To recap what previously happened, as Chuck reflects back on the two situation in his life where he sorely needed his father’s wisdom. The first situation being Jill’s return back into life after 5 years to reveal that he had a son or so he though at the time. He experienced so many emotion like shock, confusion, and anger because he not only had a son but the fact that Jill didn’t tell him made him absolutely furious. So furious in fact that he retreated to the one place he always went to in order to clear his head…the beach. Cut to Chuck and his father across the hospital where they happen to meet up at because of a nasty accident Charlie experienced that involved 8 stitches on his forehead. Chuck shares his concerns with his father about how his relationship with Sarah has become quite complicated now that Jill and Charlie in the picture. Abe sees the grief in his sons eyes as he asks with a serious look in his own eyes as to whether or not he still loves Jill. Chuck responds with a resounding no and its at that point his father grabs his wrists in order to administer a lie detector test. Abe asks him the same question again and after his son gives his answer he tells his son that he’s not only telling the truth, but also that his heart belongs to Sarah. Move forward to Chuck talking about the mission involving Jill’s client Desmond Claudius and how he was involved some nasty business that would eventually be interrupted on a more permanent basis thanks to Team Chuck. During that time, Chuck shares how Jill kissed him asking if he still loves her and he responds by telling her that he is in love with Sarah. After that meeting with Jill, he would meet up with Casey and Sarah to find out that Charlie is not his son and the man who is his actual father was in fact Allan Watterman Cut to Chuck then talking about the second situation in which his family and Sarah when on a vacation to Poland where his mother grew up. It was there that he would run into an old friend when he was young…Marcelina. He shares how he would find out in a shocking way that he’s engaged to be married to her, which causes Sarah much grief to the point where he gives Chuck back the gold locket he gave her for Valentine’s day. Move forward to Chuck and his father in their hotel room where Abe gives his words of wisdom by giving a sports analogy, which Chuck didn’t get when he was kid and now as an adult. He would later figure out that advice and swing for the fences after finding out that Mareclina’s best friend Alexi was in love with her. At the wedding, Chuck spoke up much to the chagrin of Lina’s father who was none to please. However, things would work out in the end as Lina and Alexi would get married, while Sarah would be reunited with Chuck once again inevitably asking back her gold locket.
The scene begins with Chuck sitting against the corner of the black leather couch in a considerably comfortably position. His arms crossed and has a very sullen look on his face leading him to speak up.
Chuck: I took my father’s death hard because I knew the exact circumstance as to why he died and I couldn’t tell Ellie, Awesome, Morgan or any other friends what I knew. I couldn’t tell Ellie our father died serving his country on his final act as a spy. I couldn’t tell her that our father was killed…scratched that…murdered by a lunatic who sought revenge after being expelled from a secret organization named The Zeitgiest. I was tore me up inside knowing that secret and as much as I wanted to wallow in self pity I needed to be strong not just for Ellie, Devon, and Morgan, but for Team Chuck as well.
After returning from Colorado with my father’s body, General Beckman and Director Graham gave me a couple days to let things settle down before they meet with Sarah, Casey and I. I knew what was in store for us but at the particular point and time I didn’t really care because we, along with anyone associated with us, were under the protection of The Zeitgeist. Still…as much as I took solace in the fact that Beckman and Graham couldn’t even touch us and it was a nice feeling to know that the two people that I was intimidated by were indeed intimidated by their own bosses.
After the couple days were up, Casey informed Sarah and I that Beckman and Graham wanted to speak with us personally in the warehouse conference room. When we arrived, we were surprised to find that Sarah’s father, Travis, and Tobias would also be joining in on the conference much to the chagrin of Beckman and Graham who couldn’t do anything about because their hands were tied from the powers that be.
Fade Out
The scene begins in the warehouse conference room where Chuck is seated in between, Sarah and Casey on the right sight of the conference table with Beckman seated at the end while Graham stands to the side of her. Cut to Travis, Tobias, and Sarah’s father Jeremiah Wexler standing several feet away witnessing with interest at what is going on.
Beckman: Mr. Bartowski…again my deepest condolences to you and your family for your loss.
Chuck: Thank you General.
Graham: The reason we asked to meet with you three is we have some issues that concern us regarding you three as a team.
Casey: What concerns sir?
Beckman: Concerns such as you lying to me about the relationship status between Mr. Bartowski and Agent Walker for one.
Graham: You willfully and knowingly covered their relationship from us for the past 2 years. Not to mention, drawing your weapon at two superior officers.
Casey: Yes sir…I don’t deny my actions.
Chuck: Can I speak…
Casey cuts him off as he turns to him.
Casey: Bartwoski…
Chuck sees him just hold his hand up knowing that the words shut up wouldn’t be appropriate at this juncture. Beckman then speaks, turning her attention to Sarah.
Beckman: Agent Walker…cut to Sarah’s attention focused on her as Chuck looks intently on glancing at times to Casey…your job was to protect the asset and instead you became romantically involved with him. Were you aware of the dangers that would put not only yourself and Mr. Bartowski, but also the special skill set he has.
Sarah: Yes General…I was fully aware of the dangers at hand.
Graham: Agent Walker…feelings and emotions as you know are considered a liability in our business. They distract us from accomplishing the missions you are assigned to do and for you to disregard what protocol states is a total lack of self discipline for an agent such as yourself.
Cut to Sarah’s father Jeremiah Wexler agitated at verbal berating her daughter is receiving and is about to respond when Chuck stands up and speaks.
Chuck: I’m sorry…but I can’t stand idly bye and say nothing.
Sarah: Chuck…
Chuck: turn to look at her with concern I have to Sarah.
Casey gives a low growl as he mutters under his breathe.
Casey: Bartowski you idiot.
Beckman: All right Mr. Bartowski…you may speak.
Chuck: Thanks…ummm…Casey and Sarah aren’t just agents that are assigned to protect. I know I can get on their nerves a little…Casey responds with a grunt to which Chuck reacts with a brief look at the burley agent…anyways…I’ve come to know them as friends who I would count on as I put my trust in them to save my life. Sarah…looks at Sarah…isn’t just my handler or a C.I.A agent…looks at Graham and Beckman…to you maybe. To me…looks back at Sarah and points to himself…she a woman with real feelings and emotions. I…care about her…we care about each other and for you to say she exudes a total lack of self discipline when it comes to protecting me then you two need your eyes checked.
Beckman and Graham faces turn serious as they’re eyes seemingly bore a hole into Chuck.
Graham: raises left eyebrow Please explain Mr. Bartowski.
Cut to Chuck considerably nervous at the two staring at him.
Chuck: Well…the feelings we share aren’t considered as you see it a liability. As a matter of fact, they are an absolute asset because she’s becomes more focused especially when I’m in danger. The strong feelings we share play to the strengths and not to the weaknesses of our team.
Graham chimes in as he looks at Casey.
Graham: Agent Casey…do you agree with Chuck’s assessment?
All eyes were on Casey as they were waiting for his response to Chuck’s statement. After a brief moment Casey responds.
Casey: As much as Agent Walker compromised herself in regards to her feelings with Agent Walker I agree with Chuck’s assessment. Cut to Chuck with a hint of a grin on his face as he looks at Sarah. When he turns back to look at Beckman and Graham his smile goes completely flat as Casey continues. The feelings they have for each other have at times interfered with certain mission…cut to Beckman and Graham giving looks of disappoint towards Chuck and Sarah…however…whenever either one of them is danger they are able to step up in a tremendous way. They bring out the best in each other not just in a personal, but in a professional way as well. I am honored and proud to have Agent Walker as my partner…looks at Sarah as he gives a low grunt…she’s the best damn partner I ever had.
Cut to Sarah acknowledging Casey with a hint of a smile on her face.
Chuck: chimes in with a grin What about me?
Casey: You’re still a moron…cut to Chuck grin immediately going flat…BUT without you there wouldn’t be a Team Chuck. You’re valuable to the team…as a partner…and…as a friend.
Chuck is surprised by what Casey said at the latter end of his statement.
Chuck: points at Casey Did you just call me your friend?
Casey: gives a low growl You heard me…don’t make me repeat myself.
Chuck is beaming from ear to ear as he looks at Sarah who gives a approving smile towards him. He then sits back down between Casey and Sarah to await what Beckman and Graham have to say.
Beckman: We’ve heard enough…please step out of the room while we talk.
Team Chuck, along with Travis, Tobias, and Wexler, head out the room. The scene ends with all 6 of them close the door behind them as it has a close up shot of Beckman and Graham having a serious discussion.
Fade Out
The scene begins outside of the conference room where all 6 are wondering what Beckman and Graham are talking about. After a moment or two, Travis walks up to Chuck.
Travis: Pretty intense in there Chuck.
Chuck: You’re telling me…at one point I thought I crapped my pants the way General Beckman was staring at me.
Sarah: You did great Chuck.
Chuck: Thanks…you know for a tiny woman she can be very intimidating.
Cut to Casey and Tobias standing in the background witnessing what is going on leading Tobias to speak up.
Tobias: He is a moron.
Casey: I would say the same for the guys standing next to him.
Tobias: Travis has his moments, but he gets the job done.
Casey: You know we may be unorthodox in how we handle things, but at least we get results and most of that is due to Chuck.
Tobias: And his special skills.
Casey: Special…low snorting chuckle…he’s special all right.
As he says that, it cuts to Jeremiah Wexler speaking up looking at Chuck with a proud smile on his face.
Wexler: You handled yourself very well in there standing up for Casey and especially for my daughter.
Chuck: You’re daughter is an exceptional woman sir and I would fight for her tooth and nail.
Sarah: Ditto.
Chuck takes Sarah’s hand and kisses the top of it leading him to wrap his arm around her shoulder. The scene cuts to several moments later where the gang is standing around talking with each other when Director Graham opens the door to the conference room informing them to come in. After a brief moment, Team Chuck is seated with Travis, Wexler, and Tobias are in the background once again. Beckman finish a small conversation with Graham, takes a moment to look at Team Chuck, and then speaks up.
Beckman: Mr. Bartowski…places hands on the table exuding a stoic, serious look…we took what you said under consideration and the fact your team has a high success rate when it involves your mission. That withstanding…looks at Casey and Sarah…you lied to us and though we cannot fire you…glances at Wexler and Tobias…you two will be reassigned effectively immediately.
Cut to all 6 people clearly dumbfounded leading Chuck to speak up.
Chuck: quickly stands up You can’t do that!
Graham: We can Mr. Bartowski…Graham and Beckman…you will be assigned new handlers as soon as possible.
Travis: What the fu...
Tobias: cuts off Travis Quiet down
As he says that, Wexler walks up to pull aside Beckman as Casey sits at the table with his head down silent while Chuck comforts Sarah who is cleary upset.
Wexler: What are you doing Edna…leans in and whispers…remember our talk in Colorado!?
Beckman: I do…but when it comes to a particular threat like that I, as well as, Director Graham highly doubt you will go through with it.
Wexler: What makes you think I won’t.
Beckman: Your sense of morality and patriotism to this great country. You won’t let the United States be defenseless when terrorist threats like the Taliban and Bin Ladin are still out there. Cut to Wexler listening intently You won’t do it because our military overseas is counting on your weapons to fight the good fight and without weapons you’ll have the deaths of countless soldiers on your hands. I know you Jeremiah…you wouldn’t risk the safety of the United States for your daughter’s relationship with Chuck. You’re bluffing. Cut to Wexler taking a moment to let what she said sink in and then glances at Sarah being comforted by Chuck. Well…smug look on her face…I don’t think you will.
Wexler hangs his head with his hands at his sides and after a brief moment he looks up.
Wexler: Damn right I will.
Beckman’s smug look immediately goes flat as she sees Wexler take out his cell phone and dials a number.
Beckman: You can’t be serious.
Wexler holds a finger up in front of Beckman’s face. After a couple of seconds of waiting he gets the person on the other end to where he speaks loud enough for everyone to hear.
Wexler: Whittaker…this is Jeremiah Wexler…authorization code Alpha 24518...yes...I want to cut my contract with the military effectively immediately.
Cut to Sarah walking quickly up to find out what her father is doing.
Sarah: Dad…what are you doing?
Wexler: Business doodlebug…I’m calling…points to Beckman…her bluff. Oh…by the way I was talking with Mr. Travis over there…they all look at Travis who responds by waving…and he has expressed interest in joining this team.
Graham: This is outrageous…
Cut to Wexler calmly taking a seat in a nearby chair as Beckman and Graham are talking seriously amongst themselves. Cut to the outside of the conference where Welxer walks out with a smirk on his face as the Team Chuck along with Tobias and Travis walk out victorious. As they are walking, an agent calls out to Sarah leading her to tell Chuck she’ll catch up with group. Sarah talks with the agent who as they are speaking a look of seriousness appears on her face as he hands her a disc. The scene ends with Sarah holding the disc in her hand as the agent walks off.
Fade Out
The scene begins with Chuck exuding a smirk on his face as he remembers how Sarah’s father put one over on Beckman and Graham. After a while his smirk suddenly turns flat as he sadly looks off to the side.
Chuck: My father’s funeral was nice as it was attended by family and friends that included Ellie wedding planner Mary Fiore with her husband, Casey’s girlfriend Jayne, Rusty and Isabel Ryan, dad’s friend Big Sal Tessio, and so many others who I didn’t know knew my father. It just goes to show how he effected others in such a positive way. Oh before I continue did I mention The Zeitgeist picked up the bill for my dad’s funeral anonymously of course, which was a nice surprise to my sister. Anyways…after giving a heartfelt and tearful speech I took my seat in between Sarah and Ellie with Devon sitting next to her. Morgan and the buy more gang were there as well. Morgan, Travis, Tobias, and Casey were sitting behind me along with his girlfriend Jayne.
It was a nice showing of support for the Bartowski family. After it was all said and done with condolences being given to Ellie and Me…I was left alone to be with my father one last time. During that moment of silence, I could hear someone walking up behind me to the point where I told that person I wanted to be alone. When he responded I heard a very familiar voice and when I turned around it was William Jax.
The scene flashes back to Forrest Lawn Memorial where William Jax stands before Chuck. After a moment of stunned silence, Chuck speaks up in a whisper.
Chuck: Jax…what are you doing here?
Jax: I came to pay my respects to a dearly departed old friend.
Chuck: looking around You do know Beckman and Graham are looking for you.
Jax: Yeah…walking over and putting his hand on top of Abe’s coffin…I know. Hello old friend.
Chuck: Well!?
Jax: looks at Chuck Well what?
Chuck: Aren’t you worried about surveillance especially now…that you’re standing here…pointing to himself…with me.
Jax: Nope…I’m not worried.
Chuck: throws hands in the air as he whispers loud Why not?
Jax: Let’s just say after receiving an unexpected call, I was informed that I’m now under the protection of some very mutual and not to mention influential friends. They can't touch me.
Chuck: The Zeitgeist.
Jax: Yeah…pretty interesting company you’ve been keeping now a days.
Chuck: Did they tell you about dad?
Cut to Jax speaking to Chuck while looking at the Abe’s casket.
Jax: They did and it was sad to hear…looks at the Abe's casket...he was a good man.
Chuck: Tell me something I don’t know.
Jax: He talked about you…looks at Chuck…you and your sister often especially when we both on missions together.
Chuck: Really!?
Jax: Of course…and every time he spoke of you or your sister he would be smiling from ear to ear, which is why I’m telling you that instead of mourning his death…smile and celebrate his life.
Chuck: I want to…but its hard you know.
Jax puts his right hand on Chuck’s left shoulder.
Jax: Its hard to say goodbye…I know…don’t think of this as a goodbye but rather think of it as him being reunited with your mother after being away from her for so long.
Chuck: chuckles a bit He’ll probably get the chance to finally explain his side to her.
Jax: Knowing your mother…she’ll probably slap him upside the head first when he does.
Chuck: You knew my mom?
Jax: She was a beautiful and extraordinary woman…your father was lucky to have her and the two you in his life. Even though you didn’t know it…I was there at the funeral watching over you two and helping out the best I could.
Chuck: So…the money that we received and certain bills that were paid were your doing?
Jax: I helped when I could and it was for a friend who would do the same for me if my family were in the same situation.
Chuck: Wow.
Jax: Wow is right son. Listen…your father is never gone and…taps his chest…if you keep him in your heart…and…taps his head…keep him in your thoughts he won’t ever be gone.
Chuck: Did my father teach you that?
Jax: He taught me a lot of things.
Chuck: He was a good teacher.
Jax: Indeed he was.
Chuck and Jax share a moment of silence leading Jax to rustle his hair in a playful manner. The scene ends with the camera panning back as the two stand in front of Abe’s casket talking/sharing stories.
