[The episode begins with a recap of what previous happened as Abe disobeys orders from an angry Director Graham to return to the warehouse. Cut to the standoff on level 36 where Jeremiah Wexler reveals to Beckman that Agent Sarah Walker is in fact his daughter DeAnna Wexler. Move forward to several thousand feet in the air to the Fairchild C-123 where Travis gives him something to communicate with Chuck when he jumps and after a moment or two the interior of the plane goes darkish red along the freight bay in the back of the plane lowers meaning its go time. Cut back to level 36 where Marcus Stefano not only introduces himself to Sarah but also makes the comment to her father of finally meeting the daughter considered to be a poor investment leading Sarah to be momentarily caught off guard by that comment. A conversation between father and daughter ensues leading to an argument to the point that Sebastian interrupts the short lived reunion by threatening to kill her father if she doesn’t put down the guns. Cut to Chuck successfully landing in the west quadrant drop zone with a bit of help from Travis. Moments later there is an intense father/daughter argument that leads to Sarah pushing, slapping, and inevitably punching her father in the face. She tries to continue the angry assault but her father stops it by hugging her to the point that she opens the flood gates. Cut to the bottom stairwell of the west quadrant building where Travis hands Chuck a gun and then the crew head into the hallway towards the elevators. Move forward to the sound proof room where Sarah and her father reconcile leading Wexler to give Sarah what she has always been wanting. Its at that point Wexler notices the gold locket around her neck. His fatherly instincts kick in and finds out that Chuck gave it her to where he hopes to meet the man that has made her daughter truly happy. The special moment is unfortunately interrupted by Marcus Stefano walking in and telling both of them to follow him. The scene begins with Sarah and her father holding hands following behind Marcus as Jackson and Dupree are in tow as their weapons are at the ready for any possible strike that Sarah might make. As they are walking, Beckman quickly joins them leading her to speak to Wexler]
Beckman: Your lip…are you all right?
Wexler: [looks at Beckman] I’m fine….[looks at his daughter and smiles]…just settling a long overdue family dispute with my daughter.
[Sarah responds with a smile back leading Beckman to speak up]
Beckman: Listen…if I had known you’re daughter was considered a potential recruit to become a government agent I would have personally stopped the process from becoming final for her own protection of course. I will find out who recruited her and….
Wexler: [holds hand up] Stop… I don’t think this is the best time to try to get on my good side so stop sucking up to me because I know what you’re trying to do. You do realize you’re embarrassing yourself at the moment by trying to make yourself look good at my expense…but guess what it isn’t working. For crying out loud Edna… you’re a General in the United States Air Force…act like it. [Beckman nods and exudes a fake smile leading Sarah to try to hide hers] Oh and one more thing…as far as my daughter goes she doesn’t need you protecting because she’s capable of not only protecting herself, but also making her own decisions and joining the C.I.A was the right choice to make. I am proud of her and support her 100%.
[Beckman is red faced leading Wexler looks at Sarah inevitably giving her a wink causing Sarah to look straight ahead in order to hide her growing smile. After a moment or two they reach Project Eagle Eye Satellite in which they see Marcus’s associates standing around with Cassidy behind the console and Sebastian standing right behind her. When Cassidy sees her sister and her father she immediate stands]
Cassidy: Dad…sis…
[Sebastian immediately puts his right hand on her left shoulder and forcefully pushes her to sit down leading Sarah to speak up]
Sarah: [angered tone] Touch my sister like that again and I promise you’ll end up like your two former buddies.
Sebastian: [glares at Sarah] Oh really…I would like to see you try.
[As he says that Marcus speaks up]
Marcus: Children…the fight at the playground will have to wait till later as its time for the adults to talk now.
[Sarah and Sebastian glare each other again leading Wexler to speak to his old friend]
Wexler: What are we going to talk about Marcus? How you’ve lost your mind… the fact that you’re doing all this because you’re scared…how about you wanting to regain your legacy that the Zeitgeist took from you…or how you’re trying to rekindle a forbidden romance that you had or you still think you have with Edna.
[Upon hearing that Sarah quickly looks at Beckman leading Sebastian to look at Wexler then to Marcus]
Sebastian: What is he talking about?
Marcus: Don’t listen to him…he’s just talking nonsense.
Sebastian: I think maybe we should listen to his nonsense.
Marcus: [walks up to Sebastian] What did I say about thinking…[tapping his forehead]…do what I pay you to do best.
[As he turns around to walk away a perturbed Sebastian takes out his gun and points it at Marcus leading Marcus’ associate to point his gun at Sebastian to where Sebastian’s associates point their gun at Marcus’ associate. The scene ends with a stand off among the bad guys Sarah, Cassidy, Wexler, and Beckman looking on. Cue Chuck intro]
[Fade Out]
[The scene begins with a shot of main floor corridor of the west quadrant building where Tobias comes into camera looking around the corner and down the hall. He signals his men behind to move forward leading you to eventually see Travis, Casey and Chuck bringing up the rear. After a moment of not encountering any resistance the lead guy spots something in the next area leading him to hold up his right fist leading him to turn around, puts two fingers up waving them side to side, point to his eyes and then up. Casey and Travis know what’s going on but Chuck doesn’t leading him to whisper to Casey]
Chuck: What’s going on?
Casey: [serious low tone] Quiet Bartowski.
[Casey moves forward a bit leading Chuck to get answers from Travis]
Chuck: Trav…why have we stopped?
Travis: [looks at Chuck] 2 surveillance cameras spotted on both sides of the south hall.
Chuck: How are we going to get past them?
[As he says that Tobias comes out of nowhere and quickly injects himself into the conversation in a deep intimidating tone startling Chuck]
Tobias: We’re going to disable them…any other questions?
Chuck: [nervous tone] No…none whatsoever.
[Cut to one of Tobias’ men on a lab top hacking into Wexler Industries’ survellience system and after a moment or two of locates the west quadrant surveillance cameras at their location. He starts typing and in one fell swoop disables the cameras leading him to turn to Tobias giving him a nod. Tobias motions for them to move out as they all cautiously head down the hall leading the scene to switch from the west quadrant building to level 36 where a stand is happening between partners as it started with Sebastian pointing his gun at Marcus. Marcus turns around, looks at Sebastian, leading him to speak up as Beckman, Wexler, Cassidy, and Sarah look on]
Sebastian: Is what he said true?
[cut to Marcus pausing for minute and takes a deep breathe]
Marcus: It’s one man’s opinion.
[Sebastian walks towards Marcus with a glaring look still pointing his gun at him]
Sebastian: I want a straight answer…did we do all do this in order to help you relive your glory days?
Marcus: Yes
[The answer causes a stir among the associates leading Sebastian to speak up]
Sebastian: Then I see no purpose in you being here then. In my opinion, you are considered dead weight to me and my men so I’m going to do what you said I do best. [Sebastian pulls back the trigger and just as he is about to shoot Marcus exudes a smirk on his face leading Sebastian to speaks up] What are you smiling about?
Marcus: You don’t want to shoot me?
Sebastian: The reverse psychology isn’t going to work with me old man.
Marcus: There is a reason I chose you as my right hand man and I didn’t just choose anybody to help undertake a mission of this magnitude. You’re a former Navy Seal now mercenary who stills lives by the motto the only easy day was yesterday. Reading your file, you committed yourself to a high standard of excellence and the obstacles you faced are considered challenges, which have extended beyond the beyond the battlefield. Failure is not an option in your book and you pride yourself in your successes because being just average means the possibility of ending up buried six feet under. You have that inner fortitude to go into the most difficult combat situations facing death in order to achieve your objective and knowing that those same past achievements will never be truly recognized publicly. You and I are not so different as we’re not only soldiers who have survived many battles, but we’re also working towards the same goal.
Sebastian: What goal would that be?
Marcus: Power and glory. [cut to Sebastian mulling it over in his mind] We already have the power in our hands…[points to the Satellite]…it’s just a matter of time before attaining the glory we so rightly deserve. [After a moment or two of silence Marcus speaks up again] So…do we have an understanding?
[Sebastian stares at Marcus and after a moment or two he lowers his gun]
Sebastian: You better not cross me.
[Sebastian nods leading everybody else to lower their guns]
Marcus: I wouldn’t think of it.
[Sebastian turns around and walks back to the console where Cassidy is motioning for her to continue what she was doing. Wexler with Sarah by his side walk up next to Marcus leading him to speak up as Marcus looks straight ahead]
Wexler: Still doing your homework after all these years I see.
[Marcus looks at his old friend leading him to respond with a smirk]
Marcus: Chalk it up to my phenomenal work ethic. [Marcus’ smirk is gone leading him to motion towards the computer console] Let’s go
[Marcus escorts the two off camera towards Sebastian and Cassidy’s location. The scene ends with a shot of Beckman in the background with a questioning look on her face regarding Marcus as she too heads in that direction as well]
[Fade Out]
[The scene begins back at level 36 where Marcus and Sebastian are behind Cassidy who is sitting at the computer console as they’re looking over the schematics of Project Eagle Eye. Marcus and Sebastian are in the middle of a discussion when Cassidy to speak up]
Cassidy: It’s not 100% complete.
Marcus: [looks at Wexler] Why…what’s the problem?
Wexler: Just minor problems with the metallic brackets.
Sebastian: How minor?
[Cassidy continues typing leading her to pull up the more specs. After skimming over the data she speaks up]
Cassidy: Well…according to the specs a slight modification was needed in regards to the metallic brackets that holds the long cylindrical tube-like chamber with holes in them built within the laser pulse canon.
[cut to Marcus, Sebastian, and his associates having this dumbfounded look on their face leading Sebastian to speak up]
Sebastian: In English please.
Wexler: [speaks up] Think of the long cylinder as a muffler to a car with the laser being the exhaust. You would most definitely hear an explosion once all the pressure built up is released. [cut Marcus and his associates listening intently] Is everybody with me so far? [cut to the associates nodding] Those holes are designed to reflect the high sound waves produced by the laser that when it fires you hear the somewhat silent pulse echo of what sounds like an eagle.[A puzzled look comes on the face of Dupree leading him to raise his hand]Yes?
Dupree: I’m confused…what does that have to with the metal brackets?
Cassidy: [speaks up] After running several tests with the laser pulse cannon, the results were that the metallic brackets holding the cylindrical tube-like chamber in place show a slight tendency to warp because of the extreme heat given off, which would effect stability causing the shot itself to become very erratic.
[Hearing all this Sarah walks up to her father, grabs his right arm, turns him around and speaks up in a quiet whisper that the others hear as a mere murmur]
Sarah: Dad what are you doing?
Wexler: I know what it looks like…
Sarah: [interrupts her dad] You’re not actually helping these guys are you?
Wexler: Right now…I have no choice but to.
Sarah: [angered tone] If you’re not going to do anything about it then I will.
[Sarah walks past her father, but he grabs her by her right arm brings her back in front of her as a concerned Cassidy looks on]
Wexler: Hold on Ms. C.I.A superspy…I’m still your father…
Sarah: [serious tone] What…are you going to do ground me?
Wexler: No…besides I don’t want to get punched in the face again…once was enough.
Sarah: Dad!
Wexler: [looks Sarah straight in the eyes] DeAnna I know what I’m doing…[kisses her forehead and gives her a winks that is not seen by the others]…trust me doodlebug.
[Sarah is taken back by what her father just called her]
Sarah: [smiles] You haven’t called me doodlebug since I was a little girl.
[Wexler squeezes his daughter’s arms as he gives her a brief smile leading Marcus to speak up]
Sebastian: [clears throat] I hate to interrupt the touching conversation you two are having, but there are more important matters to attend to.
[Sarah gives another death glare at Sebastian leading Marcus to speak up]
Marcus: So…was it fixed?
Wexler: [turns around] I don’t know…after being notified of the problem by my people I told them to call me once it was fixed. [looks at Marcus] Then you called me out of the blue after 20 years and ever since then I haven’t had time…[take out his cell phone and looks at it]…to check my voicemail.
[Wexler points to cell phone, listens to voicemail, and then hangs up leading Sebastian to speak up]
Sebastian: Well?
Wexler: [looks at Sebastian] Aluminum brackets.
Marcus: What?
Wexler: [looks at Marcus] The metal brackets were replaced with stronger aluminum ones that don’t warp when exposed to extreme heat.
Marcus: [sly smirk] Excellent
[Sarah realizes the gravity of the situation his father has gotten them into has now gotten worse as she looks at the sly smirk on Marcus’ face. She turns away for a moment clutching her gold locket as she mutters under her breathe where are you Chuck. The scene ends with Chuck and the rest of the guys heading towards the elevator]
[Fade Out]
[The scene begins at the front desk of main building where two of Sebastian’s associates are stationed as the two other others are still tied up and hidden out of view. After a moment or two, one of them speaking up]
Associate 1: This has got to be a boring job just sitting here and asking to see i.d. cards.
Associate 2: You said it…we’re out living life and making things happen whereas these guys are just wasting away their lives working 9 to 5.
Associate 1: Amen to that brother.
[Both men do fist leading Man 2 to speak up]
Associate 2: I’m going to hit the head...hold down the fort while I’m gone.
[Associate 2 leaves leading the scene to switch to somewhere in the halls of the Wexler Industries with Tobias leading his men, Casey, and Chuck head towards the elevators. Chuck is lagging behind and after a while he notices that his right shoe is untied leading him to stop, look down, and then kneels down to tie it. When he looks up he sees Travis about to round the corner leading Chuck to quietly get the attention of Travis who doesn’t hear him leading him to fully disappear from view around the corner. After brief second, Chuck is back up with gun in hand and just as he’s about to reach the corner in order to catch up with the group his cell phone rings leading him to quickly look at who is calling him and then answers it in a quiet whispery manner]
Chuck: [looking around] Hey Morgan…what’s up?
[cut to a back and forth conversation that has Morgan sitting in the living room playing the new Call of Duty Game that Chuck and Travis were playing beforehand]
Morgan: Why didn’t you tell me you got the demo version of the new Call of Duty game?
Chuck: Is that why you called me…I better not see that demo uploaded on to YouTube.
[Cut to Chuck rounding the corner and sees that Tobias, along with everybody else, have totally disappeared. Chuck begins walking the halls aimlessly as he is quietly conversing with Morgan all-the-while trying to catch up the group that he unfortunately lost]
Morgan: You have my word bro. Dude why are you whispering?
Chuck: I don’t want to wake up anybody…everybody turned in early as its been a pretty eventful night to say the least.
Morgan: What are Sarah’s parents like?
Chuck: I didn’t have time to talk with them one on one being that I just dropped in 15 minutes ago…but from what I can tell they’re…nice.
Morgan: Do they look anything like Robert DeNiro and Blythe Danner?
Chuck: I’m afraid not.
Morgan: Do they like you? It’s all about first impressions my friend.
Chuck: Oh really…coming from the guy who not only listened to Jeff and Lester by being someone other than yourself, but also managing to throw up in front of Anna’s parents in the process.
Morgan: Hey…this is not about me…this is about you.
Chuck: I don’t know Morg…its hard to tell.
Morgan: Hey…if things don’t work out with Sarah or her parents you know that I got your back right?
Chuck: What makes you think they won’t work out?
Morgan: I’m just saying…where is Sarah?
Chuck: She’s…close.
Morgan: Oh...you’re already losing points there.
Chuck: What?
Morgan: Sleeping in the same room with her…that’s not going to sit well with Sarah’s dad.
[cut to Chuck continuing to walk down the hallway]
Chuck: [interrupts Morgan] Morgan…Morgan she’s downstairs with her sister and I’m upstairs…[looking around]…in the hallway. Call me old fashioned by I too want to make a good impression.
Morgan: Great…just great. Sarah’s parents are going to just love you.
Chuck: I hope so. [Chuck continues to look around all-the-while walking backwards] Listen…it’s been a long trip and I need to catch up…
[As he is about to say something a gun appears aimed at his head at then end of the corridor and at the same time this happens Morgan speaks up]
Morgan: On sleep…gotcha.
Chuck: Ummm….Morgan…I’ll you back later.
[Chuck hangs up leading the unknown person to take his gun and his cell phone. The scene ends with the unknown person stepping out revealing it’s associate 2 who went to the bathroom]
[Fade Out]
[The scene begins where it left off as man 2 has a gun pointed at Chuck’s head. After patting Chuck down, he turns him around and faces him still pointing the gun at his head leading man 1 to speak up]
Associate 2: Who are you?
Chuck: Ch…Charles…Charles Carmichael.
Associate 2: How did you get here?
Chuck: Would you believe I parachuted in?
Associate 2: I don’t see you as the parachuting type…you seem more of the nerdy type.
Chuck: Okay…I’m one of Mr. Wexler’s employees.
Associate 2: Why are you carrying a gun?
