for you General. I bet under the hard, gruff, somewhat scary exterior is a dancing diva waiting to bust out. [cut to Beckman just glaring at Chuck] Or not.
Beckman: [serious tone] You have your orders. [screen turns off]
[The scene switches from inside Casey’s apartment to the outside in the courtyard where you see Casey, Sarah, and Chuck walking out his door. Just as they walk out, Ellie appears leading her to see Sarah, smile, and speak to her]
Ellie: [hugs Sarah] Hey Sarah…I was just going to call you. You, me, my future mother-in-law, need to be at the Bel Air Hotel a little early to get ready for the wedding? Hey John.
[cut to Casey nodding with a slight smile on his face]
Sarah: [looks at watch] Its only 7:30.
Ellie: Yeah…but according to my saving grace and wedding planner Mary there’s a lot of things to do before walking down the isle to marry Devon.
Sarah: [curious tone] Like what?
Ellie: Well for one thing…a pre-wedding shot of me in my wedding dress in front of the Swan Lake area. It’s one of those photos to not only have for posterity reasons that I can look back on, but also it give Devon a picture of his beautiful bride when I was able to fit into it.
Chuck: [loving brotherly tone] Come on sis…you’ll still be able to fit in that dress.
Ellie: Maybe…but how about after 1 or 2 kids?
Casey: [chimes in] I’m sure you’ll look beautiful regardless.
Ellie: That’s sweet of you to say John
Chuck: [gives a weird look to Casey] Yeah…very sweet John.
Sarah: [chimes in] We better get going and as your maid of honor I don’t want to be responsible for ruining your wedding.
[As they are about to leave for the Bel Air Hotel Ellie turns around looking at Chuck and Casey leading her to speak up]
Ellie: [points finger in the air] Oh…I almost forgot. Father Patrick Kelly, the priest who is performing the wedding ceremony, wants to talk to the both of you. He called me yesterday and asked to have the guys who are involved in the wedding party, excluding Morgan, Jeff, and Lester, to come to his office in order to go over the essentials. I informed him dad won’t be able to make it because he has something important to handle that concerns the wedding.
Chuck: Where is Father Kelly at?
Ellie: Sacred Heart Church…his office is located on the second floor. He said he wanted to speak to the both of you at 9:30am and make sure not to wear that robe when you go. You look like the Big Lebowski for crying out loud…minus the beard.
Chuck: [gives a thumbs up] I got it…I’ll change and we’ll be there 9:30 am on the dot.
[The scene ends with Ellie and Sarah walking away off to the Bel Air Hotel and the cut back to Chuck and Casey splitting off, but meeting back up to go talk to Father Patrick Kelly]
[Fade Out]
[The scene begins around 8:30 am inside Ellie’s apartment where you see Morgan, Lester, and Jeff sitting at the table with Awesome, Casey, and Chuck standing. Chuck begins the conversation]
Chuck: [looks at Jeff, Lester, and Morgan] Okay you three…I want to go over a few things before you guys do your job.
Lester: [speaks up] Please Charles…I’m allergic to the word job. Can you give it another name?
Casey: [glares at Lester] Are you allergic to my foot up your ass because that’s where its going to be unless you shape up.
Awesome: Calm down John…no need to get worked up. It’s not awesome to get stressed out and this coming from a guy who is getting married in 7 hours.
Jeff: [raises hand] Will there be booze at the reception?
Morgan: [speaks up] More important question…will we be given nifty name tags…preferably those gold plated ones that have our name and the word usher under it?
Chuck: [yells] Can we focus please! [cut to Jeff, Lester, and Morgan shutting up] Now before I was interrupted…[looks at the three]…you’re job is simply to sit friends, family, and guest in the right place.
Awesome: Indeed fellas…my family will be seating on the left. Ellie’s family will be seated on the right area.
Jeff: [scratches head] How do we know if we’ve seated them in the right area?
Casey: There’s only two places to sit them you moron. Either you sit them on the right or the left.
Lester: Which right and which left?
Chuck: [holding both hands a few feet away from and Lester and Jeff’s face] Imagine you’re up front facing the crowd…Devon’s family will be on the left and my family is on the right.
Lester: Gotcha.
Morgan: Do we get an award for doing this…like maybe a plaque or a trophy?
Jeff: Plaques are lame…I like trophies better.
[cut to Chuck slapping his forehead, turning around, and then starts talking to himself]
Chuck: It’s like trying to train a bunch of circus monkeys.
Casey: [walks up] I could use a cattle prod on them.
Chuck: [looks at Casey] Do you have or even own a cattle prod?
Casey: Maybe.
[cut to Chuck looking at Morgan, Lester, and Jeff then back to Casey]
Chuck: Nah…that would be inhumane. [looks away, pauses for minute and then looks back at Casey] Bring it just in case.
[cut to Casey with a smirk on his face]
Chuck: Where was I again…oh yeah…Jeff and Lester I’m counting on you to do a good job. I don’t want find out that you’re actually having people pay to get into the wedding, betting whether or not my brother-in-law to be is going to have cold feet, or hitting on the female guest.
Awesome: [looks at Jeff and Lester] Boys you wouldn’t do that to me would you? That wouldn’t awesome at all.
Lester: [insulted look on his face as he looks at Awesome and then at Chuck] What kind of guys do you take us for? I’m hurt that you would even think of such of thing.
[cut to Chuck, Awesome, Morgan and Casey talking amongst themselves leading to Jeff and Lester to huddle up as they quietly whisper]
Jeff: How did he know the plan? I swear if you did I will cut you.
Lester: You know me…look at this face…would this face betray you?
Jeff: In a heartbeat…[points two fingers at his eyes and then to Lester]…I’m watching you.
[At that moment Chuck speaks up]
Chuck: Guys!
[cut to all Jeff and Lester turning around quickly leading Lester to speak up]
Lester: What? We weren’t planning anything devious or underhanded...I swear. Stop with the accusations that tarnish our good names.
Chuck: [looks at Lester] Uh huh..what I was going say was Casey and I have to go see Father Kelly. While we go talk to him…you go over to the Beverly Hills Hotel and see if you can help in any way. Remember, I still have what you most want back.
Morgan: [puts hand on Chuck’s shoulder] Dude…don’t worry about…we got this.
[You see Chuck looking at Jeff and Lester. The scene ends with Chuck and Casey heading out to go see Father Patrick as Awesome talks with Jeff, Lester, and Morgan]
[Fade Out]
[The scene begins at the Bel Air Hotel and cut to the Sawn Lake area where you see Mary, Ellie, Diane, Sarah, and the wedding photographer Joel are just finishing up taking pictures. Joel begins to speak]
Joel: [looks at pictures] Ms. Bartowski…or should I say Mrs. Gordon the pictures are amazing, especially near the water.
[cut to Joel showing the pictures to the ladies that he took on his camera and putting them up on his lap top]
Mary: [looking at the pictures and the at Ellie] They turned out beautiful.
Diane: They’re simply breathetaking.
Sarah: [looks at the pictures] They certainly do and Devon is going to love them.
Ellie: [looks at pictures and then at Joel] Thank you.
Joel: [smiles] No problem…I’m glad to do it. I’ll be heading out, but I’ll be back before the wedding even starts.
Ellie: Thanks again.
[You see Joel walking off as Ellie waves and then cut to Sarah and Mary noticing Ellie lost in thought leading Sarah to speak up]
Sarah: Ellie are you okay?
Mary: [chimes in] You’re not having second thoughts about marrying Devon are you?
Diane: I sure hope not.
Ellie: [snaps out of it] What? Oh…no I’m not.
Diane: [smiles] Good.
Sarah: Then what’s wrong?
Ellie: I’ve dreamed for so long for my dad to come back and walk me down the isle. Of course, Chuck would have done a great job at it but there’s nothing like having your father walk you down and sharing a moment that is considered absolutely special. Now that he has returned…it’s a dream come true. Its just a little overwhelming.
Mary: Sweety…if you’re dream has come true you should be happy about it. Instead, you look sad.
Ellie: [starts tearing up] I just wish my mom was here to watch me get married.
Mary: [wipes away Ellie’s tears] She is Ellie and if she were standing in front of you right now she would say that’s she proud of you for being the woman you are today. A strong, confident, successful and very lucky woman who has men in her life that truly cares about her. One of those men you will marry and begin a new life with.
Diane: [looks at the girls] Ladies, can I have a moment with my daughter-in-in-law to be?
[cut to all of the obliging as they walk off to tend to other wedding matters]
Ellie: [looks at Diane] What do you want to talk about?
Diane: I know I can never replace your mother and from what you, Chuck, and father talking about her for the past 2 weeks she is a wonderful woman. I don’t want to be considered one of those mother-in-laws from hell that meddles in your business once you and my son get married, but I can’t guarantee on that ever happening. So I apologize ahead of time if that ever happens.
Ellie: What are you trying to say?
Diane: What I’m trying to say is…I would rather be your friend first and let you be comfortable enough to call me mom when you’re ready to.
Ellie: [starts tearing up again] I appreciate it.
Diane: Don’t cry dear…you’ll ruin you’re make up and you don’t want to do that on your wedding day. Oh…before I forget…I was going to give you something.
[cut to Diane taking 2 things out to from a small bag she’s been holding to give to Ellie]
Ellie: Diane…you shouldn’t have.
Diane: [waves hand] Nonsense. You know its tradition for the bride to have something old, something borrowed, and something new. Well..since you have my great grandmother’s wedding ring…God rest her soul…it’s something old yet very special. [cut to Diane taking out small box and opening it leading you to see pearl earrings] These are my earrings and I would be honored if you would borrow for the wedding. [cut to Ellie who is deeply touched as she takes them] And the something blue. [Diane takes out a blue garter from the bag that Awesome will inevitably remove from under her dress to throw to the single guys] There you go…you’re ready to walk down that isle.
Ellie: Thank you.
[The scene ends with a touching mother-in-law/daughter-in-law to be, Diane and Ellie, sharing a moment together as they each other]
[Fade Out]
[The scene begins with the façade of Sacred Heart Church where you see Chuck and Casey pull into the side parking lot. Cut to inside of an office on the second floor where you see an elderly man wearing glasses sitting at his desk, presumably Father Patrick Kelly. You then hear a knock on the door leading the elderly man to speak]
Father Kelly: Come in.
[cut to Chuck and Casey walking in and heading straight over to Father Kelly]
Chuck: [shaking Father Kelly’s hand] Father Kelly…I’m Chuck Bartowski…Ellie Bartwoski’s brother. You’re going to be doing the ceremony at her wedding?
Father Kelly: Ah yes…lovely young lady and the young gentlemen with her is a nice young man. I had the privilege to meet, sit, and talk with those two for quite some time. She talk about you.
Chuck: [laughs] Whatever she said I deny it ever happened.
Father Kelly: [laughs] I assure you it was all good.
Chuck: Oh…this is John Casey…he’s the head usher at the wedding.
Casey: [shaking Father’s Kelly’s hand] Nice to meet you sir.
Father Kelly: [looks at Casey] Oh…a right strong grip you have there son. Do you care to arm wrestle?
Casey: Don’t you think it would be unfair?
Father Kelly: Nope…I have God on my side and I think we can take you.
[cut to Casey looking at Chuck then Father Kelly laughing leading all three of them to laugh]
Chuck: So what do you need to talk to us about?
Father Kelly: I’m sorry…I need a refreshing cup of coffee before I begin. [cut to Father Kelly walking over to the area in his office where the coffee maker, cups, and other essentials are] Would you two like some?
Chuck: Sure…we both would love some.
Casey: [leans in and whispers] I don’t feel like drinking coffee right now Bartowski.
Chuck: Do you really want to say no to a priest? Besides its just coffee…it would kill you to just drink a lit bit.
[cut to Casey giving a low grunt leading to Father Kelly handing two cups of coffee to the both of them then sit down drinking his cup of coffee]
Father Kelly: The reason I asked you boys here is to go over the game plan if it were. I don’t want to make any mistakes…I’m sort of a perfectionist at heart.