Fade Out
The scene begins with façade of Casa Bartowski and cut to Chuck’s room where he returns from the funeral. He removes his coat, hangs on the computer chair, and then sits at the edge of his bed. After taking off his shoes, he hears a knock at the door and when he turns his head to look its Sarah.
Chuck: Hey…what’s up.
Sarah: Just seeing how you were doing…how was your talk with Jax?
Chuck: How…right…you can sense each other sort of like immortals from the show Highlander can’t you.
Sarah laughs at his response.
Sarah: look of concern Chuck…I need to talk to you for a minute.
Chuck: Of course…is anything wrong.
Sarah: Its about your father.
Chuck: What about my father?
Sarah: Before he took the helicopter from the warehouse to come to our rescue…he left a message…for you,
Chuck eyes wide on that bit of news.
Chuck: He did…where is it?
Sarah opens her purse and takes out the disc handing it to Chuck.
Sarah: The tech guys found it and they transferred it that disc for you. I’ll let you have your privacy and watch it.
Chuck just stares at the disc and before Sarah makes her exit out of his room he speaks up.
Chuck: Thanks.
Chuck looks at Sarah who looks back with a comforting smile of her own. Chuck closes his door, goes to sit at his computer, and pops in the disc. After a waiting for several seconds, a video message pops up.
Abe: Hey son…I don’t have much time. I know that I may not have the chance to say if for some reason I don’t make it back. Cut to Chuck beginning to tear up BUT if I don’t…I don’t want you to be angry at me because it was something I had to do…being a spy is in my blood. I just want you to know that I’m proud of you and all that you’ve accomplished or will accomplish in the future. Tears begin to fall down Chuck’s cheek Tell Casey…we’ll have to postpone on him getting his ass kicked by me. Chuck gives a hint of laughter as he cries Tell Sarah…take good care of my boy. Lastly…I wanted to say to you…be there for your sister…watch out for each other. Friends will come and go but family is forever. Remember son…second chances are hard to come by and when you do get once seize it…cherish it…and never let it slip through your fingers. I love you.
The message immediately goes snowy and then cut to Chuck in tears leading the flashback to end as it goes back to the present with Chuck sitting on the black leather couch in tears. After a moment or two, he wipes his face and begins to speak up.
Chuck: My father left me a message basically telling me to not be angry at his action and that he was proud of me. Looks and point up in the air I love you old man. You know…its comforting me in knowing that during that whole chaotic situation he took that one moment to say what he said from the heart. I miss my father more than ever, but he’s in Heaven with my mother looking down on me with smiles on their faces.
Anyways…that’s pretty much it. Looks at his watch Wow…look at the time its late. Well…I’ve shared with you all that has happened till now so do you have anything you want to say?
As he says that, it cuts to C.J. Ryan in a Fisher Price Swinger Rocker and show him responding with him giggling at his godfather. Chuck get’s up and goes over kneeling down in front of C.J. tickling him making him giggle even more.
That’s it…that’s your response after I spilled my guts to you. Hey…thanks for listening to me even though you didn’t understand any of what I was saying.
As that happens, the front door opens leading Sarah to walk in and seeing Chuck interacting with C.J.
Sarah: smiles Hey boys…Sarah walks over kisses Chuck and then caresses C.J. cheek…how are my two favorite men doing?
Chuck: Awesome…we had a fun time doing guy stuff.
Sarah: raising right eyebrow Really!? What did you two?
Chuck: Ate…pooped…farted…scratched ourselves…drank beer. Well…I drank beer…points to C.J…he drank his formula. You know the typical guy stuff. Standing up to wrap her arms around her. How was your day?
Sarah: Busy at Orange Orange…turns to look up at him while he embraces her…so what did you two really do?
Chuck: We hung out and talked…actually I talked while the ankle biter laughed at me.
Sarah: So you had a productive day then babysitting him?
Chuck: Pretty much.
Sarah breaks the embraces heading towards the kitchen, but before she walks in she turns to Chuck.
Sarah: Have you considered talking with the C.I.A Psychologist…I still think it would help.
Chuck glances at C.J. and then grins at Sarah.
Chuck: I’m all right…thanks for the offer though.
Sarah responds with a smile as she heads into the kitchen. Chuck stands there for a moment with a smile appearing on his face as he turns to look at C.J. who giggles once again as Chuck gives him a goofy face. Chuck goes and kneels in front of C.J. and whispers to him.
Chuck: Hey…maybe next time I’ll share the story of when I asked Sarah to marry me. It has happened yet, but it will...smiles...soon. Would you like that?
Cut to C.J. smiling and then Chuck picking him up C.J. holding him in his arms. He sits down on the black leather couch and the scene ends with Sarah walking in from the kitchen with drink in had sitting comfortable next to both of them.
The End
About Me

- Yoda
- Let's see, I'm a single, 39 year old 5'2-ish pinoy who worked with kids for the 14 years and I was pretty good at it. I am now working in a totally different area away from kids and it's awesome. Anyways, for fun I listen to music, draw, play video games, watch movies, hang with friends, surf the internet, go skydiving, and write down my thoughts, which I call Yodaisms. I'm pretty much a quiet, laid back dude once you get to know me and that's pretty much it, so have fun reading my thoughts. Take care and peace out!
Chuck Fanfiction
Sunday, April 12, 2009
Friday, April 10, 2009
Chuck Vs. The Black Leather Couch Part 14
To recap what previously happened, Chuck reflects back on waking up after being in a coma like state from the intersect crashing in his brain. He’s brought to the warehouse where they basically reboot his brain and there with him at his side are Ellie, Devon, Morgan, Casey, and Sarah. After the procedure is done, he wakes up thinking everybody is characters from the movie The Wizard of Oz leading him to freak out at the sight of Casey because he looks like the Wicked Witch’s flying monkey. Cut to Casey’s apartment where Jax joins them as Beckman and Graham inform Chuck his services are no longer needed. He experiences some mixed emotions at that very moment, but that would soon change after Jax tranqs Casey, then Sarah, and then takes him hostage. Beckman and Graham are furious to which Jax with a sly grin on his face responds with catch me if you can. Move forward to Chuck feeling betrayed by what Jax is doing as he is getting into the trunk. He lays a guilt trip on him for also betraying his father who was his former section 8 member and close friend. After being locked in the trocked for what seemed to be forever they arrive at their destination…the warehouse. Jax informs Chuck that everything that happened back at Casey’s apartment was all for Beckman and Graham’s eyes, which Casey and Sarah were a part of. He also informs him about the 3 step plan involving him downloading the beta intersect back into his brain. Cut to inside a white V.R. room where Chuck is wearing a V.R. helmet being downloaded the beta intersect information. The download is successful and after making a grand entrance in the conference room where Casey, Sarah, Beckman, and Graham are in the lights go out giving Jax the opportunity to escape but not before giving Chuck a section 8 coin and telling him that its his turn to implement step 3. Cut to 2 days later in the hospital where Casey informs Team Chuck step 3 was successful leading Abe to raise his fist in the air for what his old friend did.
The scene begins with a close up shot of Chuck’s right hand tapping the right arm of the black leather couch. As the camera pans up to his face, he expresses a sullen look as he thinks about his father.
Chuck: I always appreciated the fact that before my dad supposedly abandoned us I could go to him for advice when it came to practically anything. Whether it was school, my friendship with Morgan, girl problems, or whatever the case may be he was able to take time to hear me out. He was there for me when things didn’t make any sense at all and he had this uncanny ability to put what I was going through into a considerably clear perspective for me. Now…shakes head…I can no longer go to the one person who can put this what happened to him into perspective…him.
I’m angry at the fact that Marcus Stefano stole the chance to continue getting to know my father all over again. He was an excellent cook…I didn’t know that. I guess having great cooking skills wasn’t one of the things that would be passed on from father to son. Anyways…I honestly thought my father would be around to see me get married…to be there to meet his grandchild or children…to babysit them when Sarah and I need a brake or we’re on a mission. Most of all though…be there for them like he was for me giving advice when they truly needed it the most.
Thinking back…there were two occasions in which I sorely needed his advice. The first instance I’ll share with you was when Jill made her triumphant return back into my life after 5 years. I wouldn’t have found out about it if Ellie told me she ran into her and she wanted to relay a message to me that she wanted to talk. In my head I was thinking she wanted to either apologize for what she did to me or make her plea to get back together. I would take the apology, but when it came to the latter it would be a definite nada. When she arrived at my door I fully expected to just get my apology, say a few words without any drama, and then go our separate ways. I would most certainly more than an apology because she would drop the biggest bomb on me…our son.
At the time, I was in utter shock at the thought of having a son and then that shock turned to anger because I was deprived on not being able to see him or even have the privilege of getting to know him for five years. Looking back, I was so angry at Jill that I couldn’t even stand to look at her and so I walked off towards the one place that represented my fortress of solitude…the beach. After talking with Sarah she put things into perspective for me and I appreciated what she did reassuring me that I shouldn’t be sorry for the secret that I didn’t know about…but it would be after my “son” getting hurt that I would need and inevitably get some much needed words of wisdom from him.
Fade Out
The scene begins as Sarah, Jill, Chuck, and Charlie are leaving the hospital after Charlie gets 8 stitches on his forehead from falling in the playground. They are in the parking lot and are at Jill’s car leading Chuck to escorts his “son” to the back seat where he buckles him in. After giving him a kiss on the top of his head, Chuck nods at Jill then waves to them as they drive off. Chuck and Sarah head back to her Porsche holding hands and as they do they happen to run into Abe who is holding a bag in his right hand.
Chuck: Dad?
Abe: Chuck…Sarah…what are you two kids doing here?
Chuck: Charlie had a little accident…8 stitches on his forehead.
Abe: winces Ouch…is he okay...looking he here?
Chuck: He’s fine…you just missed him though.
Cut to Abe with a look of disappointment in his face that wasn’t able to meet his grandson.
Sarah: looks at the bag Are you okay?
Abe: Oh…holds up bag…you mean this. Its just my arthritis medication…I used to take on five bad guys at once back in the day using these hands without feeling any pain afterwards, but now doing something simple like typing on a computer hurts my hands. I’m not as young as I used to be.
Sarah: Sorry.
Abe responds with a grin as he shrugs his shoulders leading Chuck to turn to Sarah.
Chuck: Hey Sarah…is it all right if I get a ride home with my dad. I need to talk to him anyways…you know…about Buy More stuff.
Sarah: smiles Sure…kisses Chuck…I’ll pick you up at 7 tonight for the mission tonight.
Chuck: I’ll be ready.
Sarah gives a hug to Abe then walks off to heads to her car but not before giving one last look at Chuck who waves at her. Chuck and Abe walk off heading to a nearby picnic table across the street from the hospital. After a moment or two, they arrive leading both of them to sit down with Abe speaking up first.
Abe: look of concern Something tells me this isn’t about Buy More stuff.
Chuck: shakes head It’s not dad…its about Charlie and Jill.
Abe: And Sarah?
Chuck: Yeah…nods…and Sarah.
Abe: Like I said before son, knowing the guy that you are you want to do what’s best for your son and at that the same its possibly conflicting with your relationship with Sarah.
Chuck: Sarah says she’s fine…but I know she’s not.
Abe: How do you know for sure…spies can be deceptive with their emotions.
Chuck: Trust me dad I know. I’ve spent enough time around Sarah to know she’s not being deceptive about how she’s feeling.
Abe: What do you think she’s feeling then?
Chuck: Alone…that I’m slowly gravitating towards a relationship that is bonded only by my son Charlie. That my love for her is possibly steadily moving away and towards not only my son, but also to Jill.
Abe: That’s not true.
Chuck: points to his eyes I can see it in her eyes dad and she says so much without having to say a word. There is a moment of silence and then Abe takes Chuck arms straightening them out on the table. He then hold’s Chuck’s wrists gripping them in his hands causing Chuck to quickly look at his father. What are you doing?
Abe: Giving you a lie detector test.
Chuck: You’re doing what!? How do you…
Abe: interrupts Chuck Son…shut up.
Chuck: Yes sir.
Abe: Let me ask you a question Chuck…Chuck nods and then takes a deep breathe to where Abe leans in…do you still love Jill?
Chuck: shakes head No…I’m over her and the reason being is Sarah. My feelings for her are left in the past and even though having a son with her complicates things with Sarah I know one thing is certain.
Abe: What is that?
Chuck: Dad…look straight into his father’s eyes…I love Sarah with all my heart.
Abe releases the grip he has on his son’s wrists and then leans back as Chuck rubs his wrists giving a look of curious uncertainty as to whether or not he’s telling the truth.
Abe: You’re telling the truth.
Chuck: Really…a lie detector test?
Abe: Just wanted to make sure and I also wanted you to realize you weren’t lying to yourself about no longer having any feelings for Jill. No matter what happens between you and Jill concerning Charlie…points and taps Chuck’s chest…your heart belongs to Sarah.
Chuck gets up and goes over to hug his father. As they embrace, Chuck responds to what his father said to him.
Chuck: Thanks dad.
Abe pats his son’s back as they step back.
Abe: No problem.
As they leave the picnic table heading towards Abe’s car Chuck asks his father a question.
Chuck: Can you teach me the lie detector test?
Abe responds by playfully pushing his son after asking that question. The scene ends with Chuck pushing his father back as they both walk off.
Fade Out
The scene begins back in the present with Chuck sitting back on the black leather couch. He’s leaning back and patting both his legs with his hands. After a brief moment he stops, crosses his arms, and then speaks up.
Chuck: The conversation I had with my father concerning Jill and who I thought at the time was my son put things into perspective for me, especially when he gave me that lie detector test. It was similar to what Robert DeNiro’s character Jack Byrnes did to Ben Stiller’s character Greg Focker in the movie Meet The Parents. That through me for a loop because it was something new that I learned about my father when it pertained to his days as a spy. He never did teach me how to do it, but in hind sight I’m glad he didn’t because I would have a field day with what he taught me.
Anyways…the situation between Jill and I got a bit…rubbing both his hands…more interesting when we were at her company Everkwest Inc. looking over certain disc containing evidence of her rich wannabe James Bond villain client Desmond Claudius doing bad business with a guy named Xiang Wan Po. As we were talking, she tells me that if anything were to happen to her I would be the one to look after our son. It would be at that point she would suddenly kiss me…I want to point that out…she kissed me and not the other way around. Needless to say, that took me by surprise and what also took me by surprise was her asking me if I still loved her.
Honestly…at one point I did but not anymore and I had to tell the truth to her that I’m in love with Sarah knowing full well how much it hurt Jill to hear it. I told that all I can ever possibly give her is my friendship and the connection we have through our son is something she can always hold on to. I truly believe that in my heart of heart and the fact that Jill is an attractive women who will fall in love with a great guy someday. She embarrassingly for her actions and said that I couldn’t blame her for trying, which I didn’t because I still cared for her but not in a romantic kind of way. We both were going down different paths and mine happens to be with Sarah.
After telling Jill to go pick her son up from school, go home, and wait for my call I went to see Casey and Sarah with disc in hand. When I got there I was in for quite a surprise as Casey somehow acquired the DNA results from Charlie and according to the findings I wasn’t the biological father. When I heard that news I was disappointed and yet happy at the same time because even though I wasn’t Charlie father I grew to care for him as if he was my own son. Just like Hunter…I grew attached to both of them over a period of time because they were two very special little boys.
I looked at Sarah to see if she was relieved but all I saw was a look of concern when Casey gave me the papers with the results of who the actual father is. Now in the back of my mind I‘m thinking its Bryce but when I read it I was in total disbelief of who the father actually was…Allan Watterman. The man who became a successful businessman after he graduated Stanford as not only Charlie’s biological father, but was also involved in some insider trading with offshore accounts in the Cayman Islands. I say this because he’s now in prison after I tipped off the property authorities. Holds up both hands What!? He deserved it and beside he was a douche bag to begin with.
The situation would turn from being somewhat lighthearted to very serious when Desmond Claudius captured Jill and Charlie. He demanded that the disc I took be given back to him and that I should come alone. After a brief discussion with Sarah and Casey, I went in alone to Claudius’ fancy night club Firestorm. I brought the disc in exchange for Charlie and Jill but like any villain you can’t really trust them on their word. I ended up getting beat and for my efforts I suffered bruised ribs and cut on my face after receiving a round house kick to the face. To make a long story short…Sarah and Casey arrived to save the day.
Claudius and Wan Po are still in prison possibly next to Allan Watterman…who knows. As for Jill and Charlie…they are doing well in their new life as we keep in contact from time to time. I told Casey that I let Jill think that Charlie was my son because she’s been through enough already and to find out that Charlie isn’t would totally devastate her. Charlie is the only connection to me she has left and I didn’t want to ruin that her. Mother and son are currently in an undisclosed location living a good life and even though you have that curious look on your face wanting to know where I’m not at liberty to give that information to you.
