[The episode begins with a recap of what previous happened as Chuck and Sarah consummated their relationship, which leaves a big smile on his face. A young woman enters the Buy More named Miss Wexler and not only gives Abe her palm pilot to fix, but also gives him some attitude as well. Cut to Washington D.C where General Beckman and Director Graham have a serious discussion about Team Chuck and the safety of The Intersect. Move forward to inside of a house in Santa Monica where Rusty, Isabella, and their realtor encouraging Chuck, and Sarah to buy the house they’re looking at leading Chuck to let the important decision rest on Sarah. Shift back to Buy More where Chuck takes it upon himself to fix Miss Wexler’s palm pilot and when he looks at the name on the info sheet he flashes leading him to freak out. Cut to the info desk where Miss Wexler is having an attitude because Abe lost her palm pilot leading her to want to speak to Chuck who is quickly walking out the door towards Sarah. Miss Wexler is in hot pursuit and eventually reaches him to the point that a heated argument ensues, but is quickly halted as she sees Sarah or should I say DeAnna. The scene begins with Cassidy talking to Sarah with a bewildered Chuck looking on]
Cassidy: DeAnna…what…
Sarah: [stunned expression] Hey Cass
Cassidy: Hey Cass…is that all I get from my little sister?
[Sarah awkwardly gives Cassidy a hug leading Sarah to immediately speak up]
Sarah: What are you doing here?
Cassidy: I’m here on business and I stopped at the Buy More to have my palm pilot fixed, but apparently the people who work there are not only total idiots, but are also apparently kleptomaniacs as well.
[gives a glaring look at Chuck and when she turns her head Chuck gives a smarmy look back] Never mind that…where have you been? You come home for short periods of time and then disappear for months/years on end. Why don’t you pick up your phone once and a while and call.
Sarah: I do call.
Cassidy: You call mostly mom and she tells us what’s going on with you.
Sarah: Yeah…I’ve been meaning to call…just been really busy.
[Cassidy looks at Sarah’s Weinerlicious outfit and the interior of the building itself]
Cassidy: I can see you’re busy…[shakes her head]…busy not utilizing your greatest potential. When are you ever going to grow up and become a responsible adult sis?
Sarah: [agitated tone] You sound like dad.
Cassidy: Well…if I know dad and he were standing here right now he would say he was disappointed in you.
[Cut to Chuck in the background who notices that Sarah is becoming incredibly uncomfortable with the appearance of her sister leading him to speak up]
Chuck: [walking up] Miss Wexler…Cassidy…Sar…err…DeAnna is…
Cassidy: [looks at Chuck and points finger at him] Excuse me…this is an A and B conversation between my sister and I. I think you should C yourself out of it. [looks at Sarah] Who is this geek?
Sarah: Nerd actually?
Cassidy: What?
Sarah: Nerd…well he used to be in charge of the Nerd Herd at the Buy More until Big Mike left and he was promoted to store manger.
Cassidy: Geek…nerd…what’s the difference and who is Big Mike? [waves her hands around] You know what it doesn’t matter at this point because all I want to know is are you free for dinner tomorrow night so we can talk sister to sister.
Chuck: [chimes in] You can have dinner at my house and I’ll cook something up.
[cut to Sarah quickly looking at Chuck]
Cassidy: [looks at Chuck] Who are you and why are you interrupting the conversation I’m having with my sister.
[cut to Chuck who has very perturbed look on his face]
Sarah: Cass…chill…[steps over to Chuck and holds his hands]…this is Chuck…[looks at Chuck and then at Cassidy]…my boyfriend.
[Cassidy suddenly bursts out laughing leading Chuck and Sarah to look at each other. After a few seconds Cassidy stops]
Cassidy: Oh…you’re serious. [pulls Sarah in to have a sisterly talk] No offense to Jack…
Chuck: [speaks up] It’s Chuck
Cassidy: Whatever…no offense to what’s his name over there but he’s not the type of guy you usually go for like that guy Bryce. What ever happened to him? He was hot, good looking,a nd you two made a great couple.
[cut to Chuck looking away all-the-while clinching his fist and biting his lip as he walks off camera]
Sarah: [looks at Cassidy] It didn't work out...looks aren’t everything sis and Chuck…[looks at Chuck]…he’s different and what sets him apart is how big his heart is.