Chuck: Have you ever heard of nerd on nerd violence…it’s vicious and cutthroat.
Associate 2: I think you should come with me Mr. Carmichael.
[Associate 2 radios his other pal that he’s found a suspicious character and is bringing him to the front desk. He motions to Chuck to turn around and as they are about to head out they both hear a click of gun leading to a wide side shot where Travis is holding a gun to Assocoate 2’s head. Travis speaks up]
Travis: Change of plans.
[Chuck immediately turns around relieved to see a friendly face as Travis takes associate 2’s weapon]
Chuck: Trav…am I glad to see you. [takes his gun and cell phone from associate 2] Those are mine.
[Man 2 growls at Chuck leading him to hide behind Travis. As Man 1 is being led away by one of Travis’ team members Casey quickly walk up]
Casey: Do we need to put a leash on you?
[Travis looks at Casey and then back to Chuck]
Travis: You all right buddy?
Chuck: Yeah…what about the other guy he radioed…he’s at the front desk.
Travis: Its being taken care of …[puts his right hand on Chuck’s left shoulder leading him to smile]…let’s go save your lady.
[Chuck responds with a smile back as the scene switches from the hallway to moments later in level 36 where Marcus and everybody else are standing behind the satellite after learning that Project Eagle Eye is 100% complete leading to a celebration of sorts amongst the associates. After a moment or two Cassidy speaks up]
Cassidy: What now…what happens with us?
[cut to Marcus walking over and standing next to Beckman]
Marcus: You and your father…nothing…[looks at Beckman] Edna…and your sister or coming with us.
Wexler: Why?
Sebastian: For insurance purposes…they’re government agents and as long as we have them they’re not going to run the risk of jeopardizing their safety despite the contrary belief that their expendable.
Sarah: Who are they?
Marcus: [looks at Sarah] The people who I used to work for and don’t worry about them…I’m usually 2 steps ahead.
[As soon as he says that Tobias appear out of nowhere with gun pointed behind Marcus followed by his men surrounding Sebastian and his men. Tobias speaks up]
Tobias: [gun drawn] Not this time Marcus.
[Casey appears and the first person he sees is Beckman]
Casey: General…what are you doing here?
[Beckman is about to respond when Sarah sees Casey leading her to run up to him, turns him around, and speak up]
Sarah: Casey!
Casey: [smirks] Good job protecting your sister Walker.
Sarah: Not now…where is Chuck?
[As she says that a familiar voice is heard behind her]
Voice of Chuck: Right behind you.
[A big smile comes appears on her face leading her to turn around leading her to look into eyes brown of the man she loves Chuck. He smiles leading Sarah to immediately kiss him and at that point Travis appears and stands by Casey as he see Chuck in a lip lock with Sarah leading him to smile. Travis looks at Casey who just rolls his eyes and turns around not touched by what he sees. Wexler, seeing this whole thing going on between Chuck and Sarah, Sarah walks up inevitably clearing his throat abruptly ending the happy reunion. Travis appears to see Chuck in a lip lock with Sarah leading him to smile. Sarah speaks up as she introduces Chuck to her father and vice versa]
Sarah: Sorry…dad this is Chuck.
Wexler: [looks at Chuck up and down] So this is the gentlemen who has made my daughter truly happy. Glad to finally meet you and I'm sorry for saying this but you weren't quite what I expected.
[Wexler and Chuck shake hands as Sarah watches the two most important men in her life talking]
Chuck: Glad to meet you to sir and none taken.
Wexler: 1 question…are you a spy?
Chuck: No sir…I’m a government analyst who works at the Buy More at $11 an hour as cover.
Wexler: [looks at Sarah] Good enough for me.
[As he says Chuck smiles but his smile is soon gone when he sees Beckman who has this serious look on her face as if all her suspicions were correct as she peronally witnessed the whole exchange between Chuck and Sarah. Chuck is about to say something to General Beckman when Tobias speaks up]
Tobias: Turn around and put your hands up Marcus.
Marcus: [slowly turns around] Tobias…the last time we saw each other you were taking me away.
Tobias: [serious look] This time…you’re going to put away for good like you should have been instead of being exiled.
[As he says that Casey looks at Beckman and speaks up]
Casey: General…come this way.
[Beckman is a bit reluctant as she looks at Marcus and when she is about to walk past him he stops inevitably takes hold of her hand leading him to speak up causing Tobias, his men, and especially Casey to be on alert Marcus puts his hands in his pockets as he looks into her eyes leading him to speak up]
Marcus: I will always love you.
[Marcus takes his hands out of his pockets and places them on the side of her face and gives her a passionate kiss that surprises Sarah, Chuck, and Casey. After a moment or two it ends leading Beckman to compose herself as she touches both sides of her face leading Casey to walk over and retrieve her]
Casey: Come on General…this way.
[Casey passes Tobias leading him to speak up]
Tobias: [smirks] It’s over for you and your men Marcus.
[Tobias and his men cautiously head towards a seemingly calm, cool, and collected Marcus who suddenly smirks]
Marcus: I don’t think so.
[As he reaches Marcus, Tobias' face suddenly goes all flushed leading not only him to suddenly fall to the ground, but everyone else fall to the ground as well exuding the same flushed look all-the-while showing signs of blood trickling out from their ears. The scene end with Sebastian, his men, and General Beckman left standing as Marcus stands over Tobias’ body with a smirk on his face]
[Fade to Black]
About Me

- Yoda
- Let's see, I'm a single, 39 year old 5'2-ish pinoy who worked with kids for the 14 years and I was pretty good at it. I am now working in a totally different area away from kids and it's awesome. Anyways, for fun I listen to music, draw, play video games, watch movies, hang with friends, surf the internet, go skydiving, and write down my thoughts, which I call Yodaisms. I'm pretty much a quiet, laid back dude once you get to know me and that's pretty much it, so have fun reading my thoughts. Take care and peace out!
Friday, October 24, 2008
Friday, October 17, 2008
Chuck Vs. The Unexpected Surprise Part 13
[The episode begins with a recap of what previously happened as Cassidy witnesses her little sister Sarah kick butt leading to her be cautious around her. Sarah responds by revealing to her that she is a spy and has been for quite some time causing Cassidy to be in total disbelief as she hears that both Casey and Chuck are in the spy game as well. Sarah assures her big sis that Casey and Chuck will save the day leading Cassidy to be a bit skeptical when it comes to Chuck, but Sarah assures when the chips are down he puts aside his fear in order to show courage in the face of danger. Cut to Chuck freaking out getting prepared to jump leading Casey to ask whether or not he’s going to risk his life for Sarah or back out because he afraid t jump out of an airplane in the dark. Move forward to the black S.U.V where an indecisive Beckman leads Marcus to say that she is still in love with him leaving an astonished look on Wexler’s face. Cut back to the Wexler sisters as Sarah reveals to Cassidy who is floored when she hears that Bryce and Chuck’s dad are spies leading her to ask about not only Sarah’s past covers, but also the supposed relationship she has with Chuck in which Cassidy reveals she kissed him at her hotel room that doesn’t sit too well with Sarah. She sets the record straight with big sis that even though it is a cover relationship between the two of them they are truly in love. Move forward to the black S.U.V where Beckman shares with Wexler how Marcus was there for her during a tough time in her life leading to an argument between the two, but is broken up by Marcus who informs his former Zeitgeist compadres that they have arrived at Wexler Industries. Cut back to the sound proof roof where Sarah is formulating a plan of escape as it involves having Cassidy undress leading the scene to switch back to the Fairchild C-123 where Travis gives the details on the drop zone’s exact location and then Tobias informing the group its go time in 5 minutes. Cut back to the sound proof room where a nearly nude Cassidy lures Sebastian’s associate Franklin into the room where he is inevitably distracted and then killed. They both make a silent escape but not for very long as Sebastian finds out leading to a exchange in gun fire. Cut to Cassidy and Sarah reaching the platform to where the air train is and are unceremoniously greeted by Beckman, Marcus, and the Wexler’s sisters father who is completely stunned as she hears Beckman call her daughter by a totally different name as Sarah, with guns drawn on either side, is in a standoff. The scene begins with a sound of a helicopter and then of the night sky where it shoots in from the left into camera view. Cut inside where Abe has intense look on his face as he is checking the GPS tracking system and as he does he suddenly hears a voice in his headset]
Voice: [angered tone] Carmichael…what the hell do you think you’re doing?
Abe: Who is this?
[Cut to a shot of C.I.A Director Graham with a very perturbed look on his face as he hovers over his phone in speaker mode leading to a back and forth conversation]
Graham: This is Graham…would you care to explain your actions that resulted in two men hurt and taking a Huey without authorization?
Abe: I’m only borrowing the Huey and I wouldn’t worry about those two young men…[chuckles]…they’re a little worse for wear but they’re going to be just fine.
Graham: I don’t find any of this funny Carmichael…return to the warehouse immediately
Abe: I’m going to have to say no to that Graham.
[Cut to Graham’s face inches away from his phone as he talks into the speaker phone]
Graham: I’m not telling you…I’m ORDERING you!
Abe: I hate to break this to you Graham but I don’t actually work for you…so take your orders and shove it up your ass.
Graham: [shouts into speaker phone] CARMICHAEL!!!!
Abe: Sorry Graham…you seem to be breaking up…I can’t hear you.
[With a smirk on his face Abe flips a switch completely cutting off communication leading the scene to switch from the Huey to the platform of level 36 where Sarah has both guns drawn with Marcus, along with his associate on side, pointing a gun at her and Sebastian along with his associates targeting Sarah with their weapons. As this is happening Beckman and most of all a stunned Sarah’s father is absolutely stunned to see her here leading Beckman to speak up]
Beckman: Agent Walker…I trusted you in protecting Jeremiah Wexler’s daughter?
[Cut to Sarah looking from side to side as she continues to aim both guns in either direction with Cassidy in the middle. As she says that Sarah’s father slowly walks up to her leading him to speak up]
Wexler: [look of disbelief] I can’t believe this.
Sarah: [looks at her father] I can explain.
[Cut to Beckman and Marcus with a look of confusion]
Wexler: Then please explain it to me because right now…[shakes head]…I don’t understand why you’re standing there with guns in your hand.
[Beckman looks at Wexler leading him to chime in]
Beckman: Jeremiah…do you know Agent Walker?
Wexler: [looks at Beckman] No…I don’t know Agent Walker. I do know my daughter…[looks at Sarah]…DeAnna.
[Beckman hears this stunning revelation as she slowly turns her head to look at Sarah leading Marcus to exude an even bigger smirk on his face. The scene ends with a father reunited with his estranged daughter looking at each other in the middle of a standoff. Cue Chuck intro]
[Fade Out]
[The scene begins 11,000 ft in the air with the façade of the Fairchild C-123 and cut inside where Tobias’ men are sitting and waiting for their orders to jump. As the camera pans left to right, Casey is getting into his zone, Travis is checking his night vision goggles, and Chuck is sitting next to him with his leg nervously shaking leading Travis to not only speak up, but also hand him something]
Travis: Put this on.
Chuck: What is it?
Travis: It’s a throat mic with PTT button and listening ear coil…we use it all the time to communicate with each other. You don’t need to shout or yell…you can be heard loud and clear even if you’re whispering.
Chuck: Thanks
Travis: If you need any assistance, just contact me.
[Chuck nods and puts the throat mic on. As he does his nervousness gets the better of him nearly chokes himself leading Casey to just shake his head. Travis quickly comes to his aide loosening it and after a moment or two its fitted perfectly. As that happens the lights go out and a ominous dark red-ish glow fills the interior of the plan leading Chuck to freak out a bit]
Chuck: What’s happening?
[As he says that the shot goes to the back of the plane as the freight bay lowers leading to everybody to stand up including a increasingly freaked out Chuck]
Travis: [smirks] It’s time to rock and roll.
[Tobias, 6 of his men, and Casey fall in line as they jump one by one out of the back of the plane leaving Chuck and Travis the last two behind. Travis looks at Chuck, pats him on the shoulder leading him to run and flip out of the back of the plane leaving a wide eyed Chuck all by himself.After closing his eyes and giving himself a brief pep talk he walks off camera leading the scene to switch from the Fairchild C-123 to level 36 where Wexler revealed to Beckman that Agent Sarah Walker is in fact his daughter DeAnna Wexler. An intrigued Marcus speaks up as he walks towards Wexler]
Marcus: [looks at Wexler] So this is the infamous DeAnna Wexler you’ve being speaking of Jeremiah…the one who you considered to be a poor investment.
[Cut to those words cutting deep into Sarah as she looks at her father then back at Marcus leading her to speak up]
Sarah: Who are you?
Marcus: My apologies…with all that has just happened in these past few moments my intentions were not to be rude. My name is Marcus Stefano…[stands next to Wexler leading him to pat him on the right shouder]…I’m an old friend of your father and the primary reason why we’re all here.
Sarah: You...[points gun in right hand at Marcus leading to all of his associates to react with a bit more aggression]…you are the reason that you had my sister kidnapped and now my father?
I should kill you where you stand right now?
Beckman: [speaks up] Agent Walker…DeAnna…think about the situation your placing not only on yourself, but also placing on both your father and sister
[Cut to Cassidy who nervously looking around at the guns pointed in her direction not knowing what is going to happen leading Wexler to speak up]
Wexler: Cassidy...baby...you okay?
Cassidy: I'm fine dad...don't worry about me.
[Sarah gets a bit perturbed leading her attention to focus on General Beckman]
Sarah: [looks at Beckman] Tell me General…how are you involved in all this?
Beckman: It’s complicated.
[cut to Wexler who hasn’t taken his eyes of his daughter speaks up]
Wexler: DeAnna look at me…[Sarah looks at her father]…talk to me.
Sarah: [looks at her father] I’ve tried talking to you…it’s always ended with us arguing remember?
Wexler: I’m listening now…I’m your father…I care about you.
Sarah: YOU care about me…you stopped caring about me as my father when I made the decision to leave college. Guess what dad…this is the reason why I left college.
Wexler: To get yourself killed!?
Sarah: To prove that I have potential…it’s what you said I lacked!
[Cut to Sebastian getting annoyed leading him to shoot his gun in the air startling everybody and then speaks up]
Sebastian: Enough…[points gun at Sarah]…drop the guns or else.
Sarah: Or else what?
[Sebastian walks over to where Wexler is standing still pointing his gun at Sarah and all of sudden points his gun at Wexler’s temple leading him to look at Sarah]
Sebastian: You watch your dear old dad die before your eyes.
[The eyes of Cassidy, Sarah, and even Beckman widen as they witness Sebastian cold heartedly threatens to take the life of Jeremiah Wexler without any remorse. The scene ends with a shot of the night sky above Wexler industries as a number parachutes are seen deployed leading to a close up shot of Chuck a bit freaked out and yet thankful that his chute deployed]
[Fade Out]
[The scene begins in front of a sound proof room with a large window showing Sarah pacing back and forth. Beckman, Marcus, and Sebastian standing several feet away and then cut to Wexler sitting behind them still mulling over in his head what is going in after not only seeing his daughter after so many years, but finding out that she’ a government agent. Cut back to the three in the middle of conversation when Marcus looks at Sebastian and speaks up]
Marcus: Was that even necessary?
Sebastian: I thought the situation called for order and so I defused it before it got out of hand…sir.
Marcus: I’m not paying you to think…you’re paid to get the job done. Do I make myself clear?
Sebastian: [low growl] Crystal…sir.
Marcus: Excellent…now take Cassidy Wexler over to the computer console that has the info and schematics of Project Eagle Eye so I know there’s at least someone whose smart enough to know what they’re doing.
Sebastian: [biting his tongue] Yes sir.
[Sebastian walks away with a irritated look on his face leading Marcus to look at Beckman who both walk over to Wexler sitting down]
Marcus: [smirks] Sorry about that…good help is hard to find these days.
Beckman: Jeremiah…are you ok?
[Wexler doesn’t say a word leading to look at the two of them, stands up and walks past in between the two of them. And heading towards a sound proof room where Jackson and Dupree are guarding the door. As he walks away Beckman speaks up]
Beckman: Where are you going?
[Cut to a close up shot of Wexler with a blurred Beckman and Marcus in the background walking towards the camera leading him to speak up]
Wexler: [serious tone] I’m going to talk to my daughter.
[Wexler becomes blurred at Beckman and Marcus are seen clearly looking at each other then towards Wexler. As he reaches the door, he’s immediately stopped by Marcus’ associates leading Marcus to speak up]
Marcus: [waves his finger] Let him through.
[Jackson and Dupree step aside leading Jackson so stand in front of the door, pause, and then walks in. The scene switches from level 36 to the top of the west quadrant roof where Tobias, 6 of his men, and Casey have just landed. Travis inevitably joins the crew landing on the roof as well leading him to flip the night vision goggles up, immediately turn to roll up his chute and store the parachute with the others next to the ledge. After a moment or two Casey speaks up
Casey: [looks at Travis] Where’s Chuck?