Chuck: [drinking his coffee] I understand sir. I want my sister’s wedding to go off without an hitches.
Casey: [chimes in as he drinks his coffee] Don’t worry…everything going to run smoothly.
Father Kelly: Have a positive attitude about…I agree with you Mr. Casey.
Chuck: Yeah…he’s Mr. Positive all right.
[Cut to Casey giving Chuck the you’re an idiot look. As they are talking you notice something wrong with Chuck as he tries to focus as evident from his point of view as things start to go blurred leading Father Kelly to speak up]
Father Kelly: Is something wrong son?
Chuck: [rubbing his eyes] I’m fine.
[cut to Casey who is experiencing the same thing from his point of view]
Father Kelly: [stands and walks over to Chuck and Casey] Are you two okay?
Chuck: [looks at Father Kelly, his coffee and then at Casey] Casey…
[Chuck doesn’t finish the sentence as he passes out dropping the cup of coffee on the floor leading Casey to drop his, stand, and grabs Father Kelly]
Casey: [groggy tone] What did you do to us?
[As he says that he falls to the floor passed out next to Chuck. You then see Father Kelly stand over the two inevitably removing his disguise revealing it’s Simon Templar. The scene ends with a smirk on Simons face and then him walking off camera]
[Fade to Black]
Sunday, April 20, 2008
Chuck vs. Girls Night Out
[The episode opens on a Thursday Night around 7pm with the facade of Casa Bartowski where you see a large bus in front. Chuck Bartowski opted to close up shop at Buy More for good reason because in three day his sister Ellie Bartowski and future brother-in-law Devon Gordon were getting married. which is on Sunday June 14th. He first had to have the okay from the home office and thankfully they accepted his request. Two weeks prior Devon’s family consisting of his father Samuel, his mother Diane, his brothers Drew and Garrett, his aunt Lois and uncle Boyd from his mother’s side, his uncle Michael and Tina from his father’s side, as well as, his cousin Tyler arrived leading the Gordon and the Bartowski clan to have a rehearsal dinner. The scene begins Thursday night in the courtyard where you see Bartowski/Gordon women, as well as, Sarah, Anna, and Jayne in the background as Awesome speaks two his two younger brothers with Chuck, Abe, Casey, Samuel, and three of Awesome’s frat brothers (Brody, Kyle, Terrence) behind him. Awesome begins to speak]
Awesome: [looks at his two younger brothers] Sorry you two…you can’t come with us to Vegas and besides mom won’t let you go.
[cut to Awesome’s mom with her arms crossed]
Garrett: [looks at Awesome] This is totally not awesome D…can’t you talk to mom for us and convince her to let us go with you.
Drew: [looks at his brother and then at Awesome] Yeah big bro…this is so not cool and to think we always thought of you as our awesome older brother who came through for us when it counted the most.
Awesome: [grins] Hey…I’m still you’re awesome older brother but the thing is I can’t go against mom on this. She doesn’t want your young minds corrupted by what goes on in Sin City.
Garrett: [sour look on his face] This bites…she never lets us doing anything awesome with you.
Awesome: [puts hands on both their shoulders] I’m sorry little bros…[points behind him towards their dad’s direction]…dad even agrees with her on this.
Drew: [leans into whisper to Awesome] He has to agree with mom because he’s totally whipped.
[cut to Awesome, Garret, and Drew laughing leading all three of them to do a fist tap as Diana Gordon has this suspicious motherly look on her face that reads what are they laughing about. Garrett and Drew turn around and walk into Ellie’s apartment leading the men to say goodbye to their women with Ellie walking up to Awesome]
Ellie: [hugs Awesome] You behave yourself you hear me.
Awesome: [smiles] Indeed I will and I’ll call you when I get there…I promise.
Ellie: You better
[They kiss leading to the shot to cut to Samuel and Diane]
Diane: You keep everybody in line and watch over my baby boy.
Samuel: I’ll try.
Diane: [puts hand on his shoulder] Stay safe and put your wallet in your sock.
[They kiss leading to the shot to cut to Casey and Jayne]
Jayne: [looks at Casey] Have a great time and don’t forget what I said to do if some skanky woman tries to come on to you.
Casey: [smirks] Head butt her in the face
Jayne: [smiles] Exactly
[They kiss leading the shot to cut to Morgan and Anna]
Anna: [hands Morgan 100 dollars] Put it all on black 7
Morgan: Are you sure?
Anna: Sure I’m sure…you’re my heroic man and lucky charm.
[They kiss leading the shot to cut to Chuck and Sarah]
Sarah: [hugs and looks at Chuck] Try not to get into trouble.
Chuck: [Chuckish smile] As the best man who is throwing this bachelor party I can guarantee you that we’ll all be on our best behavior.
Sarah: Uh huh…just get back here in one piece.
[They kiss leading to a shot of Jeff looking at Lester]
Lester: [looks straight ahead] I’m not kissing you.
[cut to a semi disappointed look on Jeff’s face. You then see Abe walking into the courtyard]
Abe: Whoever is going to Vegas get on the bus now or you’re walking there.
Jeff: [eyes widen leading to a big grin] Time to get liquored up!
[Cut to all the guys leaving the courtyard leading the women to wave goodbye. As they watch them head out Ellie walks up, turns around, and looks at the ladies leading her to speak]
Ellie: [smiles] Well ladies…with the guys away and I don’t have any plans tomorrow other than going over some last minute details with my wedding planner in the afternoon. Are you thinking what I’m thinking?
[cut to Diane, Lois, and Tina with a look of bewilderment. Cut to Sarah who is standing by Anna and Jayne who immediately look at each other, then smile at Ellie leading both of them to speak at the same time]
Anna and Jayne: Girls Night Out!
[The scene ends with a shot of Sarah who is thrown off by what Anna and Jayne said leading to a close of her face exuding a fish out of water worried look. Cue Chuck Intro]
[Fade Out]
[The scene begins where you see Diane, Lois, and Tina heading back to Ellie’s apartment leaving only Ellie, Jayne, Anne, and Sarah. After a moment or two of chit chat Anna and Jayne leave with Sarah not too far behind, but before she goes Ellie stops her in order to have some girl talk as they both sit on the edge of the fountain. Ellie begins to speak]
Ellie: [smiles as she looks at Sarah] You know…with all that’s been going on lately…we haven’t had much time to really talk one on one.
[cut to a not too noticeable uncomfortable look on Sarah’s face]
Sarah: [grins] Of course we talk Ellie…we talk all the time…don’t we?
Ellie: Yeah we do…but…its when there are people around like Devon, Morgan, John, Chuck, and not to mention the Devon's Family. I was hoping we could talk for a little bit so that I could get to know more about you…if you have the time?
[You see Ellie giving Sarah a warm, sisterly smile leading the shot to cut to Sarah who has even a more not too noticeable uncomfortable look on her face that she hides very well with her own forced smile]
Sarah: Sure…what do you want to talk about? Chuck and I…our relationship…see where’s its going?
[cut to Sarah who has this please I hope its not that look]
Ellie: [looks down and then at Sarah] No…I definitely know where that is going…but that’s not what I want to talk about.
[cut to a look of relief and curiosity as Sarah is intrigued by that statement]
Sarah: Well…ummm…what do you want to talk about then?
Ellie: You…I want to get to know you better. So tell me…who is Sarah Walker?
Sarah: There’s not much to tell really. I moved down here from D.C. a year and half ago after getting out of relationship. I thought the some change of scenery would do me some good and it did.
Ellie: [tilts her head] For the better I hope?
Sarah: [looks afar off as she thinks of Chuck] Yeah…for the better.
Ellie: Awesome…but that’s not what I wanted to know. Chuck told me the same thing after your first date, but let’s talk for real. Bride to Maid of Honor…woman to woman…friend to friend…family to family…[cut to Sarah completely thrown off by that last statement leading a gradual smile to come over her face]…tell me about your family. Start with your sister…the one you talked about when you, me, Chuck, Devon, and Morgan had game night where you shared with us both of mistakenly put on baby oil instead of suntan lotion. What’s her name?
[cut to Sarah pausing for a minute as she looks away noticebaly fidgeting with her fingers. After a moment or two she looks at Ellie]
Sarah: Her name is Cassidy.
Ellie: Let me guess…she’s your older sister…right?
Sarah: [looks at Ellie] Right…how did…
Ellie: It’s all in the tone…its sort of the same tone as Chuck’s whenever he talks about me. Tell me about her.
Sarah: [has that afar look again] Cassidy is the quintessential older sister who could do no wrong in the eyes of my dad and mom. Me…I was considered to be the black sheep of the family who did things my own way. I always felt like whatever I accomplished it didn’t measure up to what she accomplished to the point where I was always living in the shadow of her greatness.
Ellie: [sympathetic tone] All kids feel like that…wanting to get our from under the shadow of their old brother or sister.
Sarah: I guess.
Ellie: How about your mom and dad…what do they do?
[cut to Sarah’s right leg starting to shake a bit as you see her trying to speak up or at least make up an excuse to get out of the conversation. Suddenly Garrett and Drew appear having a conversation with each other heading towards Ellie leading Sarah to have that thank God look on her face. Drew speaks up]
Drew: [looks at Sarah] Hey Sarah…[cut to Sarah grinning and then Drew looks at Ellie]...Ellie we would like to speak to you.
Garrett: [chimes in] Yeah…this is about the not so awesome situation we’re in.
[cut to Sarah looking at the boys, then at Ellie, giving her the perfect opportunity to make her escape. Sarah speaks up]
Sarah: [looks at her watch] Ellie…I’ll let you talk with these handsome gentlemen. [stands up] I got to go and thanks for the talk.
Ellie: [stands up and smiles at Sarah] No problem…and you’re coming tomorrow right for girls night out because you’re my maid of honor in charge of the party planning.?
Sarah: [smiles] Yes I am and wouldn’t miss it for the world.
[As Sarah turns around to grab her stuff she overhears the boys talk about/complaining that they haven’t done anything fun since they got here. They plead with her to go to the movies and see the new Jackie Chan/ Jet Li movie Forbidden Kingdom. After a pause Ellie tells them she’ll discuss it with their mom leading both of them to shout and giving a fist tap to each other. The scene ends with an up close shot of Sarah with the Garret, Drew, and Ellie behind her as she walks off camera towards her car on her way home to find a place to take Ellie, Jayne, and Anna]
[Fade Out]
[The scene begins around 9:15 in the morning where you see Ellie walk out of her bedroom holding her cell phone and as she passes by Chuck’s room she sees Garrett and Drew readily focused playing Call of Duty 4. Ellie, smiles, knocks on the door and begins to speak to the two]
Ellie: Good morning you two…how are you guys doing?
Garrett: [quickly turning around to look at Ellie] We’re cawesome Ellie…at least I am…[points at his brother]…I don’t know about him.
[cut to Drew pushing him off the bed and then getting back on it leading them to both have a short shoving matching leading Ellie to intervene. You see Ellie going over, pulling out the chair to Chuck’s computer, turning it around, and then sitting down facing the two boys]
Ellie: Hey…you know you guys can call me sis now seeing that we’re going to be family in 2 days.
[cut to Garrett pausing the game. looking at Drew who in turn looks at Ellie leading him to speaks up]
Drew: It all depends if you were able to talk to our mom about us being able to go to the movies tonight since it is a Friday night.
Ellie: [serious look] Yes I did.
Garrett and Drew: And?
Ellie: [smiles] She said its okay by her.
Garrett: Awesome…you’re the best El…[cut to Ellie giving a look to Garrett]…I mean sis.
Drew: Yeah…thanks sis…so are you going to take us?
Ellie: Yes…[cut to Garrett and Drew with big smiles on their face]…but listen…your mom and I worked it out. We’re going to drop and you’re mom along with your aunt Tina and Lois are going to be at the movie theater at The Grove as well.
