[The episode begins with a recap of what previously happened as Chuck and Cassidy are being attended to by a medic after being attacked by an unknown assailant. Sarah, Casey, and Abe arrive moments later to check up on them leading a police officer to question Cassidy about what possible motive the suspect to tear apart her hotel room. As she is talking Sarah observes her sister and after being taken to the hospital along with Chuck by the medic to be safe Sarah knows Cassidy is lying. Cut to Casey talking with General Beckman who not only finds out about what the relationship between her and Sarah’s father, but also finds about a secret project called Eagle Eye. Beckman reveals to Casey the intentions of project Eagle Eye to the point where she orders him and Sarah to protect Cassidy or else. Move forward to The Grove where Sarah and Cassidy are having a girls day out just to catch up with each other and yet that sisterly bonding turns into an argument about how disappointed Cassidy is with Sarah. Cut to the parking garage where several men appear to take Cassidy in order to get further information about project Eagle Eye, which Cassidy knows nothing about. Sarah makes the decision to get captured for her sister’s sake instead of going all super agent and blow her cover inevitably her other life to Cassidy. The scene begins around noon with the façade of Buy More and inside you see the interior of the Home Theater room. After a second or two you see Casey walk in, close the doors, looks around, pulls the shades, goes to the wall, pushes a few buttons, steps back, and an image of Beckman comes on screen leading to a back and forth conversation]
Beckman: What is the situation with Jeremiah Wexler’s daughter Agent Casey…is she being well protected?
Casey: Yes General…Agent Walker is protecting her as we speak.
Beckman: I see…may I ask why you are currently talking with me and aren’t with Agent Walker protecting Wexler’s daughter?
Casey: Don’t you trust Walker going solo with the task at hand, especially one as so important as this one?
Beckman: We’re the NSA John…you know our motto. In God we trust…
Casey: All others we monitor…yes I know it very well.
Beckman: [serious look] You of all people should know its hard to trust people in our line of work Agent Casey. Listen…its not a matter of trusting Agent Walker…it’s a matter of her doing her job and protecting someone very important…Cassidy Wexler.
Casey: I know General…I fully trust Walker as an agent who will stop at nothing to get the job done no matter what obstacle she may face before her.
Beckman: I’m not doubting that one bit, but…
Casey: [curious look] But what?
Beckman: I just have my concerns about Chuck and Agent Walker. It just seems to me Mr. Bartowksi is taking the cover relationship a bit more seriously than I would like it to be.
Casey: I assure you General there is no relationship between Bartowski and Agent Walker…it’s strictly professional in nature…nothing more…nothing less.
Beckman: I hope so…where are Agent Walker and Miss Wexler’s current location?
Casey: At The Grove…Miss Wexler stopped off for lunch after her business meeting.
Beckman: Continue to protect her and keep me informed on the situation Agent Casey.
Casey: General if I may ask...does Jeremiah Wexler know about the attack on his daughter and that there is someone out looking for the information on Project Eagle Eye.
Beckman: [serious look] That is none of your concern. I expect you to do your job and that is protecting Cassidy Wexler by any means necessary instead of asking questions. Do I make myself clear?
Casey: Crystal clear.
Beckman: Just do the job you are trained to or I will assign someone else to do for you.
Casey: [low growl] Affirmative General.
Beckman: Excellent.
[The screen turns off leading to a close up of Casey’s face. The scene switches on a busy highway where the camera cuts immediately to the façade of a black SUV and inside you see Cassidy, as well as, Sarah held at gun point being taken by the same 4 men to somewhere unknown. Cue Chuck intro]
[Fade Out]
[The scene begins with a downward ariel shot of a busy Los Angeles highway and then cut to the black 4 door SUV rolling along. Inside you see Cassidy sitting behind the driver with Sarah behind her in the back seat with two men holding guns on the opposite side of them. The head mystery man sitting in the front is in the tail end of a conversation with someone on the other end]
Man: Yes sir…we have Wexler’s daughter…
Man: No witnesses to report except for a young lady accompanying her…another bargaining chip to hold over Wexler.
Man: We will be at the heliport in 30 minutes and we will depart for Breckinridge Colorado with the leverage we need.
Man: Hic Rhodus, hic salta.
[The man hangs up leading the camera to immediately pan to Sarah who has this serious/inquisitive look on her face about what the man said. Her concentration is suddenly broken up by the voice of her scared sister]
Cassidy: [scared, nervous tone] Please…I don’t know what you people want…let us go. Don’t hurt us.