[Travis looks up and then contacts Chuck using the throat mic]
Travis: Chuck…do you read me?
[After what seems to be a long pause Chuck responds]
Voice of Chuck: Chuck here…over.
Travis: How are you doing buddy?
Voice of Chuck: I want to get down as soon as possible…over.
Travis: [smirks] You’ll be kissing the roof soon enough my friend and dude…you don’t have to say over after talking.
Casey: [looks up] Moron
Voice of Chuck: My bad…over…I mean…where are you guys?
Travis: Flip down your night vision goggles and you should see us.
[Cut to Chuck flipping his night vision goggles and front his point of view he sees the west quadrant roof where everybody is waiting on him. He immediately speaks up]
Chuck: I see you guys!
Travis: All right…now guide yourself I and do you remember how to slow down.
Chuck: Yeah.
Travis: Okay…remember if you slow down to fast or don’t slow down at all you’ll risk hitting the building itself.
Casey: He’s screwed.
Travis: [looks at Casey and then back up] You can do it buddy.
[Chuck guides himself in slowing down every so often. After several tension, hair raising seconds Chuck lands on the roof and after getting some help from Travis taking off his gear he immediately does a celebratory I’m not dead dance leading Casey to speak up]
Casey: What do you want…a stand ovation? Let’s go...[turns and walks off]...idiot.
[Chuck says those same words in a mocking way towards Casey who by this time has turned his back. The scene ends with Travis giving a fist tap to Chuck as he looks up, smiles, and then catches up to Travis to join the others]
[Fade Out]
[The scene begins inside the sound proof room where Sarah is still pacing back and forth when the door opens leading her father to step in. Sarah stops, glares at him, and then turns away to look out the window. Wexler walks up behind her and want to hold his daughter but decides better of it leading him to turn around. After a momentary pause, Sarah speaks up]
Sarah: Was he right?
Wexler: [turns around] Who?
[Sarah turns around looking her father straight in the eyes]
Sarah: Your old friend…do you consider me a poor investment?
Wexler: [holds hands up] I didn’t mean that.
Sarah: [angered tone] What DID you mean then.
[Wexler sighs leading him to pull out a chair, sits down, rubs his face, and then begins to speak up looking down]
Wexler: What I meant was…I spent my time trying to be good father to you and help you make the best decisions possible growing up all-the-while encouraging you to utilize the potential you know you have within you. When you left college your junior year, I felt that everything I invested in teach you was thrown out the window to the point where I just gave up on you. I wanted you to be like your sister…
Sarah: Stop right there…[Wexler looks up]…I’m sick and tired of hearing that. [starts to tear up] Do you know hard it was for me living in the shadow of my big sister who could never do wrong in your eyes? Growing up it was always how Cassidy won this…Cassidy accomplished that…and you did it with a proud look on your face. When it came to me, you were always disappointed even when I did something that I thought would make you proud. Just once, I wanted you to give me a hug and say how proud of me you were.
Wexler: I…I…never knew you felt that way.
[Sarah turns around with tears running down her face]
Sarah: I hated you for so long and not a day went by that I wanted to just tell you how angry I was but I just kept it all in. When the C.IA. recruited me to join I didn’t hesitate one bit to join and ever since then I’ve been trying to prove to myself I’m not a screw up…I’m not a disappoint...I have the potential to be the best.
[Sarah’s father is behind leading her to touch her shoulders causing her to turn around and hold her hands up]
Sarah: [points at him with tears in her eyes] Don’t touch me!
Wexler: I’m sorry.
Sarah: No! [pushes him back] I want to be angry at you…[pushes him back again]…for treating me as if I was one of your employees and not as your daughter!
[Cut to Marcus and Beckman looking at what is transpiring leading the scene to return back to Sarah and her father]
Wexler: I’m sorry.
Sarah: [pushes him again] Stop saying that!
Wexler: Please…forgive me.
Sarah: [pushes him again and slaps him in the face] I will NEVER forgive you!
Wexler: I love y…
[Sarah punches her father in the face knocking him back several feet. She is crying and breathing heavily leading Wexler to look at Sarah who is bleeding from the mouth. Cut to Marcus glancing at Beckman leading him to speak up]
Marcus: Ouch…I guess father doesn’t know best.
[Beckman gives a weird look to Marcus the leading the scene to switch back to Sarah beating the crap out of her father. Wexler wipes the blood from his mouth and then walks towards her daughter leading Sarah to speak up]
Sarah: I hate you! I hate you!
[When her father is directly in front of her Sarah is about to hit him in the face again when Wexler catches the punch in his hand. Sarah tries to hit him with her other fist leading to the same result. She struggles causing her to get angrier to where tears are running down her face even more leading Wexler to pull her in for hug. Sarah speak up]
Sarah: Let me go!
Wexler: Let it go…let it all go.
Sarah: Let me go…I hate you…I…I…
[At that point in struggling to get out Sarah just starts balling in her father’s arms causing Wexler to cry himself. The scene ends with father and daughter dropping to the floor as Sarah lets opens the flood gates letting all her frustrations, anger, etc. out in the form of tears]
[Fade Out]
[The scene begins in the stairwell of the west quadrant building where Tobias is leading 6 of his men, Casey, Travis, and Chuck towards the main floor. After several moments they reach leading Tobias to throw his fist in the air causing 6 of his men, Travis, and Casey to stop and ready their weapons as they are about to enter the hallway. Travis turns to Chuck and speaks up]
Travis: Do you know how to shoot a gun?
Chuck: [nervous tone] Yeah…but not well.
[Cut to Travis taking out his M-11 Sig Sauer 228 from his side leg holster, checks the cartridge, loads it back in, readies it, shows him the safety button, and then hands it to him. Travis turns to check what’s going in front of him and then turns back to Chuck]
Travis: You ready?
Chuck: Not really...but let's go anyway.
[Tobias turns to give everybody a look and then does various hand signals leading everybody to shake their head. Chuck does the same thing even though he has no idea what those signals mean. They all carefully head out the hallway leading the scene to switch back to the sound proof room where Sarah is being comforted by her father. After a moment or two Wexler speaks up]
Wexler: Do you feel better?
Sarah: [wipes tears away as he looks at her father] Yeah…I’m sorry I punched you.
Wexler: Hey…you’re old man deserved it and I must say…[feels his cheek as he laughs a bit]…you almost came close to breaking my jaw.
Sarah: [smiles] Thank several years of C.I.A hand to hand combat training for that…I did have a tendency to hurt people.
Wexler: [smiles] That’s my girl…show them how tough a Wexler is.
Sarah: [looks down and then at her father] Are you mad at me?
Wexler: I’m not mad at you…I’m proud of you for the woman you’ve grown to become. [Sarah smiles] You're living up to your potential and I’m going to give you something that is long overdue.
Sarah: What?
[Wexler gives his daughter a hug that she has always wanted leading Sarah to close her eyes and smile. As he hugs his daughter, he notices the gold locket she’s wearing leading him to speak up as he opens it and reads it]
Wexler: What’s this?
Sarah: A gift.
Wexler: I see…whose heart is yours for all time?
Sarah: Chuck.
Wexler: [father tone] Who is Chuck?
Sarah: [smiles] The man who make me truly happy.
Wexler: What about that Bryce fellow?
Sarah: It didn’t work out with him…being that he was also a spy.
Wexler: [looks at Sarah] Oh really…I’m glad it didn’t work out.
Sarah: Why?
Wexler: I hated him. He just rubbed me the wrong way.
Sarah: [smirks] IF...WHEN...we ever get out this…I want you to meet him.
Wexler: We certainly will sweety…[kisses her on the forehead]…and I certainly want to meet the man that has made my daughter truly happy. Question though…is he a spy too? [Sarah looks at him] Nevermind…I find out later.
[Sarah and her father continue to hug, but the special moment is interrupted when the door opens leading Marcus to step in leading him to speak up]
Marcus: [points at Wexler and Sarah] The two of you…come with me.
[Wexler nod at his daughter and then helps her up to her feet leading both of them to follow Marcus. The scene ends with a triple screen shot as Sarah and her father are being led at gun point, Tobias and company heading towards the elevator, and Abe in the Huey flying as fast as he can to possibly help save the day]
[Fade To Black]
Voice: [angered tone] Carmichael…what the hell do you think you’re doing?
Abe: Who is this?
[Cut to a shot of C.I.A Director Graham with a very perturbed look on his face as he hovers over his phone in speaker mode leading to a back and forth conversation]
Graham: This is Graham…would you care to explain your actions that resulted in two men hurt and taking a Huey without authorization?
Abe: I’m only borrowing the Huey and I wouldn’t worry about those two young men…[chuckles]…they’re a little worse for wear but they’re going to be just fine.
Graham: I don’t find any of this funny Carmichael…return to the warehouse immediately
Abe: I’m going to have to say no to that Graham.
[Cut to Graham’s face inches away from his phone as he talks into the speaker phone]
Graham: I’m not telling you…I’m ORDERING you!
Abe: I hate to break this to you Graham but I don’t actually work for you…so take your orders and shove it up your ass.
Graham: [shouts into speaker phone] CARMICHAEL!!!!
Abe: Sorry Graham…you seem to be breaking up…I can’t hear you.
[With a smirk on his face Abe flips a switch completely cutting off communication leading the scene to switch from the Huey to the platform of level 36 where Sarah has both guns drawn with Marcus, along with his associate on side, pointing a gun at her and Sebastian along with his associates targeting Sarah with their weapons. As this is happening Beckman and most of all a stunned Sarah’s father is absolutely stunned to see her here leading Beckman to speak up]
Beckman: Agent Walker…I trusted you in protecting Jeremiah Wexler’s daughter?
[Cut to Sarah looking from side to side as she continues to aim both guns in either direction with Cassidy in the middle. As she says that Sarah’s father slowly walks up to her leading him to speak up]
Wexler: [look of disbelief] I can’t believe this.
Sarah: [looks at her father] I can explain.
[Cut to Beckman and Marcus with a look of confusion]
Wexler: Then please explain it to me because right now…[shakes head]…I don’t understand why you’re standing there with guns in your hand.
[Beckman looks at Wexler leading him to chime in]
Beckman: Jeremiah…do you know Agent Walker?
Wexler: [looks at Beckman] No…I don’t know Agent Walker. I do know my daughter…[looks at Sarah]…DeAnna.
[Beckman hears this stunning revelation as she slowly turns her head to look at Sarah leading Marcus to exude an even bigger smirk on his face. The scene ends with a father reunited with his estranged daughter looking at each other in the middle of a standoff. Cue Chuck intro]
[Fade Out]
[The scene begins 11,000 ft in the air with the façade of the Fairchild C-123 and cut inside where Tobias’ men are sitting and waiting for their orders to jump. As the camera pans left to right, Casey is getting into his zone, Travis is checking his night vision goggles, and Chuck is sitting next to him with his leg nervously shaking leading Travis to not only speak up, but also hand him something]
Travis: Put this on.
Chuck: What is it?
Travis: It’s a throat mic with PTT button and listening ear coil…we use it all the time to communicate with each other. You don’t need to shout or yell…you can be heard loud and clear even if you’re whispering.
Chuck: Thanks
Travis: If you need any assistance, just contact me.
[Chuck nods and puts the throat mic on. As he does his nervousness gets the better of him nearly chokes himself leading Casey to just shake his head. Travis quickly comes to his aide loosening it and after a moment or two its fitted perfectly. As that happens the lights go out and a ominous dark red-ish glow fills the interior of the plan leading Chuck to freak out a bit]
Chuck: What’s happening?
[As he says that the shot goes to the back of the plane as the freight bay lowers leading to everybody to stand up including a increasingly freaked out Chuck]
Travis: [smirks] It’s time to rock and roll.
[Tobias, 6 of his men, and Casey fall in line as they jump one by one out of the back of the plane leaving Chuck and Travis the last two behind. Travis looks at Chuck, pats him on the shoulder leading him to run and flip out of the back of the plane leaving a wide eyed Chuck all by himself.After closing his eyes and giving himself a brief pep talk he walks off camera leading the scene to switch from the Fairchild C-123 to level 36 where Wexler revealed to Beckman that Agent Sarah Walker is in fact his daughter DeAnna Wexler. An intrigued Marcus speaks up as he walks towards Wexler]
Marcus: [looks at Wexler] So this is the infamous DeAnna Wexler you’ve being speaking of Jeremiah…the one who you considered to be a poor investment.
[Cut to those words cutting deep into Sarah as she looks at her father then back at Marcus leading her to speak up]
Sarah: Who are you?
Marcus: My apologies…with all that has just happened in these past few moments my intentions were not to be rude. My name is Marcus Stefano…[stands next to Wexler leading him to pat him on the right shouder]…I’m an old friend of your father and the primary reason why we’re all here.
Sarah: You...[points gun in right hand at Marcus leading to all of his associates to react with a bit more aggression]…you are the reason that you had my sister kidnapped and now my father?
I should kill you where you stand right now?
Beckman: [speaks up] Agent Walker…DeAnna…think about the situation your placing not only on yourself, but also placing on both your father and sister
[Cut to Cassidy who nervously looking around at the guns pointed in her direction not knowing what is going to happen leading Wexler to speak up]
Wexler: Cassidy...baby...you okay?
Cassidy: I'm fine dad...don't worry about me.
[Sarah gets a bit perturbed leading her attention to focus on General Beckman]
Sarah: [looks at Beckman] Tell me General…how are you involved in all this?
Beckman: It’s complicated.
[cut to Wexler who hasn’t taken his eyes of his daughter speaks up]
Wexler: DeAnna look at me…[Sarah looks at her father]…talk to me.
Sarah: [looks at her father] I’ve tried talking to you…it’s always ended with us arguing remember?
Wexler: I’m listening now…I’m your father…I care about you.
Sarah: YOU care about me…you stopped caring about me as my father when I made the decision to leave college. Guess what dad…this is the reason why I left college.
Wexler: To get yourself killed!?
Sarah: To prove that I have potential…it’s what you said I lacked!
[Cut to Sebastian getting annoyed leading him to shoot his gun in the air startling everybody and then speaks up]
Sebastian: Enough…[points gun at Sarah]…drop the guns or else.
Sarah: Or else what?
[Sebastian walks over to where Wexler is standing still pointing his gun at Sarah and all of sudden points his gun at Wexler’s temple leading him to look at Sarah]
Sebastian: You watch your dear old dad die before your eyes.
[The eyes of Cassidy, Sarah, and even Beckman widen as they witness Sebastian cold heartedly threatens to take the life of Jeremiah Wexler without any remorse. The scene ends with a shot of the night sky above Wexler industries as a number parachutes are seen deployed leading to a close up shot of Chuck a bit freaked out and yet thankful that his chute deployed]
[Fade Out]
[The scene begins in front of a sound proof room with a large window showing Sarah pacing back and forth. Beckman, Marcus, and Sebastian standing several feet away and then cut to Wexler sitting behind them still mulling over in his head what is going in after not only seeing his daughter after so many years, but finding out that she’ a government agent. Cut back to the three in the middle of conversation when Marcus looks at Sebastian and speaks up]
Marcus: Was that even necessary?
Sebastian: I thought the situation called for order and so I defused it before it got out of hand…sir.
Marcus: I’m not paying you to think…you’re paid to get the job done. Do I make myself clear?
Sebastian: [low growl] Crystal…sir.
Marcus: Excellent…now take Cassidy Wexler over to the computer console that has the info and schematics of Project Eagle Eye so I know there’s at least someone whose smart enough to know what they’re doing.
Sebastian: [biting his tongue] Yes sir.
[Sebastian walks away with a irritated look on his face leading Marcus to look at Beckman who both walk over to Wexler sitting down]
Marcus: [smirks] Sorry about that…good help is hard to find these days.
Beckman: Jeremiah…are you ok?
[Wexler doesn’t say a word leading to look at the two of them, stands up and walks past in between the two of them. And heading towards a sound proof room where Jackson and Dupree are guarding the door. As he walks away Beckman speaks up]
Beckman: Where are you going?
[Cut to a close up shot of Wexler with a blurred Beckman and Marcus in the background walking towards the camera leading him to speak up]
Wexler: [serious tone] I’m going to talk to my daughter.
[Wexler becomes blurred at Beckman and Marcus are seen clearly looking at each other then towards Wexler. As he reaches the door, he’s immediately stopped by Marcus’ associates leading Marcus to speak up]
Marcus: [waves his finger] Let him through.