Garrett: What are they going to watch?
Drew: [smirks] I bet its Leatherheads with George Clooney…they all were born during that time…[cut to Ellie looking at him]…you know the 20’s.
[cut to Garrett laughing leading Ellie slapping him upside the head]
Garrett: [rubbing his head] Owww…[points at Drew]…he said it…not me.
Ellie: You’re right.
[cut Ellie slapping Drew upside the head leading you to see Garrett with a smile on his face]
Ellie: That’s not the movie they’re going to see…its The Buck List with Jack Nicholson and Morgan Freeman. Anyways…since I’m your soon-to-be-sister and all…I’m sticking my neck out for you so please behave and if the movie gets down before there’s does either wait in the lobby or sit outside and wait for them. [points at the two] Don’t leave or get into any cars with strangers you hear me.
Garrett and Drew: Yes sis.
Ellie: All right...I checked the times that its playing and The Forbidden Kingdom starts at 7pm and we’re going to drop you off at 6:30pm.
Drew: [curious tone] Who is we and where are you going anyways?
Ellie: [raises right eyebrow] Myself, Jayne, Anna, and Sarah is who and the where is none of your concern mister. [points at the both of them] Just be glad you’re not stuck in the house…oh…fyi..your mom and aunts are going to do a little shopping, get a pedicure/manicure, and getting a facial around 10 am. So you have the house to yourself, except when Sarah and my wedding planner show up in an hour or so to finalize some last minute wedding details. So can you both be quiet and not interrupt what we’re doing in the living room [cut to the boys nodding leading Ellie l to look around chuck’s room] If I’m not mistaken…Chuck has some Bruce Lee movies you can watch to pass the time until you go to the movie Theatre tonight.
[cut to boys eyes widening and big smile comes over their faces]
Garrett: [smiles] You know what?
Ellie: What?
Drew: [chimes in] You’re the best sister in the world.
Garrett: [looks at Drew] She’s not the best…[looks at Ellie leading him to smile]…she’s the awesomest sister in the world.
Ellie: [smiles] Actually I’m your only sister and I know I’m awesome. Come on…[opens arms wide]…give your awesome big sis a hug.
[cut to the boys getting up, hugging Ellie and then going back to playing Call of Duty. You see Ellie leave and after a moment or two she’s in the kitchen eating breakfast when she gets a call on her cell phone leading her to answer it]
Awesome: Hey babe...how is my most awesome bride-to be-doing this morning?
[The scene ends with Ellie talking with Awesome who is currently eat breakfast with the rest of the guys at Mr. Lucky’s 24/7]
[Fade Out]
[The scene begins at around 11pm in the living room where you see charts and graphs out. You also see Ellie and Sarah minus Anna, Jayne and the 3 Gordon women sitting down as Mary is in the middle of going over several details about the wedding]
Mary: [holding black folder looking down the list] Florist…check. Wedding photographer…check. Wedding singer/band…check. Seating arrangements…[looks at Ellie]…just to double check the family/friends of the groom will be sitting on the left right?
Ellie: [confused tone] You’re left or my left?
Mary: If you’re facing everybody from the stage…your left.
Ellie: Yes…gotcha…my family and friends will be sitting on the right.
Mary: Okay then…[looking down the list again] The Band…PCH…I’ve worked with a couple who booked them at their wedding and they are great. You’ll get your money’s worth from them. [cut to Ellie smiling at Sarah then looks at Mary] The color scheme…white and lavender…check. The theme for the wedding…you really didn’t decide on that.
Ellie: [chimes in] Devon and I decided to drop the theme…we didn’t want to become a running joke.
Mary: Well…that just leaves the vows.
Ellie: We’re writing our vows to say to one another at the alter.
Sarah: That’s so sweet.
Mary: It truly is. You know… thanks to your dad when you say your vows you’ll be doing it at one of the best and most memorable pleaces to have a wedding….at the Hotel Bel Air’s Swan Lake Area.
Ellie: I have to thank my dad’s friend…who is an invited guest to my wedding.
Sarah: [looks at Ellie] So how many people did you invite to the wedding?
Ellie: Not a lot…Devon and I wanted the wedding to be an intimate affair with a close friends and family.
Sarah: Who did you invite?
Ellie: Some of our doctor friends at the hospital…several of Devon’s frat brothers from UCLA…
Mary: [chimes in] That reminds me…I should put a security guard near the swans just in case. You never want to be too careful, especially when you have drunk frat bros who are notorious for playing practical jokes on each other.
[cut to the ladies laughing leading Ellie to speak up]
Ellie: With my dad’s friend in attendance…[looks at Mary]…we may have to add a few extra chairs just in case there are more people that show up. That also means if more people show up there should be more food for the guest.
Mary: [writing something down in her black notebook] I don’t see that as being a problem…I’ll tell catering to provide extra food just in case and you did decide on a buffet style meal of choice for your guests right?
Ellie: Yes we did.
Mary: Excellent…getting back to any unannounced guest. If for some reason any show up we’ll contact you or Devon to make sure you know them or not. Since the reception afterwards is going in the same area…my staff and I will have an easier time keeping any on who is a guest or simply there as a wedding crasher. Trust me…I been in this job a long time and I can spot them from a mile away.
Ellie: [joking tone] Hey…if they looking anything like Vince Vaughn or Owen Wilson…by all means let them in.
Mary: If I wasn’t married to Mr. Fiore I would be all over Christopher Walken.
Ellie: [looks at Mary] He looks creepy and not to mention talks weird.
Mary: [smiles] Hey…you have your taste…I have mine.
[cut to all three laughing again leading Mary to look at Sarah]
Mary: Sarah…do you have your dress for the wedding?
Sarah: Its hanging in my apartment as we speak.
Mary: Good…that’s pretty much everything on the list that we’ve been able to cover. Who wants to eat?
[The scene ends with Elli and Sarah raising their hand leading to all three of them to head into the kitchen to partake in last night’s over of Chinese food take out consisting of Chicken Wings, noodles, and Sizzling Shrimp]
[Fade Out]
[The scene begins around 3 pm where you see Ellie, Sarah, and Mary chowing down on Chinese take out when the 2 Gordon women walk in looking refreshed, well manicured/pedicured, and carrying bags that could possibly have expensive items in them. Diane decided to join them while Tina and Lisa go to their room to take a nap leading Diane to speak up as they all 4 partake in Chinese food, but also ice cream from the freezer as well]
Diane: Devon’s father called me last night…they arrived in Las Vegas at around 10pm.
Ellie: That’s great.
Diane: As soon as they got off Chuck went to the front desk and got the rooms he reserved. From what he told me…Chuck got Devon the deluxe sweet since he’s guest of honor.
Sarah: [looks at Ellie] So have you heard from Devon?
Ellie: [agitated tone] Yeah…he called me this morning.
Diane: You sound angry…did my boy do or say something because I’ll call him right now and give him a talking to.
Ellie: No…its not about him…it’s about Chuck.
Sarah: [quickly looks at Sarah] What about Chuck?
Ellie: [starts to tear up] You’re boyfriend is responsible for my fiancé’s well being and I don’t want him ending up being a tattooed freak with a jail record.
Sarah: [gets up and holds Ellie’s hand] Ellie…listen to yourself. I don’t know if its pre-wedding jitters that’s causing you to have these outrageous thoughts but your brother isn’t going to bring him back tattooed or get him thrown in jail.
Ellie: [biting her fingernails] How do you know?
Sarah: Because I’m looking at the woman who taught him to be the kind of man I fell in love with. He’s an amazing, kind, compassionate man who has a good heart, and even though he does have a tendency to not listen at time he puts others before himself. That’s the mark of a good upbringing…an upbringing you instilled in him when you became not just a big sister to Chuck, but also took the role of loving mother and strict father.
Mary: [looks at Ellie] She’s right…even though I haven’t spent time with Chuck I have had conversations with him and he seems to be a special guy who loves you and would do anything for you, within legal reason of course. He holds you in high regard.
Diane: [sits beside Ellie looking at her] Don’t worry about Devon…that’s my job until you two get married.
[cut to Ellie laughing]
Sarah: [wiping away tears from her face] Feel better?
Ellie: Yeah…thanks you guys.
Sarah: Don’t mention it and besides…the guys are probably having a blast in Las Vegas and are too busy having wild fun.
Ellie: I’m not going to think about that because you, me, Jayne, and Anna are going to have our own fun tonight.
[cut to Ellie putting her hand up for a high five]
Sarah: [high fiving Ellie] You bet.
Mary: You guys have fun and enjoy it.
Diane: But not too much fun.
[cut to Diane looking at Ellie and Sarah]
Sarah: So…what are you wearing?
Ellie: Me…I’m wearing something sexy and yet something not too revealing…I’ll call Jayne and you call Anna…tell her about what look we’re going for. We’ll all meet back at here at 6.
Sarah: I don’t think that will be a problem for Anna.
Ellie: [laughs] You got a point. [pauses for a minutes] So where are we going my maid of honor?
Sarah: The Key Club…is on the sunset strip and it not only has a restaurant on the second floor, a dance floor, live music, but also VIP lounge as well.
Ellie: Awesome…oh…we have to make a quick stop before we go. We’re dropping off Garrett and Drew at the movies in The Grove.
Sarah: Okay...[looks at watch seeing that its 4 pm]…well…I’ll be heading out and I’ll definitely inform Anna about the look we’re going for tonight. I’ll be back here at 6pm.
Ellie: I’ll be ready…[cut to Sarah heading out the door leading Ellie to turn to look at Diane]…and you’ll be at The Grove there as well.
Diane: Yes we will and tonight looks to be a little chilly…why don’t you bring the sweater I knitted for you…you know the one with the kittens playing with yarn.
Ellie: [forced smile] I’ll think it about.
[cut to Ellie turning around to look at Mary and gives a look that makes her laugh]
Mary: With that said, I’ll see all of you on Sunday.
[The scene ends with Mary leaving, Diane and Ellie cleaning up from, and then Ellie getting ready for a night of fun with the Anna, Jayne, and Sarah]
[Fade Out]
[The scene begins 15 minutes before 6 at Casa Bartowski where you see Garrett and Drew in the living room watching tv dressed up to go The Grove to watch The Forbidden Kingdom. You then hear a knock at the door leading Garrett to get up and open it. When he does you see his jaw drop to the floor as the camera does a toe to head shot of Sarah. From his point of view you see Sarah wearing black high heels, a short above the knee length black rhinestone necklace dress, dangling silver earrings, silver bracelet around her wrist, black hand held purse, the gold locket, and her done up to where it pinned on one side leaving the other flowingly curled. Cut back to Garret who at this point can’t speak leading Drew to walk up wondering what’s wrong with his brother leading him to speak up]
Drew: Hey G…whose at the door.
[cut to Garrett pointing at Sarah who is smiling at him. When Dew talks a look at her his mouth drops leaving him in a dumbfounded stupor like his brother leading Sarah to speak]
Sarah: Can I come in?
[cut to Drew and Garrett just standing there looking at Sarah when Ellie comes walking out leading her to speak up]
Ellie: [smiles] Hey Sarah…you’re looking awesome. [looks at Garrett and Drew] Guys let Sarah in.
[cut to Garrett and Drew not saying anything but just smiling as they motion for Sarah to come in leading Garret to close the door behind him. When they turn around they see Ellie leading them to again be dumbfounded once again. From their point of view they see from a toe to head shot Ellie wearing blue open toed high heels, blue hand held purse, a beautiful matte jersey halter dress has a knotted front which wraps around her waist with a Button-and-loop closure at the back neck. She not wearing anything on her wrists, on her finger is the engagement ring Devon gave her, on her ears are pearl earrings her mother wore, and she did her hair in a ponytail style with her hair bangs in front. Drew starts smiling and then suddenly grabs Garrett leading him to whisper something to his brother]
Drew: [leans in] Dude…stop smiling that’s are sister man.