[Cut to the man in the front seat speaking up as he looks straight ahead]
Man: Trust me Miss Wexler, you’re not going to be hurt…[turns to look at Cassidy]…for now. All you have to do is cooperate and tell us what my boss wants to know.
Sarah: Who are you and who is your boss?
Man: [looks at Sarah] My name is Sebastian and that is all you need to know. Tto answer your second question…no. You will meet him in due time. Answer MY question…[turns to look at Sarah] Who are you?
Sarah: DeAnna Wexler
Cassidy: She’s my little sister.
Sebastian: Ah 2 Wexler daughters for the price of one…fortunate for us. Now if you don’t mind…[looks at Sarah as he points to Cassidy]…can you ask your sister for me what I need to know about Project Eagle Eye.
Cassidy: I have no idea what you’re talking about…please let my little sister go…she’s just a kid.
Sarah: I am NOT a kid…I’m a grown woman who can take care of and make decisions for her self.
Cassidy: You may be a grown woman but you’re still making bad decisions.
Sarah: You know what I think…
Cassidy: Oh please share…
[Cut to Sebastian and the other 2 men witness the two siblings having a verbal argument leading Sebastian to interrupt]
Sebastian: LADIES! [cut to both Cassidy and Sarah looking at Sebastian] Settle your issues later…I advise both of you to cooperate fully or else?
Sarah: Or else what?
Sebastian: [serious look] Your father will suffer the loss of 2 beautiful children and your blood will be on his hands.
[The shot pans immediately to a freaked out Cassidy. She then looks at Sarah inevitably giving her a quick glance leading to a serious look on her face as she looks at Sebastian. The scene switches from the black S.U.V to the office of General Beckman in Washington D.C. who is sitting at her desk. A few seconds later her cell phone rings leading her to pick up and hear a somewhat familiar voice from the past]
Voice on phone: Hello Edna
Beckman: Who is this and how do you know my name?
Voice on phone: I’m hurt…how can you forget an old friend especially one who was partly responsible for you being in such a considerably important position.
Beckman: Marcus?
[The scene ends with a serious/astonished look on her face as it finally dawns on her who is speaking to her on the other end of the line]
[Fade Out]
[The scene begins where it left off as Beckman speaks to an old friend from her past who apparently has some influence in getting her to where she is today. Beckman standing by her desk in front of her window looking out as she talks with Marcus who is not seen]
Beckman: It’s been 20 years since I last talked with you.
Voice of Marcus: You and Jeremiah know the reason why.
Beckman: As I recall Marcus, you’re belief that we should control history instead of guiding it conflicted with the group’s belief, which ultimately led to your expulsion from the Zeigeist.
Voice of Marcus: I still believe in that ideal and it can become a reality by giving me the information and wherabouts that I need concerning Project Eagle Eye.
Beckman: I don’t know what you’re talking about.
Voice of Marcus: Edna…don’t act dumb because I know you better than that. With the weapons capabilities built on the satellite it’s considered ultimate power that can bring enemies to their knees.
Beckman: Even if I did know about what you’re talking about what makes you think I will share vital information with you?
Voice of Marcus: Unless you want to Jeremiah’s daughter to live you will tell me…better yet…show me where the top secret satellite is being built.
[Beckman’s eyes widen as she hears the threat by Marcus about her goddaughter. The scene switches from Beckman’s office to the Buy More where Chuck walks in street clothes instead of his work clothes where he’s immediately met by his partner in crime Morgan]
Morgan: What’s up buddy…how is the ole noggin after getting El Kabonged in the head.
Chuck: Well…remember that scene where Michael Ironside blows up that guy’s head who sort of looked like George Constanza in the movie Scanners?
Morgan: Yeah…it not only makes me laugh, it’s my fave seen to watch over and over again.
Chuck: [rubs back of head] I feel like that guy set on a continuous loop.
Morgan: Ouch…sorry dude...hey if it makes you feel any better there’s a Guitar Heroes competition going on in the break room. How about you and I against Lester and Jeff?
Chuck: Sorry Morg…my head is pounding…[looks at Anna who is helping a customer behind the nerd herd desk]…how about Anna take my place. She’s a fairly good player and what she lacks in skill she can make up in intimidation.
Morgan: You got that right…last night she had some skills as we both were playing twister…naked…
Chuck: [holds hand up as he interrupts Morgan] Morgan….I really don’t want to know.
Morgan: All righty then.