Cassidy: [look of disbelief] If you say so…[looks at Chuck, walks over, and hands him her palm pilot]…I want this fixed or else. [Cassidy turns around leading Chuck to mock her behind her back mouthing those same words] Listen… we’ll have dinner tomorrow night at his house, catch up, and hopefully talk you into dumping nerd boy over there…[cut to Chuck throwing his hands in the air]…because honestly you can do better than him.
Sarah: We’ll definitely have dinner tomorrow night.
[Cassidy and Sarah hug]
Cassidy: You bet…[looks at Sarah and then at Chuck]…remember fix it or else.
[Cassidy hugs Sarah one more time and then leaves as Sarah stares at the door. Chuck walks into camera view, stands next to Sarah, and gives a sigh of angered frustration leading Sarah to speak up]
Sarah: [hold his hand and kisses it] I know…come on and let’s have lunch.
[The scene ends with Chuck and Sarah walking off camera as Chuck is complaining to Sarah on not only how he doesn’t like her, but also how it’s not that hard to remember his name. Cue Chuck Intro]
[Fade Out]
[The scene begins back at Buy More where Chuck walks in heavily deep in thought and just walks right past his father Abe straight into his office leading him to close the door. Abe follows suit, knocks on the door, opens it, and thus begins the conversation between father and son]
Abe: Chuck…son…you alright?
Chuck: [sitting at his desk] Huh…oh yeah…I’m fine…just recuperating after experiencing the wrath of the white version of Amorosa from The Apprentice.
Abe: Ouch…sorry son. I tried to warn you ahead of time about her but you ran out of your office so quickly.
Chuck: Well, I had a reason…I flashed when I read her name on the info sheet and so I took the palm pilot over to Sarah.
Abe: You had the palm pilot…I nearly got my head chewed off by her claiming that I lost it and then she went on to insult…
Chuck: [interrupts Abe] Dad…listen to me…Cassidy Wexler is Sarah’s sister.
Abe: Wow…that’s some heavy news to take in.
Chuck: [both hands on top of head] You’re telling me…it was just an expected surprise not only for me, but also for Sarah as well or should I say DeAnna.
Abe: So that’s Sarah’s real name?
Chuck: Apparently so. You know there’s a part of me that has wanted to know something truly real about her amidst all the spy stuff and now that I know her real name…
Abe: [chimes in] You no wfeel differently about her now that you know her real name?
Chuck: [looks at Abe] To be perfectly honest…[shakes head]…no. A name is just a name…you don’t fall in love with a name…you fall in love with a person’s heart and that is what truly matters. [rubs his eyes] I don’t know…its just going to take some getting used to that’s all.
Abe: [pats Chuck on his right shoulder] You two have been through so many obstacles son…well its not really an obstacle…you know what I mean.
Chuck: [stands ups] Yeah dad…I know what you mean. Sarah and I have been through a lot personally and professionally…now there’s a new obstacle I face.
Abe: What’s that?
Chuck: I told Sarah’s sister that she could come over and have dinner at the house that I would be cooking…you know to impress her...there’s one slight problem though.
Abe: What would that be?
Chuck: I don’t know how to cook? Ellie usually does all the cooking.
Abe: [smile] Don’t worry son…I got your back. When you’re a spy its not always fancy restaurants…sometimes you have to cook your own food and I gradually became good at it. You have to try my recipe for rack of lamb…[kisses fingers]…to die for. Look…I will help you prepare a world class meal to impress Sarah’s sister.
Chuck: Thanks dad…you are a life savor. I didn’t know you could cook?
Abe: Oh yeah…you’re old man was a regular Emeril Legassi in the kitchen…what you thought your mother cooked most of the meals in the house. [cut to Chuck smiling] I’ll have to teach you some time so one day you can prepare an excellent meal for not only Sarah, but also for your own family someday as well.
Chuck: Awesome…thanks for checking in on me.
Abe: I’m your dad…Hey, I will always be with you both in here…[touches his heart]…and in here…[touches his forehead]…don’t ever forget that.