[cut to Garrett quickly stops smiling and after a moment or two there is another knock at the door leading the boys to open it once again. When they do, they see Anna and Jayne causing their jaws to drop again. From Garrett’s toe to head point of view he sees Jayne wearing dark green high heal shoes, beaded wrist necklace, a green purse, a pleated charmeuse bodice flatters above a bead-encrusted mesh inset and a flirty chiffon skirt. She has on hoop earrings with her dark curly brunette hair straightened. The camera cuts to Drew who sees from a toe to head shot of Anna who is wearing black high heals, a bluish Mandarin Oriental design mini dress, simple earrings, and her hair is simple yet elegant. Jayne begins to speak]
Jayne: [grins] Hey boys…can we come in?
[cut to the boys again dumbfounded leading Jayne and Anna to walk in between the boys, but not before Anna rubs the top of Drew’s head messing up his hair. Drew turns to Garret and has a big smile on his face. You then see the boys turn around and see all the ladies standing together leading Garret to speak up]
Garrett: [smiles] You guys look awesome.
Sarah: [smiles] Why thank you Garrett.
Jayne: [smiles] You are such a cute young man.
Anna: [smiles] If I were 13 again.
Ellie: [looks at the boys then at the girls] Are you ladies ready?
[cut to Sarah, Jayne, and Anna nodding then heading towards the door. You see Garrett immediately push Drew to the side as he opens the door for the ladies and as Sarah passes him she gives him a peck on the cheek. Drew immediately stands right beside his brother giving him a glaring look when all of a sudden Jayne stands beside him giving him a peck on the check. Just when you think its over Anna walks up to the to the boys, looks at them, and kiss both of them on the cheek. You then see Ellie walks up, look at her soon-to-be brothers with lipstick on their cheeks, and speaks up]
Ellie: [rolls her eyes] All right you two Casanovas…let’s get going.
[You cut to a front shot as you see Garrett and Drew do a fist tap as they walk out the front door heading off camera. The scene ends with Ellie closing the door, locking it, and as she heads off camera she has a smirk on her face at what she just witnessed]
[Fade Out]
[The scenes begins with the façade of The Key Club and inside you see the place in high gear as there are people having a good time dancing/drinking/mingling the night away. Cut to entrance where you see Ellie, Sarah, Jayne, and Anna walk in, look around, and eventually find a table to sit at. A few moments later you see a female waitress comes by to bringing their drink orders to the table as Ellie ordered a Cranberry and Vodka, Anna a Sex On The Beach, Jayne a Cosmopolitan Cocktail, and Anna a Big Red Kamikaze. After a second or two the ladies begin having their conversation as best they can over the music. Ellie begins to speak]
Ellie: [looks at the girls as she holds up her drink] Tonight…let the good times roll!
[cut to the girls hooting and hollering to the point where after they finish their drinks they go to the dance floor to shake their respective booties. You see random guys come up from behind and try to get up on them as their dancing but the girls simply ignoring them like they weren’t even standing there. For about 30-45 minutes or so they dance to songs like Flo Rida’s Low, Rhianna’s Don’t Stop The Music, Britney Spears’ Break The Ice, and Metro Station’s Shake It. while having their drinks in between leading them to become a bit tipsy. The ladies eventually take a breather leading all 4 of them to sit down and after a few minutes the same female waitress comes over holding in her tray the same drinks that the ladies ordered leading Sarah to speak up]
Sarah: [looks at the female waitress] I didn’t order a drink…[looks at the girls]…did you guys?
[cut to all three ladies shaking their heads no leading the waitress to speak up]
Waitress: [points behind her] Compliments from the 4 guys sitting over at the bar.
[cut to all 4 ladies look behind her to the bar where you see 4 guys smiles and holding their drinks up to them leading Anna to have a smirk on her face. She begins to speak up]
Anna: Are you ladies thinking what I’m thinking?
Jayne: [quickly looks at Anna] We beat up those guys over there, take their money, and use it to buy more drinks?
[cut to Ellie looking at Jayne]
Anna: Better…let those guys order us drinks so we don’t have to pay for them. Let’s use what we got because you know how dumb guys are.
Jayne: I did bring a tazer, pepper spray, and brass knuckles just in case…
Ellie: I don’t know…that’s just evil…deceitful…
Sarah: [speaks up] Let’s do it.
[cut to all three girls looking at Sarah]
Anna: [smiles at Sarah and points at her] I knew there was reason I liked you blondie.
[cut to Anna looking over to the guys and waving them over to join them. The guys come over and ask them if they want to move over to the VIP lounge where the atmosphere is a bit less noisy, as well as, crowded. The ladies agree and head towards the VIP lounge with the 4 guys with a plan in mind. Cut to a few moments later where you see the ladies sitting separately from each other with the each guy as they are all in the middle of the conversation first with Sarah and the guy she’s sitting with]
Sarah: So…Justin is it…[cut to Justin nodding his head]…you must have a fascinating job as a investment banker dealing with money and stuff. You must have a pretty big wallet.
Justin: [grins] Yes I do …my stock portfolio is growing by leaps and bounds…but you know what money doesn’t compare to sitting with a woman so beautiful as you.
[cut to Sarah giving a forced smile as Justin puts his arm around her. Cut to Anna and the guy that she is with whose name is Duncan]
Duncan: [looks into Anna’s eyes] You have the most beautiful eyes..its as if God took the stars above and put them in you for me too get lost in.
Anna: [smiles] That’s so…[pauses for a second to search for a word]…romantic.
[cut to Jayne who is sitting a guy at the bar]
Jayne: [smiles] So Leo…[drinks her Cosmopolitan Cocktail that Leo ordered for her]…how long have you been working as a personal trainer.
Leo: 5 years now…[lifts up his shirt]…just look at these abs.
[cut to Jayne eyes widening leading to Ellie and the guy she is sitting next to whose name is Travis. He begins the conversation with Ellie]
Travis: [smiles] So…what is a gorgeous girl like yourself doing here other than taking my breathe away.
Ellie: I’m here with my friends having a good time.
Travis: [goes to hold her hand and notices the ring on her finger] Are you married?
Ellie: [looks at her ring and smiles] Engaged…to a wonderful guy.
Travis: Really…he must be a lucky then to have a woman…[looks her up and down]…so unbelievabley hot as you.
Ellie: [looks at Travis] Oh stop it...but thank…you…[changes the subject]…what do you do Travis?
Travis: I’m a doctor.
Ellie: Oh wow…really…so am I and my fiance’ too. Where do you work at?
[cut to Travis’ eyes widening as the scene ends with Ellie beginning to talk to Travis about what he does all-the-while sharing her experiences as a doctor]
[Fade Out]
[The scene begins around 9:30 pm in the elevator where you see on the floor Casey, Chuck and Isabel who is currently going through contractions. While she is having them Casey and Chuck have a short conversation]
Chuck: [nervous tone] Casey
Casey: What is it Bartowski…we’re getting ready to deliver a baby here…so focus.
Chuck: What do you think the ladies are doing right now?
Casey: I don’t know…maybe their getting in touch with their lady feelings…that’s what women do.
[the scene switches from the elevator back to The Key Club where Ellie is talking shop to the supposed Doctor Travis. You see a close up of Ellie’s face as she’s talking and going into graphic detail about performing surgery last week on several stabbed and shot gang members. As the camera pans back you see Travis with a very horrified look on his face and after 15 minutes Ellie raps up the whole story]
Ellie: And after 2 hours of surgery I was finally able to repair the punctured aorta and remove his spleen that was badly damaged. I had blood all over me after the surgery because of blood squirting out of several arteries.
Travis: Wow…all that you said…though disturbingly etched in my mind…was hot. Why don’t we get out of here and perform surgery on our own…just the two of us.
[cut to Travis raising both his eyebrows up]
Ellie: I am engaged to be married.
Travis: And?
Ellie: [gives Travis a curious look] Well…before I do…can I ask you one question?
Travis: Sure babe.
Ellie: [points to her neck] Is my femoral artery looking discolored?
Travis: [feels her neck] Its looks fine and so do you.
[cut to Ellie quickly standing up, turning around, and starts yelling at Travis all-the-while swaying back and forth]
Ellie: You’re not a doctor because if you were a doctor you would know the femoral artery is located in muscle of the thigh not in your neck.
Travis: [looks at Ellie] So does this mean you don't want to go home with me?
[cut to Ellie getting an angry look on her face leading her to pick up her drink and throwing it in the face of Travis]
Ellie: [looks at Travis] Does that answer your question?
[As she walks off, the other ladies immediately get up as well leading them to check on Ellie who is standing at the bar crying. As they check on her, a very wet Travis gets up, wipes his face, and starts insulting Ellie as his boys gather around him]
Travis: You know…you’re a tease just like all the rest of the women in the world. I hope you and your doctor fiancé live happily ever after because after talking with you I don’t see how he could stand a crazy biatch like you.
[cut to his boys agreeing leading to all the ladies to look at the guys with a woman’s death stare that puts the fear of God into any man alive out there. Anna speaks up]
Anna: What did you call my friend?
Travis: You heard me…your friend is a biatch.
Anna: [smirks] That’s what I thought you said.
[cut to Anna turning around a bit and then immediately knees him in the family jewels causing Travis to fall to the floor. Duncan goes to grab Anna but is stopped by Sarah who grabs his arm, twists it, and flips him over causing him to crash through the glass table. Leo is about to go in when Jayne pulls out pepper spray and sprays him in the eyes causing to stumble around so blindly that he bumps into a drunk patron who spills his drink. He doesn’t take too kindly to it, punches him in the face, then picks him up and throws him out to the crowd below leading to another brawl to ensue. Next thing you know the whole place erupts into a fight and in the middle of all this you cut back to Ellie who is standing over Travis who is still on the ground holding his family jewels. With the point of view of Travis, Ellie says something]
Ellie: Who is the biatch now?[cut to Ellie walking away and after a second or two walks back and points a finger in his face] And don’t call me babe…my man is the only person who can say that to me.
[cut back to Ellie walking again and after a second or two she comes back once more and kicks Travis in the family jewels again to make her point very clear. The scene ends with Travis groaning in pain as you the camera pans back with an upward shot of the whole place erupting in a fight and just out of control mayhem]
[Fade Out]
[The scene begins around 11:00pm outside The Key Club where you see cop cars everywhere and several ambulances as well. Amongst the controlled chaos you see Sarah, Anna, Ellie, and Jayne standing in front of an officer when from behind them you could see Travis, Leo, Duncan on stretchers with an unscathed Justin followed closely behind giving all 4 ladies a scared look as they’re being carted off into separate ambulances. Cut back to the officer who begins talking to the ladies]
Officer: After talking with the bartender in the lounger…[looks at Anna]…it is my understanding that you miss started the whole thing and assaulted that young man.
Anna: After he insulted my friend and called her the “B” word officer. I did what I had to do.
[cut to Anna smiling at Ellie who smiles back leading the officer to look at Jayne]
Officer: Okay…[looks at pad]…who pepper sprayed a Mr. Leo Hall.
Jayne: [raises her hand] I did sir and I was helping my friend as well.
Officer: Can you explain the tazer and brass knuckles found in your purse ma’am.
Jayne: Its L.A….you have to protect yourself.
[cut to the officer rubbing his forehead and then looking at Sarah]
Officer: Ms. Walker…witnesses saw you grab Mr. Duncan River’s arm and flip him into a glass table causing him to break his arm. Can you explain your actions?
Sarah: [looks at officer] As the maid of honor…I defended my friend and bride–to-be and I would do it again if need be.
[cut to the officer who is beside himself leading him to walk off for a bit leading Ellie to turn around and face Sarah, Anna, and Jayne]
Ellie: [tears in her eyes and a bit wobbly] Thanks you guys…I really appreciate it. especially you Anna.