[Jackson and Dupree step aside leading Jackson so stand in front of the door, pause, and then walks in. The scene switches from level 36 to the top of the west quadrant roof where Tobias, 6 of his men, and Casey have just landed. Travis inevitably joins the crew landing on the roof as well leading him to flip the night vision goggles up, immediately turn to roll up his chute and store the parachute with the others next to the ledge. After a moment or two Casey speaks up
Casey: [looks at Travis] Where’s Chuck?
[Travis looks up and then contacts Chuck using the throat mic]
Travis: Chuck…do you read me?
[After what seems to be a long pause Chuck responds]
Voice of Chuck: Chuck here…over.
Travis: How are you doing buddy?
Voice of Chuck: I want to get down as soon as possible…over.
Travis: [smirks] You’ll be kissing the roof soon enough my friend and dude…you don’t have to say over after talking.
Casey: [looks up] Moron
Voice of Chuck: My bad…over…I mean…where are you guys?
Travis: Flip down your night vision goggles and you should see us.
[Cut to Chuck flipping his night vision goggles and front his point of view he sees the west quadrant roof where everybody is waiting on him. He immediately speaks up]
Chuck: I see you guys!
Travis: All right…now guide yourself I and do you remember how to slow down.
Chuck: Yeah.
Travis: Okay…remember if you slow down to fast or don’t slow down at all you’ll risk hitting the building itself.
Casey: He’s screwed.
Travis: [looks at Casey and then back up] You can do it buddy.
[Chuck guides himself in slowing down every so often. After several tension, hair raising seconds Chuck lands on the roof and after getting some help from Travis taking off his gear he immediately does a celebratory I’m not dead dance leading Casey to speak up]
Casey: What do you want…a stand ovation? Let’s go...[turns and walks off]...idiot.
[Chuck says those same words in a mocking way towards Casey who by this time has turned his back. The scene ends with Travis giving a fist tap to Chuck as he looks up, smiles, and then catches up to Travis to join the others]
[Fade Out]
[The scene begins inside the sound proof room where Sarah is still pacing back and forth when the door opens leading her father to step in. Sarah stops, glares at him, and then turns away to look out the window. Wexler walks up behind her and want to hold his daughter but decides better of it leading him to turn around. After a momentary pause, Sarah speaks up]
Sarah: Was he right?
Wexler: [turns around] Who?
[Sarah turns around looking her father straight in the eyes]
Sarah: Your old friend…do you consider me a poor investment?
Wexler: [holds hands up] I didn’t mean that.
Sarah: [angered tone] What DID you mean then.
[Wexler sighs leading him to pull out a chair, sits down, rubs his face, and then begins to speak up looking down]
Wexler: What I meant was…I spent my time trying to be good father to you and help you make the best decisions possible growing up all-the-while encouraging you to utilize the potential you know you have within you. When you left college your junior year, I felt that everything I invested in teach you was thrown out the window to the point where I just gave up on you. I wanted you to be like your sister…
Sarah: Stop right there…[Wexler looks up]…I’m sick and tired of hearing that. [starts to tear up] Do you know hard it was for me living in the shadow of my big sister who could never do wrong in your eyes? Growing up it was always how Cassidy won this…Cassidy accomplished that…and you did it with a proud look on your face. When it came to me, you were always disappointed even when I did something that I thought would make you proud. Just once, I wanted you to give me a hug and say how proud of me you were.
Wexler: I…I…never knew you felt that way.
[Sarah turns around with tears running down her face]
Sarah: I hated you for so long and not a day went by that I wanted to just tell you how angry I was but I just kept it all in. When the C.IA. recruited me to join I didn’t hesitate one bit to join and ever since then I’ve been trying to prove to myself I’m not a screw up…I’m not a disappoint...I have the potential to be the best.
[Sarah’s father is behind leading her to touch her shoulders causing her to turn around and hold her hands up]
Sarah: [points at him with tears in her eyes] Don’t touch me!
Wexler: I’m sorry.
Sarah: No! [pushes him back] I want to be angry at you…[pushes him back again]…for treating me as if I was one of your employees and not as your daughter!
[Cut to Marcus and Beckman looking at what is transpiring leading the scene to return back to Sarah and her father]
Wexler: I’m sorry.
Sarah: [pushes him again] Stop saying that!
Wexler: Please…forgive me.
Sarah: [pushes him again and slaps him in the face] I will NEVER forgive you!
Wexler: I love y…
[Sarah punches her father in the face knocking him back several feet. She is crying and breathing heavily leading Wexler to look at Sarah who is bleeding from the mouth. Cut to Marcus glancing at Beckman leading him to speak up]
Marcus: Ouch…I guess father doesn’t know best.
[Beckman gives a weird look to Marcus the leading the scene to switch back to Sarah beating the crap out of her father. Wexler wipes the blood from his mouth and then walks towards her daughter leading Sarah to speak up]
Sarah: I hate you! I hate you!
[When her father is directly in front of her Sarah is about to hit him in the face again when Wexler catches the punch in his hand. Sarah tries to hit him with her other fist leading to the same result. She struggles causing her to get angrier to where tears are running down her face even more leading Wexler to pull her in for hug. Sarah speak up]
Sarah: Let me go!
Wexler: Let it go…let it all go.
Sarah: Let me go…I hate you…I…I…
[At that point in struggling to get out Sarah just starts balling in her father’s arms causing Wexler to cry himself. The scene ends with father and daughter dropping to the floor as Sarah lets opens the flood gates letting all her frustrations, anger, etc. out in the form of tears]
[Fade Out]
[The scene begins in the stairwell of the west quadrant building where Tobias is leading 6 of his men, Casey, Travis, and Chuck towards the main floor. After several moments they reach leading Tobias to throw his fist in the air causing 6 of his men, Travis, and Casey to stop and ready their weapons as they are about to enter the hallway. Travis turns to Chuck and speaks up]
Travis: Do you know how to shoot a gun?
Chuck: [nervous tone] Yeah…but not well.
[Cut to Travis taking out his M-11 Sig Sauer 228 from his side leg holster, checks the cartridge, loads it back in, readies it, shows him the safety button, and then hands it to him. Travis turns to check what’s going in front of him and then turns back to Chuck]
Travis: You ready?
Chuck: Not really...but let's go anyway.
[Tobias turns to give everybody a look and then does various hand signals leading everybody to shake their head. Chuck does the same thing even though he has no idea what those signals mean. They all carefully head out the hallway leading the scene to switch back to the sound proof room where Sarah is being comforted by her father. After a moment or two Wexler speaks up]
Wexler: Do you feel better?
Sarah: [wipes tears away as he looks at her father] Yeah…I’m sorry I punched you.
Wexler: Hey…you’re old man deserved it and I must say…[feels his cheek as he laughs a bit]…you almost came close to breaking my jaw.
Sarah: [smiles] Thank several years of C.I.A hand to hand combat training for that…I did have a tendency to hurt people.
Wexler: [smiles] That’s my girl…show them how tough a Wexler is.
Sarah: [looks down and then at her father] Are you mad at me?
Wexler: I’m not mad at you…I’m proud of you for the woman you’ve grown to become. [Sarah smiles] You're living up to your potential and I’m going to give you something that is long overdue.
Sarah: What?
[Wexler gives his daughter a hug that she has always wanted leading Sarah to close her eyes and smile. As he hugs his daughter, he notices the gold locket she’s wearing leading him to speak up as he opens it and reads it]
Wexler: What’s this?
Sarah: A gift.
Wexler: I see…whose heart is yours for all time?
Sarah: Chuck.
Wexler: [father tone] Who is Chuck?
Sarah: [smiles] The man who make me truly happy.
Wexler: What about that Bryce fellow?
Sarah: It didn’t work out with him…being that he was also a spy.
Wexler: [looks at Sarah] Oh really…I’m glad it didn’t work out.
Sarah: Why?
Wexler: I hated him. He just rubbed me the wrong way.
Sarah: [smirks] IF...WHEN...we ever get out this…I want you to meet him.
Wexler: We certainly will sweety…[kisses her on the forehead]…and I certainly want to meet the man that has made my daughter truly happy. Question though…is he a spy too? [Sarah looks at him] Nevermind…I find out later.
[Sarah and her father continue to hug, but the special moment is interrupted when the door opens leading Marcus to step in leading him to speak up]
Marcus: [points at Wexler and Sarah] The two of you…come with me.
[Wexler nod at his daughter and then helps her up to her feet leading both of them to follow Marcus. The scene ends with a triple screen shot as Sarah and her father are being led at gun point, Tobias and company heading towards the elevator, and Abe in the Huey flying as fast as he can to possibly help save the day]
[Fade To Black]
Saturday, October 11, 2008
Chuck vs. The Unexpected Surprise Part 12
[The episode begins with a recap of what previously happened as Wexler and Marcus have a conversation regarding not only keeping Marcus’ legacy alive, but also that he’s afraid to fade into obscurity, which he denies. Cut to Sebastian, Sarah, Cassidy, and company standing in front of the level 36 elevator where Sarah immediately tells her old sister to not go through with it causing Sebastian to have one of his associates to hold a gun at her side. Cassidy puts her hand on the voice and hand print recognition giver both her name, as well as, access code leading the elevators doors to open. Switch back to the conversation between Wexler and Marcus growing ever so intense as Beckman possibly agrees with Wexler of Marcus being afraid to fade into obscurity. Move forward to Sebastian and company getting off the elevator into a long white hallway inevitably standing in front of a door where a eye recognition device to level 36. When they all walk through a look of disappointment comes over Sebastian’s face instead of joy because all he sees is an air train in front of him. Cassidy assures him that what he wants is beyond the tunnel leading everybody to board it to their intended destination. Cut to inside the air train where Sarah and Sebastian have a conversation where she tells him that if he hurts her old sister he’s going to pay. Cut to the gang arriving at the location where Sebastian is amazed at the set up leading Cassidy to inform them about the rooms/labs being sound proof because of the loud noise coming from the top secret weapons/vehicles being tested. Sarah makes one last plea for Cassidy to make the right decision leading Cassidy to throw making the right decision back in her face causing Sarah to slap Cassidy in the face. Move forward to where Sebastian finally stands in front of Project Eagle Eye and then tells his 2 associates to take the sisters away leading Cassidy to feel betrayed as they’re hauled off to be put into one of the sound proof rooms. Cut to Wexler coming to the realization that Beckman and Marcus were in a relationship leading him to ask how long was the affair. The conversation turns from their past relationship back to Marcus’ legacy to where it becomes extremely intense as it nearly leads to a physical altercation between the two men. Switch to one of the sound proof rooms where Cassidy and Sarah have a heart to heart leading Sarah to find out that she wasn’t as perfect as she pictured. After a moment or two the associate known as Wilcox enters with a fantasy filled proposition for the two sisters that causes Sarah’s spy instincts to immediately kick in. She rolls with it as the seductive spy hits on Wilcox much to the surprise of Cassidy who thinks her younger sister has lost her mind leading her to try to stop her. Cut to Wilcox slapping Cassidy in the face inevitably knocking her down leading Sarah to continue seducing him and instead of getting a happy ending he instead get the crap beat out of him. Cassidy stands in between a seemingly lifeless Wilcox and her younger sister who is in totally disbelief. Suddenly Sarah tells her to get down leading her to throw one of her concealed knives with pin point accuracy right between the eyes of Wilcox who falls dead to the floor. Cassidy looks back and then looks at her younger sister who has an intense look on her face. The scene begins with Sarah kneeling over Wilcox’s body disconnecting his communication device and checking for anything helpful. During this a still stunned Cassidy is in the background trying to make light of what just happened leading her to finally speaks up]
Cassidy: D…what…how…who…
Sarah: [turns around in a kneeled position] You want to know what the hell just happened. [Cassidy nods] And how I killed him without remorse knowing full well I told you, dad, and mom know me as a nonviolent person. [Cassidy nods again] And you want to know who I am and if I’m really your sister?
Cassidy: [hesitantly speaks up] Are you?
Sarah: What do you think?
Cassidy: You look like her, sound like her, and have the same bratty attitude as her…[pauses to look at Sarah holding Wilcox’s gun causing her to put both hands up chest level]…I mean that will all due respect. [Sarah looks at the gun and then walk over to her big sister who backs up a bit not knowing if she’s going to endure the same fate as her male capture] Please don’t kill me?
[Sarah doesn’t say a word as she guides her big sister by the arm to a chair and then grabs another chair placing it in front of her. After a brief moment Sarah speak to her]
Sarah: I’m not going to kill.
Cassidy: You’re going to be me up for what I did to you growing up aren’t you?
Sarah: Cass…shut up and listen to me. [Cassidy stops talking leading Sarah to lean in] I’m a spy.
Cassidy: You’re a WHAT!?
Sarah: I’m a spy…for the C.I.A.
[Cassidy is taking in the information the best she can and after a moment or two she speaks up]
Cassidy: C.I.A…[cut to Sarah nodding]…since when?
Sarah: I was recruited by them my junior year in college into a program known as Project Omaha. There I was trained to be a government agent where I was taught things such as infiltration, hand to hand combat, the art of seduction as you plainly saw, and…
Cassidy: [looks at a lifeless Wilcox] Killing people.
Sarah: Yeah.
Cassidy: How many people have you killed?
Sarah: Do you really want to know?
Cassidy: [shakes head, stands up and walks around] This is crazy…my little sister…a spy.
Sarah: I know this is a lot to take in but…
Cassidy: [interrupts Sarah] Wait…hold on…is Chuck a spy too?
Sarah: [stands up] No…he’s an analyst that I have orders to protect. He who works with us on important missions.
Cassidy: [curious tone] Us…whose us?
Sarah: John Casey…the guy you were flirting with outside Chuck’s apartment during our argument. He works for the N.S.A.
Cassidy: [goes to sit down] I need a drink.
[Sarah puts hand on Cassidy’s shoulder as she is holding her gold locket]
Sarah: Looks sis..if I know Chuck and Casey they’re on they’re way to save us right now.
Cassidy: [looks at Sarah] I can see Casey saving us…but Chuck…I just can’t quite see him as the hero type.
Sarah: Trust me…Chuck IS the hero type…what you see in lack of appearance he makes up for in absolute bravery.
[As she says that the scene switches from the sound proof room to Fairchild C-123 and cut inside where Chuck speaks up]
Chuck: I’m scared.
Casey: [smirks] Suck it up Bartowski.
Travis: What’s to be scared of…have you ever parachuted out of an airplane before?
Chuck: Once...for fun…if you called it fun.
Travis: How did it work out for you?
Casey: [smirks] He screamed like a girl the whole way down.
[Chuck looks at Casey and then to Travis]
Chuck: Look…for one thing I’m not fixing to be Keanu Reeves in the movie Point Break and secondly it’s dark outside.
Casey: It gives us the element of surprise Chuck.
Chuck: [freaked out tone as he looks at Casey] Element of surprise? What if I surprisingly hit the ground?
Travis: [puts hand on Chuck’s shoulder] Relax buddy…remember the movie Drop Zone with Wesley Snipes? He did a night jump on to a building like we’re going to do in order to stop the bad guy played by Gary Busey who, by the way, was also in the movie Point Break with Keanu Reeves. He in turn was in Feeling Minnesota with Cameron Diaz who was in There’s Something About Mary with Matt Dillon who was in Wild Things with Kevin Bacon. Boo-yah…six degrees of Kevin Bacon! [puts hand up for a high five] Up high.
[Casey just looks at Travis and then look at Chuck]
Casey: Look Bartowski…plain and simple your girlfriend is in trouble. Are you going to stand by your word and risk your life to save hers or are you going to let her die because you’re too scared of jumping out of an airplane in the dark?
[Casey and Travis are waiting for a response as they look at Chuck. The scene ends with a freaked out look on his face and yet there is an intensity in his eyes that reads he’s willing to set aside his fear to save the woman he loves. Cue Chuck Intro]
[Fade Out]
[The scene begins in the black S.U.V where Marcus asked whether or not there was still anything between Beckman and him. When the question is asked Wexler immediately speaks up]
Wexler: You have the audacity to ask that question after what you did.
Marcus: [holds hand up at Wexler] Please…don’t be rude. Let her have a chance to answer my question.
Wexler: [looks at Beckman] Edna?
[Cut to a conflicted look on her face as she is trying to search for the words she wants to say. After a second or two she speaks up]
Beckman: You’re making it hard for me to give you an answer Marcus.
[Cut to Marcus exuding a sly smirk on his face. After a moment or two he receives a text message leading him to read it and as he does Wexler speak up again]
Wexler: The answer should be an emphatic no Edna…there is no hope between the two of you because he…[points finger at Marcus]…threatened the life of your son.
Beckman: I know.
Wexler: What’s wrong then?
Beckman: I...I..don’t know.
Marcus: I do…[Wexler and Beckman look at Marcus who looks straight at Beckman]…you’re still in love with me.