Chuck: I won’t…and you know what that sounds like what mom used to say to me and Ellie when she would tuck us both in bed before going to sleep every night.
Abe: It was something I said to your mother every time I went on a “business trip” and unfortunately I wasn’t able to say to her when I had to leave.
Chuck: I know…but you will have the opportunity to that again someday. Thanks
Abe: No problem.
Chuck: Hey is Casey back from his lunch break? I need to talk to him about the flash I had.
Abe: He just got back a while ago…he’s in the back doing inventory.
[Chuck and Abe hug leading Abe to walk out of his office so he can get back to work. The scene with Chuck slightly smiling as he clinches Cassidy’s palm pilot in his right hand]
[Fade Out]
[The scene begins with the façade of Buy More and cut to the back of the store where you see Chuck and Casey at the end of a discussion about what he flashed on when it diverts to the subject of Cassidy and Sarah. Casey speaks up]
Casey: Look Bartowski we have to tread lightly on this situation, especially when General Beckman is involved. You also have to keep in mind that she may still hold a grudge for me not carrying out the termination order on you.
Chuck: I know…I know.
[There is short silence in the conversation as Chuck thinks about what Casey said leading Casey to break the silence]
Casey: So Walker’s real name is DeAnna. Huh…I personally don’t see her as a DeAnna…I always thought of her more as a Andrea
Chuck: Andrea…nah…I would have guessed Amanda. Amanda is name that associated with a woman who is mysteriously sexy and smart with a spunky toughness mixed in.
Casey: [waves hands in the air] Wait…hold on a minute…why are we even having this stupid conversation in the first place.
Chuck: Well you brought it up…while we’re on the subject…is John Casey your real name?
Casey: No….my real name is Rick Flagg.
Chuck: Really!?
Casey: Of course not you idiot. My real name IS John Casey. Get it through your head Bartowski…not all spies use aliases.
Chuck: Got it.
Casey: Let’s get back to the real subject at hand and that is Cassidy Wexler and how Wexler industries ties in with General Beckman. Was there anything specific concerning General Beckman in the flash?
Chuck: Like I said before…it was an image General Beckman standing next to a man in front of Wexler Industries. That’s pretty much all I can tell you.
Casey: You said that Sarah’s sister is having dinner with the both of you right?
Chuck: Yeah…why?
Casey: I think its time to put you to work intersect and try to find out more about her, the company itself, and how Beckman is involved.
[As Casey says that, Jeff and Lester quickly walk into the room. They immediately turn around in order to quickly look out the door window. Casey and Chuck peak out from the side in order to see what is going on leading to a short conversation with the nitwitted duo. Lester speaks up]
Lester: Do you see him?
Jeff: Nope…I think we lost him in home appliances. It was a good idea to split up.
[As Jeff says that, Casey walks up from behind and scares the living daylights out of them leading them to turn around with their backs to the door. Casey walks away smiling as he goes back to doing inventory leading Chuck to speak up]
Chuck: What are you doing and who are you two brainiacs hiding from?
Lester: Well…I don’t know about Jeffrey here but I’m recovering from a possible heart attack that I just had a moment ago…[feeling his chest and checking his pulse]…and to answer your second question Chuckles we’re both hiding from Morgan.
Chuck: Why are you hiding from Morgan?
Lester: He’s making us do his work for a month because of the stupid bet we made at your sister’s wedding. I tell you he’s out of control.
Jeff: I think it’s because he’s been drinking too much grape soda.
[Chuck gives a weird look to Jeff and then looks at Lester]
Chuck: You know what I don’t even want to know about that.
[Casey walks over pulling a dolly of Xbox Game systems behind him, calmly looks over their shoulders, and begins to speak]
Casey: Morgan’s coming….[Jeff and Lester just stare at him]…that’s your cue for both of you to hide numb nuts.
[Jeff and Lester frantically find a hiding place leading Casey to have a sly smirk on his face as he walks out the door pushing several boxes of Xbox game systems with Chuck following him]
Chuck: Morgan wasn’t coming was he?