Anna: [smiles] Don’t mention it. [cut to a moment between being shared by Anna and Ellie as they both hug. After they do Anna looks at Ellie again] Morgan is still off limits.
Ellie: I don’t want him.
Anna: As long as we’re clear on that.
[cut to Jayne speaking up]
Jayne: Guys, I don’t want to break up the happy moment but I think we’re going to jail.
[cut to the officer walking up and speaking to the ladies]
Officer: Ladies…I’m afraid I’m going to have to take you in. You 4 are responsible for the disturbance at the club.
[cut to Ellie crying, Jayne about to cry, Anna with a look as if she’s going to try to escape, and Sarah with just a smile on her face as a man in a black suit walks up]
Man: [holds up hand] Can I talk to you for a minute officer.
[cut to the officer looking at the man and then looks at the ladies telling them to wait there while he talks with the man. Cut to Ellie, Jayne, and Anna wondering what is up as they see the man show the officer his id card and point to the ladies. After a moment or two you see the Officer walk back and begin to speak]
Officer: [scratches his head] You ladies are free to go.
Ellie: [wipes the tears from her face] What?
Jayne: [point to where the man in the black suit was] Who was that guy?
Anna: What’s going on?
Officer: [holds up hand] Look…the charges have been dropped on all 4 of you. You are free to leave and make sure this doesn’t happen again. Do you promise me that?
All the ladies: We promise!
Officer: Oh…Dr. Bartowski…before you leave…I want to say…[cut to Ellie looking at the officer]…good luck on your wedding Saturday.
Ellie: Thank you Officer…
Officer: Williams…Doug Williams.
Ellie: Thank you Officer Williams.
[cut to all of 4 of them walking away, but not before waving to Officer Williams. After a second or two Jayne to speak up as they walk away]
Jayne: I wonder what was that all about?
Sarah: [smirks] Don’t question it…just walk…fast.
[You a see all four ladies walking quickly down the short heading towards Ellie’s Range Rover, getting in and driving off. The scene ends with an ariel shot as you see a crowd gathered around the scene, the flashing red and blue lights of the ambulances, as well as the police cars in front of The Key Club]
[Fade Out]
[The scene begins around midnight at the beach where you normally see Chuck or Chuck and Sarah have their reflections at. You see Anna and Jayne walking along the sea shore as the wind blows the hair back. Cut to Sarah and Ellie sitting on the beach leading Ellie to begin to talk]
Ellie: [looking straight ahead] Sarah…I want to thank you.
Sarah: Thank me? For what?
Ellie: I can’t remember…oh yeah…for coming out and making my night one that I will never forget or probably ever want to talk about for that matter.
Sarah: You bet.
[cut to both of them laughing]
Ellie: You know what?
Sarah: What?
Ellie: To me…I consider you the closest thing to being a sister.
Sarah: Oh…what about your other doctor friends.
Ellie: They’re airheads…well except for Shavon. She’s the smart one. [points at Sarah] You…you…there’s something about you that’s special and I just want to say…
Sarah: [interrupts her] Ellie…I’m not special. There’s are aspects of my life that you don’t know about and if I ever told you about it you would be angry at me or never want to talk to me again. Angry not only at me, but also angry at Chuck for not telling you about the secret life he’s been leading and all the dangerous things he’s been involved in. Did you know he disarmed a bomb…twice. Now that’s impressive and there are some many things that he’s done that the world will know about. Ellie…he’s not the screw up younger brother think he is. He’s a hero in ever sense of the word and you would be proud of him. What I’m trying to say is…I consider you a sister too.
[You then hear a snoring sound leading Sarah to look and see Ellie is passed out sleeping. You then cut to Anna and Jayne walking up leading Jayne to speak up]
Jayne: I see the bride-to-be has to taken a siesta.
Anna: I think we should bury her in the sand up to her neck near the water and leave her. [cut to Jayne and Sarah looking at Anna] I’m kidding…gosh…can’t you guys take a joke?
Sarah: [stands up] Come on…help me get her in the car.
[The scene switches from the beach as you Sarah, Anna, and Jayne picking up Ellie heading towards the car to Casa Bartwoski the next day. You see Drew and Garret watching tv and Diane sitting at the table eating breakfast, as well as, drinking coffee. You see Ellie walking out of her room slowly and holding her head. Diane speaks up]
Diane: Well hello there…did you have a good time last night?
Ellie: [shushes her] Please…don’t shout and yeah we had an awesome time.
Diane: So what happened last night? You were passed out…Sarah, Anna, and Jayne had to help you in to the house.
Garrett and Drew: Awesome.
Diane: That is most certainly not awesome.
[cut to Garrett and Drew looking at their mom then at Ellie]
Garrett: Thanks for dropping us off sis...the movie was awesome.
Drew: Yeah…Jackie Chan and Jet Li kicked butt.
Ellie: [smiles] I’m glad you guys had a good time.
[Suddenly you see a look on her face leading her to run to the bathroom close the door behind her, and from inside you hear heaving sounds leading Diane to look at her two boys]
Diane: [points towards the bathroom] See…that’s what you get from drinking too much alcohol. Don’t end up like your cousin Luke and become a alcoholic. He’s currently in rehab right now taking a 12 step program on the road to recovery.
Garrett: [looks at his mom] For the 3rd time mom.
Diane: Well they say the 3rd times the charm.
[The scene ends with Garrett shaking his head as he goes back to watching tv with his brother as the sound of heaving comes from the down hallway bathroom]
[Fade Out]
[The scene begins in the courtyard around noon where you see Sarah, Ellie, Jayne, Anna, Garrett, Drew, and the Gordon women standing there waiting for the guys after Chuck called Ellie telling them they’ll be there in 10 minutes. Ellie begins to speak]
Ellie: [looks at Sarah, Anna, and Jayne] Guys…if I didn’t say it to you last night I’m going to say it again. Thanks for coming out last night.
Anna: No problem…I thought it would be a boring night but when the fight broke out and the cops showed up it turned out to be a fun time.
[cut to Garrett, Drew, and the Gordon women looking at the girls leading Jayne to speak up]
Jayne: Don’t forget about almost getting arrested and thrown in jail.
Garrett: Awesome!
Drew: Way awesome!
Sarah: [chimes in] Thankfully…we didn’t.
Ellie: Yeah…I wonder who that guy was last night that talked to Officer Williams?
Sarah: [gives a sheepish smile] Who knows.
Ellie: Well…I for one would like to thank him…whoever he is.
[As soon as she says that the guys walk in heading straight for their significant others to hug and kiss them leading Sarah to speak up]
Sarah: So…what happened in Vegas?
Chuck: [looks at the guys] Sarah…what happens in Vegas…stays in Vegas.
[As you see Chuck, Awesome, Casey Morgan and the rest of the guys walking towards Ellie’s apartment with Sarah and Chuck in the lead, Chuck turns to Sarah to ask her something]
Chuck: So…how did everything go while we were away? Did you ladies go out at all and have a good time?
Sarah: Yeah…[looks behind and smiles at Ellie, Anna, and Jayne leading them to smile back]…you can say that.
[The episode ends with everybody walking to the apartment and last two people who walk in are Garrett and Drew who simply do a fist tap as they walk in leading Garrett to close the door behind him]
[Fade To Black]
Awesome: [looks at his two younger brothers] Sorry you two…you can’t come with us to Vegas and besides mom won’t let you go.
[cut to Awesome’s mom with her arms crossed]
Garrett: [looks at Awesome] This is totally not awesome D…can’t you talk to mom for us and convince her to let us go with you.
Drew: [looks at his brother and then at Awesome] Yeah big bro…this is so not cool and to think we always thought of you as our awesome older brother who came through for us when it counted the most.
Awesome: [grins] Hey…I’m still you’re awesome older brother but the thing is I can’t go against mom on this. She doesn’t want your young minds corrupted by what goes on in Sin City.
Garrett: [sour look on his face] This bites…she never lets us doing anything awesome with you.
Awesome: [puts hands on both their shoulders] I’m sorry little bros…[points behind him towards their dad’s direction]…dad even agrees with her on this.
Drew: [leans into whisper to Awesome] He has to agree with mom because he’s totally whipped.
[cut to Awesome, Garret, and Drew laughing leading all three of them to do a fist tap as Diana Gordon has this suspicious motherly look on her face that reads what are they laughing about. Garrett and Drew turn around and walk into Ellie’s apartment leading the men to say goodbye to their women with Ellie walking up to Awesome]
Ellie: [hugs Awesome] You behave yourself you hear me.
Awesome: [smiles] Indeed I will and I’ll call you when I get there…I promise.
Ellie: You better
[They kiss leading to the shot to cut to Samuel and Diane]
Diane: You keep everybody in line and watch over my baby boy.
Samuel: I’ll try.
Diane: [puts hand on his shoulder] Stay safe and put your wallet in your sock.
[They kiss leading to the shot to cut to Casey and Jayne]
Jayne: [looks at Casey] Have a great time and don’t forget what I said to do if some skanky woman tries to come on to you.
Casey: [smirks] Head butt her in the face
Jayne: [smiles] Exactly
[They kiss leading the shot to cut to Morgan and Anna]
Anna: [hands Morgan 100 dollars] Put it all on black 7
Morgan: Are you sure?
Anna: Sure I’m sure…you’re my heroic man and lucky charm.
[They kiss leading the shot to cut to Chuck and Sarah]
Sarah: [hugs and looks at Chuck] Try not to get into trouble.
Chuck: [Chuckish smile] As the best man who is throwing this bachelor party I can guarantee you that we’ll all be on our best behavior.
Sarah: Uh huh…just get back here in one piece.
[They kiss leading to a shot of Jeff looking at Lester]
Lester: [looks straight ahead] I’m not kissing you.
[cut to a semi disappointed look on Jeff’s face. You then see Abe walking into the courtyard]
Abe: Whoever is going to Vegas get on the bus now or you’re walking there.
Jeff: [eyes widen leading to a big grin] Time to get liquored up!
[Cut to all the guys leaving the courtyard leading the women to wave goodbye. As they watch them head out Ellie walks up, turns around, and looks at the ladies leading her to speak]
Ellie: [smiles] Well ladies…with the guys away and I don’t have any plans tomorrow other than going over some last minute details with my wedding planner in the afternoon. Are you thinking what I’m thinking?
[cut to Diane, Lois, and Tina with a look of bewilderment. Cut to Sarah who is standing by Anna and Jayne who immediately look at each other, then smile at Ellie leading both of them to speak at the same time]
Anna and Jayne: Girls Night Out!
[The scene ends with a shot of Sarah who is thrown off by what Anna and Jayne said leading to a close of her face exuding a fish out of water worried look. Cue Chuck Intro]
[Fade Out]
[The scene begins where you see Diane, Lois, and Tina heading back to Ellie’s apartment leaving only Ellie, Jayne, Anne, and Sarah. After a moment or two of chit chat Anna and Jayne leave with Sarah not too far behind, but before she goes Ellie stops her in order to have some girl talk as they both sit on the edge of the fountain. Ellie begins to speak]
Ellie: [smiles as she looks at Sarah] You know…with all that’s been going on lately…we haven’t had much time to really talk one on one.
[cut to a not too noticeable uncomfortable look on Sarah’s face]
Sarah: [grins] Of course we talk Ellie…we talk all the time…don’t we?
Ellie: Yeah we do…but…its when there are people around like Devon, Morgan, John, Chuck, and not to mention the Devon's Family. I was hoping we could talk for a little bit so that I could get to know more about you…if you have the time?
[You see Ellie giving Sarah a warm, sisterly smile leading the shot to cut to Sarah who has even a more not too noticeable uncomfortable look on her face that she hides very well with her own forced smile]
Sarah: Sure…what do you want to talk about? Chuck and I…our relationship…see where’s its going?
[cut to Sarah who has this please I hope its not that look]
Ellie: [looks down and then at Sarah] No…I definitely know where that is going…but that’s not what I want to talk about.
