[The episode begins with a recap of what previously happened as Wexler and Marcus have a conversation regarding not only keeping Marcus’ legacy alive, but also that he’s afraid to fade into obscurity, which he denies. Cut to Sebastian, Sarah, Cassidy, and company standing in front of the level 36 elevator where Sarah immediately tells her old sister to not go through with it causing Sebastian to have one of his associates to hold a gun at her side. Cassidy puts her hand on the voice and hand print recognition giver both her name, as well as, access code leading the elevators doors to open. Switch back to the conversation between Wexler and Marcus growing ever so intense as Beckman possibly agrees with Wexler of Marcus being afraid to fade into obscurity. Move forward to Sebastian and company getting off the elevator into a long white hallway inevitably standing in front of a door where a eye recognition device to level 36. When they all walk through a look of disappointment comes over Sebastian’s face instead of joy because all he sees is an air train in front of him. Cassidy assures him that what he wants is beyond the tunnel leading everybody to board it to their intended destination. Cut to inside the air train where Sarah and Sebastian have a conversation where she tells him that if he hurts her old sister he’s going to pay. Cut to the gang arriving at the location where Sebastian is amazed at the set up leading Cassidy to inform them about the rooms/labs being sound proof because of the loud noise coming from the top secret weapons/vehicles being tested. Sarah makes one last plea for Cassidy to make the right decision leading Cassidy to throw making the right decision back in her face causing Sarah to slap Cassidy in the face. Move forward to where Sebastian finally stands in front of Project Eagle Eye and then tells his 2 associates to take the sisters away leading Cassidy to feel betrayed as they’re hauled off to be put into one of the sound proof rooms. Cut to Wexler coming to the realization that Beckman and Marcus were in a relationship leading him to ask how long was the affair. The conversation turns from their past relationship back to Marcus’ legacy to where it becomes extremely intense as it nearly leads to a physical altercation between the two men. Switch to one of the sound proof rooms where Cassidy and Sarah have a heart to heart leading Sarah to find out that she wasn’t as perfect as she pictured. After a moment or two the associate known as Wilcox enters with a fantasy filled proposition for the two sisters that causes Sarah’s spy instincts to immediately kick in. She rolls with it as the seductive spy hits on Wilcox much to the surprise of Cassidy who thinks her younger sister has lost her mind leading her to try to stop her. Cut to Wilcox slapping Cassidy in the face inevitably knocking her down leading Sarah to continue seducing him and instead of getting a happy ending he instead get the crap beat out of him. Cassidy stands in between a seemingly lifeless Wilcox and her younger sister who is in totally disbelief. Suddenly Sarah tells her to get down leading her to throw one of her concealed knives with pin point accuracy right between the eyes of Wilcox who falls dead to the floor. Cassidy looks back and then looks at her younger sister who has an intense look on her face. The scene begins with Sarah kneeling over Wilcox’s body disconnecting his communication device and checking for anything helpful. During this a still stunned Cassidy is in the background trying to make light of what just happened leading her to finally speaks up]
Cassidy: D…what…how…who…
Sarah: [turns around in a kneeled position] You want to know what the hell just happened. [Cassidy nods] And how I killed him without remorse knowing full well I told you, dad, and mom know me as a nonviolent person. [Cassidy nods again] And you want to know who I am and if I’m really your sister?
Cassidy: [hesitantly speaks up] Are you?
Sarah: What do you think?
Cassidy: You look like her, sound like her, and have the same bratty attitude as her…[pauses to look at Sarah holding Wilcox’s gun causing her to put both hands up chest level]…I mean that will all due respect. [Sarah looks at the gun and then walk over to her big sister who backs up a bit not knowing if she’s going to endure the same fate as her male capture] Please don’t kill me?
[Sarah doesn’t say a word as she guides her big sister by the arm to a chair and then grabs another chair placing it in front of her. After a brief moment Sarah speak to her]
Sarah: I’m not going to kill.
Cassidy: You’re going to be me up for what I did to you growing up aren’t you?
Sarah: Cass…shut up and listen to me. [Cassidy stops talking leading Sarah to lean in] I’m a spy.
Cassidy: You’re a WHAT!?
Sarah: I’m a spy…for the C.I.A.
[Cassidy is taking in the information the best she can and after a moment or two she speaks up]
Cassidy: C.I.A…[cut to Sarah nodding]…since when?