Fade Out
The scene begins with Chuck back in the black leather couch biting his bottom lip with a far off look on his face. He shakes his head and then begins to speak up.
Chuck: You know…one of the greatest institutions in life is marriage and when my sister Ellie got married to my now brother-in-law Capt. Awesome it was the happiest days of her life. I could see the joy it brings to both of them as they have a future together filled with absolute possibilities. Its those same possibilities that I want to experience that with Sarah too someday, but there was a point where the future looked bleak for the two of us when my dad, Sarah, Ellie, Devon and myself traveled to where my mother grew up…Sandomierz, Poland.
It would be there that my life would take an unexpected turn once again and it didn’t involve me having a son. What it did involve was finding out that I was married to a girl I hardly even know…a girl who I hung out with when my family went on vacation there. Her name was Marcelina and unbeknownst to me I took part in a marriage ceremony, which shouldn’t be legal. However, according to the Polish tradition if two young kids hands are bound and then walk around a table they are engaged to be married..
At that moment, when I first found out I was engaged to be married I thought I was getting Punk’d and Ashton Kutcher would be showing up to tell me it was all a joke. Unfortunately, it wasn’t and the one person who I thought would be there for me wasn’t. Sarah and I have been through so much together but to find out that I was engaged to be married to where the tradition couldn’t be broken was too much for her to handle. I tried to tell her that the whole situation was going to be fixed, but instead of working this out like we’ve done in the past she decided she needed to think, which was a bad omen. What the situation made it even harder to bear was her giving me back the gold locket that represented how much I truly loved her.
When Sarah gave me back the gold locket my whole world basically fell apart and it would be at that point my father would step in to be there for me when I needed it the most.
As he says that, the scene flashes back to Abe’s hotel room and inside Chuck is sitting on the couch depressed about the situation with Sarah and she’s not by his side helping him work through this. Chuck’s focus is on the gold locket and as he’s rubbing the gold locket in his right hand he shakes his head in disbelief. His concentration is broken when his father walks in, sees how distraught he is, takes a chair near the bed, places it front of Chuck, sits down, and then begins to speak.
Abe: How are you holding up son?
Chuck: shakes head Why is this happening to me…to us dad?
Abe: Life can throw us some major curveballs son…
Chuck immediately drops his head back on the couch looking up at the ceiling.
Chuck: Not a sports analogy…
Abe: holds up hands Just here me out…I know you couldn’t understamd them as a kid.
Chuck lifts his head back up looking at his father.
Chuck: I still don’t understand them…what makes you think I will now?
Abe: Can I finish? Chuck flops his head on the back of the couch looking back up at the ceiling Life can throw us some major curveballs and we may swing and miss because we couldn’t see it…Chuck gives a low grunt leading Abe to speak a bit louder and more emphasis on what he‘s saying…BUT if we determine ourselves to not give up and continue swinging as we foul off the pitches thrown…we’ll eventually see it clear as day giving us the opportunity to swing for the fences.
Chuck lifts his head and gives his dad a weird look.
Chuck: Now can you explain what you just said to me in English?
Abe: Look…Chuck leans in hunching over resting his arms on his legs and as he glances back and forth from the gold locket to his father…what I’m trying to say is you and Sarah have been thrown so many curveballs in your relationship like Bryce…catching a computer virus that nearly killed you…Jill returning with what we now know is your son…you were able to handle these particular pitches just fine because you had each other.
Chuck: looks up at his dad But that’s the thing dad…clutches Sarah’s gold locket in his hand and holds up to his father’s face…how am I going to handle being thrown something that I can’t be able to see or handle without her.
Abe: You’ll find a way…I know you will…you’ll see the opportunity and hit out of the park like you've always done in the past.
Chuck: What about Sarah.
Abe: She’ll be with you.
Chuck: How?
Abe: You’re holding her in your hand aren’t you? Chuck turns his hand, opens it up, and looks at Sarah gold locket leading Abe to stand up to where he puts his right hand on his son’s left shoulder. Chuck looks back up at his father who continues on. She’s be with you in spirit every step of the way…you just have to believe that things will turn out for the better.
Cut to Chuck in utter silence leading Abe to give his son a neck hug and then before heading out the door he looks at his son who is leans back on the couch clutching the gold locket in his right hand o his heart. When the door closes, chuck turns his head seeing the mini bar, gets up, and opens the door, and takes a few bottles in order to drown his sorrows. The scene ends with Chuck opening one of the bottles and starts drinking away.
Fade Out
The scene begins back in the present with Chuck sitting on the black leather couch grinning. A few seconds later he speaks up.
Chuck: My dad would once again give me advice that would help me out, but at that particular time I didn’t know how. It was until I had a one on one talk at a wooden pier behind Marceline’s house I saw the opportunity to swing for the fences talking with her best friend. I found out through the course of a few polish beers that he was in love with her. It didn’t dawn on me until he started describing how many smiles she had and then I saw it in his face…the look of unrequited love. It was a look that I knew so well because at one point my face expressed the same look towards Sarah.
After my talk with my best man, which wasn't my idea, I called my dad to have an emergency meeting to discuss my plan. It was a risky venture to pull off but what did I have to lose if I didn’t try it because to be perfectly honest I didn’t want to be married to a woman who I didn’t even know let alone deal with a her love lorned best friend. I tried to get through to him but all he said was he couldn’t defy tradition and I responded by telling to screw tradition to which he responded by punching me in the face. Yeah…all the making for the next episode of The Jerry Springer Show right there.
To make a long story short…Lina and Alexi have been happily married for quite some time now. I got a letter from her several months ago telling me they’re expecting their third child pretty soon. The risk I took worked and it was that same risk in which I was able to place the gold locket around Sarah’s neck where it rightfully belonged. I owe my father and his words of wisdom because without them I probably would have been living in Poland married to a woman that I didn’t love. Shakes head and begins to get choked up My father was a wise man and I would later find out he would give me one last piece of important advice after he died.
Fade To Black
The scene begins with a close up shot of Chuck’s right hand tapping the right arm of the black leather couch. As the camera pans up to his face, he expresses a sullen look as he thinks about his father.
Chuck: I always appreciated the fact that before my dad supposedly abandoned us I could go to him for advice when it came to practically anything. Whether it was school, my friendship with Morgan, girl problems, or whatever the case may be he was able to take time to hear me out. He was there for me when things didn’t make any sense at all and he had this uncanny ability to put what I was going through into a considerably clear perspective for me. Now…shakes head…I can no longer go to the one person who can put this what happened to him into perspective…him.
I’m angry at the fact that Marcus Stefano stole the chance to continue getting to know my father all over again. He was an excellent cook…I didn’t know that. I guess having great cooking skills wasn’t one of the things that would be passed on from father to son. Anyways…I honestly thought my father would be around to see me get married…to be there to meet his grandchild or children…to babysit them when Sarah and I need a brake or we’re on a mission. Most of all though…be there for them like he was for me giving advice when they truly needed it the most.
Thinking back…there were two occasions in which I sorely needed his advice. The first instance I’ll share with you was when Jill made her triumphant return back into my life after 5 years. I wouldn’t have found out about it if Ellie told me she ran into her and she wanted to relay a message to me that she wanted to talk. In my head I was thinking she wanted to either apologize for what she did to me or make her plea to get back together. I would take the apology, but when it came to the latter it would be a definite nada. When she arrived at my door I fully expected to just get my apology, say a few words without any drama, and then go our separate ways. I would most certainly more than an apology because she would drop the biggest bomb on me…our son.
At the time, I was in utter shock at the thought of having a son and then that shock turned to anger because I was deprived on not being able to see him or even have the privilege of getting to know him for five years. Looking back, I was so angry at Jill that I couldn’t even stand to look at her and so I walked off towards the one place that represented my fortress of solitude…the beach. After talking with Sarah she put things into perspective for me and I appreciated what she did reassuring me that I shouldn’t be sorry for the secret that I didn’t know about…but it would be after my “son” getting hurt that I would need and inevitably get some much needed words of wisdom from him.
Fade Out
The scene begins as Sarah, Jill, Chuck, and Charlie are leaving the hospital after Charlie gets 8 stitches on his forehead from falling in the playground. They are in the parking lot and are at Jill’s car leading Chuck to escorts his “son” to the back seat where he buckles him in. After giving him a kiss on the top of his head, Chuck nods at Jill then waves to them as they drive off. Chuck and Sarah head back to her Porsche holding hands and as they do they happen to run into Abe who is holding a bag in his right hand.
Chuck: Dad?
Abe: Chuck…Sarah…what are you two kids doing here?
Chuck: Charlie had a little accident…8 stitches on his forehead.
Abe: winces Ouch…is he okay...looking he here?
Chuck: He’s fine…you just missed him though.
Cut to Abe with a look of disappointment in his face that wasn’t able to meet his grandson.
Sarah: looks at the bag Are you okay?
Abe: Oh…holds up bag…you mean this. Its just my arthritis medication…I used to take on five bad guys at once back in the day using these hands without feeling any pain afterwards, but now doing something simple like typing on a computer hurts my hands. I’m not as young as I used to be.
Sarah: Sorry.
Abe responds with a grin as he shrugs his shoulders leading Chuck to turn to Sarah.
Chuck: Hey Sarah…is it all right if I get a ride home with my dad. I need to talk to him anyways…you know…about Buy More stuff.
Sarah: smiles Sure…kisses Chuck…I’ll pick you up at 7 tonight for the mission tonight.
Chuck: I’ll be ready.
Sarah gives a hug to Abe then walks off to heads to her car but not before giving one last look at Chuck who waves at her. Chuck and Abe walk off heading to a nearby picnic table across the street from the hospital. After a moment or two, they arrive leading both of them to sit down with Abe speaking up first.
Abe: look of concern Something tells me this isn’t about Buy More stuff.
Chuck: shakes head It’s not dad…its about Charlie and Jill.
Abe: And Sarah?
Chuck: Yeah…nods…and Sarah.
Abe: Like I said before son, knowing the guy that you are you want to do what’s best for your son and at that the same its possibly conflicting with your relationship with Sarah.
Chuck: Sarah says she’s fine…but I know she’s not.
Abe: How do you know for sure…spies can be deceptive with their emotions.
Chuck: Trust me dad I know. I’ve spent enough time around Sarah to know she’s not being deceptive about how she’s feeling.
Abe: What do you think she’s feeling then?
Chuck: Alone…that I’m slowly gravitating towards a relationship that is bonded only by my son Charlie. That my love for her is possibly steadily moving away and towards not only my son, but also to Jill.
Abe: That’s not true.
Chuck: points to his eyes I can see it in her eyes dad and she says so much without having to say a word. There is a moment of silence and then Abe takes Chuck arms straightening them out on the table. He then hold’s Chuck’s wrists gripping them in his hands causing Chuck to quickly look at his father. What are you doing?
Abe: Giving you a lie detector test.
Chuck: You’re doing what!? How do you…
Abe: interrupts Chuck Son…shut up.
Chuck: Yes sir.
Abe: Let me ask you a question Chuck…Chuck nods and then takes a deep breathe to where Abe leans in…do you still love Jill?
Chuck: shakes head No…I’m over her and the reason being is Sarah. My feelings for her are left in the past and even though having a son with her complicates things with Sarah I know one thing is certain.
Abe: What is that?
Chuck: Dad…look straight into his father’s eyes…I love Sarah with all my heart.
Abe releases the grip he has on his son’s wrists and then leans back as Chuck rubs his wrists giving a look of curious uncertainty as to whether or not he’s telling the truth.
Abe: You’re telling the truth.
Chuck: Really…a lie detector test?
Abe: Just wanted to make sure and I also wanted you to realize you weren’t lying to yourself about no longer having any feelings for Jill. No matter what happens between you and Jill concerning Charlie…points and taps Chuck’s chest…your heart belongs to Sarah.
Chuck gets up and goes over to hug his father. As they embrace, Chuck responds to what his father said to him.
Chuck: Thanks dad.
Abe pats his son’s back as they step back.
Abe: No problem.
As they leave the picnic table heading towards Abe’s car Chuck asks his father a question.
Chuck: Can you teach me the lie detector test?
Abe responds by playfully pushing his son after asking that question. The scene ends with Chuck pushing his father back as they both walk off.
Fade Out
The scene begins back in the present with Chuck sitting back on the black leather couch. He’s leaning back and patting both his legs with his hands. After a brief moment he stops, crosses his arms, and then speaks up.
Chuck: The conversation I had with my father concerning Jill and who I thought at the time was my son put things into perspective for me, especially when he gave me that lie detector test. It was similar to what Robert DeNiro’s character Jack Byrnes did to Ben Stiller’s character Greg Focker in the movie Meet The Parents. That through me for a loop because it was something new that I learned about my father when it pertained to his days as a spy. He never did teach me how to do it, but in hind sight I’m glad he didn’t because I would have a field day with what he taught me.
Anyways…the situation between Jill and I got a bit…rubbing both his hands…more interesting when we were at her company Everkwest Inc. looking over certain disc containing evidence of her rich wannabe James Bond villain client Desmond Claudius doing bad business with a guy named Xiang Wan Po. As we were talking, she tells me that if anything were to happen to her I would be the one to look after our son. It would be at that point she would suddenly kiss me…I want to point that out…she kissed me and not the other way around. Needless to say, that took me by surprise and what also took me by surprise was her asking me if I still loved her.
Honestly…at one point I did but not anymore and I had to tell the truth to her that I’m in love with Sarah knowing full well how much it hurt Jill to hear it. I told that all I can ever possibly give her is my friendship and the connection we have through our son is something she can always hold on to. I truly believe that in my heart of heart and the fact that Jill is an attractive women who will fall in love with a great guy someday. She embarrassingly for her actions and said that I couldn’t blame her for trying, which I didn’t because I still cared for her but not in a romantic kind of way. We both were going down different paths and mine happens to be with Sarah.
After telling Jill to go pick her son up from school, go home, and wait for my call I went to see Casey and Sarah with disc in hand. When I got there I was in for quite a surprise as Casey somehow acquired the DNA results from Charlie and according to the findings I wasn’t the biological father. When I heard that news I was disappointed and yet happy at the same time because even though I wasn’t Charlie father I grew to care for him as if he was my own son. Just like Hunter…I grew attached to both of them over a period of time because they were two very special little boys.
I looked at Sarah to see if she was relieved but all I saw was a look of concern when Casey gave me the papers with the results of who the actual father is. Now in the back of my mind I‘m thinking its Bryce but when I read it I was in total disbelief of who the father actually was…Allan Watterman. The man who became a successful businessman after he graduated Stanford as not only Charlie’s biological father, but was also involved in some insider trading with offshore accounts in the Cayman Islands. I say this because he’s now in prison after I tipped off the property authorities. Holds up both hands What!? He deserved it and beside he was a douche bag to begin with.
The situation would turn from being somewhat lighthearted to very serious when Desmond Claudius captured Jill and Charlie. He demanded that the disc I took be given back to him and that I should come alone. After a brief discussion with Sarah and Casey, I went in alone to Claudius’ fancy night club Firestorm. I brought the disc in exchange for Charlie and Jill but like any villain you can’t really trust them on their word. I ended up getting beat and for my efforts I suffered bruised ribs and cut on my face after receiving a round house kick to the face. To make a long story short…Sarah and Casey arrived to save the day.
Claudius and Wan Po are still in prison possibly next to Allan Watterman…who knows. As for Jill and Charlie…they are doing well in their new life as we keep in contact from time to time. I told Casey that I let Jill think that Charlie was my son because she’s been through enough already and to find out that Charlie isn’t would totally devastate her. Charlie is the only connection to me she has left and I didn’t want to ruin that her. Mother and son are currently in an undisclosed location living a good life and even though you have that curious look on your face wanting to know where I’m not at liberty to give that information to you.
Fade Out
The scene begins with Chuck back in the black leather couch biting his bottom lip with a far off look on his face. He shakes his head and then begins to speak up.
Chuck: You know…one of the greatest institutions in life is marriage and when my sister Ellie got married to my now brother-in-law Capt. Awesome it was the happiest days of her life. I could see the joy it brings to both of them as they have a future together filled with absolute possibilities. Its those same possibilities that I want to experience that with Sarah too someday, but there was a point where the future looked bleak for the two of us when my dad, Sarah, Ellie, Devon and myself traveled to where my mother grew up…Sandomierz, Poland.