[Marcus’ sly smirk turns into a smile as Wexler immediately looks with confused disbelief at Beckman. The scene switches from the black S.U.V back to the sound proof room where Sarah continues to reveal to her older sister about her spy life]
Cassidy: Is anybody else a spy that I should know about besides you?
Sarah: Well there was Bryce…
Cassidy: Hold on…the guy who you, in your own words, spent a steamy time in Cabo with and brought home to meet the family was a spy.
Sarah: That’s him and for the record he was a mistake.
Cassidy: A hot mistake if you ask me. Where is he right now and can I possibly have his phone number?
Sarah: No…you can’t.
Cassidy: Why not?
Sarah: He’s gone deep cover and tracking a dangerous group known as Fulcrum. For his own safety, as well as, those closest to him can’t have direct contact or face being tortured or worse…death.
Cassidy: Gotcha…anybody else I should know about?
Sarah: There’s Chuck’s dad Abe Bartowski…real name Steven Carmichael.
Cassidy: You mean the guy I threatened to take his head for losing my palm pilot is a trained killer?
Sarah: You threatened him?
Cassidy: I had every right to…he was providing irresponsible service by losing my personal property.
Sarah: [smirks] Same ole’ Cass…if you want things done do it through intimidation.
Cassidy: Do you have a cover spy name like in the movies?
Sarah: I had plenty of them over the years…the one I’m using now is Sarah Walker. If anyone knew my real name it would have placed you, dad, and mom in danger,
[Sarah gets up to check Wilcox for any other items she might have missed. As she has her back to Cassidy she speaks up]
Cassidy: Soooo…
Sarah: Yes?
Cassidy: This means the relationship between the you and Chuck…moving in together…is what you would say in the spy business a cover right?
Sarah: Yeah…you could say that.
Cassidy: [laughs] Thank goodness…I’m so relieved that you said that.
Sarah: [chuckles] Why?
Cassidy: I don’t feel guilty for kissing Chuck at my hotel room then.
[Sarah immediately stops searching Wilcox for items as she hears that Cassidy kissed Chuck at her hotel room. The scene ends with Sarah turning around and glaring at her as Cassidy sits there continuing to have a hearty chuckle in her chair]
[Fade Out]
[The scene begins back in the sound proof room where Sarah has just heard that Cassidy kissed Chuck the night he took her back to her hotel room. She gives a glaring look at her and as she does that she speaks up]
Sarah: You did what!?
Cassidy: I kissed him at my hotel room right before…[looks at Sarah]…why are you looking at me like that?
[Sarah stands up and starts walking slowly towards Cassidy]
Sarah: Why did you kiss him?
Cassidy: The way he smiled at me that night…I guess I got the wrong message from him. Besides he said he was “in love” with you. Relax…why are you getting so agitated all of a sudden…you said it yourself you two are in cover relationship remember so chill.
Sarah: [angered tone] Don’t tell me to chill!
[Sarah gets that killer look in her eye causing Cassidy to stand up. And slowly starts backing up]
Cassidy: What is wrong with you…its not like you two are really in love.
Sarah: We ARE in love! He even asked me to marry him.
Cassidy: Really!? What did you say?
Sarah: That doesn’t matter right now. Look sis…the cover relationship and moving into together are for the benefit of my superiors. If they knew about my relationship with Chuck is in fact real they would reassign me without hesitation and we both don’t want that to happen.
[By this time Cassidy is against the wall looking at her all-the-while looking at the gun in Sarah’s hand. Sarah stands inches away from her and after a brief moment of tension filled silence on Cassidy’s end she speaks up]
Cassidy: Are you going to shoot me?
Sarah: I’m thinking about it.
[As Sarah says that a knock is heard at the door leading them to hear causing both to look. The scene switches from the sound proof room back to the black S.U.V where Marcus is looking for a response to the answer he gave as to whether or not Beckman is still in love with him leading Wexler to speak up]
Wexler: [looks at Beckman] Well…are you?
Beckman: It’s complicated.
Wexler: How complicated can it be…it’s a simple yes or no answer.
Beckman: Its just not as simple as giving you a yes or no.
Wexler: What the hell does that supposed to mean?
Beckman: It’s hard to explain.
Wexler: The explain it to me because I’m really having a hard time understanding. What power does he have over you that inhibits you from see what he has done to you, me, your son, and what he says he’s going to do to the Zeigeist.
[Beckman looks at Wexler and then at Marcus]
Beckman: Marcus was there for me when my marriage fell apart and I was left raising David alone. Whenever I needed someone to talk to or at least a shoulder to cry on when there were situations that got a bit overwhelming he was there for me as he provided my son with a father figure to look up to.
[Cut to Marcus smiling at Beckman and then turns around to get a bit more comfortable in his seat]
Wexler: I understand that and you should be grateful to him for being there for both you and your son…but that doesn’t give him the right to use that against you. He’s basically using what you two had to his advantage and if he sound apologetic about it…[looks at Marcus]…he isn’t.
Beckman: [conflicted look] You don’t know him the way I do.
Wexler: 20 years of being exiled from The Zeigeist can change a man Edna. He’s desperate and desperate man are very dangerous. Keep in mind he not only wants you back, but also his legacy as well and will do whatever it takes to do so. Damn whatever the consequences we all suffer afterwards.
Marcs: [speaks up] Enough…[turns to look at Beckman and Wexler]…we’re here.
[Beckman and Wexler both look to see the façade of Wexler industries in the distance. The scene ends with Wexler giving a disappointed look towards Beckman as then a glaring look towards Marcus as it cuts out to the black S.U.V itself where the camera gradually pulld back showing it head towards Wexler industries]
[Fade Out]
[The scene begins outside the sound proof room where Franklin is seen knocking on the door as looks around. He has a look of both concern and curiosity seen by the smile on his face as he tries to find out what’s going on inside leading him to speak up]
Franklin: Wilcox…how’s it going in there?
[Cut inside the room where Sarah is formulating some kind of plan to get out of the room and as she is doing this Cassidy is freaking out all-the-while biting her nails]
Cassidy: Do you have a plan…please tell me you have a plan.
Sarah: Shut up and let me think.
Cassidy: Think quickly.
Sarah: Here’s an idea…why don’t I just let that guy in here and have is way with you.
Cassidy: I’ll shut up now.
Sarah: You do that. Just be glad that I didn’t shoot you for kissing Chuck. If we get out of this he and I are going to have a little talk.
Cassidy: You really love him don’t you?
Sarah: Yes I am.
Cassidy: You seem a lot happier and if you’re happy I’m happy.
Sarah: You’re not just saying that because I’m holding a gun and you’re afraid that I’m going to shoot for all the crap you put me through are you?
Cassidy: No…[Sarah raises her right eyebrow]…okay yes.
[As she says that another knock is heard at the door leading Sarah to hash out an impromptu idea]
Sarah: All right…I have an idea.
Cassidy: What is it?
Sarah: First we pick him up and set him on the chair.
Cassidy: That’s easier said than done…look at him…he’s huge.
Sarah: Trust me Cass…I’ve done this before.
Cassidy: Okay…after that?
Sarah: You get undressed.
[Cassidy’s eyes widen as she hears the outrageous next step of the plan that her little sister wants her to do. The scene switches from the sound proof room to the Fairchild C-123 where Tobias walks into camera view speaking to everybody on the mic]
Tobias: All right…ETA is 10 minutes people. Get your parachutes…put your night vision goggles on…weapons at the ready. Once we reach the drop zone…it’s a go.
[Tobias heads back up into the cockpit leading Chuck to speak up]
Chuck: [looks at Travis] Were exactly is the drop zone?
Travis: Its on the roof of Wexler Industries located in the west quadrent.
Casey: How large is the target area we’re dropping into?
Travis: 500 by 750 square ft.
Casey: That doesn’t leave us much room then.
Chuck: Hold on…how are we supposed to get in? From the information I googled about Wexler Industries is equipped with an advanced security system.
Travis: Who do you think helped installed the security system?
Casey: Zeitgeist.
Travis: Exactamundo. They have their own security code and password override just in case something like this ever happens.
Casey: Does Wexler know about that?
Travis: Not everything is shared between members of the Zeitgeist.
Casey: So no then.
[As Casey says Tobias’ voice is heard on the loud speaker leading Travis, Chuck, Casey, and the rest of the guys to look at him]
Tobias: 5 minutes…lock and load people.
[Travis turns around, takes a parachute off the shelf, turns back around and holds it in front of Chuck who looks at it. The scene ends with a shot of the front gate as Sebastian’s men let in Marcus, Beckman, and Wexler]
[Fade Out]
[The scene begins at the door of the sound proof room where Franklin was at one point knocking on and is now standing there several feet away. After a few moments the door slightly opens leading a barely dressed Cassidy to peek trough causing a smirk to come to Franklin’s face. Cassidy speaks up]
Cassidy: Do you want to come in and join the party?
[Cassidy gives that seductive come hither to me look all-the-while motioning with her finger to come in. She pulls him in trying to keep all of his focus on her and when he is in the room he eyes Wilcox sitting in the chair with Sarah on top of him in a very provocative position half dressed. Franklin’s smile grows bigger as he sees Sarah stand up along side Cassidy leading Franklin to put his hand on his shoulder and the speaks up]
Franklin: Way to go buddy…now you can cross that off your bucket list.
[When he looks down he sees Wilcox dead and before he can act Sarah pounces with a brutal front kick to the face causing Franklin to stumble back. She continues to the assault with a barrage of punches, a spin kick to the gut, a knee to the head that causes him to fall to the floor, inevitably leading to his demise with his neck being broken in all one fell swoop. Cassidy, who is dressing up, witnesses the can of whoopass her little sister just unleashed speaks up]
Cassidy: That’s what I call potential. [Sarah looks at her sister who is smiling at her] Dad would be proud.
Sarah: [smiles] Thanks…are you ready?
Cassidy: Yeah.
[Sarah opens the door slightly and in spy fashion checks to see if its all clear to moved ahead. When she doesn’t see any potential danger she looks at Cassidy]
Sarah: Let’s go…stay close behind me.
[Cassidy nods leading Sarah to open the door. They both slip out quietly heading towards the stairs that lead to the air train several yards away. Cut to Sebastian and company looking at the schematics of Project Eagle on the computer showing signs of confusion. Sebastian then speaks to Jackson]
Sebastian: Jackson…radio Wilcox and bring Ms. Wexler here.
Jackson: Yes sir…[radios Wilcox]…Wilcox this is Jackson do you read? [silence] Wilcox this is Jackson do you read? [There is silence again leading Sebastian to speak up]
Sebastian: What is the problem?
Jackson: Wilcox isn’t responding.
Sebastian: What about Franklin?
[Jackson radios Franklin and gets the same response]
Jackson: No response from him either.
Sebastian: [looks at his remaining associates] Dupree…go with Jackson and find out why those two idiots aren’t responding.
Dupree: Yes sir.
[Dupree and Jackson hurry off to Franklin and Wilcox’s location. After a moment or two they are the room finding two dead bodies leading Jackson to step out of the room and informs Sebastian of the situation leading him to get pissed off. Cut to Sarah leading Cassidy to safety a their crouched down to hide from view when Cassidy accidently knocks over some tools leading to fall to the ground in front of Cassidy causing her to stand quickly up. At that exact point Jackson hears the noise and looks around to see Cassidy stand up several yards away leading her to open fire on their position. Sarah fires back leading both of them to scramble towards the stairs. Sebastian hears the gun fire leading him to yell into the communication device]
Sebastian: What the hell is going on!?
Jackson: Cassidy and her sister are escaping sir!
Sebastian: Well go after them…I want them both alive…you hear me…ALIVE!
[Air several hair raising moments of dodging, ducking, and exchanged gun fire Cassidy and Sarah reach the stairs. When they reach the top they see that the air train is pulling in. Sarah has her back to Cassidy in order to cover her and as she does this she speak up]
Sarah: Cass…crank it up!
[Cassidy turns back to respond all the while running, but when she turns back to head towards the air train she immediate stops. She sees several people get out of the air train on to the platform leading Cassidy to speak up]
Cassidy: Dad!?
Wexler: Cassidy!?
[Sarah, who is preoccupied with whoever is behind her, bumps into Cassidy leading her to speak up]
Sarah: [looks at Cassidy] Cass…why did you…
[Sarah is stunned as she looks at Beckman, Marcus, his associate, and finally her father standing before for here. Before Wexler could say anything Beckman speaks up]
Beckman: Agent Walker!?
[Wexler immediately looks at Beckman as he hears a name that is not his daughters. Marcu’s associate pulls out his gun and at the same time he does this Sebastian along with his crew appear with their guns drawn causing Sarah to use the other gun she took from Franklin. The scene ends with a triple screen as Chuck is wearing the parachute preparing to jump out of the back of the Fairchild C-123, Abe with GPS locator in hand flying towards their location, and Sarah hold two guns this time pointed at either side with Cassidy in the middle ending a wide shot of an enusing standoff]
[Fade to Black]
Cassidy: D…what…how…who…
Sarah: [turns around in a kneeled position] You want to know what the hell just happened. [Cassidy nods] And how I killed him without remorse knowing full well I told you, dad, and mom know me as a nonviolent person. [Cassidy nods again] And you want to know who I am and if I’m really your sister?
Cassidy: [hesitantly speaks up] Are you?
Sarah: What do you think?
Cassidy: You look like her, sound like her, and have the same bratty attitude as her…[pauses to look at Sarah holding Wilcox’s gun causing her to put both hands up chest level]…I mean that will all due respect. [Sarah looks at the gun and then walk over to her big sister who backs up a bit not knowing if she’s going to endure the same fate as her male capture] Please don’t kill me?
[Sarah doesn’t say a word as she guides her big sister by the arm to a chair and then grabs another chair placing it in front of her. After a brief moment Sarah speak to her]
Sarah: I’m not going to kill.
Cassidy: You’re going to be me up for what I did to you growing up aren’t you?
Sarah: Cass…shut up and listen to me. [Cassidy stops talking leading Sarah to lean in] I’m a spy.
Cassidy: You’re a WHAT!?
Sarah: I’m a spy…for the C.I.A.
[Cassidy is taking in the information the best she can and after a moment or two she speaks up]
Cassidy: C.I.A…[cut to Sarah nodding]…since when?
Sarah: I was recruited by them my junior year in college into a program known as Project Omaha. There I was trained to be a government agent where I was taught things such as infiltration, hand to hand combat, the art of seduction as you plainly saw, and…
Cassidy: [looks at a lifeless Wilcox] Killing people.
Sarah: Yeah.
Cassidy: How many people have you killed?
Sarah: Do you really want to know?
Cassidy: [shakes head, stands up and walks around] This is crazy…my little sister…a spy.
Sarah: I know this is a lot to take in but…
Cassidy: [interrupts Sarah] Wait…hold on…is Chuck a spy too?
Sarah: [stands up] No…he’s an analyst that I have orders to protect. He who works with us on important missions.
Cassidy: [curious tone] Us…whose us?
Sarah: John Casey…the guy you were flirting with outside Chuck’s apartment during our argument. He works for the N.S.A.
Cassidy: [goes to sit down] I need a drink.
[Sarah puts hand on Cassidy’s shoulder as she is holding her gold locket]
Sarah: Looks sis..if I know Chuck and Casey they’re on they’re way to save us right now.
Cassidy: [looks at Sarah] I can see Casey saving us…but Chuck…I just can’t quite see him as the hero type.
Sarah: Trust me…Chuck IS the hero type…what you see in lack of appearance he makes up for in absolute bravery.
[As she says that the scene switches from the sound proof room to Fairchild C-123 and cut inside where Chuck speaks up]
Chuck: I’m scared.
Casey: [smirks] Suck it up Bartowski.
Travis: What’s to be scared of…have you ever parachuted out of an airplane before?
Chuck: Once...for fun…if you called it fun.
Travis: How did it work out for you?
Casey: [smirks] He screamed like a girl the whole way down.
[Chuck looks at Casey and then to Travis]
Chuck: Look…for one thing I’m not fixing to be Keanu Reeves in the movie Point Break and secondly it’s dark outside.
Casey: It gives us the element of surprise Chuck.
Chuck: [freaked out tone as he looks at Casey] Element of surprise? What if I surprisingly hit the ground?
Travis: [puts hand on Chuck’s shoulder] Relax buddy…remember the movie Drop Zone with Wesley Snipes? He did a night jump on to a building like we’re going to do in order to stop the bad guy played by Gary Busey who, by the way, was also in the movie Point Break with Keanu Reeves. He in turn was in Feeling Minnesota with Cameron Diaz who was in There’s Something About Mary with Matt Dillon who was in Wild Things with Kevin Bacon. Boo-yah…six degrees of Kevin Bacon! [puts hand up for a high five] Up high.