[cut to a look of relief and curiosity as Sarah is intrigued by that statement]
Sarah: Well…ummm…what do you want to talk about then?
Ellie: You…I want to get to know you better. So tell me…who is Sarah Walker?
Sarah: There’s not much to tell really. I moved down here from D.C. a year and half ago after getting out of relationship. I thought the some change of scenery would do me some good and it did.
Ellie: [tilts her head] For the better I hope?
Sarah: [looks afar off as she thinks of Chuck] Yeah…for the better.
Ellie: Awesome…but that’s not what I wanted to know. Chuck told me the same thing after your first date, but let’s talk for real. Bride to Maid of Honor…woman to woman…friend to friend…family to family…[cut to Sarah completely thrown off by that last statement leading a gradual smile to come over her face]…tell me about your family. Start with your sister…the one you talked about when you, me, Chuck, Devon, and Morgan had game night where you shared with us both of mistakenly put on baby oil instead of suntan lotion. What’s her name?
[cut to Sarah pausing for a minute as she looks away noticebaly fidgeting with her fingers. After a moment or two she looks at Ellie]
Sarah: Her name is Cassidy.
Ellie: Let me guess…she’s your older sister…right?
Sarah: [looks at Ellie] Right…how did…
Ellie: It’s all in the tone…its sort of the same tone as Chuck’s whenever he talks about me. Tell me about her.
Sarah: [has that afar look again] Cassidy is the quintessential older sister who could do no wrong in the eyes of my dad and mom. Me…I was considered to be the black sheep of the family who did things my own way. I always felt like whatever I accomplished it didn’t measure up to what she accomplished to the point where I was always living in the shadow of her greatness.
Ellie: [sympathetic tone] All kids feel like that…wanting to get our from under the shadow of their old brother or sister.
Sarah: I guess.
Ellie: How about your mom and dad…what do they do?
[cut to Sarah’s right leg starting to shake a bit as you see her trying to speak up or at least make up an excuse to get out of the conversation. Suddenly Garrett and Drew appear having a conversation with each other heading towards Ellie leading Sarah to have that thank God look on her face. Drew speaks up]
Drew: [looks at Sarah] Hey Sarah…[cut to Sarah grinning and then Drew looks at Ellie]...Ellie we would like to speak to you.
Garrett: [chimes in] Yeah…this is about the not so awesome situation we’re in.
[cut to Sarah looking at the boys, then at Ellie, giving her the perfect opportunity to make her escape. Sarah speaks up]
Sarah: [looks at her watch] Ellie…I’ll let you talk with these handsome gentlemen. [stands up] I got to go and thanks for the talk.
Ellie: [stands up and smiles at Sarah] No problem…and you’re coming tomorrow right for girls night out because you’re my maid of honor in charge of the party planning.?
Sarah: [smiles] Yes I am and wouldn’t miss it for the world.
[As Sarah turns around to grab her stuff she overhears the boys talk about/complaining that they haven’t done anything fun since they got here. They plead with her to go to the movies and see the new Jackie Chan/ Jet Li movie Forbidden Kingdom. After a pause Ellie tells them she’ll discuss it with their mom leading both of them to shout and giving a fist tap to each other. The scene ends with an up close shot of Sarah with the Garret, Drew, and Ellie behind her as she walks off camera towards her car on her way home to find a place to take Ellie, Jayne, and Anna]
[Fade Out]
[The scene begins around 9:15 in the morning where you see Ellie walk out of her bedroom holding her cell phone and as she passes by Chuck’s room she sees Garrett and Drew readily focused playing Call of Duty 4. Ellie, smiles, knocks on the door and begins to speak to the two]
Ellie: Good morning you two…how are you guys doing?
Garrett: [quickly turning around to look at Ellie] We’re cawesome Ellie…at least I am…[points at his brother]…I don’t know about him.
[cut to Drew pushing him off the bed and then getting back on it leading them to both have a short shoving matching leading Ellie to intervene. You see Ellie going over, pulling out the chair to Chuck’s computer, turning it around, and then sitting down facing the two boys]
Ellie: Hey…you know you guys can call me sis now seeing that we’re going to be family in 2 days.
[cut to Garrett pausing the game. looking at Drew who in turn looks at Ellie leading him to speaks up]
Drew: It all depends if you were able to talk to our mom about us being able to go to the movies tonight since it is a Friday night.
Ellie: [serious look] Yes I did.
Garrett and Drew: And?
Ellie: [smiles] She said its okay by her.
Garrett: Awesome…you’re the best El…[cut to Ellie giving a look to Garrett]…I mean sis.
Drew: Yeah…thanks sis…so are you going to take us?
Ellie: Yes…[cut to Garrett and Drew with big smiles on their face]…but listen…your mom and I worked it out. We’re going to drop and you’re mom along with your aunt Tina and Lois are going to be at the movie theater at The Grove as well.
Garrett: What are they going to watch?
Drew: [smirks] I bet its Leatherheads with George Clooney…they all were born during that time…[cut to Ellie looking at him]…you know the 20’s.
[cut to Garrett laughing leading Ellie slapping him upside the head]
Garrett: [rubbing his head] Owww…[points at Drew]…he said it…not me.
Ellie: You’re right.
[cut Ellie slapping Drew upside the head leading you to see Garrett with a smile on his face]
Ellie: That’s not the movie they’re going to see…its The Buck List with Jack Nicholson and Morgan Freeman. Anyways…since I’m your soon-to-be-sister and all…I’m sticking my neck out for you so please behave and if the movie gets down before there’s does either wait in the lobby or sit outside and wait for them. [points at the two] Don’t leave or get into any cars with strangers you hear me.
Garrett and Drew: Yes sis.
Ellie: All right...I checked the times that its playing and The Forbidden Kingdom starts at 7pm and we’re going to drop you off at 6:30pm.
Drew: [curious tone] Who is we and where are you going anyways?
Ellie: [raises right eyebrow] Myself, Jayne, Anna, and Sarah is who and the where is none of your concern mister. [points at the both of them] Just be glad you’re not stuck in the house…oh…fyi..your mom and aunts are going to do a little shopping, get a pedicure/manicure, and getting a facial around 10 am. So you have the house to yourself, except when Sarah and my wedding planner show up in an hour or so to finalize some last minute wedding details. So can you both be quiet and not interrupt what we’re doing in the living room [cut to the boys nodding leading Ellie l to look around chuck’s room] If I’m not mistaken…Chuck has some Bruce Lee movies you can watch to pass the time until you go to the movie Theatre tonight.
[cut to boys eyes widening and big smile comes over their faces]
Garrett: [smiles] You know what?
Ellie: What?
Drew: [chimes in] You’re the best sister in the world.
Garrett: [looks at Drew] She’s not the best…[looks at Ellie leading him to smile]…she’s the awesomest sister in the world.
Ellie: [smiles] Actually I’m your only sister and I know I’m awesome. Come on…[opens arms wide]…give your awesome big sis a hug.
[cut to the boys getting up, hugging Ellie and then going back to playing Call of Duty. You see Ellie leave and after a moment or two she’s in the kitchen eating breakfast when she gets a call on her cell phone leading her to answer it]
Awesome: Hey babe...how is my most awesome bride-to be-doing this morning?
[The scene ends with Ellie talking with Awesome who is currently eat breakfast with the rest of the guys at Mr. Lucky’s 24/7]
[Fade Out]
[The scene begins at around 11pm in the living room where you see charts and graphs out. You also see Ellie and Sarah minus Anna, Jayne and the 3 Gordon women sitting down as Mary is in the middle of going over several details about the wedding]
Mary: [holding black folder looking down the list] Florist…check. Wedding photographer…check. Wedding singer/band…check. Seating arrangements…[looks at Ellie]…just to double check the family/friends of the groom will be sitting on the left right?
Ellie: [confused tone] You’re left or my left?
Mary: If you’re facing everybody from the stage…your left.
Ellie: Yes…gotcha…my family and friends will be sitting on the right.
Mary: Okay then…[looking down the list again] The Band…PCH…I’ve worked with a couple who booked them at their wedding and they are great. You’ll get your money’s worth from them. [cut to Ellie smiling at Sarah then looks at Mary] The color scheme…white and lavender…check. The theme for the wedding…you really didn’t decide on that.
Ellie: [chimes in] Devon and I decided to drop the theme…we didn’t want to become a running joke.
Mary: Well…that just leaves the vows.
Ellie: We’re writing our vows to say to one another at the alter.
Sarah: That’s so sweet.
Mary: It truly is. You know… thanks to your dad when you say your vows you’ll be doing it at one of the best and most memorable pleaces to have a wedding….at the Hotel Bel Air’s Swan Lake Area.
Ellie: I have to thank my dad’s friend…who is an invited guest to my wedding.
Sarah: [looks at Ellie] So how many people did you invite to the wedding?
Ellie: Not a lot…Devon and I wanted the wedding to be an intimate affair with a close friends and family.
Sarah: Who did you invite?
Ellie: Some of our doctor friends at the hospital…several of Devon’s frat brothers from UCLA…
Mary: [chimes in] That reminds me…I should put a security guard near the swans just in case. You never want to be too careful, especially when you have drunk frat bros who are notorious for playing practical jokes on each other.
[cut to the ladies laughing leading Ellie to speak up]
Ellie: With my dad’s friend in attendance…[looks at Mary]…we may have to add a few extra chairs just in case there are more people that show up. That also means if more people show up there should be more food for the guest.
Mary: [writing something down in her black notebook] I don’t see that as being a problem…I’ll tell catering to provide extra food just in case and you did decide on a buffet style meal of choice for your guests right?
Ellie: Yes we did.
Mary: Excellent…getting back to any unannounced guest. If for some reason any show up we’ll contact you or Devon to make sure you know them or not. Since the reception afterwards is going in the same area…my staff and I will have an easier time keeping any on who is a guest or simply there as a wedding crasher. Trust me…I been in this job a long time and I can spot them from a mile away.
Ellie: [joking tone] Hey…if they looking anything like Vince Vaughn or Owen Wilson…by all means let them in.
Mary: If I wasn’t married to Mr. Fiore I would be all over Christopher Walken.
Ellie: [looks at Mary] He looks creepy and not to mention talks weird.
Mary: [smiles] Hey…you have your taste…I have mine.
[cut to all three laughing again leading Mary to look at Sarah]
Mary: Sarah…do you have your dress for the wedding?
Sarah: Its hanging in my apartment as we speak.
Mary: Good…that’s pretty much everything on the list that we’ve been able to cover. Who wants to eat?
[The scene ends with Elli and Sarah raising their hand leading to all three of them to head into the kitchen to partake in last night’s over of Chinese food take out consisting of Chicken Wings, noodles, and Sizzling Shrimp]
[Fade Out]
[The scene begins around 3 pm where you see Ellie, Sarah, and Mary chowing down on Chinese take out when the 2 Gordon women walk in looking refreshed, well manicured/pedicured, and carrying bags that could possibly have expensive items in them. Diane decided to join them while Tina and Lisa go to their room to take a nap leading Diane to speak up as they all 4 partake in Chinese food, but also ice cream from the freezer as well]
Diane: Devon’s father called me last night…they arrived in Las Vegas at around 10pm.
Ellie: That’s great.
Diane: As soon as they got off Chuck went to the front desk and got the rooms he reserved. From what he told me…Chuck got Devon the deluxe sweet since he’s guest of honor.
Sarah: [looks at Ellie] So have you heard from Devon?
Ellie: [agitated tone] Yeah…he called me this morning.
Diane: You sound angry…did my boy do or say something because I’ll call him right now and give him a talking to.
Ellie: No…its not about him…it’s about Chuck.
Sarah: [quickly looks at Sarah] What about Chuck?
Ellie: [starts to tear up] You’re boyfriend is responsible for my fiancé’s well being and I don’t want him ending up being a tattooed freak with a jail record.