It would be there that my life would take an unexpected turn once again and it didn’t involve me having a son. What it did involve was finding out that I was married to a girl I hardly even know…a girl who I hung out with when my family went on vacation there. Her name was Marcelina and unbeknownst to me I took part in a marriage ceremony, which shouldn’t be legal. However, according to the Polish tradition if two young kids hands are bound and then walk around a table they are engaged to be married..
At that moment, when I first found out I was engaged to be married I thought I was getting Punk’d and Ashton Kutcher would be showing up to tell me it was all a joke. Unfortunately, it wasn’t and the one person who I thought would be there for me wasn’t. Sarah and I have been through so much together but to find out that I was engaged to be married to where the tradition couldn’t be broken was too much for her to handle. I tried to tell her that the whole situation was going to be fixed, but instead of working this out like we’ve done in the past she decided she needed to think, which was a bad omen. What the situation made it even harder to bear was her giving me back the gold locket that represented how much I truly loved her.
When Sarah gave me back the gold locket my whole world basically fell apart and it would be at that point my father would step in to be there for me when I needed it the most.
As he says that, the scene flashes back to Abe’s hotel room and inside Chuck is sitting on the couch depressed about the situation with Sarah and she’s not by his side helping him work through this. Chuck’s focus is on the gold locket and as he’s rubbing the gold locket in his right hand he shakes his head in disbelief. His concentration is broken when his father walks in, sees how distraught he is, takes a chair near the bed, places it front of Chuck, sits down, and then begins to speak.
Abe: How are you holding up son?
Chuck: shakes head Why is this happening to me…to us dad?
Abe: Life can throw us some major curveballs son…
Chuck immediately drops his head back on the couch looking up at the ceiling.
Chuck: Not a sports analogy…
Abe: holds up hands Just here me out…I know you couldn’t understamd them as a kid.
Chuck lifts his head back up looking at his father.
Chuck: I still don’t understand them…what makes you think I will now?
Abe: Can I finish? Chuck flops his head on the back of the couch looking back up at the ceiling Life can throw us some major curveballs and we may swing and miss because we couldn’t see it…Chuck gives a low grunt leading Abe to speak a bit louder and more emphasis on what he‘s saying…BUT if we determine ourselves to not give up and continue swinging as we foul off the pitches thrown…we’ll eventually see it clear as day giving us the opportunity to swing for the fences.
Chuck lifts his head and gives his dad a weird look.
Chuck: Now can you explain what you just said to me in English?
Abe: Look…Chuck leans in hunching over resting his arms on his legs and as he glances back and forth from the gold locket to his father…what I’m trying to say is you and Sarah have been thrown so many curveballs in your relationship like Bryce…catching a computer virus that nearly killed you…Jill returning with what we now know is your son…you were able to handle these particular pitches just fine because you had each other.
Chuck: looks up at his dad But that’s the thing dad…clutches Sarah’s gold locket in his hand and holds up to his father’s face…how am I going to handle being thrown something that I can’t be able to see or handle without her.
Abe: You’ll find a way…I know you will…you’ll see the opportunity and hit out of the park like you've always done in the past.
Chuck: What about Sarah.
Abe: She’ll be with you.
Chuck: How?
Abe: You’re holding her in your hand aren’t you? Chuck turns his hand, opens it up, and looks at Sarah gold locket leading Abe to stand up to where he puts his right hand on his son’s left shoulder. Chuck looks back up at his father who continues on. She’s be with you in spirit every step of the way…you just have to believe that things will turn out for the better.
Cut to Chuck in utter silence leading Abe to give his son a neck hug and then before heading out the door he looks at his son who is leans back on the couch clutching the gold locket in his right hand o his heart. When the door closes, chuck turns his head seeing the mini bar, gets up, and opens the door, and takes a few bottles in order to drown his sorrows. The scene ends with Chuck opening one of the bottles and starts drinking away.
Fade Out
The scene begins back in the present with Chuck sitting on the black leather couch grinning. A few seconds later he speaks up.
Chuck: My dad would once again give me advice that would help me out, but at that particular time I didn’t know how. It was until I had a one on one talk at a wooden pier behind Marceline’s house I saw the opportunity to swing for the fences talking with her best friend. I found out through the course of a few polish beers that he was in love with her. It didn’t dawn on me until he started describing how many smiles she had and then I saw it in his face…the look of unrequited love. It was a look that I knew so well because at one point my face expressed the same look towards Sarah.
After my talk with my best man, which wasn't my idea, I called my dad to have an emergency meeting to discuss my plan. It was a risky venture to pull off but what did I have to lose if I didn’t try it because to be perfectly honest I didn’t want to be married to a woman who I didn’t even know let alone deal with a her love lorned best friend. I tried to get through to him but all he said was he couldn’t defy tradition and I responded by telling to screw tradition to which he responded by punching me in the face. Yeah…all the making for the next episode of The Jerry Springer Show right there.
To make a long story short…Lina and Alexi have been happily married for quite some time now. I got a letter from her several months ago telling me they’re expecting their third child pretty soon. The risk I took worked and it was that same risk in which I was able to place the gold locket around Sarah’s neck where it rightfully belonged. I owe my father and his words of wisdom because without them I probably would have been living in Poland married to a woman that I didn’t love. Shakes head and begins to get choked up My father was a wise man and I would later find out he would give me one last piece of important advice after he died.
Fade To Black
Wednesday, April 8, 2009
Chuck vs. The Black Leather Couch Part 13
To recap what previously happened, Chuck reflects back on the visit to his father’s apartment after having an important meeting with Jax about the headaches he’s experiencing. After being greeted by Tucker with remnants of powered doughnuts around his mouth Chuck talks with his father about how safe he truly is. Abe responds that as a former spy he takes precautions when it comes to his own safety. Cut to Chuck calling Sarah to tell him where he is and as he does The Sect barges in. All try their best to fend them off but the numbers were too great leading to their subsequent capture. Move forward to Chuck revealing what he was thinking at that moment when he was being captured as he reveals that if the missions they were on went wrong would this be how he would go out. He goes on and talks about making a difference in people’s lives and how there more to the world than just the negative stuff that can truly depress you. His last thought is of how he wouldn’t have been able to see Sarah on last time because he basically found a woman that balances him out and vice versa. Cut to Chuck and Tucker secured in a room while their father is going through some type of electroshock treatment. Tucker is in utter disbelief as to why Chuck is not showing concern to where he responds that will do more harm than good if they just keep a level head. You then see Chuck and his father find out that Tucker is really the clone of Josiah Gates who has a smug look on his face as he points a gun at the two of them. Cut to Chuck and Abe standing at the edge of the cliff getting ready to jump when Casey and Sarah arrive in the nick of time. Chuck thinks the worst is over until his father gets shot by Gates and as he points his gun at Chuck, Abe comes up from behind what strength he has left and punches him causing him to stumble backwards. Chuck trips him and Gates falls fpwm the cliff to his death to the rocky waters below. Move forward to Abe being lifted by Helivac to safety and then to Chuck standing at the cliffs edge where he basically decides to risk it all for Sarah. He turns around and as he walks towards Casey, Sarah, and Jax he experiences a headache so painful it causes him to fall to the ground inevitably blacking out.
The scene begins with the view point of Chuck as his head is bandaged and cut to a close up of his eyes as he gradually comes around in a considerably groggy state of mind where his vision is a bit blurred. As he focuses his eyes he begins see figures in the room all around him. Jax hovers over him and begins his examination.
Jax: Chuck…do you know where you are?
Chuck: groggy tone The Land of Oz cut to everybody looking at each other and then Chuck looks up at everybody with both a goofy looking smile laughing a bit. I’m on the yellow brick road off to see the wizard.
Jax checks Chuck’s eyes as he flashes his pen light over them and as he does he asks him a simple question.
Jax: Do you know who you are?
Chuck: grinning I’m the mayor of Munchkinland and you…
points at Jax Are The great and all powerful wizard…wow…lifts head to lean in to get a closer and then drops his head back on the pillow…that was quick.
looks and points at Ellie Glinda, The Good witch.
points to Morgan who is drinking a grape soda The Lion.
points to Awesome The Scarecrow.
points to Sarah Dorothy…big smile…pretty.
Cut to Sarah smiling and then Chuck suddenly sees Casey leading him to freak out causing everyone in the room to be concerned as they look at Casey and then to Chuck.
Chuck: waving hands all over Get away! Get Away! Get Away!
Chuck then pulls his blanket over his head and from underneath the pillow hears the voice of Jax as he feels his hand on his left shoulder.
Jax: Chuck…what’s wrong?
From underneath his blanket Chuck sticks his finger in a scared manner pointing Casey’s direction.
Chuck: Keep the scary flying monkey man away from me.
Cut to under the blanket where he sees Sarah lift the blanket on right sight on his bed giving a comforting smile as she rubs his arm in a gentle , nurturing fashion.
Sarah: Shhhhhhh……Chuck…its okay…calm down...its all right…shhhhhh…I’m here. Chuck sees Sarah look back at Casey….points to the back of the room…step back you’re scaring him.
Cut to Sarah looking back under the blanket at Chuck with a reassuring smile and as he does he hears the faint words of Casey mumbling the words I'll kick him upside his yellow brick road. After giving another quick look at Casey for that comment Sarah looks back at Chuck giving him a nod that the bad man won’t hurt him leading Chuck to stick his head out from under the blanket. He again scans the room seeing the smiling faces of what he thinks are characters from the Wizard of Oz. He then looks at Sarah.
Chuck: Is Toto with you?
Sarah: looks at everybody and then turns to Chuck He’s at home…rubs his chest…go back to sleep.
Chuck listens to Sarah and then cut to a front view of his face as he closes his eyes. His eyes open once again and as the camera pans back he’s sitting on the black leather couch. After a sheepish grin, he begins to speak up.
Chuck: The last thing I remembered before blacking out was seeing Casey, Sarah, and Jax. As I was out, I found myself in some trippy Wizard of Oz dream that was totally weird in a 3D way and it didn’t involve any hallucinogenic drugs whatsoever. According to Sarah, I was out for several days and she, along with Ellie, Devon, Morgan, and Casey, stayed by my side the whole time.
The funny thing though…shakes head and grins…even though I couldn’t see or hear them while I was in a coma like state in a quest to find all the all powerful wizard I could swear I could somehow feel their presence and know that I wasn‘t alone. Looks at the person he’s speaking to Do you think that’s weird? Well…that what’s I felt and to be perfectly honest they…in a way…helped me on my journey back to consciousness. Now…when I was incapacitated things were a bit crazy and in there…points to his head…I could in a way control the outcome. Unfortunately, when I woke up I wouldn’t be able to control the outcome of what would happen for what was about to happen when I stood before Beckman and Graham.
Fade Out
The scene begins with Chuck sitting back on the black leather couch with his arms crossed. He has this contemplative look on his face and after a brief moment he speaks up.
Chuck: After recovering at the Warehouse, finding out the status of my father’s condition, and recuperating at home for a few hours I was in Casey’s apartment standing in front of the monitor with Beckman and Graham congratulating on a job well done. Graham proceeds to tell me that my services are no longer needed and I could now lead a normal life. It was something that I wanted ever since I was recruited to become a government analyst, which wasn’t my choice to make.
However, when I heard that bit of news I had a mixture of emotions running through me. Of course I was happy I would be able to go back to my life before it was turned upside down, but there was a part of me that was disappointed. Why? Two reason one of them being that for nearly a year the intel that I’ve attained has helped in the capture of enemy threats such as Fulcrum. To me…they were huge accomplishment that I couldn’t tell anyone about. The other reason was no doubt Sarah.
When Beckman and Graham gave me the free pass to get out my heart began to sink because I knew that with me no longer an imprtant assett Team Chuck would be no more, but more importantly Sarah would be reassigned. Everything we both been through on professional level would end, but when it came to the two of us personally it would have been difficult to end because of how emotionally connected we were to each other. I couldn’t…I didn’t want to say goodbye and have her walk out of my life knowing how much I truly cared about her.
I know what you’re thinking though…why didn’t I man up and tell Beckman and Graham about my relationship with Sarah? At the time I was excited at the prospects of no longer feeling fear and anxiety whenever I would go on a mission. My family and friends wouldn’t be caught in harms away or be put unknowingly put in a situation where their lives were greatly effected in such a negative way causing a ripple effect of sorts. Plus…I would be getting paid for the services rendered for the successful mission that were mainly due to the intel that I gave.
It was such a surreal, bittersweet moment for me but it would be an even bigger moment when Jax suddenly knocked Casey out with a tranq gun and then took me hostage. I had no idea what was going on but one thing I did know was the he man I thought I trusted to help me now was telling Graham that he had a vested interest in me. I was freaking out big time and I looked to Sarah for help, but she too was incapacitated by Jax leaving both Agents down for the count. I still remember the words he said to Graham and Beckman before he shut the monitor off…catch me if you can.
Anyways…so many things were running through my mind when Jax dragged me out of Casey’s apartment one of them being that Jax might have been Fulcrum all along. The situation with his former associate Taga Yoshimuri was just a ploy to gain my trust in order to lull me into a false sense of security. It was at that point we reached his car…his trunk to be more specific and he released me for a split second to throw me his keys as I quickly turned around.
As he says that, Chuck flashes back to that particular night in question where Jax points the tranq gun at Chuck with Jax‘s keys in his hand.
Jax: Open the trunk Chuck.
Chuck responds in a nervous, freaked out fashion.
Chuck: Why…would it be better if I rode shotgun?
Jax: Open it…steps forward and points tranq gun straight at his forehead with a serious look on his face…now! Chuck sticks the key in the lock, opens the trunk, and then steps back. Good…motions him to get into the trunk…get in.
Chuck turns to go in but hesitates.
Chuck: Listen…I’m not good with trunks. It’s stuffy and dark…you can ask Sarah. She and I were locked in a trunk together a long time ago. You can ask her...Points back to the direction of Casey’s apartment...right…you tranqued her, which make it impossible for her to speak.
Jax: Chuck…just get in the trunk.
Chuck slowly and reluctantly gets in the trunk but as he does pleads his case with Jax one more time.
Chuck: You don’t have to do this.
Jax: I have to Chuck….
Chuck: interrupts Jax Why?
Jax: You will understand in due time.
Chuck: My father trusted you. You basically turned your back on him for what you’re doing to me.
Jax: This is not what you think.
Chuck: Money…that’s what its about isn’t it…because according to you I‘m considered an investment?
Jax: That isn’t what its about at all.
Chuck: What then…explain it to me…tell me.
Jax: I can’t explain it to you…what I can tell you is that what I’m doing is for your own best interest.
Cut to Chuck completely in the trunk looking up at Jax still point the tranq gun at him.
Chuck: Don’t you mean Fulcrum’s own interest?
Jax doesn’t say anything but after a brief moment of silence he speaks up only to say two words.
Jax: I’m sorry.
Chuck: look of disappointment You should be.
With fear of uncertainty in Chuck’s eyes he looks up a man he thought he could trust. The scene ends with Jax hover over Chuck with his right placed on the trunk lid, points the tranq gun away from Chuck, and then with one last look he closes the trunk.
Fade Out
The scene begins back with Chuck sitting on the black leather couch reflecting back on what he thought was the betrayal of someone he thought was a friend, but in actuality was a case of deception for Beckman and Graham’s eyes. After a few moments, he speaks up.
Chuck: I was in another trunk once again in complete darkness, alone, freaked out, and having no idea where I was going. I actually feared the worst thinking that Jax was going to hand me over to Fulcrum and get handsomely paid for it. It wasn’t long before we apparently arrived at the intended destination and I was increasingly getting freaked out especially when I heard Jax opening the trunk with his key.
I searched within the darkness for any kind of weapon but to no avail. When Jax opened the trunk I only saw his dark silhouette because he was standing in front of a street light. He told me to get out and once I was out I looked around for anything remotely familiar. Finding out my location was short lived as Jax grabbed me from behind directing me towards the alley. It was then that as we were approaching the opening I soon realized where we were…the warehouse. Jax released me where I immediately turned around so that I could at least try to lay a guilt trip him in order to bring him back to the good side of the force.
It was at that point the inevitable twist of this whole sordid tale revealed it was all staged with Casey and Sarah in on it as well. There was a 3 step plan and step 1 was accomplished, which would have been nice if I was let in on the plan. However, Jax figured that in order for the plan to work and be absolutely authentic I needed to be left completely in the dark because the key was how real I reacted to the situation.. Still though…sticking me in the trunk was a bit excessive but that’s all water under the bridge now.
Anyways, when I Jax proceeded to inform me about step 2 which was to get into the warehouse and re-acquire the intel that I lost while I was being in all intensive purposes being reboot. Easier said than done because when I peered out from the alley towards the warehouse I could see agents swarming all over the place in order to stop me and Jax from entering. In some ways, Jax and I were like Sam and Frodo trying to sneak into Mordor in order to merge the ring with me…if that makes any sense at all.