Sarah: I was recruited by them my junior year in college into a program known as Project Omaha. There I was trained to be a government agent where I was taught things such as infiltration, hand to hand combat, the art of seduction as you plainly saw, and…
Cassidy: [looks at a lifeless Wilcox] Killing people.
Sarah: Yeah.
Cassidy: How many people have you killed?
Sarah: Do you really want to know?
Cassidy: [shakes head, stands up and walks around] This is crazy…my little sister…a spy.
Sarah: I know this is a lot to take in but…
Cassidy: [interrupts Sarah] Wait…hold on…is Chuck a spy too?
Sarah: [stands up] No…he’s an analyst that I have orders to protect. He who works with us on important missions.
Cassidy: [curious tone] Us…whose us?
Sarah: John Casey…the guy you were flirting with outside Chuck’s apartment during our argument. He works for the N.S.A.
Cassidy: [goes to sit down] I need a drink.
[Sarah puts hand on Cassidy’s shoulder as she is holding her gold locket]
Sarah: Looks sis..if I know Chuck and Casey they’re on they’re way to save us right now.
Cassidy: [looks at Sarah] I can see Casey saving us…but Chuck…I just can’t quite see him as the hero type.
Sarah: Trust me…Chuck IS the hero type…what you see in lack of appearance he makes up for in absolute bravery.
[As she says that the scene switches from the sound proof room to Fairchild C-123 and cut inside where Chuck speaks up]
Chuck: I’m scared.
Casey: [smirks] Suck it up Bartowski.
Travis: What’s to be scared of…have you ever parachuted out of an airplane before?
Chuck: Once...for fun…if you called it fun.
Travis: How did it work out for you?
Casey: [smirks] He screamed like a girl the whole way down.
[Chuck looks at Casey and then to Travis]
Chuck: Look…for one thing I’m not fixing to be Keanu Reeves in the movie Point Break and secondly it’s dark outside.
Casey: It gives us the element of surprise Chuck.
Chuck: [freaked out tone as he looks at Casey] Element of surprise? What if I surprisingly hit the ground?
Travis: [puts hand on Chuck’s shoulder] Relax buddy…remember the movie Drop Zone with Wesley Snipes? He did a night jump on to a building like we’re going to do in order to stop the bad guy played by Gary Busey who, by the way, was also in the movie Point Break with Keanu Reeves. He in turn was in Feeling Minnesota with Cameron Diaz who was in There’s Something About Mary with Matt Dillon who was in Wild Things with Kevin Bacon. Boo-yah…six degrees of Kevin Bacon! [puts hand up for a high five] Up high.
[Casey just looks at Travis and then look at Chuck]
Casey: Look Bartowski…plain and simple your girlfriend is in trouble. Are you going to stand by your word and risk your life to save hers or are you going to let her die because you’re too scared of jumping out of an airplane in the dark?
[Casey and Travis are waiting for a response as they look at Chuck. The scene ends with a freaked out look on his face and yet there is an intensity in his eyes that reads he’s willing to set aside his fear to save the woman he loves. Cue Chuck Intro]
[Fade Out]
[The scene begins in the black S.U.V where Marcus asked whether or not there was still anything between Beckman and him. When the question is asked Wexler immediately speaks up]
Wexler: You have the audacity to ask that question after what you did.
Marcus: [holds hand up at Wexler] Please…don’t be rude. Let her have a chance to answer my question.
Wexler: [looks at Beckman] Edna?
[Cut to a conflicted look on her face as she is trying to search for the words she wants to say. After a second or two she speaks up]
Beckman: You’re making it hard for me to give you an answer Marcus.
[Cut to Marcus exuding a sly smirk on his face. After a moment or two he receives a text message leading him to read it and as he does Wexler speak up again]
Wexler: The answer should be an emphatic no Edna…there is no hope between the two of you because he…[points finger at Marcus]…threatened the life of your son.
Beckman: I know.
Wexler: What’s wrong then?
Beckman: I...I..don’t know.
Marcus: I do…[Wexler and Beckman look at Marcus who looks straight at Beckman]…you’re still in love with me.
[Marcus’ sly smirk turns into a smile as Wexler immediately looks with confused disbelief at Beckman. The scene switches from the black S.U.V back to the sound proof room where Sarah continues to reveal to her older sister about her spy life]
Cassidy: Is anybody else a spy that I should know about besides you?
Sarah: Well there was Bryce…
Cassidy: Hold on…the guy who you, in your own words, spent a steamy time in Cabo with and brought home to meet the family was a spy.