Sarah: [gets up and holds Ellie’s hand] Ellie…listen to yourself. I don’t know if its pre-wedding jitters that’s causing you to have these outrageous thoughts but your brother isn’t going to bring him back tattooed or get him thrown in jail.
Ellie: [biting her fingernails] How do you know?
Sarah: Because I’m looking at the woman who taught him to be the kind of man I fell in love with. He’s an amazing, kind, compassionate man who has a good heart, and even though he does have a tendency to not listen at time he puts others before himself. That’s the mark of a good upbringing…an upbringing you instilled in him when you became not just a big sister to Chuck, but also took the role of loving mother and strict father.
Mary: [looks at Ellie] She’s right…even though I haven’t spent time with Chuck I have had conversations with him and he seems to be a special guy who loves you and would do anything for you, within legal reason of course. He holds you in high regard.
Diane: [sits beside Ellie looking at her] Don’t worry about Devon…that’s my job until you two get married.
[cut to Ellie laughing]
Sarah: [wiping away tears from her face] Feel better?
Ellie: Yeah…thanks you guys.
Sarah: Don’t mention it and besides…the guys are probably having a blast in Las Vegas and are too busy having wild fun.
Ellie: I’m not going to think about that because you, me, Jayne, and Anna are going to have our own fun tonight.
[cut to Ellie putting her hand up for a high five]
Sarah: [high fiving Ellie] You bet.
Mary: You guys have fun and enjoy it.
Diane: But not too much fun.
[cut to Diane looking at Ellie and Sarah]
Sarah: So…what are you wearing?
Ellie: Me…I’m wearing something sexy and yet something not too revealing…I’ll call Jayne and you call Anna…tell her about what look we’re going for. We’ll all meet back at here at 6.
Sarah: I don’t think that will be a problem for Anna.
Ellie: [laughs] You got a point. [pauses for a minutes] So where are we going my maid of honor?
Sarah: The Key Club…is on the sunset strip and it not only has a restaurant on the second floor, a dance floor, live music, but also VIP lounge as well.
Ellie: Awesome…oh…we have to make a quick stop before we go. We’re dropping off Garrett and Drew at the movies in The Grove.
Sarah: Okay...[looks at watch seeing that its 4 pm]…well…I’ll be heading out and I’ll definitely inform Anna about the look we’re going for tonight. I’ll be back here at 6pm.
Ellie: I’ll be ready…[cut to Sarah heading out the door leading Ellie to turn to look at Diane]…and you’ll be at The Grove there as well.
Diane: Yes we will and tonight looks to be a little chilly…why don’t you bring the sweater I knitted for you…you know the one with the kittens playing with yarn.
Ellie: [forced smile] I’ll think it about.
[cut to Ellie turning around to look at Mary and gives a look that makes her laugh]
Mary: With that said, I’ll see all of you on Sunday.
[The scene ends with Mary leaving, Diane and Ellie cleaning up from, and then Ellie getting ready for a night of fun with the Anna, Jayne, and Sarah]
[Fade Out]
[The scene begins 15 minutes before 6 at Casa Bartowski where you see Garrett and Drew in the living room watching tv dressed up to go The Grove to watch The Forbidden Kingdom. You then hear a knock at the door leading Garrett to get up and open it. When he does you see his jaw drop to the floor as the camera does a toe to head shot of Sarah. From his point of view you see Sarah wearing black high heels, a short above the knee length black rhinestone necklace dress, dangling silver earrings, silver bracelet around her wrist, black hand held purse, the gold locket, and her done up to where it pinned on one side leaving the other flowingly curled. Cut back to Garret who at this point can’t speak leading Drew to walk up wondering what’s wrong with his brother leading him to speak up]
Drew: Hey G…whose at the door.
[cut to Garrett pointing at Sarah who is smiling at him. When Dew talks a look at her his mouth drops leaving him in a dumbfounded stupor like his brother leading Sarah to speak]
Sarah: Can I come in?
[cut to Drew and Garrett just standing there looking at Sarah when Ellie comes walking out leading her to speak up]
Ellie: [smiles] Hey Sarah…you’re looking awesome. [looks at Garrett and Drew] Guys let Sarah in.
[cut to Garrett and Drew not saying anything but just smiling as they motion for Sarah to come in leading Garret to close the door behind him. When they turn around they see Ellie leading them to again be dumbfounded once again. From their point of view they see from a toe to head shot Ellie wearing blue open toed high heels, blue hand held purse, a beautiful matte jersey halter dress has a knotted front which wraps around her waist with a Button-and-loop closure at the back neck. She not wearing anything on her wrists, on her finger is the engagement ring Devon gave her, on her ears are pearl earrings her mother wore, and she did her hair in a ponytail style with her hair bangs in front. Drew starts smiling and then suddenly grabs Garrett leading him to whisper something to his brother]
Drew: [leans in] Dude…stop smiling that’s are sister man.
[cut to Garrett quickly stops smiling and after a moment or two there is another knock at the door leading the boys to open it once again. When they do, they see Anna and Jayne causing their jaws to drop again. From Garrett’s toe to head point of view he sees Jayne wearing dark green high heal shoes, beaded wrist necklace, a green purse, a pleated charmeuse bodice flatters above a bead-encrusted mesh inset and a flirty chiffon skirt. She has on hoop earrings with her dark curly brunette hair straightened. The camera cuts to Drew who sees from a toe to head shot of Anna who is wearing black high heals, a bluish Mandarin Oriental design mini dress, simple earrings, and her hair is simple yet elegant. Jayne begins to speak]
Jayne: [grins] Hey boys…can we come in?
[cut to the boys again dumbfounded leading Jayne and Anna to walk in between the boys, but not before Anna rubs the top of Drew’s head messing up his hair. Drew turns to Garret and has a big smile on his face. You then see the boys turn around and see all the ladies standing together leading Garret to speak up]
Garrett: [smiles] You guys look awesome.
Sarah: [smiles] Why thank you Garrett.
Jayne: [smiles] You are such a cute young man.
Anna: [smiles] If I were 13 again.
Ellie: [looks at the boys then at the girls] Are you ladies ready?
[cut to Sarah, Jayne, and Anna nodding then heading towards the door. You see Garrett immediately push Drew to the side as he opens the door for the ladies and as Sarah passes him she gives him a peck on the cheek. Drew immediately stands right beside his brother giving him a glaring look when all of a sudden Jayne stands beside him giving him a peck on the check. Just when you think its over Anna walks up to the to the boys, looks at them, and kiss both of them on the cheek. You then see Ellie walks up, look at her soon-to-be brothers with lipstick on their cheeks, and speaks up]
Ellie: [rolls her eyes] All right you two Casanovas…let’s get going.
[You cut to a front shot as you see Garrett and Drew do a fist tap as they walk out the front door heading off camera. The scene ends with Ellie closing the door, locking it, and as she heads off camera she has a smirk on her face at what she just witnessed]
[Fade Out]
[The scenes begins with the façade of The Key Club and inside you see the place in high gear as there are people having a good time dancing/drinking/mingling the night away. Cut to entrance where you see Ellie, Sarah, Jayne, and Anna walk in, look around, and eventually find a table to sit at. A few moments later you see a female waitress comes by to bringing their drink orders to the table as Ellie ordered a Cranberry and Vodka, Anna a Sex On The Beach, Jayne a Cosmopolitan Cocktail, and Anna a Big Red Kamikaze. After a second or two the ladies begin having their conversation as best they can over the music. Ellie begins to speak]
Ellie: [looks at the girls as she holds up her drink] Tonight…let the good times roll!
[cut to the girls hooting and hollering to the point where after they finish their drinks they go to the dance floor to shake their respective booties. You see random guys come up from behind and try to get up on them as their dancing but the girls simply ignoring them like they weren’t even standing there. For about 30-45 minutes or so they dance to songs like Flo Rida’s Low, Rhianna’s Don’t Stop The Music, Britney Spears’ Break The Ice, and Metro Station’s Shake It. while having their drinks in between leading them to become a bit tipsy. The ladies eventually take a breather leading all 4 of them to sit down and after a few minutes the same female waitress comes over holding in her tray the same drinks that the ladies ordered leading Sarah to speak up]
Sarah: [looks at the female waitress] I didn’t order a drink…[looks at the girls]…did you guys?
[cut to all three ladies shaking their heads no leading the waitress to speak up]
Waitress: [points behind her] Compliments from the 4 guys sitting over at the bar.
[cut to all 4 ladies look behind her to the bar where you see 4 guys smiles and holding their drinks up to them leading Anna to have a smirk on her face. She begins to speak up]
Anna: Are you ladies thinking what I’m thinking?
Jayne: [quickly looks at Anna] We beat up those guys over there, take their money, and use it to buy more drinks?
[cut to Ellie looking at Jayne]
Anna: Better…let those guys order us drinks so we don’t have to pay for them. Let’s use what we got because you know how dumb guys are.
Jayne: I did bring a tazer, pepper spray, and brass knuckles just in case…
Ellie: I don’t know…that’s just evil…deceitful…
Sarah: [speaks up] Let’s do it.
[cut to all three girls looking at Sarah]
Anna: [smiles at Sarah and points at her] I knew there was reason I liked you blondie.
[cut to Anna looking over to the guys and waving them over to join them. The guys come over and ask them if they want to move over to the VIP lounge where the atmosphere is a bit less noisy, as well as, crowded. The ladies agree and head towards the VIP lounge with the 4 guys with a plan in mind. Cut to a few moments later where you see the ladies sitting separately from each other with the each guy as they are all in the middle of the conversation first with Sarah and the guy she’s sitting with]
Sarah: So…Justin is it…[cut to Justin nodding his head]…you must have a fascinating job as a investment banker dealing with money and stuff. You must have a pretty big wallet.
Justin: [grins] Yes I do …my stock portfolio is growing by leaps and bounds…but you know what money doesn’t compare to sitting with a woman so beautiful as you.
[cut to Sarah giving a forced smile as Justin puts his arm around her. Cut to Anna and the guy that she is with whose name is Duncan]
Duncan: [looks into Anna’s eyes] You have the most beautiful eyes..its as if God took the stars above and put them in you for me too get lost in.
Anna: [smiles] That’s so…[pauses for a second to search for a word]…romantic.
[cut to Jayne who is sitting a guy at the bar]
Jayne: [smiles] So Leo…[drinks her Cosmopolitan Cocktail that Leo ordered for her]…how long have you been working as a personal trainer.
Leo: 5 years now…[lifts up his shirt]…just look at these abs.
[cut to Jayne eyes widening leading to Ellie and the guy she is sitting next to whose name is Travis. He begins the conversation with Ellie]
Travis: [smiles] So…what is a gorgeous girl like yourself doing here other than taking my breathe away.
Ellie: I’m here with my friends having a good time.
Travis: [goes to hold her hand and notices the ring on her finger] Are you married?
Ellie: [looks at her ring and smiles] Engaged…to a wonderful guy.
Travis: Really…he must be a lucky then to have a woman…[looks her up and down]…so unbelievabley hot as you.
Ellie: [looks at Travis] Oh stop it...but thank…you…[changes the subject]…what do you do Travis?
Travis: I’m a doctor.
Ellie: Oh wow…really…so am I and my fiance’ too. Where do you work at?
[cut to Travis’ eyes widening as the scene ends with Ellie beginning to talk to Travis about what he does all-the-while sharing her experiences as a doctor]
[Fade Out]
[The scene begins around 9:30 pm in the elevator where you see on the floor Casey, Chuck and Isabel who is currently going through contractions. While she is having them Casey and Chuck have a short conversation]
Chuck: [nervous tone] Casey
Casey: What is it Bartowski…we’re getting ready to deliver a baby here…so focus.
Chuck: What do you think the ladies are doing right now?
Casey: I don’t know…maybe their getting in touch with their lady feelings…that’s what women do.