[Chuck and Morgan suddenly hear a loud roar from the back leading Morgan to rush back to the break room leading Chuck to walk to his office. As he is about to reach the door Abe walk up]
Abe: Hey son…how are you doing?
Chuck: [walks into his office and sits down] Despite the slight headache I have flashing from something Casey said I’m doing okay.
Abe: Anything to do with Project Eagle Eye?
Chuck: How do you know about Project Eagle Eye? [Abe gives Chuck a looking] Right…you used to be a spy…I tend to forget that part at times. What else do you know?
Abe: Well…you installed a GPS tracking system on a heart shaped necklace you gave Sarah on Valentine’s Day and you leave the handheld console in your sock drawer along with some interesting reading material.
Chuck: First off…wow…secondly…there’s reasonably good explanation for those. [Abe looks at Chuck] They’re Morgan’s.
Abe: [smirks and smacks Chuck’s knee] Uh huh…relax son…I’m not judging you…besides you are a grown man. Anyways, so what did the flash tell you about Project Eagle Eye and how Beckman, as well as, Sarah’s father are involved in this?
Chuck: Have you ever heard of a group calling themselves Zeitgeist?
Abe: [eyes widen] I not only have heard of them, I had a close personal encounter with one of them.
Chuck: What happened?
Abe: He killed my partner and left me for dead by one of their members.
[Cut to a shocked/horrified look on Chuck’s face as he hears about how he was nearly fatherless at the hands of the Zeitgeist. The scene ends with a shot of Abe who is a very serious look on his face as he is about to talk about the circumstances behind his near death experience involving the Zeitgeist]
[Fade Out]
[The scene begins back at Beckman’s office where she is now sitting at her desk with an extremely serious look on her face as the conversation intensifies between her and Marcus]
Beckman: Cassidy…you have Cassidy?
Voice of Marcus: Indeed I do and if you don’t cooperate and give me what I want I will eliminate her.
Beckman: You wouldn’t dare!
Voice of Marcus: You of all people should know what I’m capable of Edna.
Beckman: I do… and I had to cover up several of your messes.
Voice of Marcus: I wouldn’t have trusted anyone else but you to do it. I considered you my absolute saving grace.
Beckman: Why are you doing this?
Voice of Marcus: Retribution.
Beckman: Retribution…for what?
Voice of Marcus: Being wrongfully expelled for expressing my belief that we should control history.
Beckman: You know that’s not our way.
Voice of Marcus: It SHOULD have been.
[The scene switches from Beckman office back to Chuck’s office where Abe is sharing his encounter of nearly dying at the hands from a member of the Zeitgeist]
Abe: His name was Marcus Stefano and he killed me…or so he thought.
Chuck: What happened?
Abe: One of my missions as a member of Secton 8 was to infiltrate an organization who considered to be in all intensive purposes influential puppeteers that essentially pulled the strings in certain situations of world history.
Chuck: So…what you’re trying to say is the Zeitgeist can be compared to Senator Palpatine from Star Wars. [A confused/bewildered look shows on Abe’s face leading to Chuck to explain] Sorry…what I’m trying to say that on the surface that the unassuming figurehead/guiding light of the Republic, was helping the Jedi. However, underneath it all he was actually Dark Sidious, The Dark Lord of The Sith who manipulated the Jedi council through a cloak of deception and treachery to the point where many of the Jedi were wiped out with the exception of Obe Wan Kenobi, Anakin Skywalker a.k.a Darth Vader, and Master Yoda of course.
Abe: [raised eyebrow and puts hand on Chuck’s shoulder] You know son…I’m truly thankful you have Sarah in your life or I would be really worried about you.
Chuck: [confused smile] Thanks…I think.
Abe: [stands up and walks around office] Anyways…getting back to Marcus. It was 1972, in Zurich, Switzerland…my partner and I found out that he was the man behind the scenes encouraging Norway and Switzerland to sign an industrial free-trade agreement with the European Union.
Chuck: Why?
Abe: Norway and Switzerland are Europe’s two richest countries leading them both to become more dependent on trading with the European Union than with the United Kingdom. The UK has a greater global economic system, but it was Marcus Stefano guidance that led to the European Union inevitably winning out in the end. Guess who has stock options and just so happens to be part of the European Union?
Chuck: Zeitgeist.
Abe: [points at Chuck] You got it and with profit comes unlimited resources to work from for both personal and financial gain. I would have stopped him from putting his plan into fruition, but somehow he found out my intention leading him to personally see to it that I don’t live to see another day.
Chuck: What did he do?