Sarah: That’s him and for the record he was a mistake.
Cassidy: A hot mistake if you ask me. Where is he right now and can I possibly have his phone number?
Sarah: No…you can’t.
Cassidy: Why not?
Sarah: He’s gone deep cover and tracking a dangerous group known as Fulcrum. For his own safety, as well as, those closest to him can’t have direct contact or face being tortured or worse…death.
Cassidy: Gotcha…anybody else I should know about?
Sarah: There’s Chuck’s dad Abe Bartowski…real name Steven Carmichael.
Cassidy: You mean the guy I threatened to take his head for losing my palm pilot is a trained killer?
Sarah: You threatened him?
Cassidy: I had every right to…he was providing irresponsible service by losing my personal property.
Sarah: [smirks] Same ole’ Cass…if you want things done do it through intimidation.
Cassidy: Do you have a cover spy name like in the movies?
Sarah: I had plenty of them over the years…the one I’m using now is Sarah Walker. If anyone knew my real name it would have placed you, dad, and mom in danger,
[Sarah gets up to check Wilcox for any other items she might have missed. As she has her back to Cassidy she speaks up]
Cassidy: Soooo…
Sarah: Yes?
Cassidy: This means the relationship between the you and Chuck…moving in together…is what you would say in the spy business a cover right?
Sarah: Yeah…you could say that.
Cassidy: [laughs] Thank goodness…I’m so relieved that you said that.
Sarah: [chuckles] Why?
Cassidy: I don’t feel guilty for kissing Chuck at my hotel room then.
[Sarah immediately stops searching Wilcox for items as she hears that Cassidy kissed Chuck at her hotel room. The scene ends with Sarah turning around and glaring at her as Cassidy sits there continuing to have a hearty chuckle in her chair]
[Fade Out]
[The scene begins back in the sound proof room where Sarah has just heard that Cassidy kissed Chuck the night he took her back to her hotel room. She gives a glaring look at her and as she does that she speaks up]
Sarah: You did what!?
Cassidy: I kissed him at my hotel room right before…[looks at Sarah]…why are you looking at me like that?
[Sarah stands up and starts walking slowly towards Cassidy]
Sarah: Why did you kiss him?
Cassidy: The way he smiled at me that night…I guess I got the wrong message from him. Besides he said he was “in love” with you. Relax…why are you getting so agitated all of a sudden…you said it yourself you two are in cover relationship remember so chill.
Sarah: [angered tone] Don’t tell me to chill!
[Sarah gets that killer look in her eye causing Cassidy to stand up. And slowly starts backing up]
Cassidy: What is wrong with you…its not like you two are really in love.
Sarah: We ARE in love! He even asked me to marry him.
Cassidy: Really!? What did you say?
Sarah: That doesn’t matter right now. Look sis…the cover relationship and moving into together are for the benefit of my superiors. If they knew about my relationship with Chuck is in fact real they would reassign me without hesitation and we both don’t want that to happen.
[By this time Cassidy is against the wall looking at her all-the-while looking at the gun in Sarah’s hand. Sarah stands inches away from her and after a brief moment of tension filled silence on Cassidy’s end she speaks up]
Cassidy: Are you going to shoot me?
Sarah: I’m thinking about it.
[As Sarah says that a knock is heard at the door leading them to hear causing both to look. The scene switches from the sound proof room back to the black S.U.V where Marcus is looking for a response to the answer he gave as to whether or not Beckman is still in love with him leading Wexler to speak up]
Wexler: [looks at Beckman] Well…are you?
Beckman: It’s complicated.
Wexler: How complicated can it be…it’s a simple yes or no answer.
Beckman: Its just not as simple as giving you a yes or no.
Wexler: What the hell does that supposed to mean?
Beckman: It’s hard to explain.
Wexler: The explain it to me because I’m really having a hard time understanding. What power does he have over you that inhibits you from see what he has done to you, me, your son, and what he says he’s going to do to the Zeigeist.
[Beckman looks at Wexler and then at Marcus]
Beckman: Marcus was there for me when my marriage fell apart and I was left raising David alone. Whenever I needed someone to talk to or at least a shoulder to cry on when there were situations that got a bit overwhelming he was there for me as he provided my son with a father figure to look up to.
[Cut to Marcus smiling at Beckman and then turns around to get a bit more comfortable in his seat]
Wexler: I understand that and you should be grateful to him for being there for both you and your son…but that doesn’t give him the right to use that against you. He’s basically using what you two had to his advantage and if he sound apologetic about it…[looks at Marcus]…he isn’t.