[Casey just looks at Travis and then look at Chuck]
Casey: Look Bartowski…plain and simple your girlfriend is in trouble. Are you going to stand by your word and risk your life to save hers or are you going to let her die because you’re too scared of jumping out of an airplane in the dark?
[Casey and Travis are waiting for a response as they look at Chuck. The scene ends with a freaked out look on his face and yet there is an intensity in his eyes that reads he’s willing to set aside his fear to save the woman he loves. Cue Chuck Intro]
[Fade Out]
[The scene begins in the black S.U.V where Marcus asked whether or not there was still anything between Beckman and him. When the question is asked Wexler immediately speaks up]
Wexler: You have the audacity to ask that question after what you did.
Marcus: [holds hand up at Wexler] Please…don’t be rude. Let her have a chance to answer my question.
Wexler: [looks at Beckman] Edna?
[Cut to a conflicted look on her face as she is trying to search for the words she wants to say. After a second or two she speaks up]
Beckman: You’re making it hard for me to give you an answer Marcus.
[Cut to Marcus exuding a sly smirk on his face. After a moment or two he receives a text message leading him to read it and as he does Wexler speak up again]
Wexler: The answer should be an emphatic no Edna…there is no hope between the two of you because he…[points finger at Marcus]…threatened the life of your son.
Beckman: I know.
Wexler: What’s wrong then?
Beckman: I...I..don’t know.
Marcus: I do…[Wexler and Beckman look at Marcus who looks straight at Beckman]…you’re still in love with me.
[Marcus’ sly smirk turns into a smile as Wexler immediately looks with confused disbelief at Beckman. The scene switches from the black S.U.V back to the sound proof room where Sarah continues to reveal to her older sister about her spy life]
Cassidy: Is anybody else a spy that I should know about besides you?
Sarah: Well there was Bryce…
Cassidy: Hold on…the guy who you, in your own words, spent a steamy time in Cabo with and brought home to meet the family was a spy.
Sarah: That’s him and for the record he was a mistake.
Cassidy: A hot mistake if you ask me. Where is he right now and can I possibly have his phone number?
Sarah: No…you can’t.
Cassidy: Why not?
Sarah: He’s gone deep cover and tracking a dangerous group known as Fulcrum. For his own safety, as well as, those closest to him can’t have direct contact or face being tortured or worse…death.
Cassidy: Gotcha…anybody else I should know about?
Sarah: There’s Chuck’s dad Abe Bartowski…real name Steven Carmichael.
Cassidy: You mean the guy I threatened to take his head for losing my palm pilot is a trained killer?
Sarah: You threatened him?
Cassidy: I had every right to…he was providing irresponsible service by losing my personal property.
Sarah: [smirks] Same ole’ Cass…if you want things done do it through intimidation.
Cassidy: Do you have a cover spy name like in the movies?
Sarah: I had plenty of them over the years…the one I’m using now is Sarah Walker. If anyone knew my real name it would have placed you, dad, and mom in danger,
[Sarah gets up to check Wilcox for any other items she might have missed. As she has her back to Cassidy she speaks up]
Cassidy: Soooo…
Sarah: Yes?
Cassidy: This means the relationship between the you and Chuck…moving in together…is what you would say in the spy business a cover right?
Sarah: Yeah…you could say that.
Cassidy: [laughs] Thank goodness…I’m so relieved that you said that.
Sarah: [chuckles] Why?
Cassidy: I don’t feel guilty for kissing Chuck at my hotel room then.
[Sarah immediately stops searching Wilcox for items as she hears that Cassidy kissed Chuck at her hotel room. The scene ends with Sarah turning around and glaring at her as Cassidy sits there continuing to have a hearty chuckle in her chair]
[Fade Out]
[The scene begins back in the sound proof room where Sarah has just heard that Cassidy kissed Chuck the night he took her back to her hotel room. She gives a glaring look at her and as she does that she speaks up]
Sarah: You did what!?
Cassidy: I kissed him at my hotel room right before…[looks at Sarah]…why are you looking at me like that?
[Sarah stands up and starts walking slowly towards Cassidy]
Sarah: Why did you kiss him?
Cassidy: The way he smiled at me that night…I guess I got the wrong message from him. Besides he said he was “in love” with you. Relax…why are you getting so agitated all of a sudden…you said it yourself you two are in cover relationship remember so chill.
Sarah: [angered tone] Don’t tell me to chill!
[Sarah gets that killer look in her eye causing Cassidy to stand up. And slowly starts backing up]
Cassidy: What is wrong with you…its not like you two are really in love.
Sarah: We ARE in love! He even asked me to marry him.
Cassidy: Really!? What did you say?
Sarah: That doesn’t matter right now. Look sis…the cover relationship and moving into together are for the benefit of my superiors. If they knew about my relationship with Chuck is in fact real they would reassign me without hesitation and we both don’t want that to happen.
[By this time Cassidy is against the wall looking at her all-the-while looking at the gun in Sarah’s hand. Sarah stands inches away from her and after a brief moment of tension filled silence on Cassidy’s end she speaks up]
Cassidy: Are you going to shoot me?
Sarah: I’m thinking about it.
[As Sarah says that a knock is heard at the door leading them to hear causing both to look. The scene switches from the sound proof room back to the black S.U.V where Marcus is looking for a response to the answer he gave as to whether or not Beckman is still in love with him leading Wexler to speak up]
Wexler: [looks at Beckman] Well…are you?
Beckman: It’s complicated.
Wexler: How complicated can it be…it’s a simple yes or no answer.
Beckman: Its just not as simple as giving you a yes or no.
Wexler: What the hell does that supposed to mean?
Beckman: It’s hard to explain.
Wexler: The explain it to me because I’m really having a hard time understanding. What power does he have over you that inhibits you from see what he has done to you, me, your son, and what he says he’s going to do to the Zeigeist.
[Beckman looks at Wexler and then at Marcus]
Beckman: Marcus was there for me when my marriage fell apart and I was left raising David alone. Whenever I needed someone to talk to or at least a shoulder to cry on when there were situations that got a bit overwhelming he was there for me as he provided my son with a father figure to look up to.
[Cut to Marcus smiling at Beckman and then turns around to get a bit more comfortable in his seat]
Wexler: I understand that and you should be grateful to him for being there for both you and your son…but that doesn’t give him the right to use that against you. He’s basically using what you two had to his advantage and if he sound apologetic about it…[looks at Marcus]…he isn’t.
Beckman: [conflicted look] You don’t know him the way I do.
Wexler: 20 years of being exiled from The Zeigeist can change a man Edna. He’s desperate and desperate man are very dangerous. Keep in mind he not only wants you back, but also his legacy as well and will do whatever it takes to do so. Damn whatever the consequences we all suffer afterwards.
Marcs: [speaks up] Enough…[turns to look at Beckman and Wexler]…we’re here.
[Beckman and Wexler both look to see the façade of Wexler industries in the distance. The scene ends with Wexler giving a disappointed look towards Beckman as then a glaring look towards Marcus as it cuts out to the black S.U.V itself where the camera gradually pulld back showing it head towards Wexler industries]
[Fade Out]
[The scene begins outside the sound proof room where Franklin is seen knocking on the door as looks around. He has a look of both concern and curiosity seen by the smile on his face as he tries to find out what’s going on inside leading him to speak up]
Franklin: Wilcox…how’s it going in there?
[Cut inside the room where Sarah is formulating some kind of plan to get out of the room and as she is doing this Cassidy is freaking out all-the-while biting her nails]
Cassidy: Do you have a plan…please tell me you have a plan.
Sarah: Shut up and let me think.
Cassidy: Think quickly.
Sarah: Here’s an idea…why don’t I just let that guy in here and have is way with you.
Cassidy: I’ll shut up now.
Sarah: You do that. Just be glad that I didn’t shoot you for kissing Chuck. If we get out of this he and I are going to have a little talk.
Cassidy: You really love him don’t you?
Sarah: Yes I am.
Cassidy: You seem a lot happier and if you’re happy I’m happy.
Sarah: You’re not just saying that because I’m holding a gun and you’re afraid that I’m going to shoot for all the crap you put me through are you?
Cassidy: No…[Sarah raises her right eyebrow]…okay yes.
[As she says that another knock is heard at the door leading Sarah to hash out an impromptu idea]
Sarah: All right…I have an idea.
Cassidy: What is it?
Sarah: First we pick him up and set him on the chair.
Cassidy: That’s easier said than done…look at him…he’s huge.
Sarah: Trust me Cass…I’ve done this before.
Cassidy: Okay…after that?
Sarah: You get undressed.
[Cassidy’s eyes widen as she hears the outrageous next step of the plan that her little sister wants her to do. The scene switches from the sound proof room to the Fairchild C-123 where Tobias walks into camera view speaking to everybody on the mic]
Tobias: All right…ETA is 10 minutes people. Get your parachutes…put your night vision goggles on…weapons at the ready. Once we reach the drop zone…it’s a go.
[Tobias heads back up into the cockpit leading Chuck to speak up]
Chuck: [looks at Travis] Were exactly is the drop zone?
Travis: Its on the roof of Wexler Industries located in the west quadrent.
Casey: How large is the target area we’re dropping into?
Travis: 500 by 750 square ft.
Casey: That doesn’t leave us much room then.
Chuck: Hold on…how are we supposed to get in? From the information I googled about Wexler Industries is equipped with an advanced security system.
Travis: Who do you think helped installed the security system?
Casey: Zeitgeist.
Travis: Exactamundo. They have their own security code and password override just in case something like this ever happens.
Casey: Does Wexler know about that?
Travis: Not everything is shared between members of the Zeitgeist.
Casey: So no then.
[As Casey says Tobias’ voice is heard on the loud speaker leading Travis, Chuck, Casey, and the rest of the guys to look at him]
Tobias: 5 minutes…lock and load people.
[Travis turns around, takes a parachute off the shelf, turns back around and holds it in front of Chuck who looks at it. The scene ends with a shot of the front gate as Sebastian’s men let in Marcus, Beckman, and Wexler]
[Fade Out]
[The scene begins at the door of the sound proof room where Franklin was at one point knocking on and is now standing there several feet away. After a few moments the door slightly opens leading a barely dressed Cassidy to peek trough causing a smirk to come to Franklin’s face. Cassidy speaks up]
Cassidy: Do you want to come in and join the party?
[Cassidy gives that seductive come hither to me look all-the-while motioning with her finger to come in. She pulls him in trying to keep all of his focus on her and when he is in the room he eyes Wilcox sitting in the chair with Sarah on top of him in a very provocative position half dressed. Franklin’s smile grows bigger as he sees Sarah stand up along side Cassidy leading Franklin to put his hand on his shoulder and the speaks up]
Franklin: Way to go buddy…now you can cross that off your bucket list.
[When he looks down he sees Wilcox dead and before he can act Sarah pounces with a brutal front kick to the face causing Franklin to stumble back. She continues to the assault with a barrage of punches, a spin kick to the gut, a knee to the head that causes him to fall to the floor, inevitably leading to his demise with his neck being broken in all one fell swoop. Cassidy, who is dressing up, witnesses the can of whoopass her little sister just unleashed speaks up]
Cassidy: That’s what I call potential. [Sarah looks at her sister who is smiling at her] Dad would be proud.
Sarah: [smiles] Thanks…are you ready?
Cassidy: Yeah.
[Sarah opens the door slightly and in spy fashion checks to see if its all clear to moved ahead. When she doesn’t see any potential danger she looks at Cassidy]
Sarah: Let’s go…stay close behind me.
[Cassidy nods leading Sarah to open the door. They both slip out quietly heading towards the stairs that lead to the air train several yards away. Cut to Sebastian and company looking at the schematics of Project Eagle on the computer showing signs of confusion. Sebastian then speaks to Jackson]
Sebastian: Jackson…radio Wilcox and bring Ms. Wexler here.
Jackson: Yes sir…[radios Wilcox]…Wilcox this is Jackson do you read? [silence] Wilcox this is Jackson do you read? [There is silence again leading Sebastian to speak up]
Sebastian: What is the problem?
Jackson: Wilcox isn’t responding.
Sebastian: What about Franklin?
[Jackson radios Franklin and gets the same response]
Jackson: No response from him either.
Sebastian: [looks at his remaining associates] Dupree…go with Jackson and find out why those two idiots aren’t responding.
Dupree: Yes sir.
[Dupree and Jackson hurry off to Franklin and Wilcox’s location. After a moment or two they are the room finding two dead bodies leading Jackson to step out of the room and informs Sebastian of the situation leading him to get pissed off. Cut to Sarah leading Cassidy to safety a their crouched down to hide from view when Cassidy accidently knocks over some tools leading to fall to the ground in front of Cassidy causing her to stand quickly up. At that exact point Jackson hears the noise and looks around to see Cassidy stand up several yards away leading her to open fire on their position. Sarah fires back leading both of them to scramble towards the stairs. Sebastian hears the gun fire leading him to yell into the communication device]
Sebastian: What the hell is going on!?
Jackson: Cassidy and her sister are escaping sir!
Sebastian: Well go after them…I want them both alive…you hear me…ALIVE!
[Air several hair raising moments of dodging, ducking, and exchanged gun fire Cassidy and Sarah reach the stairs. When they reach the top they see that the air train is pulling in. Sarah has her back to Cassidy in order to cover her and as she does this she speak up]
Sarah: Cass…crank it up!
[Cassidy turns back to respond all the while running, but when she turns back to head towards the air train she immediate stops. She sees several people get out of the air train on to the platform leading Cassidy to speak up]
Cassidy: Dad!?
Wexler: Cassidy!?
[Sarah, who is preoccupied with whoever is behind her, bumps into Cassidy leading her to speak up]
Sarah: [looks at Cassidy] Cass…why did you…
[Sarah is stunned as she looks at Beckman, Marcus, his associate, and finally her father standing before for here. Before Wexler could say anything Beckman speaks up]
Beckman: Agent Walker!?
[Wexler immediately looks at Beckman as he hears a name that is not his daughters. Marcu’s associate pulls out his gun and at the same time he does this Sebastian along with his crew appear with their guns drawn causing Sarah to use the other gun she took from Franklin. The scene ends with a triple screen as Chuck is wearing the parachute preparing to jump out of the back of the Fairchild C-123, Abe with GPS locator in hand flying towards their location, and Sarah hold two guns this time pointed at either side with Cassidy in the middle ending a wide shot of an enusing standoff]
[Fade to Black]
Sunday, October 5, 2008
Chuck vs. The Unexpected Surprise Part 11
[The episode begins with a recap of what previous happened as Abe flips Morgan on to the hood of his car. After checking on him and seeing that he’s okay a conversation between the two about the relationship between Morgan and Chuck reveals to Abe his son’s departure to “meet Sarah’s parents”. Cut to 11,000 ft in the air and inside the Fairchild C-123 where Travis and Chuck a seemingly calm conversation about risking his life for Sarah turns extremely intense to the point where Chuck not only questions his love for his family, but whether or not he would risk his life for them. Move forward to front gate of Wexler industries where Sebastian’s men eliminate the two guards replacing them with his own. Switch back moments later back to the Fairchild C-123 where Chuck apologizes to Travis leading him to share with him how Casey has been a supporter in the shadows for Chuck and Sarah. This leads to Tobias carter announcing to the crew that they will be at the drop zone over Wexler Industries in 45 minutes leading to Chuck to completely freak out. Cut Abe at the warehouse heliport kicking butt and taking out 2 guards in order to fly the Huey to come to the rescue and possibly seek some revenge as well. Switch to inside Wexler industries where 2 more of Sebastian’s are revealed and after a moment or two he tells Cassidy to take them to level 36. The scene begins in the black S.U.V where General Beckman, Jeremiah Wexler, Marcus Stefano, and one of his associates have departed Eagle Diner heading their intended destination…Wexler Industries. Marcus is sitting in the passenger seat, Beckman is sitting behind him, and Wexler is sitting across from Beckman right behind the driver. After a seemingly long silence Marcus speaks up]
Marcus: [looks out the window] I didn’t want this....[shakes head]…for either of you two…but…it had to be done.
Wexler: [looks at Marcus] No it didn’t.
Beckman: Can we talk about this later?
Wexler: [calm tone] No…he has to hear the truth…the actual truth of why he wants to exact revenge on The Committee who he believes wronged him.
Marcus: [low laugh] What truth would that be old friend?
Wexler: You’re afraid.
Marcus: Afraid of what?
Wexler: You’re afraid to fade into obscurity knowing all that you’ve accomplished for the Zeitgeist will be all for naught.
Beckman: Is that true?
Marcus: He’s doesn’t know what he’s talking about.