[the scene switches from the elevator back to The Key Club where Ellie is talking shop to the supposed Doctor Travis. You see a close up of Ellie’s face as she’s talking and going into graphic detail about performing surgery last week on several stabbed and shot gang members. As the camera pans back you see Travis with a very horrified look on his face and after 15 minutes Ellie raps up the whole story]
Ellie: And after 2 hours of surgery I was finally able to repair the punctured aorta and remove his spleen that was badly damaged. I had blood all over me after the surgery because of blood squirting out of several arteries.
Travis: Wow…all that you said…though disturbingly etched in my mind…was hot. Why don’t we get out of here and perform surgery on our own…just the two of us.
[cut to Travis raising both his eyebrows up]
Ellie: I am engaged to be married.
Travis: And?
Ellie: [gives Travis a curious look] Well…before I do…can I ask you one question?
Travis: Sure babe.
Ellie: [points to her neck] Is my femoral artery looking discolored?
Travis: [feels her neck] Its looks fine and so do you.
[cut to Ellie quickly standing up, turning around, and starts yelling at Travis all-the-while swaying back and forth]
Ellie: You’re not a doctor because if you were a doctor you would know the femoral artery is located in muscle of the thigh not in your neck.
Travis: [looks at Ellie] So does this mean you don't want to go home with me?
[cut to Ellie getting an angry look on her face leading her to pick up her drink and throwing it in the face of Travis]
Ellie: [looks at Travis] Does that answer your question?
[As she walks off, the other ladies immediately get up as well leading them to check on Ellie who is standing at the bar crying. As they check on her, a very wet Travis gets up, wipes his face, and starts insulting Ellie as his boys gather around him]
Travis: You know…you’re a tease just like all the rest of the women in the world. I hope you and your doctor fiancé live happily ever after because after talking with you I don’t see how he could stand a crazy biatch like you.
[cut to his boys agreeing leading to all the ladies to look at the guys with a woman’s death stare that puts the fear of God into any man alive out there. Anna speaks up]
Anna: What did you call my friend?
Travis: You heard me…your friend is a biatch.
Anna: [smirks] That’s what I thought you said.
[cut to Anna turning around a bit and then immediately knees him in the family jewels causing Travis to fall to the floor. Duncan goes to grab Anna but is stopped by Sarah who grabs his arm, twists it, and flips him over causing him to crash through the glass table. Leo is about to go in when Jayne pulls out pepper spray and sprays him in the eyes causing to stumble around so blindly that he bumps into a drunk patron who spills his drink. He doesn’t take too kindly to it, punches him in the face, then picks him up and throws him out to the crowd below leading to another brawl to ensue. Next thing you know the whole place erupts into a fight and in the middle of all this you cut back to Ellie who is standing over Travis who is still on the ground holding his family jewels. With the point of view of Travis, Ellie says something]
Ellie: Who is the biatch now?[cut to Ellie walking away and after a second or two walks back and points a finger in his face] And don’t call me babe…my man is the only person who can say that to me.
[cut back to Ellie walking again and after a second or two she comes back once more and kicks Travis in the family jewels again to make her point very clear. The scene ends with Travis groaning in pain as you the camera pans back with an upward shot of the whole place erupting in a fight and just out of control mayhem]
[Fade Out]
[The scene begins around 11:00pm outside The Key Club where you see cop cars everywhere and several ambulances as well. Amongst the controlled chaos you see Sarah, Anna, Ellie, and Jayne standing in front of an officer when from behind them you could see Travis, Leo, Duncan on stretchers with an unscathed Justin followed closely behind giving all 4 ladies a scared look as they’re being carted off into separate ambulances. Cut back to the officer who begins talking to the ladies]
Officer: After talking with the bartender in the lounger…[looks at Anna]…it is my understanding that you miss started the whole thing and assaulted that young man.
Anna: After he insulted my friend and called her the “B” word officer. I did what I had to do.
[cut to Anna smiling at Ellie who smiles back leading the officer to look at Jayne]
Officer: Okay…[looks at pad]…who pepper sprayed a Mr. Leo Hall.
Jayne: [raises her hand] I did sir and I was helping my friend as well.
Officer: Can you explain the tazer and brass knuckles found in your purse ma’am.
Jayne: Its L.A….you have to protect yourself.
[cut to the officer rubbing his forehead and then looking at Sarah]
Officer: Ms. Walker…witnesses saw you grab Mr. Duncan River’s arm and flip him into a glass table causing him to break his arm. Can you explain your actions?
Sarah: [looks at officer] As the maid of honor…I defended my friend and bride–to-be and I would do it again if need be.
[cut to the officer who is beside himself leading him to walk off for a bit leading Ellie to turn around and face Sarah, Anna, and Jayne]
Ellie: [tears in her eyes and a bit wobbly] Thanks you guys…I really appreciate it. especially you Anna.
Anna: [smiles] Don’t mention it. [cut to a moment between being shared by Anna and Ellie as they both hug. After they do Anna looks at Ellie again] Morgan is still off limits.
Ellie: I don’t want him.
Anna: As long as we’re clear on that.
[cut to Jayne speaking up]
Jayne: Guys, I don’t want to break up the happy moment but I think we’re going to jail.
[cut to the officer walking up and speaking to the ladies]
Officer: Ladies…I’m afraid I’m going to have to take you in. You 4 are responsible for the disturbance at the club.
[cut to Ellie crying, Jayne about to cry, Anna with a look as if she’s going to try to escape, and Sarah with just a smile on her face as a man in a black suit walks up]
Man: [holds up hand] Can I talk to you for a minute officer.
[cut to the officer looking at the man and then looks at the ladies telling them to wait there while he talks with the man. Cut to Ellie, Jayne, and Anna wondering what is up as they see the man show the officer his id card and point to the ladies. After a moment or two you see the Officer walk back and begin to speak]
Officer: [scratches his head] You ladies are free to go.
Ellie: [wipes the tears from her face] What?
Jayne: [point to where the man in the black suit was] Who was that guy?
Anna: What’s going on?
Officer: [holds up hand] Look…the charges have been dropped on all 4 of you. You are free to leave and make sure this doesn’t happen again. Do you promise me that?
All the ladies: We promise!
Officer: Oh…Dr. Bartowski…before you leave…I want to say…[cut to Ellie looking at the officer]…good luck on your wedding Saturday.
Ellie: Thank you Officer…
Officer: Williams…Doug Williams.
Ellie: Thank you Officer Williams.
[cut to all of 4 of them walking away, but not before waving to Officer Williams. After a second or two Jayne to speak up as they walk away]
Jayne: I wonder what was that all about?
Sarah: [smirks] Don’t question it…just walk…fast.
[You a see all four ladies walking quickly down the short heading towards Ellie’s Range Rover, getting in and driving off. The scene ends with an ariel shot as you see a crowd gathered around the scene, the flashing red and blue lights of the ambulances, as well as the police cars in front of The Key Club]
[Fade Out]
[The scene begins around midnight at the beach where you normally see Chuck or Chuck and Sarah have their reflections at. You see Anna and Jayne walking along the sea shore as the wind blows the hair back. Cut to Sarah and Ellie sitting on the beach leading Ellie to begin to talk]
Ellie: [looking straight ahead] Sarah…I want to thank you.
Sarah: Thank me? For what?
Ellie: I can’t remember…oh yeah…for coming out and making my night one that I will never forget or probably ever want to talk about for that matter.
Sarah: You bet.
[cut to both of them laughing]
Ellie: You know what?
Sarah: What?
Ellie: To me…I consider you the closest thing to being a sister.
Sarah: Oh…what about your other doctor friends.
Ellie: They’re airheads…well except for Shavon. She’s the smart one. [points at Sarah] You…you…there’s something about you that’s special and I just want to say…
Sarah: [interrupts her] Ellie…I’m not special. There’s are aspects of my life that you don’t know about and if I ever told you about it you would be angry at me or never want to talk to me again. Angry not only at me, but also angry at Chuck for not telling you about the secret life he’s been leading and all the dangerous things he’s been involved in. Did you know he disarmed a bomb…twice. Now that’s impressive and there are some many things that he’s done that the world will know about. Ellie…he’s not the screw up younger brother think he is. He’s a hero in ever sense of the word and you would be proud of him. What I’m trying to say is…I consider you a sister too.
[You then hear a snoring sound leading Sarah to look and see Ellie is passed out sleeping. You then cut to Anna and Jayne walking up leading Jayne to speak up]
Jayne: I see the bride-to-be has to taken a siesta.
Anna: I think we should bury her in the sand up to her neck near the water and leave her. [cut to Jayne and Sarah looking at Anna] I’m kidding…gosh…can’t you guys take a joke?
Sarah: [stands up] Come on…help me get her in the car.
[The scene switches from the beach as you Sarah, Anna, and Jayne picking up Ellie heading towards the car to Casa Bartwoski the next day. You see Drew and Garret watching tv and Diane sitting at the table eating breakfast, as well as, drinking coffee. You see Ellie walking out of her room slowly and holding her head. Diane speaks up]
Diane: Well hello there…did you have a good time last night?
Ellie: [shushes her] Please…don’t shout and yeah we had an awesome time.
Diane: So what happened last night? You were passed out…Sarah, Anna, and Jayne had to help you in to the house.
Garrett and Drew: Awesome.
Diane: That is most certainly not awesome.
[cut to Garrett and Drew looking at their mom then at Ellie]
Garrett: Thanks for dropping us off sis...the movie was awesome.
Drew: Yeah…Jackie Chan and Jet Li kicked butt.
Ellie: [smiles] I’m glad you guys had a good time.
[Suddenly you see a look on her face leading her to run to the bathroom close the door behind her, and from inside you hear heaving sounds leading Diane to look at her two boys]
Diane: [points towards the bathroom] See…that’s what you get from drinking too much alcohol. Don’t end up like your cousin Luke and become a alcoholic. He’s currently in rehab right now taking a 12 step program on the road to recovery.
Garrett: [looks at his mom] For the 3rd time mom.
Diane: Well they say the 3rd times the charm.
[The scene ends with Garrett shaking his head as he goes back to watching tv with his brother as the sound of heaving comes from the down hallway bathroom]
[Fade Out]
[The scene begins in the courtyard around noon where you see Sarah, Ellie, Jayne, Anna, Garrett, Drew, and the Gordon women standing there waiting for the guys after Chuck called Ellie telling them they’ll be there in 10 minutes. Ellie begins to speak]
Ellie: [looks at Sarah, Anna, and Jayne] Guys…if I didn’t say it to you last night I’m going to say it again. Thanks for coming out last night.
Anna: No problem…I thought it would be a boring night but when the fight broke out and the cops showed up it turned out to be a fun time.
[cut to Garrett, Drew, and the Gordon women looking at the girls leading Jayne to speak up]
Jayne: Don’t forget about almost getting arrested and thrown in jail.
Garrett: Awesome!
Drew: Way awesome!
Sarah: [chimes in] Thankfully…we didn’t.
Ellie: Yeah…I wonder who that guy was last night that talked to Officer Williams?
Sarah: [gives a sheepish smile] Who knows.
Ellie: Well…I for one would like to thank him…whoever he is.
[As soon as she says that the guys walk in heading straight for their significant others to hug and kiss them leading Sarah to speak up]
Sarah: So…what happened in Vegas?
Chuck: [looks at the guys] Sarah…what happens in Vegas…stays in Vegas.
[As you see Chuck, Awesome, Casey Morgan and the rest of the guys walking towards Ellie’s apartment with Sarah and Chuck in the lead, Chuck turns to Sarah to ask her something]
Chuck: So…how did everything go while we were away? Did you ladies go out at all and have a good time?
Sarah: Yeah…[looks behind and smiles at Ellie, Anna, and Jayne leading them to smile back]…you can say that.
[The episode ends with everybody walking to the apartment and last two people who walk in are Garrett and Drew who simply do a fist tap as they walk in leading Garrett to close the door behind him]
[Fade To Black]
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