When I turned back to Jax, I told him that it would be impossible to get in there with all that security there. He told me that we weren’t going through the front door and at the same time he said that he pulled a secret lever that revealed a hidden passage. My jaw just hit the ground when I saw that and it took everything in my power not to geek out because it was like something right out a movie. I had to quickly refocus because business was about to pick when Jax and I entered the secret passage leading to the one place that we need to be at…the virtual reality room.
While we were in the secret passage, Jax explained to me that the intel that he had in his possession would be loaded on a virtual reality helmet in which I was going to be implanted with the information in an instant instead of reading it, which we didn’t have any time to do. After sharing more information with me, Jax found the elevator leading to the secret V.R. room, which according to him only a few trusted associates and himself knew existed. The elevator ride seemed to take forever and the anticipation to get there made it all more thrilling in a way as I couldn’t stop fidgeting because I was a bit nervous.
We finally arrived and when the doors opened we stepped into a white room sort of like in the movie Men In Black 2 where Agent K was in when they needed to de-nueralize him in order to find out what he knew concerning the situation with Serleena. Anyways…he sat behind the controls and I took my place in the chair. As I sat there, I thought to myself I could have stopped myself from going into secret passage with Jax, but I didn’t. You see…either way there was no turning back and I chose to go with him in order to continue to be part of something important that I didn’t ask to be a part of in the first place.The big question is here why? I would answer that question when my Jax broke my concentration on what my current situation was by asking me if I was sure about doing this.
After sharing what Stan Lee said to me at ComiCon, I told Jax that I was my destiny to be government analyst and to keep the intel that was given to me safe from those who would use it for evil means. After taking a deep breathe, I nodded to Jax that I was ready putting on the helmet and then lowered the visor giving the proverbial thumbs up that signaled him that I was ready for him to punch it. In that split second before Jax pressed entered, I took a deep breathe and realized there was no turning back now as I heard his voice in my VR helmet count down from 3...2...1.
Fade Out
The scene begins in the virtual reality room with Chuck sitting in the chair wearing the V.R. helmet at the end of the download process. Jax gets up from behind the computer console, walks over to Chuck, and carefully assists him in taking off the helmet. After a brief moment of Chuck gathering himself, Jax examines him.
Jax: Chuck…are you okay?
Chuck: I think so.
Cut to Jax holding up right finger in front of his face and moving it in different directions.
Jax: Follow my finger…don’t move your head…just follow it with your eyes.With every direction Jax moves his finger to, Chuck eye’s follow and after a few times of doing that he finds that he is okay. Do you know where you are?
Chuck: Yeah…the virtual reality room somewhere within the confines of the warehouse.
Jax: Do you know who you are?
Chuck: Chuck…Chuck Bartowski.
Jax: Excellent…gives out a sigh of relief…at least we know you’re memory is in tact. Jax then leans in with a serious look and asks another question. Do you know who I am?
Chuck: William Jax…a trusted friend of my father’s…and mine too.
Jax grins and then pats Chuck on his left shoulder to which he looks up at Jax with curiosity.
Chuck: Did it work?
Jax steps back a bit from Chuck with a serious look on his face causing him to worry. Suddenly that look of seriousness turned into a smile.
Jax: The download was a success. Chuck smiles leading him to quickly get out of the chair and stand only to find himself experience a bit dizziness to where he nearly falls down to the ground but is caught by Jax before he does. That was a mistake to do…pats him on the stomach as he sits him down in the chair…take a minute or two to rest and then we’ll be on our way.
Chuck rubs his eyes with fingers, take in several deep breathes, and then speaks up.
Chuck: What now?
Cut to Jax behind the computer console typing away leading Chuck to get and make his way towards him. When he stands beside him he sees that Jax has brought up security feed on the entire warehouse and after a few shots of agents running around with their heads cut off they eventually see a shot of Casey and Sarah in the conference room talking along with Graham and Beckman.
Jax: We magically appear out of nowhere in there and…Jax stands up and turns to look at Chuck…that’s where we will inevitably part ways my boy.
Chuck: You risked your life to save me and now…because of me... you’ll be on the run like my father was.
Jax: It was a risk worth taking…besides…it was fun. Like being back in the game after being out for so long.
Chuck: grins For you maybe it was fun…but for me it has been a nightmare having to go through this after it all started with me reading your file.
Jax: chuckles a bit Don’t worry…the nightmare is over for you now.
Chuck: I hope so.
Jax: Are you ready?
Chuck: Yeah…Chuck and Jax are about to head out when Chuck stops…wait.
Jax: What it is…something go wrong with procedure?
Chuck: No…everything is fine…it just that…
Jax: What?
Chuck: Unless you’re a world renowned magician like David Copperfield…how are we just going to appear out of nowhere without getting ourselves captured from here to…points at conference room…there. You don’t have mutant X-men superpowers that I don’t know about do you like Nightcrawler’s teleportation or can turn yourself invisible like The Invisible Woman from The Fantastic Four?
Jax: shakes head Uh…no…don’t say that I have. Chuck has a concerned look on his face to where it cuts to Jax with a sly grin on his face. Trust me…just leave it to me.
Jax walks off with the sly grin still plastered on his face. The scene ends with Chuck with a look of uncertainty on his face and walk off as well in order to catch up to Jax.
Fade Out
The scene begins back in the present with a medium length front view shot of Chuck sitting on the black leather couch. He hit’s the seat of the couch a couple of times and then speaks up.
Chuck: Jax and I showed up to the surprise of Beckman and Graham, but they weren’t happy about it as they had every agent in the room’s weapon trained on him, which was unsettling to say the last. Well…during the ensuing standoff Jax revealed to Beckman and Graham that the intel they didn’t want me to have was back in my possession, which was news they didn’t like hearing causing them to become more agitated than usual. The situation would grow increasingly tense when all of a sudden the lights went out and it was due to Jax.
Jax hacked into the warehouse security system and caused a temporary shutdown for at least 30 seconds which was enough for him to make his grand exit. It was in the cover of darkness that he said Step 1 and 2 were complete and now it was his turn to complete step 3. I thanked him for all that he did and before he disappeared he gave me a metallic section 8 coin that my father would later explain the significance about it. When the lights came back on I was standing alone with all guns trained on me and needless to say I did what came natural…I fainted.
Two days later…I would see my father for the first time since he was shot back at the lighthouse. After Ellie and Devon left to do their round Casey informed us about an explosion at DN1 that resulted from Jax’s own doing to which dad responded with a hearty fist pump. Everything was looking good for the Bartowski family, Team Chuck, and for Sarah and I as well…or so I thought. OH about the see…my father explained to me the significance of the coin Jax left me and how it was a sign he would come back again. I indeed would see him again…but not the way I thought it would be.
Fade To Black
The scene begins with the view point of Chuck as his head is bandaged and cut to a close up of his eyes as he gradually comes around in a considerably groggy state of mind where his vision is a bit blurred. As he focuses his eyes he begins see figures in the room all around him. Jax hovers over him and begins his examination.
Jax: Chuck…do you know where you are?
Chuck: groggy tone The Land of Oz cut to everybody looking at each other and then Chuck looks up at everybody with both a goofy looking smile laughing a bit. I’m on the yellow brick road off to see the wizard.
Jax checks Chuck’s eyes as he flashes his pen light over them and as he does he asks him a simple question.
Jax: Do you know who you are?
Chuck: grinning I’m the mayor of Munchkinland and you…
points at Jax Are The great and all powerful wizard…wow…lifts head to lean in to get a closer and then drops his head back on the pillow…that was quick.
looks and points at Ellie Glinda, The Good witch.
points to Morgan who is drinking a grape soda The Lion.
points to Awesome The Scarecrow.
points to Sarah Dorothy…big smile…pretty.
Cut to Sarah smiling and then Chuck suddenly sees Casey leading him to freak out causing everyone in the room to be concerned as they look at Casey and then to Chuck.
Chuck: waving hands all over Get away! Get Away! Get Away!
Chuck then pulls his blanket over his head and from underneath the pillow hears the voice of Jax as he feels his hand on his left shoulder.
Jax: Chuck…what’s wrong?
From underneath his blanket Chuck sticks his finger in a scared manner pointing Casey’s direction.
Chuck: Keep the scary flying monkey man away from me.
Cut to under the blanket where he sees Sarah lift the blanket on right sight on his bed giving a comforting smile as she rubs his arm in a gentle , nurturing fashion.
Sarah: Shhhhhhh……Chuck…its okay…calm down...its all right…shhhhhh…I’m here. Chuck sees Sarah look back at Casey….points to the back of the room…step back you’re scaring him.
Cut to Sarah looking back under the blanket at Chuck with a reassuring smile and as he does he hears the faint words of Casey mumbling the words I'll kick him upside his yellow brick road. After giving another quick look at Casey for that comment Sarah looks back at Chuck giving him a nod that the bad man won’t hurt him leading Chuck to stick his head out from under the blanket. He again scans the room seeing the smiling faces of what he thinks are characters from the Wizard of Oz. He then looks at Sarah.
Chuck: Is Toto with you?
Sarah: looks at everybody and then turns to Chuck He’s at home…rubs his chest…go back to sleep.
Chuck listens to Sarah and then cut to a front view of his face as he closes his eyes. His eyes open once again and as the camera pans back he’s sitting on the black leather couch. After a sheepish grin, he begins to speak up.
Chuck: The last thing I remembered before blacking out was seeing Casey, Sarah, and Jax. As I was out, I found myself in some trippy Wizard of Oz dream that was totally weird in a 3D way and it didn’t involve any hallucinogenic drugs whatsoever. According to Sarah, I was out for several days and she, along with Ellie, Devon, Morgan, and Casey, stayed by my side the whole time.
The funny thing though…shakes head and grins…even though I couldn’t see or hear them while I was in a coma like state in a quest to find all the all powerful wizard I could swear I could somehow feel their presence and know that I wasn‘t alone. Looks at the person he’s speaking to Do you think that’s weird? Well…that what’s I felt and to be perfectly honest they…in a way…helped me on my journey back to consciousness. Now…when I was incapacitated things were a bit crazy and in there…points to his head…I could in a way control the outcome. Unfortunately, when I woke up I wouldn’t be able to control the outcome of what would happen for what was about to happen when I stood before Beckman and Graham.
Fade Out
The scene begins with Chuck sitting back on the black leather couch with his arms crossed. He has this contemplative look on his face and after a brief moment he speaks up.
Chuck: After recovering at the Warehouse, finding out the status of my father’s condition, and recuperating at home for a few hours I was in Casey’s apartment standing in front of the monitor with Beckman and Graham congratulating on a job well done. Graham proceeds to tell me that my services are no longer needed and I could now lead a normal life. It was something that I wanted ever since I was recruited to become a government analyst, which wasn’t my choice to make.
However, when I heard that bit of news I had a mixture of emotions running through me. Of course I was happy I would be able to go back to my life before it was turned upside down, but there was a part of me that was disappointed. Why? Two reason one of them being that for nearly a year the intel that I’ve attained has helped in the capture of enemy threats such as Fulcrum. To me…they were huge accomplishment that I couldn’t tell anyone about. The other reason was no doubt Sarah.
When Beckman and Graham gave me the free pass to get out my heart began to sink because I knew that with me no longer an imprtant assett Team Chuck would be no more, but more importantly Sarah would be reassigned. Everything we both been through on professional level would end, but when it came to the two of us personally it would have been difficult to end because of how emotionally connected we were to each other. I couldn’t…I didn’t want to say goodbye and have her walk out of my life knowing how much I truly cared about her.
I know what you’re thinking though…why didn’t I man up and tell Beckman and Graham about my relationship with Sarah? At the time I was excited at the prospects of no longer feeling fear and anxiety whenever I would go on a mission. My family and friends wouldn’t be caught in harms away or be put unknowingly put in a situation where their lives were greatly effected in such a negative way causing a ripple effect of sorts. Plus…I would be getting paid for the services rendered for the successful mission that were mainly due to the intel that I gave.
It was such a surreal, bittersweet moment for me but it would be an even bigger moment when Jax suddenly knocked Casey out with a tranq gun and then took me hostage. I had no idea what was going on but one thing I did know was the he man I thought I trusted to help me now was telling Graham that he had a vested interest in me. I was freaking out big time and I looked to Sarah for help, but she too was incapacitated by Jax leaving both Agents down for the count. I still remember the words he said to Graham and Beckman before he shut the monitor off…catch me if you can.
Anyways…so many things were running through my mind when Jax dragged me out of Casey’s apartment one of them being that Jax might have been Fulcrum all along. The situation with his former associate Taga Yoshimuri was just a ploy to gain my trust in order to lull me into a false sense of security. It was at that point we reached his car…his trunk to be more specific and he released me for a split second to throw me his keys as I quickly turned around.
As he says that, Chuck flashes back to that particular night in question where Jax points the tranq gun at Chuck with Jax‘s keys in his hand.
Jax: Open the trunk Chuck.
Chuck responds in a nervous, freaked out fashion.
Chuck: Why…would it be better if I rode shotgun?
Jax: Open it…steps forward and points tranq gun straight at his forehead with a serious look on his face…now! Chuck sticks the key in the lock, opens the trunk, and then steps back. Good…motions him to get into the trunk…get in.
Chuck turns to go in but hesitates.
Chuck: Listen…I’m not good with trunks. It’s stuffy and dark…you can ask Sarah. She and I were locked in a trunk together a long time ago. You can ask her...Points back to the direction of Casey’s apartment...right…you tranqued her, which make it impossible for her to speak.
Jax: Chuck…just get in the trunk.
Chuck slowly and reluctantly gets in the trunk but as he does pleads his case with Jax one more time.
Chuck: You don’t have to do this.
Jax: I have to Chuck….
Chuck: interrupts Jax Why?
Jax: You will understand in due time.
Chuck: My father trusted you. You basically turned your back on him for what you’re doing to me.
Jax: This is not what you think.
Chuck: Money…that’s what its about isn’t it…because according to you I‘m considered an investment?
Jax: That isn’t what its about at all.
Chuck: What then…explain it to me…tell me.
Jax: I can’t explain it to you…what I can tell you is that what I’m doing is for your own best interest.
Cut to Chuck completely in the trunk looking up at Jax still point the tranq gun at him.
Chuck: Don’t you mean Fulcrum’s own interest?
Jax doesn’t say anything but after a brief moment of silence he speaks up only to say two words.
Jax: I’m sorry.
Chuck: look of disappointment You should be.
With fear of uncertainty in Chuck’s eyes he looks up a man he thought he could trust. The scene ends with Jax hover over Chuck with his right placed on the trunk lid, points the tranq gun away from Chuck, and then with one last look he closes the trunk.
Fade Out
The scene begins back with Chuck sitting on the black leather couch reflecting back on what he thought was the betrayal of someone he thought was a friend, but in actuality was a case of deception for Beckman and Graham’s eyes. After a few moments, he speaks up.
Chuck: I was in another trunk once again in complete darkness, alone, freaked out, and having no idea where I was going. I actually feared the worst thinking that Jax was going to hand me over to Fulcrum and get handsomely paid for it. It wasn’t long before we apparently arrived at the intended destination and I was increasingly getting freaked out especially when I heard Jax opening the trunk with his key.
I searched within the darkness for any kind of weapon but to no avail. When Jax opened the trunk I only saw his dark silhouette because he was standing in front of a street light. He told me to get out and once I was out I looked around for anything remotely familiar. Finding out my location was short lived as Jax grabbed me from behind directing me towards the alley. It was then that as we were approaching the opening I soon realized where we were…the warehouse. Jax released me where I immediately turned around so that I could at least try to lay a guilt trip him in order to bring him back to the good side of the force.
It was at that point the inevitable twist of this whole sordid tale revealed it was all staged with Casey and Sarah in on it as well. There was a 3 step plan and step 1 was accomplished, which would have been nice if I was let in on the plan. However, Jax figured that in order for the plan to work and be absolutely authentic I needed to be left completely in the dark because the key was how real I reacted to the situation.. Still though…sticking me in the trunk was a bit excessive but that’s all water under the bridge now.
Anyways, when I Jax proceeded to inform me about step 2 which was to get into the warehouse and re-acquire the intel that I lost while I was being in all intensive purposes being reboot. Easier said than done because when I peered out from the alley towards the warehouse I could see agents swarming all over the place in order to stop me and Jax from entering. In some ways, Jax and I were like Sam and Frodo trying to sneak into Mordor in order to merge the ring with me…if that makes any sense at all.