Abe: He found us…killed my partner and then ordered his men beat me up. After that he interrogated me, but I didn’t talk leading him to poison me with Hydrogen Cyanide which has a bitter almond odor. I saw the smirk on his face as he was hovering over me. He left me for dead knowing that in his mind I was a dead man.
Chuck: How did you survive?
Abe: I barely survived and as I lay their on the floor looking up at the ceiling I remembered that Sodium Thiosulfate is the antidote for Hydrogen Cyanide.
Chuck: Huh…this sounds similar to an episode of MacGyver where Pete get’s poisoned by Hydrogen Cyanide and MacGyver uses the fixing agent from the photo shop’s printing machine to create the antidote to save him. Was there a photo shop in the hotel where you stayed?
Abe: [looks at Chuck] I was getting to that before you interrupted me…anyways…to make a long story short I cheated death and to this day I have never forgotten the smirk on Marcus’ face as he stood over me. I use my partner’s death as an incentive to fight the good fight.
[An angered look appears on Abe’s face as he looks afar off thinking about getting his hands Marcus and exacting some good old fashioned revenge. The scene ends with close of shot of Abe’s face in the foreground and then to Chuck in the background who has this expression of amazement]
[Fade Out]
[The scene begins back with a shot of Beckman’s office door. Inside you see Beckman walk into camera view where she continues to have a serious conversation with Marcus who informed her that he has Cassidy in his clutches]
Beckman: You don’t have to do this…you still have time to do the right and let Cassidy go or I will be forced to come after you.
Voice of Marcus: The right thing? What I believe is right is quite different from what you, Jeremiah, and my former associates believe.
Beckman: Then I must do….
Voice of Marcus: [interrupts Beckman] How is your son doing?
Beckman: [eyes widen] David is doing fine.
Voice of Marcus: He’s doing more than just fine…he’s graduating with honors from Duke University and if I’m not mistaken…he’s recently got engaged to a beautiful young lady named Leslie. From what my men have told me…they’re having a fun time at Busch Gardens.
Beckman: Leave him and his fiancé out of this.
Voice of Marcus: You know me…you know my tactics and I will use whatever means to my advantage.
Beckman: What do you want me to do?
Voice of Marcus: Good girl…meet me in Breckenridge, Colorado and once there drive to a local eatery called Eagle Diner. We'll meet there.
Beckman: And then?
Voice: of Marcus: That’s all the information you’re getting and that’s all I need to say to you. Oh…wait a minute…I want to say one more thing.
Beckman: What?
Voice of Marcus: Safe travels.
[Marcus hangs up leading Beckman to call her secretary and inform that she’s going out on personal business. She hangs up, gives a serious look, and leaves walks over camera view. The scene switches from Beckman’s office to Chuck’s office where you see Abe and Chuck walk out. As they do Casey walks up]
Casey: Bartowski, have you heard from Walker…its 2pm?
Chuck: Not yet…come on Casey let Sarah and Cassidy have time to catch up. They haven’t seen each other in quite awhile.
Abe: Relax Casey…its not the end of the world.
Chuck: Yeah Casey relax…don’t you have a brother or a sister that you haven’t seen in a long while? If I would fair to guess you were either the younger brother or middle child in the family seeing that you have that I will never be given another atomic wedgie demeanor ever again.
Abe: Stuff it Bartowski.
Chuck: Look Casey…Cassidy is with Sarah and somebody would be an outright fool to mess with her sister. Trust me when I say Cassidy is in good hands.
[As he says that the scene switches to a close up sign saying Barton Heliport and then a black S.U.V driving past. Cut to a UH 60 Black Hawk helicopter getting ready for taking and then the black S.U.V pulling up. All 6 occupants get out and head towards the copter. Sebastian watches as the two men point their guns at Cassidy and Sarah encouraging them to get in. Cassidy looks at Sarah who gives her big sister a comforting nod leading Sarah to look at Sebastian who just gives a sly smirk. As Sarah turns to get in she clutches her heart locket in her right hand]
[Fade To Black]
About Me

- Yoda
- Let's see, I'm a single, 39 year old 5'2-ish pinoy who worked with kids for the 14 years and I was pretty good at it. I am now working in a totally different area away from kids and it's awesome. Anyways, for fun I listen to music, draw, play video games, watch movies, hang with friends, surf the internet, go skydiving, and write down my thoughts, which I call Yodaisms. I'm pretty much a quiet, laid back dude once you get to know me and that's pretty much it, so have fun reading my thoughts. Take care and peace out!
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Wednesday, August 20, 2008
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