[The scene ends with Casey giving a sly smirk towards Chuck who just gives off a small laugh as they both walk off camera towards the front of Buy More]
[Fade Out]
[The scene begins later that evening with the façade of Casa Bartowski. Cut inside where Chuck walks into his bedroom, sits down on his bed, grab the pull behind him, lay back, and then put it over his face. After a few seconds you hear a ruckus leading Chuck to speak up]
Chuck: [muffled voice under pillow] Go home Morgan.
[cut to Morgan sitting down on the bend as he plays Call of Duty on Chuck’s Xbox]
Morgan: [pats Chuck’s left leg] Right after I get past a certain stage that I was going to play until I walked in on you and the future Mrs. Chuck Bartowki getting it on.
Chuck: [sits up and looks at the game on the tv screen] Morgan…you know this is going to have to end some time.
[cut to Chuck motioning with his hands towards the Morgan door, the Xbox, and Call of Duty on the tv screen]
Morgan: [smiles] I know…[nods head]…I think one more late night with some sizzling shrimp to eat and several cans of grape soda…then game over.
Chuck: I’m not talking about the game Morgan....listen…we need to have a talk.
Morgan: [continues playing] About what? If its about seeing Sarah partially naked…I will keep my mouth shut. Seriously, has Sarah ever thought about doing Playboy because…
Chuck: [interrupts him] MORGAN! This is serious…buddy…please put the game down because I have something really important to say.
Morgan: [puts game down with reluctance] What is it dude? You’re kind of scaring your best friend here. What’s up?
[cut to Chuck standing up and starts pacing back and forth in front of Morgan]
Chuck: As you know Sarah and I…you know…
Morgan: [chimes in] And its about time because I was afraid your head was going to explode at any moment.
Chuck: [chuckles a bit] Oh yeah no idea…anyways…Sarah and I have took a pretty big step in our relationship and we’re taking another one.
Morgan: Dude…please tell me you didn’t ask her to marry you? Didn’t you consider my feelings at all when you decided this. Just because you and her finally got it on....
Chuck: [interupts him] Morgan…this is not about you…this is about Sarah and I. Look…We’re not getting married…[Morgan smiles]…yet…[Morgan’s smile goes away]…but it is about having our privacy.
Morgan: Gotcha…I see where you getting at.
Chuck: You do?
Morgan: Yeah buddy…its just like college…just put a tie on the ole’ Morgan door and that will signal me that you’re getting you’re freak on with your lady.
[cut to Chuck grabbing Morgan face and squishing it]
Chuck: Morgan…that’s not what I’m saying.
Morgan: [mumbling] Mat r woo zaing?
Chuck: What I’m saying is…[releases Morgan’s face]…Sarah and I have bought a house in Santa Monica. We’re going to be moving in together after Ellie and Awesome return from their honeymoon next week.
Morgan: Wow…umm…congratulations. I’m happy for you…and Sarah.
Chuck: Are you really happy for me or are you just saying that you are happy for me?
Morgan: I really am happy for you Chuck. [puts out his fist for a fist tap which Chuck obliges] Have you met any of your neighbors?
Chuck: Do you remember Rusty and Isabella from the bachelor party in Vegas?
Morgan: Yeah…wait…they are your neighbors?
Chuck: Rusty and Isabella showed us a house yesterday that was basically a steal and after a walk through Sarah and I couldn’t pass up the deal that was given to us. So we signed on the dotted line and the house is ours. You got to take a look at it Morg…its walking distance to the beach and the view…its…well…awesome.
Morgan: Is there a Morgan door?
Chuck: [smiles] If there isn’t we’ll make one. Look…you and I will always be best friends, but things are changing. [looks at the clock] Look…I’ll go order some sizzling shrimp and we’ll make it a Call of Duty night. Come on smile. [Morgan smiles leading Chuck to walk out his door. As he walks out Morgan hears Chuck’s upbeat voice echo in the hallway] Things are changing Morg…things are changing.
Morgan: [smile turns to a solemn look] Yeah…they’re changing all right.
[The scene ends with sad look on Morgan face as he goes back to playing Call of Duty but without that zeal that one tends to see from him when it comes to his favorite Xbox Game]
[Fade Out]
[The scene begins the next day at Buy More and inside Chuck is walking around greeting customers and checking on employees. Cut to Cassidy walking in the front door heading straight for the first employee she sees…Jeff with Lester standing a few feet away. Lester sees her and immediately walks away leaving Jeff to fend for himself. Cassidy speaks up]
Cassidy: Excuse me…I would like to speak to ….[Jeff just stands there staring at her not saying a word]…Hello…is anyone home…hello.