When I turned back to Jax, I told him that it would be impossible to get in there with all that security there. He told me that we weren’t going through the front door and at the same time he said that he pulled a secret lever that revealed a hidden passage. My jaw just hit the ground when I saw that and it took everything in my power not to geek out because it was like something right out a movie. I had to quickly refocus because business was about to pick when Jax and I entered the secret passage leading to the one place that we need to be at…the virtual reality room.
While we were in the secret passage, Jax explained to me that the intel that he had in his possession would be loaded on a virtual reality helmet in which I was going to be implanted with the information in an instant instead of reading it, which we didn’t have any time to do. After sharing more information with me, Jax found the elevator leading to the secret V.R. room, which according to him only a few trusted associates and himself knew existed. The elevator ride seemed to take forever and the anticipation to get there made it all more thrilling in a way as I couldn’t stop fidgeting because I was a bit nervous.
We finally arrived and when the doors opened we stepped into a white room sort of like in the movie Men In Black 2 where Agent K was in when they needed to de-nueralize him in order to find out what he knew concerning the situation with Serleena. Anyways…he sat behind the controls and I took my place in the chair. As I sat there, I thought to myself I could have stopped myself from going into secret passage with Jax, but I didn’t. You see…either way there was no turning back and I chose to go with him in order to continue to be part of something important that I didn’t ask to be a part of in the first place.The big question is here why? I would answer that question when my Jax broke my concentration on what my current situation was by asking me if I was sure about doing this.
After sharing what Stan Lee said to me at ComiCon, I told Jax that I was my destiny to be government analyst and to keep the intel that was given to me safe from those who would use it for evil means. After taking a deep breathe, I nodded to Jax that I was ready putting on the helmet and then lowered the visor giving the proverbial thumbs up that signaled him that I was ready for him to punch it. In that split second before Jax pressed entered, I took a deep breathe and realized there was no turning back now as I heard his voice in my VR helmet count down from 3...2...1.
Fade Out
The scene begins in the virtual reality room with Chuck sitting in the chair wearing the V.R. helmet at the end of the download process. Jax gets up from behind the computer console, walks over to Chuck, and carefully assists him in taking off the helmet. After a brief moment of Chuck gathering himself, Jax examines him.
Jax: Chuck…are you okay?
Chuck: I think so.
Cut to Jax holding up right finger in front of his face and moving it in different directions.
Jax: Follow my finger…don’t move your head…just follow it with your eyes.With every direction Jax moves his finger to, Chuck eye’s follow and after a few times of doing that he finds that he is okay. Do you know where you are?
Chuck: Yeah…the virtual reality room somewhere within the confines of the warehouse.
Jax: Do you know who you are?
Chuck: Chuck…Chuck Bartowski.
Jax: Excellent…gives out a sigh of relief…at least we know you’re memory is in tact. Jax then leans in with a serious look and asks another question. Do you know who I am?
Chuck: William Jax…a trusted friend of my father’s…and mine too.
Jax grins and then pats Chuck on his left shoulder to which he looks up at Jax with curiosity.
Chuck: Did it work?
Jax steps back a bit from Chuck with a serious look on his face causing him to worry. Suddenly that look of seriousness turned into a smile.
Jax: The download was a success. Chuck smiles leading him to quickly get out of the chair and stand only to find himself experience a bit dizziness to where he nearly falls down to the ground but is caught by Jax before he does. That was a mistake to do…pats him on the stomach as he sits him down in the chair…take a minute or two to rest and then we’ll be on our way.
Chuck rubs his eyes with fingers, take in several deep breathes, and then speaks up.
Chuck: What now?
Cut to Jax behind the computer console typing away leading Chuck to get and make his way towards him. When he stands beside him he sees that Jax has brought up security feed on the entire warehouse and after a few shots of agents running around with their heads cut off they eventually see a shot of Casey and Sarah in the conference room talking along with Graham and Beckman.
Jax: We magically appear out of nowhere in there and…Jax stands up and turns to look at Chuck…that’s where we will inevitably part ways my boy.
Chuck: You risked your life to save me and now…because of me... you’ll be on the run like my father was.
Jax: It was a risk worth taking…besides…it was fun. Like being back in the game after being out for so long.
Chuck: grins For you maybe it was fun…but for me it has been a nightmare having to go through this after it all started with me reading your file.
Jax: chuckles a bit Don’t worry…the nightmare is over for you now.
Chuck: I hope so.
Jax: Are you ready?
Chuck: Yeah…Chuck and Jax are about to head out when Chuck stops…wait.
Jax: What it is…something go wrong with procedure?
Chuck: No…everything is fine…it just that…
Jax: What?
Chuck: Unless you’re a world renowned magician like David Copperfield…how are we just going to appear out of nowhere without getting ourselves captured from here to…points at conference room…there. You don’t have mutant X-men superpowers that I don’t know about do you like Nightcrawler’s teleportation or can turn yourself invisible like The Invisible Woman from The Fantastic Four?
Jax: shakes head Uh…no…don’t say that I have. Chuck has a concerned look on his face to where it cuts to Jax with a sly grin on his face. Trust me…just leave it to me.
Jax walks off with the sly grin still plastered on his face. The scene ends with Chuck with a look of uncertainty on his face and walk off as well in order to catch up to Jax.
Fade Out
The scene begins back in the present with a medium length front view shot of Chuck sitting on the black leather couch. He hit’s the seat of the couch a couple of times and then speaks up.
Chuck: Jax and I showed up to the surprise of Beckman and Graham, but they weren’t happy about it as they had every agent in the room’s weapon trained on him, which was unsettling to say the last. Well…during the ensuing standoff Jax revealed to Beckman and Graham that the intel they didn’t want me to have was back in my possession, which was news they didn’t like hearing causing them to become more agitated than usual. The situation would grow increasingly tense when all of a sudden the lights went out and it was due to Jax.
Jax hacked into the warehouse security system and caused a temporary shutdown for at least 30 seconds which was enough for him to make his grand exit. It was in the cover of darkness that he said Step 1 and 2 were complete and now it was his turn to complete step 3. I thanked him for all that he did and before he disappeared he gave me a metallic section 8 coin that my father would later explain the significance about it. When the lights came back on I was standing alone with all guns trained on me and needless to say I did what came natural…I fainted.
Two days later…I would see my father for the first time since he was shot back at the lighthouse. After Ellie and Devon left to do their round Casey informed us about an explosion at DN1 that resulted from Jax’s own doing to which dad responded with a hearty fist pump. Everything was looking good for the Bartowski family, Team Chuck, and for Sarah and I as well…or so I thought. OH about the see…my father explained to me the significance of the coin Jax left me and how it was a sign he would come back again. I indeed would see him again…but not the way I thought it would be.
Fade To Black
Saturday, April 4, 2009
Chuck vs. The Black Leather Couch Part 12
To recap what previously happened Chuck reflects back on the aftermath of meetings his father as he talks to Awesome the next day before he goes to work in the afternoon. He shares with his future brother-in-law on how he had so much anger for the man who abandoned his family 15 years ago. Awesome listens to him and in the midst of Chuck talking about his the issues concerning his father and the pressure of having the responsibilities dumped on him he feels a bit better to where he thanks him. Cut to Chuck’s father talking to him in the Buy More break room about how it was easier for him to leave as she was angry about being told he didn’t love her. After telling his son the he regretted saying that to her he informs his son on his travels on the run from the powers that be. Move forward to Chuck talking about experiencing not only another headache, but also gave shotty intel that essentially caused the deaths of several good agents, which he has guilty about to the point where he suffered nightmares because of it. The subsequent loss of agents led to a reprimand by Beckman and Graham leading to Casey putting his two cents in. Chuck fires back and as he storms off in a huff he collapses. He’s immediately taken to the hospital where it cuts to Sarah asking Chuck is he’s okay and he responds by lying to her about his health in order to protect her from the truth.
The scene begins with a close up shot of the Zen garden on the coffee table and after a moment or two a bottle of water appears leading the camera to pan back with sitting back on the black leather couch. After he wipes his mouth, he begins talking.
Chuck: For the last 15 years, my father had been for the most part been able to avoid being caught by The Sect and with the bittersweet reunion my father had with his former section 8 teammate William Jax I seriously thought it would get increasingly dangerous. Shakes head I would know how dangerous it be when I decided to go with my father to his apartment.
We all went are separate ways after the meeting at the warehouse with my father and I hitching a ride together. During the car ride…I couldn’t help but feel that we were being followed…maybe a part of Sarah and Casey rubbed off because part of being a trained spy is using your paranoia to your advantage. Unfortunately, I didn’t consider myself a trained spy and so I just chalked it up to my mind playing tricks on me.
In any case…we finally arrived at my father’s apartment building and before he went up with me he had to go talk to the building manager about a problem with the sink. So I went up knowing that Tucker was home because he got off work early and he really didn’t have any friends that he hung out with except for me and Morgan. After knocking a few times it opened to where I was greeted at the door in a very amusing way.
As he says that scene flashes back to the doorway of Abe Bartowski’s apartment where Chuck is standing there with a look of amusement on his face as he sees Tucker with a half eaten powered doughnut in his hands and remnants of powder around his mouth.
Tucker: mouth full of doughnut Hey bro…I was just playing Call of Duty on the ole’ Xbox. Closes door and then turns around What’s up?
Cut to Chuck trying not to laugh as he walks through the door and stands in front of the door. He looks around and then turns back to look at Tucker.
Chuck: Just came by to hang out…dad is on his way up…ummm…motions to his own mouth as he looks with amusement at Tucker with white powder around his mouth…you got something there.
Tucker wipes his mouth but instead of wiping it off he spreads it across his to his left cheek.
Tucker: Better?
Chuck straight faced and biting his lip Yeah…its off.
As Chuck says that, Abe enters into the apartment and when he turns around his attention is immediately focused on Tucker.
Abe: Son.
Cut to Tucker with a mouth full of doughnut as he look at Abe.
Tucker: Yraw
Abe: Go wash your face. Tucker has this look of wonder at his father’s request leading him to walk past him a bit confused. As he does, he catches his reflection in a mirror hanging near the bathroom causing him to give a glaring look at Chuck before he disappears into it. Cut to Abe shaking his head as he looks back at Chuck who has an amused grin on his face. I don't know what I'm going to do with that boy.
Chuck: hint of laughter Dad…looks over the bathroom where running water is heard leading Chuck to whisper…I'm a bit worried.
Abe shakes his head as he put his right hand on Chuck's left shoulder.
Abe: You don't have to worry.
Chuck: Are you sure?
Abe looks towards the bathroom and responds by whispering as well.
Abe: I used to be a spy so yeah…I’ve taken certain precautions when it comes to being safe.
Chuck: What sort of precautions?
Abe: You know…broken glass under the door mat…a glass bottle on the door handle…
Chuck: interrupts his father Just like the movie Conspiracy Theory.
Abe: look of confusion What?
Chuck: speaks up Conspiracy Theory…Mel Gibson and Julia Roberts…Abe just stares at his son…I have it on DVD. You can borrow it and see what I’m talking about.
Abe is about to respond when Tucker walks in responding to what he heard.
Tucker: Borrow what?
Tucker heads towards the recliner where a Xbox controller with white powdered finger prints is setting. A half a box of Krispy Kreme doughnuts are sitting on the coffee table inches away and he takes the controllers, reclines back, and as he continues to play Call of Duty he looks at Chuck.
Chuck: Conspiracy Theory…dad said he hasn’t seen it so I’m letting him borrow it.
Tucker looks at Abe and then at Chuck.
Tucker: Awesome.
Chuck: Yeah…looks at his father with concern…awesome.
Abe: We’re doing good…gives a reassuring nod…trust me.
Cut to Chuck feeling less worried about the safety of his father as a hint of smile appears on his face. Chuck was about to say something when Tucker speaks up.
Tucker: Yeah buddy…pauses game, grabs another doughnut from the box, devours it and with a mouth full of doughnut he speaks spitting pieces out…bwe dobing fo goo. Chuck and Abe just look at Tucker with disbelief Bwah?
Chuck and his father both just shake their head as all three spend quality time together. After a moment or two of talking with his dad, eating sizzling shrimp, and challenging Tucker in Call of Duty as he stuffs himself with Krispy Kreme doughnuts. Several minutes later gets up to go the kitchen to call Sarah on his cell.
Chuck: Hey…I decided to take a walk and I ended up visiting my dad and Tucker at his apartment. Don’t worry I’m not doing anything strenuous…just eating some sizzling shrimp and playing Xbox with Tucker…yeah…I’ll see you tomorrow.
As he says that, it flashes back to the present with Chuck, right arm propped up on the arm of the couch, leaning on the right sight of the black leather couch looking a bit pensive as he shakes his head.
Chuck: I’ll see you tomorrow…that wouldn’t happened because as I was walking into the living room to go sit down about to finish talking with Sarah, several men dressed in black wearing masks busted through the door catching all three of us off guard. Tucker tried his best to defend himself by throwing what was left of the sizzling shrimp at them. I…well…did my best to not give out a girlish scream and tried todefend myself by using the closest thing to use as a weapon, which was a framed picture of my father, me, and Tucker. I ended up dropping it on the floor after I was grabbed from behind. Anyways…as The Sect barged in I turned to see my dad jump into action and for a former spy he still had the moves standing toe to toe with those guys. Unfortunately, it wasn’t enough as they sprayed us knocking all three of us out, but before they did I was able to snap a picture of one of them then intentionally dropped my phone on the floor knowing Sarah and Casey would find it because it would the two of them that I fully trusted in finding me.
Chuck takes another sip from his bottle of water smacking his lips together as it goes down his throat. The scene ends with him shaking what’s left in his bottle as he stares at the bottle with a serious look on his face.
Fade Out
The scene begins with chuck leaning forward on the black leather couch with his head down holding his bottle of water with both hands shaking it a bit. He then finishes what’s left, looks at the bottle, places it on the table, leans back, and then beings to speak.
Chuck: The subsequent abduction of my father, myself, and my step-brother put quite a damper on being able to see Sarah, Ellie…basically the people I loved and cared about the next day. At the time, many thoughts were running through my head when The Sect abducted us and the one constant thought I kept returning to was will this be my last hurrah?
You see…over the past two years whenever I was on a mission and things didn’t go as planned to where we were either captured or threatened with torture I thought to myself is this how I’m going to go out? Before I was recruited to become a government analyst I thought I would simply die from old age…possibly with a Xbox controller in my hand playing along side my best friend Morgan in one last game of Call of Duty.
However, when my life was turned upside down my thoughts immediately turned on what I might not be able to do if I bit the dust. Not being able to see my sister Ellie, Devon, and the many awesome kids they’re going to have. To not be able to play Call of Duty at all hours of the night with my bearded best friend Morgan. To not be able to tell Sarah how much I truly care about her.
It would be those thoughts that would have me worried to the point of freaking out as I feared that if I closed my eyes I might not open them ever again. I accepted the fact a long time ago that if a person’s time is up…then its up. BUT…points finger in the air…if you found the joy in what you did to where it brought joy to others then I accomplished in what I set out to do.
Putting smiles on the faces of people who truly mattered in your life and knowing you influenced that person in such a positive way he or she would become better…or be inspired to become better. At least…gives a hint of laughter…that’s what I think because the fact of the matter is you never know who you’re going to meet in this life.
What I’m saying is…there more to this world than just seeing and experiencing the bad stuff that can truly depress you. The wars fought over stupid things; loved ones in the military overseas dying for their country; the bad guys getting off scott free while innocent people go to jail for something they didn’t commit. It can literally cause you to give up on humanity itself.
Thinking about it though…its not all bad. There’s absolute meaning when you see the good stuff as well that makes you feel good inside within your heart. People who put others…complete strangers interests above your own. By doing that you have a sense that there are amazing people in this world who go above and beyond what they’re capable of.
I see that in the lives of people like my sister Ellie and Awesome who save lives on a day to day basis. I see it in Morgan who has the potential to be great and all he has to do is believe in himself. I see it in Casey who has come along way from the emotionally constipate ”cold school” killer who didn’t care who lived or died. Most of all…I see it in Sarah and every time I open my eyes seeing her stare back at me in the morning I know I’m safe.
Sarah…smiles...when I looked into her eyes they at one time were lonely…dark…cold…basically the look of death. Now…grins…things have changed as they’re replaced by warmth and life. The walls she’s built up from being a tough no nonsense spy have gradually gone down bit by bit showing a woman experiencing feelings and emotions she not used to dealing with. Don’t get me wrong…if you rub her the wrong way she’ll kick your butt.
Sarah has been physically fighting for me as I’ve been fighting for her in an emotional way. We balance each other out…smiles…I’m the ying to her yang. We’re a team and if we ended up outnumbered…outgunned…I know the last face I see if not my friends and family is hers…but during that time she wasn‘t with me and it would only be the image of her face I would cling on to if I didn’t make it.