Wexler: Wasn’t it you who told me years ago that a man’s legacy defines how he will be spoken of in the future? You established yourself in the organization as The man with the phenomenal work ethic who did his homework and carefully studied each assignment he was given. You were not only respected by your peers, but you were what the young guys aspired to be. In your mind you could do no wrong and it was that mindset that became your downfall. Somewhere along the line your commitment to your legacy overshadowed the commitment to The Zeitgeist. For so long you were behind the scenes guiding history and at the same time becoming part of it even though nobody could ever find out, which killed you inside. When The Committee took the accomplishments you worked hard for away from you they essentially took away the legacy you were building up for future generations of Zeitgeist members to look back on and possibly learn from. You want to re-acquire what was taken from you 20 years ago…but at what cost? You see, I’m guessing this is your one and only shot to re-write history in order to restore your legacy or have it be completely forgotten and that absolutely scares you. Am I right?
[An intrigued Beckman focus turns from Wexler to Marcus who turns to give a serious look at him. The scene switches from the black S.U.V to Wexler Industries as Sebastian and company get off the elevator to level 35 where 3 more of Sebastian’s associates, 2 men and 1 woman, appear when the elevators door open making the total number of 7 bad guys altogether, which Sarah was now keenly aware of. Cassidy then leads them to another elevator with a voice and hand print recognition monitor. As she is about to open the elevator Sarah speaks up]
Sarah: Don’t do it.
[Cassidy looks at Sarah leading Sebastian to nod at his associate who takes out and aims his gun waist level to where it pokes Sarah’s side]
Sebastian: [looks at Sarah] Proceed…[looks at Cassidy]…for your sister’s sake.
[Cassidy turns and puts her hand on the hand print recognition monitor leading a female voice to speak asking for name, as well as, access number]
Cassidy: Cassidy Wexler…493640
[The elevator doors open leading Cassidy to look at Sebastian and then steps aside. Sebastian smirks, steps forward, and is about to enter the elevator when he suddenly stops. He steps back to look all around the interior leading him to look at Sarah motioning for her to go in first]
Sebastian: Ladies first
[Sebastian’s associate nudges her in the side directing Sarah to go into the elevator first, then his other associates, followed by Cassidy and lastly Sebastian. With everybody inside Cassidy pressing the button to go down to level 36 and the scene ends with a group shot of everybody’s face as the elevator doors close. Cue Chuck intro]
[Fade Out]
[The scene begins back in the blacks S.U.V where Wexler questioned the reason for his old friend’s return is because he’s afraid of fading into obscurity. He them then refers to a discussion in the past Marcus had with him about building up his legacy and before it could be completed he was exiled. Marcus looks at Wexler and responds to his claim]
Marcus: Let me ask you…both of you…are secure in the fact that you know have something to pass down for not only your children and your children’s children, but also having placed your mark in annals of history? Something that can looked back on as your name is spoken with admiration…pride…honor…and respect?
Beckman: Respect? How is threatening the lives of our loved ones considered respect?
Marcus: I thought you two would be on my side seeing that you’re both in the profession of gaining respect by taking the lives of enemy threats who have loved ones all in the name of the greater good. What makes you think what you two are doing is any different than what I’m doing?
Wexler: We’re doing it for the love of protecting our country whereas you’re doing it for the love of protecting your own self interests.
Beckman: Maybe Jeremiah’s right…you are afraid of fading into obscurity.
Marcus: What if I am...I have a right…obligation if you will to see that my future is well secured with help from my new associates.
Wexler: Do you trust them?
Marcus: As much as I trusted you 20 years ago to have my back…[looks at Beckman]…especially you.
[As Marcus says that, Wexler looks at the way Marcus is looking at Beckman and vice versa leading him to come to a realization. The scene switches from the black S.U.V to a long white hallway and then to the close up of an elevator door. After a moment or two a ding is heard leading the elevator doors to open with Sebastian and company stepping out. With Sebastian in the lead they walk towards the door at the far end as the echoes of their footsteps reverberate in the halls. When they reach the door they all see that instead of a voice and hand print recognition monitor there is an eye recognition device with a red light shining beside it. Sebastian looks at Cassidy leading her to step to the front and looks into the device where sounds of being it carefully analyzed are heard. After a moment or two, the red light turns green leading Sebastian to speak up as he looks at his associates]
Sebastian: [sly smirk] Ladies and gentlemen…are pay day is right behind this door.
[Smiles appear on his associates office while a serious look of both concern and disappointment appears on Sarah’s as Cassidy opens the door. When Sebastian walk through the sly smirk disappears leading to a look of angered bewilderment to the point where one of his associates speaks up]
Associate 1: What the hell is going on?
[Sebastian looks at his associate and then looks at Cassidy with an angered glare]
Sebastian: I would like to know that too.
[Sebastian turns to see what looks like a subway station of sorts with an air train sitting in front of them leading him to walk a feet up and then turns around expecting answers. Cassidy speaks up]
Cassidy: This is just the entrance…what you’re here for is just beyond that tunnel right there.
[Cassidy points to the right leading Sebastian to speak up]
Sebastian: You had better not double cross me.
Cassidy: What would I gain by doing that…besides we made a deal remember?
Sebastian: I remember…you just hold up your end of the bargain.
[Sarah looks at her older sister who gives her a quick glance and then speaks up]
Cassidy: The air train is easy to operate…I’ll take us there.
Sebastian: Fine…[looks at his female associate]…Jackson go with her.
Cassidy: What…you don’t trust me?
Sebastian: Trust can either kill you or set your free. [looks at everybody] Let’s go.
[Cassidy is let to the front of the air train by Sebastian’s female associate Jackson. The scene ends with Sebastian, Sarah, and the rest of his associates heading into the air train taking their seats]
[Fade Out]
[The scene begins with the dark façade of the air train going through the tunnel as it heads towards its intended destination. Cut inside and after a moment or two Sebastian who is sitting across from Sarah strikes up a conversation with Sarah who none to pleased about the whole situation]
Sebastian: You don’t like me very much do you?
Sarah: What gave me away?
Sebastian: Ever since Los Angeles you’ve been burning a hole right through me. If looks could kill I would have been dead back in that parking garage.
Sarah: What deal did you make with my sister?
Sebastian: Getting straight to the point I see. Beautiful and tenacious…must run in the family.
Sarah: Answer my question.
Sebastian: Well…that my dear…is between your sister and I.
Sarah: She’s in way over her head making a deal with the devil.
[Sebastian laughs leading to his associates laughing as well]
Sebastian: I’ll take that as a compliment.
Sarah: If you hurt her in any way you will pay.
Sebastian: She won’t unless she fully cooperates and from the looks of things she’s fulfilling part of our agreement.
[Sebastian gives a sly smirk towards Sarah who responds by looking out the window as she clutches her gold locket. Cut to a few moments later where the air train stops leading all the occupants to file out and head towards an open platform. As they moves towards the platform Jackson spots something located on the wall to the left of them leading her to speak up]
Jackson: [points to objects] What’s with the head gear?
Cassidy: We use it to reduce the high level of noise that is produced when testing certain military equipment or vehicle.
[They all reach the end of the platform leading each and every one of them to see an enormous set up all top secret weapons being constructed within the bowels of the Colorado mountains leading Sebastian to speak up]
Sebastian: Amazing.
[Cassidy then points to all the rooms and testing labs]
Cassidy: Due to the high level of sound, all the windows are sound and shatter proof just to be on the safe side. It helps to keep the noise level at a minimum in order to have complete maximum focus. Plus...its a good way to get away from the noise and clear your head.
Sebastian: I’m impressed…I have to commend your father on his astounding genius. Now, if you’ll be so kind as to lead me to what I came here for…Project Eagle Eye?
[As he says that Sarah walks and grabs Cassidy by the arm]
Sarah: Cass…you can still time to make the right choice here before you make the biggest mistake of your life and tarnish the reputation of not only dad’s good name, but also our family’s as well.
Cassidy: Why should I listen to the one person who hasn’t made the right choices in entire life and in my opinion has completely tarnished what dad wanted to see in you…a daughter he can be proud of instead of be embarrassed of. [Without hesitation Sarah slaps Cassidy in the face causing her to head to turn leading to a look of awe from Sebastian and crew. After a rubbing her cheek, Cassidy looks at Sarah responds to the slap in the face] The truth hurts doesn’t it?
Sarah: You take that back.
Cassidy: To be perfectly honest…the family has been much better off with you screwing things up again.
[Sarah is fuming leading her to rear back and slap Cassidy in the face again when Sebastian grabs her arm and speaks up]
Sebastian: Have this special Jerry Springer moment later ladies. [looks at Cassidy] Take me to Project Eagle Eye.
[Cassidy gives a glaring look at her younger sister and then escorts Sebastian, along with Sarah and his associates, to the location of Project Eagle Eye. After a moment or two they come to a large open space with a control panel in front of it. She presses a few buttons on the key pad leading the floor to open up and Project Eagle Eye to rise up from the ground. The sly smirk on Sebastian’s face grows even bigger and after the top secret satellite is complete up Sebastian walks up to feel what he’s been paid to acquire for Marcus Stefano. With a small chuckle and a small sigh of relief he begins to speak]
Sebastian: Wilcox(standing next to Sarah)…Franklin(standing next to Cassidy behind the console)…take them where they won’t be able to become a distraction.
[Both men take the sister by the arm to lead them away causing Cassidy to speak up]
Cassidy: We had a deal!
Sebastian: The deal is still on…it’s just the circumstances have changed. [turns to give her a sly smirk] That’s business…you of all people should know that.
[An angered Cassidy is lead away along with Sarah to secured location so they won’t be considered a distraction from Sebastian. The scene ends with Sebastian taking out his cell phone and texting Marcus]
[Fade Out]
[The scene begins back in the S.U.V where it ended of with Wexler coming to the realization that Beckman and Marcus were intimately involved. After Marcus reads the text on his phone Wexler speaks up]
Wexler: [looks out the window] So Marcus…I was the reason that you didn’t end up marrying Edna? [Beckman quickly looks at Wexler and then at Marcus leading him to speak up] How long?
Marcus: He was going to find out sooner or later.
Beckman: 8 years.
Wexler: I see.
Marcus: I know that tone…say it.
Wexler: How were you two ever able to keep the relationship at a strictly professional level knowing the rules against dating a fellow member of the opposite sex.
Marcus: It wasn’t easy keeping it strictly professional between the two of us. Whether it was a mere minute or for an hour we were able to find ways to see other.
Wexler: Why didn’t you tell me…I would have understood?
Beckman: [chimes in] Not the Zeitgeist…they wouldn’t have. Don’t you remember the organization’s code we three adhered too?
Wexler: I remember…duty above everything else.
Marcus: 20 Years ago….my legacy was gradually coming to fruition and then it all came crashing down because you…[looks at Wexler]…were trying to protect me from myself.
Wexler: It was for your own good and it had to be done in the best interest of…
Marcus: [interrupts him and shakes head] The Zeitgeist…when are you going to wake up and realize that they are problem and not me. Aren’t you tired of cow towing to those bastards who are stuck in their old ways?
Wexler: Their old ways as you refer to it have kept myself and not to mention Edna well protected.
Marcus: You actually believe that or did they brainwash you into believing that?
Wexler: The only person who I think is brainwashed here is you.
Marcus: Oh really…care to explain?
Wexler: You’ve basically brainwashing yourself these past 20 years into believing that everything will restore your glorious legacy once you take possession of Project Eagle Eye and in turn take possession of leadership from The Committee.
Marcus: It will.
Wexler: [screams at him] How do you know for sure!
Marcus: It’s my…
Wexler: If you say it’s my destiny again I swear I’ll come over there and punch you in the mouth.
Beckman: [speaks up] BOYS! Let’s lower the testosterone level in here before you cause us to have an accident.
Wexler: He started it by taking my daughter?
Marcus: After he turned me into the Zeitgeist.
Beckman: [yells] Both of you talk to each other like civilized adults and not like a couple of 5 years or I swear I’ll have this man pull this car over until you can. Will you two be able to do that?
Wexler: Yes.
Marcus: Yeah.
Wexler: [looks at Beckman] Let me just say one last thing…[looks at Marcus]…I thought of you as my brother…my friend.
Marcus: I was…I still am.
Wexler: Once you made the choice of taking my daughter hostage in order to get what you wanted…the friendship we once shared was instantly severed.
Marcus: [looks at Beckman] How about you…what about us? Is there any hope for us?
[Beckman looks at Marcus who is waiting for a response. The scene ends as it cuts to level 36 where Sarah and Cassidy are put into sound proof room by Wilcox and Franklin]
[Fade Out]
[The scene begins in one of the sound proof rooms in level 36 where Cassidy and Sarah are held in. Sarah is sitting in a chair continuing to fume over what her sister said to her while Cassidy is fuming over what Sebastian did to her. She paces back and forth leading Sarah who sitting at what looks like a conference table to speak up]
Sarah: I never meant to be an embarrassment to dad or the family.
Cassidy: What?
Sarah: You heard what I said? You were the perfect daughter…the perfect old sister in dad's eyes. Dad wanted me to take after you and I just couldn’t do that.
Cassidy: Trust me…I am nowhere as near perfect.
Sarah: Oh come on Cass…straight A’s…student council president…graduated Summa Cum Laude with a degree in Business Management from Colorado State with a 4.0 GPA. You had it all.
Cassidy: Yeah…everything except a life. Do you want to know the truth…the real truth?
Sarah: As you can plainly see I’m not going anywhere.
Cassidy: [smirks as she sits down next to her] I envied you for doing what you wanted and I hated your for that.
Sarah: So the great Cassidy Wexler has a chink in her armor after all.
Cassidy: There was a lot of pressure for me to step up as not only as an responsible older sister but also as a responsible working woman helping dad run Wexler Industries.
Sarah: So that’s why you were always on my case?
Cassidy: You know the funny thing is that I never wanted to be like dad and yet I ended becoming him.
[Cassidy and Sarah share a smile but the heartfelt sister moment is interrupted by the door opening and the voice of Wilcox telling Franklin to keep a look out. They stand when he enters leading Wilcox to speak up]
Wilcox: [smirks] My fantasy has always been to be with two sisters.
[Sarah’s sees an opening leading her spy instincts to kick in. She seductively walks over to Wilcox and place her right hand on his shoulder]
Sarah: Maybe we can fulfill that fantasy right now?
[Cassidy immediately looks at her younger sister with a stunned look]
Cassidy: D…what the hell are you doing?
Sarah: Making his dreams come true…[starts to unbutton her shirt]…care to join me?
[Cassidy walks over and pulls Sarah over to her and stand right in front of her]
Cassidy: Did that slap I gave you know some brain cells lose or something…what the hell are you doing?
[As she says that Wilcox grabs Cassidy and turns her around]
Wilcox: Come on…are you in or out?
[Cassidy rears back and slaps Wilcox across the face]
Cassidy: Does that answer your question?
[Wilcox holds his cheek, smiles, and then slaps her across the face leading her to fall to the ground. As she gets up, Wilcox point his fun directly at her leading him to speak up]
Wilcox: [looks at Sarah] It’s just you and me then…let’s get this party started.
[A shocked Cassidy looks as Sarah lowers herself to the ground and cut to a close of Wilcox’s face as he in a euphoric state as he turns to look at Cassidy. After a couple of seconds that look of possible euphoric bliss is replaced by a grimace as she elbows him in the nuts and then a painful kick to the face to the point where not only his gun goes flying across the room but falls across the table he was sitting on. Cut to the outside where Franklin doesn’t hear a single thing leading back to inside the room where Sarah basically beats the crap out of Wilcox despite him getting a few lucky punches in. While this is happening Cassidy is in a fetal position trying to avoid the carnage. The fight ends with him blooded and passed out leading an aggressive, out of breathe Sarah to walk over to the other side of the table and pick up the gun. Cassidy, feeling that the situation is safe, slowly walks over and stand a few feet away from a seemingly lifeless Wilcox. She stands there looks at Wilcox and then at her younger sister]
Cassidy: [look of disbelief] D?
[When Sarah turns around she immediate yells]
Sarah: Down!
[Cassidy drops down immediately leading Sarah to takes one of her concealed knives from within her boot and throws it with pin point accuracy at a standing Wilcox right between the eyes causing him to fall backwards dead as a doornail. Cassidy looks at the dead body of Wilcox and then turns to her younger sister exuding a look of a killer leading Cassidy to speak up]
Cassidy: What the fu…
[Fade to Black]
Marcus: [looks out the window] I didn’t want this....[shakes head]…for either of you two…but…it had to be done.
Wexler: [looks at Marcus] No it didn’t.
Beckman: Can we talk about this later?
Wexler: [calm tone] No…he has to hear the truth…the actual truth of why he wants to exact revenge on The Committee who he believes wronged him.
Marcus: [low laugh] What truth would that be old friend?