Beckman: [conflicted look] You don’t know him the way I do.
Wexler: 20 years of being exiled from The Zeigeist can change a man Edna. He’s desperate and desperate man are very dangerous. Keep in mind he not only wants you back, but also his legacy as well and will do whatever it takes to do so. Damn whatever the consequences we all suffer afterwards.
Marcs: [speaks up] Enough…[turns to look at Beckman and Wexler]…we’re here.
[Beckman and Wexler both look to see the façade of Wexler industries in the distance. The scene ends with Wexler giving a disappointed look towards Beckman as then a glaring look towards Marcus as it cuts out to the black S.U.V itself where the camera gradually pulld back showing it head towards Wexler industries]
[Fade Out]
[The scene begins outside the sound proof room where Franklin is seen knocking on the door as looks around. He has a look of both concern and curiosity seen by the smile on his face as he tries to find out what’s going on inside leading him to speak up]
Franklin: Wilcox…how’s it going in there?
[Cut inside the room where Sarah is formulating some kind of plan to get out of the room and as she is doing this Cassidy is freaking out all-the-while biting her nails]
Cassidy: Do you have a plan…please tell me you have a plan.
Sarah: Shut up and let me think.
Cassidy: Think quickly.
Sarah: Here’s an idea…why don’t I just let that guy in here and have is way with you.
Cassidy: I’ll shut up now.
Sarah: You do that. Just be glad that I didn’t shoot you for kissing Chuck. If we get out of this he and I are going to have a little talk.
Cassidy: You really love him don’t you?
Sarah: Yes I am.
Cassidy: You seem a lot happier and if you’re happy I’m happy.
Sarah: You’re not just saying that because I’m holding a gun and you’re afraid that I’m going to shoot for all the crap you put me through are you?
Cassidy: No…[Sarah raises her right eyebrow]…okay yes.
[As she says that another knock is heard at the door leading Sarah to hash out an impromptu idea]
Sarah: All right…I have an idea.
Cassidy: What is it?
Sarah: First we pick him up and set him on the chair.
Cassidy: That’s easier said than done…look at him…he’s huge.
Sarah: Trust me Cass…I’ve done this before.
Cassidy: Okay…after that?
Sarah: You get undressed.
[Cassidy’s eyes widen as she hears the outrageous next step of the plan that her little sister wants her to do. The scene switches from the sound proof room to the Fairchild C-123 where Tobias walks into camera view speaking to everybody on the mic]
Tobias: All right…ETA is 10 minutes people. Get your parachutes…put your night vision goggles on…weapons at the ready. Once we reach the drop zone…it’s a go.
[Tobias heads back up into the cockpit leading Chuck to speak up]
Chuck: [looks at Travis] Were exactly is the drop zone?
Travis: Its on the roof of Wexler Industries located in the west quadrent.
Casey: How large is the target area we’re dropping into?
Travis: 500 by 750 square ft.
Casey: That doesn’t leave us much room then.
Chuck: Hold on…how are we supposed to get in? From the information I googled about Wexler Industries is equipped with an advanced security system.
Travis: Who do you think helped installed the security system?
Casey: Zeitgeist.
Travis: Exactamundo. They have their own security code and password override just in case something like this ever happens.
Casey: Does Wexler know about that?
Travis: Not everything is shared between members of the Zeitgeist.
Casey: So no then.
[As Casey says Tobias’ voice is heard on the loud speaker leading Travis, Chuck, Casey, and the rest of the guys to look at him]
Tobias: 5 minutes…lock and load people.
[Travis turns around, takes a parachute off the shelf, turns back around and holds it in front of Chuck who looks at it. The scene ends with a shot of the front gate as Sebastian’s men let in Marcus, Beckman, and Wexler]
[Fade Out]
[The scene begins at the door of the sound proof room where Franklin was at one point knocking on and is now standing there several feet away. After a few moments the door slightly opens leading a barely dressed Cassidy to peek trough causing a smirk to come to Franklin’s face. Cassidy speaks up]
Cassidy: Do you want to come in and join the party?
[Cassidy gives that seductive come hither to me look all-the-while motioning with her finger to come in. She pulls him in trying to keep all of his focus on her and when he is in the room he eyes Wilcox sitting in the chair with Sarah on top of him in a very provocative position half dressed. Franklin’s smile grows bigger as he sees Sarah stand up along side Cassidy leading Franklin to put his hand on his shoulder and the speaks up]
Franklin: Way to go buddy…now you can cross that off your bucket list.