So yeah…takes a deep breathe…that was pretty much going through my head in that moment when everything went all chaotic as I saw a fading image of my father and Tucker fall to the floor before everything went black.
Chuck lays his head back on the black leather couch letting out a tired sigh as he rubs his eyes. The scene ends with Chuck getting up, grabbing the empty bottle on the coffee table, and walks off camera.
Fade Out
The scene begins with a lone shot of the black leather couch and after a moment or two Chuck walks into view scratching his head as he takes a seat. After getting into a comfortable position he speaks up.
Chuck: Have you ever woken up in an unfamiliar place and it didn’t involved a wild night of drinking? Tucker and I sure did as we were woken up by having water thrown into our faces, which is a nice way to start an interrogation. Scratches the side of his face and then rubs his mouth When we got our bearings straight our holding area looked the set of the movie True Lies with a big mirror right in front of us but unfortunately Tucker was right when he said Arnold Schwarzenegger and Tom Arnold wouldn’t be behind it. We both would soon realize there was no time for fun and games as a synthesized voiced informed both of us that if we didn’t cooperate our father would die. Tucker had no idea what was going on or what was at sake but I did and I was prepared for all three of us to die in order to protect the important intel they wanted. As I sat there fixated on my broken watch around my wrist, which must have happened during the struggle at my father’s apartment, I knew it would be impossible for Sarah and Casey to find us and despite that I continued to cling on to the hope that they were going to save the day. My train of thought would soon turn away from my watch to Tucker who relentlessly waved his hand in front of my face trying to get my attention.
As he says that, the scene flashes back to the holding room in an unknown location where Chuck is sitting down against the wall with one leg near his chest as his left arm is resting on his knee. He looks up to see a look of confused concern on Tucker’s face as he looks down at his brother.
Tucker: Hey…its sucks that you’re watch got broke bro but do you know what sucks even more? Chuck looks up and stares at Tucker They have dad…looks and point at the mirror then looks back at Chuck…and you don’t look the least bit concerned.
Chuck: speaks up I am concerned Tuck…more than you’ll ever know.
Tucker: throws hands up in the air Then why aren’t you freaking out about this or at the very least banging at the mirror to get some answers as to why we’re here. Tucker’s tone of voice gets angrier and louder For crying out loud…show some kind of emotion and not just sit there moping over your stupid watch.
Chuck: gives Tucker a look and then looks forward Shut up
Tucker: look for disbelief You shut up.
Chuck gives Tucker a glaring look.
Chuck: Come down here and make me.
Tucker glares at Chuck as he balls up his fists to prepares to he thinks better of it and backs off.
Tucker: Ah…waves him off with both hands…you’re not worth it.
Tucker walks off with his both hands at his sides walking towards the door as the sounds of his shoes scrape the floor. Chuck’s focus is back on his watch but would soon turn back on Tucker when he hears the sound of the door behind hit along with the sound of considered pain as he quickly turns to see Tucker biting his bottom lip holding his right hand. Chuck just shakes his head leading Tucker to walk across to the other side of the room is shaking his head to try to alleviate the pain. After a several moments of silence, Chuck speaks up.
Chuck: I’m sorry for telling you to shut up.
Tucker: massaging his right hand Right back at ya dude.
There is a brief moment of silence and then Chuck speaks up.
Chuck: Were you actually going to hit me?
Tucker walks forward shaking his head.
Tucker: Nah…to be perfectly honest I’m not a fighter unless you challenge me to a video game then its on like Donkey Kong.
Chuck and Tucker share a laugh.
Chuck: Look…glances at Tucker…the best thing we can do for dad right now is nothing.
Tucker: Why?
Chuck: We have no idea who we’re dealing with here or for that matter how many bad guys are out there. We could be possibly doing more harm to dad if we don’t go about this whole situation with a level head.
Tucker: We can’t just do nothing while dad is being lighted up like a Christmas tree. For all we know he could be dead.
Chuck: shakes head He’s not dead.
Tucker: How do you know?
Chuck: We’re still alive aren’t we? They…points at the mirror…want us to cooperate and killing dad wouldn’t be smart idea on their part.
Tucker lets those words sink in as he paces back and forth as Chuck continues sitting on the floor looking at his watch again. His focus is interrupted again when Tucker stands in front of him with a serious look on his face.
Tucker: Level with me…what is going on?
Chuck: looks up at Tucker Its too complicated to explain…let’s just say I would die before handing over what they wanted.
Cut to Tucker with shock on his face as he responds to what Chuck just said.
Tucker: You’re telling me…you…you would risk all our lives for something they want. When or If we ever get out of this I’m going to tell dad about this…boy you’ll be sorry.
Chuck: gives a weird look to Tucker Trust me…dad would do the same because he’s not the man you think he is.
Tucker has look of curious confusion on his face as he wonders what Chuck meant by that last statement. Tucker then goes over and standing beside Chuck on his right side. The scene ends with him leaning back and then slowly slides down sitting next to him.
Fade Out
The scene begins with Chuck sitting in the corner of the black leather couch arms extended on top of the arm/back of it with his legs crossed. He cracks his neck a few times and then speaks up
Chuck: Tucker would find out that dad’s secret when he rescued us. Needless to say he was shocked and bit insulted that he wasn’t told about this. Chuck leans forward turning to look at the person he’s talking to Dad’s secret wouldn’t be the only one that was going to be revealed as my dad and I would find out that Tucker wasn’t who he said he was. The man who I worked side by side with At Buy More…fighting with Morgan for my time and attention…played Call of Duty till all hours of the night…went camping with…the person who I considered a part of the Bartowski family…was in fact Josiah Gates.
How could that be you might be asking? He was a clone and I found out that piece of information when we stumbled on a lab with a computer in it during our escape. My curiosity got the better of me and despite my father’s objections I punched in a few keys leading me to see Project Gemini. Everything started falling into place once I got all the intel concerning what the project was about…embryonic stem cell research. Josiah Gates was doing experiments in cloning and he was the main test subject. This isn’t the sort of cloning you see in movies like Multiplicity with Michael Keaton where his 3 counterparts were either in touch with their feelings, manly, or just a complete idiot.
No…shakes head…his experiment weren’t something to laugh about as he experienced several failures until he had a successful clone with memories and all…Tucker. After finding out who Tucker’s mother was we turned around to see him pointing a gun at us with a smug look on his face that read he pulled a big one on us, but most importantly he pulled the wool over my father’s eyes because the man he was running from was actually with him all along. According to Tucker or should I say Josiah Gates he planned this all along and during his sinister rant I said something that caused me to get shot. Luckily I was wearing a bullet proof vest.
You know…ever since Bryce shot me at Buy More I never take for granted wearing a bullet proof vest. I can’t count the number of times I’ve been shot and lived to tell about it all thanks to that unseen life savor. I wouldn’t recommend getting shot though because depending on the type of bullets or shells you’re shot with they leave bruises. Plus…winces…they hurt like you wouldn’t believed. You know…grins giving a small chuckle…like the American Express card I never leave home without it and so far I’ve been able to stay alive and hopefully…leans forward to knock on the wooden coffee table…I will continue to stay alive.
Anyway…getting back to Gates. He shot me and thought I was dead. As I laid there, I could hear Gates gloating on how his perfect plan coming to fruition and how he was the so called “puppet master” pulling the strings of two pathetic puppets in this well orchestrated play. It took a lot for me to keep quiet and not say anything that would jeopardize my father’s safety. So…I waited for the perfect time to spring into action and make my move, which hopefully would be soon because he had rambled on any longer I would have died from utter boredom. It was at that point, I heard the him pull back the trigger giving my dad the chance to distract him in order for me to do my thing, which was sweep the leg.
Gates was down, but he was certainly not out. We got ourselves out of there as the entire facility was in red alert no doubt because of Gates as we headed for the exit It felt like forever trying to make our way but we finally running up the stairs and busting through two steel doors where I could somewhat determine where we were. However, we didn’t have time to enjoy our surroundings as my dad and I ran like we never ran before as we had countless Sect agents hot on our tail. We kept raining forward until we found ourselves at the edge of a really steep cliff and as we looked down we heard the sound of weapons at the ready to either shoot or capture us.
As we were backing up towards the edge of the cliff, my father made the most outrageous suggestion that I could ever imagine. I remember him looking at me and telling me if I was ready to jump like Bunch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid. Now, in my head I was thinking are completely out of your mind old man and why of all times you had to think of that movie? To me…jumping off reasonably short cliff to the waters below is possibly something I can handle but jumping off a really really really high cliff wasn’t something I wanted to try because I’m scared enough of heights as it is. I get woozy just standing on a ladder and then he said something that really got to me.
My own father called me a chicken. As a kid, he would call me that whenever I would do or at least try something that was remotely adventurous. Points at himself Look at me…do I look like the adventurous type to you? Lifts pant legs These legs haven’t seen the sun since I went off to Stanford and have never been out in the sun ever since. My father then looked at me and said you only live once, which meant it now or never. At tat point, I wanted to see Sarah’s face one last time before I took the leap of faith that I may not survive from. As we were about to turn and jump, Casey and Sarah arrived much to chagrin of The Sect. They startled scrambling as they saw the helicopters overhead.
As I looked up at the beautiful sight of the good guys coming to over rescue I was happy, but when I looked at my father he looked a bit disappointed that he didn’t get the chance to jump. At that point, we thought it was over…we were wrong. Gates shot my father and then pointed it at me. There we both were….standing at the precipice of either life or death. In the end, I lived and Gates died when my father had enough strength from being shot to take him by surprise and punch him the face to where he stumbled back towards my direction. As he was stumbling towards me, I had two options: 1.) Save him or 2.) Step aside.
I ended up doing neither as I just stuck my foot out and he tripped to his death. As I watched him fall to his rocky death below one thought came to my mind and that was my dad’s past was no longer a concern…I would be wrong again. In any case, when I turned back I saw my father smile at me and then suddenly keel over. Even though he was wearing a vest, he got shot under his arm pit. It was a lucky shot...but not lucky for my father. In that moment, every went into slow motion and as I looked up I saw Sarah and Casey running towards me. Casey and Sarah wouldn’t disappoint me as they radioed for help in order to save my father’s life. Little did I know…it wasn’t just his life that they would be saving.
Chuck covers hands with his mouth leading him to rub his face several times. The scene ends as Chuck hangs his head rubbing both hands through his hair and then leans back on the black leather couch.
Fade Out
The scene begins with Chuck with his back turned to the person he’s talking to. He’s looking intently at the warshak painting and after a moment or two he turns around to speak up.
Chuck: Casey and Sarah got there just in the nick of time. I honestly don’t know if I would have jumped or not but thankfully that option was taken off the table for me. Anyways…they both stayed with me until the helivac chopper arrived and when I got the assurance he was safe I walked off. I headed back towards the edge of the cliff not to jump but to take a breather away from all the controlled chaos going on behind me. As I looked out into in the ocean with the wind blowing in my face and the warmth of the sun shining on my face I closed my eyes and breathed out a sigh of relief.
During that moment, so many thoughts were running there my head one of them being it’s over. My dad can stop looking over his shoulder and wonder if today is the day that he’ll be caught. He walked away from a life he felt comfortable with and spent it running from his past that the possibility of a normal future would be out of the question. It was at that point my thoughts turned to Sarah and questioning whether or not we could possibly have a normal relationship with Beckman and Graham keeping close tabs on us. Yet, when I looked back at what my dad’s situation with my mom I realized something.
What I realized was that I didn’t want that to happen to me. I didn’t want to end up walking away from a real relationship that makes me happy regardless of what Beckman and Graham think. I am not an asset and Sarah is not my handler. I am a man who is in love with a beautiful woman who I want to spend the rest of my life with. When I opened my eyes, I made the decision once Jax took care of the headaches I was experiencing I would lay it all on the table with Sarah by my side. It would be a risk, but it would be well worth it to no longer hide how we feel from the powers that be.
With that I took one last look at the scenery, took a deep breathe, and then turned around to walk back to where Casey and Sarah were. To my surprise they were with Jax and as I walking towards them with a grin on face I suddenly experienced excruciating pain in my head causing me to grab my head. All went black after I hit the ground.
Fade To Black
The scene begins with a close up shot of the Zen garden on the coffee table and after a moment or two a bottle of water appears leading the camera to pan back with sitting back on the black leather couch. After he wipes his mouth, he begins talking.
Chuck: For the last 15 years, my father had been for the most part been able to avoid being caught by The Sect and with the bittersweet reunion my father had with his former section 8 teammate William Jax I seriously thought it would get increasingly dangerous. Shakes head I would know how dangerous it be when I decided to go with my father to his apartment.
We all went are separate ways after the meeting at the warehouse with my father and I hitching a ride together. During the car ride…I couldn’t help but feel that we were being followed…maybe a part of Sarah and Casey rubbed off because part of being a trained spy is using your paranoia to your advantage. Unfortunately, I didn’t consider myself a trained spy and so I just chalked it up to my mind playing tricks on me.
In any case…we finally arrived at my father’s apartment building and before he went up with me he had to go talk to the building manager about a problem with the sink. So I went up knowing that Tucker was home because he got off work early and he really didn’t have any friends that he hung out with except for me and Morgan. After knocking a few times it opened to where I was greeted at the door in a very amusing way.
As he says that scene flashes back to the doorway of Abe Bartowski’s apartment where Chuck is standing there with a look of amusement on his face as he sees Tucker with a half eaten powered doughnut in his hands and remnants of powder around his mouth.
Tucker: mouth full of doughnut Hey bro…I was just playing Call of Duty on the ole’ Xbox. Closes door and then turns around What’s up?
Cut to Chuck trying not to laugh as he walks through the door and stands in front of the door. He looks around and then turns back to look at Tucker.
Chuck: Just came by to hang out…dad is on his way up…ummm…motions to his own mouth as he looks with amusement at Tucker with white powder around his mouth…you got something there.
Tucker wipes his mouth but instead of wiping it off he spreads it across his to his left cheek.
Tucker: Better?
Chuck straight faced and biting his lip Yeah…its off.
As Chuck says that, Abe enters into the apartment and when he turns around his attention is immediately focused on Tucker.
Abe: Son.
Cut to Tucker with a mouth full of doughnut as he look at Abe.
Tucker: Yraw
Abe: Go wash your face. Tucker has this look of wonder at his father’s request leading him to walk past him a bit confused. As he does, he catches his reflection in a mirror hanging near the bathroom causing him to give a glaring look at Chuck before he disappears into it. Cut to Abe shaking his head as he looks back at Chuck who has an amused grin on his face. I don't know what I'm going to do with that boy.
Chuck: hint of laughter Dad…looks over the bathroom where running water is heard leading Chuck to whisper…I'm a bit worried.
Abe shakes his head as he put his right hand on Chuck's left shoulder.
Abe: You don't have to worry.
Chuck: Are you sure?
Abe looks towards the bathroom and responds by whispering as well.
Abe: I used to be a spy so yeah…I’ve taken certain precautions when it comes to being safe.
Chuck: What sort of precautions?
Abe: You know…broken glass under the door mat…a glass bottle on the door handle…
Chuck: interrupts his father Just like the movie Conspiracy Theory.
Abe: look of confusion What?
Chuck: speaks up Conspiracy Theory…Mel Gibson and Julia Roberts…Abe just stares at his son…I have it on DVD. You can borrow it and see what I’m talking about.
Abe is about to respond when Tucker walks in responding to what he heard.
Tucker: Borrow what?
Tucker heads towards the recliner where a Xbox controller with white powdered finger prints is setting. A half a box of Krispy Kreme doughnuts are sitting on the coffee table inches away and he takes the controllers, reclines back, and as he continues to play Call of Duty he looks at Chuck.
Chuck: Conspiracy Theory…dad said he hasn’t seen it so I’m letting him borrow it.
Tucker looks at Abe and then at Chuck.
Tucker: Awesome.
Chuck: Yeah…looks at his father with concern…awesome.
Abe: We’re doing good…gives a reassuring nod…trust me.
Cut to Chuck feeling less worried about the safety of his father as a hint of smile appears on his face. Chuck was about to say something when Tucker speaks up.
Tucker: Yeah buddy…pauses game, grabs another doughnut from the box, devours it and with a mouth full of doughnut he speaks spitting pieces out…bwe dobing fo goo. Chuck and Abe just look at Tucker with disbelief Bwah?
Chuck and his father both just shake their head as all three spend quality time together. After a moment or two of talking with his dad, eating sizzling shrimp, and challenging Tucker in Call of Duty as he stuffs himself with Krispy Kreme doughnuts. Several minutes later gets up to go the kitchen to call Sarah on his cell.