Wexler: You’re afraid.
Marcus: Afraid of what?
Wexler: You’re afraid to fade into obscurity knowing all that you’ve accomplished for the Zeitgeist will be all for naught.
Beckman: Is that true?
Marcus: He’s doesn’t know what he’s talking about.
Wexler: Wasn’t it you who told me years ago that a man’s legacy defines how he will be spoken of in the future? You established yourself in the organization as The man with the phenomenal work ethic who did his homework and carefully studied each assignment he was given. You were not only respected by your peers, but you were what the young guys aspired to be. In your mind you could do no wrong and it was that mindset that became your downfall. Somewhere along the line your commitment to your legacy overshadowed the commitment to The Zeitgeist. For so long you were behind the scenes guiding history and at the same time becoming part of it even though nobody could ever find out, which killed you inside. When The Committee took the accomplishments you worked hard for away from you they essentially took away the legacy you were building up for future generations of Zeitgeist members to look back on and possibly learn from. You want to re-acquire what was taken from you 20 years ago…but at what cost? You see, I’m guessing this is your one and only shot to re-write history in order to restore your legacy or have it be completely forgotten and that absolutely scares you. Am I right?
[An intrigued Beckman focus turns from Wexler to Marcus who turns to give a serious look at him. The scene switches from the black S.U.V to Wexler Industries as Sebastian and company get off the elevator to level 35 where 3 more of Sebastian’s associates, 2 men and 1 woman, appear when the elevators door open making the total number of 7 bad guys altogether, which Sarah was now keenly aware of. Cassidy then leads them to another elevator with a voice and hand print recognition monitor. As she is about to open the elevator Sarah speaks up]
Sarah: Don’t do it.
[Cassidy looks at Sarah leading Sebastian to nod at his associate who takes out and aims his gun waist level to where it pokes Sarah’s side]
Sebastian: [looks at Sarah] Proceed…[looks at Cassidy]…for your sister’s sake.
[Cassidy turns and puts her hand on the hand print recognition monitor leading a female voice to speak asking for name, as well as, access number]
Cassidy: Cassidy Wexler…493640
[The elevator doors open leading Cassidy to look at Sebastian and then steps aside. Sebastian smirks, steps forward, and is about to enter the elevator when he suddenly stops. He steps back to look all around the interior leading him to look at Sarah motioning for her to go in first]
Sebastian: Ladies first
[Sebastian’s associate nudges her in the side directing Sarah to go into the elevator first, then his other associates, followed by Cassidy and lastly Sebastian. With everybody inside Cassidy pressing the button to go down to level 36 and the scene ends with a group shot of everybody’s face as the elevator doors close. Cue Chuck intro]
[Fade Out]
[The scene begins back in the blacks S.U.V where Wexler questioned the reason for his old friend’s return is because he’s afraid of fading into obscurity. He them then refers to a discussion in the past Marcus had with him about building up his legacy and before it could be completed he was exiled. Marcus looks at Wexler and responds to his claim]
Marcus: Let me ask you…both of you…are secure in the fact that you know have something to pass down for not only your children and your children’s children, but also having placed your mark in annals of history? Something that can looked back on as your name is spoken with admiration…pride…honor…and respect?
Beckman: Respect? How is threatening the lives of our loved ones considered respect?
Marcus: I thought you two would be on my side seeing that you’re both in the profession of gaining respect by taking the lives of enemy threats who have loved ones all in the name of the greater good. What makes you think what you two are doing is any different than what I’m doing?
Wexler: We’re doing it for the love of protecting our country whereas you’re doing it for the love of protecting your own self interests.
Beckman: Maybe Jeremiah’s right…you are afraid of fading into obscurity.
Marcus: What if I am...I have a right…obligation if you will to see that my future is well secured with help from my new associates.
Wexler: Do you trust them?
Marcus: As much as I trusted you 20 years ago to have my back…[looks at Beckman]…especially you.
[As Marcus says that, Wexler looks at the way Marcus is looking at Beckman and vice versa leading him to come to a realization. The scene switches from the black S.U.V to a long white hallway and then to the close up of an elevator door. After a moment or two a ding is heard leading the elevator doors to open with Sebastian and company stepping out. With Sebastian in the lead they walk towards the door at the far end as the echoes of their footsteps reverberate in the halls. When they reach the door they all see that instead of a voice and hand print recognition monitor there is an eye recognition device with a red light shining beside it. Sebastian looks at Cassidy leading her to step to the front and looks into the device where sounds of being it carefully analyzed are heard. After a moment or two, the red light turns green leading Sebastian to speak up as he looks at his associates]
Sebastian: [sly smirk] Ladies and gentlemen…are pay day is right behind this door.
[Smiles appear on his associates office while a serious look of both concern and disappointment appears on Sarah’s as Cassidy opens the door. When Sebastian walk through the sly smirk disappears leading to a look of angered bewilderment to the point where one of his associates speaks up]
Associate 1: What the hell is going on?
[Sebastian looks at his associate and then looks at Cassidy with an angered glare]
Sebastian: I would like to know that too.
[Sebastian turns to see what looks like a subway station of sorts with an air train sitting in front of them leading him to walk a feet up and then turns around expecting answers. Cassidy speaks up]
Cassidy: This is just the entrance…what you’re here for is just beyond that tunnel right there.
[Cassidy points to the right leading Sebastian to speak up]
Sebastian: You had better not double cross me.
Cassidy: What would I gain by doing that…besides we made a deal remember?
Sebastian: I remember…you just hold up your end of the bargain.
[Sarah looks at her older sister who gives her a quick glance and then speaks up]
Cassidy: The air train is easy to operate…I’ll take us there.
Sebastian: Fine…[looks at his female associate]…Jackson go with her.
Cassidy: What…you don’t trust me?
Sebastian: Trust can either kill you or set your free. [looks at everybody] Let’s go.
[Cassidy is let to the front of the air train by Sebastian’s female associate Jackson. The scene ends with Sebastian, Sarah, and the rest of his associates heading into the air train taking their seats]
[Fade Out]
[The scene begins with the dark façade of the air train going through the tunnel as it heads towards its intended destination. Cut inside and after a moment or two Sebastian who is sitting across from Sarah strikes up a conversation with Sarah who none to pleased about the whole situation]
Sebastian: You don’t like me very much do you?
Sarah: What gave me away?
Sebastian: Ever since Los Angeles you’ve been burning a hole right through me. If looks could kill I would have been dead back in that parking garage.
Sarah: What deal did you make with my sister?
Sebastian: Getting straight to the point I see. Beautiful and tenacious…must run in the family.
Sarah: Answer my question.
Sebastian: Well…that my dear…is between your sister and I.
Sarah: She’s in way over her head making a deal with the devil.
[Sebastian laughs leading to his associates laughing as well]
Sebastian: I’ll take that as a compliment.
Sarah: If you hurt her in any way you will pay.
Sebastian: She won’t unless she fully cooperates and from the looks of things she’s fulfilling part of our agreement.
[Sebastian gives a sly smirk towards Sarah who responds by looking out the window as she clutches her gold locket. Cut to a few moments later where the air train stops leading all the occupants to file out and head towards an open platform. As they moves towards the platform Jackson spots something located on the wall to the left of them leading her to speak up]
Jackson: [points to objects] What’s with the head gear?
Cassidy: We use it to reduce the high level of noise that is produced when testing certain military equipment or vehicle.
[They all reach the end of the platform leading each and every one of them to see an enormous set up all top secret weapons being constructed within the bowels of the Colorado mountains leading Sebastian to speak up]
Sebastian: Amazing.
[Cassidy then points to all the rooms and testing labs]
Cassidy: Due to the high level of sound, all the windows are sound and shatter proof just to be on the safe side. It helps to keep the noise level at a minimum in order to have complete maximum focus. Plus...its a good way to get away from the noise and clear your head.
Sebastian: I’m impressed…I have to commend your father on his astounding genius. Now, if you’ll be so kind as to lead me to what I came here for…Project Eagle Eye?
[As he says that Sarah walks and grabs Cassidy by the arm]
Sarah: Cass…you can still time to make the right choice here before you make the biggest mistake of your life and tarnish the reputation of not only dad’s good name, but also our family’s as well.
Cassidy: Why should I listen to the one person who hasn’t made the right choices in entire life and in my opinion has completely tarnished what dad wanted to see in you…a daughter he can be proud of instead of be embarrassed of. [Without hesitation Sarah slaps Cassidy in the face causing her to head to turn leading to a look of awe from Sebastian and crew. After a rubbing her cheek, Cassidy looks at Sarah responds to the slap in the face] The truth hurts doesn’t it?
Sarah: You take that back.
Cassidy: To be perfectly honest…the family has been much better off with you screwing things up again.
[Sarah is fuming leading her to rear back and slap Cassidy in the face again when Sebastian grabs her arm and speaks up]
Sebastian: Have this special Jerry Springer moment later ladies. [looks at Cassidy] Take me to Project Eagle Eye.
[Cassidy gives a glaring look at her younger sister and then escorts Sebastian, along with Sarah and his associates, to the location of Project Eagle Eye. After a moment or two they come to a large open space with a control panel in front of it. She presses a few buttons on the key pad leading the floor to open up and Project Eagle Eye to rise up from the ground. The sly smirk on Sebastian’s face grows even bigger and after the top secret satellite is complete up Sebastian walks up to feel what he’s been paid to acquire for Marcus Stefano. With a small chuckle and a small sigh of relief he begins to speak]
Sebastian: Wilcox(standing next to Sarah)…Franklin(standing next to Cassidy behind the console)…take them where they won’t be able to become a distraction.
[Both men take the sister by the arm to lead them away causing Cassidy to speak up]
Cassidy: We had a deal!
Sebastian: The deal is still on…it’s just the circumstances have changed. [turns to give her a sly smirk] That’s business…you of all people should know that.
[An angered Cassidy is lead away along with Sarah to secured location so they won’t be considered a distraction from Sebastian. The scene ends with Sebastian taking out his cell phone and texting Marcus]
[Fade Out]
[The scene begins back in the S.U.V where it ended of with Wexler coming to the realization that Beckman and Marcus were intimately involved. After Marcus reads the text on his phone Wexler speaks up]
Wexler: [looks out the window] So Marcus…I was the reason that you didn’t end up marrying Edna? [Beckman quickly looks at Wexler and then at Marcus leading him to speak up] How long?
Marcus: He was going to find out sooner or later.
Beckman: 8 years.
Wexler: I see.
Marcus: I know that tone…say it.
Wexler: How were you two ever able to keep the relationship at a strictly professional level knowing the rules against dating a fellow member of the opposite sex.
Marcus: It wasn’t easy keeping it strictly professional between the two of us. Whether it was a mere minute or for an hour we were able to find ways to see other.
Wexler: Why didn’t you tell me…I would have understood?
Beckman: [chimes in] Not the Zeitgeist…they wouldn’t have. Don’t you remember the organization’s code we three adhered too?
Wexler: I remember…duty above everything else.
Marcus: 20 Years ago….my legacy was gradually coming to fruition and then it all came crashing down because you…[looks at Wexler]…were trying to protect me from myself.
Wexler: It was for your own good and it had to be done in the best interest of…
Marcus: [interrupts him and shakes head] The Zeitgeist…when are you going to wake up and realize that they are problem and not me. Aren’t you tired of cow towing to those bastards who are stuck in their old ways?
Wexler: Their old ways as you refer to it have kept myself and not to mention Edna well protected.
Marcus: You actually believe that or did they brainwash you into believing that?
Wexler: The only person who I think is brainwashed here is you.
Marcus: Oh really…care to explain?
Wexler: You’ve basically brainwashing yourself these past 20 years into believing that everything will restore your glorious legacy once you take possession of Project Eagle Eye and in turn take possession of leadership from The Committee.
Marcus: It will.
Wexler: [screams at him] How do you know for sure!
Marcus: It’s my…
Wexler: If you say it’s my destiny again I swear I’ll come over there and punch you in the mouth.
Beckman: [speaks up] BOYS! Let’s lower the testosterone level in here before you cause us to have an accident.
Wexler: He started it by taking my daughter?
Marcus: After he turned me into the Zeitgeist.
Beckman: [yells] Both of you talk to each other like civilized adults and not like a couple of 5 years or I swear I’ll have this man pull this car over until you can. Will you two be able to do that?
Wexler: Yes.
Marcus: Yeah.
Wexler: [looks at Beckman] Let me just say one last thing…[looks at Marcus]…I thought of you as my brother…my friend.
Marcus: I was…I still am.
Wexler: Once you made the choice of taking my daughter hostage in order to get what you wanted…the friendship we once shared was instantly severed.
Marcus: [looks at Beckman] How about you…what about us? Is there any hope for us?
[Beckman looks at Marcus who is waiting for a response. The scene ends as it cuts to level 36 where Sarah and Cassidy are put into sound proof room by Wilcox and Franklin]
[Fade Out]
[The scene begins in one of the sound proof rooms in level 36 where Cassidy and Sarah are held in. Sarah is sitting in a chair continuing to fume over what her sister said to her while Cassidy is fuming over what Sebastian did to her. She paces back and forth leading Sarah who sitting at what looks like a conference table to speak up]
Sarah: I never meant to be an embarrassment to dad or the family.
Cassidy: What?
Sarah: You heard what I said? You were the perfect daughter…the perfect old sister in dad's eyes. Dad wanted me to take after you and I just couldn’t do that.
Cassidy: Trust me…I am nowhere as near perfect.
Sarah: Oh come on Cass…straight A’s…student council president…graduated Summa Cum Laude with a degree in Business Management from Colorado State with a 4.0 GPA. You had it all.
Cassidy: Yeah…everything except a life. Do you want to know the truth…the real truth?
Sarah: As you can plainly see I’m not going anywhere.
Cassidy: [smirks as she sits down next to her] I envied you for doing what you wanted and I hated your for that.
Sarah: So the great Cassidy Wexler has a chink in her armor after all.
Cassidy: There was a lot of pressure for me to step up as not only as an responsible older sister but also as a responsible working woman helping dad run Wexler Industries.
Sarah: So that’s why you were always on my case?
Cassidy: You know the funny thing is that I never wanted to be like dad and yet I ended becoming him.
[Cassidy and Sarah share a smile but the heartfelt sister moment is interrupted by the door opening and the voice of Wilcox telling Franklin to keep a look out. They stand when he enters leading Wilcox to speak up]
Wilcox: [smirks] My fantasy has always been to be with two sisters.
[Sarah’s sees an opening leading her spy instincts to kick in. She seductively walks over to Wilcox and place her right hand on his shoulder]
Sarah: Maybe we can fulfill that fantasy right now?
[Cassidy immediately looks at her younger sister with a stunned look]
Cassidy: D…what the hell are you doing?
Sarah: Making his dreams come true…[starts to unbutton her shirt]…care to join me?
[Cassidy walks over and pulls Sarah over to her and stand right in front of her]
Cassidy: Did that slap I gave you know some brain cells lose or something…what the hell are you doing?
[As she says that Wilcox grabs Cassidy and turns her around]
Wilcox: Come on…are you in or out?
[Cassidy rears back and slaps Wilcox across the face]
Cassidy: Does that answer your question?
[Wilcox holds his cheek, smiles, and then slaps her across the face leading her to fall to the ground. As she gets up, Wilcox point his fun directly at her leading him to speak up]
Wilcox: [looks at Sarah] It’s just you and me then…let’s get this party started.
[A shocked Cassidy looks as Sarah lowers herself to the ground and cut to a close of Wilcox’s face as he in a euphoric state as he turns to look at Cassidy. After a couple of seconds that look of possible euphoric bliss is replaced by a grimace as she elbows him in the nuts and then a painful kick to the face to the point where not only his gun goes flying across the room but falls across the table he was sitting on. Cut to the outside where Franklin doesn’t hear a single thing leading back to inside the room where Sarah basically beats the crap out of Wilcox despite him getting a few lucky punches in. While this is happening Cassidy is in a fetal position trying to avoid the carnage. The fight ends with him blooded and passed out leading an aggressive, out of breathe Sarah to walk over to the other side of the table and pick up the gun. Cassidy, feeling that the situation is safe, slowly walks over and stand a few feet away from a seemingly lifeless Wilcox. She stands there looks at Wilcox and then at her younger sister]
Cassidy: [look of disbelief] D?
[When Sarah turns around she immediate yells]
Sarah: Down!
[Cassidy drops down immediately leading Sarah to takes one of her concealed knives from within her boot and throws it with pin point accuracy at a standing Wilcox right between the eyes causing him to fall backwards dead as a doornail. Cassidy looks at the dead body of Wilcox and then turns to her younger sister exuding a look of a killer leading Cassidy to speak up]
Cassidy: What the fu…
[Fade to Black]
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