[When he looks down he sees Wilcox dead and before he can act Sarah pounces with a brutal front kick to the face causing Franklin to stumble back. She continues to the assault with a barrage of punches, a spin kick to the gut, a knee to the head that causes him to fall to the floor, inevitably leading to his demise with his neck being broken in all one fell swoop. Cassidy, who is dressing up, witnesses the can of whoopass her little sister just unleashed speaks up]
Cassidy: That’s what I call potential. [Sarah looks at her sister who is smiling at her] Dad would be proud.
Sarah: [smiles] Thanks…are you ready?
Cassidy: Yeah.
[Sarah opens the door slightly and in spy fashion checks to see if its all clear to moved ahead. When she doesn’t see any potential danger she looks at Cassidy]
Sarah: Let’s go…stay close behind me.
[Cassidy nods leading Sarah to open the door. They both slip out quietly heading towards the stairs that lead to the air train several yards away. Cut to Sebastian and company looking at the schematics of Project Eagle on the computer showing signs of confusion. Sebastian then speaks to Jackson]
Sebastian: Jackson…radio Wilcox and bring Ms. Wexler here.
Jackson: Yes sir…[radios Wilcox]…Wilcox this is Jackson do you read? [silence] Wilcox this is Jackson do you read? [There is silence again leading Sebastian to speak up]
Sebastian: What is the problem?
Jackson: Wilcox isn’t responding.
Sebastian: What about Franklin?
[Jackson radios Franklin and gets the same response]
Jackson: No response from him either.
Sebastian: [looks at his remaining associates] Dupree…go with Jackson and find out why those two idiots aren’t responding.
Dupree: Yes sir.
[Dupree and Jackson hurry off to Franklin and Wilcox’s location. After a moment or two they are the room finding two dead bodies leading Jackson to step out of the room and informs Sebastian of the situation leading him to get pissed off. Cut to Sarah leading Cassidy to safety a their crouched down to hide from view when Cassidy accidently knocks over some tools leading to fall to the ground in front of Cassidy causing her to stand quickly up. At that exact point Jackson hears the noise and looks around to see Cassidy stand up several yards away leading her to open fire on their position. Sarah fires back leading both of them to scramble towards the stairs. Sebastian hears the gun fire leading him to yell into the communication device]
Sebastian: What the hell is going on!?
Jackson: Cassidy and her sister are escaping sir!
Sebastian: Well go after them…I want them both alive…you hear me…ALIVE!
[Air several hair raising moments of dodging, ducking, and exchanged gun fire Cassidy and Sarah reach the stairs. When they reach the top they see that the air train is pulling in. Sarah has her back to Cassidy in order to cover her and as she does this she speak up]
Sarah: Cass…crank it up!
[Cassidy turns back to respond all the while running, but when she turns back to head towards the air train she immediate stops. She sees several people get out of the air train on to the platform leading Cassidy to speak up]
Cassidy: Dad!?
Wexler: Cassidy!?
[Sarah, who is preoccupied with whoever is behind her, bumps into Cassidy leading her to speak up]
Sarah: [looks at Cassidy] Cass…why did you…
[Sarah is stunned as she looks at Beckman, Marcus, his associate, and finally her father standing before for here. Before Wexler could say anything Beckman speaks up]
Beckman: Agent Walker!?
[Wexler immediately looks at Beckman as he hears a name that is not his daughters. Marcu’s associate pulls out his gun and at the same time he does this Sebastian along with his crew appear with their guns drawn causing Sarah to use the other gun she took from Franklin. The scene ends with a triple screen as Chuck is wearing the parachute preparing to jump out of the back of the Fairchild C-123, Abe with GPS locator in hand flying towards their location, and Sarah hold two guns this time pointed at either side with Cassidy in the middle ending a wide shot of an enusing standoff]
[Fade to Black]
About Me

- Yoda
- Let's see, I'm a single, 39 year old 5'2-ish pinoy who worked with kids for the 14 years and I was pretty good at it. I am now working in a totally different area away from kids and it's awesome. Anyways, for fun I listen to music, draw, play video games, watch movies, hang with friends, surf the internet, go skydiving, and write down my thoughts, which I call Yodaisms. I'm pretty much a quiet, laid back dude once you get to know me and that's pretty much it, so have fun reading my thoughts. Take care and peace out!
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