Chuck: Hey…I decided to take a walk and I ended up visiting my dad and Tucker at his apartment. Don’t worry I’m not doing anything strenuous…just eating some sizzling shrimp and playing Xbox with Tucker…yeah…I’ll see you tomorrow.
As he says that, it flashes back to the present with Chuck, right arm propped up on the arm of the couch, leaning on the right sight of the black leather couch looking a bit pensive as he shakes his head.
Chuck: I’ll see you tomorrow…that wouldn’t happened because as I was walking into the living room to go sit down about to finish talking with Sarah, several men dressed in black wearing masks busted through the door catching all three of us off guard. Tucker tried his best to defend himself by throwing what was left of the sizzling shrimp at them. I…well…did my best to not give out a girlish scream and tried todefend myself by using the closest thing to use as a weapon, which was a framed picture of my father, me, and Tucker. I ended up dropping it on the floor after I was grabbed from behind. Anyways…as The Sect barged in I turned to see my dad jump into action and for a former spy he still had the moves standing toe to toe with those guys. Unfortunately, it wasn’t enough as they sprayed us knocking all three of us out, but before they did I was able to snap a picture of one of them then intentionally dropped my phone on the floor knowing Sarah and Casey would find it because it would the two of them that I fully trusted in finding me.
Chuck takes another sip from his bottle of water smacking his lips together as it goes down his throat. The scene ends with him shaking what’s left in his bottle as he stares at the bottle with a serious look on his face.
Fade Out
The scene begins with chuck leaning forward on the black leather couch with his head down holding his bottle of water with both hands shaking it a bit. He then finishes what’s left, looks at the bottle, places it on the table, leans back, and then beings to speak.
Chuck: The subsequent abduction of my father, myself, and my step-brother put quite a damper on being able to see Sarah, Ellie…basically the people I loved and cared about the next day. At the time, many thoughts were running through my head when The Sect abducted us and the one constant thought I kept returning to was will this be my last hurrah?
You see…over the past two years whenever I was on a mission and things didn’t go as planned to where we were either captured or threatened with torture I thought to myself is this how I’m going to go out? Before I was recruited to become a government analyst I thought I would simply die from old age…possibly with a Xbox controller in my hand playing along side my best friend Morgan in one last game of Call of Duty.
However, when my life was turned upside down my thoughts immediately turned on what I might not be able to do if I bit the dust. Not being able to see my sister Ellie, Devon, and the many awesome kids they’re going to have. To not be able to play Call of Duty at all hours of the night with my bearded best friend Morgan. To not be able to tell Sarah how much I truly care about her.
It would be those thoughts that would have me worried to the point of freaking out as I feared that if I closed my eyes I might not open them ever again. I accepted the fact a long time ago that if a person’s time is up…then its up. BUT…points finger in the air…if you found the joy in what you did to where it brought joy to others then I accomplished in what I set out to do.
Putting smiles on the faces of people who truly mattered in your life and knowing you influenced that person in such a positive way he or she would become better…or be inspired to become better. At least…gives a hint of laughter…that’s what I think because the fact of the matter is you never know who you’re going to meet in this life.
What I’m saying is…there more to this world than just seeing and experiencing the bad stuff that can truly depress you. The wars fought over stupid things; loved ones in the military overseas dying for their country; the bad guys getting off scott free while innocent people go to jail for something they didn’t commit. It can literally cause you to give up on humanity itself.
Thinking about it though…its not all bad. There’s absolute meaning when you see the good stuff as well that makes you feel good inside within your heart. People who put others…complete strangers interests above your own. By doing that you have a sense that there are amazing people in this world who go above and beyond what they’re capable of.
I see that in the lives of people like my sister Ellie and Awesome who save lives on a day to day basis. I see it in Morgan who has the potential to be great and all he has to do is believe in himself. I see it in Casey who has come along way from the emotionally constipate ”cold school” killer who didn’t care who lived or died. Most of all…I see it in Sarah and every time I open my eyes seeing her stare back at me in the morning I know I’m safe.
Sarah…smiles...when I looked into her eyes they at one time were lonely…dark…cold…basically the look of death. Now…grins…things have changed as they’re replaced by warmth and life. The walls she’s built up from being a tough no nonsense spy have gradually gone down bit by bit showing a woman experiencing feelings and emotions she not used to dealing with. Don’t get me wrong…if you rub her the wrong way she’ll kick your butt.
Sarah has been physically fighting for me as I’ve been fighting for her in an emotional way. We balance each other out…smiles…I’m the ying to her yang. We’re a team and if we ended up outnumbered…outgunned…I know the last face I see if not my friends and family is hers…but during that time she wasn‘t with me and it would only be the image of her face I would cling on to if I didn’t make it.
So yeah…takes a deep breathe…that was pretty much going through my head in that moment when everything went all chaotic as I saw a fading image of my father and Tucker fall to the floor before everything went black.
Chuck lays his head back on the black leather couch letting out a tired sigh as he rubs his eyes. The scene ends with Chuck getting up, grabbing the empty bottle on the coffee table, and walks off camera.
Fade Out
The scene begins with a lone shot of the black leather couch and after a moment or two Chuck walks into view scratching his head as he takes a seat. After getting into a comfortable position he speaks up.
Chuck: Have you ever woken up in an unfamiliar place and it didn’t involved a wild night of drinking? Tucker and I sure did as we were woken up by having water thrown into our faces, which is a nice way to start an interrogation. Scratches the side of his face and then rubs his mouth When we got our bearings straight our holding area looked the set of the movie True Lies with a big mirror right in front of us but unfortunately Tucker was right when he said Arnold Schwarzenegger and Tom Arnold wouldn’t be behind it. We both would soon realize there was no time for fun and games as a synthesized voiced informed both of us that if we didn’t cooperate our father would die. Tucker had no idea what was going on or what was at sake but I did and I was prepared for all three of us to die in order to protect the important intel they wanted. As I sat there fixated on my broken watch around my wrist, which must have happened during the struggle at my father’s apartment, I knew it would be impossible for Sarah and Casey to find us and despite that I continued to cling on to the hope that they were going to save the day. My train of thought would soon turn away from my watch to Tucker who relentlessly waved his hand in front of my face trying to get my attention.
As he says that, the scene flashes back to the holding room in an unknown location where Chuck is sitting down against the wall with one leg near his chest as his left arm is resting on his knee. He looks up to see a look of confused concern on Tucker’s face as he looks down at his brother.
Tucker: Hey…its sucks that you’re watch got broke bro but do you know what sucks even more? Chuck looks up and stares at Tucker They have dad…looks and point at the mirror then looks back at Chuck…and you don’t look the least bit concerned.
Chuck: speaks up I am concerned Tuck…more than you’ll ever know.
Tucker: throws hands up in the air Then why aren’t you freaking out about this or at the very least banging at the mirror to get some answers as to why we’re here. Tucker’s tone of voice gets angrier and louder For crying out loud…show some kind of emotion and not just sit there moping over your stupid watch.
Chuck: gives Tucker a look and then looks forward Shut up
Tucker: look for disbelief You shut up.
Chuck gives Tucker a glaring look.
Chuck: Come down here and make me.
Tucker glares at Chuck as he balls up his fists to prepares to he thinks better of it and backs off.
Tucker: Ah…waves him off with both hands…you’re not worth it.
Tucker walks off with his both hands at his sides walking towards the door as the sounds of his shoes scrape the floor. Chuck’s focus is back on his watch but would soon turn back on Tucker when he hears the sound of the door behind hit along with the sound of considered pain as he quickly turns to see Tucker biting his bottom lip holding his right hand. Chuck just shakes his head leading Tucker to walk across to the other side of the room is shaking his head to try to alleviate the pain. After a several moments of silence, Chuck speaks up.
Chuck: I’m sorry for telling you to shut up.
Tucker: massaging his right hand Right back at ya dude.
There is a brief moment of silence and then Chuck speaks up.
Chuck: Were you actually going to hit me?
Tucker walks forward shaking his head.
Tucker: Nah…to be perfectly honest I’m not a fighter unless you challenge me to a video game then its on like Donkey Kong.
Chuck and Tucker share a laugh.
Chuck: Look…glances at Tucker…the best thing we can do for dad right now is nothing.
Tucker: Why?
Chuck: We have no idea who we’re dealing with here or for that matter how many bad guys are out there. We could be possibly doing more harm to dad if we don’t go about this whole situation with a level head.
Tucker: We can’t just do nothing while dad is being lighted up like a Christmas tree. For all we know he could be dead.
Chuck: shakes head He’s not dead.
Tucker: How do you know?
Chuck: We’re still alive aren’t we? They…points at the mirror…want us to cooperate and killing dad wouldn’t be smart idea on their part.
Tucker lets those words sink in as he paces back and forth as Chuck continues sitting on the floor looking at his watch again. His focus is interrupted again when Tucker stands in front of him with a serious look on his face.
Tucker: Level with me…what is going on?
Chuck: looks up at Tucker Its too complicated to explain…let’s just say I would die before handing over what they wanted.
Cut to Tucker with shock on his face as he responds to what Chuck just said.
Tucker: You’re telling me…you…you would risk all our lives for something they want. When or If we ever get out of this I’m going to tell dad about this…boy you’ll be sorry.
Chuck: gives a weird look to Tucker Trust me…dad would do the same because he’s not the man you think he is.
Tucker has look of curious confusion on his face as he wonders what Chuck meant by that last statement. Tucker then goes over and standing beside Chuck on his right side. The scene ends with him leaning back and then slowly slides down sitting next to him.
Fade Out
The scene begins with Chuck sitting in the corner of the black leather couch arms extended on top of the arm/back of it with his legs crossed. He cracks his neck a few times and then speaks up
Chuck: Tucker would find out that dad’s secret when he rescued us. Needless to say he was shocked and bit insulted that he wasn’t told about this. Chuck leans forward turning to look at the person he’s talking to Dad’s secret wouldn’t be the only one that was going to be revealed as my dad and I would find out that Tucker wasn’t who he said he was. The man who I worked side by side with At Buy More…fighting with Morgan for my time and attention…played Call of Duty till all hours of the night…went camping with…the person who I considered a part of the Bartowski family…was in fact Josiah Gates.
How could that be you might be asking? He was a clone and I found out that piece of information when we stumbled on a lab with a computer in it during our escape. My curiosity got the better of me and despite my father’s objections I punched in a few keys leading me to see Project Gemini. Everything started falling into place once I got all the intel concerning what the project was about…embryonic stem cell research. Josiah Gates was doing experiments in cloning and he was the main test subject. This isn’t the sort of cloning you see in movies like Multiplicity with Michael Keaton where his 3 counterparts were either in touch with their feelings, manly, or just a complete idiot.
No…shakes head…his experiment weren’t something to laugh about as he experienced several failures until he had a successful clone with memories and all…Tucker. After finding out who Tucker’s mother was we turned around to see him pointing a gun at us with a smug look on his face that read he pulled a big one on us, but most importantly he pulled the wool over my father’s eyes because the man he was running from was actually with him all along. According to Tucker or should I say Josiah Gates he planned this all along and during his sinister rant I said something that caused me to get shot. Luckily I was wearing a bullet proof vest.
You know…ever since Bryce shot me at Buy More I never take for granted wearing a bullet proof vest. I can’t count the number of times I’ve been shot and lived to tell about it all thanks to that unseen life savor. I wouldn’t recommend getting shot though because depending on the type of bullets or shells you’re shot with they leave bruises. Plus…winces…they hurt like you wouldn’t believed. You know…grins giving a small chuckle…like the American Express card I never leave home without it and so far I’ve been able to stay alive and hopefully…leans forward to knock on the wooden coffee table…I will continue to stay alive.
Anyway…getting back to Gates. He shot me and thought I was dead. As I laid there, I could hear Gates gloating on how his perfect plan coming to fruition and how he was the so called “puppet master” pulling the strings of two pathetic puppets in this well orchestrated play. It took a lot for me to keep quiet and not say anything that would jeopardize my father’s safety. So…I waited for the perfect time to spring into action and make my move, which hopefully would be soon because he had rambled on any longer I would have died from utter boredom. It was at that point, I heard the him pull back the trigger giving my dad the chance to distract him in order for me to do my thing, which was sweep the leg.
Gates was down, but he was certainly not out. We got ourselves out of there as the entire facility was in red alert no doubt because of Gates as we headed for the exit It felt like forever trying to make our way but we finally running up the stairs and busting through two steel doors where I could somewhat determine where we were. However, we didn’t have time to enjoy our surroundings as my dad and I ran like we never ran before as we had countless Sect agents hot on our tail. We kept raining forward until we found ourselves at the edge of a really steep cliff and as we looked down we heard the sound of weapons at the ready to either shoot or capture us.
As we were backing up towards the edge of the cliff, my father made the most outrageous suggestion that I could ever imagine. I remember him looking at me and telling me if I was ready to jump like Bunch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid. Now, in my head I was thinking are completely out of your mind old man and why of all times you had to think of that movie? To me…jumping off reasonably short cliff to the waters below is possibly something I can handle but jumping off a really really really high cliff wasn’t something I wanted to try because I’m scared enough of heights as it is. I get woozy just standing on a ladder and then he said something that really got to me.
My own father called me a chicken. As a kid, he would call me that whenever I would do or at least try something that was remotely adventurous. Points at himself Look at me…do I look like the adventurous type to you? Lifts pant legs These legs haven’t seen the sun since I went off to Stanford and have never been out in the sun ever since. My father then looked at me and said you only live once, which meant it now or never. At tat point, I wanted to see Sarah’s face one last time before I took the leap of faith that I may not survive from. As we were about to turn and jump, Casey and Sarah arrived much to chagrin of The Sect. They startled scrambling as they saw the helicopters overhead.
As I looked up at the beautiful sight of the good guys coming to over rescue I was happy, but when I looked at my father he looked a bit disappointed that he didn’t get the chance to jump. At that point, we thought it was over…we were wrong. Gates shot my father and then pointed it at me. There we both were….standing at the precipice of either life or death. In the end, I lived and Gates died when my father had enough strength from being shot to take him by surprise and punch him the face to where he stumbled back towards my direction. As he was stumbling towards me, I had two options: 1.) Save him or 2.) Step aside.
I ended up doing neither as I just stuck my foot out and he tripped to his death. As I watched him fall to his rocky death below one thought came to my mind and that was my dad’s past was no longer a concern…I would be wrong again. In any case, when I turned back I saw my father smile at me and then suddenly keel over. Even though he was wearing a vest, he got shot under his arm pit. It was a lucky shot...but not lucky for my father. In that moment, every went into slow motion and as I looked up I saw Sarah and Casey running towards me. Casey and Sarah wouldn’t disappoint me as they radioed for help in order to save my father’s life. Little did I know…it wasn’t just his life that they would be saving.
Chuck covers hands with his mouth leading him to rub his face several times. The scene ends as Chuck hangs his head rubbing both hands through his hair and then leans back on the black leather couch.
Fade Out
The scene begins with Chuck with his back turned to the person he’s talking to. He’s looking intently at the warshak painting and after a moment or two he turns around to speak up.
Chuck: Casey and Sarah got there just in the nick of time. I honestly don’t know if I would have jumped or not but thankfully that option was taken off the table for me. Anyways…they both stayed with me until the helivac chopper arrived and when I got the assurance he was safe I walked off. I headed back towards the edge of the cliff not to jump but to take a breather away from all the controlled chaos going on behind me. As I looked out into in the ocean with the wind blowing in my face and the warmth of the sun shining on my face I closed my eyes and breathed out a sigh of relief.
During that moment, so many thoughts were running there my head one of them being it’s over. My dad can stop looking over his shoulder and wonder if today is the day that he’ll be caught. He walked away from a life he felt comfortable with and spent it running from his past that the possibility of a normal future would be out of the question. It was at that point my thoughts turned to Sarah and questioning whether or not we could possibly have a normal relationship with Beckman and Graham keeping close tabs on us. Yet, when I looked back at what my dad’s situation with my mom I realized something.
What I realized was that I didn’t want that to happen to me. I didn’t want to end up walking away from a real relationship that makes me happy regardless of what Beckman and Graham think. I am not an asset and Sarah is not my handler. I am a man who is in love with a beautiful woman who I want to spend the rest of my life with. When I opened my eyes, I made the decision once Jax took care of the headaches I was experiencing I would lay it all on the table with Sarah by my side. It would be a risk, but it would be well worth it to no longer hide how we feel from the powers that be.
With that I took one last look at the scenery, took a deep breathe, and then turned around to walk back to where Casey and Sarah were. To my surprise they were with Jax and as I walking towards them with a grin on face I suddenly experienced excruciating pain in my head causing me to grab my head. All went black after I hit the ground.
Fade To Black
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