[Chuck walks up, puts his hand on his shoulder, and speak to him]
Chuck: [looks at Jeff] I got this one Jeff.
Jeff: [leans in to Chuck and whispers] Thanks for saving me from the dragon lady.
[cut to Cassidy hearing what Jeff said leading her to have an ever more serious look on her face]
Chuck: [laughs as he looks at Jeff and then at Jeff] He wasn’t talk about you…that’s a different dragon lady…okay…you’re here for your palm pilot.
Cassidy: Yes Jack and I hope you fixed the problem.
Chuck: [holds up palm pilot and hands it to her] Its Chuck and as a matter of fact I did…you have a Palm Pilot VX and this type of model only stores a certain number of categories at a time…15 to be exact.
Cassidy: How many were there exactly?
Chuck: Over 40 and that is why you were having problems with it synchronizing, especially with older saved items. Anyways…I had to take out the older saved items…
Cassidy: [speaks up] You deleted them! Those older items are vitally important…I swear...
Chuck: [holds both hands up] Oh no…I didn’t…I saved them on this jump drive for you. So next time remember to just save 15 items at a time and save the rest on a disk or a jump drive. It only took me several hours to fix the problem.
[Chuck hands the jump drive over to Cassidy leading to actually have a smile on her face leading Chuck to give his Chuckish smile]
Cassidy: You know I never noticed this until now…but you have very beautiful brown eyes.
Chuck: Thank you I’m flattered and you’re not so bad yourself once you tone down…
Cassidy: Being a biatch?
Chuck: I wasn’t going to say that persay but…yeah?
[Chuck and Cassidy both share a laugh leading her to speak up]
Cassidy: I apologize…it comes with territory as I’m all business working in a male dominated field…[touches Chuck’s hand in a playful manner]…but I’m not that way every second of the day...only at work.
[Chuck and Cassidy share a moment when all of a suddenly Sarah, wearing her Weinerlicious outfit, walks up out of nowhere leading Chuck to freak out a bit as he pull his hand away from Cassidy’s]
Chuck: [startled tone] Hey Sa…[catches himself almost saying the wrong name in front of Cassidy]…DeAnna.
Sarah: [looks at Chuck] Hey sweety…[kisses Chuck on the cheek]…just came by to see if you wanted to have lunch? Hey Cass…I see you two are getting along.
Cassidy: We are getting along great…I truly underestimated Chuck…
Chuck: [chimes in loudly] DAMN IT WOMAN MY NAME IS CHUCK…[cut to Sarah, Cassidy, and the practically the whole store looking in their direction]…my bad…reflection action. [looks at Sarah as he points to his office] Let me...umm...take care of few things and then we can go.
[Chuck walks away leaving Cassidy and Sarah to have a conversation]
Cassidy: Listen D, I never really gave Chuck a chance as he and I basically started off on the wrong foot…now that I got to talk with him a bit…he’s okay in my book.
Sarah: [smiles] Thanks…that means a lot coming from my big sis. You’re still coming to dinner tonight right?
Cassidy: A home cooked meal prepared by your boyfriend…I wouldn’t miss it for the world.
[As Cassidy says that Chuck walks up leading him to speak up]
Chuck: [looks at Sarah] Ready?
Sarah: Yeah…oh…I didn’t see your dad come into work today.
Chuck: I gave him the day off...[Sarah nods leading Chuck to look at Cassidy]…See you tonight and bring you’re appetite along with you.
Sarah: I’ll pick you up.
Cassidy: [smiles] Okay and I definitely will Chuck…you two love birds run along now.
[Chuck and Sarah walk off into the distance hold each other. The scene ends with Cassidy watching the two of them leading you to see an up close shot of her face as she raises an eyebrow and then walks off camera]
[Fade Out]
[The scene begins around 6pm in the kitchen of Casa Bartowski where you see Abe cooking up a storm. Chuck walks in dressed in a nice brown shirt, jeans, his chuck taylors and a wearing sport coat. Nothing really too fancy leading Chuc to speak up]
Chuck: [slowly spins around] How do I look?
Abe: [smiles] You look great son…[motions him over to the food]…now the Rack of lamb is heating in the oven at 450 degrees…the sauce is warming on the stove with the mashed potatoes as well. I also made some fresh salad and there is an assortment of dressing in the fridge…so take those out. I’ll leave it up to serve red or white wine.
Chuck: Thanks dad…I really appreciate it.
Abe: You’re wecome…so when are Cassidy and Sarah supposed to arrive?
[As Abe says that the door bell rings leading Chuck to look at Abe]
Chuck: Now…[points to his room]…go to my room, wait a few minutes, and go through the Morgan door.
Abe: [confused look] What’s the Morgan door?
Chuck: My bedroom window.
Abe: Gotcha…all right…good luck son.
[Chuck and Abe hug leading Abe to make his exit. Chuck checks himself in the mirror, does a quick breathe test, and then open the door. When he does Cassidy and Sarah are standing there looking beautiful leading to notice that they both have the same smile. Chuck speaks up]
Chuck: [in a corny french accent] Welcome ladies to Casa Bartowski Bistro…table for two?
[Cassidy and Sarah smile/chuckle a bit as they come in leading to the shot of outside where the door closes. As that happens Abe walks into frame with a smile on his face as he walks away, but not before peaking into the window for a second. After short montage of looking at beautiful Los Angeles illuminating the night you cut back to Sarah, Cassidy, and Chuck sitting at the dinner table finishing up their meal and drinking the last remnants of red wine. Cassidy speaks up]
Cassidy: [smiles] Chuck…I am thoroughly impressed. You’re an excellent cook and the Rack of Lamb was heavenly.
Sarah: Yes it was…you never told me that you could cook.
Chuck: [looks at Sarah] We all have our secrets…[Sarah smiles leading to drink some more red wine]…and speaking of secrets…[looks at Cassidy]…what do you secretly do at Wexler industries or is it one of those deal that if you told then you would have to kill me?
Cassidy: That’s top secret Chuck and yeah I unfortunately do.
Chuck: Wow…you’re a regular female version of Tony Stark.
Cassidy: Who?
Chuck: You know…Tony Stark fictional marvel comic hero who is otherwise known as Iron Man. [Cassidy just stares at Chuck] Plus…it was an awesome movie that raked in a lot at the box office and needless to say I thought Robert Downey Jr. played him brilliantly.
Cassidy: [looks at Chuck] If you say so…[looks at Sarah]…Deanna do you have any idea what he’s talking about.
Sarah: Actually I do...you spend enough time around him or Morgan…
Cassidy: [chimes in] Who is Morgan?
Sarah: You really don’t want to know.
Chuck: Anyways…it must be awesome to start your company from the ground up and have it be a successful company.
Cassidy: Actually…Wexler Industries isn’t my company…its my…[looks at Sarah]…our father’s.
[cut to Sarah having that uncomfortable look on her face]
Chuck: Your father’s company? Hold on a minute…Wexler…Wexler…[snaps his finger]…Jeremiah Wexler?
Cassidy: That’s my dad…why do you know him.
Chuck: [looks at Cassidy] You’re dad is the weapons industry mogul Jeremiah Wexler which mean…[looks at Sarah as he has the sense of realization]…you’re rich.
[Sarah just looks at him and then puts her head down. The scene ends with another shocked look on Chuck’s face as he finds out who not onl Sarah’s father is, but also that she is the daughter of the wealthy military weapons industry mogul Jeremiah Wexler]
[Fade To Black]
About Me

- Yoda
- Let's see, I'm a single, 39 year old 5'2-ish pinoy who worked with kids for the 14 years and I was pretty good at it. I am now working in a totally different area away from kids and it's awesome. Anyways, for fun I listen to music, draw, play video games, watch movies, hang with friends, surf the internet, go skydiving, and write down my thoughts, which I call Yodaisms. I'm pretty much a quiet, laid back dude once you get to know me and that's pretty much it, so have fun reading my thoughts. Take care and peace out!
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